
Anon takes on the Culling

Mar 31st, 2015
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  1. >You couldn't help but feel nervous upon entering the Canterlot throne room
  2. >Not that this was your first time here but, it was the first time you'd been called in for an 'urgent' matter
  3. >The doors shut slowly behind you
  4. >"Good evening Anonymous, I see you've received our message."
  5. "Well Luna, it's kind of hard to miss when it appears in a puff of smoke in front of your face."
  6. >Looking around the room it occurs to you that Celestia is not present
  7. >The room was much dimmer than usual, the only light present cascading in from the many stained glass windows that decorate the walls.
  8. "Is Tia not joining us?"
  9. >"Sister is occupied with more pressing matters and will be unable to join us."
  10. >What could be more imp-
  11. >"As to why you are here, we need ask your assistance with an international matter."
  12. "My? Aren't you two supposed to handle these kinds of things?"
  13. >Luna looked downtrodden
  14. >"Well... yes but, as you'll soon find out we are unable to interfere-"
  15. "And I'm just supposed to take that and do your dirty work? Luna, I don't even know what this is about yet."
  16. >Judging by the look in Luna's eye you must have stricken a nerve
  17. >"If thou would listen and cease thine questions then this meeting would already be over!"
  18. >It would be obvious to anyone with less than even half a mind that that was your signal to shut it
  19. >Luna sighed
  20. >"Sincerest apologies, Anon."
  21. >You simply nod, not wanting to slip up and speak
  23. >"Recently we have become aware of another nation, not to far outside Equestria. Though unlike the many we are aware of, this one too is also inhabited by ponies."
  24. "So what exactly is the problem?"
  25. >"The majority of these ponies heavily resent unicorns and the use of magic."
  26. >You shrug
  27. "So there's some racism, why are we getting involved?"
  28. >"That's not the problem, the problem is that they are far more advanced than Equestria when it comes to pure technology."
  29. >Luna levitates a picture of a small dragon that you recognized into view
  30. >The realization hit you immediately and Luna could tell
  31. >Spike was revered for his heroic act during the Equestrian games
  32. >An act that would not have been necessary had a single unicorn or alicorn been able to use magic
  33. "So they..."
  34. >"Yes Anon, they are stripping not only unicorns, but other magical creatures of their abilities as well."
  35. "So... how am I supposed to stop this?"
  36. >"You won't be alone this time Anon, you've been assigned a partner for this one."
  37. "Partner?"
  38. >Whenever you were doing a job you always worked alone
  39. >It was usually a waste for others to work with you as they only succeeded in slowing you down or getting in the way
  40. >"We find it necessary that you have one this time around, as a navigator if nothing more."
  41. >There is a knocking at the door just behind you, the sound echoes throughout the large room
  42. >"That must be her now."
  43. "Wh-"
  44. >You aren't even able to finish one word before the door begins to slowly open
  46. >"Sorry I'm late."
  47. >In walked a blue unicorn, her mane also blue streaked with white, or was it white streaked with blue?
  48. >You could never tell
  49. "The dentist, that's my partner?"
  50. "Well, at least I'm safe from cavities I guess."
  51. >The mare rolled her eyes
  52. >"I'm not just a dentist, Anon."
  53. >Luna decided that enough time had been wasted
  54. >"You both are already running late, the train will be arriving very soon. You best be on your way."
  55. >You were still clueless at this point
  56. "But wait, where are we-"
  57. >In a flash of light you and the blue mare find yourselves at the Canterlot train station.
  58. "...going."
  59. >The mare nudged your leg
  60. >"From what we know it's called the Cull."
  61. "The Cull? What kind of dumb na-"
  62. >"Their foreign Anon, we don't know."
  63. >Anon
  64. >It just occurred to you that she knew your name, but you didn't know hers
  65. "What did you say your name was again?"
  66. >She looked pretty surprised
  67. >"You don't know? Well I guess not everyone has a reputation like yours
  68. >Apparently you had a reputation
  69. >"The names Minuette, try not to forget it okay, big guy?"
  70. "No promises, and don't call me big guy."
  71. >"No promises."
  72. >You both laugh as the train pulls up
  73. >"Buckle in big guy, we've got a long ride ahead of us."
  75. >"Next stop, Ponyville!"
  76. The train starting slowing to a halt
  77. "So where are we getting off at?"
  78. >Minuette looks out the window and waves to passerby
  79. >"Were getting off at Dodge junction, just north of the Badlands."
  80. "And from there we go?"
  81. >"From there we will take a quick trip through the Badlands and the next station should be right there."
  82. "Next station?"
  83. >"Yeah, they have there own trains. Much faster than any of the ones in Equestria I'm sure."
  84. >Luna did say they were very advanced
  85. >The train had once again began to move
  86. >You notice Minuette had begun quietly humming a soft tune to herself
  87. >It wasn't until you looked at her that you noticed she looked kind of nervous
  88. "Something on your mind?"
  89. >She jumped, humming halted and back on equestria
  90. >"Oh nothing, just bored."
  91. >It wasn't until she jumped that you remembered
  92. >She is a unicorn
  93. "Hey, isn't this a little dangerous?"
  94. >She looks up to you
  95. >"What do you mean?"
  96. "I mean, your a unicorn after all."
  97. >She blows a raspberry and swats her hoof in front of her
  98. >"I'll be fine! You only need worry about yourself big guy."
  99. >She cracks a grin
  100. >This was going to be an interesting
  102. >"But enough about me, What about you anon? Whats it like?"
  103. "Whats what like?"
  104. >"Being you, you've done like everything!"
  105. "Hardly, this is like my first time heading outside of Equestria since I got here."
  106. >"Well duh, that's because this is the first problem we've had outside of Equestria."
  107. >You scratch the back of your neck, all of this attention wasn't really your thing
  108. "But still, I'm jus-"
  109. >"Anon, you wear a suit literally everywhere you go. You even look important!"
  110. >The suit did make you stand out, not that you didn't without it but the suit did nothing to help
  112. >You hadn't been to Dodge junction in several years, only ever being here to supervise an annual competition
  113. >That hadn't interested you enough to ever return
  114. >The competitors were plain and mediocre in performance at best
  115. >Other than that, Dodge Junction had the only notable cherry orchard in all Equestria
  116. >The whistle blared as the train pulled off from the station
  117. >The look of the small village was nothing like Canterlot, nor Ponyville
  118. >Even compared to Appleloosa it looked like a ghost town
  119. >This is basically what their technology was capable of without magic so that brought about the question
  120. >How advanced were these..
  121. >Cullanians? Whatever, just how advanced would they actually be.
  122. >Compared to home Equestria really didn't hold up a candle when it came to technology
  123. " perhaps it'll be like home."
  124. >"What was that?"
  125. >You'd been talking to yourself
  126. >Again
  127. "Oh nothing just, are you sure you want to come along? You can still turn back."
  128. >She shoves passed you
  129. >"Again, I'll be fine. Besides you'll be the one needing me big guy."
  130. >You laugh
  131. "Yeah we'll see about that."
  132. >Next stop the Badlands Station
  134. >The trip across the Badlands was hardly much of a walk
  135. >The way Minuette made it sound you expected to at least be wanting to rest your legs by the end of it
  136. >To be fair you had much more endurance than the average athlete
  137. >It came with the job
  138. >The walk had been mostly quiet, aside from the tune the mare had been humming since it began
  139. >Speaking of her, you just realized she looked unscathed in the slightest by the walk
  140. "Say, aren't you tired?"
  141. >She stops humming
  142. >"From that little walk? Nah, don't tell me you're tired already?"
  143. >The look in her eye told you that she knew you weren't
  144. >You didn't bother answering
  145. >Sitting down on one of the wooden benches that scatter the platform you felt generally unimpressed
  146. >The planks making up the flooring of the station were old and more than a little damaged
  147. >Cups, cans, boxes and other trash littered most of the platform
  148. >You assumed this pole next to you was a lamp of some sort at sometime but now, it was just a part of this seemingly abandoned station
  150. >Your companion had once again began humming that same tune
  151. >You'd never admit it aloud but, it was nice
  152. >The evening had given way to a marvelous night
  153. >The stars that fill the sky here easily outnumber those in Canterlot, it was quite the sight to behold and Minu's humming had added to it all
  154. >You want to ask her about the tune but before you're able the train arrives
  155. >If you can even call it a train
  156. >This train was centuries ahead of Equestria's
  157. >The train was a rustic gray, it was covered in many lights that made the shape of each car distinct even in the dark of the night
  158. >The glass of the front car was tinted and was also outlined in lights
  159. >Stepping inside the train, it looked much like any other but, something immediately made itself known
  160. >It was air conditioned
  162. >"Don't get to comfortable, we'll be there in 5 minutes, tops."
  163. >Besides the two of you the train is seemingly empty
  164. >There may have been passengers in the other carts but you certainly couldn't see any from here
  165. >"I'll go confirm our tickets."
  166. >You had tickets?
  168. >The ride was uncomfortably smooth
  169. >Uncomfortable in the sense that you hadn't known until Minu told you
  170. >Halfway through the ride
  171. >"Enjoying the ride?"
  172. "Wait, what?"
  173. >You look out the window and see that you are indeed moving
  174. >It didn't feel as if the train were even touching the ground
  175. >You shrug
  176. "As much as you can enjoy sitting around, I guess."
  177. >The rest of the ride was about as enjoyable as the first half
  178. >Nothing really happened, you could only tell the train had stopped because you glanced outside as it did
  180. >For the second time today you step out of a train and take in your surroundings
  181. >This station was more than just a little improvement from the last
  182. >The flooring wasn't in shambles, trash was collected in bins and there were even ponies awaiting their trains
  183. >Though these ponies were unlike any that you've seen in Equestria
  184. >Many of them wore clothing and some headgear
  185. >Some, mask that resembled the material that the train had been made of
  186. >Others something that you couldn't quite understand, it looked as if the head wear was growing over their faces and in some cases, their bodies
  187. >One pony that had caught your eye wasn't even completely a pony
  188. >One of their legs were prosthetic from the hip down
  189. >"Come on Anon, we don't have all day, the others are waiting on us."
  190. "Others?"
  191. >Instead of answering you Minuette just makes her way through the crowd
  193. >The city was breathtaking if nothing else
  194. >It was reminiscent of Manehatten though with many more large buildings
  195. >if you could believe it
  196. >You hadn't seen a car since you left home
  197. >...How long ago did you leave again?
  198. >Never mind that
  199. >Glancing into the sky you could see that they weren't only limited to ground transportation
  200. >The many vehicles that fly across the sky may not moved as swiftly as the pegasi beside them but they sure got the job done
  202. >"This is the place."
  203. >The two of you finally arrive at a shop on a corner
  204. >Even if you hadn't seen the sign you would of known the owners the instant you laid eyes on them
  205. >The only two unicorns to have shown any technological prowess in Equestria
  206. >The yellow coated stallions jumped to action as the door opened, ready to sell whatever it is they offered
  207. >Only to stop mid stride
  208. >Their usual smug grins also disappearing
  209. >The two glanced at each other, then you and then to Minuette
  210. >"What's the password?"
  211. >Flim and Flam spoke in unison
  212. >The change in their usual demeanor was slightly unnerving
  213. >"Anon is right here, we don't need the password anymore."
  214. >Minu looked annoyed
  215. >"Minuette you know as well as we, you never know who is who."
  216. >"Besides..."
  217. >Flim continued
  218. >"Whose idea was the password anyway?"
  219. >She practically mumbles
  220. >"Mine..."
  221. >"Close enough."
  222. >Flam looks to you his smile returning
  223. >"Anonymous, it's always nice to see a familiar face."
  224. "I don't have a password?"
  225. >he shakes his head
  226. >"Even we couldn't build a bipedal machine, not to mention they couldn't access your brain."
  227. >Access your brain...
  228. "What?"
  229. >"I'll explain later, we should get moving or you'll miss it
  230. >Why did 'you' specifically have to see it, whatever 'it' is
  231. >More importantly will you be sleeping tonight?
  232. >All good questions
  233. >... and no answers
  235. >You all arrived at what seemed to be a stadium
  236. >It was much larger than the one in the Crystal Empire
  237. >The place was absolutely packed
  238. >The crowds cheers seemed endless
  239. >the show hadn't even begun and you already wanted to leave
  240. >Needless to say, you stuck out
  241. >Drawing the first dirty looks since you arrived
  242. >It was about time, you were feeling ignored
  244. >The crowd dies down as four pegasi and four earth ponies walk onto the field
  245. >They surrounded cloaked figures bound in chains, presumably ponies as they made their way to a platform in middle of the field
  246. >The figure in the middle towered over both the escorts and the other forms in cloaks
  247. >If you had to guess, they were nearly as tall as you if not taller
  248. >That's when it hits you
  249. "No way"
  250. >Sister is occupied with more pressing matters...
  251. >Luna's words from earlier come back to you
  252. "It couldn't be..."
  254. >A fifth pegasi stallion descends through the sky, landing in front of the group of ponies
  255. >His coat was a seemingly metallic gray, it was hard to tell where the coat ended and the gear began
  256. >His mane was black, below it were wires that seemed to protrude from the back of hi neck and spiraled to a device on his back
  257. >All of which matched his coat
  258. >His appearance demanded attention
  259. >His stance demanded respect
  260. >He looked to the three cloak covered ponies
  261. >He grew annoyed when he had to look up to the tallest of the three
  262. >"Bow."
  263. >His voice was deep, raspy and demanding acknowledgement
  264. >It played throughout the stadium through well hidden speakers
  265. >When a moment had passed and the figure still had not followed orders he spoke once again
  266. >"I recommend you listen, what a shame it would be if your subjects were to die because of you."
  267. >With those words the figure hesitated only a moment longer, before paying respects to the gray pegasus
  268. >You could now clearly make out the impression of wings through the cloak, the horns impression also painstakingly obvious
  269. >It couldn't be Celestia, that would be grounds for an all out war
  270. >Though they did send you
  271. >This time they, or Luna at least, had not give you any restrictions
  272. >You simply had to get it done
  273. >With that thought you felt a smile begin to form
  274. >How long had it been since you let loose?
  276. >There were only a couple hundred guards, give or take
  277. >The stallion began speaking
  278. >"Would you look at what we have here."
  279. >"Found her outside of her kingdom."
  280. >You reached for your back pocket and prepared to leap from your seat, the instant they lifted Celestia's hood you'd go for it
  281. >"Says she didn't have a hive."
  282. >You hesitate
  283. "Hive?"
  284. >Your brain began connecting the dots
  285. >You passed the Badlands
  286. >The only other being you remember passing the Badlands before now is-
  287. >"I present to you all, a queen of the Changelings!"
  288. "...Chrysalis."
  290. >As he flipped her hood back the crowd roared, even louder than before
  291. >You catch something blue shift in your peripherals
  292. >It was Minu, and even further down were Flim and Flam
  293. >You had forgotten they were here
  294. >Minu looked tense, actually she looked nervous
  295. >You try to grab her attention, even if only for a moment
  296. "So who is that?"
  297. >No answer
  298. >The device on the stallions back began to glow green
  299. >A matching green essence seemed to leak from the queens horn and seemed to dissipate as it got further from her
  300. >She attempted to stand but failed, falling to her side
  301. >The two changelings that accompanied her attempted to rush to her, but immediately had their paths blocked by the remaining eight guards
  302. >Even over the roaring crowd you swear you could hear Chrysalis scream
  303. >It was sickening, how easily he could take glory in attacking something defenseless
  304. >But you had to calm down, saving Chrysalis wasn't exactly part of the mission
  305. >No matter how much you couldn't stand it
  307. >Five seconds
  308. >You couldn't hold still for five seconds
  309. >You look to your guides you stand
  310. "You three should leave."
  311. >"What? Wh-!"
  312. >Minu starts but is cut off by Flam
  313. >"Hold on Anonymous, the others are almost here."
  314. >More partners, no thank you
  315. "Tell them to reschedule then, their safety isn't my job."
  316. >"And this is?"
  317. "I never said I was doing my job."
  319. >As you start your way down to the field you reach into your back pocket and grip a soft object
  320. >Finally out in the open it decompresses into a ball small enough to fit into the palm of your hand
  321. >It was just a stress ball
  322. >By now you were starting onto the field and had the whole stadiums attention
  323. >The crowd had quieted and all you could hear were the many questions they asked each other
  324. >"Who is that?"
  325. >"What is that?"
  326. >"Why does it walk around with a toy?"
  327. >Surprisingly enough there were even a few that recognized you
  328. >The 4 earth ponies had made their way in between you and the platform
  329. >"Halt!"
  330. >You continued towards the platform
  331. >One of the pegasi landed in front of the four earth guards
  332. >"If you continue, we will be for-."
  333. "By all means, use force."
  334. >You gave the stress ball a squeeze as you walked
  335. >Weapons were never something you used, you just never needed to
  336. >But an average punch was nothing compared to hooves
  337. >You would hesitate if for some reason your fist was in pain
  338. >Squeezing the stress ball always seemed to take your mind off of whatever pain you were feeling
  339. >Which is why you were able to launch your fist full force at the pegasus
  341. >The pegasus slid across the ground, back to the hooves of the earth guards
  342. >The crowd goes silent
  343. "What did I just hit!?"
  344. >Unless ponies were now made of metal, that was not a pony
  345. >You give the stress ball another squeeze
  346. "Going to really feel this in the morning."
  347. >The remaining guards draw their weapons, firearms jutting from their shoulders
  348. >You had walked onto an open field, there wasn't anywhere you could run for safety
  349. >The one time you jump the gun you end up at gunpoint in an open field
  350. >Good job Anon
  351. >There was one option, commit
  352. >You squeeze the ball and start forward
  354. >With your next step the guards fired but the sound seemingly cut half way through
  355. >The bullets never made contact
  356. >The pain never came
  357. >And right in front of you, many bullets only inches away
  358. >In any other case you'd assume that they were levitating, but they weren't the only things remaining still
  359. >The guards wouldn't budge, The audience was in a seeming freeze frame moment
  360. >Minu was right beside you
  361. >...Wait
  362. >"Anon, I have no idea how long this spell will last so move already!
  364. "Minu, what is this?"
  365. >"I'll explain later, just move!"
  366. >Now, you could move out of the way or...
  367. >You could continue rushing down the guards
  368. >And that's what you planned to do
  369. >"Hey Anon, wai-"
  370. >Rushing passed the bullets you missed completely whatever it is that she said
  371. >With each step towards the guards you were ready to exploit every moment of... whatever this spell was
  372. >Coming into distance of the first guard you draw back yet another fist and squeeze the stress ball once more
  373. >You could still faintly feel the pain from the last pegasus, but that didn't matter to you now
  374. >All that mattered was the impact of your fist against the pegasus just as the world came back to life
  376. >The crowds screams seemed to fade back into existence
  377. >The guards all seemingly confused, immediately looked towards you
  378. >But before they could react you rush to the next closest guard
  379. >With your free hand you grab at the weapon mounted to his shoulder
  380. >You simultaneously yank at it and kick him into another one of the guards, splitting it away from his body
  381. >At this point the crowd is a mixture of shrieks and cheers
  383. >"Anon, we have to go!"
  384. >You barely hear Minu before you start towards the earth guards
  385. >Turning towards where the voice came from you see her, Flim, Flam, and an unmistakable small vanilla colored alicorn
  386. >You were tempted to stay, but there was no arguing against the swarm that was just arriving
  387. >A shadow seemingly engulfs the stadium in darkness
  388. >A cloud of absolute black begins to descend on the stadium
  389. >You begin to run towards your companions
  390. >Glancing behind you, you see the remaining guards submerged into a swarm of Changelings
  391. >The 5th pegasus eyes you down as he turns to leave
  392. >The last thing you see before the doors shut are the Changelings surrounding Chrysalis
  394. [Editing below. Subject to change.]
  395. >You took a deep breath as you stepped into the shop
  396. >The Alicorn spoke up
  397. >"You couldn't wait two minutes? You really never change do you Anonymous?"
  398. >You shrug
  399. "Nope."
  400. >Erroria looked furious
  401. >It was hard for you to take her seriously since she was still so short
  402. >She starts to speak again when you cut her off
  403. "So what was that whole thing back there?"
  404. >The filly looked quizzically towards you
  405. >"You remember why you're here?"
  406. >She doesn't give you a chance to answer her
  407. >"They just took Chrysalis's magic."
  408. >You could have guessed that much
  409. "Yeah, but what was with the stadium and crowd?"
  410. >"They were just making an example."
  411. "An example for?"
  412. >The filly looks to the trio who had been silent the entire way back
  413. >"Unicorns and other magical beings are able to live here, but they are not to use magic."
  414. "And if they were to use magic?"
  415. >Flam stepped foward
  417. [Threads are dead, but I'll get back to this story when I can. -SnA]
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