

Apr 26th, 2019
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  1. Total Critters: 5
  2. [ubercombat]: assess
  3. You assess your combat situation...
  5. You (solidly balanced) are facing a granite gargoyle (2) at melee range.
  6. A snowbeast (1: solidly balanced) is advancing on a snowbeast (2) at pole weapon range.
  7. A snowbeast (2: solidly balanced) is facing a snowbeast (1) at pole weapon range.
  8. A granite gargoyle (1: somewhat off balance) is flanking you at melee range.
  9. A granite gargoyle (2: badly balanced) is facing you at melee range.
  10. A granite gargoyle (3: slightly off balance) is behind you at melee range.
  12. (You are also defending against a granite gargoyle.)
  14. > [ubercombat]: face next
  16. > encumbrance
  18. >
  19. * Looking as if this were a bad idea, a granite gargoyle pounds at you. You fend off nearly all the fist with a haralun bastard sword with a honed blade.
  20. [You're bruised, energetic, solidly balanced and in superior position.]
  21. >
  22. The snowbeast begins to advance on a snowbeast.
  23. >
  24. You turn to face a granite gargoyle, leaving the granite gargoyle on your flank at melee!
  25. >
  26. Encumbrance : None
  27. >
  28. Critters: snowbeast|snowbeast|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle
  29. Total Critters: 5
  30. [ubercombat]: assess
  31. You assess your combat situation...
  33. You (solidly balanced) are facing a granite gargoyle (1) at melee range.
  34. A snowbeast (1: solidly balanced) is advancing on a snowbeast (2) at pole weapon range.
  35. A snowbeast (2: solidly balanced) is advancing on a snowbeast (1) at pole weapon range.
  36. A granite gargoyle (1: off balance) is facing you at melee range.
  37. A granite gargoyle (2: very badly balanced) is flanking you at melee range.
  38. A granite gargoyle (3: slightly off balance) is behind you at melee range.
  40. (You are also defending against a granite gargoyle.)
  42. >
  43. [Script debuglevel set to 10 for script: ubercombat.cmd]
  45. ubercombat.cmd(10516): [matchre ASSESS You turn to face|You are already]
  46. ubercombat.cmd(10517): [matchre RETURN nothing else to|Face what]
  47. ubercombat.cmd(10518): [matchre ASSESS ^What's the point in facing]
  48. ubercombat.cmd(10519): [put face next]
  49. [ubercombat]: face next
  50. ubercombat.cmd(10520): [matchwait 5]
  51. ubercombat.cmd(433): [var facing granite gargoyle]
  52. You turn to face a granite gargoyle, leaving the granite gargoyle on your flank at melee!
  53. >
  54. ubercombat.cmd(10448): [ASSESS:]
  55. ubercombat.cmd(10449): [if (!1) then]
  56. ubercombat.cmd(10451): [pause 0.1]
  57. encumbrance
  58. ubercombat.cmd(10452): [pause 0.001]
  59. ubercombat.cmd(10453): [var newdead 0]
  60. ubercombat.cmd(10454): [gosub GET_MONSTER_NAME]
  61. ubercombat.cmd(10415): [pause 0.0001]
  62. ubercombat.cmd(10416): [if (!5) then]
  63. ubercombat.cmd(10417): [var critterList a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle]
  64. ubercombat.cmd(10418): [if matchre("a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle", "(?<=Human-sized|dirt)(\sconstruct)") then]
  65. ubercombat.cmd(10419): [eval critterList replacere("a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle", "\sand", ",")]
  66. ubercombat.cmd(10420): [eval critterList replacere("a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle", "\.", ", ")]
  67. ubercombat.cmd(10421): [eval critterList replacere("a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle", "\s(?:which|that appears)\b[^,]*,", ",")]
  68. ubercombat.cmd(10422): [eval critterList replacere("a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle", "\s(?:which|that appears)\b[^,]*$", ",")]
  69. ubercombat.cmd(10423): [eval critterList replacere("a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle", "that is flying around", ",")]
  70. ubercombat.cmd(10424): [eval critterList replacere("a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle", "that is caught .*?[,]", ",")]
  71. ubercombat.cmd(10425): [eval critterList replacere("a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle", "that is caught .*?$", ",")]
  72. ubercombat.cmd(10426): [eval critterList replacere("a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle", "dragon priest", "")]
  73. ubercombat.cmd(10427): [eval critterList replacere("a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle", "red bear", "")]
  74. ubercombat.cmd(10428): [eval critterList replacere("a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle", "(?<!\S)an? ", "")]
  75. ubercombat.cmd(10434): [eval critterList replace("snowbeast, snowbeast, granite gargoyle, granite gargoyle, granite gargoyle", ", ", "|")]
  76. ubercombat.cmd(10435): [eval critterList replacere("snowbeast|snowbeast|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle", "\,\s+", "|")]
  77. ubercombat.cmd(10436): [eval critterList replacere("snowbeast|snowbeast|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle", "\|+" "|")]
  78. ubercombat.cmd(10437): [eval critterList replacere("snowbeast|snowbeast|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle", " ,", "")]
  79. ubercombat.cmd(10438): [eval critterList replacere("snowbeast|snowbeast|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle", " \|", "|"]
  80. ubercombat.cmd(10439): [eval critterTotal count("snowbeast|snowbeast|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle", "|")]
  81. ubercombat.cmd(10440): [echo Critters: snowbeast|snowbeast|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle]
  82. Critters: snowbeast|snowbeast|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle
  83. ubercombat.cmd(10441): [evalmath critterEcho (4 + 1)]
  84. ubercombat.cmd(10442): [echo Total Critters: 5]
  85. Total Critters: 5
  86. ubercombat.cmd(10443): [random 0, 4]
  87. ubercombat.cmd(10444): [eval Critter element("snowbeast|snowbeast|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle", 1)]
  88. ubercombat.cmd(10445): [eval Critter replacere("snowbeast", "^(\S+ )(?=\S+ \S+)", "")]
  89. ubercombat.cmd(10446): [return]
  90. ubercombat.cmd(10455): [matchre ASSESS_SET (?:facing|flanking|behind) (?:an?)(.*)(?:\(\d\)\s)]
  91. ubercombat.cmd(10456): [matchre ASSESS_RETURN ^How can you]
  92. ubercombat.cmd(10457): [matchre ASSESS_RETURN Encumbrance :]
  93. ubercombat.cmd(10458): [put assess;-1 encumbrance]
  94. [ubercombat]: assess
  95. ubercombat.cmd(10459): [matchwait 3]
  96. ubercombat.cmd(280): [put #tvar Burden 0]
  97. Encumbrance : None
  98. >
  99. The snowbeast closes to melee range on a snowbeast.
  100. ubercombat.cmd(10461): [ASSESS_RETURN:]
  101. ubercombat.cmd(10462): [eval facing replacere("granite gargoyle"", "^(\S+ )(?=\S+ \S+)", "")]
  102. ubercombat.cmd(10463): [if ("Empath" = "Empath") && matchre("ON", "(?i)ON") then]
  103. ubercombat.cmd(10463): [goto ASSESS_SET]
  104. ubercombat.cmd(10466): [pause 0.001]
  105. The snowbeast stops a snowbeast from advancing any farther.
  106. >
  107. ubercombat.cmd(10467): [if matchre("snowbeast|snowbeast|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle", "(Ashu hhinvi|boggle|bone amalgam|clay archer|clay mage|clay soldier|clockwork assistant|gam chaga|glass construct|granite gargoyle|lachmate|lava drake|marble gargoyle|quartz gargoyle|(marble|obsidian|quartzite|rock) guardian|rough-hewn doll|ice archon|mechanical mouse|beltunumshi|origami bird|origami cow|origami dragon|origami duck|origami goblin|guardian|origami grasshopper|origami hat|origami mouse|origami sprite|origami yak|origami paper|granite gargoyle|lava drake|black marble gargoyle|quartz gargoyle|gargoyle|endrus serpent|revivified mutt|shylvic|sinister maelshyvean heirophant|skeletal peon|skeletal sailor|skeleton|blue ghast|xala'shar vindicator|xala'shar slayer|dark spirit|boggle|emaciated umbramagus|fiend|gargantuan bone golem|olensari mihmanan|plague wraith|Asketian harbinger|Asketian Herald|faenrae assassin|ghoul raven|snaer hafwa|soul|spectral pirate|spectral sailor|wind wretch|blood wraith|death spirit|telga orek|spirit|ur hhrki'izh|wir dinego|zombie|zombie nomad|Asketian harbinger|skorik nadhar|wind hag|black zephyr|misenseor resuscitant|yeehar|zombie kobold headhunter|revenant conscript|revenant zombie|zombie goblin|fell hog|drowned \S+|dryad|nyad|zombie stomper|zombie mauler|zombie head-splitter|tortured soul|eidolon steed|enraged tusky|ghoul|ghoul crow|giant blight bat|gremlin|grendel|lach|mastiff|mey|misshapen germish'din|bone wyvern|ice adder|mutant togball|reaver|squirrel|zombie kobold headhunter|shadow hound|sinister maelshyvean heirophant|skeletal kobold headhunter|skeletal kobold savage|blight bat|umbral moth|zombie kobold savage|zombie nomad)") then]
  108. ubercombat.cmd(10467): [var Empath_Critter granite gargoyle]
  109. ubercombat.cmd(10468): [eval facing replacere(""", "^(\S+ )(?=\S+ \S+)", "")]
  110. ubercombat.cmd(10469): [eval Empath_Critter replacere("granite gargoyle",".*\s((?:endrus )?(\w+)).?$", "$0")]
  111. ubercombat.cmd(10470): [if ("Empath" != "Empath") then]
  112. ubercombat.cmd(10472): [if !matchre("a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle", "Ashu hhinvi|boggle|bone amalgam|clay archer|clay mage|clay soldier|clockwork assistant|gam chaga|glass construct|granite gargoyle|lachmate|lava drake|marble gargoyle|quartz gargoyle|(marble|obsidian|quartzite|rock) guardian|rough-hewn doll|ice archon|mechanical mouse|beltunumshi|origami bird|origami cow|origami dragon|origami duck|origami goblin|guardian|origami grasshopper|origami hat|origami mouse|origami sprite|origami yak|origami paper|granite gargoyle|lava drake|black marble gargoyle|quartz gargoyle|gargoyle|endrus serpent|revivified mutt|shylvic|sinister maelshyvean heirophant|skeletal peon|skeletal sailor|skeleton|blue ghast|xala'shar vindicator|xala'shar slayer|dark spirit|boggle|emaciated umbramagus|fiend|gargantuan bone golem|olensari mihmanan|plague wraith|Asketian harbinger|Asketian Herald|faenrae assassin|ghoul raven|snaer hafwa|soul|spectral pirate|spectral sailor|wind wretch|blood wraith|death spirit|telga orek|spirit|ur hhrki'izh|wir dinego|zombie|zombie nomad|Asketian harbinger|skorik nadhar|wind hag|black zephyr|misenseor resuscitant|yeehar|zombie kobold headhunter|revenant conscript|revenant zombie|zombie goblin|fell hog|drowned \S+|dryad|nyad|zombie stomper|zombie mauler|zombie head-splitter|tortured soul|eidolon steed|enraged tusky|ghoul|ghoul crow|giant blight bat|gremlin|grendel|lach|mastiff|mey|misshapen germish'din|bone wyvern|ice adder|mutant togball|reaver|squirrel|zombie kobold headhunter|shadow hound|sinister maelshyvean heirophant|skeletal kobold headhunter|skeletal kobold savage|blight bat|umbral moth|zombie kobold savage|zombie nomad") then]
  113. ubercombat.cmd(10473): [if (0 = 0) && !matchre("", "revivified mutt|shylvic|sinister maelshyvean heirophant|skeletal peon|skeletal sailor|skeleton|blue ghast|xala'shar vindicator|xala'shar slayer|dark spirit|boggle|emaciated umbramagus|fiend|gargantuan bone golem|olensari mihmanan|plague wraith|Asketian harbinger|Asketian Herald|faenrae assassin|ghoul raven|snaer hafwa|soul|spectral pirate|spectral sailor|wind wretch|blood wraith|death spirit|telga orek|spirit|ur hhrki'izh|wir dinego|zombie|zombie nomad|Asketian harbinger|skorik nadhar|wind hag|black zephyr|misenseor resuscitant|yeehar|zombie kobold headhunter|revenant conscript|revenant zombie|zombie goblin|fell hog|drowned \S+|dryad|nyad|zombie stomper|zombie mauler|zombie head-splitter|tortured soul|eidolon steed|enraged tusky|ghoul|ghoul crow|giant blight bat|gremlin|grendel|lach|mastiff|mey|misshapen germish'din|bone wyvern|ice adder|mutant togball|reaver|squirrel|zombie kobold headhunter|shadow hound|sinister maelshyvean heirophant|skeletal kobold headhunter|skeletal kobold savage|blight bat|umbral moth|zombie kobold savage|zombie nomad|Ashu hhinvi|boggle|bone amalgam|clay archer|clay mage|clay soldier|clockwork assistant|gam chaga|glass construct|granite gargoyle|lachmate|lava drake|marble gargoyle|quartz gargoyle|(marble|obsidian|quartzite|rock) guardian|rough-hewn doll|ice archon|mechanical mouse|beltunumshi|origami bird|origami cow|origami dragon|origami duck|origami goblin|guardian|origami grasshopper|origami hat|origami mouse|origami sprite|origami yak|origami paper|granite gargoyle|lava drake|black marble gargoyle|quartz gargoyle|gargoyle|endrus serpent") then]
  114. ubercombat.cmd(10473): [goto EMPATH_FACE]
  115. ubercombat.cmd(10513): [if matchre("a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle", "revivified mutt|shylvic|sinister maelshyvean heirophant|skeletal peon|skeletal sailor|skeleton|blue ghast|xala'shar vindicator|xala'shar slayer|dark spirit|boggle|emaciated umbramagus|fiend|gargantuan bone golem|olensari mihmanan|plague wraith|Asketian harbinger|Asketian Herald|faenrae assassin|ghoul raven|snaer hafwa|soul|spectral pirate|spectral sailor|wind wretch|blood wraith|death spirit|telga orek|spirit|ur hhrki'izh|wir dinego|zombie|zombie nomad|Asketian harbinger|skorik nadhar|wind hag|black zephyr|misenseor resuscitant|yeehar|zombie kobold headhunter|revenant conscript|revenant zombie|zombie goblin|fell hog|drowned \S+|dryad|nyad|zombie stomper|zombie mauler|zombie head-splitter|tortured soul|eidolon steed|enraged tusky|ghoul|ghoul crow|giant blight bat|gremlin|grendel|lach|mastiff|mey|misshapen germish'din|bone wyvern|ice adder|mutant togball|reaver|squirrel|zombie kobold headhunter|shadow hound|sinister maelshyvean heirophant|skeletal kobold headhunter|skeletal kobold savage|blight bat|umbral moth|zombie kobold savage|zombie nomad") && (!1) && (1) then]
  116. ubercombat.cmd(10514): [if matchre("a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle", "revivified mutt|shylvic|sinister maelshyvean heirophant|skeletal peon|skeletal sailor|skeleton|blue ghast|xala'shar vindicator|xala'shar slayer|dark spirit|boggle|emaciated umbramagus|fiend|gargantuan bone golem|olensari mihmanan|plague wraith|Asketian harbinger|Asketian Herald|faenrae assassin|ghoul raven|snaer hafwa|soul|spectral pirate|spectral sailor|wind wretch|blood wraith|death spirit|telga orek|spirit|ur hhrki'izh|wir dinego|zombie|zombie nomad|Asketian harbinger|skorik nadhar|wind hag|black zephyr|misenseor resuscitant|yeehar|zombie kobold headhunter|revenant conscript|revenant zombie|zombie goblin|fell hog|drowned \S+|dryad|nyad|zombie stomper|zombie mauler|zombie head-splitter|tortured soul|eidolon steed|enraged tusky|ghoul|ghoul crow|giant blight bat|gremlin|grendel|lach|mastiff|mey|misshapen germish'din|bone wyvern|ice adder|mutant togball|reaver|squirrel|zombie kobold headhunter|shadow hound|sinister maelshyvean heirophant|skeletal kobold headhunter|skeletal kobold savage|blight bat|umbral moth|zombie kobold savage|zombie nomad") && (!1) && (1) then]
  117. ubercombat.cmd(10515): [pause 0.5]
  118. * Tentatively, a granite gargoyle bites at you. You dodge.
  119. ubercombat.cmd(314): [put #var balance 4]
  120. [You're bruised, energetic, solidly balanced with no advantage.]
  121. >
  122. * Ineptly, a granite gargoyle pounds at you. You dodge.
  123. ubercombat.cmd(314): [put #var balance 4]
  124. [You're bruised, energetic, solidly balanced and in excellent position.]
  125. >
  126. A snowbeast claws at a snowbeast. The claw lands a solid hit to its abdomen!
  127. >
  128. You assess your combat situation...
  130. ubercombat.cmd(433): [var facing granite gargoyle]
  131. ubercombat.cmd(314): [put #var balance 4]
  132. You (solidly balanced) are facing a granite gargoyle (2) at melee range.
  133. ubercombat.cmd(313): [put #var balance 3]
  134. A snowbeast (1: nimbly balanced) is facing a snowbeast (2) at melee range.
  135. ubercombat.cmd(314): [put #var balance 4]
  136. A snowbeast (2: solidly balanced) is facing a snowbeast (1) at melee range.
  137. ubercombat.cmd(318): [put #var balance 8]
  138. ubercombat.cmd(319): [put #var balance 9]
  139. A granite gargoyle (1: very badly balanced) is flanking you at melee range.
  140. ubercombat.cmd(318): [put #var balance 8]
  141. ubercombat.cmd(319): [put #var balance 9]
  142. A granite gargoyle (2: very badly balanced) is facing you at melee range.
  143. ubercombat.cmd(314): [put #var balance 4]
  144. A granite gargoyle (3: solidly balanced) is behind you at melee range.
  146. (You are also defending against a granite gargoyle.)
  148. >
  149. ubercombat.cmd(10516): [matchre ASSESS You turn to face|You are already]
  150. ubercombat.cmd(10517): [matchre RETURN nothing else to|Face what]
  151. ubercombat.cmd(10518): [matchre ASSESS ^What's the point in facing]
  152. ubercombat.cmd(10519): [put face next]
  153. [ubercombat]: face next
  154. ubercombat.cmd(10520): [matchwait 5]
  155. ubercombat.cmd(433): [var facing granite gargoyle]
  156. encumbrance
  157. You turn to face a granite gargoyle, leaving the granite gargoyle on your flank at melee!
  158. >
  159. ubercombat.cmd(10448): [ASSESS:]
  160. ubercombat.cmd(10449): [if (!1) then]
  161. ubercombat.cmd(10451): [pause 0.1]
  162. ubercombat.cmd(280): [put #tvar Burden 0]
  163. Encumbrance : None
  164. >
  165. ubercombat.cmd(10452): [pause 0.001]
  166. ubercombat.cmd(10453): [var newdead 0]
  167. ubercombat.cmd(10454): [gosub GET_MONSTER_NAME]
  168. ubercombat.cmd(10415): [pause 0.0001]
  169. ubercombat.cmd(10416): [if (!5) then]
  170. ubercombat.cmd(10417): [var critterList a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle]
  171. ubercombat.cmd(10418): [if matchre("a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle", "(?<=Human-sized|dirt)(\sconstruct)") then]
  172. ubercombat.cmd(10419): [eval critterList replacere("a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle", "\sand", ",")]
  173. ubercombat.cmd(10420): [eval critterList replacere("a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle", "\.", ", ")]
  174. ubercombat.cmd(10421): [eval critterList replacere("a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle", "\s(?:which|that appears)\b[^,]*,", ",")]
  175. ubercombat.cmd(10422): [eval critterList replacere("a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle", "\s(?:which|that appears)\b[^,]*$", ",")]
  176. ubercombat.cmd(10423): [eval critterList replacere("a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle", "that is flying around", ",")]
  177. ubercombat.cmd(10424): [eval critterList replacere("a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle", "that is caught .*?[,]", ",")]
  178. ubercombat.cmd(10425): [eval critterList replacere("a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle", "that is caught .*?$", ",")]
  179. ubercombat.cmd(10426): [eval critterList replacere("a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle", "dragon priest", "")]
  180. ubercombat.cmd(10427): [eval critterList replacere("a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle", "red bear", "")]
  181. ubercombat.cmd(10428): [eval critterList replacere("a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle", "(?<!\S)an? ", "")]
  182. ubercombat.cmd(10434): [eval critterList replace("snowbeast, snowbeast, granite gargoyle, granite gargoyle, granite gargoyle", ", ", "|")]
  183. ubercombat.cmd(10435): [eval critterList replacere("snowbeast|snowbeast|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle", "\,\s+", "|")]
  184. ubercombat.cmd(10436): [eval critterList replacere("snowbeast|snowbeast|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle", "\|+" "|")]
  185. ubercombat.cmd(10437): [eval critterList replacere("snowbeast|snowbeast|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle", " ,", "")]
  186. ubercombat.cmd(10438): [eval critterList replacere("snowbeast|snowbeast|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle", " \|", "|"]
  187. ubercombat.cmd(10439): [eval critterTotal count("snowbeast|snowbeast|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle", "|")]
  188. ubercombat.cmd(10440): [echo Critters: snowbeast|snowbeast|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle]
  189. Critters: snowbeast|snowbeast|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle
  190. ubercombat.cmd(10441): [evalmath critterEcho (4 + 1)]
  191. ubercombat.cmd(10442): [echo Total Critters: 5]
  192. Total Critters: 5
  193. ubercombat.cmd(10443): [random 0, 4]
  194. ubercombat.cmd(10444): [eval Critter element("snowbeast|snowbeast|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle", 1)]
  195. ubercombat.cmd(10445): [eval Critter replacere("snowbeast", "^(\S+ )(?=\S+ \S+)", "")]
  196. ubercombat.cmd(10446): [return]
  197. ubercombat.cmd(10455): [matchre ASSESS_SET (?:facing|flanking|behind) (?:an?)(.*)(?:\(\d\)\s)]
  198. ubercombat.cmd(10456): [matchre ASSESS_RETURN ^How can you]
  199. ubercombat.cmd(10457): [matchre ASSESS_RETURN Encumbrance :]
  200. ubercombat.cmd(10458): [put assess;-1 encumbrance]
  201. [ubercombat]: assess
  202. ubercombat.cmd(10459): [matchwait 3]
  203. You assess your combat situation...
  205. ubercombat.cmd(433): [var facing granite gargoyle]
  206. ubercombat.cmd(314): [put #var balance 4]
  207. You (solidly balanced) are facing a granite gargoyle (1) at melee range.
  208. ubercombat.cmd(313): [put #var balance 3]
  209. A snowbeast (1: nimbly balanced) is facing a snowbeast (2) at melee range.
  210. ubercombat.cmd(314): [put #var balance 4]
  211. A snowbeast (2: solidly balanced) is facing a snowbeast (1) at melee range.
  212. ubercombat.cmd(318): [put #var balance 8]
  213. ubercombat.cmd(319): [put #var balance 9]
  214. A granite gargoyle (1: very badly balanced) is facing you at melee range.
  215. ubercombat.cmd(318): [put #var balance 8]
  216. ubercombat.cmd(319): [put #var balance 9]
  217. A granite gargoyle (2: very badly balanced) is flanking you at melee range.
  218. ubercombat.cmd(314): [put #var balance 4]
  219. A granite gargoyle (3: solidly balanced) is behind you at melee range.
  221. (You are also defending against a granite gargoyle.)
  223. >
  224. ubercombat.cmd(10465): [ASSESS_SET:]
  225. ubercombat.cmd(10466): [pause 0.001]
  226. ubercombat.cmd(10467): [if matchre("snowbeast|snowbeast|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle", "(Ashu hhinvi|boggle|bone amalgam|clay archer|clay mage|clay soldier|clockwork assistant|gam chaga|glass construct|granite gargoyle|lachmate|lava drake|marble gargoyle|quartz gargoyle|(marble|obsidian|quartzite|rock) guardian|rough-hewn doll|ice archon|mechanical mouse|beltunumshi|origami bird|origami cow|origami dragon|origami duck|origami goblin|guardian|origami grasshopper|origami hat|origami mouse|origami sprite|origami yak|origami paper|granite gargoyle|lava drake|black marble gargoyle|quartz gargoyle|gargoyle|endrus serpent|revivified mutt|shylvic|sinister maelshyvean heirophant|skeletal peon|skeletal sailor|skeleton|blue ghast|xala'shar vindicator|xala'shar slayer|dark spirit|boggle|emaciated umbramagus|fiend|gargantuan bone golem|olensari mihmanan|plague wraith|Asketian harbinger|Asketian Herald|faenrae assassin|ghoul raven|snaer hafwa|soul|spectral pirate|spectral sailor|wind wretch|blood wraith|death spirit|telga orek|spirit|ur hhrki'izh|wir dinego|zombie|zombie nomad|Asketian harbinger|skorik nadhar|wind hag|black zephyr|misenseor resuscitant|yeehar|zombie kobold headhunter|revenant conscript|revenant zombie|zombie goblin|fell hog|drowned \S+|dryad|nyad|zombie stomper|zombie mauler|zombie head-splitter|tortured soul|eidolon steed|enraged tusky|ghoul|ghoul crow|giant blight bat|gremlin|grendel|lach|mastiff|mey|misshapen germish'din|bone wyvern|ice adder|mutant togball|reaver|squirrel|zombie kobold headhunter|shadow hound|sinister maelshyvean heirophant|skeletal kobold headhunter|skeletal kobold savage|blight bat|umbral moth|zombie kobold savage|zombie nomad)") then]
  227. ubercombat.cmd(10467): [var Empath_Critter granite gargoyle]
  228. ubercombat.cmd(10468): [eval facing replacere("granite gargoyle"", "^(\S+ )(?=\S+ \S+)", "")]
  229. ubercombat.cmd(10469): [eval Empath_Critter replacere("granite gargoyle",".*\s((?:endrus )?(\w+)).?$", "$0")]
  230. ubercombat.cmd(10470): [if ("Empath" != "Empath") then]
  231. ubercombat.cmd(10472): [if !matchre("a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle", "Ashu hhinvi|boggle|bone amalgam|clay archer|clay mage|clay soldier|clockwork assistant|gam chaga|glass construct|granite gargoyle|lachmate|lava drake|marble gargoyle|quartz gargoyle|(marble|obsidian|quartzite|rock) guardian|rough-hewn doll|ice archon|mechanical mouse|beltunumshi|origami bird|origami cow|origami dragon|origami duck|origami goblin|guardian|origami grasshopper|origami hat|origami mouse|origami sprite|origami yak|origami paper|granite gargoyle|lava drake|black marble gargoyle|quartz gargoyle|gargoyle|endrus serpent|revivified mutt|shylvic|sinister maelshyvean heirophant|skeletal peon|skeletal sailor|skeleton|blue ghast|xala'shar vindicator|xala'shar slayer|dark spirit|boggle|emaciated umbramagus|fiend|gargantuan bone golem|olensari mihmanan|plague wraith|Asketian harbinger|Asketian Herald|faenrae assassin|ghoul raven|snaer hafwa|soul|spectral pirate|spectral sailor|wind wretch|blood wraith|death spirit|telga orek|spirit|ur hhrki'izh|wir dinego|zombie|zombie nomad|Asketian harbinger|skorik nadhar|wind hag|black zephyr|misenseor resuscitant|yeehar|zombie kobold headhunter|revenant conscript|revenant zombie|zombie goblin|fell hog|drowned \S+|dryad|nyad|zombie stomper|zombie mauler|zombie head-splitter|tortured soul|eidolon steed|enraged tusky|ghoul|ghoul crow|giant blight bat|gremlin|grendel|lach|mastiff|mey|misshapen germish'din|bone wyvern|ice adder|mutant togball|reaver|squirrel|zombie kobold headhunter|shadow hound|sinister maelshyvean heirophant|skeletal kobold headhunter|skeletal kobold savage|blight bat|umbral moth|zombie kobold savage|zombie nomad") then]
  232. ubercombat.cmd(10473): [if (0 = 0) && !matchre("", "revivified mutt|shylvic|sinister maelshyvean heirophant|skeletal peon|skeletal sailor|skeleton|blue ghast|xala'shar vindicator|xala'shar slayer|dark spirit|boggle|emaciated umbramagus|fiend|gargantuan bone golem|olensari mihmanan|plague wraith|Asketian harbinger|Asketian Herald|faenrae assassin|ghoul raven|snaer hafwa|soul|spectral pirate|spectral sailor|wind wretch|blood wraith|death spirit|telga orek|spirit|ur hhrki'izh|wir dinego|zombie|zombie nomad|Asketian harbinger|skorik nadhar|wind hag|black zephyr|misenseor resuscitant|yeehar|zombie kobold headhunter|revenant conscript|revenant zombie|zombie goblin|fell hog|drowned \S+|dryad|nyad|zombie stomper|zombie mauler|zombie head-splitter|tortured soul|eidolon steed|enraged tusky|ghoul|ghoul crow|giant blight bat|gremlin|grendel|lach|mastiff|mey|misshapen germish'din|bone wyvern|ice adder|mutant togball|reaver|squirrel|zombie kobold headhunter|shadow hound|sinister maelshyvean heirophant|skeletal kobold headhunter|skeletal kobold savage|blight bat|umbral moth|zombie kobold savage|zombie nomad|Ashu hhinvi|boggle|bone amalgam|clay archer|clay mage|clay soldier|clockwork assistant|gam chaga|glass construct|granite gargoyle|lachmate|lava drake|marble gargoyle|quartz gargoyle|(marble|obsidian|quartzite|rock) guardian|rough-hewn doll|ice archon|mechanical mouse|beltunumshi|origami bird|origami cow|origami dragon|origami duck|origami goblin|guardian|origami grasshopper|origami hat|origami mouse|origami sprite|origami yak|origami paper|granite gargoyle|lava drake|black marble gargoyle|quartz gargoyle|gargoyle|endrus serpent") then]
  233. ubercombat.cmd(10473): [goto EMPATH_FACE]
  234. ubercombat.cmd(10513): [if matchre("a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle", "revivified mutt|shylvic|sinister maelshyvean heirophant|skeletal peon|skeletal sailor|skeleton|blue ghast|xala'shar vindicator|xala'shar slayer|dark spirit|boggle|emaciated umbramagus|fiend|gargantuan bone golem|olensari mihmanan|plague wraith|Asketian harbinger|Asketian Herald|faenrae assassin|ghoul raven|snaer hafwa|soul|spectral pirate|spectral sailor|wind wretch|blood wraith|death spirit|telga orek|spirit|ur hhrki'izh|wir dinego|zombie|zombie nomad|Asketian harbinger|skorik nadhar|wind hag|black zephyr|misenseor resuscitant|yeehar|zombie kobold headhunter|revenant conscript|revenant zombie|zombie goblin|fell hog|drowned \S+|dryad|nyad|zombie stomper|zombie mauler|zombie head-splitter|tortured soul|eidolon steed|enraged tusky|ghoul|ghoul crow|giant blight bat|gremlin|grendel|lach|mastiff|mey|misshapen germish'din|bone wyvern|ice adder|mutant togball|reaver|squirrel|zombie kobold headhunter|shadow hound|sinister maelshyvean heirophant|skeletal kobold headhunter|skeletal kobold savage|blight bat|umbral moth|zombie kobold savage|zombie nomad") && (!1) && (1) then]
  235. ubercombat.cmd(10514): [if matchre("a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle", "revivified mutt|shylvic|sinister maelshyvean heirophant|skeletal peon|skeletal sailor|skeleton|blue ghast|xala'shar vindicator|xala'shar slayer|dark spirit|boggle|emaciated umbramagus|fiend|gargantuan bone golem|olensari mihmanan|plague wraith|Asketian harbinger|Asketian Herald|faenrae assassin|ghoul raven|snaer hafwa|soul|spectral pirate|spectral sailor|wind wretch|blood wraith|death spirit|telga orek|spirit|ur hhrki'izh|wir dinego|zombie|zombie nomad|Asketian harbinger|skorik nadhar|wind hag|black zephyr|misenseor resuscitant|yeehar|zombie kobold headhunter|revenant conscript|revenant zombie|zombie goblin|fell hog|drowned \S+|dryad|nyad|zombie stomper|zombie mauler|zombie head-splitter|tortured soul|eidolon steed|enraged tusky|ghoul|ghoul crow|giant blight bat|gremlin|grendel|lach|mastiff|mey|misshapen germish'din|bone wyvern|ice adder|mutant togball|reaver|squirrel|zombie kobold headhunter|shadow hound|sinister maelshyvean heirophant|skeletal kobold headhunter|skeletal kobold savage|blight bat|umbral moth|zombie kobold savage|zombie nomad") && (!1) && (1) then]
  236. ubercombat.cmd(10515): [pause 0.5]
  238. You feel fully attuned to the mana streams again.
  239. > encumbrance
  240. ubercombat.cmd(10516): [matchre ASSESS You turn to face|You are already]
  241. ubercombat.cmd(10517): [matchre RETURN nothing else to|Face what]
  242. ubercombat.cmd(10518): [matchre ASSESS ^What's the point in facing]
  243. ubercombat.cmd(10519): [put face next]
  244. [ubercombat]: face next
  245. ubercombat.cmd(10520): [matchwait 5]
  246. ubercombat.cmd(280): [put #tvar Burden 0]
  247. Encumbrance : None
  248. >
  249. ubercombat.cmd(433): [var facing granite gargoyle]
  250. You turn to face a granite gargoyle, leaving the granite gargoyle on your flank at melee!
  251. >
  252. ubercombat.cmd(10448): [ASSESS:]
  253. ubercombat.cmd(10449): [if (!1) then]
  254. ubercombat.cmd(10451): [pause 0.1]
  255. ubercombat.cmd(10452): [pause 0.001]
  256. ubercombat.cmd(10453): [var newdead 0]
  257. ubercombat.cmd(10454): [gosub GET_MONSTER_NAME]
  258. ubercombat.cmd(10415): [pause 0.0001]
  259. ubercombat.cmd(10416): [if (!5) then]
  260. ubercombat.cmd(10417): [var critterList a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle]
  261. ubercombat.cmd(10418): [if matchre("a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle", "(?<=Human-sized|dirt)(\sconstruct)") then]
  262. ubercombat.cmd(10419): [eval critterList replacere("a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle", "\sand", ",")]
  263. ubercombat.cmd(10420): [eval critterList replacere("a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle", "\.", ", ")]
  264. ubercombat.cmd(10421): [eval critterList replacere("a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle", "\s(?:which|that appears)\b[^,]*,", ",")]
  265. ubercombat.cmd(10422): [eval critterList replacere("a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle", "\s(?:which|that appears)\b[^,]*$", ",")]
  266. ubercombat.cmd(10423): [eval critterList replacere("a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle", "that is flying around", ",")]
  267. ubercombat.cmd(10424): [eval critterList replacere("a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle", "that is caught .*?[,]", ",")]
  268. ubercombat.cmd(10425): [eval critterList replacere("a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle", "that is caught .*?$", ",")]
  269. ubercombat.cmd(10426): [eval critterList replacere("a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle", "dragon priest", "")]
  270. ubercombat.cmd(10427): [eval critterList replacere("a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle", "red bear", "")]
  271. ubercombat.cmd(10428): [eval critterList replacere("a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle", "(?<!\S)an? ", "")]
  272. ubercombat.cmd(10434): [eval critterList replace("snowbeast, snowbeast, granite gargoyle, granite gargoyle, granite gargoyle", ", ", "|")]
  273. ubercombat.cmd(10435): [eval critterList replacere("snowbeast|snowbeast|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle", "\,\s+", "|")]
  274. ubercombat.cmd(10436): [eval critterList replacere("snowbeast|snowbeast|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle", "\|+" "|")]
  275. ubercombat.cmd(10437): [eval critterList replacere("snowbeast|snowbeast|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle", " ,", "")]
  276. ubercombat.cmd(10438): [eval critterList replacere("snowbeast|snowbeast|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle", " \|", "|"]
  277. ubercombat.cmd(10439): [eval critterTotal count("snowbeast|snowbeast|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle", "|")]
  278. ubercombat.cmd(10440): [echo Critters: snowbeast|snowbeast|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle]
  279. Critters: snowbeast|snowbeast|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle
  280. ubercombat.cmd(10441): [evalmath critterEcho (4 + 1)]
  281. ubercombat.cmd(10442): [echo Total Critters: 5]
  282. Total Critters: 5
  283. ubercombat.cmd(10443): [random 0, 4]
  284. ubercombat.cmd(10444): [eval Critter element("snowbeast|snowbeast|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle", 4)]
  285. ubercombat.cmd(10445): [eval Critter replacere("granite gargoyle", "^(\S+ )(?=\S+ \S+)", "")]
  286. ubercombat.cmd(10446): [return]
  287. ubercombat.cmd(10455): [matchre ASSESS_SET (?:facing|flanking|behind) (?:an?)(.*)(?:\(\d\)\s)]
  288. ubercombat.cmd(10456): [matchre ASSESS_RETURN ^How can you]
  289. ubercombat.cmd(10457): [matchre ASSESS_RETURN Encumbrance :]
  290. ubercombat.cmd(10458): [put assess;-1 encumbrance]
  291. [ubercombat]: assess
  292. ubercombat.cmd(10459): [matchwait 3]
  293. You assess your combat situation...
  295. ubercombat.cmd(433): [var facing granite gargoyle]
  296. ubercombat.cmd(314): [put #var balance 4]
  297. You (solidly balanced) are facing a granite gargoyle (2) at melee range.
  298. ubercombat.cmd(313): [put #var balance 3]
  299. A snowbeast (1: nimbly balanced) is facing a snowbeast (2) at melee range.
  300. ubercombat.cmd(314): [put #var balance 4]
  301. A snowbeast (2: solidly balanced) is facing a snowbeast (1) at melee range.
  302. ubercombat.cmd(318): [put #var balance 8]
  303. ubercombat.cmd(319): [put #var balance 9]
  304. A granite gargoyle (1: very badly balanced) is flanking you at melee range.
  305. ubercombat.cmd(318): [put #var balance 8]
  306. ubercombat.cmd(319): [put #var balance 9]
  307. A granite gargoyle (2: very badly balanced) is facing you at melee range.
  308. ubercombat.cmd(314): [put #var balance 4]
  309. A granite gargoyle (3: solidly balanced) is behind you at melee range.
  311. (You are also defending against a granite gargoyle.)
  313. >
  314. ubercombat.cmd(10465): [ASSESS_SET:]
  315. ubercombat.cmd(10466): [pause 0.001]
  316. ubercombat.cmd(10467): [if matchre("snowbeast|snowbeast|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle", "(Ashu hhinvi|boggle|bone amalgam|clay archer|clay mage|clay soldier|clockwork assistant|gam chaga|glass construct|granite gargoyle|lachmate|lava drake|marble gargoyle|quartz gargoyle|(marble|obsidian|quartzite|rock) guardian|rough-hewn doll|ice archon|mechanical mouse|beltunumshi|origami bird|origami cow|origami dragon|origami duck|origami goblin|guardian|origami grasshopper|origami hat|origami mouse|origami sprite|origami yak|origami paper|granite gargoyle|lava drake|black marble gargoyle|quartz gargoyle|gargoyle|endrus serpent|revivified mutt|shylvic|sinister maelshyvean heirophant|skeletal peon|skeletal sailor|skeleton|blue ghast|xala'shar vindicator|xala'shar slayer|dark spirit|boggle|emaciated umbramagus|fiend|gargantuan bone golem|olensari mihmanan|plague wraith|Asketian harbinger|Asketian Herald|faenrae assassin|ghoul raven|snaer hafwa|soul|spectral pirate|spectral sailor|wind wretch|blood wraith|death spirit|telga orek|spirit|ur hhrki'izh|wir dinego|zombie|zombie nomad|Asketian harbinger|skorik nadhar|wind hag|black zephyr|misenseor resuscitant|yeehar|zombie kobold headhunter|revenant conscript|revenant zombie|zombie goblin|fell hog|drowned \S+|dryad|nyad|zombie stomper|zombie mauler|zombie head-splitter|tortured soul|eidolon steed|enraged tusky|ghoul|ghoul crow|giant blight bat|gremlin|grendel|lach|mastiff|mey|misshapen germish'din|bone wyvern|ice adder|mutant togball|reaver|squirrel|zombie kobold headhunter|shadow hound|sinister maelshyvean heirophant|skeletal kobold headhunter|skeletal kobold savage|blight bat|umbral moth|zombie kobold savage|zombie nomad)") then]
  317. ubercombat.cmd(10467): [var Empath_Critter granite gargoyle]
  318. ubercombat.cmd(10468): [eval facing replacere("granite gargoyle"", "^(\S+ )(?=\S+ \S+)", "")]
  319. ubercombat.cmd(10469): [eval Empath_Critter replacere("granite gargoyle",".*\s((?:endrus )?(\w+)).?$", "$0")]
  320. ubercombat.cmd(10470): [if ("Empath" != "Empath") then]
  321. ubercombat.cmd(10472): [if !matchre("a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle", "Ashu hhinvi|boggle|bone amalgam|clay archer|clay mage|clay soldier|clockwork assistant|gam chaga|glass construct|granite gargoyle|lachmate|lava drake|marble gargoyle|quartz gargoyle|(marble|obsidian|quartzite|rock) guardian|rough-hewn doll|ice archon|mechanical mouse|beltunumshi|origami bird|origami cow|origami dragon|origami duck|origami goblin|guardian|origami grasshopper|origami hat|origami mouse|origami sprite|origami yak|origami paper|granite gargoyle|lava drake|black marble gargoyle|quartz gargoyle|gargoyle|endrus serpent|revivified mutt|shylvic|sinister maelshyvean heirophant|skeletal peon|skeletal sailor|skeleton|blue ghast|xala'shar vindicator|xala'shar slayer|dark spirit|boggle|emaciated umbramagus|fiend|gargantuan bone golem|olensari mihmanan|plague wraith|Asketian harbinger|Asketian Herald|faenrae assassin|ghoul raven|snaer hafwa|soul|spectral pirate|spectral sailor|wind wretch|blood wraith|death spirit|telga orek|spirit|ur hhrki'izh|wir dinego|zombie|zombie nomad|Asketian harbinger|skorik nadhar|wind hag|black zephyr|misenseor resuscitant|yeehar|zombie kobold headhunter|revenant conscript|revenant zombie|zombie goblin|fell hog|drowned \S+|dryad|nyad|zombie stomper|zombie mauler|zombie head-splitter|tortured soul|eidolon steed|enraged tusky|ghoul|ghoul crow|giant blight bat|gremlin|grendel|lach|mastiff|mey|misshapen germish'din|bone wyvern|ice adder|mutant togball|reaver|squirrel|zombie kobold headhunter|shadow hound|sinister maelshyvean heirophant|skeletal kobold headhunter|skeletal kobold savage|blight bat|umbral moth|zombie kobold savage|zombie nomad") then]
  322. ubercombat.cmd(10473): [if (0 = 0) && !matchre("", "revivified mutt|shylvic|sinister maelshyvean heirophant|skeletal peon|skeletal sailor|skeleton|blue ghast|xala'shar vindicator|xala'shar slayer|dark spirit|boggle|emaciated umbramagus|fiend|gargantuan bone golem|olensari mihmanan|plague wraith|Asketian harbinger|Asketian Herald|faenrae assassin|ghoul raven|snaer hafwa|soul|spectral pirate|spectral sailor|wind wretch|blood wraith|death spirit|telga orek|spirit|ur hhrki'izh|wir dinego|zombie|zombie nomad|Asketian harbinger|skorik nadhar|wind hag|black zephyr|misenseor resuscitant|yeehar|zombie kobold headhunter|revenant conscript|revenant zombie|zombie goblin|fell hog|drowned \S+|dryad|nyad|zombie stomper|zombie mauler|zombie head-splitter|tortured soul|eidolon steed|enraged tusky|ghoul|ghoul crow|giant blight bat|gremlin|grendel|lach|mastiff|mey|misshapen germish'din|bone wyvern|ice adder|mutant togball|reaver|squirrel|zombie kobold headhunter|shadow hound|sinister maelshyvean heirophant|skeletal kobold headhunter|skeletal kobold savage|blight bat|umbral moth|zombie kobold savage|zombie nomad|Ashu hhinvi|boggle|bone amalgam|clay archer|clay mage|clay soldier|clockwork assistant|gam chaga|glass construct|granite gargoyle|lachmate|lava drake|marble gargoyle|quartz gargoyle|(marble|obsidian|quartzite|rock) guardian|rough-hewn doll|ice archon|mechanical mouse|beltunumshi|origami bird|origami cow|origami dragon|origami duck|origami goblin|guardian|origami grasshopper|origami hat|origami mouse|origami sprite|origami yak|origami paper|granite gargoyle|lava drake|black marble gargoyle|quartz gargoyle|gargoyle|endrus serpent") then]
  323. ubercombat.cmd(10473): [goto EMPATH_FACE]
  324. ubercombat.cmd(10513): [if matchre("a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle", "revivified mutt|shylvic|sinister maelshyvean heirophant|skeletal peon|skeletal sailor|skeleton|blue ghast|xala'shar vindicator|xala'shar slayer|dark spirit|boggle|emaciated umbramagus|fiend|gargantuan bone golem|olensari mihmanan|plague wraith|Asketian harbinger|Asketian Herald|faenrae assassin|ghoul raven|snaer hafwa|soul|spectral pirate|spectral sailor|wind wretch|blood wraith|death spirit|telga orek|spirit|ur hhrki'izh|wir dinego|zombie|zombie nomad|Asketian harbinger|skorik nadhar|wind hag|black zephyr|misenseor resuscitant|yeehar|zombie kobold headhunter|revenant conscript|revenant zombie|zombie goblin|fell hog|drowned \S+|dryad|nyad|zombie stomper|zombie mauler|zombie head-splitter|tortured soul|eidolon steed|enraged tusky|ghoul|ghoul crow|giant blight bat|gremlin|grendel|lach|mastiff|mey|misshapen germish'din|bone wyvern|ice adder|mutant togball|reaver|squirrel|zombie kobold headhunter|shadow hound|sinister maelshyvean heirophant|skeletal kobold headhunter|skeletal kobold savage|blight bat|umbral moth|zombie kobold savage|zombie nomad") && (!1) && (1) then]
  325. ubercombat.cmd(10514): [if matchre("a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle", "revivified mutt|shylvic|sinister maelshyvean heirophant|skeletal peon|skeletal sailor|skeleton|blue ghast|xala'shar vindicator|xala'shar slayer|dark spirit|boggle|emaciated umbramagus|fiend|gargantuan bone golem|olensari mihmanan|plague wraith|Asketian harbinger|Asketian Herald|faenrae assassin|ghoul raven|snaer hafwa|soul|spectral pirate|spectral sailor|wind wretch|blood wraith|death spirit|telga orek|spirit|ur hhrki'izh|wir dinego|zombie|zombie nomad|Asketian harbinger|skorik nadhar|wind hag|black zephyr|misenseor resuscitant|yeehar|zombie kobold headhunter|revenant conscript|revenant zombie|zombie goblin|fell hog|drowned \S+|dryad|nyad|zombie stomper|zombie mauler|zombie head-splitter|tortured soul|eidolon steed|enraged tusky|ghoul|ghoul crow|giant blight bat|gremlin|grendel|lach|mastiff|mey|misshapen germish'din|bone wyvern|ice adder|mutant togball|reaver|squirrel|zombie kobold headhunter|shadow hound|sinister maelshyvean heirophant|skeletal kobold headhunter|skeletal kobold savage|blight bat|umbral moth|zombie kobold savage|zombie nomad") && (!1) && (1) then]
  326. ubercombat.cmd(10515): [pause 0.5]
  328. > encumbrance
  330. >
  331. ubercombat.cmd(10516): [matchre ASSESS You turn to face|You are already]
  332. ubercombat.cmd(10517): [matchre RETURN nothing else to|Face what]
  333. ubercombat.cmd(10518): [matchre ASSESS ^What's the point in facing]
  334. ubercombat.cmd(10519): [put face next]
  335. [ubercombat]: face next
  336. ubercombat.cmd(10520): [matchwait 5]
  337. ubercombat.cmd(280): [put #tvar Burden 0]
  338. Encumbrance : None
  339. >
  340. ubercombat.cmd(433): [var facing granite gargoyle]
  341. You turn to face a granite gargoyle, leaving the granite gargoyle on your flank at melee!
  342. >
  343. ubercombat.cmd(10448): [ASSESS:]
  344. ubercombat.cmd(10449): [if (!1) then]
  345. ubercombat.cmd(10451): [pause 0.1]
  346. ubercombat.cmd(10452): [pause 0.001]
  347. ubercombat.cmd(10453): [var newdead 0]
  348. ubercombat.cmd(10454): [gosub GET_MONSTER_NAME]
  349. ubercombat.cmd(10415): [pause 0.0001]
  350. ubercombat.cmd(10416): [if (!5) then]
  351. ubercombat.cmd(10417): [var critterList a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle]
  352. ubercombat.cmd(10418): [if matchre("a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle", "(?<=Human-sized|dirt)(\sconstruct)") then]
  353. ubercombat.cmd(10419): [eval critterList replacere("a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle", "\sand", ",")]
  354. ubercombat.cmd(10420): [eval critterList replacere("a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle", "\.", ", ")]
  355. ubercombat.cmd(10421): [eval critterList replacere("a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle", "\s(?:which|that appears)\b[^,]*,", ",")]
  356. ubercombat.cmd(10422): [eval critterList replacere("a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle", "\s(?:which|that appears)\b[^,]*$", ",")]
  357. ubercombat.cmd(10423): [eval critterList replacere("a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle", "that is flying around", ",")]
  358. ubercombat.cmd(10424): [eval critterList replacere("a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle", "that is caught .*?[,]", ",")]
  359. ubercombat.cmd(10425): [eval critterList replacere("a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle", "that is caught .*?$", ",")]
  360. ubercombat.cmd(10426): [eval critterList replacere("a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle", "dragon priest", "")]
  361. ubercombat.cmd(10427): [eval critterList replacere("a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle", "red bear", "")]
  362. ubercombat.cmd(10428): [eval critterList replacere("a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle", "(?<!\S)an? ", "")]
  363. ubercombat.cmd(10434): [eval critterList replace("snowbeast, snowbeast, granite gargoyle, granite gargoyle, granite gargoyle", ", ", "|")]
  364. ubercombat.cmd(10435): [eval critterList replacere("snowbeast|snowbeast|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle", "\,\s+", "|")]
  365. ubercombat.cmd(10436): [eval critterList replacere("snowbeast|snowbeast|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle", "\|+" "|")]
  366. ubercombat.cmd(10437): [eval critterList replacere("snowbeast|snowbeast|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle", " ,", "")]
  367. ubercombat.cmd(10438): [eval critterList replacere("snowbeast|snowbeast|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle", " \|", "|"]
  368. ubercombat.cmd(10439): [eval critterTotal count("snowbeast|snowbeast|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle", "|")]
  369. ubercombat.cmd(10440): [echo Critters: snowbeast|snowbeast|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle]
  370. Critters: snowbeast|snowbeast|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle
  371. ubercombat.cmd(10441): [evalmath critterEcho (4 + 1)]
  372. ubercombat.cmd(10442): [echo Total Critters: 5]
  373. Total Critters: 5
  374. ubercombat.cmd(10443): [random 0, 4]
  375. ubercombat.cmd(10444): [eval Critter element("snowbeast|snowbeast|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle", 1)]
  376. ubercombat.cmd(10445): [eval Critter replacere("snowbeast", "^(\S+ )(?=\S+ \S+)", "")]
  377. ubercombat.cmd(10446): [return]
  378. ubercombat.cmd(10455): [matchre ASSESS_SET (?:facing|flanking|behind) (?:an?)(.*)(?:\(\d\)\s)]
  379. ubercombat.cmd(10456): [matchre ASSESS_RETURN ^How can you]
  380. ubercombat.cmd(10457): [matchre ASSESS_RETURN Encumbrance :]
  381. ubercombat.cmd(10458): [put assess;-1 encumbrance]
  382. [ubercombat]: assess
  383. ubercombat.cmd(10459): [matchwait 3]
  384. You assess your combat situation...
  386. ubercombat.cmd(433): [var facing granite gargoyle]
  387. ubercombat.cmd(314): [put #var balance 4]
  388. You (solidly balanced) are facing a granite gargoyle (1) at melee range.
  389. ubercombat.cmd(313): [put #var balance 3]
  390. A snowbeast (1: nimbly balanced) is facing a snowbeast (2) at melee range.
  391. ubercombat.cmd(314): [put #var balance 4]
  392. A snowbeast (2: solidly balanced) is facing a snowbeast (1) at melee range.
  393. ubercombat.cmd(318): [put #var balance 8]
  394. ubercombat.cmd(319): [put #var balance 9]
  395. A granite gargoyle (1: very badly balanced) is facing you at melee range.
  396. ubercombat.cmd(318): [put #var balance 8]
  397. A granite gargoyle (2: badly balanced) is flanking you at melee range.
  398. ubercombat.cmd(314): [put #var balance 4]
  399. A granite gargoyle (3: solidly balanced) is behind you at melee range.
  401. (You are also defending against a granite gargoyle.)
  403. >
  404. ubercombat.cmd(10465): [ASSESS_SET:]
  405. ubercombat.cmd(10466): [pause 0.001]
  406. ubercombat.cmd(10467): [if matchre("snowbeast|snowbeast|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle", "(Ashu hhinvi|boggle|bone amalgam|clay archer|clay mage|clay soldier|clockwork assistant|gam chaga|glass construct|granite gargoyle|lachmate|lava drake|marble gargoyle|quartz gargoyle|(marble|obsidian|quartzite|rock) guardian|rough-hewn doll|ice archon|mechanical mouse|beltunumshi|origami bird|origami cow|origami dragon|origami duck|origami goblin|guardian|origami grasshopper|origami hat|origami mouse|origami sprite|origami yak|origami paper|granite gargoyle|lava drake|black marble gargoyle|quartz gargoyle|gargoyle|endrus serpent|revivified mutt|shylvic|sinister maelshyvean heirophant|skeletal peon|skeletal sailor|skeleton|blue ghast|xala'shar vindicator|xala'shar slayer|dark spirit|boggle|emaciated umbramagus|fiend|gargantuan bone golem|olensari mihmanan|plague wraith|Asketian harbinger|Asketian Herald|faenrae assassin|ghoul raven|snaer hafwa|soul|spectral pirate|spectral sailor|wind wretch|blood wraith|death spirit|telga orek|spirit|ur hhrki'izh|wir dinego|zombie|zombie nomad|Asketian harbinger|skorik nadhar|wind hag|black zephyr|misenseor resuscitant|yeehar|zombie kobold headhunter|revenant conscript|revenant zombie|zombie goblin|fell hog|drowned \S+|dryad|nyad|zombie stomper|zombie mauler|zombie head-splitter|tortured soul|eidolon steed|enraged tusky|ghoul|ghoul crow|giant blight bat|gremlin|grendel|lach|mastiff|mey|misshapen germish'din|bone wyvern|ice adder|mutant togball|reaver|squirrel|zombie kobold headhunter|shadow hound|sinister maelshyvean heirophant|skeletal kobold headhunter|skeletal kobold savage|blight bat|umbral moth|zombie kobold savage|zombie nomad)") then]
  407. ubercombat.cmd(10467): [var Empath_Critter granite gargoyle]
  408. ubercombat.cmd(10468): [eval facing replacere("granite gargoyle"", "^(\S+ )(?=\S+ \S+)", "")]
  409. ubercombat.cmd(10469): [eval Empath_Critter replacere("granite gargoyle",".*\s((?:endrus )?(\w+)).?$", "$0")]
  410. ubercombat.cmd(10470): [if ("Empath" != "Empath") then]
  411. ubercombat.cmd(10472): [if !matchre("a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle", "Ashu hhinvi|boggle|bone amalgam|clay archer|clay mage|clay soldier|clockwork assistant|gam chaga|glass construct|granite gargoyle|lachmate|lava drake|marble gargoyle|quartz gargoyle|(marble|obsidian|quartzite|rock) guardian|rough-hewn doll|ice archon|mechanical mouse|beltunumshi|origami bird|origami cow|origami dragon|origami duck|origami goblin|guardian|origami grasshopper|origami hat|origami mouse|origami sprite|origami yak|origami paper|granite gargoyle|lava drake|black marble gargoyle|quartz gargoyle|gargoyle|endrus serpent|revivified mutt|shylvic|sinister maelshyvean heirophant|skeletal peon|skeletal sailor|skeleton|blue ghast|xala'shar vindicator|xala'shar slayer|dark spirit|boggle|emaciated umbramagus|fiend|gargantuan bone golem|olensari mihmanan|plague wraith|Asketian harbinger|Asketian Herald|faenrae assassin|ghoul raven|snaer hafwa|soul|spectral pirate|spectral sailor|wind wretch|blood wraith|death spirit|telga orek|spirit|ur hhrki'izh|wir dinego|zombie|zombie nomad|Asketian harbinger|skorik nadhar|wind hag|black zephyr|misenseor resuscitant|yeehar|zombie kobold headhunter|revenant conscript|revenant zombie|zombie goblin|fell hog|drowned \S+|dryad|nyad|zombie stomper|zombie mauler|zombie head-splitter|tortured soul|eidolon steed|enraged tusky|ghoul|ghoul crow|giant blight bat|gremlin|grendel|lach|mastiff|mey|misshapen germish'din|bone wyvern|ice adder|mutant togball|reaver|squirrel|zombie kobold headhunter|shadow hound|sinister maelshyvean heirophant|skeletal kobold headhunter|skeletal kobold savage|blight bat|umbral moth|zombie kobold savage|zombie nomad") then]
  412. ubercombat.cmd(10473): [if (0 = 0) && !matchre("", "revivified mutt|shylvic|sinister maelshyvean heirophant|skeletal peon|skeletal sailor|skeleton|blue ghast|xala'shar vindicator|xala'shar slayer|dark spirit|boggle|emaciated umbramagus|fiend|gargantuan bone golem|olensari mihmanan|plague wraith|Asketian harbinger|Asketian Herald|faenrae assassin|ghoul raven|snaer hafwa|soul|spectral pirate|spectral sailor|wind wretch|blood wraith|death spirit|telga orek|spirit|ur hhrki'izh|wir dinego|zombie|zombie nomad|Asketian harbinger|skorik nadhar|wind hag|black zephyr|misenseor resuscitant|yeehar|zombie kobold headhunter|revenant conscript|revenant zombie|zombie goblin|fell hog|drowned \S+|dryad|nyad|zombie stomper|zombie mauler|zombie head-splitter|tortured soul|eidolon steed|enraged tusky|ghoul|ghoul crow|giant blight bat|gremlin|grendel|lach|mastiff|mey|misshapen germish'din|bone wyvern|ice adder|mutant togball|reaver|squirrel|zombie kobold headhunter|shadow hound|sinister maelshyvean heirophant|skeletal kobold headhunter|skeletal kobold savage|blight bat|umbral moth|zombie kobold savage|zombie nomad|Ashu hhinvi|boggle|bone amalgam|clay archer|clay mage|clay soldier|clockwork assistant|gam chaga|glass construct|granite gargoyle|lachmate|lava drake|marble gargoyle|quartz gargoyle|(marble|obsidian|quartzite|rock) guardian|rough-hewn doll|ice archon|mechanical mouse|beltunumshi|origami bird|origami cow|origami dragon|origami duck|origami goblin|guardian|origami grasshopper|origami hat|origami mouse|origami sprite|origami yak|origami paper|granite gargoyle|lava drake|black marble gargoyle|quartz gargoyle|gargoyle|endrus serpent") then]
  413. ubercombat.cmd(10473): [goto EMPATH_FACE]
  414. ubercombat.cmd(10513): [if matchre("a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle", "revivified mutt|shylvic|sinister maelshyvean heirophant|skeletal peon|skeletal sailor|skeleton|blue ghast|xala'shar vindicator|xala'shar slayer|dark spirit|boggle|emaciated umbramagus|fiend|gargantuan bone golem|olensari mihmanan|plague wraith|Asketian harbinger|Asketian Herald|faenrae assassin|ghoul raven|snaer hafwa|soul|spectral pirate|spectral sailor|wind wretch|blood wraith|death spirit|telga orek|spirit|ur hhrki'izh|wir dinego|zombie|zombie nomad|Asketian harbinger|skorik nadhar|wind hag|black zephyr|misenseor resuscitant|yeehar|zombie kobold headhunter|revenant conscript|revenant zombie|zombie goblin|fell hog|drowned \S+|dryad|nyad|zombie stomper|zombie mauler|zombie head-splitter|tortured soul|eidolon steed|enraged tusky|ghoul|ghoul crow|giant blight bat|gremlin|grendel|lach|mastiff|mey|misshapen germish'din|bone wyvern|ice adder|mutant togball|reaver|squirrel|zombie kobold headhunter|shadow hound|sinister maelshyvean heirophant|skeletal kobold headhunter|skeletal kobold savage|blight bat|umbral moth|zombie kobold savage|zombie nomad") && (!1) && (1) then]
  415. ubercombat.cmd(10514): [if matchre("a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle", "revivified mutt|shylvic|sinister maelshyvean heirophant|skeletal peon|skeletal sailor|skeleton|blue ghast|xala'shar vindicator|xala'shar slayer|dark spirit|boggle|emaciated umbramagus|fiend|gargantuan bone golem|olensari mihmanan|plague wraith|Asketian harbinger|Asketian Herald|faenrae assassin|ghoul raven|snaer hafwa|soul|spectral pirate|spectral sailor|wind wretch|blood wraith|death spirit|telga orek|spirit|ur hhrki'izh|wir dinego|zombie|zombie nomad|Asketian harbinger|skorik nadhar|wind hag|black zephyr|misenseor resuscitant|yeehar|zombie kobold headhunter|revenant conscript|revenant zombie|zombie goblin|fell hog|drowned \S+|dryad|nyad|zombie stomper|zombie mauler|zombie head-splitter|tortured soul|eidolon steed|enraged tusky|ghoul|ghoul crow|giant blight bat|gremlin|grendel|lach|mastiff|mey|misshapen germish'din|bone wyvern|ice adder|mutant togball|reaver|squirrel|zombie kobold headhunter|shadow hound|sinister maelshyvean heirophant|skeletal kobold headhunter|skeletal kobold savage|blight bat|umbral moth|zombie kobold savage|zombie nomad") && (!1) && (1) then]
  416. ubercombat.cmd(10515): [pause 0.5]
  417. encumbrance
  418. ubercombat.cmd(10516): [matchre ASSESS You turn to face|You are already]
  419. ubercombat.cmd(10517): [matchre RETURN nothing else to|Face what]
  420. ubercombat.cmd(10518): [matchre ASSESS ^What's the point in facing]
  421. ubercombat.cmd(10519): [put face next]
  422. [ubercombat]: face next
  423. ubercombat.cmd(10520): [matchwait 5]
  425. >
  426. * Ineptly, a granite gargoyle pounds at you. You deflect nearly all the fist with a haralun bastard sword with a honed blade.
  427. ubercombat.cmd(314): [put #var balance 4]
  428. [You're bruised, energetic, solidly balanced and in excellent position.]
  429. >
  430. A snowbeast claws at a snowbeast. The claw lands a good strike to its right hand!
  431. >
  432. ubercombat.cmd(280): [put #tvar Burden 0]
  433. Encumbrance : None
  434. >
  435. ubercombat.cmd(433): [var facing granite gargoyle]
  436. You turn to face a granite gargoyle, leaving the granite gargoyle on your flank at melee!
  437. >
  438. ubercombat.cmd(10448): [ASSESS:]
  439. ubercombat.cmd(10449): [if (!1) then]
  440. ubercombat.cmd(10451): [pause 0.1]
  441. ubercombat.cmd(10452): [pause 0.001]
  442. ubercombat.cmd(10453): [var newdead 0]
  443. ubercombat.cmd(10454): [gosub GET_MONSTER_NAME]
  444. ubercombat.cmd(10415): [pause 0.0001]
  445. ubercombat.cmd(10416): [if (!5) then]
  446. ubercombat.cmd(10417): [var critterList a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle]
  447. ubercombat.cmd(10418): [if matchre("a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle", "(?<=Human-sized|dirt)(\sconstruct)") then]
  448. ubercombat.cmd(10419): [eval critterList replacere("a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle", "\sand", ",")]
  449. ubercombat.cmd(10420): [eval critterList replacere("a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle", "\.", ", ")]
  450. ubercombat.cmd(10421): [eval critterList replacere("a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle", "\s(?:which|that appears)\b[^,]*,", ",")]
  451. ubercombat.cmd(10422): [eval critterList replacere("a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle", "\s(?:which|that appears)\b[^,]*$", ",")]
  452. ubercombat.cmd(10423): [eval critterList replacere("a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle", "that is flying around", ",")]
  453. ubercombat.cmd(10424): [eval critterList replacere("a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle", "that is caught .*?[,]", ",")]
  454. ubercombat.cmd(10425): [eval critterList replacere("a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle", "that is caught .*?$", ",")]
  455. ubercombat.cmd(10426): [eval critterList replacere("a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle", "dragon priest", "")]
  456. ubercombat.cmd(10427): [eval critterList replacere("a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle", "red bear", "")]
  457. ubercombat.cmd(10428): [eval critterList replacere("a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle", "(?<!\S)an? ", "")]
  458. ubercombat.cmd(10434): [eval critterList replace("snowbeast, snowbeast, granite gargoyle, granite gargoyle, granite gargoyle", ", ", "|")]
  459. ubercombat.cmd(10435): [eval critterList replacere("snowbeast|snowbeast|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle", "\,\s+", "|")]
  460. ubercombat.cmd(10436): [eval critterList replacere("snowbeast|snowbeast|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle", "\|+" "|")]
  461. ubercombat.cmd(10437): [eval critterList replacere("snowbeast|snowbeast|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle", " ,", "")]
  462. ubercombat.cmd(10438): [eval critterList replacere("snowbeast|snowbeast|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle", " \|", "|"]
  463. ubercombat.cmd(10439): [eval critterTotal count("snowbeast|snowbeast|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle", "|")]
  464. ubercombat.cmd(10440): [echo Critters: snowbeast|snowbeast|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle]
  465. Critters: snowbeast|snowbeast|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle
  466. ubercombat.cmd(10441): [evalmath critterEcho (4 + 1)]
  467. ubercombat.cmd(10442): [echo Total Critters: 5]
  468. Total Critters: 5
  469. ubercombat.cmd(10443): [random 0, 4]
  470. ubercombat.cmd(10444): [eval Critter element("snowbeast|snowbeast|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle", -1)]
  471. ubercombat.cmd(10445): [eval Critter replacere("granite gargoyle", "^(\S+ )(?=\S+ \S+)", "")]
  472. ubercombat.cmd(10446): [return]
  473. ubercombat.cmd(10455): [matchre ASSESS_SET (?:facing|flanking|behind) (?:an?)(.*)(?:\(\d\)\s)]
  474. ubercombat.cmd(10456): [matchre ASSESS_RETURN ^How can you]
  475. ubercombat.cmd(10457): [matchre ASSESS_RETURN Encumbrance :]
  476. ubercombat.cmd(10458): [put assess;-1 encumbrance]
  477. [ubercombat]: assess
  478. ubercombat.cmd(10459): [matchwait 3]
  479. You assess your combat situation...
  481. ubercombat.cmd(433): [var facing granite gargoyle]
  482. ubercombat.cmd(314): [put #var balance 4]
  483. You (solidly balanced) are facing a granite gargoyle (2) at melee range.
  484. ubercombat.cmd(313): [put #var balance 3]
  485. A snowbeast (1: nimbly balanced) is facing a snowbeast (2) at melee range.
  486. ubercombat.cmd(314): [put #var balance 4]
  487. A snowbeast (2: solidly balanced) is facing a snowbeast (1) at melee range.
  488. ubercombat.cmd(318): [put #var balance 8]
  489. ubercombat.cmd(319): [put #var balance 9]
  490. A granite gargoyle (1: very badly balanced) is flanking you at melee range.
  491. ubercombat.cmd(318): [put #var balance 8]
  492. A granite gargoyle (2: badly balanced) is facing you at melee range.
  493. ubercombat.cmd(314): [put #var balance 4]
  494. A granite gargoyle (3: solidly balanced) is behind you at melee range.
  496. (You are also defending against a granite gargoyle.)
  498. >
  499. ubercombat.cmd(10465): [ASSESS_SET:]
  500. ubercombat.cmd(10466): [pause 0.001]
  501. ubercombat.cmd(10467): [if matchre("snowbeast|snowbeast|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle|granite gargoyle", "(Ashu hhinvi|boggle|bone amalgam|clay archer|clay mage|clay soldier|clockwork assistant|gam chaga|glass construct|granite gargoyle|lachmate|lava drake|marble gargoyle|quartz gargoyle|(marble|obsidian|quartzite|rock) guardian|rough-hewn doll|ice archon|mechanical mouse|beltunumshi|origami bird|origami cow|origami dragon|origami duck|origami goblin|guardian|origami grasshopper|origami hat|origami mouse|origami sprite|origami yak|origami paper|granite gargoyle|lava drake|black marble gargoyle|quartz gargoyle|gargoyle|endrus serpent|revivified mutt|shylvic|sinister maelshyvean heirophant|skeletal peon|skeletal sailor|skeleton|blue ghast|xala'shar vindicator|xala'shar slayer|dark spirit|boggle|emaciated umbramagus|fiend|gargantuan bone golem|olensari mihmanan|plague wraith|Asketian harbinger|Asketian Herald|faenrae assassin|ghoul raven|snaer hafwa|soul|spectral pirate|spectral sailor|wind wretch|blood wraith|death spirit|telga orek|spirit|ur hhrki'izh|wir dinego|zombie|zombie nomad|Asketian harbinger|skorik nadhar|wind hag|black zephyr|misenseor resuscitant|yeehar|zombie kobold headhunter|revenant conscript|revenant zombie|zombie goblin|fell hog|drowned \S+|dryad|nyad|zombie stomper|zombie mauler|zombie head-splitter|tortured soul|eidolon steed|enraged tusky|ghoul|ghoul crow|giant blight bat|gremlin|grendel|lach|mastiff|mey|misshapen germish'din|bone wyvern|ice adder|mutant togball|reaver|squirrel|zombie kobold headhunter|shadow hound|sinister maelshyvean heirophant|skeletal kobold headhunter|skeletal kobold savage|blight bat|umbral moth|zombie kobold savage|zombie nomad)") then]
  502. ubercombat.cmd(10467): [var Empath_Critter granite gargoyle]
  503. ubercombat.cmd(10468): [eval facing replacere("granite gargoyle"", "^(\S+ )(?=\S+ \S+)", "")]
  504. ubercombat.cmd(10469): [eval Empath_Critter replacere("granite gargoyle",".*\s((?:endrus )?(\w+)).?$", "$0")]
  505. ubercombat.cmd(10470): [if ("Empath" != "Empath") then]
  506. ubercombat.cmd(10472): [if !matchre("a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle", "Ashu hhinvi|boggle|bone amalgam|clay archer|clay mage|clay soldier|clockwork assistant|gam chaga|glass construct|granite gargoyle|lachmate|lava drake|marble gargoyle|quartz gargoyle|(marble|obsidian|quartzite|rock) guardian|rough-hewn doll|ice archon|mechanical mouse|beltunumshi|origami bird|origami cow|origami dragon|origami duck|origami goblin|guardian|origami grasshopper|origami hat|origami mouse|origami sprite|origami yak|origami paper|granite gargoyle|lava drake|black marble gargoyle|quartz gargoyle|gargoyle|endrus serpent|revivified mutt|shylvic|sinister maelshyvean heirophant|skeletal peon|skeletal sailor|skeleton|blue ghast|xala'shar vindicator|xala'shar slayer|dark spirit|boggle|emaciated umbramagus|fiend|gargantuan bone golem|olensari mihmanan|plague wraith|Asketian harbinger|Asketian Herald|faenrae assassin|ghoul raven|snaer hafwa|soul|spectral pirate|spectral sailor|wind wretch|blood wraith|death spirit|telga orek|spirit|ur hhrki'izh|wir dinego|zombie|zombie nomad|Asketian harbinger|skorik nadhar|wind hag|black zephyr|misenseor resuscitant|yeehar|zombie kobold headhunter|revenant conscript|revenant zombie|zombie goblin|fell hog|drowned \S+|dryad|nyad|zombie stomper|zombie mauler|zombie head-splitter|tortured soul|eidolon steed|enraged tusky|ghoul|ghoul crow|giant blight bat|gremlin|grendel|lach|mastiff|mey|misshapen germish'din|bone wyvern|ice adder|mutant togball|reaver|squirrel|zombie kobold headhunter|shadow hound|sinister maelshyvean heirophant|skeletal kobold headhunter|skeletal kobold savage|blight bat|umbral moth|zombie kobold savage|zombie nomad") then]
  507. ubercombat.cmd(10473): [if (0 = 0) && !matchre("", "revivified mutt|shylvic|sinister maelshyvean heirophant|skeletal peon|skeletal sailor|skeleton|blue ghast|xala'shar vindicator|xala'shar slayer|dark spirit|boggle|emaciated umbramagus|fiend|gargantuan bone golem|olensari mihmanan|plague wraith|Asketian harbinger|Asketian Herald|faenrae assassin|ghoul raven|snaer hafwa|soul|spectral pirate|spectral sailor|wind wretch|blood wraith|death spirit|telga orek|spirit|ur hhrki'izh|wir dinego|zombie|zombie nomad|Asketian harbinger|skorik nadhar|wind hag|black zephyr|misenseor resuscitant|yeehar|zombie kobold headhunter|revenant conscript|revenant zombie|zombie goblin|fell hog|drowned \S+|dryad|nyad|zombie stomper|zombie mauler|zombie head-splitter|tortured soul|eidolon steed|enraged tusky|ghoul|ghoul crow|giant blight bat|gremlin|grendel|lach|mastiff|mey|misshapen germish'din|bone wyvern|ice adder|mutant togball|reaver|squirrel|zombie kobold headhunter|shadow hound|sinister maelshyvean heirophant|skeletal kobold headhunter|skeletal kobold savage|blight bat|umbral moth|zombie kobold savage|zombie nomad|Ashu hhinvi|boggle|bone amalgam|clay archer|clay mage|clay soldier|clockwork assistant|gam chaga|glass construct|granite gargoyle|lachmate|lava drake|marble gargoyle|quartz gargoyle|(marble|obsidian|quartzite|rock) guardian|rough-hewn doll|ice archon|mechanical mouse|beltunumshi|origami bird|origami cow|origami dragon|origami duck|origami goblin|guardian|origami grasshopper|origami hat|origami mouse|origami sprite|origami yak|origami paper|granite gargoyle|lava drake|black marble gargoyle|quartz gargoyle|gargoyle|endrus serpent") then]
  508. ubercombat.cmd(10473): [goto EMPATH_FACE]
  509. ubercombat.cmd(10513): [if matchre("a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle", "revivified mutt|shylvic|sinister maelshyvean heirophant|skeletal peon|skeletal sailor|skeleton|blue ghast|xala'shar vindicator|xala'shar slayer|dark spirit|boggle|emaciated umbramagus|fiend|gargantuan bone golem|olensari mihmanan|plague wraith|Asketian harbinger|Asketian Herald|faenrae assassin|ghoul raven|snaer hafwa|soul|spectral pirate|spectral sailor|wind wretch|blood wraith|death spirit|telga orek|spirit|ur hhrki'izh|wir dinego|zombie|zombie nomad|Asketian harbinger|skorik nadhar|wind hag|black zephyr|misenseor resuscitant|yeehar|zombie kobold headhunter|revenant conscript|revenant zombie|zombie goblin|fell hog|drowned \S+|dryad|nyad|zombie stomper|zombie mauler|zombie head-splitter|tortured soul|eidolon steed|enraged tusky|ghoul|ghoul crow|giant blight bat|gremlin|grendel|lach|mastiff|mey|misshapen germish'din|bone wyvern|ice adder|mutant togball|reaver|squirrel|zombie kobold headhunter|shadow hound|sinister maelshyvean heirophant|skeletal kobold headhunter|skeletal kobold savage|blight bat|umbral moth|zombie kobold savage|zombie nomad") && (!1) && (1) then]
  510. ubercombat.cmd(10514): [if matchre("a snowbeast, a snowbeast, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle, a granite gargoyle", "revivified mutt|shylvic|sinister maelshyvean heirophant|skeletal peon|skeletal sailor|skeleton|blue ghast|xala'shar vindicator|xala'shar slayer|dark spirit|boggle|emaciated umbramagus|fiend|gargantuan bone golem|olensari mihmanan|plague wraith|Asketian harbinger|Asketian Herald|faenrae assassin|ghoul raven|snaer hafwa|soul|spectral pirate|spectral sailor|wind wretch|blood wraith|death spirit|telga orek|spirit|ur hhrki'izh|wir dinego|zombie|zombie nomad|Asketian harbinger|skorik nadhar|wind hag|black zephyr|misenseor resuscitant|yeehar|zombie kobold headhunter|revenant conscript|revenant zombie|zombie goblin|fell hog|drowned \S+|dryad|nyad|zombie stomper|zombie mauler|zombie head-splitter|tortured soul|eidolon steed|enraged tusky|ghoul|ghoul crow|giant blight bat|gremlin|grendel|lach|mastiff|mey|misshapen germish'din|bone wyvern|ice adder|mutant togball|reaver|squirrel|zombie kobold headhunter|shadow hound|sinister maelshyvean heirophant|skeletal kobold headhunter|skeletal kobold savage|blight bat|umbral moth|zombie kobold savage|zombie nomad") && (!1) && (1) then]
  511. ubercombat.cmd(10515): [pause 0.5]
  513. > encumbrance
  514. ubercombat.cmd(10516): [matchre ASSESS You turn to face|You are already]
  515. ubercombat.cmd(10517): [matchre RETURN nothing else to|Face what]
  516. ubercombat.cmd(10518): [matchre ASSESS ^What's the point in facing]
  517. ubercombat.cmd(10519): [put face next]
  518. [ubercombat]: face next
  519. ubercombat.cmd(10520): [matchwait 5]
  520. [Script paused: ubercombat.cmd]
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