
check SBo bashisms

Nov 23rd, 2013
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  3. possible bashism in ./ruby/gem2tgz/gem2tgz.SlackBuild line 35 (brace expansion):
  4. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/{bin,doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION}
  5. possible bashism in ./development/jdk/jdk.SlackBuild line 147 (brace expansion):
  6. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,icons,mime}
  7. possible bashism in ./development/grails/grails.SlackBuild line 77 (brace expansion):
  8. cp -R {ant,bin,conf,cruise,dist,lib,media,plugins,scripts,src,,build.xml} \
  10. possible bashism in ./development/grails/grails.SlackBuild line 79 (brace expansion):
  11. cp $CWD/grails.{csh,sh}.new $PKG/etc/profile.d/
  12. possible bashism in ./development/grails/grails.SlackBuild line 81 (brace expansion):
  14. $PKG/etc/profile.d/grails.{csh,sh}.new
  15. possible bashism in ./development/p4v/p4v.SlackBuild line 92 (brace expansion):
  16. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  17. possible bashism in ./development/gambas3/gambas3.SlackBuild line 30 (<<< here string):
  18. SHORT_PRGNAM=${PRGNAM%$(cut -d . -f 1 <<< $VERSION)}
  19. possible bashism in ./development/gambas3/gambas3.SlackBuild line 81 (brace expansion):
  20. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/icons/hicolor/{scalable/apps,48x48/apps,64x64/mimetypes}
  21. possible bashism in ./development/gambas3/gambas3.SlackBuild line 85 (brace expansion):
  22. cp -a app/mime/application-x-${SHORT_PRGNAM}{script,serverpage}.png \
  23. $PKG/usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/mimetypes
  24. possible bashism in ./development/gambas3/gambas3.SlackBuild line 89 (brace expansion):
  25. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,mime/packages}
  26. possible bashism in ./development/gambas3/gambas3.SlackBuild line 92 (brace expansion):
  27. cp -a app/mime/application-x-${SHORT_PRGNAM}{script,serverpage}.xml \
  28. $PKG/usr/share/mime/packages
  29. possible bashism in ./development/splint/splint.SlackBuild line 80 (brace expansion):
  30. cp -a doc/html/*.htm{,l} $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION/html
  31. possible bashism in ./development/swfmill/swfmill.SlackBuild line 56 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  32. export CFLAGS=""
  33. possible bashism in ./development/swfmill/swfmill.SlackBuild line 57 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  34. export CXXFLAGS="$SLKCFLAGS"
  35. possible bashism in ./development/google-go-lang/google-go-lang.SlackBuild line 52 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  36. export GOARM="6" # can be '5' as well, to use soft float instead of hardware
  37. possible bashism in ./development/google-go-lang/google-go-lang.SlackBuild line 78 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  38. export GOSRC="$(pwd)"
  39. possible bashism in ./development/google-go-lang/google-go-lang.SlackBuild line 79 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  40. export GOROOT="$(pwd)"
  41. possible bashism in ./development/google-go-lang/google-go-lang.SlackBuild line 80 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  42. export GOROOT_FINAL="/usr/lib${LIBDIRSUFFIX}/go"
  43. possible bashism in ./development/google-go-lang/google-go-lang.SlackBuild line 81 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  44. export GOOS="linux"
  45. possible bashism in ./development/google-go-lang/google-go-lang.SlackBuild line 82 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  46. export GOBIN="${PKG}/usr/bin"
  47. possible bashism in ./development/google-go-lang/google-go-lang.SlackBuild line 83 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  48. export GOARCH="${GARCH}"
  49. possible bashism in ./development/jasspa/jasspa.SlackBuild line 97 (brace expansion):
  50. cp -a ../{COPYING,change.log,faq.txt,license.txt,readme.txt} \
  51. $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION
  52. possible bashism in ./development/processing/processing.SlackBuild line 32 (brace expansion):
  53. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  54. possible bashism in ./development/highlight/highlight.SlackBuild line 62 (brace expansion):
  55. mv $PKG/etc/$PRGNAM/filetypes.conf{,.new}
  56. possible bashism in ./development/kelbt/kelbt.SlackBuild line 72 (brace expansion):
  57. sed -i "s|\ compare| this->compare|" aapl/{avl,bst}common.h
  58. possible bashism in ./development/kelbt/kelbt.SlackBuild line 73 (brace expansion):
  59. sed -i "s| compare| this->compare|" aapl/{avl,bst}common.h
  60. possible bashism in ./development/gprolog/gprolog.SlackBuild line 84 (brace expansion):
  61. mv $PKG/usr/$PRGNAM-$VERSION/{ChangeLog,COPYING,NEWS} \
  62. $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION
  63. possible bashism in ./development/scala/scala.SlackBuild line 49 (brace expansion):
  64. mv $TMP/$PRGNAM-$VERSION/{bin,lib,man,meta,misc,src} $PKG/$LIBDIR/$PRGNAM
  65. possible bashism in ./development/ragel/ragel.SlackBuild line 78 (brace expansion):
  66. sed -i "s|\ compare| this->compare|" \
  67. aapl/{avlcommon,bstcommon,bubblesort,mergesort}.h
  68. possible bashism in ./development/ragel/ragel.SlackBuild line 79 (brace expansion):
  69. sed -i "s| compare| this->compare|" aapl/{avl,bst}common.h
  70. possible bashism in ./development/ragel/ragel.SlackBuild line 111 (brace expansion):
  71. sed -i "s|^CXXFLAGS.*|CXXFLAGS = $SLKCFLAGS|" {Makefile,ragel/Makefile}
  72. possible bashism in ./development/couchdb/couchdb.SlackBuild line 90 (brace expansion):
  73. chown -R couchdb:couchdb $PKG/etc/couchdb $PKG/var/{lib,log,run}/couchdb
  74. possible bashism in ./development/couchdb/couchdb.SlackBuild line 91 (brace expansion):
  75. chmod 0770 $PKG/etc/couchdb $PKG/var/{lib,log,run}/couchdb
  76. possible bashism in ./development/couchdb/couchdb.SlackBuild line 94 (brace expansion):
  77. mv $PKG/etc/rc.d/{couchdb,}
  78. possible bashism in ./development/couchdb/couchdb.SlackBuild line 98 (brace expansion):
  79. mv $PKG/etc/couchdb/default.ini{,.new}
  80. possible bashism in ./development/couchdb/couchdb.SlackBuild line 99 (brace expansion):
  81. mv $PKG/etc/couchdb/local.ini{,.new}
  82. possible bashism in ./development/couchdb/couchdb.SlackBuild line 100 (brace expansion):
  83. mv $PKG/etc/default/couchdb{,.new}
  84. possible bashism in ./development/couchdb/couchdb.SlackBuild line 103 (brace expansion):
  85. mv $PKG/etc/logrotate.d/couchdb{,.new}
  86. possible bashism in ./development/amd-app-sdk/amd-app-sdk.SlackBuild line 68 (should be 'b = a'):
  87. if [ "$SAMPLES" == "no" ]
  88. possible bashism in ./development/amd-app-sdk/amd-app-sdk.SlackBuild line 78 (should be VAR="${VAR}foo"):
  89. EXCLUDES+=" --exclude $INT_ARCHIVE_NAME/samples/opencl/bin/x86"
  90. possible bashism in ./development/amd-app-sdk/amd-app-sdk.SlackBuild line 79 (should be VAR="${VAR}foo"):
  91. EXCLUDES+=" --exclude $INT_ARCHIVE_NAME/lib/x86"
  92. possible bashism in ./development/amd-app-sdk/amd-app-sdk.SlackBuild line 80 (should be VAR="${VAR}foo"):
  93. EXCLUDES+=" --exclude $INT_ARCHIVE_NAME/bin/x86"
  94. possible bashism in ./development/amaya/amaya.SlackBuild line 107 (brace expansion):
  95. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  96. possible bashism in ./development/cream/cream.SlackBuild line 53 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  97. export VIMRUNTIME=$(vim -e -T dumb --cmd 'exe "set t_cm=\<C-M>"|echo $VIMRUNTIME|quit' | tr -d '\015')
  98. possible bashism in ./development/cppcheck/cppcheck.SlackBuild line 72 (should be 'b = a'):
  99. if [ x"$MAKEMAN" == "xyes" ]; then
  100. possible bashism in ./development/argouml/argouml.SlackBuild line 46 (brace expansion):
  101. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  102. possible bashism in ./development/lua/lua.SlackBuild line 96 (brace expansion):
  103. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION/{extras,html}
  104. possible bashism in ./development/scratch/scratch.SlackBuild line 85 (brace expansion):
  105. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/icons/hicolor/{128x128,32x32,48x48}/apps
  106. possible bashism in ./development/casperjs/casperjs.SlackBuild line 61 (brace expansion):
  107. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/{bin,share/casperjs}
  108. possible bashism in ./development/lazarus/lazarus.SlackBuild line 43 (alternative test command ([[ foo ]] should be [ foo ])):
  109. if ! [[ "$ARCH" = "x86_64" || "$ARCH" = "i386" ]]; then
  110. possible bashism in ./development/lazarus/lazarus.SlackBuild line 87 (brace expansion):
  111. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps,mime/packages}
  112. possible bashism in ./development/eagle/eagle.SlackBuild line 96 (brace expansion):
  113. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  114. possible bashism in ./development/cgdb/cgdb.SlackBuild line 85 ($'...' should be "$(printf '...')"):
  115. find $PKG/usr/man -type l -print0 | while IFS= read -r -d $'\0' link; do
  116. possible bashism in ./development/chicken/chicken.SlackBuild line 95 (brace expansion):
  117. ( cd $PKG/usr/lib${LIBDIRSUFFIX} ; rm -f *.so ; ln -s{.5,} )
  118. possible bashism in ./development/phantomjs/phantomjs.SlackBuild line 90 (should be VAR="${VAR}foo"):
  121. PREFIX=/usr
  122. possible bashism in ./development/guile1.8/guile1.8.SlackBuild line 97 (brace expansion, should be $(seq a b)):
  123. for i in {1..7}
  124. possible bashism in ./development/ahven/ahven.SlackBuild line 98 (should be 'b = a'):
  125. if [ "$ARCH" == "x86_64" ]; then
  126. possible bashism in ./development/apache-maven/apache-maven.SlackBuild line 53 (brace expansion):
  127. mkdir -p $PKG/$MAVEN_HOME $PKG/usr/{bin,share/java}
  128. error: ./development/hugs98/hugs98.SlackBuild: Unterminated quoted string found, EOF reached. Wanted: <'>
  129. possible bashism in ./development/LLgen/LLgen.SlackBuild line 77 (brace expansion):
  130. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/{bin,lib${LIBDIRSUFFIX}}
  131. possible bashism in ./development/mysql-pinba/mysql-pinba.SlackBuild line 92 (brace expansion):
  132. sed -i "s|include/mysql_version.h|mysql_version.h|" src/{data,ha_pinba}.cc
  133. possible bashism in ./development/nexus/nexus.SlackBuild line 94 (brace expansion):
  134. mkdir -p $PKG/var/{lib,log,run,tmp}/$PRGNAM
  135. possible bashism in ./development/nexus/nexus.SlackBuild line 116 (brace expansion):
  136. mv $PKG/etc/$PRGNAM/${,.new}
  137. possible bashism in ./development/nexus/nexus.SlackBuild line 117 (brace expansion):
  138. mv $PKG/etc/$PRGNAM/wrapper.conf{,.new}
  139. possible bashism in ./development/nexus/nexus.SlackBuild line 120 (brace expansion):
  140. chown -R nexus:nexus $PKG/var/{lib,log,run,tmp}/$PRGNAM
  141. possible bashism in ./development/tea/tea.SlackBuild line 64 (brace expansion):
  142. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  143. possible bashism in ./development/schroot/schroot.SlackBuild line 93 (brace expansion):
  144. mv $PKG/etc/schroot/schroot.conf{,.new}
  145. possible bashism in ./development/schroot/schroot.SlackBuild line 95 (brace expansion):
  146. mv $PKG/etc/pam.d/schroot{,.new}
  147. possible bashism in ./development/xemacs/xemacs.SlackBuild line 102 (brace expansion):
  148. for file in b2m ctags etags rcs-checkin ; do mv $PKG/usr/bin/$file{,-xemacs} ; done
  149. possible bashism in ./development/xemacs/xemacs.SlackBuild line 103 (brace expansion):
  150. for file in ctags etags ; do mv $PKG/usr/man/man1/$file{,-xemacs}.1.gz ; done
  151. possible bashism in ./development/squirrel-sql/squirrel-sql.SlackBuild line 36 (brace expansion):
  152. rm -rf $PKG/opt/$PRGNAM/{Uninstaller,update,addpath.bat,squirrel-sql.bat}
  153. possible bashism in ./development/squirrel-sql/squirrel-sql.SlackBuild line 45 (brace expansion):
  154. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  155. possible bashism in ./development/avr8-gnu-toolchain/avr8-gnu-toolchain.SlackBuild line 44 (echo -e):
  156. echo -ne "\nError: \"${ARCH}\" architecture is not supported. \n\n"
  157. possible bashism in ./development/rapidsvn/rapidsvn.SlackBuild line 68 (brace expansion):
  158. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  159. possible bashism in ./development/mlton/mlton.SlackBuild line 74 (brace expansion):
  160. [ "$LIBDIRSUFFIX" = "64" ] && mv $PKG/usr/lib{,64}
  161. possible bashism in ./development/nvi/nvi.SlackBuild line 91 (brace expansion):
  162. rm -f $PKG/usr/man/man1/{nex,nview}.1
  163. possible bashism in ./development/npm2tgz/npm2tgz.SlackBuild line 44 (brace expansion):
  164. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/{bin,doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION}
  165. possible bashism in ./development/fpc/fpc.SlackBuild line 67 (brace expansion):
  166. mkdir -p $TMP/$PRGNAM-$VERSION/{binary,docs}
  167. possible bashism in ./development/avr8-burn-o-mat/avr8-burn-o-mat.SlackBuild line 57 (brace expansion):
  168. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{avr8-burn-o-mat,applications,pixmaps}
  169. possible bashism in ./misc/html2ps/html2ps.SlackBuild line 60 (brace expansion):
  170. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/{bin,man/man{1,5},share/html2ps,doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION}
  171. possible bashism in ./misc/html2ps/html2ps.SlackBuild line 76 (brace expansion):
  172. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  173. possible bashism in ./misc/dcc/dcc.SlackBuild line 83 (brace expansion):
  174. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/{bin,man} $PKG/var/lib/dcc
  175. possible bashism in ./misc/xapian-omega/xapian-omega.SlackBuild line 105 (brace expansion):
  176. mkdir -p $PKG/var/lib/xapian-omega/{cdb,data} $PKG/var/log/xapian-omega
  177. possible bashism in ./misc/xapian-omega/xapian-omega.SlackBuild line 121 (brace expansion):
  178. mv $PKG/usr/bin/{dbi2omega,htdig2omega,mbox2omega} $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION/examples
  179. possible bashism in ./misc/gnu-unifont/gnu-unifont.SlackBuild line 45 (brace expansion):
  180. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/fonts/{misc,TTF}
  181. possible bashism in ./misc/readesm/readesm.SlackBuild line 83 (brace expansion):
  182. sed -i \
  183. -e "s,Block11Record.h,block11Record.h,g" \
  184. -e "s,Block13.h,block13.h,g" \
  185. -e "s,Block11.h,block11.h,g" \
  186. -e "s,view->load(QUrl(\"bla,\/\/view->load(Qurl(\"bla,g" \
  187. fileformat/DataTypes/block11Record.cpp \
  188. fileformat/VuBlocks/block{11,13}.{cpp,h} \
  189. fileformat/VuBlocks/vuBlockFactory.cpp \
  190. gui/mainWindow.cpp
  191. possible bashism in ./misc/KeePass/KeePass.SlackBuild line 79 (should be 'b = a'):
  192. if [ "$i" == "256x256" ];then
  193. possible bashism in ./misc/KeePass/KeePass.SlackBuild line 94 (echo -e):
  194. echo -e '#!/bin/bash'"\nexec /usr/bin/mono /usr/lib/KeePass-${VERSION}/KeePass.exe" > $PKG/usr/bin/keepass
  195. possible bashism in ./misc/BISP/BISP.SlackBuild line 92 (brace expansion):
  196. mkdir -p $PKG/$PREFIX/lib/personal/{config,icons,lang/sv_SE}
  197. possible bashism in ./misc/BISP/BISP.SlackBuild line 98 (brace expansion):
  198. cp -a {install.*.sh,,,,,,persadm,,personal.bin} $PKG/$PREFIX/lib/personal/
  199. possible bashism in ./misc/BISP/BISP.SlackBuild line 105 (brace expansion):
  200. cp {,} $PKG/$PREFIX/lib/
  201. possible bashism in ./misc/asr-manpages/asr-manpages.SlackBuild line 61 (brace expansion):
  202. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/man/man{1,2,3,5,7,8}
  203. possible bashism in ./misc/asterixInspector/asterixInspector.SlackBuild line 64 (brace expansion):
  204. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/{bin,share/{applications,pixmaps}}
  205. possible bashism in ./misc/weather/weather.SlackBuild line 53 (brace expansion):
  206. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/man/man{1,5}
  207. possible bashism in ./misc/funny-manpages/funny-manpages.SlackBuild line 59 (brace expansion):
  208. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/man/man{1,3,6,7}
  209. possible bashism in ./misc/temper/temper.SlackBuild line 73 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  210. export CFLAGS="$SLKCFLAGS"
  211. possible bashism in ./misc/siege/siege.SlackBuild line 79 (brace expansion):
  212. cp -a doc/{urls.txt,siegerc} $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION
  213. possible bashism in ./misc/siege/siege.SlackBuild line 84 (brace expansion):
  214. cp -a html/{README,basic.php,cache-control.php,cookie-test.php,etag.php,login.php} \
  215. $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION/html
  216. possible bashism in ./misc/par2cmdline-tbb/par2cmdline-tbb.SlackBuild line 78 (brace expansion):
  217. cp -a \
  219. $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION
  220. possible bashism in ./misc/conkyforecast/conkyforecast.SlackBuild line 48 (brace expansion):
  221. rm -rf $PKG/usr/lib{,64}
  222. possible bashism in ./misc/discount/discount.SlackBuild line 86 (brace expansion):
  223. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/{bin,lib${LIBDIRSUFFIX},include}
  224. possible bashism in ./misc/ophcrack/ophcrack.SlackBuild line 54 (should be 'b = a'):
  225. if [ "$GRAPH" == "yes" ]; then
  226. possible bashism in ./misc/ophcrack/ophcrack.SlackBuild line 79 (brace expansion):
  227. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  228. possible bashism in ./graphics/gtkam/gtkam.SlackBuild line 91 (brace expansion):
  229. rm -rf $PKG/usr/share/{gnome,omf}
  230. possible bashism in ./graphics/fritzing/fritzing.SlackBuild line 92 (brace expansion):
  231. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  232. possible bashism in ./graphics/VariCAD/VariCAD.SlackBuild line 80 (brace expansion):
  233. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  234. possible bashism in ./graphics/teighafileconverter/teighafileconverter.SlackBuild line 56 (brace expansion):
  235. mv $PKG/usr/share/applications/${ORIG_PRGNAM}{_$VERSION,}.desktop
  236. possible bashism in ./graphics/meshlab/meshlab.SlackBuild line 112 (brace expansion):
  237. ln -s \
  238. /opt/meshlab/{meshlab,meshlabserver} \
  239. $PKG/usr/bin
  240. possible bashism in ./graphics/meshlab/meshlab.SlackBuild line 120 (brace expansion):
  241. cp \
  242. $CWD/meshlab_{32x32,48x48}.xpm \
  243. $PKG/usr/share/pixmaps
  244. possible bashism in ./graphics/LDView/LDView.SlackBuild line 122 (brace expansion):
  245. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,mime/packages,pixmaps}
  246. possible bashism in ./graphics/xpe/xpe.SlackBuild line 75 (brace expansion):
  247. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  248. possible bashism in ./graphics/zgv/zgv.SlackBuild line 63 (brace expansion):
  249. mkdir -p $TMP $PKG/{etc,usr/{bin,info,man/man1}} $OUTPUT
  250. possible bashism in ./graphics/fontmatrix/fontmatrix.SlackBuild line 63 (should be 'b = a'):
  251. if [ "${HAVE_PODOFO:-no}" == "yes" ]; then
  252. possible bashism in ./graphics/fontmatrix/fontmatrix.SlackBuild line 108 (brace expansion):
  253. cp -a \
  254. COPYING ChangeLog TODO harfbuzz/{COPYING.*,README,AUTHORS} \
  255. $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION
  256. possible bashism in ./graphics/xbmbrowser/xbmbrowser.SlackBuild line 73 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  257. export CFLAGS=$SLKCFLAGS
  258. possible bashism in ./graphics/xbmbrowser/xbmbrowser.SlackBuild line 74 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  259. export LDFLAGS=-L/usr/lib${LIBDIRSUFFIX}
  260. possible bashism in ./graphics/xbmbrowser/xbmbrowser.SlackBuild line 75 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  261. export LIBDIR=/usr/lib${LIBDIRSUFFIX}
  262. possible bashism in ./graphics/librecad/librecad.SlackBuild line 69 (brace expansion):
  263. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/{man/man1,bin}
  264. possible bashism in ./graphics/librecad/librecad.SlackBuild line 74 (brace expansion):
  265. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  266. possible bashism in ./graphics/SweetHome3D/SweetHome3D.SlackBuild line 92 (brace expansion):
  267. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  268. possible bashism in ./graphics/tgif-QPL/tgif-QPL.SlackBuild line 67 (brace expansion):
  269. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  270. possible bashism in ./graphics/photoprint/photoprint.SlackBuild line 26 (${parm/?/pat[/str]}):
  272. possible bashism in ./graphics/Alchemy/Alchemy.SlackBuild line 71 (brace expansion):
  273. cp -r {modules,shapes} $PKG/usr/share/$PRGNAM
  274. possible bashism in ./graphics/Alchemy/Alchemy.SlackBuild line 72 (brace expansion):
  275. cp {Alchemy,Alchemy.jar,AlchemyOpenGL} $PKG/usr/share/$PRGNAM
  276. possible bashism in ./graphics/Alchemy/Alchemy.SlackBuild line 76 (brace expansion):
  277. cp $CWD/files/{alchemy,alchemyOpenGL} $PKG/usr/bin
  278. possible bashism in ./graphics/lilypond/lilypond.SlackBuild line 77 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  279. export GUILE=/usr/bin/guile1.8
  280. possible bashism in ./graphics/lilypond/lilypond.SlackBuild line 78 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  281. export GUILE_CONFIG=/usr/bin/guile-config1.8
  282. possible bashism in ./graphics/separate+/separate+.SlackBuild line 55 (should be 'b = a'):
  283. if [ "X$LIBDIRSUFFIX" == "X64" ]
  284. possible bashism in ./graphics/k3d/k3d.SlackBuild line 113 (brace expansion):
  285. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  286. possible bashism in ./graphics/ufraw/ufraw.SlackBuild line 101 (brace expansion):
  287. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  288. possible bashism in ./graphics/draftsight/draftsight.SlackBuild line 63 (brace expansion):
  289. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/icons/hicolor/$SIZE'x'$SIZE/{apps,mimetypes}
  290. possible bashism in ./graphics/draftsight/draftsight.SlackBuild line 72 (brace expansion):
  291. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,mime/packages}
  292. possible bashism in ./graphics/LDraw_data/LDraw_data.SlackBuild line 69 (brace expansion):
  293. mkdir -p $PKG/var/lib/ldraw/{models,bitmap}
  294. possible bashism in ./graphics/LDraw_data/LDraw_data.SlackBuild line 73 (brace expansion):
  295. chgrp -R users $PKG/var/lib/ldraw/{models,bitmap}
  296. possible bashism in ./graphics/LDraw_data/LDraw_data.SlackBuild line 74 (brace expansion):
  297. chmod 0775 $PKG/var/lib/ldraw/{models,bitmap}
  298. possible bashism in ./graphics/ldglite/ldglite.SlackBuild line 86 (brace expansion):
  299. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,mime/packages,pixmaps}
  300. possible bashism in ./graphics/resynthesizer/resynthesizer.SlackBuild line 68 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  301. export CFLAGS="$SLKCFLAGS"
  302. possible bashism in ./graphics/resynthesizer/resynthesizer.SlackBuild line 69 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  303. export CXXFLAGS="$SLKCFLAGS"
  304. possible bashism in ./graphics/resynthesizer/resynthesizer.SlackBuild line 75 (brace expansion):
  305. install -m 644 smart-{enlarge,remove}.scm $PKG/usr/share/gimp/2.0/scripts
  306. possible bashism in ./graphics/iccprofiles/iccprofiles.SlackBuild line 39 (${parm/?/pat[/str]}):
  307. install -d $PKG/usr/share/color/icc/${ADBNAM// /_}-${VERSION}/
  308. possible bashism in ./graphics/iccprofiles/iccprofiles.SlackBuild line 41 (${parm/?/pat[/str]}):
  309. install -m644 "${ADBNAM}"/CMYK\ Profiles/*.icc \
  310. $PKG/usr/share/color/icc/${ADBNAM// /_}-${VERSION}/
  311. possible bashism in ./graphics/iccprofiles/iccprofiles.SlackBuild line 43 (${parm/?/pat[/str]}):
  312. install -m644 "${ADBNAM}"/RGB\ Profiles/*.icc \
  313. $PKG/usr/share/color/icc/${ADBNAM// /_}-${VERSION}/
  314. possible bashism in ./graphics/iccprofiles/iccprofiles.SlackBuild line 46 (${parm/?/pat[/str]}):
  315. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/doc/${PRGNAM}-${VERSION}/${ADBNAM// /_}
  316. possible bashism in ./graphics/iccprofiles/iccprofiles.SlackBuild line 48 (${parm/?/pat[/str]}):
  317. install -m644 "${ADBNAM}"/*.pdf \
  318. $PKG/usr/doc/${PRGNAM}-${VERSION}/${ADBNAM// /_}/
  319. possible bashism in ./graphics/teighaviewer/teighaviewer.SlackBuild line 56 (brace expansion):
  320. mv $PKG/usr/share/applications/${ORIG_PRGNAM}{_$VERSION,}.desktop
  321. possible bashism in ./graphics/gpaint/gpaint.SlackBuild line 115 (brace expansion):
  322. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  323. possible bashism in ./graphics/djview4/djview4.SlackBuild line 73 (should be 'b = a'):
  324. if [ "$QTDIR" == "/opt/kde3/lib/qt3" ]; then
  325. possible bashism in ./graphics/djview4/djview4.SlackBuild line 98 (brace expansion):
  326. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps,}
  327. possible bashism in ./graphics/gimp-registry-plugins/gimp-registry-plugins.SlackBuild line 115 (brace expansion):
  328. cp -a \
  329. $TMP/GREYCstoration-2.9/{Licence_CeCILL_V2-en.txt,README.txt} \
  330. $TMP/"Fake HDR effect script-fu-v0.2"/Info.txt \
  331. $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION
  332. possible bashism in ./graphics/whyteboard/whyteboard.SlackBuild line 68 (brace expansion):
  333. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/bin \
  334. $PKG/usr/lib$LIBDIRSUFFIX/$PRGNAM-$VERSION/{images,locale,whyteboard} \
  335. $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION \
  336. $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  337. possible bashism in ./graphics/brlcad/brlcad.SlackBuild line 102 (brace expansion):
  338. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  339. possible bashism in ./desktop/macopix/macopix.SlackBuild line 74 (brace expansion):
  340. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/macopix/{pixmap,sounds}
  341. possible bashism in ./desktop/wmMoonClock/wmMoonClock.SlackBuild line 57 (brace expansion):
  342. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/{bin,man/man1}
  343. possible bashism in ./desktop/neutral/neutral.SlackBuild line 34 (brace expansion):
  344. cp -R $TMP/neutral/{cursors,index.theme} $PKG/usr/share/icons/neutral/
  345. possible bashism in ./desktop/lxmed/lxmed.SlackBuild line 52 (brace expansion):
  346. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{$PRGNAM,applications} $PKG/usr/bin
  347. possible bashism in ./desktop/e16/e16.SlackBuild line 97 (alternative test command ([[ foo ]] should be [ foo ])):
  348. if [[ -f $CWD/$TNAME-$TVERSION.tar.gz && $THEMES = "YES" ]]; then
  349. possible bashism in ./desktop/e16/e16.SlackBuild line 116 (alternative test command ([[ foo ]] should be [ foo ])):
  350. if [[ -f $CWD/$DNAME-$DVERSION.tar.gz && $DOCS = "YES" ]]; then
  351. possible bashism in ./desktop/e16/e16.SlackBuild line 155 (should be 'b = a'):
  352. if [ $THEMES == "YES" ]; then
  353. possible bashism in ./desktop/e16/e16.SlackBuild line 157 (brace expansion):
  354. for f in {AUTHORS,COPYING,ChangeLog}; do
  355. possible bashism in ./desktop/e16/e16.SlackBuild line 162 (should be 'b = a'):
  356. if [ $DOCS == "YES" ]; then
  357. possible bashism in ./desktop/e16/e16.SlackBuild line 164 (brace expansion):
  358. for f in {AUTHORS,COPYING,ChangeLog,README}; do
  359. possible bashism in ./desktop/vwm/vwm.SlackBuild line 79 (should be 'b = a'):
  360. if [ $ARCH == "x86_64" ]; then
  361. possible bashism in ./desktop/wmSun/wmSun.SlackBuild line 56 (brace expansion):
  362. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/{bin,man/man1}
  363. possible bashism in ./desktop/gtk1-industrial-engine/gtk1-industrial-engine.SlackBuild line 81 (brace expansion):
  364. rm -rf $PKG/usr/share/{icons,locale}
  365. possible bashism in ./desktop/gtk1-industrial-engine/gtk1-industrial-engine.SlackBuild line 82 (brace expansion):
  366. rm -rf $PKG/usr/share/themes/Industrial/{gtk-2.0,metacity-1,index.theme}
  367. possible bashism in ./desktop/openbox/openbox.SlackBuild line 119 (should be 'b = a'):
  368. if [ "$KXINIT" == "YES" ]; then
  369. possible bashism in ./desktop/openbox/openbox.SlackBuild line 125 (should be 'b = a'):
  370. if [ "$GXINIT" == "YES" ]; then
  371. possible bashism in ./desktop/awn-extras/awn-extras.SlackBuild line 97 (should be 'b = a'):
  372. if [ "$ARCH" == "x86_64" ]
  373. possible bashism in ./desktop/polar-cursor-themes/polar-cursor-themes.SlackBuild line 59 (brace expansion):
  374. rm -rf $PKG/usr/share/icons/PolarCursorTheme/{COPYRIGHT~,index.theme~}
  375. possible bashism in ./desktop/polar-cursor-themes/polar-cursor-themes.SlackBuild line 60 (brace expansion):
  376. rm -rf $PKG/usr/share/icons/PolarCursorTheme-Blue/{COPYRIGHT~,index.theme~}
  377. possible bashism in ./desktop/polar-cursor-themes/polar-cursor-themes.SlackBuild line 61 (brace expansion):
  378. rm -rf $PKG/usr/share/icons/PolarCursorTheme-Green/{COPYRIGHT~,index.theme~}
  379. possible bashism in ./desktop/faenza-xfce/faenza-xfce.SlackBuild line 56 (${parm/?/pat[/str]}):
  380. find . -type f -name '*.svg.png' | while read i ; do mv $i ${i/.svg/} ; done
  381. possible bashism in ./desktop/wmCalClock/wmCalClock.SlackBuild line 60 (brace expansion):
  382. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/{bin,man/man1}
  383. possible bashism in ./desktop/gtk1-theme-switch/gtk1-theme-switch.SlackBuild line 86 (brace expansion):
  384. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  385. possible bashism in ./desktop/recordmydesktop/recordmydesktop.SlackBuild line 58 (brace expansion):
  386. sed -i -e 's:shmstr.h:shmproto.h:g' src/rmd_{getzpixmap.c,update_image.c}
  387. possible bashism in ./business/skrooge/skrooge.SlackBuild line 43 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  388. export SLKCFLAGS="-O2 -march=i486 -mtune=i686"
  389. possible bashism in ./business/skrooge/skrooge.SlackBuild line 44 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  390. export LIBDIRSUFFIX=""
  391. possible bashism in ./business/skrooge/skrooge.SlackBuild line 46 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  392. export SLKCFLAGS="-O2"
  393. possible bashism in ./business/skrooge/skrooge.SlackBuild line 47 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  394. export LIBDIRSUFFIX=""
  395. possible bashism in ./business/skrooge/skrooge.SlackBuild line 49 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  396. export SLKCFLAGS="-O2 -fPIC"
  397. possible bashism in ./business/skrooge/skrooge.SlackBuild line 50 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  398. export LIBDIRSUFFIX="64"
  399. possible bashism in ./business/skrooge/skrooge.SlackBuild line 52 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  400. export SLKCFLAGS="-O2 -march=armv4 -mtune=xscale"
  401. possible bashism in ./business/skrooge/skrooge.SlackBuild line 53 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  402. export LIBDIRSUFFIX=""
  403. possible bashism in ./business/skrooge/skrooge.SlackBuild line 55 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  404. export SLKCFLAGS="-O2 -march=armv4t"
  405. possible bashism in ./business/skrooge/skrooge.SlackBuild line 56 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  406. export LIBDIRSUFFIX=""
  407. possible bashism in ./business/skrooge/skrooge.SlackBuild line 60 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  408. export KDE_OPT_ARGS=" -DSITE=\"\" "
  409. possible bashism in ./business/gnucash/gnucash.SlackBuild line 141 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  410. export GCONF_CONFIG_SOURCE="xml::etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults"
  411. possible bashism in ./business/openerp-server/openerp-server.SlackBuild line 80 (brace expansion):
  412. mkdir -p $PKG/etc/{rc.d,openerp}
  413. possible bashism in ./business/openerp-server/openerp-server.SlackBuild line 84 (brace expansion):
  414. mkdir -p $PKG/var/{spool,log}/openerp
  415. possible bashism in ./audio/listener/listener.SlackBuild line 65 (brace expansion):
  416. mkdir -p $PKG/{usr/bin,etc}
  417. possible bashism in ./audio/sunvox/sunvox.SlackBuild line 47 (brace expansion):
  418. install -d ${PKG}/usr/{bin,doc,share/{${PRGNAM}/instruments/,${PRGNAM}/examples/,${PRGNAM}/docs/,${PRGNAM}/icon/,applications/}}
  419. possible bashism in ./audio/sunvox/sunvox.SlackBuild line 62 (should be 'b = a'):
  420. [ $ARCH == 'x86_64' ] && BINDIR="$TMP/$PRGNAM/$PRGNAM/linux_x86_64/"
  421. possible bashism in ./audio/sunvox/sunvox.SlackBuild line 72 (brace expansion):
  422. find . -type f -exec install -Dm644 {,"$PKG/usr/share/$PRGNAM/${dir}/"}{} \;
  423. possible bashism in ./audio/jost_bin/jost_bin.SlackBuild line 33 (brace expansion):
  424. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/{bin,lib}
  425. possible bashism in ./audio/eyeD3/eyeD3.SlackBuild line 76 (brace expansion):
  426. gzip -d {COPYING.gz,ChangeLog.gz}
  427. possible bashism in ./audio/id3v2/id3v2.SlackBuild line 61 (brace expansion):
  428. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/{bin,man/man1}
  429. possible bashism in ./audio/xmp/xmp.SlackBuild line 85 (brace expansion):
  430. mv $PKG/etc/xmp/modules.conf{,.new}
  431. possible bashism in ./audio/xmp/xmp.SlackBuild line 86 (brace expansion):
  432. mv $PKG/etc/xmp/xmp.conf{,.new}
  433. possible bashism in ./audio/python-audiotools/python-audiotools.SlackBuild line 80 (brace expansion):
  434. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/man/man{1,5}
  435. possible bashism in ./audio/schismtracker/schismtracker.SlackBuild line 69 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  436. export WINDRES= ac_cv_prog_WINDRES= ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_WINDRES=
  437. possible bashism in ./audio/schismtracker/schismtracker.SlackBuild line 86 (brace expansion):
  438. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  439. possible bashism in ./audio/clam_voice2midi/clam_voice2midi.SlackBuild line 63 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  440. export QTDIR=$QT4DIR
  441. possible bashism in ./audio/quodlibet/quodlibet.SlackBuild line 56 (brace expansion):
  442. cp -a quodlibet/images/{quodlibet,exfalso}.png $PKG/usr/share/pixmaps
  443. possible bashism in ./audio/fantasia/fantasia.SlackBuild line 34 (brace expansion):
  444. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/{bin,share/$PRGNAM}
  445. possible bashism in ./audio/dssi-vst/dssi-vst.SlackBuild line 57 (should be 'b = a'):
  446. if [ ! "$VSTFOLDER" == "" ]; then
  447. possible bashism in ./audio/clthreads/clthreads.SlackBuild line 59 (brace expansion):
  448. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/{bin,include}
  449. possible bashism in ./audio/clam_annotator/clam_annotator.SlackBuild line 63 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  450. export QTDIR=$QT4DIR
  451. possible bashism in ./audio/xmms2/xmms2.SlackBuild line 59 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  452. export CCFLAGS="$SLKCFLAGS"
  453. possible bashism in ./audio/xmms2/xmms2.SlackBuild line 60 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  454. export CXXFLAGS="$SLKCFLAGS"
  455. possible bashism in ./audio/herrie/herrie.SlackBuild line 67 (should be 'b = a'):
  456. if [ "$AUTOQUIT" == "YES" ]; then
  457. possible bashism in ./audio/herrie/herrie.SlackBuild line 71 (should be 'b = a'):
  458. if [ "$SIGNALS" == "YES" ]; then
  459. possible bashism in ./audio/herrie/herrie.SlackBuild line 75 (should be 'b = a'):
  460. if [ "$FILTER" == "YES" ]; then
  461. possible bashism in ./audio/herrie/herrie.SlackBuild line 76 (should be 'b = a'):
  462. if [ "$AUTOQUIT" == "YES" ]; then
  463. possible bashism in ./audio/herrie/herrie.SlackBuild line 123 (should be 'b = a'):
  464. if [ "$SIGNALS" == "YES" ]; then
  465. possible bashism in ./audio/easymp3gain/easymp3gain.SlackBuild line 21 (alternative test command ([[ foo ]] should be [ foo ])):
  466. if ! [[ "$ARCH" = "x86_64" || "$ARCH" = "i386" ]]; then
  467. possible bashism in ./audio/Pd-extended/Pd-extended.SlackBuild line 28 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  468. export DEVELOPERSLIST=$CWD/developers.htm
  469. possible bashism in ./audio/ncmpc/ncmpc.SlackBuild line 84 (brace expansion):
  470. rm -rf $PKG/usr/share/{doc,ncmpc}
  471. possible bashism in ./audio/aacgain/aacgain.SlackBuild line 151 (brace expansion):
  472. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION/{faad2,mp3gain,mp4v2}
  473. possible bashism in ./audio/tuxguitar/tuxguitar.SlackBuild line 61 (should be 'b = a'):
  474. if [ "$ARCH" == "x86_64" ] ; then
  475. possible bashism in ./audio/tuxguitar/tuxguitar.SlackBuild line 67 (brace expansion):
  476. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{tuxguitar,pixmaps,applications}
  477. possible bashism in ./audio/grip2/grip2.SlackBuild line 80 (brace expansion):
  478. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  479. possible bashism in ./audio/sonic-visualiser/sonic-visualiser.SlackBuild line 75 (brace expansion):
  480. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/{bin,share/$PRGNAM/samples}
  481. possible bashism in ./audio/sonic-visualiser/sonic-visualiser.SlackBuild line 92 (brace expansion):
  482. cp -a \
  484. $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION
  485. possible bashism in ./audio/fluid-soundfont/fluid-soundfont.SlackBuild line 24 (${parm/?/pat[/str]}):
  486. DEBVER=${VERSION/_/-}
  487. possible bashism in ./audio/alsa-tools/alsa-tools.SlackBuild line 84 (should be '.', not 'source'):
  488. source /etc/profile.d/
  489. possible bashism in ./audio/alsa-tools/alsa-tools.SlackBuild line 85 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  490. export PATH=/opt/kde3/lib$LIBDIRSUFFIX/qt3/bin:/opt/kde3/bin:$PATH
  491. possible bashism in ./audio/waon/waon.SlackBuild line 65 (brace expansion):
  492. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/{bin,man/man1}
  493. possible bashism in ./audio/milkytracker/milkytracker.SlackBuild line 92 (brace expansion):
  494. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  495. possible bashism in ./audio/HamsiManager/HamsiManager.SlackBuild line 59 (brace expansion):
  496. cp -a \
  497. Amarok Core Databases Details InputOutputs Languages MyPlugins \
  498. SearchEngines Tables Taggers Themes Tools Viewers \
  499. {ConfigureUpdate,HamsiManager,Reconfigure}.py \
  500. $PKG/usr/share/$PRGNAM
  501. possible bashism in ./audio/HamsiManager/HamsiManager.SlackBuild line 62 (brace expansion):
  502. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  503. possible bashism in ./audio/clxclient/clxclient.SlackBuild line 58 (brace expansion):
  504. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/{bin,include}
  505. possible bashism in ./python/pydot/pydot.SlackBuild line 61 (brace expansion):
  506. rm -f $PKG/usr/{LICENSE,README}
  507. possible bashism in ./python/python-sh/python-sh.SlackBuild line 48 (${parm/?/pat[/str]}):
  508. rm -rf ${PRGNAM/python-/}-$VERSION
  509. possible bashism in ./python/python-sh/python-sh.SlackBuild line 49 (${parm/?/pat[/str]}):
  510. tar xvf $CWD/${PRGNAM/python-/}-$VERSION.tar.gz
  511. possible bashism in ./python/python-sh/python-sh.SlackBuild line 50 (${parm/?/pat[/str]}):
  512. cd ${PRGNAM/python-/}-$VERSION
  513. possible bashism in ./python/s3cmd/s3cmd.SlackBuild line 30 (${parm/?/pat[/str]}):
  514. rm -rf $PRGNAM-${VERSION/_/-}
  515. possible bashism in ./python/s3cmd/s3cmd.SlackBuild line 31 (${parm/?/pat[/str]}):
  516. tar xvf $CWD/$PRGNAM-${VERSION/_/-}.tar.gz
  517. possible bashism in ./python/s3cmd/s3cmd.SlackBuild line 32 (${parm/?/pat[/str]}):
  518. cd $PRGNAM-${VERSION/_/-}
  519. possible bashism in ./python/simplejson/simplejson.SlackBuild line 69 (brace expansion):
  521. possible bashism in ./python/python-distutils-extra/python-distutils-extra.SlackBuild line 64 (brace expansion):
  522. cp -a LICENSE doc/{FAQ,README} $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION
  523. possible bashism in ./python/python-musicbrainz2/python-musicbrainz2.SlackBuild line 60 (should be 'b = a'):
  524. if [ "${MAKE_DOCS:-no}" == "yes" ]; then
  525. possible bashism in ./python/apsw/apsw.SlackBuild line 48 (${parm/?/pat[/str]}):
  526. rm -rf $PRGNAM-${VERSION/_/-}
  527. possible bashism in ./python/apsw/apsw.SlackBuild line 49 (${parm/?/pat[/str]}):
  528. unzip $CWD/$PRGNAM-${VERSION/_/-}.zip
  529. possible bashism in ./python/apsw/apsw.SlackBuild line 50 (${parm/?/pat[/str]}):
  530. cd $PRGNAM-${VERSION/_/-}
  531. possible bashism in ./python/python-simpy/python-simpy.SlackBuild line 63 (should be 'b = a'):
  532. if [[ $DOCS == "yes" ]]; then
  533. possible bashism in ./python/python-simpy/python-simpy.SlackBuild line 63 (alternative test command ([[ foo ]] should be [ foo ])):
  534. if [[ $DOCS == "yes" ]]; then
  535. possible bashism in ./system/netatop/netatop.SlackBuild line 80 (brace expansion):
  536. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/man/man{4,8}
  537. possible bashism in ./system/apache-tomcat/apache-tomcat.SlackBuild line 67 (brace expansion):
  538. mkdir -p $PKG/etc/tomcat $PKG/usr/share/{tomcat,java} \
  539. $PKG/var/{run,lib,log,tmp,spool}/tomcat
  540. possible bashism in ./system/apache-tomcat/apache-tomcat.SlackBuild line 109 (brace expansion):
  541. mkdir -p $PKG/etc/{profile.d,rc.d}
  542. possible bashism in ./system/apache-tomcat/apache-tomcat.SlackBuild line 142 (${parm/?/pat[/str]}):
  543. file=${i/.\//}
  544. possible bashism in ./system/truecrypt/truecrypt.SlackBuild line 73 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  545. export LDFLAGS="$SLKLDFLAGS"
  546. possible bashism in ./system/truecrypt/truecrypt.SlackBuild line 75 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  547. export CXXFLAGS="$SLKCFLAGS"
  548. possible bashism in ./system/truecrypt/truecrypt.SlackBuild line 76 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  549. export CFLAGS="$SLKCFLAGS"
  550. possible bashism in ./system/truecrypt/truecrypt.SlackBuild line 84 (brace expansion):
  551. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  552. possible bashism in ./system/zpaq/zpaq.SlackBuild line 65 (${parm/?/pat[/str]}):
  553. unzip $CWD/${PRGNAM}${VERSION/./}.zip
  554. possible bashism in ./system/sdltrs/sdltrs.SlackBuild line 88 (brace expansion):
  555. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  556. possible bashism in ./system/i8kutils/i8kutils.SlackBuild line 73 (brace expansion):
  557. mkdir -p $PKG/{etc,usr/{bin,man/man1}}
  558. possible bashism in ./system/i8kutils/i8kutils.SlackBuild line 83 (should be 'b = a'):
  559. if [ "$SMM" == 'yes' ]; then
  560. possible bashism in ./system/autocutsel/autocutsel.SlackBuild line 86 (brace expansion):
  561. cp $CWD/{autocutsel,cutsel}.1 $PKG/usr/man/man1
  562. possible bashism in ./system/unace/unace.SlackBuild line 44 (${parm/?/pat[/str]}):
  563. tar xvf $CWD/lin${PRGNAM}${VERSION/./}.tgz
  564. possible bashism in ./system/gpsd/gpsd.SlackBuild line 65 (should be VAR="${VAR}foo"):
  565. ENABLELIST+=" $1"
  566. possible bashism in ./system/gpsd/gpsd.SlackBuild line 68 (should be VAR="${VAR}foo"):
  567. ENABLELIST+=" $1=yes"
  568. possible bashism in ./system/gpsd/gpsd.SlackBuild line 77 (should be VAR="${VAR}foo"):
  569. DISABLELIST+=" $1=no"
  570. possible bashism in ./system/xinput_calibrator/xinput_calibrator.SlackBuild line 83 (brace expansion):
  571. install -m 0755 scripts/xinput_calibrator{,} \
  572. $PKG/usr/bin/
  573. possible bashism in ./system/gradm/gradm.SlackBuild line 73 (should be >word 2>&1):
  574. /usr/bin/gpg --keyring trustedkeys.gpg --no-default-keyring --list-keys 0x4245D46A &>/dev/null
  575. possible bashism in ./system/image-analyzer/image-analyzer.SlackBuild line 87 (brace expansion):
  576. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  577. possible bashism in ./system/kexec-tools/kexec-tools.SlackBuild line 74 (brace expansion):
  578. cp -a \
  579. AUTHORS COPYING INSTALL News TODO doc/{*.txt,multiboot.html} \
  580. $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION
  581. possible bashism in ./system/clamtk/clamtk.SlackBuild line 90 (brace expansion):
  582. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  583. possible bashism in ./system/cdemu-client/cdemu-client.SlackBuild line 77 (brace expansion):
  584. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  585. possible bashism in ./system/lbench/lbench.SlackBuild line 101 (brace expansion):
  586. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  587. possible bashism in ./system/nvidia-legacy173-driver/nvidia-legacy173-driver.SlackBuild line 88 (brace expansion):
  588. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/{bin,share,lib$LIBDIRSUFFIX,sbin} $PKG/usr/include/GL \
  589. $PKG/usr/lib$LIBDIRSUFFIX/xorg/modules/{drivers,extensions} \
  590. $PKG/usr/man/man1
  591. possible bashism in ./system/nvidia-legacy96-driver/nvidia-legacy96-driver.SlackBuild line 88 (brace expansion):
  592. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/{bin,share,lib$LIBDIRSUFFIX,sbin} $PKG/usr/include/GL \
  593. $PKG/usr/lib$LIBDIRSUFFIX/xorg/modules/{drivers,extensions} \
  594. $PKG/usr/man/man1
  595. possible bashism in ./system/virtualbox-addons/virtualbox-addons.SlackBuild line 89 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  596. export BUILD_PLATFORM="linux"
  597. possible bashism in ./system/virtualbox-addons/virtualbox-addons.SlackBuild line 90 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  599. possible bashism in ./system/virtualbox-addons/virtualbox-addons.SlackBuild line 91 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  600. export BUILD_TARGET="linux"
  601. possible bashism in ./system/virtualbox-addons/virtualbox-addons.SlackBuild line 92 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  603. possible bashism in ./system/virtualbox-addons/virtualbox-addons.SlackBuild line 93 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  604. export BUILD_TARGET_CPU="$ARCH"
  605. possible bashism in ./system/virtualbox-addons/virtualbox-addons.SlackBuild line 94 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  606. export BUILD_TYPE="release"
  607. possible bashism in ./system/virtualbox-addons/virtualbox-addons.SlackBuild line 95 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  608. export PATH_KBUILD="$TMP/$SRCNAM-${VERSION}/kBuild"
  609. possible bashism in ./system/virtualbox-addons/virtualbox-addons.SlackBuild line 96 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  610. export PATH_DEVTOOLS="$TMP/$SRCNAM-${VERSION}/tools"
  611. possible bashism in ./system/virtualbox-addons/virtualbox-addons.SlackBuild line 98 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  612. export PATH_KBUILD_BIN="$path_kbuild_bin"
  613. possible bashism in ./system/virtualbox-addons/virtualbox-addons.SlackBuild line 110 (brace expansion):
  614. mkdir -p $PKG/lib/udev/rules.d $PKG/sbin \
  615. $PKG/etc/{xdg/autostart,rc.d} \
  616. $PKG/usr/{src,bin,sbin,share/autostart} \
  617. $PKG/usr/lib$LIBDIRSUFFIX/xorg/modules/{drivers,input}
  618. possible bashism in ./system/cronie/cronie.SlackBuild line 107 (brace expansion):
  619. mkdir -p $PKG/etc/cron.{hourly,daily,weekly,monthly}
  620. possible bashism in ./system/dstat/dstat.SlackBuild line 51 (brace expansion):
  621. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/{man/man1,share/dstat/examples}
  622. possible bashism in ./system/fslint/fslint.SlackBuild line 51 (brace expansion):
  623. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{fslint,pixmaps}
  624. possible bashism in ./system/mucommander/mucommander.SlackBuild line 42 (brace expansion):
  625. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  626. possible bashism in ./system/mtftar/mtftar.SlackBuild line 59 (should be VAR="${VAR}foo"):
  627. CFLAGS+="$SLKCFLAGS" make
  628. possible bashism in ./system/virtualbox-kernel/virtualbox-kernel.SlackBuild line 66 (brace expansion):
  629. sed -i "s/ -DVBOX_WITH_HARDENING//g" \
  630. {vboxdrv,vboxnetadp,vboxnetflt,vboxpci}/Makefile
  631. possible bashism in ./system/foremost/foremost.SlackBuild line 56 (brace expansion):
  632. mkdir -p $PKG/etc $PKG/usr/{man/man8,bin}
  633. possible bashism in ./system/xrdp/xrdp.SlackBuild line 95 (brace expansion):
  634. cp -v sesman/config.{c,h} sesman/tools/
  635. possible bashism in ./system/commons-daemon/commons-daemon.SlackBuild line 70 (brace expansion):
  636. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/{share/java,bin}
  637. possible bashism in ./system/webmin/webmin.SlackBuild line 63 (brace expansion):
  638. rm -f mount/{freebsd,openbsd,macos}-mounts*
  639. possible bashism in ./system/webmin/webmin.SlackBuild line 67 (brace expansion):
  640. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/libexec/webmin $PKG/var/log/webmin $PKG/etc/{rc.d,webmin}
  641. possible bashism in ./system/nvidia-driver/nvidia-driver.SlackBuild line 111 (brace expansion):
  642. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/lib$LIBDIRSUFFIX/xorg/modules/{drivers,extensions} \
  643. $PKG/etc/OpenCL/vendors/ $PKG/usr/lib$LIBDIRSUFFIX/tls \
  644. $PKG/usr/{bin,man/man1,sbin} $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps} \
  645. $PKG/usr/include/GL
  646. possible bashism in ./system/ksh-openbsd/ksh-openbsd.SlackBuild line 48 (should be 'b = a'):
  647. if [ "${ARCH}" == "i486" ];then
  648. possible bashism in ./system/ksh-openbsd/ksh-openbsd.SlackBuild line 51 (should be 'b = a'):
  649. elif [ "$ARCH" == "i686" ]; then
  650. possible bashism in ./system/ksh-openbsd/ksh-openbsd.SlackBuild line 54 (should be 'b = a'):
  651. elif [ "${ARCH}" == "x86_64" ];then
  652. possible bashism in ./system/multitail/multitail.SlackBuild line 66 (brace expansion):
  653. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/{bin,doc,man/man1} $PKG/etc $PKG/install
  654. possible bashism in ./system/freeswitch/freeswitch.SlackBuild line 119 (should be 'b = a'):
  655. if [ "$PYTHON" == "yes" ]; then
  656. possible bashism in ./system/freeswitch/freeswitch.SlackBuild line 172 (brace expansion):
  657. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/{bin,doc}
  658. possible bashism in ./system/gtklp/gtklp.SlackBuild line 72 (brace expansion):
  659. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  660. possible bashism in ./system/gtklp/gtklp.SlackBuild line 73 (brace expansion):
  661. cp $CWD/{gtklp.desktop,gtklpq.desktop} $PKG/usr/share/applications
  662. possible bashism in ./system/gtklp/gtklp.SlackBuild line 74 (brace expansion):
  663. cp $CWD/{gtklp.png,gtklpq.png} $PKG/usr/share/pixmaps
  664. possible bashism in ./system/gtklp/gtklp.SlackBuild line 75 (brace expansion):
  665. chown -R root:root $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  666. possible bashism in ./system/gtklp/gtklp.SlackBuild line 76 (brace expansion):
  667. chmod 0644 $PKG/usr/share/{applications/*.desktop,pixmaps/*.png}
  668. possible bashism in ./system/heirloom-doctools/heirloom-doctools.SlackBuild line 101 (brace expansion):
  669. cp $CWD/profile.d/heirloom.{csh,sh} $PKG/etc/profile.d
  670. possible bashism in ./system/percona-xtrabackup/percona-xtrabackup.SlackBuild line 131 (brace expansion):
  671. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/{bin,man/man1}
  672. possible bashism in ./system/lirc/lirc.SlackBuild line 121 (brace expansion):
  674. doc/{html,irxevent.keys,lirc.hwdb} $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION
  675. possible bashism in ./system/pbzip2/pbzip2.SlackBuild line 67 (brace expansion):
  676. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/{bin,man/man1,doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION}
  677. possible bashism in ./system/BasiliskII/BasiliskII.SlackBuild line 61 (brace expansion):
  678. sed -i "s|net/if_tun\.h|linux/if_tun.h|" src/Unix/{ether_unix.cpp,}
  679. possible bashism in ./system/pcsc-lite/pcsc-lite.SlackBuild line 148 (brace expansion):
  680. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/lib${LIBDIRSUFFIX}/pcsc/{drivers,services}
  681. possible bashism in ./system/freefont/freefont.SlackBuild line 59 (brace expansion):
  682. mkdir -p $PKG/etc/fonts/conf.{avail,d}
  683. possible bashism in ./system/tkdvd/tkdvd.SlackBuild line 46 (brace expansion):
  684. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  685. possible bashism in ./system/rsyslog/rsyslog.SlackBuild line 110 (brace expansion):
  686. cp -a doc/*.{jpg,html,png} $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION/html
  687. possible bashism in ./system/apache-activemq/apache-activemq.SlackBuild line 88 (brace expansion):
  688. mkdir -p $PKG/etc/activemq \
  689. $PKG/usr/share/activemq/data \
  690. $PKG/var/{run,lib,log}/activemq
  691. possible bashism in ./system/apache-activemq/apache-activemq.SlackBuild line 96 (brace expansion):
  692. chown -R $ACTIVEMQ_USER:$ACTIVEMQ_GROUP $PKG/var/{run,lib,log}/activemq
  693. possible bashism in ./system/xcdroast/xcdroast.SlackBuild line 69 (brace expansion):
  694. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  695. possible bashism in ./system/rxvt-unicode/rxvt-unicode.SlackBuild line 73 (should be 'b = a'):
  696. if [ "${CONFIG_PERL}" == 'YES' ];then
  697. possible bashism in ./system/postgresql/postgresql.SlackBuild line 140 (brace expansion):
  698. rm -rf $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION/{man.tar.gz,man1,manl,man7,postgres.tar.gz}
  699. possible bashism in ./system/unetbootin/unetbootin.SlackBuild line 74 (${parm/?/pat[/str]}):
  700. size="${file/${PRGNAM}_}"
  701. possible bashism in ./system/unetbootin/unetbootin.SlackBuild line 75 (${parm/?/pat[/str]}):
  702. size="${size/.png}x${size/.png}"
  703. error: ./system/xfburn/xfburn.SlackBuild: Unterminated quoted string found, EOF reached. Wanted: <'>
  704. possible bashism in ./system/tiger/tiger.SlackBuild line 58 (should be >word 2>&1):
  705. /usr/bin/gpg --keyring trustedkeys.gpg --no-default-keyring --list-keys 0xDC814B09 &>/dev/null
  706. possible bashism in ./system/diit/diit.SlackBuild line 47 (brace expansion):
  707. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  708. possible bashism in ./system/squashfs-tools/squashfs-tools.SlackBuild line 60 (brace expansion):
  709. cp -a \
  711. README{,-*} PERFORMANCE.README *.example \
  712. $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION/
  713. possible bashism in ./system/flSynclient/flSynclient.SlackBuild line 67 (brace expansion):
  714. cp -a \
  715. flsynclient.{xpm,png} \
  716. $PKG/usr/share/pixmaps
  717. possible bashism in ./system/hercules/hercules.SlackBuild line 83 (brace expansion):
  718. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  719. possible bashism in ./system/hercules/hercules.SlackBuild line 96 (brace expansion):
  720. mv $PKG/usr/share/hercules/*.{html,css} $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION/html/
  721. possible bashism in ./system/gtk-vnc/gtk-vnc.SlackBuild line 49 (brace expansion):
  722. rm -rf $PRGNAM-$VERSION{,-3}
  723. possible bashism in ./system/xtrs/xtrs.SlackBuild line 69 (brace expansion):
  724. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  725. possible bashism in ./system/apache-cassandra/apache-cassandra.SlackBuild line 63 (brace expansion):
  726. mkdir -p $PKG/etc/{profile.d,rc.d}
  727. possible bashism in ./system/vice/vice.SlackBuild line 80 (should be 'b = a'):
  728. [ "$ARCH" == "x86_64" ] && patch -p1 < $CWD/patches/vice-2.3.21-64bit.patch
  729. possible bashism in ./system/vice/vice.SlackBuild line 116 (brace expansion):
  730. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  731. possible bashism in ./system/atop/atop.SlackBuild line 70 (brace expansion):
  732. mkdir -p $PKG/etc/{logrotate.d,cron.daily}
  733. possible bashism in ./system/atop/atop.SlackBuild line 77 (brace expansion):
  734. touch $PKG/var/log/atop/dummy_{before,after}
  735. possible bashism in ./system/atop/atop.SlackBuild line 86 (brace expansion):
  736. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/man/man{1,5}
  737. possible bashism in ./system/nvidia-legacy304-driver/nvidia-legacy304-driver.SlackBuild line 106 (brace expansion):
  738. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/lib$LIBDIRSUFFIX/xorg/modules/{drivers,extensions} \
  739. $PKG/etc/OpenCL/vendors/ $PKG/usr/lib$LIBDIRSUFFIX/tls \
  740. $PKG/usr/{bin,man/man1,sbin} $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps} \
  741. $PKG/usr/include/GL
  742. possible bashism in ./system/linux-libertine-fonts/linux-libertine-fonts.SlackBuild line 54 (brace expansion):
  743. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/fonts/{TTF,OTF}
  744. possible bashism in ./system/wqy-microhei-font-ttf/wqy-microhei-font-ttf.SlackBuild line 70 (brace expansion):
  745. mkdir -p $PKG/etc/fonts/conf.{d,avail}
  746. possible bashism in ./system/heirloom-pax/heirloom-pax.SlackBuild line 81 (brace expansion):
  747. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/lib$LIBDIRSUFFIX/heirloom/bin/{s42,posix}
  748. possible bashism in ./system/freedup/freedup.SlackBuild line 72 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  749. export CFLAGS="$SLKCFLAGS"
  750. possible bashism in ./system/freedup/freedup.SlackBuild line 73 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  751. export CXXFLAGS="$SLKCFLAGS"
  752. possible bashism in ./system/drbd-tools/drbd-tools.SlackBuild line 92 (brace expansion):
  753. mv $PKG/{etc,lib}/udev/rules.d/65-drbd.rules
  754. possible bashism in ./system/virtualbox/virtualbox.SlackBuild line 115 (should be VAR="${VAR}foo"):
  755. gui+=" --build-headless"
  756. possible bashism in ./system/virtualbox/virtualbox.SlackBuild line 156 (brace expansion):
  757. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/{lib$LIBDIRSUFFIX,share,include}/virtualbox \
  758. $PKG/usr/{bin,src} \
  759. $PKG/usr/share/{pixmaps,mime/packages} \
  760. $PKG/etc/{default,rc.d,vbox}
  761. possible bashism in ./system/virtualbox/virtualbox.SlackBuild line 193 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  762. export VBOX_INSTALL_PATH=/usr/lib$LIBDIRSUFFIX/virtualbox
  763. possible bashism in ./system/virtualbox/virtualbox.SlackBuild line 224 (brace expansion):
  764. mkdir -p $PKG/var/{lib,log}/vboxweb
  765. possible bashism in ./system/virtualbox/virtualbox.SlackBuild line 225 (brace expansion):
  766. chown vboxweb:vboxusers $PKG/var/{lib,log}/vboxweb
  767. possible bashism in ./system/unhide/unhide.SlackBuild line 75 (brace expansion):
  768. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/man/{,es/,fr/}man8
  769. possible bashism in ./system/unhide/unhide.SlackBuild line 76 (brace expansion):
  770. cp man/unhide{,-tcp}.8 $PKG/usr/man/man8
  771. possible bashism in ./system/xen/xen.SlackBuild line 43 (should be 'b = a'):
  772. if [ $ARCH == "x86_64" ] && [ ! -f /usr/include/gnu/stubs-32.h ]; then
  773. possible bashism in ./system/xen/xen.SlackBuild line 93 (brace expansion):
  774. cp -a $CWD/{lwip,zlib,newlib,pciutils,grub,gmp,tpm_emulator}-*.tar.?z* \
  775. $CWD/polarssl-*.tgz stubdom
  776. possible bashism in ./system/xen/xen.SlackBuild line 147 (brace expansion):
  777. rmdir $PKG/etc/{rc.d/init.d,udev/rules.d,udev}
  778. possible bashism in ./system/xen/xen.SlackBuild line 152 (brace expansion):
  779. for i in $PKG/etc/xen/{*.conf,*.sxp,*.xml} ; do mv $i $ ; done
  780. possible bashism in ./system/xen/xen.SlackBuild line 163 (brace expansion):
  782. possible bashism in ./system/xen/xen.SlackBuild line 164 (brace expansion):
  783. chown -R root:root $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION/{dom0,domU}
  784. possible bashism in ./system/nagios-plugins/nagios-plugins.SlackBuild line 91 (brace expansion):
  785. chmod u+s $PKG/usr/libexec/nagios/check_{icmp,dhcp};
  786. possible bashism in ./system/fsvs/fsvs.SlackBuild line 72 (brace expansion):
  787. mkdir -p $PKG/etc/fsvs/svn/auth/svn.{simple,ssl.server,ssl.client-passphrase}
  788. possible bashism in ./system/fsvs/fsvs.SlackBuild line 75 (brace expansion):
  789. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/man/man{1,5}
  790. possible bashism in ./system/herculesstudio/herculesstudio.SlackBuild line 91 (brace expansion):
  791. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  792. possible bashism in ./system/qemu/qemu.SlackBuild line 81 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  793. export PATH=$PATH:/usr/share/texmf/bin
  794. possible bashism in ./system/sakura/sakura.SlackBuild line 61 (brace expansion):
  795. mv $PKG/usr/share/{man,doc} $PKG/usr
  796. possible bashism in ./network/LOIC/LOIC.SlackBuild line 57 (brace expansion):
  797. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  798. possible bashism in ./network/chromium/chromium.SlackBuild line 87 (export only takes -p as an option):
  800. possible bashism in ./network/chromium/chromium.SlackBuild line 87 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  802. possible bashism in ./network/dnstracer/dnstracer.SlackBuild line 61 (brace expansion):
  803. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/{bin,man,doc}
  804. possible bashism in ./network/squid/squid.SlackBuild line 113 (brace expansion):
  805. mkdir -p $PKG/etc/{logrotate.d,rc.d}
  806. possible bashism in ./network/squid/squid.SlackBuild line 125 (brace expansion):
  807. mkdir -p $PKG/var/{cache,run}/squid
  808. possible bashism in ./network/squid/squid.SlackBuild line 126 (brace expansion):
  809. chown $SQUIDUSER:$SQUIDGROUP $PKG/var/{cache,log,run}/squid
  810. possible bashism in ./network/node/node.SlackBuild line 74 (brace expansion):
  811. sed -i '/var manRoot/ s/"share",//' deps/npm/lib/{,un}build.js
  812. possible bashism in ./network/flvstreamer/flvstreamer.SlackBuild line 68 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  813. export CFLAGS="$SLKCFLAGS"
  814. possible bashism in ./network/flvstreamer/flvstreamer.SlackBuild line 78 (brace expansion):
  815. cp -a COPYING ChangeLog{,.rtmpdump} README $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION
  816. possible bashism in ./network/dropbear/dropbear.SlackBuild line 92 (brace expansion):
  817. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/man/man{1,8}
  818. possible bashism in ./network/offlineimap/offlineimap.SlackBuild line 69 (brace expansion):
  819. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/{man/man1,doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION/html} $PKG/etc
  820. possible bashism in ./network/qwit/qwit.SlackBuild line 44 (${parm/?/pat[/str]}):
  821. rm -rf $PRGNAM-${VERSION/_/-}-src
  822. possible bashism in ./network/qwit/qwit.SlackBuild line 45 (${parm/?/pat[/str]}):
  823. tar xvf $CWD/$PRGNAM-${VERSION/_/-}-src.tar.bz2
  824. possible bashism in ./network/qwit/qwit.SlackBuild line 46 (${parm/?/pat[/str]}):
  825. cd $PRGNAM-${VERSION/_/-}-src
  826. possible bashism in ./network/havp/havp.SlackBuild line 100 (brace expansion):
  827. chown havp:clamav $PKG/var/{log,run,tmp}/havp
  828. possible bashism in ./network/icecat/icecat.SlackBuild line 74 (brace expansion):
  829. cp -v .mozconfig{,.orig}
  830. possible bashism in ./network/tntnet/tntnet.SlackBuild line 88 (brace expansion):
  831. mv $PKG/etc/$PRGNAM/mime.conf{,.new}
  832. possible bashism in ./network/tntnet/tntnet.SlackBuild line 89 (brace expansion):
  833. mv $PKG/etc/$PRGNAM/$PRGNAM.conf{,.new}
  834. possible bashism in ./network/mod_chroot/mod_chroot.SlackBuild line 69 (brace expansion):
  835. mkdir -p $PKG/var/chroot/httpd/{srv,var/run/httpd,var/www}
  836. possible bashism in ./network/pound/pound.SlackBuild line 109 (brace expansion):
  837. touch $PKG/var/log/pound/{access,error}.log
  838. possible bashism in ./network/pound/pound.SlackBuild line 112 (brace expansion):
  839. mkdir -p $PKG/etc/{logrotate.d,pound,rc.d}
  840. error: ./network/courier-imap/courier-imap.SlackBuild: Unterminated quoted string found, EOF reached. Wanted: <">
  841. possible bashism in ./network/jabberd2/jabberd2.SlackBuild line 135 (brace expansion):
  842. mkdir -p $PKG/etc/rc.d \
  843. $PKG/var/lib/jabberd2/{db,fs,stats} \
  844. $PKG/var/log/jabberd2 \
  845. $PKG/var/run/jabberd2
  846. possible bashism in ./network/murmur/murmur.SlackBuild line 86 (brace expansion):
  847. mkdir -p \
  848. $PKG/etc/{logrotate.d,rc.d} \
  849. $PKG/usr/bin \
  850. $PKG/usr/man/man1 \
  851. $PKG/var/{lib,log,run}/$PRGNAM
  852. possible bashism in ./network/murmur/murmur.SlackBuild line 112 (brace expansion):
  853. chown $MURMUR_USER:$MURMUR_GROUP $PKG/var/{lib,log,run}/$PRGNAM
  854. possible bashism in ./network/exim/exim.SlackBuild line 117 (brace expansion):
  855. mkdir -p $PKG/etc/{cron.daily,logrotate.d,rc.d}
  856. possible bashism in ./network/exim/exim.SlackBuild line 125 (brace expansion):
  857. mkdir -p -m 0750 $PKG/var/spool/exim/{db,input,msglog}
  858. possible bashism in ./network/exim/exim.SlackBuild line 126 (brace expansion):
  859. chown -R exim.exim $PKG/var/{log,spool}/exim
  860. possible bashism in ./network/bitlbee/bitlbee.SlackBuild line 155 (brace expansion):
  861. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION/{oscar,skype} $PKG/var/lib/$PRGNAM
  862. possible bashism in ./network/bitlbee/bitlbee.SlackBuild line 161 (brace expansion):
  863. cp -a protocols/oscar/{AUTHORS,COPYING} $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION/oscar
  864. possible bashism in ./network/bitlbee/bitlbee.SlackBuild line 162 (brace expansion):
  865. cp -a protocols/skype/{HACKING,NEWS,README} $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION/skype
  866. possible bashism in ./network/skype/skype.SlackBuild line 67 (brace expansion):
  867. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/{bin,share/{skype,pixmaps,applications}} $PKG/etc/dbus-1/system.d
  868. possible bashism in ./network/amavisd-new/amavisd-new.SlackBuild line 96 (brace expansion):
  869. mkdir -p $PKG/$AMAVIS_HOME/{tmp,var,db,home}
  870. possible bashism in ./network/amavisd-new/amavisd-new.SlackBuild line 105 (brace expansion):
  871. mkdir -p $PKG/$QUARANTINE_DIR/{clean,spam,banned,badh,virus}
  872. possible bashism in ./network/amavisd-new/amavisd-new.SlackBuild line 107 (brace expansion):
  873. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/{sbin,doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION}
  874. possible bashism in ./network/jdownloader/jdownloader.SlackBuild line 46 (brace expansion):
  875. install -d $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  876. possible bashism in ./network/arm/arm.SlackBuild line 32 (should be >word 2>&1):
  877. /usr/bin/gpg --keyring trustedkeys.gpg --no-default-keyring --list-keys 0x9ABBEEC6 &>/dev/null
  878. possible bashism in ./network/ngrep/ngrep.SlackBuild line 61 (should be 'b = a'):
  879. if [ $REASSEM_PATCH == yes ]; then
  880. possible bashism in ./network/cacti/cacti.SlackBuild line 71 (let ...):
  881. patch -p1 < $CWD/$patch && let patchfound=$patchfound+1
  882. possible bashism in ./network/bsflite/bsflite.SlackBuild line 57 (brace expansion):
  883. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/{bin,man/man1}
  884. possible bashism in ./network/postgrey/postgrey.SlackBuild line 105 (brace expansion):
  885. mkdir -p $PKG/var/{lib,run}/postgrey
  886. possible bashism in ./network/krb5/krb5.SlackBuild line 71 (brace expansion):
  887. rm -f $TMP/$PRGNAM-$VERSION.tar.gz{,.asc}
  888. possible bashism in ./network/shorewall6/shorewall6.SlackBuild line 72 (brace expansion):
  889. chmod 0755 $PKG/{etc,usr/share,var/lib}/shorewall6
  890. possible bashism in ./network/jboss-as/jboss-as.SlackBuild line 73 (brace expansion):
  891. mkdir -p $PKG/etc/$PRGNAM/{standalone,domain}
  892. possible bashism in ./network/jboss-as/jboss-as.SlackBuild line 80 (brace expansion):
  893. mkdir -p $PKG/var/{log,tmp}/$PRGNAM/standalone
  894. possible bashism in ./network/jboss-as/jboss-as.SlackBuild line 139 (brace expansion):
  895. chown -R jboss:jboss $PKG/var/{lib,log,tmp}/$PRGNAM
  896. possible bashism in ./network/jboss-as/jboss-as.SlackBuild line 140 (brace expansion):
  897. chown -R jboss:jboss $PKG/etc/$PRGNAM/{standalone,domain}
  898. possible bashism in ./network/postfix/postfix.SlackBuild line 78 (should be 'b = a'):
  899. if [ $DATABASE == "mysql" ] && [ -f /usr/include/mysql/events.h ]; then
  900. possible bashism in ./network/postfix/postfix.SlackBuild line 187 (should be >word 2>&1):
  901. if file $LINE | egrep "ELF.*(executable|shared object).*not stripped" \
  902. &> /dev/null; then
  903. possible bashism in ./network/ip2location-c/ip2location-c.SlackBuild line 88 (brace expansion):
  904. cp -a libIP2Location/libIP2Location_la-IP2Loc_DBInterface.{lo,o} $PKG/usr/lib${LIBDIRSUFFIX}/
  905. possible bashism in ./network/ekiga/ekiga.SlackBuild line 62 (alternative test command ([[ foo ]] should be [ foo ])):
  906. if [[ ${AVAHI:-no} = "no" ]] ; then
  907. possible bashism in ./network/ekiga/ekiga.SlackBuild line 77 (alternative test command ([[ foo ]] should be [ foo ])):
  908. if [[ ${KDE:-no} = "no" ]] ; then
  909. possible bashism in ./network/ekiga/ekiga.SlackBuild line 84 (alternative test command ([[ foo ]] should be [ foo ])):
  910. if [[ ${KAB:-no} = "no" ]] ; then
  911. possible bashism in ./network/ekiga/ekiga.SlackBuild line 91 (alternative test command ([[ foo ]] should be [ foo ])):
  912. if [[ ${GS:-no} = "no" ]] ; then
  913. possible bashism in ./network/bitcoin/bitcoin.SlackBuild line 108 (brace expansion):
  914. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/{bin,man/man{1,5}}
  915. possible bashism in ./network/bitcoin/bitcoin.SlackBuild line 109 (brace expansion):
  916. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,kde4/services,pixmaps}
  917. possible bashism in ./network/nginx/nginx.SlackBuild line 80 (should be 'b = a'):
  918. if [ "$USE_SPDY" == "yes" ]; then
  919. possible bashism in ./network/opensmtpd/opensmtpd.SlackBuild line 125 (brace expansion):
  920. rm -f $PKG/usr/bin/{newaliases,mailq} $PKG/usr/libexec/opensmtpd/makemap
  921. possible bashism in ./network/fail2ban/fail2ban.SlackBuild line 57 (brace expansion):
  922. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/man/{man1,man5}
  923. possible bashism in ./network/nagios/nagios.SlackBuild line 105 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  924. export DESTDIR=$PKG
  925. possible bashism in ./network/users-agent/users-agent.SlackBuild line 75 (brace expansion):
  926. mkdir -p $PKG/etc/{rc.d,users-agent}
  927. possible bashism in ./network/policyd2/policyd2.SlackBuild line 121 (brace expansion):
  928. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/{bin,sbin,lib${LIBDIRSUFFIX}/policyd-2.0,doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION}
  929. possible bashism in ./network/tor/tor.SlackBuild line 106 (brace expansion):
  930. mkdir -p $PKG/var/{run,log,lib}/tor
  931. possible bashism in ./network/tor/tor.SlackBuild line 107 (brace expansion):
  932. chown $TOR_USER:$TOR_GROUP $PKG/var/{run,log,lib}/tor
  933. possible bashism in ./network/openssh-krb5/openssh-krb5.SlackBuild line 103 (brace expansion):
  934. rm -f $PKG/usr/kerberos/bin/ssh-{keyscan,keygen,agent,add}
  935. possible bashism in ./network/vde2/vde2.SlackBuild line 74 (should be VAR="${VAR}foo"):
  936. OPTIONS+="--enable-experimental"
  937. possible bashism in ./network/lighttpd/lighttpd.SlackBuild line 103 (brace expansion):
  938. mkdir -p $PKG/var/{cache,log}/$PRGNAM
  939. possible bashism in ./network/lighttpd/lighttpd.SlackBuild line 106 (brace expansion):
  940. touch $PKG/var/log/lighttpd/{access,error}
  941. possible bashism in ./network/modsecurity-apache/modsecurity-apache.SlackBuild line 48 (should be >word 2>&1):
  942. /usr/bin/gpg --keyring trustedkeys.gpg --no-default-keyring --list-keys 0x6980F8B0 &>/dev/null
  943. possible bashism in ./network/prosody/prosody.SlackBuild line 123 (brace expansion):
  944. cp -a \
  946. tools/{ejabberd2prosody.lua,erlparse.lua,xep227toprosody.lua,ejabberdsql2prosody.lua} \
  947. $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION
  948. possible bashism in ./network/torsocks/torsocks.SlackBuild line 72 (brace expansion):
  949. mv $PKG/etc/torsocks.conf{,.new}
  950. possible bashism in ./network/vuze/vuze.SlackBuild line 48 (brace expansion):
  951. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  952. possible bashism in ./network/airpwn/airpwn.SlackBuild line 123 (brace expansion):
  953. cp -a \
  954. COPYING LICENSE lorcon/{BUGS,README,THANKS,TODO} content conf pyscripts \
  955. $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION
  956. possible bashism in ./network/airpwn/airpwn.SlackBuild line 126 (brace expansion):
  957. chmod 0755 $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION/{content,conf,pyscripts}
  958. possible bashism in ./network/hostapd/hostapd.SlackBuild line 76 (should be VAR="${VAR}foo"):
  959. CFLAGS+="$SLKCFLAGS" make
  960. possible bashism in ./network/pflogsumm/pflogsumm.SlackBuild line 50 (brace expansion):
  961. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/{bin,man/man1,doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION}
  962. possible bashism in ./network/mumble/mumble.SlackBuild line 112 (brace expansion):
  963. mkdir -p \
  964. $PKG/usr/bin \
  965. $PKG/usr/lib${LIBDIRSUFFIX}/mumble \
  966. $PKG/usr/man/man1 \
  967. $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  968. possible bashism in ./network/metasploit/metasploit.SlackBuild line 101 (kill -[0-9] or -[A-Z]):
  969. while kill -0 $PSPID 2>/dev/null; do
  970. possible bashism in ./network/shorewall/shorewall.SlackBuild line 71 (brace expansion):
  971. chmod 0755 $PKG/{etc,usr/share,var/lib}/shorewall
  972. possible bashism in ./network/skype4pidgin/skype4pidgin.SlackBuild line 86 (should be 'b = a'):
  973. if [ $ARCH == "arm" ]
  974. possible bashism in ./network/qupzilla/qupzilla.SlackBuild line 72 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  975. export USE_LIBPATH="/usr/lib${LIBDIRSUFFIX}"
  976. possible bashism in ./network/haproxy/haproxy.SlackBuild line 100 (brace expansion):
  977. mkdir -p $PKG/etc/{rc.d,haproxy}
  978. possible bashism in ./network/haproxy/haproxy.SlackBuild line 111 (brace expansion):
  979. rm -rf $PKG/usr/{share,/doc/haproxy}
  980. possible bashism in ./network/firehol/firehol.SlackBuild line 59 (brace expansion):
  981. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/man/{man1,man5}
  982. possible bashism in ./network/firehol/firehol.SlackBuild line 70 (brace expansion):
  983. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION/{html,examples}
  984. possible bashism in ./network/firehol/firehol.SlackBuild line 83 (brace expansion):
  985. mkdir -p $PKG/etc/{rc.d,firehol}
  986. possible bashism in ./network/gns3/gns3.SlackBuild line 60 (brace expansion):
  987. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  988. possible bashism in ./network/putty/putty.SlackBuild line 63 (brace expansion):
  989. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/{bin,man/man1,doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION/html}
  990. possible bashism in ./network/hydra/hydra.SlackBuild line 80 (brace expansion):
  991. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  992. possible bashism in ./network/b43-fwcutter/b43-fwcutter.SlackBuild line 71 (brace expansion):
  993. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/{bin,man/man1}
  994. possible bashism in ./network/wput/wput.SlackBuild line 43 (brace expansion):
  995. mkdir -p $TMP $PKG/usr/{bin,man/man1} $OUTPUT
  996. possible bashism in ./network/wput/wput.SlackBuild line 76 (brace expansion):
  997. cp -a ABOUT-NLS COPYING ChangeLog INSTALL TODO doc/{USAGE.*,passwordfile,wputrc} \
  998. $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION
  999. possible bashism in ./network/pidgin-facebookchat/pidgin-facebookchat.SlackBuild line 70 (brace expansion):
  1000. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/pixmaps/pidgin/protocols/{16,22,48}
  1001. possible bashism in ./network/opera/opera.SlackBuild line 78 (brace expansion):
  1002. mv $PKG/usr/share/{man,doc} $PKG/usr
  1003. possible bashism in ./network/opera/opera.SlackBuild line 81 (brace expansion):
  1004. find $PKG/usr/share/$PRGNAM/{defaults,locale/en*} -name license.txt -type l -delete
  1005. possible bashism in ./network/varnish/varnish.SlackBuild line 87 (brace expansion):
  1006. mv $PKG/etc/varnish/default.vcl{,.new}
  1007. possible bashism in ./network/openvswitch/openvswitch.SlackBuild line 104 (brace expansion):
  1008. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION/{schema,xen}
  1009. possible bashism in ./network/quagga/quagga.SlackBuild line 89 (should be 'b = a'):
  1010. if [ "$USE_PAM" == 'YES' ]; then
  1011. possible bashism in ./network/spice-gtk/spice-gtk.SlackBuild line 79 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  1012. export VALAC=$(which valac)
  1013. possible bashism in ./network/spice-gtk/spice-gtk.SlackBuild line 80 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  1014. export VAPIGEN=$(which vapigen)
  1015. possible bashism in ./network/heimdal/heimdal.SlackBuild line 97 (brace expansion):
  1016. cp -a doc/{init-creds,layman.asc,mdate-sh} $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION
  1017. possible bashism in ./network/ntop/ntop.SlackBuild line 142 (brace expansion):
  1018. for FILE in {README,INSTALL}; do mv docs/$FILE docs/$ ; done
  1019. possible bashism in ./network/clamav-unofficial-sigs/clamav-unofficial-sigs.SlackBuild line 55 (brace expansion):
  1020. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/{bin,doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION,man/man8}
  1021. possible bashism in ./network/dansguardian/dansguardian.SlackBuild line 123 (brace expansion):
  1022. mkdir -p $PKG/etc/{rc.d,logrotate.d}
  1023. possible bashism in ./network/wireshark/wireshark.SlackBuild line 101 (brace expansion):
  1024. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/icons/{hi,lo}color/{16x16,32x32,48x48}/apps
  1025. possible bashism in ./network/wireshark/wireshark.SlackBuild line 102 (brace expansion):
  1026. for col in {lo,hi}; do
  1027. possible bashism in ./network/wireshark/wireshark.SlackBuild line 103 (brace expansion):
  1028. for size in {16,32,48}; do
  1029. possible bashism in ./network/mldonkey/mldonkey.SlackBuild line 107 (brace expansion):
  1030. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  1031. possible bashism in ./network/snort/snort.SlackBuild line 138 (brace expansion):
  1032. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION/{schemas,signatures}
  1033. possible bashism in ./network/midori/midori.SlackBuild line 87 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  1034. export CCFLAGS="$SLKCFLAGS"
  1035. possible bashism in ./network/midori/midori.SlackBuild line 88 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  1036. export CXXFLAGS="$SLKCFLAGS"
  1037. possible bashism in ./network/wuala/wuala.SlackBuild line 30 (${parm/?/pat[/str]}):
  1039. possible bashism in ./network/wuala/wuala.SlackBuild line 64 (brace expansion):
  1040. rm -rf $PKG{/etc,/usr/share/icons/HighContrastInverse}
  1041. possible bashism in ./network/miredo/miredo.SlackBuild line 98 (brace expansion):
  1042. ( cd $PKG/etc/$PRGNAM ; mv $PRGNAM.conf{,.new} )
  1043. possible bashism in ./network/sylpheed/sylpheed.SlackBuild line 95 (brace expansion):
  1044. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  1045. possible bashism in ./network/udns/udns.SlackBuild line 78 (brace expansion):
  1046. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/{include,lib$LIBDIRSUFFIX}
  1047. possible bashism in ./network/spambayes/spambayes.SlackBuild line 37 (brace expansion):
  1048. sed -i 's/from sets import Set/Set = set/' \
  1049. spambayes/{classifier,TestDriver,tokenizer,ProxyUI}.py
  1050. possible bashism in ./games/rejoystick/rejoystick.SlackBuild line 55 (sourced script with arguments):
  1051. sed -i "s|^\.\ version\.mk|. ./|" configure
  1052. possible bashism in ./games/atari++/atari++.SlackBuild line 86 (brace expansion):
  1053. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  1054. possible bashism in ./games/chroma/chroma.SlackBuild line 67 (brace expansion):
  1055. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  1056. possible bashism in ./games/0ad/0ad.SlackBuild line 69 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  1057. export CFLAGS="$SLKCFLAGS"
  1058. possible bashism in ./games/0ad/0ad.SlackBuild line 70 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  1059. export CXXFLAGS="$SLKCFLAGS"
  1060. possible bashism in ./games/0ad/0ad.SlackBuild line 71 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  1061. export CPPFLAGS="$SLKCFLAGS"
  1062. possible bashism in ./games/0ad/0ad.SlackBuild line 72 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  1063. export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/lib${LIBDIRSUFFIX}"
  1064. possible bashism in ./games/gnubg/gnubg.SlackBuild line 89 (brace expansion):
  1065. rmdir $PKG/usr/share/{doc/gnubg,doc}
  1066. possible bashism in ./games/blobby2/blobby2.SlackBuild line 80 (brace expansion):
  1067. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  1068. possible bashism in ./games/eduke32/eduke32.SlackBuild line 40 (${parm/?/pat[/str]}):
  1069. SRCVER=${VERSION/_/-}
  1070. possible bashism in ./games/Scorched3D/Scorched3D.SlackBuild line 95 (brace expansion):
  1071. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  1072. possible bashism in ./games/opensonic/opensonic.SlackBuild line 89 (brace expansion):
  1073. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  1074. possible bashism in ./games/robotfindskitten/robotfindskitten.SlackBuild line 103 (brace expansion):
  1076. possible bashism in ./games/brainparty/brainparty.SlackBuild line 68 (brace expansion):
  1077. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  1078. possible bashism in ./games/ioquake3/ioquake3.SlackBuild line 61 (brace expansion):
  1079. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  1080. possible bashism in ./games/rezerwar/rezerwar.SlackBuild line 61 (brace expansion):
  1081. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  1082. possible bashism in ./games/xmoto/xmoto.SlackBuild line 73 (brace expansion):
  1083. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{pixmaps,applications}
  1084. possible bashism in ./games/xonotic/xonotic.SlackBuild line 77 (brace expansion):
  1085. mkdir -p \
  1086. $PKG/usr/bin \
  1087. $PKG/usr/share/$PRGNAM \
  1088. $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  1089. possible bashism in ./games/neverball/neverball.SlackBuild line 85 (brace expansion):
  1090. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/{bin,share/$PRGNAM}
  1091. possible bashism in ./games/ztools/ztools.SlackBuild line 43 (${parm/?/pat[/str]}):
  1092. TARVER=${VERSION//./}
  1093. possible bashism in ./games/nethack/nethack.SlackBuild line 93 (brace expansion):
  1094. mv $PKG/var/games/nethack/{nethack,recover} $PKG/usr/lib/nethack/
  1095. possible bashism in ./games/advancemame/advancemame.SlackBuild line 73 (brace expansion):
  1096. /usr/bin/ginstall -d -m 755 $PKG/usr/share/advance/{rom,sample,artwork,image,crc}
  1097. possible bashism in ./games/advancemame/advancemame.SlackBuild line 82 (brace expansion):
  1098. /usr/bin/ginstall -m 644 ./doc/{*.html,*.txt} $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION
  1099. possible bashism in ./games/brutalchess/brutalchess.SlackBuild line 95 (brace expansion):
  1100. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  1101. possible bashism in ./games/gl-117/gl-117.SlackBuild line 71 (brace expansion):
  1102. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  1103. possible bashism in ./games/extremetuxracer/extremetuxracer.SlackBuild line 84 (brace expansion):
  1104. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{pixmaps,applications}
  1105. possible bashism in ./games/angband/angband.SlackBuild line 78 (brace expansion):
  1106. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  1107. possible bashism in ./games/lbreakout2/lbreakout2.SlackBuild line 90 (brace expansion):
  1108. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  1109. possible bashism in ./games/digger/digger.SlackBuild line 71 (brace expansion):
  1110. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  1111. possible bashism in ./games/sauerbraten/sauerbraten.SlackBuild line 84 (brace expansion):
  1112. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  1113. possible bashism in ./games/UrbanTerror/UrbanTerror.SlackBuild line 90 (echo -e):
  1114. echo -e "seta cl_cURLLib \"\"" >> \
  1115. $PKG/usr/lib${LIBDIRSUFFIX}/$PRGNAM/q3ut4/autoexec.cfg
  1116. possible bashism in ./games/UrbanTerror/UrbanTerror.SlackBuild line 93 (brace expansion):
  1117. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  1118. possible bashism in ./games/UrbanTerror/UrbanTerror.SlackBuild line 98 (brace expansion):
  1119. rm -f $PKG/usr/lib${LIBDIRSUFFIX}/$PRGNAM/{,q3ut4/}*.{doc,exe,url}
  1120. possible bashism in ./games/ds-models/ds-models.SlackBuild line 33 (brace expansion):
  1121. mkdir -p $TMP $PKG/usr/{share/games/doom,bin,doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION} $OUTPUT
  1122. possible bashism in ./games/steem/steem.SlackBuild line 24 (${parm/?/pat[/str]}):
  1123. SRCVER=${VERSION/./_}
  1124. possible bashism in ./games/armagetronad/armagetronad.SlackBuild line 92 (brace expansion):
  1126. possible bashism in ./games/stella/stella.SlackBuild line 70 (brace expansion):
  1127. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  1128. possible bashism in ./games/xye/xye.SlackBuild line 105 (brace expansion):
  1130. possible bashism in ./games/njam/njam.SlackBuild line 98 (brace expansion):
  1131. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  1132. possible bashism in ./games/njam/njam.SlackBuild line 103 (brace expansion):
  1133. rm -rf $PKG/usr/share/$PRGNAM/{html,README}
  1134. possible bashism in ./games/trackballs/trackballs.SlackBuild line 139 (echo -e):
  1135. echo -e "This package includes the following extra level packs:\n" \
  1136. "$levels_included" > \
  1137. $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION/README.extra_levels
  1138. possible bashism in ./games/liquidwar6/liquidwar6.SlackBuild line 14 (${parm/?/pat[/str]}):
  1139. SHORTNAM=${PRGNAM/[0-9]*/}
  1140. possible bashism in ./games/KoboDeluxe/KoboDeluxe.SlackBuild line 94 (brace expansion):
  1141. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  1142. possible bashism in ./games/pysolfc/pysolfc.SlackBuild line 68 (echo -e):
  1143. echo -e "Extracting extra cardsets (this may take some time)..."
  1144. possible bashism in ./games/xspacewarp/xspacewarp.SlackBuild line 72 (brace expansion):
  1145. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  1146. possible bashism in ./games/dolphin-emu/dolphin-emu.SlackBuild line 63 (${parm/?/pat[/str]}):
  1147. unzip $CWD/${PRGNAM/-*/}-$
  1148. possible bashism in ./games/o2em/o2em.SlackBuild line 39 (${parm/?/pat[/str]}):
  1149. SRC=${PRGNAM}${VERSION/./}src
  1150. possible bashism in ./games/o2em/o2em.SlackBuild line 80 (brace expansion):
  1151. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/$PRGNAM/{bios,voice}
  1152. possible bashism in ./games/mame/mame.SlackBuild line 65 (${parm/?/pat[/str]}):
  1153. unzip $CWD/${PRGNAM}${VERSION/./}
  1154. possible bashism in ./games/openttd/openttd.SlackBuild line 77 (should be 'b = a'):
  1155. if [ "$OPENDATA" == "YES" ]; then
  1156. possible bashism in ./games/openttd/openttd.SlackBuild line 105 (should be 'b = a'):
  1157. if [ "$OPENDATA" == "YES" ]; then
  1158. possible bashism in ./games/dreamchess/dreamchess.SlackBuild line 71 (brace expansion):
  1159. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  1160. possible bashism in ./games/pengupop/pengupop.SlackBuild line 92 (brace expansion):
  1161. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  1162. possible bashism in ./games/yabause/yabause.SlackBuild line 105 (brace expansion):
  1163. cp -a \
  1165. $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION
  1166. error: ./games/eduke32_hires_pack/eduke32_hires_pack.SlackBuild: Unterminated quoted string found, EOF reached. Wanted: <">
  1167. possible bashism in ./games/garden/garden.SlackBuild line 46 (should be 'b = a'):
  1168. if [ "${ARCH}" == "i486" ];then
  1169. possible bashism in ./games/garden/garden.SlackBuild line 49 (should be 'b = a'):
  1170. elif [ "$ARCH" == "i686" ]; then
  1171. possible bashism in ./games/garden/garden.SlackBuild line 52 (should be 'b = a'):
  1172. elif [ "${ARCH}" == "x86_64" ];then
  1173. possible bashism in ./games/darkplaces/darkplaces.SlackBuild line 106 (brace expansion):
  1174. cp -a $PRGNAM/$PRGNAM-{glx,sdl,dedicated} $PKG/usr/share/games/darkplaces
  1175. possible bashism in ./games/darkplaces/darkplaces.SlackBuild line 120 (brace expansion):
  1176. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  1177. possible bashism in ./games/loemu/loemu.SlackBuild line 83 (brace expansion):
  1178. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  1179. possible bashism in ./games/pingus/pingus.SlackBuild line 84 (brace expansion):
  1180. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  1181. possible bashism in ./games/megaglest/megaglest.SlackBuild line 68 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  1182. export PATH="$PATH:$TMP/$SRCDIR/bin"
  1183. possible bashism in ./games/megaglest/megaglest.SlackBuild line 103 (brace expansion):
  1184. cp -a \
  1185. AUTHORS* CHANGELOG.txt COPYRIGHT* gnu_gpl_3.0.txt README{,.compiling-linux}.txt \
  1186. $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION
  1187. possible bashism in ./games/worldofgoo/worldofgoo.SlackBuild line 64 (should be 'b = a'):
  1188. if [ $ARCH == "x86_64" ]; then
  1189. possible bashism in ./games/worldofgoo/worldofgoo.SlackBuild line 67 (should be 'b = a'):
  1190. elif [ $ARCH == "i486" ] || [ $ARCH == "i686" ]; then
  1191. possible bashism in ./games/worldofgoo/worldofgoo.SlackBuild line 91 (brace expansion):
  1192. cp -a $PKG/opt/$PRGNAM/{linux-issues.txt,eula.txt,readme.html} \
  1193. $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION
  1194. possible bashism in ./games/uqm/uqm.SlackBuild line 104 (brace expansion):
  1195. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/$PRGNAM/content/{addons,packages}
  1196. possible bashism in ./games/scid/scid.SlackBuild line 86 (brace expansion):
  1197. mv $PKG/usr/share/scid/{bases,books} $PKG/var/games/scid
  1198. possible bashism in ./games/scid/scid.SlackBuild line 96 (brace expansion):
  1199. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  1200. possible bashism in ./games/frotz/frotz.SlackBuild line 72 (brace expansion):
  1201. cp -a doc/frotz.conf-{big,small} $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION
  1202. possible bashism in ./games/speed-dreams/speed-dreams.SlackBuild line 75 (brace expansion):
  1203. mv $PKG/usr/{share/,}man
  1204. possible bashism in ./games/speed-dreams/speed-dreams.SlackBuild line 88 (brace expansion):
  1205. mv \
  1206. $PKG/usr/share/games/speed-dreams-2/{CHANGES,COPYING,INSTALL,README,TODO}.txt \
  1207. $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION
  1208. possible bashism in ./games/zsnes/zsnes.SlackBuild line 101 (brace expansion):
  1209. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  1210. possible bashism in ./games/openarena/openarena.SlackBuild line 105 (brace expansion):
  1211. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/games/openarena/{baseoa,missionpack}
  1212. possible bashism in ./games/openarena/openarena.SlackBuild line 106 (brace expansion):
  1213. cp -rf {baseoa,missionpack}/ $PKG/usr/share/games/openarena/
  1214. possible bashism in ./games/openarena/openarena.SlackBuild line 109 (brace expansion):
  1215. cp oa_ded{.i386,.x86_64} openarena{.i386,.x86_64} \
  1216. $PKG/usr/share/games/openarena
  1217. possible bashism in ./games/moria/moria.SlackBuild line 104 (brace expansion):
  1218. cp -a \
  1219. doc source/files/{COPYING,news} README ERRORS INSTALL ChangeLog* \
  1220. $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION
  1221. possible bashism in ./games/clonekeen/clonekeen.SlackBuild line 45 (${parm/?/pat[/str]}):
  1222. tar xvf $CWD/$PRGNAM-src-${VERSION/./}.tar.gz
  1223. possible bashism in ./games/lightyears/lightyears.SlackBuild line 50 (brace expansion):
  1224. mkdir $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  1225. possible bashism in ./games/zdoom/zdoom.SlackBuild line 70 (brace expansion):
  1226. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/{games,share/{applications,pixmaps,games/doom}}
  1227. possible bashism in ./games/abuse/abuse.SlackBuild line 97 (brace expansion):
  1228. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  1229. possible bashism in ./games/starfighter/starfighter.SlackBuild line 71 (brace expansion):
  1230. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/icons/hicolor/{16x16,32x32,48x48,64x64}/apps
  1231. possible bashism in ./games/an/an.SlackBuild line 51 (brace expansion):
  1232. mkdir -p $TMP $PKG/usr/{games,man/man6} $OUTPUT
  1233. possible bashism in ./games/jag/jag.SlackBuild line 72 (should be 'b = a'):
  1234. if [ "${JAG_EDITOR:-no}" == "yes" ]; then
  1235. possible bashism in ./games/jag/jag.SlackBuild line 92 (should be 'b = a'):
  1236. if [ "${JAG_EDITOR:-no}" == "yes" ]; then
  1237. possible bashism in ./games/yamagi-quake2/yamagi-quake2.SlackBuild line 65 (brace expansion):
  1238. rm -rf $PKG $TMP/{quake2-$VERSION,ctf-$CTFVER,quake2-xatrix-$XATRIXVER,quake2-rogue-$ROGUEVER}
  1239. possible bashism in ./games/yamagi-quake2/yamagi-quake2.SlackBuild line 85 (brace expansion):
  1240. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/{bin,share/quake2/{ctf,xatrix,rogue}}
  1241. possible bashism in ./games/yamagi-quake2/yamagi-quake2.SlackBuild line 157 (brace expansion):
  1242. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION/{ctf-$CTFVER,quake2-xatrix-$XATRIXVER,quake2-rogue-$ROGUEVER}
  1243. possible bashism in ./games/yamagi-quake2/yamagi-quake2.SlackBuild line 163 (brace expansion):
  1244. cp -a \
  1246. $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION
  1247. possible bashism in ./games/yamagi-quake2/yamagi-quake2.SlackBuild line 167 (brace expansion):
  1248. cp -a \
  1250. $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION/ctf-$CTFVER
  1251. possible bashism in ./games/yamagi-quake2/yamagi-quake2.SlackBuild line 171 (brace expansion):
  1252. cp -a \
  1254. $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION/quake2-xatrix-$XATRIXVER
  1255. possible bashism in ./games/yamagi-quake2/yamagi-quake2.SlackBuild line 175 (brace expansion):
  1256. cp -a \
  1258. $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION/quake2-rogue-$ROGUEVER
  1259. possible bashism in ./libraries/mysql-connector-c++/mysql-connector-c++.SlackBuild line 90 (brace expansion):
  1260. mv $PKG/usr/{ANNOUNCEMENT,COPYING,INSTALL,README,Licenses*.txt} \
  1261. $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION
  1262. possible bashism in ./libraries/jbigkit/jbigkit.SlackBuild line 67 (brace expansion):
  1263. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/{bin,lib$LIBDIRSUFFIX,include,man/man1,doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION}
  1264. possible bashism in ./libraries/jbigkit/jbigkit.SlackBuild line 69 (brace expansion):
  1265. cp -a pbmtools/{jbgtopbm,pbmtojbg,jbgtopbm85,pbmtojbg85} $PKG/usr/bin
  1266. possible bashism in ./libraries/php-pgsql/php-pgsql.SlackBuild line 128 (brace expansion):
  1267. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION/{pgsql,pdo_pgsql}
  1268. possible bashism in ./libraries/php-pgsql/php-pgsql.SlackBuild line 129 (brace expansion):
  1269. cp ext/pgsql/{CREDITS,README} $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION/pgsql/
  1270. possible bashism in ./libraries/libva/libva.SlackBuild line 29 (${parm/?/pat[/str]}):
  1271. SRCVERS=${VERSION//_/-}
  1272. possible bashism in ./libraries/libsigc++/libsigc++.SlackBuild line 94 (brace expansion):
  1273. rm -rf $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION/{images,reference,index.html}
  1274. possible bashism in ./libraries/freealut/freealut.SlackBuild line 87 (brace expansion):
  1275. rm -rf $PKG/usr/doc/freealut-$VERSION/examples/.{deps,libs}
  1276. possible bashism in ./libraries/fltk/fltk.SlackBuild line 112 (brace expansion):
  1277. rm -rf $PKG/usr/man/cat{1,3}
  1278. possible bashism in ./libraries/fltk/fltk.SlackBuild line 114 (brace expansion):
  1279. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION/{examples,html}
  1280. possible bashism in ./libraries/fltk/fltk.SlackBuild line 118 (brace expansion):
  1281. mv $PKG/usr/share/doc/$PRGNAM/*.{html,gif,jpg} \
  1282. $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION/html/
  1283. possible bashism in ./libraries/fltk13/fltk13.SlackBuild line 131 (brace expansion):
  1284. rm -rf $PKG/usr/man/cat{1,3}
  1285. possible bashism in ./libraries/stfl/stfl.SlackBuild line 84 (brace expansion):
  1286. cp -a \
  1287. example.{c,stfl} perl5/ python/example.* ruby/example.rb spl/*.spl \
  1288. $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION/examples
  1289. possible bashism in ./libraries/fcgi/fcgi.SlackBuild line 101 (brace expansion):
  1290. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/man/man{1,3}
  1291. possible bashism in ./libraries/gdal/gdal.SlackBuild line 79 (should be VAR="${VAR}foo"):
  1292. WITHLIST+=" --with-opencl"
  1293. possible bashism in ./libraries/gdal/gdal.SlackBuild line 84 (should be VAR="${VAR}foo"):
  1294. WITHLIST+=" --with-webp"
  1295. possible bashism in ./libraries/gdal/gdal.SlackBuild line 93 (should be VAR="${VAR}foo"):
  1296. WITHLIST+=" --with-spatialite"
  1297. possible bashism in ./libraries/gdal/gdal.SlackBuild line 101 (should be VAR="${VAR}foo"):
  1298. WITHLIST+=" --with-grass=$(pkg-config --variable=prefix grass)"
  1299. possible bashism in ./libraries/gdal/gdal.SlackBuild line 109 (should be VAR="${VAR}foo"):
  1300. WITHLIST+=" --with-jpeg=internal --with-libtiff=internal"
  1301. possible bashism in ./libraries/gdal/gdal.SlackBuild line 111 (should be VAR="${VAR}foo"):
  1302. WITHLIST+=" --with-jpeg=/usr/lib${LIBDIRSUFFIX} --with-libtiff=/usr/lib${LIBDIRSUFFIX}"
  1303. possible bashism in ./libraries/barry/barry.SlackBuild line 98 (brace expansion):
  1304. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  1305. possible bashism in ./libraries/gts/gts.SlackBuild line 52 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  1306. export CPATH="/usr/include/netpbm:${CPATH:-}"
  1307. possible bashism in ./libraries/libsunpinyin/libsunpinyin.SlackBuild line 68 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  1308. export CFLAGS="$SLKCFLAGS"
  1309. possible bashism in ./libraries/libsunpinyin/libsunpinyin.SlackBuild line 69 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  1310. export CXXFLAGS="$SLKCFLAGS"
  1311. possible bashism in ./libraries/libbluray/libbluray.SlackBuild line 76 (should be 'b = a'):
  1312. if [ "${BDJAVA:-no}" == 'yes' ]; then
  1313. possible bashism in ./libraries/libvirt/libvirt.SlackBuild line 111 (brace expansion):
  1314. for i in etc/libvirt{,/nwfilter,/qemu/networks} etc/{logrotate.d,sasl2,sysctl.d}; do
  1315. possible bashism in ./libraries/libvirt/libvirt.SlackBuild line 114 (brace expansion):
  1316. mv $PKG/$i/$j{,.new}
  1317. possible bashism in ./libraries/xapian-bindings/xapian-bindings.SlackBuild line 72 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  1318. export PERL_ARCH="$(perl -MConfig -e 'print $Config{installvendorarch}')"
  1319. possible bashism in ./libraries/xapian-bindings/xapian-bindings.SlackBuild line 73 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  1320. export PERL_LIB="$(perl -MConfig -e 'print $Config{installvendorlib}')"
  1321. possible bashism in ./libraries/mysql++/mysql++.SlackBuild line 97 (brace expansion):
  1322. cp -a doc/{html,pdf} $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION
  1323. possible bashism in ./libraries/libcap-ng/libcap-ng.SlackBuild line 85 (brace expansion):
  1324. rm -vf $PKG//usr/lib${LIBDIRSUFFIX}/libcap-ng.{a,la}
  1325. possible bashism in ./libraries/libcap-ng/libcap-ng.SlackBuild line 86 (brace expansion):
  1326. rm -vf $PKG//usr/lib${LIBDIRSUFFIX}/python?.?/site-packages/_capng.{a,la}
  1327. possible bashism in ./libraries/xawplus/xawplus.SlackBuild line 78 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  1328. export FLAGS=$SLKCFLAGS
  1329. possible bashism in ./libraries/xawplus/xawplus.SlackBuild line 79 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  1330. export LIBPATH=-L/usr/lib${LIBDIRSUFFIX}
  1331. possible bashism in ./libraries/xawplus/xawplus.SlackBuild line 80 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  1332. export INST_LIBS=/usr/lib${LIBDIRSUFFIX}
  1333. possible bashism in ./libraries/mathgl/mathgl.SlackBuild line 51 (alternative test command ([[ foo ]] should be [ foo ])):
  1334. if [[ ${GSL:-no} = "no" ]]; then
  1335. possible bashism in ./libraries/mathgl/mathgl.SlackBuild line 58 (alternative test command ([[ foo ]] should be [ foo ])):
  1336. if [[ ${OCTAVE:-no} = "no" ]]; then
  1337. possible bashism in ./libraries/mathgl/mathgl.SlackBuild line 65 (alternative test command ([[ foo ]] should be [ foo ])):
  1338. if [[ ${OPENMPI:-no} = "no" ]]; then
  1339. possible bashism in ./libraries/xalan-c/xalan-c.SlackBuild line 70 (should be VAR="${VAR}foo"):
  1340. FLAGS+="-z $i "
  1341. possible bashism in ./libraries/libisoburn/libisoburn.SlackBuild line 88 (brace expansion):
  1342. cp -a \
  1344. xorriso/{changelog.txt,README_gnu_xorriso} \
  1345. $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION
  1346. possible bashism in ./libraries/raptor/raptor.SlackBuild line 94 (brace expansion):
  1347. mv $PKG/usr/bin/{rapper,rapper1}
  1348. possible bashism in ./libraries/raptor/raptor.SlackBuild line 95 (brace expansion):
  1349. mv $PKG/usr/man/man1/{rapper,rapper1}.1
  1350. possible bashism in ./libraries/libtirpc/libtirpc.SlackBuild line 90 (brace expansion):
  1351. mv $PKG/etc/netconfig{,new}
  1352. possible bashism in ./libraries/gsm/gsm.SlackBuild line 80 (brace expansion):
  1353. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/include/{gsm,libgsm}
  1354. possible bashism in ./libraries/gsm/gsm.SlackBuild line 81 (brace expansion):
  1355. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/man/man{1,3}
  1356. possible bashism in ./libraries/lua-filesystem/lua-filesystem.SlackBuild line 79 (brace expansion):
  1357. ( cd $PKG/usr/lib${LIBDIRSUFFIX} ; ln -s lua/5.1/ ; ln -s {,lib} )
  1358. possible bashism in ./libraries/libnova/libnova.SlackBuild line 88 (brace expansion):
  1359. rm -rf examples/.{deps,libs}
  1360. possible bashism in ./libraries/libmusicbrainz3/libmusicbrainz3.SlackBuild line 73 (brace expansion):
  1362. possible bashism in ./libraries/ogre/ogre.SlackBuild line 32 (${parm/?/pat[/str]}):
  1363. SRCNAM="${PRGNAM}_src_v${VERSION//./-}"
  1364. possible bashism in ./libraries/tinyxml/tinyxml.SlackBuild line 63 (${parm/?/pat[/str]}):
  1365. tar xvf $CWD/${PRGNAM}_${VERSION//./_}.tar.gz
  1366. possible bashism in ./libraries/tinyxml/tinyxml.SlackBuild line 86 (brace expansion):
  1367. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/{include,lib${LIBDIRSUFFIX}}
  1368. possible bashism in ./libraries/libnet/libnet.SlackBuild line 77 (brace expansion):
  1369. cp -a \
  1372. $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION
  1373. possible bashism in ./libraries/libnet/libnet.SlackBuild line 78 (brace expansion):
  1374. cp -a doc/html/{*.png,*.gif,*.html,*.css} $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION/html
  1375. possible bashism in ./libraries/SQLObject/SQLObject.SlackBuild line 63 (brace expansion):
  1376. cp -a docs/*.{txt,html} $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION/docs/
  1377. possible bashism in ./libraries/libmspack/libmspack.SlackBuild line 85 (brace expansion):
  1378. rm $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION/html/{Makefile,Doxyfile}
  1379. possible bashism in ./libraries/c-ares/c-ares.SlackBuild line 77 (brace expansion):
  1380. cp -a \
  1382. $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION
  1383. possible bashism in ./libraries/libffado/libffado.SlackBuild line 90 (brace expansion):
  1384. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  1385. possible bashism in ./libraries/cdk/cdk.SlackBuild line 62 (${parm/?/pat[/str]}):
  1386. rm -rf $PRGNAM-${VERSION/_/-}
  1387. possible bashism in ./libraries/cdk/cdk.SlackBuild line 63 (${parm/?/pat[/str]}):
  1388. tar xvf $CWD/$PRGNAM-${VERSION/_/-}.tgz
  1389. possible bashism in ./libraries/cdk/cdk.SlackBuild line 64 (${parm/?/pat[/str]}):
  1390. cd $PRGNAM-${VERSION/_/-}
  1391. possible bashism in ./academic/staden/staden.SlackBuild line 156 (brace expansion):
  1392. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  1393. possible bashism in ./academic/sequence-analysis/sequence-analysis.SlackBuild line 34 (brace expansion):
  1394. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  1395. possible bashism in ./academic/smath-studio/smath-studio.SlackBuild line 31 (<<< here string):
  1396. ORIG_VERSION=$(sed 's/\./_/g' <<< $VERSION)
  1397. possible bashism in ./academic/root/root.SlackBuild line 53 (alternative test command ([[ foo ]] should be [ foo ])):
  1398. if [[ ${GSL:-no} = "no" ]]; then
  1399. possible bashism in ./academic/root/root.SlackBuild line 65 (alternative test command ([[ foo ]] should be [ foo ])):
  1400. if [[ ${FFTW:-no} = "no" ]]; then
  1401. possible bashism in ./academic/root/root.SlackBuild line 73 (alternative test command ([[ foo ]] should be [ foo ])):
  1402. if [[ ${QT:-no} = "no" ]]; then
  1403. possible bashism in ./academic/root/root.SlackBuild line 102 (brace expansion):
  1404. rm -r graf3d/ftgl/{inc,src} || die
  1405. possible bashism in ./academic/root/root.SlackBuild line 104 (brace expansion):
  1406. rm -r graf3d/glew/{inc,src} || die
  1407. possible bashism in ./academic/isoelectric-point/isoelectric-point.SlackBuild line 81 (brace expansion):
  1408. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  1409. possible bashism in ./academic/plasmidomics/plasmidomics.SlackBuild line 51 (brace expansion):
  1410. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  1411. possible bashism in ./academic/clustalx/clustalx.SlackBuild line 88 (brace expansion):
  1412. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  1413. possible bashism in ./academic/cld2/cld2.SlackBuild line 103 (brace expansion):
  1414. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/include/cld2/{internal,public}
  1415. possible bashism in ./academic/perlprimer/perlprimer.SlackBuild line 55 (brace expansion):
  1416. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  1417. possible bashism in ./academic/treeview/treeview.SlackBuild line 95 (brace expansion):
  1418. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  1419. possible bashism in ./academic/genpak/genpak.SlackBuild line 83 (brace expansion):
  1420. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/{bin,doc,man/man1,share}
  1421. possible bashism in ./academic/EMBOSS/EMBOSS.SlackBuild line 100 (brace expansion):
  1422. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  1423. possible bashism in ./academic/arka/arka.SlackBuild line 79 (brace expansion):
  1424. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  1425. possible bashism in ./academic/seaview/seaview.SlackBuild line 107 (brace expansion):
  1426. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  1427. possible bashism in ./academic/mafft/mafft.SlackBuild line 107 (brace expansion):
  1428. rm -rf $PKG/usr/libexec/$PRGNAM/{$PRGNAM.1,$PRGNAM-homologs.1}
  1429. possible bashism in ./academic/jpicedt/jpicedt.SlackBuild line 72 (brace expansion):
  1430. rm -rf $PKG/opt/$PRGNAM-$VERSION/{META-INF,installer,add-ons/windows}
  1431. possible bashism in ./academic/QtiPlot/QtiPlot.SlackBuild line 190 (brace expansion):
  1432. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{pixmaps,applications,mime/packages}
  1433. possible bashism in ./academic/xcircuit/xcircuit.SlackBuild line 71 (brace expansion):
  1434. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  1435. possible bashism in ./academic/gp2fasta/gp2fasta.SlackBuild line 87 (brace expansion):
  1436. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  1437. possible bashism in ./academic/udig/udig.SlackBuild line 79 (brace expansion):
  1438. cp -a jre/lib/${GDALDIR}/{,.1} $PKG/usr/share/$PRGNAM
  1439. possible bashism in ./academic/stellarium/stellarium.SlackBuild line 90 (brace expansion):
  1440. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  1441. possible bashism in ./academic/lalnview/lalnview.SlackBuild line 85 (brace expansion):
  1442. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  1443. possible bashism in ./academic/ImageJ/ImageJ.SlackBuild line 69 (brace expansion):
  1444. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  1445. possible bashism in ./academic/chemtool/chemtool.SlackBuild line 86 (brace expansion):
  1446. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  1447. possible bashism in ./academic/galculator/galculator.SlackBuild line 81 (should be VAR="${VAR}foo"):
  1448. LDFLAGS+=' -lm' \
  1451. ./configure \
  1452. --prefix=/usr \
  1453. --libdir=/usr/lib${LIBDIRSUFFIX} \
  1454. --sysconfdir=/etc \
  1455. --localstatedir=/var \
  1456. --mandir=/usr/man \
  1457. --enable-static=no \
  1458. --build=$ARCH-slackware-linux \
  1459. || exit 1
  1460. possible bashism in ./academic/grass/grass.SlackBuild line 76 (alternative test command ([[ foo ]] should be [ foo ])):
  1461. while [[ "$1" != "" ]]; do
  1462. possible bashism in ./academic/grass/grass.SlackBuild line 82 ('$((n++))' should be '$n; $((n=n+1))'):
  1463. WITHLIST[$((withnum++))]="--with-$1"
  1464. possible bashism in ./academic/grass/grass.SlackBuild line 86 ('$((n++))' should be '$n; $((n=n+1))'):
  1465. WITHLIST[$((withnum++))]="--with-mysql"
  1466. possible bashism in ./academic/grass/grass.SlackBuild line 87 ('$((n++))' should be '$n; $((n=n+1))'):
  1467. WITHLIST[$((withnum++))]="--with-mysql-includes=/usr/include/mysql"
  1468. possible bashism in ./academic/grass/grass.SlackBuild line 91 ('$((n++))' should be '$n; $((n=n+1))'):
  1469. WITHLIST[$((withnum++))]="--with-postgres"
  1470. possible bashism in ./academic/grass/grass.SlackBuild line 98 ('$((n++))' should be '$n; $((n=n+1))'):
  1471. WITHLIST[$((withnum++))]="--with-ffmpeg"
  1472. possible bashism in ./academic/grass/grass.SlackBuild line 99 ('$((n++))' should be '$n; $((n=n+1))'):
  1473. WITHLIST[$((withnum++))]="--with-ffmpeg-includes=$FFINCL"
  1474. possible bashism in ./academic/grass/grass.SlackBuild line 134 (bash arrays, ${name[0|*|@]}):
  1476. CXXFLAGS="$SLKCFLAGS -fpermissive" \
  1477. LDFLAGS="-ldl -lncurses" \
  1478. ./configure \
  1479. --prefix=/opt \
  1480. --with-cxx \
  1481. --with-fftw \
  1482. --with-motif \
  1483. --with-freetype \
  1484. --with-readline \
  1485. --with-python \
  1486. --with-proj-share=/usr/share/proj \
  1487. --with-cairo \
  1488. --with-wxwidgets \
  1489. --with-geos \
  1490. --enable-largefile \
  1491. "${WITHLIST[@]}" \
  1492. $BITNESS \
  1493. --build=$ARCH-slackware-linux \
  1494. --host=$ARCH-slackware-linux
  1495. possible bashism in ./academic/itex2mml/itex2mml.SlackBuild line 51 (alternative test command ([[ foo ]] should be [ foo ])):
  1496. if [[ "$RUBY" = "YES" ]]; then
  1497. possible bashism in ./academic/itex2mml/itex2mml.SlackBuild line 68 (alternative test command ([[ foo ]] should be [ foo ])):
  1498. if [[ "$RUBY" = "YES" ]]; then
  1499. possible bashism in ./academic/amplicon/amplicon.SlackBuild line 53 (brace expansion):
  1500. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  1501. possible bashism in ./academic/sage/sage.SlackBuild line 42 (brace expansion):
  1502. mkdir -p $PKG/$SAGEROOT $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps} \
  1503. $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION $PKG/etc/profile.d
  1504. possible bashism in ./academic/ladr/ladr.SlackBuild line 81 (brace expansion):
  1505. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/{bin,lib$LIBDIRSUFFIX}
  1506. possible bashism in ./academic/copasi/copasi.SlackBuild line 69 (brace expansion):
  1507. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/bin $PKG/usr/share/{copasi,pixmaps,applications}
  1508. possible bashism in ./academic/qucs/qucs.SlackBuild line 87 (brace expansion):
  1509. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  1510. possible bashism in ./academic/avogadro/avogadro.SlackBuild line 106 (brace expansion):
  1511. cp -a \
  1513. libavogadro/src/extensions/gl2ps/{COPYING*,*.txt,*.pdf} \
  1514. $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION
  1515. possible bashism in ./academic/wxMaxima/wxMaxima.SlackBuild line 97 (brace expansion):
  1516. rm -f $PKG/usr/share/$PRGNAM/{COPYING,README}
  1517. possible bashism in ./academic/jalview/jalview.SlackBuild line 72 (brace expansion):
  1518. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  1519. possible bashism in ./academic/tuxtype2/tuxtype2.SlackBuild line 87 (brace expansion):
  1520. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  1521. possible bashism in ./academic/aline/aline.SlackBuild line 73 (brace expansion):
  1522. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  1523. possible bashism in ./academic/xephem/xephem.SlackBuild line 61 (brace expansion):
  1524. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/{bin,man/man1,share/xephem}
  1525. possible bashism in ./academic/xephem/xephem.SlackBuild line 75 (brace expansion):
  1526. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  1527. possible bashism in ./academic/grace/grace.SlackBuild line 96 (brace expansion):
  1528. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  1529. possible bashism in ./office/freemind/freemind.SlackBuild line 55 (brace expansion):
  1530. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps,mime/packages}
  1531. possible bashism in ./office/ProjectLibre/ProjectLibre.SlackBuild line 59 (brace expansion):
  1532. cp -rf {lib,license} $PKG/opt/$PRGNAM/
  1533. possible bashism in ./office/org-mode/org-mode.SlackBuild line 36 (brace expansion):
  1534. mv doc/{org,org-$pkgver}
  1535. possible bashism in ./office/org-mode/org-mode.SlackBuild line 47 (brace expansion):
  1536. mv $PKG/usr/share/info/{org,org-$VERSION}.gz
  1537. possible bashism in ./office/texlive/texlive.SlackBuild line 199 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  1538. export PATH="$PATH:$PKG/usr/bin"
  1539. possible bashism in ./office/texlive/texlive.SlackBuild line 200 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  1540. export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$PKG/usr/lib$LIBDIRSUFFIX"
  1541. possible bashism in ./office/vym/vym.SlackBuild line 81 (brace expansion):
  1542. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{pixmaps,applications,mimelnk/application}
  1543. possible bashism in ./office/wink/wink.SlackBuild line 69 (brace expansion):
  1544. mv $PKG/usr/share/wink/{changelog,license,readme}.txt .
  1545. possible bashism in ./office/htmldoc/htmldoc.SlackBuild line 118 (brace expansion):
  1546. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/icons/hicolor/{16x16,24x24,32x32,48x48,64x64,96x96,128x128}/apps/
  1547. possible bashism in ./office/gbgoffice/gbgoffice.SlackBuild line 107 (brace expansion):
  1548. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  1549. possible bashism in ./office/lout/lout.SlackBuild line 78 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  1550. export OS_UNIX=1
  1551. possible bashism in ./office/lout/lout.SlackBuild line 79 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  1552. export USESTAT=1
  1553. possible bashism in ./office/lout/lout.SlackBuild line 81 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  1554. export PREFIX=/usr
  1555. possible bashism in ./office/lout/lout.SlackBuild line 82 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  1556. export BINDIR=$PREFIX/bin
  1557. possible bashism in ./office/lout/lout.SlackBuild line 83 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  1558. export LOUTLIBDIR=$PREFIX/share/$PRGNAM
  1559. possible bashism in ./office/lout/lout.SlackBuild line 84 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  1561. possible bashism in ./office/lout/lout.SlackBuild line 85 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  1562. export MANDIR=$PREFIX/man/man1/
  1563. possible bashism in ./office/lout/lout.SlackBuild line 87 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  1564. export CHARIN=1
  1565. possible bashism in ./office/lout/lout.SlackBuild line 88 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  1566. export CHAROUT=0
  1567. possible bashism in ./office/lout/lout.SlackBuild line 90 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  1568. export COLLATE=1
  1569. possible bashism in ./office/lout/lout.SlackBuild line 92 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  1570. export PDF_COMPRESSION=1
  1571. possible bashism in ./office/lout/lout.SlackBuild line 93 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  1572. export ZLIB=-lz
  1573. possible bashism in ./office/lout/lout.SlackBuild line 94 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  1574. export ZLIBPATH=
  1575. possible bashism in ./office/lout/lout.SlackBuild line 98 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  1576. export PREFIX=$PKG/usr
  1577. possible bashism in ./office/lout/lout.SlackBuild line 99 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  1578. export BINDIR=$PREFIX/bin
  1579. possible bashism in ./office/lout/lout.SlackBuild line 100 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  1580. export LOUTLIBDIR=$PREFIX/share/$PRGNAM
  1581. possible bashism in ./office/lout/lout.SlackBuild line 101 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  1583. possible bashism in ./office/lout/lout.SlackBuild line 102 (export foo=bar should be foo=bar; export foo):
  1584. export MANDIR=$PREFIX/man/man1/
  1585. possible bashism in ./office/libreoffice-langpack/libreoffice-langpack.SlackBuild line 34 (${parm/?/pat[/str]}):
  1586. PKG_LANG=${LOLANG//-/_}
  1587. possible bashism in ./office/libreoffice-langpack/libreoffice-langpack.SlackBuild line 107 (should be 'b = a'):
  1588. if [ "$ALIEN" == "yes" ]; then
  1589. possible bashism in ./office/pandoc/pandoc.SlackBuild line 87 (brace expansion):
  1590. mv $PKG/usr/share/$PRGNAM-$VERSION/{BUGS,COPYRIGHT,README,changelog} \
  1591. $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION
  1592. possible bashism in ./office/texstudio/texstudio.SlackBuild line 99 (brace expansion):
  1593. cp -a utilities/{AUTHORS,CHANGELOG.txt,COPYING} $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION
  1594. possible bashism in ./office/texstudio/texstudio.SlackBuild line 101 (brace expansion):
  1595. rm -f $PKG/usr/share/$PRGNAM/{COPYING,CHANGELOG.txt,AUTHORS}
  1596. possible bashism in ./office/ding/ding.SlackBuild line 38 (brace expansion):
  1597. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/{bin,man/man1}
  1598. possible bashism in ./office/ding/ding.SlackBuild line 42 (brace expansion):
  1599. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{dict,applications,pixmaps}
  1600. possible bashism in ./office/ding/ding.SlackBuild line 54 (brace expansion):
  1601. cp -R $CWD/{$PRGNAM.SlackBuild,slack-desc,} CHANGES COPYING README $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION
  1602. possible bashism in ./office/calibre/calibre.SlackBuild line 78 (${parm/?/pat[/str]}):
  1603. sed -i "/^numeric_version/s|(.*)|(${VERSION//\./, })|" src/calibre/
  1604. possible bashism in ./office/calibre/calibre.SlackBuild line 112 (brace expansion):
  1605. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,mime/packages}
  1606. possible bashism in ./office/kchmviewer-qt/kchmviewer-qt.SlackBuild line 65 (brace expansion):
  1607. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  1608. possible bashism in ./office/adobe-reader/adobe-reader.SlackBuild line 63 (brace expansion):
  1609. rm -r Reader9/Browser/{HowTo,install_browser_plugin}
  1610. possible bashism in ./office/adobe-reader/adobe-reader.SlackBuild line 81 (brace expansion):
  1611. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  1612. possible bashism in ./office/adobe-reader-fontpacks/adobe-reader-fontpacks.SlackBuild line 50 (${foo:3[:1]}):
  1613. LANG=${FILENAME:12:3}
  1614. possible bashism in ./office/adobe-reader-fontpacks/adobe-reader-fontpacks.SlackBuild line 51 (should be 'b = a'):
  1615. [ "$LANG" == "xtd" ] && DIR="${LANG}font" || DIR="$(echo $LANG|tr 'a-z' 'A-Z')KIT"
  1616. possible bashism in ./office/epdfview/epdfview.SlackBuild line 90 (brace expansion):
  1617. for icon in {24,32,48}; do
  1618. possible bashism in ./office/ganttproject/ganttproject.SlackBuild line 44 (brace expansion):
  1619. mkdir -p \
  1620. $TMP \
  1621. $PKG/{opt/ganttproject,usr/{bin,share/{applications,pixmaps,mime/packages}}} \
  1622. $OUTPUT
  1623. possible bashism in ./office/ line 51 (${parm/?/pat[/str]}):
  1624. PKG_LANG=${OOLANG//-/_} # Leave this alone
  1625. possible bashism in ./office/ line 108 (brace expansion):
  1626. rm -rf $TMP/$SOURCEDIR/{JavaSetup.jar,installdata,setup}
  1627. possible bashism in ./office/ line 109 (brace expansion):
  1628. rm -rf $TMP/$SOURCEDIR/RPMS/{userland,jre-*-linux-*.rpm}
  1629. possible bashism in ./office/eqonomize/eqonomize.SlackBuild line 69 (brace expansion):
  1630. sed -i "s/V4.1.2-Based/V4.2-Based/" doc/{en,fr}/index.docbook
  1631. possible bashism in ./office/devtodo/devtodo.SlackBuild line 95 (brace expansion):
  1632. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION/{contrib,profile.d}
  1633. possible bashism in ./office/scribus/scribus.SlackBuild line 82 (brace expansion):
  1634. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  1635. possible bashism in ./office/pdftk/pdftk.SlackBuild line 75 (brace expansion):
  1636. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/{bin,man/man1,doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION}
  1637. possible bashism in ./office/evince/evince.SlackBuild line 120 (brace expansion):
  1638. rm -rf $PKG/{usr/share/gtk-doc,etc}
  1639. possible bashism in ./office/libreoffice/libreoffice.SlackBuild line 101 (brace expansion):
  1640. rm -rf $TMP/$SOURCEDIR/{JavaSetup.jar,installdata,setup}
  1641. possible bashism in ./office/libreoffice/libreoffice.SlackBuild line 102 (brace expansion):
  1642. rm -rf $TMP/$SOURCEDIR/RPMS/{userland,jre-*-linux-*.rpm}
  1643. possible bashism in ./office/libreoffice/libreoffice.SlackBuild line 127 (brace expansion):
  1644. rm -f opt/libreoffice$SRCSHORT/share/fonts/truetype/{DejaVu,Liberation}*.ttf
  1645. possible bashism in ./office/text2pdf/text2pdf.SlackBuild line 50 (brace expansion):
  1646. cp $CWD/{Makefile,text2pdf.c} $PRGNAM-$VERSION
  1647. possible bashism in ./office/Ted/Ted.SlackBuild line 97 (brace expansion):
  1648. mv $PKG/usr/share/$PRGNAM/{rtf2pdf,rtf2ps}.sh $PKG/usr/bin/
  1649. possible bashism in ./office/Ted/Ted.SlackBuild line 104 (brace expansion):
  1650. mv $PKG/usr/share/$PRGNAM/{rtf2pdf,rtf2ps,$PRGNAM}.1 $PKG/usr/man/man1
  1651. possible bashism in ./office/ line 94 (brace expansion):
  1652. rm -rf $TMP/$SOURCEDIR/{JavaSetup.jar,installdata,setup}
  1653. possible bashism in ./office/ line 95 (brace expansion):
  1654. rm -rf $TMP/$SOURCEDIR/RPMS/{userland,jre-*-linux-*.rpm}
  1655. possible bashism in ./office/texmaker/texmaker.SlackBuild line 96 (brace expansion):
  1656. cp -a \
  1657. INSTALL utilities/{AUTHORS,*.txt,COPYING} \
  1658. $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION
  1659. possible bashism in ./office/texmaker/texmaker.SlackBuild line 98 (brace expansion):
  1660. rm -f $PKG/usr/share/$PRGNAM/{COPYING,CHANGELOG.txt,AUTHORS}
  1661. possible bashism in ./office/libreoffice-helppack/libreoffice-helppack.SlackBuild line 34 (${parm/?/pat[/str]}):
  1662. PKG_LANG=${LOLANG//-/_}
  1663. possible bashism in ./multimedia/cueplayer/cueplayer.SlackBuild line 62 (brace expansion):
  1664. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  1665. possible bashism in ./multimedia/miro/miro.SlackBuild line 91 (should be 'b = a'):
  1666. if [ "$ARCH" == "x86_64" ]; then
  1667. possible bashism in ./multimedia/google-earth/google-earth.SlackBuild line 83 (brace expansion):
  1668. rm -rf $PKG/usr/share/{man,menu,gnome-control-center}
  1669. possible bashism in ./multimedia/avidemux/avidemux.SlackBuild line 148 (brace expansion):
  1670. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  1671. possible bashism in ./multimedia/avidemux/avidemux.SlackBuild line 149 (brace expansion):
  1672. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/icons/hicolor/{16x16,32x32,48x48,64x64}/apps
  1673. possible bashism in ./multimedia/minidlna/minidlna.SlackBuild line 98 (brace expansion):
  1674. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/man/man{5,8}
  1675. possible bashism in ./multimedia/w_scan/w_scan.SlackBuild line 92 (brace expansion):
  1677. doc/{README.file_formats,README_VLC_DVB,rotor.conf} \
  1678. $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION
  1679. possible bashism in ./multimedia/mediatomb/mediatomb.SlackBuild line 112 (brace expansion):
  1680. mkdir -p $PKG/var/{lib,log,run}/mediatomb
  1681. possible bashism in ./multimedia/mediatomb/mediatomb.SlackBuild line 113 (brace expansion):
  1682. chown mediatomb:mediatomb $PKG/var/{lib,log,run}/mediatomb
  1683. possible bashism in ./multimedia/sinthgunt/sinthgunt.SlackBuild line 61 (brace expansion):
  1684. mv $PKG/usr/share/sinthgunt/{LICENSE.txt,README.txt} $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION
  1685. possible bashism in ./multimedia/dvdrip/dvdrip.SlackBuild line 66 (brace expansion):
  1686. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  1687. possible bashism in ./multimedia/JSampler/JSampler.SlackBuild line 78 (echo -e):
  1688. echo -e "\nExec=java -jar $JAVA_HOME/jre/bin/$(echo "${THEME[@]^}")-0.9.jar" \
  1689. >> $PKG/usr/share/applications/$PRGNAM-$THEME.desktop
  1690. possible bashism in ./multimedia/xvst/xvst.SlackBuild line 43 (${parm/?/pat[/str]}):
  1691. unzip $CWD/xVST_${VERSION//\./_}
  1692. possible bashism in ./multimedia/xvst/xvst.SlackBuild line 48 (should be 'b = a'):
  1693. if [ "${PLUGINS:-no}" == "yes" ]; then
  1694. possible bashism in ./multimedia/xvst/xvst.SlackBuild line 79 (brace expansion):
  1695. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/$PRGNAM/{plugins,languages}
  1696. possible bashism in ./multimedia/xvst/xvst.SlackBuild line 90 (brace expansion):
  1697. mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
  1698. possible bashism in ./multimedia/mscore/mscore.SlackBuild line 77 (brace expansion):
  1699. cp -a \
  1700. ./$PRGNAM/{ChangeLog,COPYING,NEWS,README,README.scripts} \
  1701. $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION
  1702. possible bashism in ./multimedia/xbmc/xbmc.SlackBuild line 94 (should be 'b = a'):
  1703. if [ "${FFMPEG:-no}" == "yes" ]; then
  1704. possible bashism in ./multimedia/xbmc/xbmc.SlackBuild line 106 (should be 'b = a'):
  1705. if [ "${WEBSERVER:-no}" == "yes" ]; then
  1706. possible bashism in ./multimedia/xbmc/xbmc.SlackBuild line 113 (should be 'b = a'):
  1707. if [ "${PULSE:-no}" == "yes" ]; then
  1708. possible bashism in ./multimedia/xbmc/xbmc.SlackBuild line 188 (brace expansion):
  1709. rm -f $PKG/usr/share/xbmc/{README.linux,LICENSE.GPL,*.txt}
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