
(AMF) Update 14 (latest)

Jan 13th, 2013
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  1. >The next day found you entering Twilight's basement for the first time.
  2. >For a library, the basement was quite expansive, and filled with all sorts of sciency things.
  3. >Machines, devices, chemistry equipment, tables covered in assorted tools, and a workbench with a tarp thrown over it.
  4. "Over here Anon, if we're gonna try conversion of magical energies, we need to figure out how yours works."
  5. >Twilight stands next to one of the machines, levitating a set of plugs into what you assume is some kind of scanning device.
  6. "Now, with your powers being born of the mind as you say, my first thought was to do a scan of your brain, but the machine for that doesn't get along with metal too well, and you've got more than enough of it to cause problems. Also, you're not a pony, I'd have to put together a set of baselines from scratch and hope that the mere fact that you're psionic doesn't throw things off from whatever is considered normal brain activity for your kind. So instead I'm going to get some readings on your magic. Just wear this and do some harmless magic so I can get some readings."
  7. >The crystals studding your head make wearing the thing difficult, but once you apply the strap, it feels steady enough to proceed.
  8. >Twilight pushes a button, and the machine comes to life, and begins extruding a length of paper with the readings from the contraption on your head.
  9. +May as well start with the basics, is my telepathy active enough to change my readings?+
  10. "Nothing major enough to be definitive, try something stronger."
  11. >You nod, carefully so as not to disturb the instrument strapped to your head, and turn your attention to the pile of tools on a nearby table.
  12. >One by one, they start to vanish in a silvery flash of time, reappearing a short time later.
  13. "Ok, these readings can't be anything but active magic, keep doing that for a bit, we need a good stretch of readings to be able to make out any underlying patterns."
  14. >The cycle of timeshifted tools continues for a few minutes before Twilight is satisfied with the amount of test results she has to look through.
  15. >As she begins to fully examine the yards of paper the machine printed out, she levitates a logbook over, comparing the notes within to your own results.
  16. "Hmm, not much in common with general Equestrian magic in all, though time spells have quite a few similarities, which I suppose makes sense given what you were doing. This pattern here seems familiar though, where have I seen it before..."
  17. >She flips through the pages, in search of a match.
  18. >Near the end of the book, she finds one, and her face lights up for a moment, before switching to a worried expression.
  19. +That's not a good look, what's wrong?+
  20. "Your psionics, they're very, VERY similar in pattern to dark magic."
  21. +And that's bad.+
  22. "Yes. Maybe. I don't actually know all that much about dark magic, if there's any books about it, Celestia has them locked away, I only know about it from when the Crystal Empire reappeared."
  23. +So how is it that you don't know much about dark magic, but you happen to have a set of test results for it?+
  24. >Guilt spreads across Twilight's features.
  25. "When Celestia was telling me about the Crystal Empire, she performed a bit of dark magic as a demonstration of what would happen if King Sombra was able to reclaim the Empire, and I was able to work out how to do it myself from that. I wouldn't have been able to recover the heart without it, but everything about it feels wrong."
  26. +So how does it work compared to Equestrian magic?+
  27. "The basic principles are all the same, but it's powered more by negative emotions than by magic. The alternate power source allows for effects that regular magic can't replicate. The example I encountered was... unpleasant."
  28. +Hmm. There isn't anything like that in psionics. There are those that leverage their emotions, but they do it because it allows for bursts of increased power, not because it's some dark technique that allows for evil. I've said similar many times now, but if I had to guess, I'd say my world's regular magic resembles your world's dark magic because my world is darker than yours. You could probably fill a library with spells designed for combat where I'm from, do you have enough such spells here to fill a single book?+
  29. "There's some, mostly defensive. I believe you're familiar with the most commonly used attack spell. I'm pretty sure guardsponies are taught a few spells that civilians don't have access to. If there's more than that, Celestia has them hidden away."
  30. +Next question, my magic is similar to dark magic, is it possible to take the negative emotions out of dark magic and turn it into regular magic?+
  31. "I don't know. After getting back from the crystal empire, I took these readings for the sake of science, but I wasn't about to go blindly experimenting with dark magic. I've done some looking when I have time, but if there's any books about it, they're either very obscure, not publicly available, or both."
  32. +And you haven't dared to ask Celestia about it because then you'd have to admit you picked up on how to use dark magic.+
  33. "That's not true at all, she knows I used it to find the way to the heart."
  34. +You wouldn't have looked guilty earlier if there wasn't something you didn't want shared.+
  35. "Ok fine, she doesn't know I took these readings. I didn't want her to think I was dabbling in things I shouldn't and bring me back to Canterlot so she could keep a better eye on me."
  36. +Well, you don't seem to be an anger-fueled demon pony, so I'm not sure why you're worried about this.+
  37. "How do you think it looks to Celestia if her personal protégé goes around playing with dark magic without letting her know?"
  38. +Then perhaps you should let her know. The longer you wait, the worse it looks.+
  39. "I... but... how do I even tell her?"
  40. +It's very simple. Explain that we are researching a way to try and convert my own magic into Equestrian magic in an effort to make your recent spell research less of a drain on the caster. You've taken some readings, found that my magic bears similarities to dark magic, and want to know if she has any ideas. Include a copy of both sets of readings.+
  41. "And then what?"
  42. +If dark magic is as big a deal as you seem to think it is, she will likely guess where the readings came from, have a moment of worry, think back on your actions since then, see no change, then depending on exactly how much of a Bad Thing dark magic is, her response will be words of caution, along with whatever information she feels is safe to share.+
  43. "And you are basing this on what, exactly?"
  44. +On the fact that she believes in you. Whatever was going on with the Crystal Empire. Discord. Her /sister/.+
  45. "That's hardly conclus--"
  46. +She allowed me into her mind to demonstrate what exactly it was that had happened in Applied Research because of your trust in me.+
  47. "She wha--"
  48. +If she was truly worried that exposure to dark magic would change you, she'd have warned you off it after you'd let her know you knew how to use it.+
  49. "I get it! You've made your point, I'll write a letter to Celestia to see if she can help."
  50. >She magics over some writing materials, and begins to compose the letter.
  51. "Anything else I should add?"
  52. +I can't think of anything specific, but be sure to add any information that could be useful. Maybe a copy of that spell you'd been using yesterday, perhaps she knows a way to improve it to the point we don't need to try converting my own magic.+
  53. "Already in here, it wouldn't make sense to not include everything we've tried thus far. Ok, I think this is everything, you'd better be right about how she's going to respond."
  54. +If dark magic is a big enough deal that anything resembling it is too hazardous to be allowed, it bodes far worse for me than you.+
  55. "That's not very reassuring, you know."
  56. +The truth seldom is, but a lie would only hurt if I turn out to be wrong.+
  57. "Mhmm. Now, where's Spike gotten to, the sooner this gets sent, the sooner we can get a reply..."
  59. +++Celestia+++
  61. >You knew this day would come.
  62. >It had taken longer than you'd expected, but here it was.
  63. >Luckily, you were prepared.
  64. >Subtle changes to schedules here and there allowed for frequent windows where you would be free to act if needed.
  65. >During the next shift change among the guards, you would have five minutes alone in the throne room.
  66. >More than enough time to do what needed to be done and be back.
  67. >As the minutes ticked by, you mentally prepared yourself for what you were about to do.
  68. >You've done this before, but not like this, not premeditated.
  69. >A distant bell tolls, and the guards begin to shuffle out of your throne room.
  70. >Giving them a few moments to ensure none unexpectedly come back, you rise from your throne, a predatory grin on your normally kind face.
  71. >With a flash of magic, you vanish, reappearing in a distant room of the castle.
  72. >All the windows were closed, just as you'd requested a month ago 'because it was getting too drafty'
  73. >There would be no evidence this time.
  74. >In the middle of the room stood an ornate table.
  75. >Upon the table lay what you sought.
  76. >Delicious, moist, and containing no less than eight different varieties of chocolate.
  77. >Your mouth began to water as you cut a slice out of it.
  78. >There had been quite a scandal after a certain picture had turned up in the newspaper.
  79. >In an effort to calm things down, you had to give up cake entirely.
  80. >But you knew you couldn't last forever, so you had come up with this scheme for when you finally slipped.
  81. >And it worked! No witnesses, no scandals, just you and the finest work of the royal bakers.
  82. >Just as you were about to bite into your first piece, a flash of green fire heralded the arrival of a scroll from Twilight.
  83. >It was far too soon for her weekly report, something must have come up.
  84. >Giving a long sigh, you take as big a bite out of your slice of cake as possible before setting it back on the table.
  85. >You'd have to finish what you started tomorrow.
  86. >Teleporting back to your throne, you take as long as possible to chew on your mouthful of cake as you begin to read Twilight's letter.
  87. >Your attention quickly shifts from the cake to the letter as you process what you're reading.
  88. >Converting magical energies? Purifying dark magic?
  89. >Quite a bold endeavor, but you've come to expect no less from her.
  90. >As for Anonymous, this news bore investigation, but if his magic truly was related to dark magic, he's shown no signs of being corrupted.
  91. >You still weren't sure how Sombra had evaded notice long enough to gain control over the crystal empire, but typically a unicorn that learned dark magic would be discovered quickly, as they began to act on all the negative emotions they used to power their newfound arts.
  92. >Anonymous certainly had ample opportunity to attempt something when you allowed his demonstration.
  93. >How easily his gentle touch upon your mind could have instead been something far worse.
  94. >Back to the matter at hoof.
  95. >Swallowing what remained of the cake, you prepared quill and parchment and considered your reply.
  96. "My dearest student,
  97. I'm sure I don't need to remind you of the dangers of dark magic, you have seen the effects firsthoof. While there are obvious dangers in allowing access to what texts we have on dark magic, the possibility of finding a way to undo its dark influence without needing such potent magic as the Elements cannot be ignored. It will take a few days to prepare for your visit, I will write again when everything is ready."
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