
My Final Fantasy

Apr 11th, 2021
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  1. My Final Fantasy (Idea for the game)
  3. Plot - In this world of Sah'ia, everyone is born with a "magic" in their soul. There are many different kinds of souls but tend to be one of 6* number of categories: White Magic (Healing), Black Magic (Elemental), Green Magic (Nature), Red Magic (War), "Beast" Magic/Necromancy (Death and Malice), and Summon Magic (Connection to the gods). [*Time Magic and Sages are also a thing]
  5. Each of these types of magic over time formed "Magical Tribes" and lived separately, but always had tension with one another due a difference in their customs being at odds with one another. This eventually led to a long Magic War where each Magical Tribe fought over world wide dominance. After a 100 years of war, the leaders of 4 major Magical Tribes (Black, White, Red, and Green) decide to put aside their differences and focus on culling the shared enemies of "Beast" Mages/Necromancers, as they represented "Evil" in this world as well as Summon Mages as their connection to the gods made them too powerful; forming The United Magic Republic. The Summon Tribe, being a more peaceful and nomadic tribe went into hiding from the UMR; while the "Beast" Tribe attempted to stand their ground, in vain. Eventually, the Magic Republic formed a new Mega City World Capital named Mysidia, a city split into 4 parts for each of the tribes but ruled by a government made up of representatives from each tribe and headed by the ones born with the rarest soul of them all, a Sage Soul, one of which who is elected by all of the people as the Grand Sage. After this city is formed, a Great Seal is placed over it, preventing anyone (well almost everyone) from using magic for malicious purposes. People who are exiled from the city, or who have a very weak Magic Soul live in small cities and villages all around the world.
  7. Each Magic Tribe has it's own customs and these are preserved in their own sector and work together to form a powerful society.
  9. White Mages are healers and philosophers who's mission in the UMR to serve as Doctors and Intellectuals to better the Republic, as well as run orphanages and serve as missionaries outside the capital serving those in need. The leader of the White Mages is known as [Name] the White and is chosen by the people in Sector W for who is believed to be the most Holy and Wise of all White Mages. Sector W runs a completely free healthcare system as well as a confessional system to help citizens deal with their guilt or internal turmoil. To keep this theme, Sector W resembles the Vatican and is always kept clean. The greeting/hand symbol of Sector W is clasping your hands together like you are praying and bowing your head to promote reverence.
  11. Black Mages are crafty and hard working, serving as the "Capitalist Middle Class" of inventors, laborers, and salesmen. Within Sector B there are 6 Mini-Sectors known as Unions, one for each of the Elements (Fire, Ice, Thunder, Water, Earth, and Wind) who are headed by Union Blacks (elected for being a "Master" of their element) who work together in order to sustain balance within the "Capitalist" system by preventing one Element to run a Monopoly over the others in terms of power. Each Union focuses on magic of their element, but they all work together to run businesses and create products to make them and the other Sectors lives better, as well as being traveling merchants outside the city. Sector B looks like Midgar in Final Fantasy 7. The hand symbol of Sector B is extending a hand for a handshake to promote comradery.
  13. Green Mages are those most connected to nature, animals, and the land itself. Sector G is full of Farmers, Ranchers and Weather Watchers; as well as Environmentalists, Chefs, and Musicians/Bards. Their role in the UMR is to provide Food, maintain parks, keep in tune with the environment and to serve as the Weather forecasters. The culture and land of Sector G is very close to "The South" in the USA, farmlands of country bumkins, Hippies, and over all simple folk with a few who serve more as "Earthen Gurus" for the other Sectors. The "leader" of Sector G, The Green Thumb, is decided every year by those who complete the Three Sacred Trials. The Three Trials incorporates all aspects of Green Mage culture: 1. Cooking Contest, 2. Musical Performance, and 3. Behemoth Riding and Corralling. Usually, the last one is very rarely completed by anyone and in that case nothing changes. The Green Thumb merely acts as a reprehensive for Sector G and has no real power outside of some bragging rights.
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