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- 2248D50
- 2248D94 Tick trigger
- 2248DBF
- 2246ee0 Base Pointer table address
- 2249B31 Store Rand 1 (B)
- 2249B32 Store Rand 2 (W)
- N.B. Rand(x)=(u32*x)>>32 (result in [0,x-1])
- C-Gear LCRNG advancement
- Two timers alternate: short period (1 frame) / long period (2 frames)
- Run as long as the C-Gear is on
- --
- Short Advance
- rand(40)+60
- --
- Long Advance
- rand(3)
- rand(152)+60
- --------------------------------------------------
- MEMORY:02178010 Adv1
- MEMORY:02178010 PUSH {R4,LR}
- MEMORY:02178012 MOVS R4, R0
- MEMORY:02178014 BL getTick @ 0x2248D50
- MEMORY:02178018 CMP R0, #1
- MEMORY:0217801A BNE __return
- MEMORY:0217801C LDR R0, =0x2177401
- MEMORY:0217801E MOVS R1, #0
- MEMORY:02178020 MOVS R2, #0
- MEMORY:02178022 BL loc_21785D4
- MEMORY:02178026 CMP R0, #0
- MEMORY:02178028 BEQ locret_2178040
- MEMORY:0217802A MOVS R0, #0x28 @ '('
- MEMORY:0217802C BL rand__
- MEMORY:02178030 LDR R1, =0xCF2
- MEMORY:02178032 ADDS R0, #0x3C @ '<'
- MEMORY:02178034 STRB R0, [R4,R1] @ Store rand(0x28)+0x3C at 0x2249B32
- MEMORY:02178036 LDR R0, =dword_21797C4
- MEMORY:02178038 LDR R1, =0x2177FE5
- MEMORY:0217803A LDR R0, [R0]
- MEMORY:0217803C BL sub_217729C
- --------------------------------------------------
- MEMORY:02177F68 Adv2:
- MEMORY:02177F68 PUSH {R3-R5,LR}
- MEMORY:02177F6A MOVS R4, R0
- MEMORY:02177F6C BL IsTickOne
- MEMORY:02177F70 CMP R0, #0
- MEMORY:02177F72 BEQ __return
- MEMORY:02177F74 LDR R1, =byte_2179698
- MEMORY:02177F76 ADD R0, SP, #0
- MEMORY:02177F78 LDRB R2, [R1]
- MEMORY:02177F7A STRB R2, [R0]
- MEMORY:02177F7C LDRB R2, [R1,#(byte_2179699 - 0x2179698)]
- MEMORY:02177F7E STRB R2, [R0,#1]
- MEMORY:02177F80 LDRB R1, [R1,#(byte_217969A - 0x2179698)]
- MEMORY:02177F82 STRB R1, [R0,#2]
- MEMORY:02177F84 MOVS R0, #3
- MEMORY:02177F86 BL rand__
- MEMORY:02177F8A LDR R1, =0xCF1
- MEMORY:02177F8C STRB R0, [R4,R1] @ Store rand(3) at 0x2249B31 (1byte)
- MEMORY:02177F8E LDRB R0, [R4,R1]
- MEMORY:02177F90 CMP R0, #3
- MEMORY:02177F92 BCC Adv3
- MEMORY:02177F94 MOVS R0, #0
- MEMORY:02177F96 STRB R0, [R4,R1] @ If rolled 3 replace with 0 (why?)
- --------------------------------------------------
- MEMORY:02177F98 Adv3:
- MEMORY:02177F98 BL loc_21777AC
- MEMORY:02177F9C LDR R5, =0xC68
- MEMORY:02177F9E MOVS R0, #0
- MEMORY:02177FA0 MOVS R2, R5
- MEMORY:02177FA2 ADDS R2, #0x89 @ 'ë'
- MEMORY:02177FA4 LDRB R3, [R4,R2]
- MEMORY:02177FA6 ADD R2, SP, #0
- MEMORY:02177FA8 LDRH R1, [R4,R5]
- MEMORY:02177FAA LDRB R2, [R2,R3]
- MEMORY:02177FAC MOVS R3, #1
- MEMORY:02177FAE BL unk_21792A8
- MEMORY:02177FB2 CMP R0, #0
- MEMORY:02177FB4 BEQ locret_2177FCC
- MEMORY:02177FB6 MOVS R0, #0x98 @ 'ÿ'
- MEMORY:02177FB8 BL rand__
- MEMORY:02177FBC ADDS R0, #0x3C @ '<'
- MEMORY:02177FBE ADDS R5, #0x8A @ 'è'
- MEMORY:02177FC0 STRB R0, [R4,R5] @ Store rand(0x98)+0x3C at 0x2249B32
- MEMORY:02177FC2 LDR R0, =dword_21797C4
- MEMORY:02177FC4 LDR R1, =0x2177F1D
- MEMORY:02177FC6 LDR R0, [R0]
- MEMORY:02177FC8 BL sub_217729C
- --------------------------------------------------
- Loading any area of Entree Forest that contains Pokémon
- will advance the RNG by 2 frames:
- --------------------------------------------------
- MEMORY:0217C3FA loc_217C3FA:
- MEMORY:0217C3FA LSLS R7, R4, #2
- MEMORY:0217C3FC LDR R0, [R6,R7]
- MEMORY:0217C3FE LSLS R0, R0, #0x15
- MEMORY:0217C400 LSRS R0, R0, #0x15
- MEMORY:0217C402 BEQ loc_217C45C
- MEMORY:0217C404 MOVS R0, #2
- MEMORY:0217C406 BL rand.event__
- MEMORY:0217C40A SUBS R5, R0, #1
- MEMORY:0217C40C MOVS R0, #2
- MEMORY:0217C40E BL rand.event__
- MEMORY:0217C412 SUBS R1, R0, #1
- MEMORY:0217C414 LDR R2, [SP,#0x10]
- MEMORY:0217C416 LSLS R3, R4, #1
- MEMORY:0217C418 LDR R0, [SP,#0x10]
- MEMORY:0217C41A LDRB R2, [R2,R3]
- MEMORY:0217C41C ADDS R0, R0, R3
- MEMORY:0217C41E LDRB R0, [R0,#1]
- MEMORY:0217C420 ADDS R3, R5, R2
- MEMORY:0217C422 LDR R2, [SP,#0xC]
- MEMORY:0217C424 ADDS R0, R1, R0
- MEMORY:0217C426 CMP R2, R3
- MEMORY:0217C428 BNE loc_217C442
- MEMORY:0217C42A LDR R2, [SP,#8]
- MEMORY:0217C42C CMP R2, R0
- MEMORY:0217C42E BNE loc_217C442
- MEMORY:0217C430 CMP R5, #0
- MEMORY:0217C432 BEQ loc_217C438
- MEMORY:0217C434 SUBS R3, R3, R5
- MEMORY:0217C436 B loc_217C442
- --------------------------------------------------
- For some reason, some Pokémon like Nidoran have
- static movement (not RNG based). For all purposes,
- consider that they're not here. (more research needed
- for exhaustive list).
- When in Entralink Forest with at least one Pokémon,
- the function used to move each around (@0x225249a)
- consumes 2 frame: timer is (rand(4)+1)*16 (possible
- values 0x10, 0x20, 0x30, 0x40) and direction is
- rand(4) with 0=N, 1=S, 2=E and 3=W.
- This function is also used to move NPC in overworld.
- The relevant memory locations for the timers are
- 0x255239A+(i*0x100) (i is the NPC#) and 0x255239C
- +(i*0x100) for the direction.
- If the timer is shifted 16 bits to the left the
- movement is static (not RNG controlled).
- !!! The "Do you want <x> to join your party" dialog
- will stop the NPC timer but not the main C-Gear one
- !!! As soon as you interact, there is a dummy call to
- makePKM that will consume the usual frames of a Pokémon
- creation (6 for the PIDRNG). The call to MakePKM that is
- actually used is when you press yes.
- !!! The PID method for entralink is set ability, set
- gender. The generated PID will have its last byte and
- 17th bit modified accordingly
- --------------------------------------------------
- MEMORY:0219A1C8 MoveNPC:
- MEMORY:0219A1C8 LDRH R0, [R4]
- MEMORY:0219A1CA CMP R0, #0
- MEMORY:0219A1CC BNE loc_219A1FA
- MEMORY:0219A1CE MOVS R1, #2
- MEMORY:0219A1D0 LDRSH R0, [R4,R1]
- MEMORY:0219A1D2 SUBS R0, R0, #1
- MEMORY:0219A1D4 STRH R0, [R4,#2]
- MEMORY:0219A1D6 LDRSH R0, [R4,R1]
- MEMORY:0219A1D8 CMP R0, #0
- MEMORY:0219A1DA BGT loc_219A1FA @ Skip if [0x225249a]>0
- MEMORY:0219A1DC LDR R0, loc_219A204
- MEMORY:0219A1DE SUBS R1, R1, #3
- MEMORY:0219A1E0 BL NPCTimer
- MEMORY:0219A1E4 STRH R0, [R4,#2]
- MEMORY:0219A1E6 LDR R0, [R4,#4]
- MEMORY:0219A1E8 MOVS R1, R6
- MEMORY:0219A1EA BL NPCDirection @ Not sure what this rand(4) is used for
- MEMORY:0219A1EE ADDS R1, R0, #0
- --------------------------------------------------
- MEMORY:0219B110 NPCTimer:
- MEMORY:0219B110 PUSH {R4,LR}
- MEMORY:0219B112 MOVS R4, R0
- MEMORY:0219B114 BL loc_219B0F8 @ This returns 4
- MEMORY:0219B118 BL rand__
- MEMORY:0219B11C LSLS R0, R0, #2
- MEMORY:0219B11E LDR R0, [R4,R0] @ [R4] is {0x10,0x20,0x30,0x40}
- MEMORY:0219B120 POP {R4,PC}
- --------------------------------------------------
- MEMORY:0219B124 NPCDirection:
- MEMORY:0219B124 PUSH {R3-R5,LR}
- MEMORY:0219B126 MOVS R5, R1
- MEMORY:0219B128 BL loc_219B140
- MEMORY:0219B12C MOVS R1, R5
- MEMORY:0219B12E MOVS R4, R0
- MEMORY:0219B130 BL loc_219B0F8 @ This returns 4
- MEMORY:0219B134 BL rand__
- MEMORY:0219B138 LSLS R0, R0, #2
- MEMORY:0219B13A LDR R0, [R4,R0] @ [R4] is {0,1,2,3}
- MEMORY:0219B13C POP {R3-R5,PC}
- --------------------------------------------------
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