Guest User


a guest
Sep 27th, 2022
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YAML 5.55 KB | None | 0 0
  1. mpasn_searchbyname: Search by name...
  2. mpasn_None: None
  3. mpasn_Banker: Banker
  4. mpasn_Trader: Trader
  5. mpasn_Gambler: Gambler
  6. mpasn_Marketplace: Marketplace
  7. mpasn_Teleporter: Teleporter
  8. mpasn_Buffer: Enchanter
  9. mpasn_Info: Info
  10. mpasn_Quests: Quests
  11. mpasn_Feedback: Feedback
  12. mpasn_sell: Sell
  13. mpasn_buy: Buy
  14. mpasn_profile: Profile
  15. mpasn_gold: Gold
  16. mpasn_added: Added $1 $2
  17. mpasn_spawned: Spawneds
  18. mpasn_itemname: Item Name
  19. mpasn_count: Count
  20. mpasn_price: Price
  21. mpasn_opennpcui: Open NPC UI
  22. mpasn_openmarketplace: Open Marketplace
  23. mpasn_changenpctype: Change NPC Type
  24. mpasn_changenpcprofile: Change NPC Profiles (max 30 symbols)
  25. mpasn_overridenpcname: Override NPC Name
  26. mpasn_snaptogroundandrotate: Snap to ground and rotate
  27. mpasn_apply: Apply
  28. mpasn_income: Income
  29. mpasn_quantity: Quantity
  30. mpasn_youareblocked: You are blocked
  31. mpasn_limitmarket: Limit market max slots
  32. mpasn_error: Error
  33. mpasn_youget: You Get
  34. mpasn_youneed: You Need
  35. mpasn_quality: Quality
  36. mpasn_rarity: Rarity
  37. mpasn_mysales: My sales
  38. mpasn_allowed: Allowed
  39. mpasn_banned: Banned
  40. mpasn_slotlimit: Slot limit
  41. mpasn_itemnamemarket: Item Name
  42. mpasn_sellernamemarket: Seller
  43. mpasn_sellmarketplace: Sell
  44. mpasn_buymarketplace: Buy
  45. mpasn_goldmarketplace: Gold
  46. mpasn_pricemarketplace: Price
  47. mpasn_quantitymarketplace: Quantity
  48. mpasn_sellasanon: Sell as anon
  49. mpasn_cancel: Cancel
  50. mpasn_all: All
  51. mpasn_weapons: Weapons
  52. mpasn_armor: Arrmor
  53. mpasn_consumable: Consumable
  54. mpasn_tools: Tools
  55. mpasn_resources: Resources
  56. mpasn_withdraw: Withdraw
  57. mpasn_deposit: Deposit
  58. mpasn_enterquantity: Enter Quantity...
  59. mpasn_bankquantity: In bank
  60. mpasn_cooldown: Cooldown
  61. mpasn_daysleft: Days left
  62. mpasn_complete: Complete
  63. mpasn_cancelquest: Cancel
  64. mpasn_takequest: Take quest
  65. mpasn_Pet: Pet
  66. mpasn_Item: Item
  67. mpasn_Skill: Skill
  68. mpasn_Kill: Kill
  69. mpasn_Talk: Talk with
  70. mpasn_Harvest: Harvest
  71. mpasn_Craft: Craft
  72. mpasn_Collect: Collect
  73. mpasn_Build: Build
  74. mpasn_mpasn_notenoughskilllevel: You don't have enough skill level
  75. mpasn_needtofinishquest: You need to finish quest
  76. mpasn_needglobalkey: Need global key
  77. mpasn_target: Target
  78. mpasn_reward: Reward
  79. mpasn_youfinishedquest: You finished quest
  80. mpasn_EpicMMO_Exp: Epic MMO experience
  81. mpasn_Battlepass_EXP: Battlepass experience
  82. mpasn_needepicmmolevel: Need Epic MMO level
  83. mpasn_inventory: Inventory
  84. mpasn_duration: Duration
  85. mpasn_bufferbuy: Buy
  86. mpasn_modifyattack: Modify attack
  87. mpasn_healthregenmodifier: Health regen modifier
  88. mpasn_staminaregenmodifier: Stamina regen modifier
  89. mpasn_modifyraisingskills: Modify raising skills
  90. mpasn_movementspeedmodifier: Movement speed modifier
  91. mpasn_noisemodifier: Noise modifier
  92. mpasn_maxcarryweight: Max carry weight
  93. mpasn_stealthbonus: Stealth bonus
  94. mpasn_runstaminadrain: Run stamina drain
  95. mpasn_damagereduction: Damage reduction
  96. mpasn_needhasitem: You need item
  97. mpasn_opennnpcui: NPC UI
  98. mpasn_fashionmenu: Fashion Menu
  99. mpasn_npcsaveload: NPC Save / Load Menu
  100. mpasn_removenpc: Remove NPC
  101. mpasn_openinfo: Open Info
  102. mpasn_openteleporthub: Open Teleport Hub
  103. mpasn_openfeedback: Open Feedback
  104. mpasn_opentrader: Open Trader
  105. mpasn_openbanker: Open Banker
  106. mpasn_opengambler: Open Gambler
  107. mpasn_openquests: Open Quests
  108. mpasn_openbuffer: Open Buffer
  109. mpasn_expired: EXPIRED
  110. mpasn_taxes: Taxes
  111. mpasn_overridenpcmodel: Override NPC Model
  112. mpasn_setpatroldata: Set Patrol Data (X0,Z0,X1,Z1 and so on)
  113. mpasn_leftitem: Left Item
  114. mpasn_rightitem: Right Item
  115. mpasn_helmetitem: Helmet Item
  116. mpasn_chestitem: Chest Item
  117. mpasn_legsitem: Legs Item
  118. mpasn_capeitem: Cape Item
  119. mpasn_leftbackitem: Left Back Item
  120. mpasn_rightbackitem: Right Back Item
  121. mpasn_hairitem: Hair (index)
  122. mpasn_haircolor: Hair Color (#hex)
  123. mpasn_skincolor: Skin Color (#hex)
  124. mpasn_modelscale: Model Scale
  125. mpasn_interactanimation: Interact Animation
  126. mpasn_greetanimation: Greet Animation
  127. mpasn_byeanimation: Bye Animation
  128. mpasn_greettext: Greet Text
  129. mpasn_byetext: Bye Text
  130. mpasn_craftinganimation: Crafting Animation (index)
  131. mpasn_bearditem: Beard (index)
  132. mpasn_beardcolor: Beard Color (#hex)
  133. mpasn_interactsound: Interact Sound
  134. mpasn_textfont: Text Font
  135. mpasn_textsize: Text Size
  136. mpasn_textheight: Text Height
  137. mpasn_nopremiumaccess: No premium access
  138. mpasn_noitems: No Items
  139. mpasn_enabledebugmode: Enable <color=cyan>Debug Mode</color> first
  140. mpasn_teleportwithore: CAN'T TELEPORT WITH ORE
  141. mpasn_cantteleport: Can't teleport
  142. mpasn_nobuilddamage: Can't Damage Buildings
  143. mpasn_pushaway: Push Away
  144. mpasn_cantbuild: Can't Build
  145. mpasn_cantusepickaxe: Can't Use Pickaxe
  146. mpasn_nointeractions: No Interactions
  147. mpasn_cantattack: Can't Attack
  148. mpasn_pvponly: PvP Only
  149. mpasn_pveonly: PvE Only
  150. mpasn_periodichealALL: Periodic Heal (All)
  151. mpasn_periodicheal: Periodic Heal
  152. mpasn_periodicdamage: Periodic Damage
  153. mpasn_increasedamagePlayer: Increased Damage (Player)
  154. mpasn_increasedamageMonsters: Increased Damage (Monsters)
  155. mpasn_nomonsters: No Monsters
  156. mpasn_movementspeedmultiplier: Movement Speed Mulitplier
  157. mpasn_nodeathpenalty: No Death Skill Penalty
  158. mpasn_noportals: Can't Use Portals
  159. mpasn_infinitefuel: Infinite Fuel
  160. mpasn_nointeractitems: No Iteract Items
  161. mpasn_nointeractcraftingstations: No Interact Crafting Station
  162. mpasn_nointeractitemstands: No Interact Itemstands
  163. mpasn_nointeractchests: No Interact Chests
  164. mpasn_nointeractdoors: No Interact Doors
  165. mpasn_nostructuresupport: No Structure Support
  166. mpasn_nointeractportals: No Interact Portals
  167. mpasn_noitemloss: No Item Loss on Death
  168. mpasn_npcloader: NPC Loader
  169. mpasn_save: Save
  170. mpasn_gamblebutton : GAMBLE
  171. mpasn_gambleryouhaveachance: You have a chance of getting
  172. mpasn_itemsperroll: Items Per Roll
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