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Feb 18th, 2019
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  1. # SimC Addon 1.10.10
  2. druid="Pôseidon"
  3. level=120
  4. race=night_elf
  5. region=eu
  6. server=hyjal
  7. role=spell
  8. professions=enchanting=150/jewelcrafting=150
  9. talents=3232322
  10. spec=balance
  12. head=,id=165519,bonus_id=4823/1522/4786/5417,context=5,azerite_powers=122/562/461/219
  13. neck=,id=158075,bonus_id=4936/4929/4930/1550,context=11,azerite_level=40
  14. shoulder=,id=159339,bonus_id=5445/1572/4786/5418,context=35,azerite_powers=122/193/459/219
  15. back=,id=159289,bonus_id=5010/1577/4783,context=16
  16. chest=,id=158038,bonus_id=1577/4786/5413/4775,context=28,azerite_powers=122/200/461/14/13
  17. shirt=,id=45670
  18. tabard=,id=31405
  19. wrist=,id=158353,bonus_id=5010/42/1572/4786,context=16
  20. hands=,id=159346,enchant_id=5935,bonus_id=5010/1587/4784,context=16
  21. waist=,id=159317,gem_id=154127,bonus_id=5010/4802/1577/4783,context=16
  22. legs=,id=159297,bonus_id=5010/1582/4783,context=35
  23. feet=,id=159295,bonus_id=5010/1572/4786,context=16
  24. finger1=,id=159463,bonus_id=5010/1572/4786,context=16
  25. finger2=,id=158314,enchant_id=5943,bonus_id=5010/1582/4783,context=35
  26. trinket1=,id=166418,bonus_id=4798/1507/4786,context=3
  27. trinket2=,id=159630,bonus_id=5009/1567/4786,context=16
  28. main_hand=,id=159129,enchant_id=5963,bonus_id=5008/1572/4783,context=35
  30. ### Gear from Bags
  31. #
  32. # Couronne du sombre règne d’A’akul (400)
  33. # head=,id=165526,bonus_id=4823/1522/4786/5417,context=5,azerite_powers=250/561/18/540
  34. #
  35. # Mantelet en os-lame de Ma’ra (400)
  36. # shoulder=,id=165777,bonus_id=4823/1522/4786/5418,context=5,azerite_powers=122/562/31/467
  37. #
  38. # Cape de coordination (58)
  39. # back=,id=65360,context=14
  40. #
  41. # Voile de coopération (35)
  42. # back=,id=63352,context=14
  43. #
  44. # Foulard d'unité (35)
  45. # back=,id=63206
  46. #
  47. # Habit de volonté indomptable (390)
  48. # chest=,id=165833,bonus_id=4822/1507/4786/5413/4775,context=3,azerite_powers=356/364/20/219/13
  49. #
  50. # Pull bariolé du Voile d'hiver (1)
  51. # chest=,id=70923,context=14
  52. #
  53. # Gilet de plénipotentiaire de la KapitalRisk (415)
  54. # chest=,id=159298,bonus_id=5448/1587/4786/5419,context=35,azerite_powers=200/250/459
  55. #
  56. # Tabard de croisé d'argent (1)
  57. # tabard=,id=46874
  58. #
  59. # Anneau de championnat de footbombe (400)
  60. # finger1=,id=159462,enchant_id=5943,bonus_id=5010/1572/4786,context=16
  61. #
  62. # Jonc orné d’un œil du kraken fougueux de l’aurore (400)
  63. # finger1=,id=166523,enchant_id=5943,gem_id=154127,bonus_id=1774,context=13
  64. #
  65. # Chevalière du Kirin Tor (100)
  66. # finger1=,id=40585
  67. #
  68. # Artéfact perdu dans le temps (116)
  69. # trinket1=,id=103678,context=14
  70. #
  71. # Nautile de Hadal (400)
  72. # trinket1=,id=159622,bonus_id=5010/1572/4786,context=16
  73. #
  74. # Esquille incandescente (400)
  75. # trinket1=,id=165571,bonus_id=4799/42/1522/4786,context=5
  76. #
  77. # Mèche de la mageflamme (380)
  78. # trinket1=,id=159615,bonus_id=5002/1552/4786,context=16
  79. #
  80. # Canne à pêche kalu'ak magnifique (100)
  81. # main_hand=,id=44050,enchant_id=5930
  82. #
  83. # Lance rohart aiguisée (10)
  84. # main_hand=,id=88535,context=14
  86. # Stacks of reorigination array based on hidden quest completion
  87. # bfa.reorigination_array_stacks=10
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