

Jul 3rd, 2015
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  1. 19:30:06 <JamJam66> George is eating lunch in caf
  2. 19:30:42 <%Balthazaar> Gorje, percalerc
  3. 19:31:38 <JamJam66> 4df+4 nom
  4. 19:31:38 <Glacon> JamJam66: nom: 2 (4df+4=0, -, 0, -)
  5. 19:31:48 <JamJam66> (+4 if it's a threat)
  6. 19:32:27 <%Balthazaar> With that +6, George notices the black/ dark green mist roll in through the door and the light shut off in that area
  7. 19:32:38 <JamJam66> (Oh dear)
  8. 19:32:48 <JamJam66> "Oh, fucking hell."
  9. 19:33:19 <JamJam66> He gets up and draws his pistol, and looks into the dark area with it raised.
  10. 19:33:53 <%Balthazaar> There's a strange flickering in that spot, like static on a tv.
  11. 19:34:24 <%Balthazaar> Then another girl with no eyes hands or feet crawls out, bloodied and beaten. Except this time it's Kailee
  12. 19:34:42 <JamJam66> He pales. "K-kailee?"
  13. 19:36:05 <%Balthazaar> She tries to speak, but no sound comes out as she crawls desperately towards you
  14. 19:36:08 <JamJam66> ~You don't know if it's real George it might not be real it's okay it's okay~
  15. 19:36:38 <JamJam66> George is conflicted but even if it isn't Kailee, he's a doctor, so he runs forwards to her.
  16. 19:37:38 <%Balthazaar> From behind the bench, a thin, rotting old arm emerges and grabs Kailee by the hair, dragging her out of sight, mouth open in a silent scream
  17. 19:38:12 <JamJam66> George runs round to where she was dragged!
  18. 19:38:12 <%Balthazaar> " *Gooooooooood Giiiiiiiirllllllll Kaaaaaaaaaaaileeeeeeeeeee* ..."
  19. 19:38:58 <JamJam66> Is she there?
  20. 19:39:40 <%Balthazaar> He'll see the sillohette of an old man, petting Kailees head and back. She cringes every time he touches her, and his hands leave what look like burns or bruises. There's audible, raspy breathing
  21. 19:40:19 <JamJam66> George points his gun at the sillohette. "Fu-fucking drop her!"
  22. 19:42:27 <%Balthazaar> The figure fairly suddenly rushes forward, a dreadfully loud roar that sounds like a man shredding his voice with gravel and tearing cloth and static filling the air
  23. 19:42:58 Talon|Out → Talonair
  24. 19:43:33 <JamJam66> 4df+3 george shoot at monster
  25. 19:43:34 <Glacon> JamJam66: george shoot at monster: 4 (4df+3=0, +, -, +)
  26. 19:43:59 <Talonair> Kit, on her way for lunch, sprints in, hearing the gunshot
  27. 19:44:32 <%Balthazaar> George, in an instant you find yourself sitting back in your seat, gun raised and everything normal again
  28. 19:44:51 <JamJam66> "Wh-what?"
  29. 19:44:53 <%Balthazaar> *This is your fate...*
  30. 19:45:05 <%Balthazaar> Those words echo in your mind
  31. 19:45:22 <Talonair> She's got her rifle up. "What's going on?!"
  32. 19:45:39 <JamJam66> George is fucking terrified right now
  33. 19:46:45 <JamJam66> George turns to her pointing the gun but lowers it quickly. "It's just... it's just K-kit"
  34. 19:47:11 <Talonair> She frowns, lowering her rifle slowly. "The fuck happened?"
  35. 19:47:15 <%Balthazaar> Kit, when you enter, you can't see George
  36. 19:47:34 <JamJam66> Can George see kit?
  37. 19:47:42 <%Balthazaar> You /can/ see Arty crawling on the ground, missing his hands feet and eyes and looking beaten and bloody
  38. 19:48:01 <%Balthazaar> George, she's obscured by black green smoke
  39. 19:48:05 <Talonair> Her eyes widen. "Arty?!" She rushes towards him
  40. 19:48:29 <JamJam66> Redactimundo then
  41. 19:48:29 <JamJam66> George looks around the room nervously.
  42. 19:49:17 <%Balthazaar> There's also a sillhouette of a rotting old man standing in the corner, something vaguely reflective around his mouth and nose. It claps twice, slowly
  43. 19:50:34 <Talonair> She levels her rifle at the old man and opens fire immediately
  44. 19:50:36 <%Balthazaar> At the clapping, Artyom cringes and starts crawling towards the figure
  45. 19:50:36 <Talonair> 4df+5
  46. 19:50:37 <Glacon> Talonair: 6 (4df+5=-, +, +, 0)
  47. 19:50:57 <JamJam66> Can George see anything else?
  48. 19:50:59 <%Balthazaar> " *Gooooooood Booooooyyyyyy Artyoooooommmmmm*..."
  49. 19:51:39 <%Balthazaar> It picks Arty up by the throat, one handed, wheezes, and disappears
  50. 19:51:56 <%Balthazaar> Kit, you're standing in the cafeteria, having shot the wall
  51. 19:52:06 <%Balthazaar> *Soooooon...*
  52. 19:52:14 <Talonair> She breaths heavily, staring at where it was. "The fuck..."
  53. 19:52:24 <JamJam66> Can George see her now?
  54. 19:52:28 <%Balthazaar> Yas
  55. 19:53:02 <JamJam66> "K-kit?"
  56. 19:53:15 <Talonair> She spins around, aiming her rifle at him before lowering it
  57. 19:55:20 <Talonair> "Oh, it's you"
  58. 19:55:59 <JamJam66> "What happened?"
  59. 19:57:05 <Talonair> "The old man.. Arty.."
  60. 19:57:29 <JamJam66> "But... it had Kailee..."
  61. 19:58:20 <Talonair> "It had Arty for me"
  62. 19:59:27 <JamJam66> "It... it's not real."
  63. 19:59:35 <JamJam66> "Is it?"
  64. 19:59:54 <Talonair> "I don't know... Have you seen Kailee?"
  65. 19:59:40 → Azzleflux joined ⇐ %Balthazaar quit
  66. 20:01:36 <JamJam66> ""
  67. 20:02:11 → Balthazaar joined (~chatzilla@1F222B2C.CC7902F8.43D6E1A8.IP)
  68. 20:02:45 <Talonair> "I haven't seen Arty"
  69. 20:03:03 %Balthazaar was halfopped (+h) by ChanServ
  70. 20:03:22 <JamJam66> "Fuck..."
  71. 20:03:35 <Talonair> She looks around, paranoid
  72. 20:04:30 <JamJam66> George is still shaky.
  73. 20:04:39 <JamJam66> "What... what if it is real?"
  74. 20:05:15 <Talonair> "I don't know.."
  75. 20:06:14 → TheRaven joined ⇐ JamJam66 quit
  76. 20:07:01 <Talonair> She swallows and leaves the caf, her appetite gone
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