
PacRim Short

Aug 12th, 2013
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  1. >"Don't chase the rabbit, Anon."
  2. "You too, Mous."
  3. >The other man chuckles casually, facade all too evident as you minds meld within the Drift.
  4. >He's every bit as scared as you. Whatever happened that required the awe-inspiring power of a Jaegar...
  5. >Well, you two'd just say you'd wished to not be woken up at three in the morning in a manner very reminiscient of a kaiju attack.
  6. >Given the relative peace of Equestria, since you two and the bot arrived here you figured you would never need it again.
  7. >Unfortunately, luck was hardly on your side.
  8. >"Drift is holding steady..." you hear from the Princess of the Night, her unique association with dreams allowing her to monitor you two effectively as any instruments back on earth.
  9. >And hopefully pull you out, if need be.
  10. >You both shake your heads, warding away the thoughts as the 80 meter tall machine mimics you, providing a somewhat amusing image even in spite of the tense mood.
  11. >"Lurker Edge online." Mous says, as more a formality than anything. That the gunmetal and gold mecha was walking forward with thunderous strides was proof enough.
  12. >You glance at the status console to your left, showing a white sihlouette of the mecha, sleek, strong, and deadly. The last of the Mark 4s, Lurker could be a bitch to maintain, but more than made up for it in sheer effectiveness. You smiled to yourself. Equestria was lucky to have such a badass protector.
  13. >You're brought back to the real world when you see a huge upheval in Manehattan bay, slowly scuttling towards the metropolis.
  14. "Target surfacing, 1000 meters out. Lurker moving to intercept."
  15. >With grim purpose, you race forward, the yellow visor of the mech outshined by the twin floodlights mounted roughly on where the "ears" would be.
  16. >The sudden brightness disorients the massive creature, and you watch as it shields beady black eyes with a gargantuan claw.
  17. >"Hey, Anon." Mous says, in an amused voice as he tries to keep yourselves relaxed. "Looks like a..."
  18. >You know what he's going to say. After all, his mind's already narrowed down the joke whilst looking to yours for peer review.
  19. "Giant Enemy Crab." you finish a touch dully. "Better start looking for a weak point."
  20. >Even as the crab rises to it's full height, the Jaegar has already crossed the remaining distance with a rocket assisted leap, and slams one metal fist downwards, square in the massive crustacean's face.
  21. >Shrieking, the beast catches an arm in one massive claw and squeezes, causing the armor plating to groan worryingly, tempered metal yielding to the pressure.
  22. >This was bad... However, Lurker had survived more than a few sticky situations.
  23. >Minds one, your plan is instantly transmitted to your partner, who moves with snakelike precision.
  24. >"Engage Shocklance!" he yells, thrusting Lurker's left arm towards the massive arm of the beast.
  25. >From just behind the Jaegar's wrist, a massive bladed harpoon emerges at prodigious speed, impaling the massive best right in the sinewy joint.
  26. >It grunts in pain...
  27. >And then shrieks as a massive electrical charge flows through the rod and into it's arm, causing it to go limp.
  28. >Right arm now free, you deck the crab in the face again, forcing it to stagger backwards even as the harpoon retracts.
  29. >Blinded by pain, the crab gives an odd trill before trying to turn tail and flee.
  30. "Not yet you don't." you growl, driving a mechanical knee into one spindly leg, efforts rewarded by the snap of a joint breaking.
  31. >Moving the Jaegar's arm past the ruined leg, you raise the huge beast, exposing his underbelly.
  32. >Following your lead, Mous sends a thunderous uppercut into the crab's side, and you both hear something break in response.
  33. "Found our weak point." you grunt, as he continues to slam into the beast with thunderous report, accentuated by weakening cries of pain.
  34. >After the sixth punch, a blue liquid gushes out from the now visibly damaged carapace.
  35. >Within your minds, Mous briefly wonders if it's Kaiju Blue.
  36. >You respond in the negative, knowing that crab's blood is blue and that this was NOT a kaiju.
  37. >In response to the fleeting lull in beatings, the giant crustacean hurriedly skitters back out to sea, evidently having gotten the message.
  38. >"Whew..." Luna breathes, relieved that the potential disaster has been averted.
  39. "Assignment Complete. Lurker Edge returning to shore." you say, turning the mecha around and beginning to walk back.
  40. >As you return, the audio system pick up something strange from Manehattan.
  41. >Curious, you turn and look towards the city, noticing the people gathered near the docks.
  42. >That's when it hits you--They're cheering.
  43. >You both smile and raise a fist as you walk, the cheers intensifying in response.
  44. >And within the depths of the drift, two synchronized minds share one simple thought.
  45. >Tonight was a good night.
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