
Session 18: Mysterious Mystical Maladies

Apr 4th, 2014
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  1. [2014-03-29 20:15:34] <CrystalDM> 03====FoE Crystal Group: Session 18====
  2. [2014-03-29 20:16:44] <CrystalDM> 03Not everything is easily looted in the Wastes. Some things are guarded, whether by locks, turrets, or even warded by things much more mystical in nature...
  3. [2014-03-29 20:19:15] <CrystalDM> 03For a moment, the bright light fills the room, blinding all who are inside. Soon that light fades, leaving only Militus and Emerald_Blitz blind to all else except that golden light. However... all in the room can soon see the image of a zebra, hovering over the box. Its indistinct and hazy, but present. The zebra wears a blue uniform, one Emerald_Blitz recognizes as a police pony's...
  4. [2014-03-29 20:19:15] <CrystalDM> ...uniform. The image opens its mouth, and everyone can hear "So... you've opened the box."
  5. [2014-03-29 20:20:17] * Emerald_Blitz wipes at her eyes for a few futile moments. "Um." She looks around, to no avail. "I can't see." The alicorn stands up shakily. "I can't see."
  6. [2014-03-29 20:20:28] * Clue wavers. "IT WAS HIM!" She points to Militus and stands with her legs shaking.
  7. [2014-03-29 20:20:32] * Militus nods, still looking around the room. "Yes, it appears we have. Might I ask why we were blinded for doing so?"
  8. [2014-03-29 20:20:46] <Tallie> "I SEE GOLD GIMME GOLD I WANT IT!" she looks in all directions. "... I THINK ITS IN MY EEEEEYES!"
  9. [2014-03-29 20:21:09] * Emerald_Blitz focuses sharply on the police zebra. "What is the meaning of this."
  10. [2014-03-29 20:22:34] <Asami> thats...interesting...."Asami waves a paw at the floating zebra "Hey do you all see a floaty see through zebra now?
  11. [2014-03-29 20:23:42] <Militus> "Actually, Asami, the floating zebra is /all/ I can see presently. It is rather inconvenient."
  12. [2014-03-29 20:23:57] <CrystalDM> 03The zebra continues on, despite Asami waving a paw through him. "You have broken into my home and tried to take what is dear to me. I'm hoping this bit of magic may dissuade you from doing so in the future." Those who can see things notice that Tallie and Clue's eyes are also glowing with a faint golden light; Asami's eyes seem normal.
  13. [2014-03-29 20:25:17] * Emerald_Blitz takes a deep breath and relaxes just a hair. "It's an illusion, probably set to trigger when the box is opened," she says. "Just listen to its message. It can't hear you, though..." Emerald pauses in thought.
  14. [2014-03-29 20:25:30] <Asami> next time will you listen to the dragon when she says stuff is all glowy before whacking stuff open? Now we've made whoever that guy is mad at us
  15. [2014-03-29 20:26:05] * Tallie covers her eyes and rolls onto her back. "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!"
  16. [2014-03-29 20:26:39] <Militus> "Although I am not sure, I rather suspect this fellow did not expect that we should need his things rather badly 200 years after the end of the world."
  17. [2014-03-29 20:26:44] * Clue stops shaking. "...oh..." She rubs her eyes and lets out a releived sigh. "I thought it was a ghost or something..."
  18. [2014-03-29 20:26:59] <CrystalDM> 03"This magic has touched each of you... some of you are blind, some not. This spirit is... whimsical. However, you all should have eyes that glow with golden light. Its a sign for my men on the street to arrest you. If you wish to be cured of this condition, even the blindness, go to the precinct. You will be cured there." The zebra points toward the northeast before fading away.
  19. [2014-03-29 20:27:26] <Emerald_Blitz> "Not a good thing to have the local police captain mad at you," Emerald says wryly. "Tallie, hush. Flailing and caterwauling will not help." The alicorn looks to where Asami's voice came from. "Next time you see something glowing mysteriously or something of a... fantastic spiritual nature, inform us, and don't assume we can see it."
  20. [2014-03-29 20:27:41] * Clue chuckles to herself as if trying to convince her, "But ghosts don't exist."
  21. [2014-03-29 20:28:35] * Emerald_Blitz snorts. "Read the section of the Wasteland Survival Guide on Stalliongrad, Clue. You'll find quite the opposite is true," she says. "I suppose we have to find the local police station, then, as I'm of very little use if I can't see."
  22. [2014-03-29 20:29:04] * Clue covers her ears. "NOPENOPENOPE!"
  23. [2014-03-29 20:30:13] * Militus huffs. "Indeed, if we're attacked in this state it will be disastrous." He then listens to Clue for a moment. "Especially since one of our number is undone by the mere /mention/ of the ghosts of Stalliongrad," he deadpans.
  24. [2014-03-29 20:30:16] <CrystalDM> 03Emerald_Blitz and Militus both can see clearly, albeit with a golden tint, when they look to the northeast. When they look away, they are greeted with golden light.
  25. [2014-03-29 20:30:27] * Tallie rubs her eyes and blargs.
  26. [2014-03-29 20:30:39] * Clue keeps her hooves on her ears and peers inside the box, looking nonchalent.
  27. [2014-03-29 20:31:34] <CrystalDM> 03Inside the box are several packages, all carefully wrapped. Some are larger than others, but none of them seem to be bigger than a pony's saddle bags.
  28. [2014-03-29 20:31:44] * Emerald_Blitz seeks out the loud nopes and very awkwardly wraps a wing around Clue. "I'm going to have to ask for a favor, my dear," she says abashedly. "I'm going to need you to be my eyes, since you don't sound as if you've been blinded."
  29. [2014-03-29 20:32:18] * Militus sighs. "I suppose we should grab whatever is in that box, if anything, and then make for this police station to be cured."
  30. [2014-03-29 20:32:46] * Emerald_Blitz chuckles. "I'm sure Clue already has that under control, don't you, m'dear..."
  31. [2014-03-29 20:33:20] * Clue freezes in her peering. "....err...."
  32. [2014-03-29 20:33:23] <Asami> I tried tellin y'all..
  33. [2014-03-29 20:34:17] <Emerald_Blitz> "I'm sorry we didn't listen in time," Emerald_Blitz says. "Next time, we'll follow your lead around the spooky. And go ahead, Clue. The contents are for all of us, after all. We HAVE paid the price for seeking it already." She sighs. "We'll just divvy it out later."
  34. [2014-03-29 20:35:51] <Asami> not to put a dour note on stuff but I'm willing to bet that there is no 'cure' at the police the guy that made this is long since dead...
  35. [2014-03-29 20:36:36] <Militus> "If you have any other ideas, Asami, I am open to hearing them. Otherwise this police station is out best bet."
  36. [2014-03-29 20:36:42] <Asami> by the by Emmy I can see just fine too...Tallie as well I think...we three aren't bumbling around
  37. [2014-03-29 20:36:43] <Emerald_Blitz> "Unless there's an automaton of some sort that handled it, or specific medical equipment there," Emerald points out. "Besides, what other choice do we have? Try and make for the nearby zebra village? I can't see in that direction."
  38. [2014-03-29 20:36:49] <CrystalDM> 03The contents, once unwrapped... are odd. There are a couple strange masks, two books, and several bundles of dried herbs. There are also six glowing potions. Five of them are a faint purple, while one of them is a deep rich glowing purple.
  39. [2014-03-29 20:37:23] <Asami> well we could see if any of the SR scribes can fix it?
  40. [2014-03-29 20:37:51] <Asami> just hoping there aint any baddies between that station and us...
  41. [2014-03-29 20:38:39] * Emerald_Blitz frowns. "I can protect myself and perhaps Militus if you three can fight off any assailants we come across, but I'm afraid I'll be of but little help should conflict arise.
  42. [2014-03-29 20:42:28] * Clue ooo's and awe's at the stuff. She picks up the potions and puts them in Emerald_Blitz's bags. "Stuffs to make us better. You can use it better than anyone else I think" Clue takes the books in her bags and puts the masks in Militus's bags. "Zebra masks... I think..." She turns to Asami. "Want to care the rest?"
  43. [2014-03-29 20:43:16] * Tallie rubs her eyes more. "Emmeeey... what's going on?"
  44. [2014-03-29 20:44:03] <Asami> sure yeah I got 'em
  45. [2014-03-29 20:45:03] * Emerald_Blitz snorts loudly. "Tallie, I said stop whining. We're under a spell or curse or something. I'm not familiar with zebra lore. We need to go to the police station and get it removed." The alicorn closes her eyes. Nope, that doesn't help either. "The sooner we can see, the sooner we can move on to finding that thrice-damned Stable."
  46. [2014-03-29 20:45:36] * Tallie keeps rubbing. "Cursed? Not again..."
  47. [2014-03-29 20:45:50] <Militus> "Clue, did you just put something in my bags?"
  48. [2014-03-29 20:46:25] <Clue> "Yes?... masks of sorts... they belonged to a zebra so why not give them to another zebra?..."
  49. [2014-03-29 20:46:56] * Militus nods. "Right, of course. That will be fine."
  50. [2014-03-29 20:47:59] * Clue blinks a few times. This gold is getting old. " lets off to the station?..."
  51. [2014-03-29 20:48:52] <Militus> "Yes, let's."
  52. [2014-03-29 20:48:58] * Emerald_Blitz nods. "I can see if I look in that direction, but not anywhere else. My peripherals are very vulnerable," she says. "Let's get moving before it gets dark. I'm not fond of our chances if we get stuck out here at night, half blind."
  53. [2014-03-29 20:55:29] * Tallie grumbles and looks over at Clue. "Book work?" she asks, nodding at her packs. "What're ya takin?"
  54. [2014-03-29 20:56:46] <Emerald_Blitz> "There are books?" Emerald says with interest. "Well, once I can SEE again, that will be a most interesting read."
  55. [2014-03-29 20:57:21] * Clue breaks a single bead of sweat. "Just some books. Now lets get going on to the station?" Clue takes the blind in her TK, plus Asami and starts to head out to the station.
  56. [2014-03-29 20:59:52] <CrystalDM> 03More of those dark crystals form around Clue's horn as the shadows themselves leap to her call... picking up Asami, Militus, and Emerald_Blitz.
  57. [2014-03-29 20:59:52] |<-- Emerald_Blitz has left (Connection closed)
  58. [2014-03-29 21:00:28] -->| Emerald_Blitz (Dimestream@Pony-999.9mt.76.69.IP) has joined #FoECrystal
  59. [2014-03-29 21:00:33] * Emerald_Blitz follows Clue when she can't see, and heads for the police station. "It's all right, Tallie," Emerald says. "I did ask her to squirrel the goods away for now. We can all look at them later, when we can all SEE."
  60. [2014-03-29 21:00:59] <Militus> "Yes, seeing is a bit of a priority, isn't it?"
  61. [2014-03-29 21:01:25] <Emerald_Blitz> "I may have mentioned it a time or two recently," Emerald snarks.
  62. [2014-03-29 21:01:28] <CrystalDM> 03The shadows proceed to not pick up the intended targets... instead, one of them smacks Clue in the face? What?
  63. [2014-03-29 21:01:48] * Tallie shrugs. "I only saw the title of one of 'em. Sounded weird. Emmy, what's Ponysutra?"
  64. [2014-03-29 21:02:04] * Asami grimaces and scrambles back away from Clue "what in the Blazes are you shadow casting for Clue! Thats WAY UNCOOL!!"
  65. [2014-03-29 21:03:29] * Militus tenses. "Shadow casting? What!?"
  66. [2014-03-29 21:03:38] * Clue grumbles and rubs her face. "Two of them CAN'T SEE! We need to get there ASAP so we can continue to search!"
  67. [2014-03-29 21:04:23] * Emerald_Blitz snorts in alarm. "Clue, we can walk a little slower. It's not worth having to fight a manifestation of you if two of us can't see. I can carry them, if they'll hold still." She lowers her horn. "Touch the horn, and I'll lift you."
  68. [2014-03-29 21:05:23] <Militus> "Invoking the power of shadows is no solution Clue!" Militus then rattles off a short string of curses in zebra.
  69. [2014-03-29 21:05:26] <Clue> "I was just trying to help... It's not as bad as everyone says it is... I can handle floating a few people around..."
  70. [2014-03-29 21:05:55] * Emerald_Blitz looks in Tallie's direction. "It's a religious text, actually, but contains some very adult material," she explains. "Something Clue probably wouldn't get much use out of, as it's primarily mare-and-stallion material." She chuckles as her horns begins to glow a bit. "Take it from me, Clue. I don't want to fight ANY version of you, much less one amped on dark magic. Let me to the hauling, you...
  71. [2014-03-29 21:05:56] * Emerald_Blitz ...can guide."
  72. [2014-03-29 21:06:58] * Clue sighs. "But it'll take soooo long..." she whines. "Fine, let's get going..."
  73. [2014-03-29 21:07:30] * Militus speaks in a low, steady voice. "I am not worried about if you can handle carrying us, Clue. I am worried because I /know/ you cannot handle the powers of darkness. No one can, not forever."
  74. [2014-03-29 21:07:31] * Asami steps over next to Emerald to be carried by her instead of the darkside wannabe Clue, touching so Emerald can lift her in TK as requested "I'll help guide
  75. [2014-03-29 21:08:04] <Emerald_Blitz> As soon as she can see Tallie and Asami, she picks the two up in her magic, and begins following the light toward the police station. "Sombra's magic was terrifying once. I can't imagine two hundred years of festering in radiation has made it LESS terrifying."
  76. [2014-03-29 21:09:57] * Militus replies firmly to Emerald_Blitz. "No, it has most definitely not." He stumbles along towards the police station, as his eyes can at least see it.
  77. [2014-03-29 21:14:31] <CrystalDM> 03The cone of not-blind leads out to the northeast... however, beside other houses being in the way, there is one thing to note. A crashed sky wagon. It is emblazoned with some weathered Luna Army Search and Rescue symbols.
  78. [2014-03-29 21:14:34] -->| Asami_ ( has joined #FoECrystal
  79. [2014-03-29 21:15:39] <Emerald_Blitz> "Can we halt here and search this?" Emerald says, interested. "I was Lunar Army only days ago... and yet, years ago. There might be some nostalgia in there for me, or perhaps some useful gear for all of us..."
  80. [2014-03-29 21:16:13] * Militus bumps into the side of the wagon and grumbles. "Can't we go regain our sight and /then/ search?"
  81. [2014-03-29 21:16:50] |<-- Asami has left (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
  82. [2014-03-29 21:16:50] <Emerald_Blitz> "It may not be here when we come back, if there's anything at all," Emerald says pensively. "Besides, the ones most important to searching and acquiring goods can all still see."
  83. [2014-03-29 21:17:01] =-= Asami_ is now known as Asami
  84. [2014-03-29 21:17:50] * Militus sighs. "Fine, points taken. Just pray to your princesses...or yourself, I suppose, that we aren't ambushed while searching."
  85. [2014-03-29 21:18:57] * Emerald_Blitz looks at the wagon. "Besides, it... looks familiar." She steps up to the skywagon and pokes her muzzle inside, looking for more clues. "Why would anyone pray to the princesses? Unless they survived the megaspells, they're just as dead as everyone else."
  86. [2014-03-29 21:18:58] * Clue jumps on the chance to loot the other side of the skywagon to break line of sight.
  87. [2014-03-29 21:20:37] <Asami> I doubt the princesses are dead...aren't they like...thousands of years old?
  88. [2014-03-29 21:21:15] * Militus sits down next to the wagon, not trusting his cursed eyes for searching. "I wouldn't know why, but I have heard some ponies refer to your princesses of old as 'goddesses' now, and pray to them."
  89. [2014-03-29 21:22:39] * Emerald_Blitz snorts. "Yes. But no less vulnerable to bullets and bombs than you or I," she explains, and sighs. "One of our bravest took a bullet from an assassin for her. He's the reason the Steel Rangers exist. Neither Celestia nor Luna were gods, just very powerful and often very confused ponies. None of us knew how to handle war. Exhibit A." She gestures at all their surroundings. "Not even the sisters."
  90. [2014-03-29 21:23:45] * Militus shrugs. "I did not say it made sense to /me/. Only that ponies do it."
  91. [2014-03-29 21:24:52] <Emerald_Blitz> "An oddity. But I suppose in this blasted expanse, you cling to whatever hope you have," Emerald says. "Even if you have to make it up."
  92. [2014-03-29 21:26:08] <CrystalDM> 03Emerald_Blitz goes through the passenger section of the wagon and finds a set of badly damaged Lunar Army Field Medic Armor, stuck underneath one of the seats.
  93. [2014-03-29 21:26:27] <Militus> "For my part, I cannot understand your loyalty to the one you called 'Luna'. It makes little sense to me."
  94. [2014-03-29 21:26:51] <CrystalDM> 03Clue ends up looking over the exterior compartments, and finds a small bag. It has a bandage and 12 bottle caps inside.
  95. [2014-03-29 21:27:56] <Emerald_Blitz> "Neither do I understand why the Zebra demonized her so," Emerald says, lifting the armor up and looking at it. "The black magic that was Nightmare Moon was banished from her decades before the war even started, much less before Celestia abdicated..." Her voice trails off. "It can't be..."
  96. [2014-03-29 21:28:43] <CrystalDM> 03Asami wanders into the busted cockpit, an area too small for the others to get to. Inside is a small bundle of clothing with a hat resting on the top.
  97. [2014-03-29 21:29:24] <Militus> "Can't be is right. That is why we would not accept her. Being dictated to by Celestia would've been odious enough. To lay ourselves at the mercy of the one who almost plunged the world into eternal night? We would have been mad."
  98. [2014-03-29 21:29:36] * Tallie makes her way to the front of the wagon. "How did they drive these things?" she muses to herself.
  99. [2014-03-29 21:30:28] * Clue whispers to herself. "This is why I steal shit..." She lets out a sigh.
  100. [2014-03-29 21:31:47] <CrystalDM> 03The tag on the armor is damaged, but Emerald can barely make out the name on it. Hers.
  101. [2014-03-29 21:31:54] <Asami> not much up here but a a dingy old uniform
  102. [2014-03-29 21:32:35] * Emerald_Blitz stands in mute silence for a few seconds before she begins frantically rifling through the pockets. "No, no, this can't be, this is wrong..." She turns and scowls at Militus. "It wasn't her plunging the world into night any more than your manifestation was YOU when it..." She abruptly breaks off the sentence. "Nevermind. I'm sorry, I just... I think... this is... was... my armor..." She...
  103. [2014-03-29 21:32:37] * Emerald_Blitz ...pulls out an almost-destroyed photograph from the internal pocket near the heart and holds it to her cheek in stunned silence.
  104. [2014-03-29 21:33:34] <Militus> "Oh...I am...sorry. It must be hard, I know that much."
  105. [2014-03-29 21:34:01] <Asami> wait...your armor? how? Alicorns don't fly sky wagons...
  106. [2014-03-29 21:34:11] * Tallie hmmmmmms. "Hey EMMMMYY!" she calls out. "I THINK! We can use this thing!"
  107. [2014-03-29 21:35:39] <Emerald_Blitz> "No... I..." Emerald clenches her teeth and looks away. "NO. I won't." She snorts and shakes her head. "We need to get to the police station and get cured of this idiotic sight impairment..." Her voice cracks and she shuts up.
  108. [2014-03-29 21:37:07] * Tallie frowns and looks at Emerald. "But... you're the only one here with wings. We can totes use this thing! or sell it to a pegasi!"
  109. [2014-03-29 21:37:53] * Asami looks confused as she exits the sky wagon "uhm...alright?
  110. [2014-03-29 21:38:07] <Emerald_Blitz> "It's DESTROYED" Emerald shouts, stomping a hoof hard enough to crack stone. "It's not good for anything. It's broken and worthless just like this whole damn world is! Now lets get our eyes fixed so we can see our way out of this damned mess."
  111. [2014-03-29 21:38:41] * Tallie blinks then gasps. "Biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitttchhhh..." she says under her breath.
  112. [2014-03-29 21:38:57] * Clue pokes her head out. "Leaving? Alright let's go. We got all we can from this?"
  113. [2014-03-29 21:39:09] * Militus winces at Emerald's stomp. "Alright then, I suppose we should start moving again."
  114. [2014-03-29 21:39:38] * Emerald_Blitz looks at Tallie with a glare that could freeze lava, then turns and tucks the photo gently back in the armor's pocket. "Could someone carry this for me, please. I'm already toting an overabundance of armor," she says quietly.
  115. [2014-03-29 21:39:40] <Asami> lets get moving ponies
  116. [2014-03-29 21:39:58] <Asami> I can take it for you Emmy
  117. [2014-03-29 21:40:24] <Emerald_Blitz> "...thank you," Emerald whispers, dropping the armor next to the little dragon, and continuing the walk to the station with her head hanging low.
  118. [2014-03-29 21:40:50] * Clue takes point once again and leads the way.
  119. [2014-03-29 21:41:24] * Tallie looks around for anything she can salvage.
  120. [2014-03-29 21:42:26] * Asami makes a note to have a chat with Emerald later but follows along
  121. [2014-03-29 21:42:28] * Militus resumes stumbling towards the station.
  122. [2014-03-29 21:43:16] [QUIT] Disconnected from irc:// (irc:// [[Reconnect][Reconnect to][reconnect]]
  123. [2014-03-29 21:43:25] -->| YOU (CrystalDM) have joined #FoECrystal
  124. [2014-03-29 21:43:25] =-= Topic for #FoECrystal is ``#FOECrystal Roleplay room for the FOE Crystal Group. For ooc chatter, go to #FOECrystalDice. ~Viewing_Glass''
  125. [2014-03-29 21:43:25] =-= Topic for #FoECrystal was set by Viewing_Glass on Friday, December 06, 2013 2:41:46 PM
  126. [2014-03-29 21:43:33] =-= Mode #foecrystal +qo CrystalDM CrystalDM by ChanServ
  127. [2014-03-29 21:46:01] <CrystalDM> 03It doesn't take that long; only about 15 minutes, not counting the break at the Sky Wagon, from the police zebra's house. The station is a large, brick building with steel doors and steel bars over all the windows. The windows are fogged over with mesh inside of them. The building appears to be two stories high.
  128. [2014-03-29 21:46:50] <Militus> "So...we walk inside and ring the bell?"
  129. [2014-03-29 21:46:56] * Clue smiles. "Lets get your eyes fixed!" She runs up to the front door and tries to open it.
  130. [2014-03-29 21:47:34] <CrystalDM> 03There is some snow piled up on one side of the building; it looks like snow has fallen off of the roof and gathered there.
  131. [2014-03-29 21:47:43] * Emerald_Blitz follows behind Clue, finally looking up when her friends begin speaking. "Oh, yes, probably," Emerald says softly. "Even if there are only security robots left, it should still give us an idea of where to begin."
  132. [2014-03-29 21:47:53] <CrystalDM> 03The door is very locked. With a very, very sturdy looking lock.
  133. [2014-03-29 21:48:12] * Emerald_Blitz looks around for a doorbell or buzzer of some sort.
  134. [2014-03-29 21:49:40] <CrystalDM> 03There is a buzzer on the front and rear doors. Pressing it, however, gets no response... indeed, no sound is emitted.
  135. [2014-03-29 21:49:57] * Militus sighs exasperatedly and sits down heavily.
  136. [2014-03-29 21:50:08] * Clue hmms. "Well there must be a back door... that's how I get int- er.. would get into places." She quickly hobbles to the corner of the building and looks along the side of the building.
  137. [2014-03-29 21:50:21] <Emerald_Blitz> "Is the rear door just as locked?" Emerald says, then flies up to the second story window to get a look inside.
  138. [2014-03-29 21:51:01] <Asami> hacksaw the bars?
  139. [2014-03-29 21:51:01] <CrystalDM> 03All the windows are fogged up and prevent any sight. There appears to be a landing pad on the top of the roof, with a rooftop access.
  140. [2014-03-29 21:51:49] <Emerald_Blitz> "There's a landing pad and roof access up here," Emerald calls down. "I can bring you all up here if you like?" She lands on the pad and looks around for another buzzer, hopefully a functional one.
  141. [2014-03-29 21:52:23] <Militus> "Yes, please do. I am eager to get inside and see things other than this building again."
  142. [2014-03-29 21:52:29] * Clue tilts her head. "Hmm... maybe..." She goes to a pile of snow and tries to find something under the snow.
  143. [2014-03-29 21:53:23] * Emerald_Blitz turns to face the building, then backs away so she can still see, and flies down to pick up her friends in a telekinetic field. "Elevator service, going up?" Emerald says with a wry grin as she begins lifting the group up to the roof.
  144. [2014-03-29 21:53:57] <CrystalDM> 03The rooftop access has a buzzer that also does not emit any sound when you press the button, and also has a similarly sturdy lock. Matching the front and rear doors, even.
  145. [2014-03-29 21:54:15] <Tallie> "Ding!"
  146. [2014-03-29 21:54:38] * Clue refuses to go up and instead reveals a basement access.
  147. [2014-03-29 21:54:58] <CrystalDM> 03Clearing away the snow, Clue finds a cellar door. This locks does NOT look nearly as nice as the others; it seems to have suffered more from having the snow piled upon it.
  148. [2014-03-29 21:55:21] <Emerald_Blitz> "I'm afraid you're not going to find that lock much easier," Emerald says to Tallie. "But there may be another way in... Clue?" Emerald looks around, noticing that someone was dropped from the telekinesis. "Clue? Where did you.. oh. Elevator going down?" Emerald groans.
  149. [2014-03-29 21:56:17] <Asami> just a suggestion here but if we can't find a way in before dark...we should go back to the Ranger's and see if they can fix the vision problem
  150. [2014-03-29 21:57:03] <Emerald_Blitz> "If it starts getting closer to dark, we'll worry about it," Emerald says. "Looking away from this building at all renders me entirely blind, so I can't exactly fly us back."
  151. [2014-03-29 21:59:47] <Clue> "Well I'm not exactly an expert at sticking things in tiny holes..." Clue explains as she scrunches her face. "...that came out wrong..."
  152. [2014-03-29 22:00:02] * Militus looks at the basement door lock. "Well, at least I can see this. Give me a moment."
  153. [2014-03-29 22:00:45] * Clue tries to open the cellar door first.
  154. [2014-03-29 22:01:06] <CrystalDM> 03The cellar door is locked.
  155. [2014-03-29 22:01:12] * Emerald_Blitz chuckles. "No comment," she says with a smirk. "Though I'm sure you'll get some practice, you and Feather Fall."
  156. [2014-03-29 22:02:38] * Clue tilts her head and raises a hoof to her forehead. "Wait, what?... we... it..."
  157. [2014-03-29 22:03:30] <Emerald_Blitz> "You're telling me that such an outgoing and vivacious mare doesn't have a 'toybox' of sorts?" Emerald says, still with that smirk. "I think you'll find yourself pleasantly surprised. It IS a Stable, after all..."
  158. [2014-03-29 22:04:01] <CrystalDM> 03After a few moments of work from Militus, the lock clicks open. The door... is unlocked.
  159. [2014-03-29 22:05:03] * Militus gets up from picking the lock, looking quite satisfied. "If you're looking for 'toys' like that, Clue, I think I know where you could borrow some. You'll just have to ask permission first."
  160. [2014-03-29 22:05:41] * Clue blushes. "That... she..." She breaks off into wavering uncontrolable laughing, sweat almost pouring down her face.
  161. [2014-03-29 22:06:17] <Asami> just to be clear on are we now on the subject of mating toys?...from this place?
  162. [2014-03-29 22:06:36] * Emerald_Blitz wrinkles her nose. "Ew, well, be sure to disinfect them first. The sterilizer in Medical should be fine for that purpose," she says, then smiles as the lock opens. "Well done, Militus. Clue... Clue. Calm down and... Clue. Oh, you bizarre filly. I need to see sooner, rather than later, so can we move on?"
  163. [2014-03-29 22:06:37] * Militus smiles. Yep. Nailed it. He saunters down into the cellar.
  164. [2014-03-29 22:08:15] <Emerald_Blitz> "Come along, Asami. You may NEVER understand how twisted ponies' brains can get when trying to avoid uncomfortable truths or harsh situations. Distractions are the spice of life." She follows Militus down into the... tight hole. *snrk*
  165. [2014-03-29 22:08:54] * Clue slows her laughing as she comes back into reality. "Toys... and... sight... yeah... let'sgetyoursightbackshallwe?" She darts into the cellar.
  166. [2014-03-29 22:09:15] * Tallie cannonballs into the cellar.
  167. [2014-03-29 22:09:22] <Militus> "Ah Captain, so good of you to join me. I know it's a tight squeeze for you, but I'm sure you can make it."
  168. [2014-03-29 22:10:02] <CrystalDM> 03The inside is dark, even the light outside not providing much to see by. At the bottom of the stairs is a solid door, composed of thick steel and very, very solid windows.
  169. [2014-03-29 22:10:57] <Emerald_Blitz> "I have plenty of practice squeezing into tight spaces," Emerald says with a chuckles. "But innuendo aside, I did medical search and rescue for my early career. I've had to crawl through smaller spaces than this. Granted, I was smaller at the time..." She stops when confronted by the door. "Now do we knock?"
  170. [2014-03-29 22:11:32] * Militus shrugs and tries knocking on the door.
  171. [2014-03-29 22:12:06] * Clue casts her light spell to brighten the way and tries to open the door.
  172. [2014-03-29 22:12:46] * Tallie pulls an explosive from her pack. "If not, I can blow it."
  173. [2014-03-29 22:13:19] <CrystalDM> 03The dark crystals momentarily form around Clue's horn before vanishing, a black light appearing from Clue's horn and illuminating the area.
  174. [2014-03-29 22:14:00] * Militus jumps back from Clue. "What did we tell you about that?" he hisses angrily.
  175. [2014-03-29 22:14:37] * Clue rubs the ground with a hoof. "It's fine~ I got it covered. See! Nothing bad, AND we can see!"
  176. [2014-03-29 22:14:37] * Emerald_Blitz immediately knocks Clue on the horn. "Clue! What did we just tell you about shadow casting!" Emerald chides. "I swear, I will find a magic restrainer ring and clamp it around your horn the moment we get back to the Stable, until you're recovered. I cannot abide this reckless behavior. You're endangering ALL of us, not just yourself."
  177. [2014-03-29 22:16:02] <Emerald_Blitz> "THIS time. Because you were lucky." Emerald glares at Clue. "If you shadow-cast again today, I am going to shoot you with tazer slugs and carry you around so you don't inadvertently kill us all. Do I make myself perfectly clear?"
  178. [2014-03-29 22:16:33] <CrystalDM> 03The knocks echo hollowly inside... no response. The door does seem to have some small amount of give to it. Perhaps a strong push will slide the door open?
  179. [2014-03-29 22:16:34] * Clue rubs her horn. "Oww~... yeah, yeah..." She frowns. "...I'm just trying to help..."
  180. [2014-03-29 22:17:44] * Militus tries hurling himself into the door.
  181. [2014-03-29 22:17:47] <Emerald_Blitz> "Well, try to help in a way that doesn't have a significant chance of going wrong and killing every last one of us," Emerald says, her tone softening. "Your magic isn't the only thing you can do, and it's certainly not the only reason we enjoy your company. But please, for your safety and ours, refrain from shadow casting... Can you do that for me?"
  182. [2014-03-29 22:18:32] <CrystalDM> 03Inside the station, Emerald_Blitz and Militus can see quite clearly... only having everything tinged in slight golden light.
  183. [2014-03-29 22:19:28] * Militus is unsuccessful, and glares at the obstinate door.
  184. [2014-03-29 22:20:08] * Emerald_Blitz leans her hooves on the door. "Here, allow me to assist," she says. "Push again on three. One... two...!"
  185. [2014-03-29 22:20:23] <CrystalDM> 03The door gives slightly, cracking open... but then rolls shut again. There was the slight hiss of air releasing from hydraulics as the door was pushed on.
  186. [2014-03-29 22:20:54] * Clue continues to frown. "But... I... I..." She lets out a sigh. "It's not that bad... it's warm... and it doesn't feel that bad..."
  187. [2014-03-29 22:20:57] * Militus nods to Emerald_Blitz and braces himself to push again.
  188. [2014-03-29 22:22:00] <Asami> not that bad? look what it produces then Clue...
  189. [2014-03-29 22:22:03] <CrystalDM> 03The door slides into the wall, the path now open. Inside, everyone can clearly see empty jail cells, all of them left open.
  190. [2014-03-29 22:22:09] <Emerald_Blitz> "Three!" Emerald assists Militus in pushing the door at least a little open as she looks backward at Clue. "Sombra's magic was always intended to be seductive, right up until it devoured and enslaved your very spirit," she cautions. "I'm serious. Either refrain or become baggage. Your choice."
  191. [2014-03-29 22:22:23] <Emerald_Blitz> "Hello?" Emerald calls out. "Constables? We're in need of assistance!" She looks around the area. "Deserted as expected... I wonder if there's any documentation on this magic trap..."
  192. [2014-03-29 22:22:55] <CrystalDM> 03The bars are made of solid steel... hell, even the walls and floors are made of the stuff!
  193. [2014-03-29 22:23:17] <Militus> "Asami is right," Militus says darkly, "the powers you're dabbling in are dangerous Clue. You should stop while you can, before someone dies."
  194. [2014-03-29 22:23:31] * Clue steps forwards. "I'll refrain until completely necessary... like a sheild..."
  195. [2014-03-29 22:24:40] * Emerald_Blitz frowns. "I suppose that will have to do for now," she says, fumbling into the area and trying to get an idea of where to go next.
  196. [2014-03-29 22:25:08] * Militus snaps. "I would /prefer/ if you refrained completely, but you seem intent on ignoring reason."
  197. [2014-03-29 22:26:23] * Clue continues forward. "So you're saying you'd rather die then let me help..."
  198. [2014-03-29 22:26:38] * Emerald_Blitz follows the other two. "No, we'd just rather not die BECAUSE of your help," Emerald says pointedly.
  199. [2014-03-29 22:27:06] * Asami stops for a moment and gets out her own it and then continuing on
  200. [2014-03-29 22:27:08] <Emerald_Blitz> "A few flesh wounds and fractures we can handle. A manifestation? In our state? With YOUR magic? We'd be in great danger."
  201. [2014-03-29 22:27:21] <Tallie> "And I'd blow it up!"
  202. [2014-03-29 22:28:23] * Emerald_Blitz rolls her eyes. "Of course, not like it would hideously scar Clue for life, or nearly kill her, or wound all of us, no. No offense, Militus."
  203. [2014-03-29 22:28:25] <Tallie> "Pow!"
  204. [2014-03-29 22:29:10] * Militus growls. "No, Tallie, it would have all of Clue's shields at its disposal. In fact, it would essentially BE Clue, only with all the kindness and compassion of an enraged raider. And I take no offense, Captain. Why do you think I am so adamant about this?"
  205. [2014-03-29 22:30:02] * Clue groans. "I have BARELY begun to tap into it... I hardly think that's cause for alarm..."
  206. [2014-03-29 22:30:23] <CrystalDM> 03At the other end of the room are two more of those solid doors and a set of stairs that lead up to the next floor. At the top of the stairs is another of those solid doors.
  207. [2014-03-29 22:30:47] * Emerald_Blitz walks along the wall until she comes to a non-jail-cell section and looks around. "No, not for hurting your feelings, I meant about the hideous comment," she says with a half-smile. "I mean, as if those garish stripes weren't bad enough by themselves, you have to put up with the scars on top of that." She looks at Clue. "Well don't. Save it for absolute emergencies. It's not late in the year...
  208. [2014-03-29 22:30:49] * Emerald_Blitz ...enough to be able to cleanse corruption reliably." She pokes at the door.
  209. [2014-03-29 22:30:54] <Asami> if I had a cap for every drug I've sold to THAT statement...I would own Crystal Crossing...
  210. [2014-03-29 22:32:25] * Militus draws himself up primly. "I'll have you know, Captain, that some mares find both stripes quite fetching! That they /also/ have stripes is of no import."
  211. [2014-03-29 22:32:40] * Tallie walks over to the door and tries to push it. Knowing her, it was probably a pull door.
  212. [2014-03-29 22:34:33] <Emerald_Blitz> "Well, them and that twisted sexpot you got yourself involved with recently," Emerald says, assisting Tallie's push.
  213. [2014-03-29 22:34:59] * Clue goes to push the other side door and hopefully opens it.
  214. [2014-03-29 22:35:02] <Asami> I do know a few mares in my book that would love to get a chance at a date with you Milly
  215. [2014-03-29 22:35:46] * Militus frowns. "Now on that I must object more seriously, Captain. Bolt isn't so bad as you make her out to be."
  216. [2014-03-29 22:36:20] * Militus looks at Asami. "Thank you, but for now I believe I am quite satisfied with my love life."
  217. [2014-03-29 22:37:05] * Emerald_Blitz chuckles. "Hyperbole, Militus. I heard that you dispelled some nasty rumors about her, that's all," she says with a smile. "At least SOME of us are having love lives. Those who aren't too young or to... outlandish, anyway." As Tallie fails to push, Emerald follows Clue instead, who seems to have gotten a door open by herself.
  218. [2014-03-29 22:37:43] <CrystalDM> 03The door gives way under Clue's strength. This room has a computer at the end of it, without power, and a barren set of shelves. They look like they use to store police batons and other light weaponry.
  219. [2014-03-29 22:39:02] * Emerald_Blitz pushes her own door open, though can't see much without better light. The alicorn's horn glows, and her shotgun begins emitting light like a dozen candles. "Anything of interest? I don't believe there's power..."
  220. [2014-03-29 22:39:16] * Clue sighs as the computer isn't even powered. "Aww... it's been forever since I've gotten to delve into some good code~" She shakes her head and goes up the stairs. "Whenever you lot are ready..."
  221. [2014-03-29 22:39:47] * Militus waves a hoof breezily. "Oh come now Captain. I am certain you could find a pony willing to do the deed with you in your current form. Why, I've heard that legends from some regions of your old Equestria positied ponies have relations with creatures like you all the time. Allcorns, yes?"
  222. [2014-03-29 22:40:35] * Tallie frowns at Militus about his comment. "Too young? Pfft, please."
  223. [2014-03-29 22:40:58] * Emerald_Blitz begins poking at the racks of weaponry, looking for anything valuable or unique. "All the time? Hardly," she says. "Well, Shining Armor did, I suppose, but that's because he married one. If there's any place that precedent would apply, t'would be in the Crystal Empire."
  224. [2014-03-29 22:43:02] <CrystalDM> 03Emerald has better luck inside the other room. Sitting on the shelf are a couple of police batons and a box of bean bag rounds.
  225. [2014-03-29 22:43:30] <Militus> "I said in legends, Captain. Stories. Apparently consorting with creatures from parts unknown who rules one's kind for reasons unknown was a comman fantasy among ponies." He turns to Tallie. "Too young? When did I say anything about too young?"
  226. [2014-03-29 22:44:31] <Emerald_Blitz> "Anyone want a nightstick?" Emerald offers, taking the beanbag rounds for her shotgun. "There are several. And *I* said that, Militus, not you." The alicorn actually blushes a little as she sorts the gear. "I... may have had that fantasy about Princess Sparkle a time or two. Or three."
  227. [2014-03-29 22:44:41] <CrystalDM> 03The door at the top of the stairs opens, giving way for the diminutive griffiness.
  228. [2014-03-29 22:45:10] * Tallie "I meant Emerald."
  229. [2014-03-29 22:46:30] * Militus doesn't seem amused by Emerald_Blitz's revelation. "No, my spears will suffice. And what could have motivated you to have such thoughts? I am honestly curious."
  230. [2014-03-29 22:47:00] * Asami will be taking one of those police batons, twirling it about with a grin "thanks Emmy this'll do
  231. [2014-03-29 22:48:12] <CrystalDM> 03The darkness leads on at the top of the second stairs... onto the ground floor.
  232. [2014-03-29 22:49:15] * Tallie walks through the door and looks around.
  233. [2014-03-29 22:49:22] <Emerald_Blitz> "She was kind and intelligent and graceful," Emerald says, taking a stack of the nightsticks and giving them to Asami as well. "To sell for later. And Princess Sparkle was so enthusiastic about everything she did, everything she learned. It was contagious and infectious. I spent so much time guarding her and her division, on alert in case of magic mishaps, I... I just couldn't help it. I'm a...
  234. [2014-03-29 22:49:23] <Emerald_Blitz> ...little ashamed of myself, but it wasn't unreasonable." She follows Clue up the stairs.
  235. [2014-03-29 22:50:14] * Militus still looks mildly mystified. "Hmm. Well...if you say so."
  236. [2014-03-29 22:50:41] <Asami> nothin to be ashamed of if you loved her yaknow...
  237. [2014-03-29 22:51:43] * Emerald_Blitz gives Militus a quizzical look. "What, you would look down on it because she was older than I?" she asks, and flushes again at Asami's comment. "I... I think I loved the idea of her, more than the pony herself. She idealized much of what I wanted to be. And now, I look like her. Wish granted, I suppose..."
  238. [2014-03-29 22:52:23] * Militus replies slowly. "No...I do not look /down/ on it for any reason..."
  239. [2014-03-29 22:53:03] * Asami snerks "don't tell're one of those 'only breed true' type of ponies Milly?
  240. [2014-03-29 22:53:21] * Clue steps on the the ground floor and looks around. "Maybe there is a power switch here somewhere?..."
  241. [2014-03-29 22:53:33] <Emerald_Blitz> "Then from where, pray tell, comes your scorn?" Emerald says with a snort. "You obviously don't have a problem with ponies in general. What makes alicorns other than Luna so repulsive?"
  242. [2014-03-29 22:54:00] * Militus snorts. "Asami, I think my assocations at this point have proven that is not the case."
  243. [2014-03-29 22:54:04] <CrystalDM> 03The ground floor is filled with desks. Lots... and lots... of desks. Each has a computer on it, and the center of the room has three computers. All of them are powered down, however.
  244. [2014-03-29 22:54:41] * Tallie makes a beeline and presses the power button on one of the computers.
  245. [2014-03-29 22:55:42] <Asami> your associations? I dunno what you've been upto Milly...whenever we're in 'civilized' places with mares...I'm kinda you know....always stuck at this desk with a merchant trying to make deals? much as I would love to keep tabs on you...I haven't been able to do much of anything
  246. [2014-03-29 22:56:01] * Militus turns back to Emerald_Blitz. "Do any ponies know /where/ the 'alicorns' came from or how them came to power? Why did your kind trust them so readily? Why were none of you ever dismayed by them at all?"
  247. [2014-03-29 22:56:50] <CrystalDM> 03The button clicks. The computer Tallie is at... does nothing. No power, Jim!
  248. [2014-03-29 22:57:10] <CrystalDM> 03As Militus is walking around... the floor underneath of him clicks.
  249. [2014-03-29 22:57:35] <Emerald_Blitz> "Princess Sparkle was once just a unicorn, a pony like any other," Emerald says. "She learned enough about the powers of friendship and the magics that bind us and keep us strong as ponies, that the power to do more was vested in her. For that reason, and for her never forgetting humility and kindness despite her power, I trusted her more than any other."
  250. [2014-03-29 22:57:45] <Asami> I would think it was just a mutation from a unicorn and a pegasus way way back in the day?...I makes sense
  251. [2014-03-29 22:58:05] <CrystalDM> 03The good news: The power is on! The bad news: The doors slam shut and the sound of alarms go off! From the speakers comes an automated voice: "ATTENTION TRESPASSERS! SURRENDER! YOU ARE UNDER ARREST!"
  252. [2014-03-29 22:58:18] * Militus attempts to jump off of the floor tile. "That is all well and g-DAMN!"
  253. [2014-03-29 22:59:14] * Emerald_Blitz starts, and holsters her shotgun. "We surrender!" she says. "Captain Emerald Blitz, Lunar Army. I need to see your commanding officer or the appropriate stand-in!"
  254. [2014-03-29 22:59:48] <Militus> "Captain, are you QUITE sure we should give ourselves up!?"
  255. [2014-03-29 23:00:19] * Asami puts her arms up "I surrender?!
  256. [2014-03-29 23:00:40] <Emerald_Blitz> "We are in a police station, not a military base," Emerald says dryly. "They're not going to kill us for suspected espionage, they're going to cite us for trespassing, and possibly arson if they scare Asami too much."
  257. [2014-03-29 23:00:52] * Clue ends her spell and quickly takes cover under the table she is at. "Pleasedon'tseemepleasedon'tseeme" She whispers.
  258. [2014-03-29 23:01:09] * Tallie hmmmmmmmmmmms and looks around for some sort of power. "Hey guys! Anyone know where the power box is?"
  259. [2014-03-29 23:01:53] <CrystalDM> (* redact )
  260. [2014-03-29 23:02:17] <Tallie> (also redact*)
  261. [2014-03-29 23:02:22] * Militus groans. "What is it with ponies and acquiescing to any and all supposed authorities!?"
  262. [2014-03-29 23:03:10] * Tallie gets busy looking for a way to turn off the power. "Wasn't me!"
  263. [2014-03-29 23:03:16] <Emerald_Blitz> "This one was legitimate back when I still was something more than a Princess impersonator," Emerald snaps, "and I'd rather not be shot at because the automation thinks you're going to resist arrest!"
  264. [2014-03-29 23:04:05] * Militus sighs heavily. "Fine! I surrender!" He sits on his haunches and raises his forehooves.
  265. [2014-03-29 23:08:09] * Clue continues to hide under the counter. She thinks she ain't gunna be seen.
  266. [2014-03-29 23:11:49] |<-- Militus has left (Connection closed)
  267. [2014-03-29 23:12:09] <Tallie> The griffin types Noodles. It was wrong.
  268. [2014-03-29 23:12:26] -->| TankensteinPhD ( has joined #FoECrystal
  269. [2014-03-29 23:12:34] =-= TankensteinPhD is now known as Militus
  270. [2014-03-29 23:12:48] * Tallie then flings her hands up. "I surrender!"
  271. [2014-03-29 23:15:22] * Clue jumps up from her hiding spot and ram scrambles to fight her way into the terminal! "I got it! I'm shutting the alarm off!"
  272. [2014-03-29 23:18:35] <CrystalDM> 03Out of the wall bobs... a miniature floating robot. This appears to be the floating head of Ministry Mare Pinkie Pie, who is wearing a police pony's hat and has a large moustache. "Surrender, criminal!" It floats over to where it can get a better shot at Clue, and out slides a large rifle, with a cylinder at the end of the barrel. It fires twice at Clue.
  273. [2014-03-29 23:21:22] <CrystalDM> 03The mini-pinkie? hits once. Meanwhile, out of the corner of the room descends a turret, that fires three times... at Clue.
  274. [2014-03-29 23:21:55] <Emerald_Blitz> "Clue!" Emerald shouts. "Just surrender! They're not firing at us because we surrendered!"
  275. [2014-03-29 23:23:02] <Militus> "Indeed, I am not ashamed to admit that you are apparently correct Captain. Surrendering was the best option, given our circumstances.
  276. [2014-03-29 23:24:14] <Emerald_Blitz> "I'll try to stay humble in case my instincts get my tail kicked in the future," Emerald says with a scowl. "But the thought's appreciated."
  277. [2014-03-29 23:25:22] <CrystalDM> 03This turret fires pink lasers at Clue, impacting all three times. Out of another corner of the room comes a Protectron. It shouts "SURRENDER CRIMINAL SCUM!" before one of the two tube-like projections on its arm fires two stun grenades.
  278. [2014-03-29 23:25:44] <Militus> "Well, you know /I/ would rather be fighting these machines for all my worth, but I suppose getting my sight back is more important."
  279. [2014-03-29 23:33:00] * Clue flinches and winces at all the pain... but she still is determined to shut down the computer!
  280. [2014-03-29 23:34:19] <CrystalDM> 03The stun grenades sound-off from within the central desk, the Protectron bellows "MY APOLOGIES, CITIZENS" even as a few friendlies are hit.
  281. [2014-03-29 23:34:27] * Militus twitches as he is caught in the blast of a stun grenade. "Captain, your plan just became slightly less comfortable."
  282. [2014-03-29 23:35:02] <Emerald_Blitz> "You're telling me," Emerald says, shaking her head to clear it of the sudden ringing in her ears. "I'm closer to the blast...:
  283. [2014-03-29 23:35:04] <Emerald_Blitz> "
  284. [2014-03-29 23:36:30] * Asami winces and crouches down in order to avoid further stun'splosions
  285. [2014-03-29 23:38:25] * Tallie has her hands up, but she sooo sooooo wants to use her launcher
  286. [2014-03-29 23:39:40] <Emerald_Blitz> "Please, please, hold your fire," Emerald says, approaching the strangely-decorated spritebot. "I am Captain Emerald Blitz, Lunar Army serial number 03020378, this is a wartime emergency. Please hold your fire."
  287. [2014-03-29 23:41:50] <CrystalDM> 03The Pinkie Bot merely responds with a "Please hold until this emergency is over. Roger roger."
  288. [2014-03-29 23:42:47] -->| Lyra_Heartstrings (chatzilla@Pony-uph.2sl.74.70.IP) has joined #FoECrystal
  289. [2014-03-29 23:43:27] * Asami slowly scooches away while keeping her paws up
  290. [2014-03-29 23:44:06] * Militus mutters under his breath as he keeps his forehooves up.
  291. [2014-03-29 23:45:12] * Emerald_Blitz sits resignedly, not having any effect on the robots.
  292. [2014-03-29 23:45:49] <CrystalDM> 03Another turret lowers from the other turret... firing once. The first shot goes wide, a burst and crackle of pink light goes up and down the barrel as the gun jams.
  293. [2014-03-29 23:52:23] * Clue barely stands and tries hard to focus. She stumbles through the options and selects 'Turn off alarm'.
  294. [2014-03-29 23:54:44] <CrystalDM> 03The alarms shut down. The turrets disappear back into the ceiling. The mini-Pinkie and the Protectron both... bow? before heading back into the openings in the wall they came from. The wall closes up, and the room is nice and peaceful once more. Its even well-lit.
  295. [2014-03-29 23:55:20] * Emerald_Blitz turns and looks at Clue in amazement. "How in the wide world of Equestria did you do that?" she says. "They weren't responding to anything!"
  296. [2014-03-29 23:55:28] <Asami> okay uhh...nopony do whatever it was that set them off?
  297. [2014-03-29 23:55:45] * Clue sways and wavers. "I... think I'm going to have a nap now..." She explains and promptly passes out on the floor.
  298. [2014-03-29 23:56:15] * Militus looks at Clue and raises an eyebrow. "I think she might actually have impressed me."
  299. [2014-03-29 23:57:07] <CrystalDM> 03"Welcome back, Desk Sergeant Pencil Pusher! It has been 180 years, 3 months, 12 days, 6 hours and 22 minutes since you last logged in! Would you like to check your messages?"
  300. [2014-03-29 23:57:19] <CrystalDM> 03The computer that Clue hacked into seems quite chipper.
  301. [2014-03-29 23:57:50] <Militus> "Can anyone ask that computer about regaining our sight?"
  302. [2014-03-29 23:58:03] * Emerald_Blitz nods. "I told her she was useful for something besides magic," Emerald says with a soft smile on her face. "Wakey wakey, My Little Hacker... you did a stellar job." Her horn glows and the tingly green begins removing Clue's bruising and disorientation.
  303. [2014-03-30 00:00:07] * Clue moans and groans. "Oooo..... my body hurts..." She gets up and raises a hoof to her head.
  304. [2014-03-30 00:00:38] <Asami> I hope that didn't screw your chances to get the sight fixed
  305. [2014-03-30 00:01:06] <Emerald_Blitz> "That was a coolness under fire the likes of which I've seldom seen, including my own," Emerald says. "I'm very impressed. I told you that you could do non-magical things to help!" She hugs the shaky unicorn. "Now, let's find logs on getting our sight fixed, shall we?"
  306. [2014-03-30 00:02:21] * Clue smiles. "I'll find the logs." She goes back to the computer and looks through the logs and messages.
  307. [2014-03-30 00:02:56] <Militus> "Good job, Clue. A bit reckless, but I'm not one to mind. Especially if it works."
  308. [2014-03-30 00:04:10] <CrystalDM> 03A majority of the messages are simple inter-office memos. However, after a minute or two, Clue does find a useful message. It reads: "From the Desk of Captain Rasmi: Should anyone come to the station or be brought in with glowing golden eyes and complaining of blindness, please hold them in the cells and bring this to my attention. Should I not be in, the cure is in my desk. Be sure to...
  309. [2014-03-30 00:04:10] <CrystalDM> ...arrest them for breaking and entering. Thank you."
  310. [2014-03-30 00:05:18] * Militus snickers.
  311. [2014-03-30 00:05:51] <Clue> "Aha! The cure is in his desk... oddly enough..." She looks up. "Now to find his desk..."
  312. [2014-03-30 00:06:39] * Emerald_Blitz chuckles too. "Find the Captain's office, then, and find the cure. A magical mystery cure." The alicorn turns around and looks at the building. "Second floor, and probably a corner office, if I had to guess."
  313. [2014-03-30 00:07:52] <CrystalDM> 03====FoE Crystal Group: Session End====
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