

Mar 3rd, 2019
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  1. You hear the door to the north being unlocked.
  2. The door to the north is opened from the other side.
  3. Toz arrives from the north.
  4. Toz closes the door to the north.
  5. Toz locks the north door.
  7. Your pose is currently set to:
  8. Tatia is sitting cross-legged in front of the fireplace, staring silently into the flickering flames.
  10. Toz tilts his head curiously at you.
  12. You have emoted: Tatia turns her head from the fire to look at Toz, offering a slight smile. "Well hello." she says to Toz.
  14. Toz steps quickly over to you as you greets him, sliding his hand through your hair, curling his fingertips down to graze against your scalp. "Hey yourself," he returns. "You were going ot tell me about your sister?"
  16. You have emoted: "She's still considering a move here - mentioned looking into Carnifex skills." Tatia starts, pausing to exhale lightly with Toz's touch. "She isn't sire if she just misses me or actually wants to break free of Enorian." she finishes, lifting her eyes to look up at Toz.
  18. Scratching gently at your scalp, Toz's lips twitch slightly. "Carnifex are in Bloodloch," he tells you, "But I could likely get her apprenticed, if she so desires? She could join one of our guilds, or simply be guildless here, as she wishes." He meets your gaze, lingering there, then settles down cross-legged beside you.
  20. You have emoted: "She knows. Doesn't want to join another guild, I told her you and Mjoll were the best Carnifex combatants." Tatia says softly, pulling from Toz's touch to instead crawl over into Toz's lap - her gaze drifting back towards the flickering flames of the fireplace.
  22. Distinctly receptive to you settling in his lap, Toz moves to pull you in against him, one hand going for your hair while the other stretches out, stroking along your side. "Rijetta's a student of mine too," he reminds you. "And follows Chakrasul. Mjoll is for Bamathis. And I have the Sun Drinker- so she's well connected there, too."
  24. You have emoted: Tatia settles herself against Toz, resting her back against his chest. "She still has to decide what she truly wants. Mentioned admiring my courage to go for what I wanted." she adds on, her head tilting back to rest against Toz's shoulder. "I don't want to push her, but she has decided to start waking more."
  26. With a firm nod of his head, Toz wraps his arm around your waist, other coming to cradle your cheek. He turns his head, kissing your neck firmly, mixing in a soft nip after. "Working from home," he notes to you, but continues on, "Hopefully I don't have to move. Because I like this, with you right here."
  28. You have emoted: "My mood isn't terribly fantastic at the moment.. so I hope you don't have to move either." Tatia admits softly, tilting her head to rest her forehead against the side of his face and falling silent.
  30. "What's hurting your mood?" Toz asks of you, glancing to you from the corner of his eye. "I'll sit out this fighting, and try to help?" he offers up after.
  32. You have emoted: Tatia shakes her head lightly against Toz's face, "Go fight." she tells Toz.
  34. Uncertain, Toz Aquila-Seirath says to you, "It's alright, they can handle it. It's just ylem- your mood related to me, or something else bothering you?"
  36. You have emoted: Tatia shakes her head once more, but makes no other attempt to move. "I don't really know, just having one of those days where I question myself." she reveals quietly. "It isnt you or anyone in particular, just me, I guess."
  38. Wrapping both arms tight around you now, Toz pulls you in against him. "What questions do you have?" he wonders of you. "I- don't know. You always try to drag a smile out of me, hm? Maybe I can pull one out of you."
  40. You have emoted: Tatia purses her lips together and rolls a shoulder lightly against Toz. "You know, I make you promise to be open with me, but I.. I dont want to look weak to you." she murmurs, lifting her head to glance sideways at Toz.
  42. "Tatia," Toz tells you, voice firm. "I am weak with you. Any time I feel weak." His arms squeeze a little more and he continues on, "You-- well. Are beneath my armor, aye?" He kisses your cheek, and continues on, "You can tell me anything, too, I hope. Because I want to know."
  44. You have emoted: Tatia inhales a long breath and nods once. "I know." she admits softly, bringing her hands to loosely grip Toz's arms around her. "Sometimes I just.. second guess myself? I feel vulnerable for no real reason at all." she tells Toz quietly, her gaze wandering towards the fire. "I wonder if I am doing enough, If I am making the wrong call with Piari, if I am just fooling myself with my list of projects.." she lists off in a quiet tone. "It seems ridiculous when I say it out loud."
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  51. Cracks some version of a half smile, you say, "Someone really wants you to go battle."
  53. "That's why we say it out loud," Toz tells you, with a slight smile offered to you. "Because it sounds ridiculous, and we suspect it may be." He keeps hold of you, leaning a little against you as he slumps forward, his eyes closing. His lips find your shoulder, kissing absently through your dress, and he continues on, "I'm already fighting your doubts, hm? They need to be dealt with before I run off to have fun."
  55. You have emoted: "I'm afraid of not being good enough. For you, for the City, my family." Tatia says quietly, glancing down at the kiss to her shoulder. "You should go have fun, Bam. It's refreshing to see you enjoying battle again." she tells Toz.
  57. "I haven't done anything other than clearing Beneath with Arbre, really, in years," Toz tells you, simply and abruptly. He sits upright a little, leaning to the side still to watch you, with his eyes narrowing some. "You are one of the hardest workers I know, but you can't ever be 'good enough' because that's...absurd. I already found you were. You already passed the test, and here you sit."
  59. You have emoted: Tatia turns to look at Toz, remaining silent for a long few moments. "Okay." is all she says, but keeps her eyes fixed on him.
  61. Frowning as you looks at him now, Toz prompts you, "Your work is invaluable. You make me feel lazy, any time I look at the pile you have in front of you." He taps at your stomach with a claw, then counts on with his second landing, "You are an exemplary Senator, your treaty work is excellent and badly needed." He concludes with a third tap, "..And you love your sisters so much. Everything you do shows how much you care."
  63. You have emoted: Tatia leans forward to press a light kiss to Toz's lips, lingering for a few moments. She pulls back just enough to rest her face against Toz's. "Thank you." she murmurs softly. "You are far from the way." she adds on, a very small smile pulling at one corner of her mouth.
  65. Toz's return kiss is noticeably restrained, clearly wanting to press for more but holding back from doing so. When you pulls away, he rests his forehead to your, countering, "You're a workhorse, though. Every time I wake before you and see you sprawled out beside me, I'm proud that it's my bed you picked. And when I wake up and you're gone, I'm proud that I managed to land someone who out-works me."
  67. You have emoted: Tatia exhales softly while Toz speaks, lifting her head just enough to kiss Toz's nose. "I love you, you know?" she asks him, a genuine smile passing over her features. "You have that way about you to always make me feel better."
  69. "I love you too," Toz tells you, with a little laugh at the kiss to his nose, which wrinkles afterwards. "You do the same for me. That's...sort of the point." He twists abruptly, rolling you from his lap and down onto the furs, coming to rest atop you. "Glad I could drag a smile out of you, too."
  71. You have emoted: "Even before you opened your home to me, or I knew that I even loved you.. you could make me feel better." Tatia admits, snickering in return at you before squeaking lightly at the abrupt movement. She lifts a hand to caress Toz's cheek and laughs, shaking her head lightly from side to side. "You always manage to get a smile, sad or mad, doesn't matter."
  73. Leaning in, Toz plants a much harder kiss on you this time, weight resting heavily down onto you. His hand lifts likewise, cupping your cheek as he claims your lips, ending the lingering contact with a nip to your lower lip. "Good," is all he says, with a very slight grin.
  75. You have emoted: Tatia narrows her eyes up at Toz when the kiss breaks, arching her back against the floor to press against Toz's weight on top of her. "Dont be smug." she tells Toz with a smirk, still testing Toz's weight against her. "Or get yourself in trouble."
  77. With a shove down against you, particularly with his hips, Toz tells you lowly, narrowing his eyes, "I am dying for some trouble. And if I had the time to dedicate to it, you'd already be in it." He nips again at your lips, then butts his forehead into your.
  79. You have emoted: "Who said I'd have you?" Tatia asks in a challenging tone with a quirked eyebrow. She lifts her hand to slip under the neck of Toz's shirt to drag her nails across his back.
  81. "I am entirely sure I could convince you, even if you were somehow unwilling," Toz asserts confidently to you, pressing against the scrape of you nails. He drops his hand, catching your side and flexing, digging his claws in hard.
  83. You have emoted: Tatia jumps against Toz's weight with his claws digging into her side. "Confident." murmurs, lifting her head to sink her teeth into Toz's neck briefly.
  85. With you biting down, Toz groans and shoots back, "That what the collar was supposed to be for, armor?" His hips drift down against your in a firm, shameless stroke, flexing his hand harder at the hold of you. "I love you," he tells you abruptly, sounding quite pleased about it. "And sometime soon I am going to fuck you."
  87. You have emoted: "You'll just have to wait and see what's in store for that collar." Tatia returns with a devious grin, inhaling sharply with Toz's claws digging deeper and his hips pressing against her. "Soon." she parrots back to Toz with a quirked eyebrow. She lifts her head to get as close to Toz's ear as she can manage and whispers, "I love you too."
  89. With a little groan as you finds his ear, Toz gives another drift of his hips down against you hips, holding there hard a moment. "Soon," he agrees. He kisses your throat, biting down and digging into the skin, holding for a moment with a long growl. After, he starts to push up to his feet, suggesting, "Bed, then? So we can get faster to soon?"
  91. You have emoted: "Mm" Tatia groans at the mixed sensations from Toz. When Toz starts to pull away from her, she reaches forward to catch the panels of Toz's coat. She pulls against them to lift herself up and catches Toz's lips in a lustful and passionate, lingering kiss. When she pulls back, she nods once and smiles, "Now, bed." she tells Toz.
  93. Pressing back into the kiss without a scrap of hesitation, Toz chases you even as you draws back, drawing it out a few seconds more. "Mmh," he agrees, with a lazy smile forming. His eyes stay heavily lidded, pushing up to his feet and offering out his hand, to help you up.
  95. You have emoted: Tatia pushes herself upright and lifts her chin to look at Toz for a moment, reaching out to lightly grip Toz's hand. "There isn't anyone else that I would rather wake up next to and fall asleep with." she says softly before pulling against Toz's arm to rise to her feet.
  97. Pulling you along with him, Toz smiles you way. "I hope you keep doing it for forever," he returns to you, stretching out on the bed and waiting for you to join him, expectant. His eyes drift mostly shut, clearly prepared to drift off already.
  99. You have emoted: Tatia pulls her dress over her head and crawls over top Toz, leaning down to kiss his lips softly. "Pleasant dreams, Toz." she murmurs while settling herself against Toz's chest and nuzzling in against his neck. She lets her eyes fall closed and starts to slip off to sleep near instantly.
  101. With an arm around your waist, Toz raises his other to curl into your neck, cradling your body in against his own, wearing a fond smile. "Sleep sweet, Tat," h e urges, letting himself drift off peacefully after.
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