

Jul 24th, 2018
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  1. Acunai: Hello.
  2. QnDebShadow: Welcome Acunai. Thank you for Taking the time to fill out the application. Please come stand in front of me if you are loaded
  3. Acunai: I am?
  4. Acunai: right here?
  5. QnDebShadow: yes, thank you
  6. Acunai: Youre welcome.
  7. QnDebShadow: I saw you say earlier you were nervous -smiles- there is nothing to be nervous about
  8. Acunai: >//< Y-yeah, Its been a while since I have rp'd or made a character and that one was literally on the spot.
  9. QnDebShadow: ok, sorry, was looking at a few things on your app. How often do you get online?
  10. Acunai: Well Ive been trying to get on at least 3 times a week
  11. Acunai: I wanna get back into IMVU
  12. Acunai: I miss role playing
  13. Acunai: But as of late its usually everyday
  14. QnDebShadow: We have a thing if you are going to be gone for more than 3 days, if you join our discord, just mention it in the away tab
  15. Acunai: Oh okay, Sounds easy enough.
  16. QnDebShadow: you miss rping, what drives you to role play in general?
  17. Acunai: The stories people make. The different storylines and how each one will play out depending on how each player has made their personalities. I've always liked descriptive story writing though so, thats why I love it so much. It gives me a chance to write without the stress of finishing a story all on your own.
  18. QnDebShadow: adding people to the story makes it all the better, you never know what you will read
  19. Acunai: Exactly. Cause everyone has a different image of how its going to end. Making it better than already knowing the ending if youre writing a story on your own.
  20. QnDebShadow: Do you have any enemies that we should no about? Or anyone that loves to cause drama?
  21. QnDebShadow: know*
  22. Acunai: No, its been a while since Ive been on so all my 'enemies' , if i had them, are retired and gone
  23. QnDebShadow: Do you have Discord? Thats where we do all of our communicating.
  24. Acunai: Yeah I have an account but I had to remove it from my phone, I can redownload it though
  25. QnDebShadow: That would be helpful, thats where announcements are made, all kinds of tabs to take a look at
  26. QnDebShadow: I see you marked Resident and Personal, which of the 2 would you rather have
  27. Acunai: Personal. My character is that of a Newborn demon in a world of which she has no knowledge. her ability is to sense danger, she can tell a persons race and can sense chaos miles away, all while registering if any other persons within that radius has the thoughts of commiting violent crimes so somewhere along side someone among the higher rankings would be ideal
  28. QnDebShadow: and you are how old in rp?
  29. Acunai: 9 in human years
  30. Acunai: but i want her to have only have started growing her demon like features, discovering her ability
  31. QnDebShadow: See me after the interview :)
  32. Acunai: Alright
  33. QnDebShadow: Is there anything you have against race, color, gender, sexual orientation?
  34. Acunai: Nope
  35. QnDebShadow: There are 2 subjects we do NOT discuss in any kaz rooms or on the Kaz Discord. Medical issues is one. Some of us come onto imvu to get away from rl, pains, illness etc and dont want to be reminded
  36. QnDebShadow: The second is politics. It tends to start arguments, put wedges between members and could break up any friendships made
  37. Acunai: Both, understandable
  38. QnDebShadow: -smiles and nods-
  39. QnDebShadow: When a Sin enters a room, and you will see who they are once you are on Discord, they would appreciate being called by their title for example Lady Deb, not just Deb, or not just welcome home. Same for when you enter and are greeted by a Sin, you say thank you Lady Deb and any other Sin that greeted you
  40. QnDebShadow: We work hard for our titles and like the respect shown for what we do to Help King Sai and Kaz
  41. Acunai: How do I know which one is a sin
  42. QnDebShadow: it will say by the names on Discord
  43. QnDebShadow: i can also message you the list
  44. Acunai: OH okay
  45. QnDebShadow: There are times King Sai calls meetings, all members and trialists are encouraged to attend. Sometimes battles are discussed, when wanting to take over another Sin circle. If you attended one of these meetings, and you thought you would have nothing to contribute, would you walk away from Kaz, or would you offer assistance in any way, shape or form?
  46. Acunai: I'd assist in anyway I could.
  47. QnDebShadow: :)
  48. QnDebShadow: Please keep in mind that we are not as strict as we appear first glance. We joke, we play, but everyone has their boundaries. If something bothers you PLEASE take the matter up with that individual (in private), unless its a group offense you can state it in room. DOCUMENT EVERYTHING (Screenshots only, i say this because copy logs can be altered.). If the behavior continues then present the evidence to the mods and it will be reviewed thoroughly and dealt with. If you do not have sufficient proof but can provide 2 witnesses who can confirm the accusations, the individual's) will be warned. If you have no proof or no witness that can confirm then none of us can help you.
  49. Acunai: Alright.
  50. QnDebShadow: We try to get things fixed without having to involve King Sai, he is already quite busy
  51. Acunai: Is he ever in the rp
  52. Acunai: Or is he like a phantom ruler
  53. QnDebShadow: right now he isnt feeling well
  54. QnDebShadow: he comes on when he can, if hes at work and comes on, if its busy, he wont join rps
  55. Acunai: Mmm
  56. Acunai: I see
  57. QnDebShadow: We all report to him so he is on top of everyting
  58. Acunai: Of course.
  59. Acunai: Rl comes first.
  60. Acunai: Ive just never been a fan of the Phantom Rulers
  61. QnDebShadow: Bunny, can you think of anything else?
  62. BunnyShuffle: Hmmn...
  63. Acunai: To each their own of course
  64. BunnyShuffle: Well, he isn't phantom. XD We just are all a bit busy at the moment.
  65. Acunai: Of course
  66. BunnyShuffle: Do you have any certain role in mind?
  67. Acunai: LIke I said Rl comes first
  68. BunnyShuffle: Like.
  69. QnDebShadow: there are different ones listed under personal
  70. BunnyShuffle: I know you said a personal, but there are a lot to choose from.
  71. Acunai: Yeah
  72. Acunai: Uh, I dont really mind to be honest. I guess She coould be like a servant or something if shes close to a higher ranking member
  73. BunnyShuffle: I am Lady Deb's personal healer, myself.
  74. Acunai: So shes not aimlessly following them
  75. Acunai: Which She will
  76. QnDebShadow: alright
  77. Acunai: I plan foor her to be attached to whoeever takes her in
  78. Acunai: *for
  79. Acunai: But I honestly dont know what role youd give a newborn demon who is still anew to her own strength
  80. BunnyShuffle: There are also guards, assistants, servants, pets, etc.
  81. BunnyShuffle: Well hunny, you can always figure that out in time.
  82. Acunai: And theres a lot of it seeing as she doesnt know how to control herself
  83. BunnyShuffle: Mhmn.
  84. QnDebShadow: maybe a servant for now, we can always build you up as you grow
  85. Acunai: Like I said, im fine with being a little servant like for small stuff
  86. Acunai: like if i was yours and you needed your shoes
  87. Acunai: or something
  88. Acunai: Or like food
  89. QnDebShadow: sounds good :)
  90. Acunai: Id be attached so of course Id do anything that person asked
  91. BunnyShuffle: Sounds like a plan, doll.
  92. BunnyShuffle: X3
  93. QnDebShadow: I have made my decision
  94. QnDebShadow: Welcome to Kaz Acunai
  95. Acunai: Nice ^^
  96. Acunai: Thank you
  97. QnDebShadow:
  98. QnDebShadow: Discord link
  99. BunnyShuffle: Congrats, darlin'.
  100. BunnyShuffle: <3
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