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Jun 25th, 2012
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  1. Qt Creator and OBS:
  3. in order to build project for COBS for apps4meego and still to be able to continue to work with QtCreator you need to make few simple setps.
  5. The files are from "/qtc_packaging/debian_harmattan"
  7. 1) Go to your rule file and change those lines:
  8. #qmake -> ##OBS qmake \\ In my example i use ##OBS qmake -recursive, i think it's related to that i use subdirs as project.
  9. #$(MAKE) -> ##OBS $(MAKE)
  10. #dh_shlibdeps -> ##OBS dh_shlibdeps
  12. as well as there is any comment followed in this line, delete it. and it's important to keep that all line starts with "tab" and not with "8 spaces"(in our example those we changed start with ##OBS), otherwise you'll get error.
  14. for aegis matter you need to add those lines after dh_builddeb (change <package> to your app name)
  15. ##OBS aegis-deb-add -control debian/<package>/DEBIAN/control .. debian/manifest.aegis=_aegis (as well with "tab" at the beginning)
  17. Here is an example of mine rule file —
  20. 2)Now go to your main .pro file and add .desktop file to be installed: in my example it looks like:
  22. desktop.files = imgrup_harmattan.desktop
  23. desktop.path = /usr/share/applications
  24. INSTALLS += desktop
  26. (the path is shown for harmattan, for maemo the path would be different)
  28. 3)The last thing before packaging and submitting is to fix the deps, for that we go to the control file and add deps we need, i'm not good at this, but i think rzr and few members can help you on that, those are packages installed on OBS when building the app, i'll provide example as part of mine:
  30. Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 8.0.0), libqt4-dev, pkg-config,
  31. libshare-ui-dev,libqt4-declarative-dev,
  32. libqtm-multimedia-dev, libqt4-multimedia, libaccounts-qt-dev, libsignon-qt-dev,
  33. libsignon-glib-dev, signon-plugins-dev, signond-dev, libaccountplugin-dev, libaccountsetup-dev,
  34. libnaccounts-ui-dev, libmeegotouch-dev, applauncherd-dev, maemo-meegotouch-interfaces-dev,
  35. libmdatauri-dev, aegis-builder
  36. Standards-Version: 3.9.2
  38. 3.1)Before building you as well can use postinst file to make post install script file =)
  40. 4)After that is ready, we would use phako (thanks man) his script to package:
  43. which actually use our(QtCreator's) qtc_packaging/debian_harmattan directory with files we just modified and copy it to debian dir, uncomment in rule all lines with "##OBS ", build and than delete the dir, the files would be in the parent dir (.tar.gz and .dsc), while script should be run in project dir. Btw you may need to change "SDK_DIR=" as mine set to where it's on my comp.
  45. 5)
  46. After that we go to obs and we create new repo:
  47. a)Repositories
  48. b)Add repo
  49. c)use the link " pick one via advanced interface." in the top
  50. d)In the "Project" field paste "MeeGo:1.2:Harmattan" (here is screenshot —
  52. Than build your project there (webupload is not nice as it's trying to build as even one file updated, and you can upload only one by one, though with ocs you can update and upload few, the basics covered on wiki and it's similar to git in some way). Add both files made by script icon.png and few screen-shots as well.
  55. After you successfully built the project, you should go to your repo an check the file from there and only if it works (i suggest deleting app from phone and re-installing from there, as i submitted first time broken app, coz of not checking it).
  57. After it's all working — you have green light to submit to testing as described at wiki and than it would take some time, as it takes time till bot decides to build and he rebuilds few times, till it get to apps4meego and database of client is re download. So if you built in your repo and submited after, don't worry it should be okay, just give so time(btw you may get email from bot, that it's built and everything ok)
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