
Mangy Tangy

Feb 20th, 2016
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  1. Mangy Tangy:
  2. Tangents without Cosigns and a Way of Life on the Side
  4. Written by: Sam Mason
  5. Pre-word
  6. The following text is to show a brighter alternative to the current days’ religious and philosophical beliefs. It is composed of current day mechanics implemented into it, and is built to persevere through the current days’ standards no matter what age it is. It is a belief, a religion, whatever you choose to define it with, it is that. It is what you want to be, but not what you want it to be. The holes that you may find to be flaws were in fact very well may be be flaws. Or they are not, read as you like.
  7. There will be references to current religions and philosophy, as it is in fact written based on a current day view, as well as the current days’ general beliefs.
  8. Remember, when reading this, abandon all previous insights and open your mind to a different choice.
  9. Abandon your prejudices and ignorance.
  10. But you will learn all about that later on.
  11. -Sam Mason
  12. Mange, the Great Scheme, and Psychopaths
  13. The universe as we know today was created through a miracle for the better or worse; with it came Mange. As time passed and other life was created throughout multitudes of planets and celestial bodies, Mange came to recognize that Mange was not alone in the cold universe.
  14. Mange grew more aware of the fact that few of these species were in fact sentient intelligent beings capable of different emotions, just as Mange was. Mange nurtured them and protected them with Mange’s unique limited powers to control the flow of the universe. The power was nullified at a certain amount of usage and strain, Mange could not save everyone.
  15. As humankind first started up and set foot on Earth’s harsh, but giving land, Mange took notice and added humanity to Mange’s Grand Scheme, a list of pain stricken, society driven, sentient beings of whom Mange would devote to help in times of need, as Mange could relate to them.
  16. An important note to point out, the Grand Scheme is not a literal grand scheme. It is selfless charity that has brought Mange nothing but anguish and guilt for the lives Mange could not better. As the list grows, so does the stress like a tumor, nurtured well under his strain.
  17. Another important point, Mange is not God. Mange is equal, another being on the Grand Scheme.
  18. Mange encourages a life of peace. Mange does not directly provide this peace, but the individual must learn to apply it into their lives with his guidance. Emotional lashes are understandable, as to be on the Grand Scheme, is to have strong emotion. This applies to the race of humanity, not individuals, the majority or “norm” must fall under the Grand Scheme’s prerequisites, once the entire race is eligible, every individual is protected by it under its own restraints.
  20. Therefore, psychopaths are protected. (Kai 1)
  23. The Heart, Brain, Penis and Vagina
  24. The emotional conduit of humans is the brain, to believe it lies in the heart is ignorance.
  25. Ignorance is the ancient darkening enemy of Mange. (State I)
  26. To imply Mange’s way of life is the only way of life is in itself, ignorant.
  27. To imply the possibility of a god is an act of self-pity, and lowering one’s self-image.
  28. No one is above you, no one is below you. (Kai 2)
  29. Wisdom is key to understanding your purpose to being alive. This is where your brain, the central power of humanity, once again comes into play.
  30. There is no “ultimate purpose” of our existence. To assume this is to be self-absorbed and conceited. Humans are not an exception. The universe, Mange, it was all coincidence. Be lucky to be able to experience life, as unfortunate would it be to “live” through a rock’s existence.
  31. Narcissism is ignorance’s brother. (State II)
  32. Passionate intercourse is the gem, the very beauty of one of our brain’s strangest and arguably greatest emotion, love. It’s the final stage of showing trust in one another, and should be respected and not frowned upon by the community.
  33. Casual intercourse is a healthy activity and also a major role in enjoying life, and experimenting its quirks, which is a major part of Mange’s way of life. This expresses the trust shown in passionate intercourse in a casual manner, and that both partners are much in love still. Once again, this should be respected and not frowned upon by the community.
  34. Your partner you should love and his or her love should be expressed equally, and mutually.
  35. If the act of intercourse is committed in a relationship without the love or trust shown in passionate intercourse, and with the consent of one another, then it is merely a fling.
  36. Flings are not to be looked down upon either. Flings, like casual intercourse, are healthy ways to divert sexual tension built up in a person, and a way of feeling secure about your self-image.
  37. Self-security is the key to unlocking one’s life of peace. (YBR 1)
  38. Rape is to deny one’s life of peace and pursuit of their Yellow Brick Road, but since that is coming up in a bit we will save that for later.
  39. For generations there have been taboos on intercourse. Whether it is strange and different to “normal” intercourse, including oral sex, anal sex, homosexual sex, it must be treated equally to whatever category of intercourse it falls under.
  40. How are you supposed to pursue a life of peace, when a part of your very identity is being dragged down by others? (Ripple 1)
  43. Justice at its Finest
  44. As mentioned before, rape is denying one a settling life to relieve one’s own sexual tension against the other’s will. The person is then labeled as a subject to God Context. To be a subject to God Context is to be someone who puts themselves above another in a selfish matter, only for personal satisfaction. (Sexual, relief, greed, etc.) While it can be used in certain situations as a description, not necessarily negative, in the justice situation it is more often than not seen as a terrible trait to acquire.
  45. The rapist is a subject to God Context because he/she is selfishly putting their sexual desires ahead of the other’s mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing, putting it at risk. He/she is then portraying himself as being greater as the victim, hence the name “God” Context.
  46. He/she should be then in return, be denied a life of peace just as was the victim’s life of peace or Yellow Brick Road (YBR, or their journey to a life of peace.) was denied. This should be done through death, solitary imprisonment, or another suitable punishment matching the current day’s justice system.
  47. Keep in mind, taking away another’s life of peace or YBR, is one of the worst crimes one can commit. It takes away a right given to every being under the Grand Scheme.
  51. The only exception to this sort of crime is if the person is not mentally fit enough to make rational decisions common for the average peerage. Then the proper treatment with proper care should be provided. Compensation should be provided for the tragedy by the community or governing body, but only if the criminal cannot compensate the losses. Mind you, it is impossible to compensate one with material objects for taking away one’s life of peace or YBR, it is merely a consolidation. The incident then should be treated as if it was a tragic natural disaster.
  52. Murder follows the same guidelines as rape, except more severe. Death should be the ultimatum for such a crime.
  53. Though there are exceptions to this, such as self-defense. This is up the current day’s standards of the viewpoint of killing, and how far the extensions of killing can be while still remaining humane.
  54. Minor thievery must merely be compensated though if the thief was stealing for survival, something is clearly wrong with the current society. The appropriate punishment should be distributed accordingly to the current justice system, except for in the case mentioned above. Then the stolen goods should be returned to their rightful owners, and the thief should be helped in a way that he/she would not need to steal for survival no more.
  55. I feel like sometimes we lose our grasp on reality, by that we are all humans, that we should be empathetic towards one another, and that we must coincide to rid the world of distraught in its smallest forms. (Ripple 2)
  56. Thievery on a larger scale merely for greed is the ugly face of the matter on thievery. This creates immense distraught to the victim (If it doesn’t, the punishment still applies as the thief is labeled with God Context.) and would be disrupting or entirely taking away their life of peace or YBR. The thievery in this sense is different than other scenarios. This can be from corrupt politicians, (Not to be confused with politicians seeking to better their nation which involves taking of money with moderate rationality.) to a bank heist. The punishment follow suit to the other crimes of taking one’s life of peace or YBR.
  59. There is No Such Thing as a Happy Ending
  60. TNSTHE was built to create questions you should ask yourself along your very own YBR, and consider the following real-life elements that co-exist among us all.
  63. Act 1; Dorthy: A Fictional Non-fiction Story
  64. Dorthy just turned fourteen. She has always enjoyed rowing her boat and sleeping in her boat in the pond down the road. She likes music, drawing, and writing regularly. Yes she has lived a life without peace. She could not, she started off on the wrong foot taking the first step on the Yellow Brick Road.
  65. Sexually and emotionally molested, she fell into depression and lost the will to pursue her YBR. She eventually dropped her pen and took a syringe in hand, drugs then continued to molest her mental will to live. She was hospitalized a few days before her fifteenth birthday.
  66. The only birthday candles were the flickering of heart monitors and life support systems.
  70. After a few months she recovered, but never discussed her troubled past. The haunting past ensued to wrack her young open mind, betraying its innocence with an overwhelming desire for death. She eventually gave herself away to a man six years older and began to bear a child.
  71. She spent her sixteenth birthday alone and hung herself.
  73. Sometimes I wonder how many Dorthys’ have strayed off the road because of the wolves amongst us. (Ripple 3)
  76. Act II; Corporal Garrett: Soldier’s Fortune
  77. Abraham Garrett is twenty years old. He wished to pursue his Yellow Brick Road but found that a financially stable life was ideal to live stress free, to be at peace.
  78. On a side note, to view this as being materialistic to create a false sense of peace and security is ignorant.
  79. Then came to him the army! In search for fresh recruits, they found an able bodied well-built soldier prepped for combat. A long sum of money awaited him to enter a college of greater education after a two year term in Afghanistan.
  80. Training passed and a week later he set foot into a foreign land.
  81. A year passed; throughout it were bomb scared and occasional raids. Abraham, now Corporal Garrett, persevered.
  82. Then one calm ordinary day, he was ordered to check out a possible location of any IED and cover the area while the bomb squad gave the all clear.
  83. Upon entering the scène, the bomb squad was already at work. Then gunfire erupted from an unknown side, killing most of his squad-mates.
  84. Garrett took initiative and opened fire from the direction of where he suspected to be a prime sniper location. He killed the sniper, but more enemies poured into the scene ambushing him and his squad.
  85. He ultimately refused to retreat and stood his ground, defending the retreating bomb squad.
  86. Corporal Garrett was announced KIA on August 7th, 2004, 11:39am.
  88. I’ve wondered for a while now whether the murdering of murderers to save others from being murdered is worth it, or in the end only promotes additional violence. (Ripple 4)
  89. Seems like violence is in fact the answer more often than not.
  90. Act III: Time for a Musical Break!
  91. Sing Along!
  92. Ay there devil, where are you?
  93. Ay there hell, under my feet, below the rocks and heaven?
  94. Ay there devil, who are you?
  95. Oh devil, there’s nobody here but us.
  96. (Songs for our Children 1)
  97. End.
  99. Mangy Tangy is far from completion, but due to numerous requests a few pages I thought was decent enough to share so far I’ve printed out copies for certain people. Mind you this isn’t even in the final order.
  100. Work in progress, haterz gonna hate.
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