
Sunny Gardens: Not In Paris

Aug 12th, 2012
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  1. “How am I supposed to know if it worked?”
  2. >There's a snicker on the other end.
  3. >You glare at your smartphone briefly before returning it to your ear.
  4. >”Don't worry, she'll tell you. The mares always know.”
  5. “Okay, how long will that take? It's already been two days...”
  6. >”If not by tomorrow, it probably failed. What are you going to do in the meantime?”
  7. “I don't know, I don't like leaving them alone at night.”
  8. >”Bewwy okay, haf Wightnin'!”
  9. >God, these things are so cute.
  10. >”I'm sure they manage better than a regular fluffy. They know you're coming back.”
  11. “Still...anyway, I wonder how hard alicorn pregnancy is.”
  12. >”Shouldn't be anymore difficult than usual. You've dealt with it before.”
  13. >You doff your watch cap to scratch the top of your head.
  14. “Yeah...poor foals that nobody loved.”
  15. >”You're too sentimental, sis.”
  16. “Hey! I care for living creatures!”
  17. >”Yeah, yeah. I've gotta go, Whitney wants to talk to me.”
  18. “Okay, later.”
  19. >Lightning and Berry have been looking at you intently during the whole conversation.
  20. >”Wucy, who talkies to?” Lightning asks.
  21. “Huh? Oh, that was Sarah.”
  22. >Berry cheers. ”Sawah! Sawah come, bwing widdle fwuffy fwiends?”
  23. >You can't help but smile.
  24. “I'm afraid not. How are you feeling today, Berry?”
  25. >”Bewwy happy!”
  26. >She says that every time you ask her.
  27. “I does your tummy feel?”
  28. >She looks at you for a moment, confused, before poking her tummy with a hoof.
  29. >”Tummy happy too!”
  30. >Of course.
  31. >Well, it's time to eat something anyway.
  32. >You don't even have to bother telling them to behave.
  33. “I'll be back with nummies, okay?”
  34. >”Yay! Wuv Wucy!”
  35. >You grab your bag and head out the door.
  36. >It sort of bothers you that they don't call you mommy like regular fluffies do.
  37. >Honestly, the thought of having a breeding farm of these things at all is rather offputting.
  38. >Still, it can't hurt to try it out. You can always go back to how things were later.
  39. >Today feels like a Chinese day, so you make the walk down the street.
  40. >Ignore the Thai place. You may never eat there again.
  41. >There's a little cage in the window there now.
  42. >Five fluffy foals waddle around in it, leaning up when they see you and yelling something you can't hear through the glass.
  43. >Keep walking keep walking keep walk--
  44. >Up ahead, something very, very shiny catches your eye.
  45. >It's an enormous red car coming down the street.
  46. >A Bentley Mulsanne.
  47. >Oh fuck.
  48. >It's mom.
  49. >You duck down behind a parked truck until she passes.
  50. >After a few seconds, it becomes apparent that she didn't see you.
  51. >The car stops in front of Sarah's shop. You watch as the driver comes around and opens the door.
  52. >She gets out and turns around, helping a stately silver fluffy pony out onto the ground.
  53. >You can barely see her horn from here.
  54. >When mom comes to see Sarah, she doesn't usually bring Taiho along.
  55. >You wonder what the special occasion is.
  56. >You watch until they go in and then breathe a sigh of relief.
  57. >”Excuse me, miss...”
  58. “Gaaah!”
  59. >”Sorry,” a grizzled looking man says, “But I need to get in my truck.”
  60. “Oh! Right. Pardon me, aheh...”
  61. >You take uneasy steps away from the truck and continue on down the sidewalk.
  62. >Twenty minutes later, you've got a bag full of deliciousness.
  63. >Hopefully, alicorns like wontons...
  64. >Mom's car is still down the street. Good, she's talking to Sarah.
  65. >Only when you get to your storefront do you realize this is incorrect.
  66. >Taiho is pressed against your plate glass window, babbling something you can't make out.
  67. >When you make eye contact with mom, she freezes you with That God Damn Annoyed Look.
  68. >Meekly, you walk inside.
  69. >”Wucy back! Bewwy fin' new fwuffy an' hooman fwiend!”
  70. >”I see your trust fund is going towards maintaining an empty building,” mom says, arms folded and glaring.
  71. >You just point at the alicorns, so intimidated that you can't even form words.
  72. >”I see the mutant fluffy ponies. What inane time-wasting idea have you got this time?”
  73. >You set the bag of food down on your desk and try to collect yourself.
  74. >Taiho is freaking the hell out.
  75. >”Mommy! Meanie munstas! Wun 'way! Wun 'way!”
  76. >”Oh, quiet, Taiho. They're just as dumb and harmless as you are.”
  77. >”Wightnin' no dumb!” he counters, standing up and puffing his cheeks. “Bewwy no dumb too!”
  78. >You watch as your mother stares down the blue alicorn, but he doesn't budge.
  79. >”Smartass,” she growls. “Like those damn smarty friends I keeping hearing about.”
  80. >Taiho paws at the glass, her blue mane and tail waving with the motion. “Wan' go 'way! Munstas scawy!”
  81. >You still haven't managed to say a word, and it's beginning to annoy her deeply.
  82. >”Talk! What's going on here?”
  83. “I-I'm doing a br-breeding experiment...”
  84. >”Oh, Christ. Did you go back to school to get some other useless degree without telling me?”
  85. “N-no, I'm...”
  86. >She begins tapping her foot. Clack, clack, clack.
  87. >You feel like you're about two feet tall, withered by her soul-melting glare.
  88. >That's when it happens.
  89. >”Meanie hooman go 'way! No be meanie to Wucy!” Berry says, spreading her wings to look as imposing as possible, which isn't very much.
  90. >”You certainly have a vocabulary, don't you?” mom says, her voice dripping with condescension. “Shut up before I have you turned into fluffy pony khao phat.”
  91. >”Stop be meanie! Bewwy no wike you!”
  92. >”No wike hooman!” Lightning reiterates.
  93. >”Wow. I'm having an argument with fluffy ponies.”
  94. >You've screwed up just enough courage to say something when the door opens behind you.
  95. >”Mom, I warned you about bringing Taiho in here...”
  96. >Sarah walks in, an idle smile on her face as she looks at the panicking silver unicorn.
  97. >”Thank god. Come talk some sense into your sister, please. And make her get rid of these damn fluffy ponies!”
  98. >”I'm sorry, the fluffies are mine. She's working with me on a business venture."
  99. >She looks between the two of you, utterly disbelieving.
  100. >”Sawah! Hewp Wucy! Meanie hooman make Wucy sad!” Berry calls.
  101. >Sarah smirks at her before returning her attention to mom. “Cat got your tongue?”
  102. >Mom has regained her composure, but still looks mad. “And you weren't going to tell me this?”
  103. >”It's my money, and therefore none of your business,” Sarah replies flatly.
  104. >Mom looks at you for a long time before speaking again.
  105. >”Fine. Make sure she makes something of herself before I grow old.”
  106. >With that, she departs, Taiho running quickly out the door after her.
  107. >Sarah sighs, smoothing her hair back. “I tried to warn you, but it went to voicemail.”
  108. “Thanks...what is she even doing here? I thought she was still in France.”
  109. >”Checking up on us, she says.”
  110. >”Yay! Sawah make meanie hooman go 'way! Sawah fwiend!” Lightning cheers happily.
  111. “I wish I could say 'fuck you' to her face...hungry? I just bought lunch.”
  112. >”Sure, why not.”
  113. >You and she begin dividing up food, and that's when you notice it.
  114. “Berry? Are you all right?”
  115. >She looks up at you with tears in her eyes.
  116. >”Bewwy...Bewwy haf babeh feew in tummy...”
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