
Equestria's Defender (WIP)

Jun 29th, 2013
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  1. Some notes before you read! If you don't like big monsters, you won't like this particular adventure. Sorry, I can't please everyone, but maybe you'll like a different one - when I actually write them. Another heads up: I can't edit for shit, I miss letters and screw up words more times than I would like to admit, but I'm working on reediting this thing again.
  3. >The Earth shakes, a furious roar cracking the sky.
  4. >It wakes you from your slumber, you roll out of bet, wrapped in a sheet.
  5. >Screams, and the sounds of a crumbling building shock you into action.
  6. >You shake free from the linens and with no shoes or socks on you sped across the cold wood floor of your modest home, grabbing your shirt and sword.
  7. >Your feet shy away from the cold, wet cobblestone street as you steady yourself on it.
  8. >With the dark storm clouds above you had no idea what time of day it is, but that doesn't really matter.
  9. >What did is the massive beast that just leveled a cottage with his bare hands.
  10. >This big fellow is at least 50 feet tall, covered in chains, his flesh a deep tanned color.
  11. >The titan is very muscular, and looked like he could squeeze the life out of you with one hand.
  12. >His skin is scabbed in many places, and in many more held open wounds, but his most interesting feature is the two tusks protruding from his mouth, accenting his gnarled face.
  13. >Ponies scream in terror, running in every direction.
  14. >The titan bellows again, rain patters against his skin, it shines as a bolt of lightening strikes in the distance.
  15. >Fleeing townsponies bump into you, looking back at the beast.
  16. >You realize there is no time for footwear as the angered giant crushes another building.
  17. >Drawing your blade from its sheath you angle it at 90 degrees to the ground, and on swift feet you charge.
  18. >It sees you, rushing forward, leaving huge holes where its feet crushed the cobblestone road.
  19. >You press on through the crowd, ignoring the distractions.
  20. >It swings at you, and with a superficially fluid back flip you manage not to get flattened, you land hard on the cracked cobble.
  21. >With his left he grabs for you, but a nimble sidestep keeps you alive.
  22. >By a stroke of luck his hand gets stuck in the ground he punches.
  23. >You slash at him, and he yanks free as you do so - sending you on your back, your blade is sent flying from your grasp.
  24. >With a pounding head you struggle to get up, doing so the instant he takes a swing at you.
  25. >Your sword is just at his feet.
  26. >A tight roll gets you to it, time seems to slow you bring your trusty blade up across his leg, ripping apart an old crusty wound.
  27. >The titan falls to his knee, gripping his calf in agony.
  28. >His neck muscles pump up in rage, you see him reveal his huge white teeth to you.
  29. >This wouldn't faze you, your sword offers the perfect jump point to his head.
  30. >You hop on to your thin blade with the agility of a cat, going into a handstand you rip the sword from it's place, flipping onto his thigh, where you plant it once more.
  31. >His arm comes quickly at you, in a panic you rip the sword out and for a moment you're falling down - but you don't break your bones on the ground below.
  32. >Instead you manage to grip onto a low hanging chain, the sky bursts with a charge of light.
  33. >You use your momentum to swing across his back and on to his arm.
  34. >Obviously he is having none of this, he swings his arm at a nearby building, hoping to squish you.
  35. >So to avoid certain death you leap off him at the last second, grasping a window sill.
  36. >You hang there, suspended ten feet from the ground, rain soaking you for one peaceful second before it is back into the fray.
  37. >The titan punches the spot you were hanging on to just a moment ago, not until it is too late does he see you running along the length of his beefy arm, hopping over the chains and wounds there.
  38. >Once again he is caught in concrete and brick.
  39. >Swiftly his left hand comes to flick you off him, you roll to evade, nearly falling off his shoulder.
  40. >You climb up his face, your foot almost being chomped off by his sharp teeth.
  41. >He shakes his head as a last ditch effort, a slow moving hand coming to crush you.
  42. >You jump for his tusks, grabbing one and swinging to the other.
  43. >You swing around the second one and come to your feet on it.
  44. >Immediately you jump forth, planting your sword in his right eye.
  45. >He screams and shakes around, you're thrown from him.
  46. >Plummeting through the rainy night you're ready to accept your fate, when your luck pulls through again.
  47. >You grab a hanging chain, liberally being tossed to and fro in the rainy night as the titan continues his rampage.
  48. >Without the grip to climb up, or a weapon things aren't looking so hot.
  49. >A rainbow catches your eye, but those don't appear at night, and they don't move through the sky in straight lines.
  50. >It runs straight into the back of the beast's head, which is forced forward harshly.
  51. >It's Rainbow Dash of course, back to get mixed up in danger and try and save the day.
  52. >She whips around to his face, and when she comes back up your sword is held tightly in her mouth.
  53. >Dash tosses it down to you, and you make the catch.
  54. >By now the titan has caught on to your presence, he yanks his arm up, sending you flying through the air.
  55. >You don't come out on top this time, and your grip on the chain is lost.
  56. >Your heart stops as your sent toward a building once more.
  57. >Something hits you hard from the side and the world gets knocked into black.
  58. >"Get up," someone shakes you roughly, "Come on."
  59. >She sounds panicked and nervous, you force open your eyes to the the mane of Rainbow Dash, she turns her back to you.
  60. >Your body refuses to move, you demand your legs to work, and finally they do.
  61. >Stumbling to your feet you try to make out your surroundings, but it's hard to see in the heavy rain.
  62. >You're best guess is a roof, you see Dash is gone, and off in the distance the titan is going about destroying the town.
  63. >A bolt of lightening helps you spot your weapon laying nearby, and the following thunderclap shocks you into action.
  64. >This home is close to the others nearby, so you jump between them, your feet gripping on the tiles and gravel nicely.
  65. >Soon you are in range, just behind the monstrosity.
  66. >He is distracted with something else - you hope it isn't Dash.
  67. >Leaping from your post you hold your sword with both hands, over your head, blade pointed at his scarred back.
  68. >You close your eyes, begging it catches.
  69. >It does, streaking down until it slams hard on a chain.
  70. >The giant lets loose a roar unheard for millennium, shaking the ground with the shear force.
  71. >You press on, climbing up onto his neck, using his shaggy, greasy black hair as ropes.
  72. >With Dash keeping his hands occupied you got on top of his head without much trouble.
  73. >Sword in hand you lean over the edge of his head, taking aim and then poking out his other eye with your sword.
  74. >You fall off, slowing the descent with his tusk, chains and some help from Dash.
  75. >Coming to a roll you land nicely on the wet cobble, a drained Dash huffing beside you.
  76. >The huge subhuman covers his now useless eyes, wailing and stepping around aimlessly.
  77. >"What now?" she says over the yells and screams.
  78. >You run forward at him, leaving her on the road.
  79. >Quickly you ascend him again, choosing to use his chains as much as possible.
  80. >It takes a certain amount of skill to climb into his mouth without being turned to mash, and even more to slice through the thick flesh holding his left tusk in place.
  81. >But you do so fast enough not to be eaten alive.
  82. >By the time you have removed it he is already turning to ash, crumbling down into the ground.
  83. >You ride the disappearing titan down to the cobble, sliding your blade into its sheath the moment you touch the ground.
  84. >Property damage must be in the millions.
  86. >Dawn comes soon enough, ponies come back to their broken homes in roves.
  87. >Some cry for their loss, some console.
  88. >Obviously there were causalities, you just weren't fast enough this time.
  89. >As you didn't want to watch this sad scene it's off to home for some rest.
  90. >Dash sped off shortly after you finished off that giant without a word.
  91. >She could have died too, and you didn't know if you could take that.
  92. >You push that out silly notion out of your head, you would and could deal with it.
  93. >Death happens, especially if you're barging head first into dangerous situations.
  94. >You return to bed, resting your sore body.
  96. >Days roll by quickly, nights go by even faster.
  97. >The reconstruction of town has already underway, the entire Apple family and many others from surrounding towns coming to help rebuild.
  98. >There isn't as much damage as there may have been, the worst being the cobble roads that were crushed.
  99. >You would have assisted in the building again today, but Twilight Sparkle has requested you stop by her library.
  100. >Gearing up takes a few minutes, you take everything you have this time, just in case.
  101. >With sword, daggers and bow all equipped you head out.
  102. >You wince at the harsh mid-morning light when you first exit, but you adjust shortly.
  103. >The scenic route is not an option as it has been demolished completely by that titans rampage.
  104. >No matter, Twilight's letter sounded urgent so you it is better you get there as quickly as possible.
  105. >Knocking on the door you are quickly let in by the nervous looking unicorn.
  106. >"Hello, there. Sorry for the mess, I've been busy," she says trying to collect her scrolls and books, which are strewn everywhere.
  107. "Don't worry," you reply, helping her with a few of them.
  108. "You never said what you needed me where for in the letter. I can only assume it is about the giant that has attacked town."
  109. >"Yes it is. I have a few questions for you before I get to the point."
  110. "Whatever helps," you say, feeling a bit awkward being armed to the teeth.
  111. >"Can you take a seat right there," she nods at the chair next to her desk, fetching a quill and parchment as well as chair of her own.
  112. >You sit carefully, taking your bow off and laying it on your lap.
  113. >The arch is well polished, smooth and cool to the touch.
  114. >"I've heard several stories about the event, and obviously of your other 'work'," she coughs lightly.
  115. >You gesture for her to go on.
  116. >"Have you ever had any experience with these creatures before?"
  117. "Yes. In the north there are plenty of them. To be honest I never thought they would come down this far."
  118. >"Excuse me?"
  119. "These titans of sorts are nomadic beasts, but they never really travel any further than the northern mountains. When and if they do, they tend to move in packs. A lone one is a rare sight."
  120. >"I see. Then how do you explain this one attacking Ponyville?"
  121. "Well, like most northern things they can be summoned by someone powerful enough. Or it could have wandered here, and for whatever reason became enraged. I didn't see him feasting on anyone, so I doubt hunger was a factor."
  122. >"F-feast?"
  123. "Yes, these things are meat eaters, and thus will eat any meat they find. Unfortunately this includes ponies."
  124. >She gulps harshly, scribbling something onto the parchment.
  125. >"This is a very serious threat. What if more come? Will you be able to take them all?"
  126. "If that is necessary, I will. Or at the very least give it my very best shot."
  127. >She pauses for a moment, thinking perhaps, "Why?"
  128. "I suppose it's my way of repaying you ponies for letting me live here. And as I'm skilled at combat, that is what I use to earn my place here."
  129. >"Oh, well thank you for your service."
  130. "That's not necessary," you say uncomfortably, shifting in your seat.
  131. >"Do you think someone summoned that titan?"
  132. "It's a possibility, but highly unlikely. Ponyville is close to the North Mountains, it probably came down here on its own will. I must add it may happen again, now that one has arrived here."
  133. >"That's why I hailed you. My teacher has requested I take you to her to discuss this and the chance of more of these Titans entering Equestria."
  134. >You stand, swinging the bow over your back.
  135. "Gladly, when do we leave?"
  136. >"As soon as you're ready."
  137. >You think for a moment - you aren't ready.
  138. "I'll return shortly," you say before parting with a quick wave.
  139. >You bump into Derpy Hooves on the road, just the mare you want to see.
  140. >"Hi-low. Sorry about that," she says, collecting the letters she spilled after crashing into you.
  141. "No problem, say, could you do me a favor?" you help her place a few packages in her mailbag.
  142. >"Sure thing!" her goofy grin spreading ear to ear.
  143. "Could you tell Rainbow Dash to meet me at Twilight Sparkle's library here in Ponyville."
  144. >"Okie Dokie," she lifts into the air on unsteady wings, fluttering for a moment while waving a goodbye to you before shooting off toward Cloudsdale.
  145. >You head for home, wishing to pack a bag for what would likely be a long trip.
  146. >In a small messenger bag you stuff extra clothes, and a few more choice weapons just in case.
  147. >As you turn to leave someone knocks at you door.
  148. >You open it to find Rainbow Dash leaning on the door frame lazily.
  149. >"You want to talk?"
  150. "I actually hoped to catch you at Twilight's so I could ask if you could tag along with us to Canterlot."
  151. >"You're going to Canterlot," she jumps to attention.
  152. "Well, yes. Twilight has said a friend of hers wishes to speak with me about the titan attack here in Ponyville. And seeing as you helped me greatly during the fight, you should join us."
  153. >"So, uh, this mean we're a, um, team?" she says awkwardly.
  154. >You stare at her a moment, squinting as you think.
  155. >She has been incredibly helpful these past few months, maybe it is wrong to be pushing her away?
  156. >Ignoring her help has only led to her becoming more hotheaded, and more eager to assist you.
  157. >Perhaps you can take her under your wing, so to speak.
  158. >She is foolhardy and reckless, but quick on her hooves and determined.
  159. >You could teach her to control herself, in time she could possibly be a great ally.
  160. "I think that's a good idea, as long as we communicate well."
  161. >"Awesome! I'll see you at Twilight's," she zooms off down the lane before you can reply.
  162. >This might not be the best idea.
  163. >She obviously beats you to the library, but is kind enough to wait for you before entering.
  164. >"Slowpoke," she comments before bursting inside.
  165. "Sorry about that," you say to Twilight before she can react, "this is Rainbow Dash, she helped me slay the titan."
  166. >"I guess you want to take her to Canterlot?"
  167. "She did play a big role in the battle."
  168. >"Yeah, he'd be so dead if it weren't for me," she smiles at you.
  169. >"Fair enough, we should head for the train station, the trip will be long."
  171. >Few ponies are getting on the train today, seemingly staying in Ponyville to help rebuild.
  172. >Twilight elects to move to an unoccupied train car, as she has a few sensitive things to discuss with you and Dash.
  173. >She sits on the left hand row alone, Dash takes the right hand seat one row ahead of her, and you sit behind Dash.
  174. >You explain the fight as best as you can recall, Dash filling in the few dark spaces in your memory, particularly your crash landing on the roof of somep0ny's home.
  175. >"A few ponies have told me you bear a likeness to the titan that attack the town, do you have anything to say about this?"
  176. "Not really as I am not 15 meters tall, and I do not have tusks."
  177. >"Tusks?"
  178. >"Yeah, they were huge. This guy right here was hanging from them too," Dash hits your arm, smiling wildly.
  179. >You can't hold back your own grin, it was a tough but glorious fight.
  180. >"Hmm," Twilight looks through her saddlebag, and pulling out her quill and paper writes down seemingly all of what you just relayed to her.
  181. >Silence falls upon all three of you for a few moments, you focus on the clacking of the train on the rails, pondering whether you could fight a pack of titans.
  182. >One, hell two you could take.
  183. >But six or seven, with no help?
  184. >You look at Dash, not just seeing her, but all the other nervous guardsp0nies that would be defending Equestrian cities when you couldn't.
  185. >Are they up to the challenge?
  186. >Did they have the steel, the nerve, to press on after seeing their best friend crushed by the enemy?
  187. >You just don't know, only time would tell.
  188. >You shake yourself, it was a one time thing, no way another titan would come down from the north.
  189. >That was just some crazy accident.
  190. >"So, who are we going to see?" Dash asks Twilight - who is rubbing her hooves together.
  191. >"Princess Celestia."
  192. >Dash gasps, "Wow, really?"
  193. >Twilight nods, looking out a window.
  194. >The landscape outside is lush greenery, plains running alongside a thick forest.
  195. >In the distance the Sun's Mountain looms.
  196. >Directly opposite that, miles away, would be the Northern mountains, but from your position you can't see them.
  197. >"Are we going to go into the castle?"
  198. >"Of course, how else would we meet her?" Twilight responds, giving Dash a look of one who's desperately trying to hid their fear.
  199. >Rainbow Dash doesn't catch on to it, but you do, you decide to try and comfort her without making it very noticeable.
  200. "I'm certain this meeting will go smoothly, and we'll get everything settled."
  201. >Twilight gives you a disheartened smile before turning away again.
  202. >"So, uh, you gonna teach me to use a sword?" Dash asks, popping up over her seat and look down at you - her wings are fully spread.
  203. >You laugh softly, cutting it off early.
  204. "I'm afraid not, this thing is far too big for a pony like you," you pat your sword gently.
  205. >She snorts at you and sinks back down, wings relaxed.
  206. >Once more all is quiet, you decide to rest your eyes for a moment, hoping the sounds of the train would lull you to sleep, and speed up the trip.
  208. >"Hey, wake up," Dash hits you hard in the arm.
  209. "Ah, what the -" you spring forward, bumping your head right into hers.
  210. >"Ow!" she rubs her forehead.
  211. "Sorry, you alright?"
  212. >She grumbles and trots off down the rows.
  213. >You stand, and on sleepy legs, follow her.
  214. >Just in front of Dash you see Twilight leading the way out of the train.
  215. >You catch a glimpse of Canterlot's train station from a window.
  216. >It's bustling, ponies walking to and fro with their luggage and companions in tow.
  217. >It is rather ornate, columns holding up a roof to protect the waiting ponies from the elements, expertly carved portraits of famous ponies and creatures on the walls.
  218. >Surprisingly, for all the hoof traffic it must get the place was immaculate.
  219. >Not a single dirty spot on the walls or floor, quite nice.
  220. >Stepping out onto the platform fully armed and several feet taller than the other ponies, obviously draws attention.
  221. >You try not to focus on the stares and gasps you're getting as you follow Twilight out of the train station, it is only natural to be shocked or scared by such an alien being and you understood that.
  222. >It makes sense, you had never been to this city before, so no one knows you, or is used to your height and appearance.
  223. >You nod politely and smile at a few, a small gesture that may just make you appear somewhat less dangerous.
  224. >But how harmless can you look toting three daggers on each thigh, a bow on your back and a sword on your hip?
  226. >Even more amazing than the comparatively simple train platform are the tall, majestic buildings and roads of Canterlot.
  227. >The sky city was know for its beauty, but this was just breathtaking.
  228. >Ponies sit on restaurant patios, admiring the view from so high up, others trot about lost in their own worlds.
  229. >Tall towers, short shops and homes and market stalls make up the streets you tread.
  230. >The noon sun's light reflects off the windows of one particularly large building - who's surface is practically all glass.
  231. >Outstanding.
  232. >While taking in the sights you almost loose track of Twilight, who's chatting with Rainbow Dash about her childhood here.
  233. "You used to live here?" you ask when there is a break in the conversation.
  234. >"Yep," she turns back to you with an almost proud smile, "Me, my parents and brother used to live right up there."
  235. >With a hoof she gestures toward the top of the glass tower, you can almost see the happy and sad memories play out in her watery eyes.
  236. >She blinks a few times, "my BBBFF is captain of the guard you know, married to the princess of the Crystal Empire.
  237. >You've heard of Crystal Empire - and of some terrible magician's reign over the innocent people there, while pondering this something strikes you.
  238. "Excuse me, but what is a BBBFF?"
  239. >"Big brother best friend forever," Twilight keeps her head forward.
  240. "But of course, why didn't I think of that?" you say with a laugh.
  241. >Twilight gives you the names and a few facts about the many sights as she leads you ever forward toward the castle, which looms in the distance.
  242. >Remarkably, it was probably the highest thing here.
  243. >Twilight and Rainbow Dash's conversation is lost to your thoughts, you contemplate the chances of a titan roaming about in this fine city.
  244. >You glance back, past the ponies on the road to the train station and footpaths leading here.
  245. >If it wanted too, a titan could climb up here and ravage the this place.
  246. >You push the concern out of your mind, there would be no more problems.
  248. >"Hello, I'm Twilight Sparkle," she says to the guard at the gate.
  249. >He's burly, and a little larger than the normal stallion.
  250. >The pegasus cranes his neck to look at her, his armor sliding as he moves.
  251. >He looks grim, angry.
  252. >"We've been expecting you, go right in," he pushes open the gate for the three of you with a jolly grin.
  253. >The guard even nods at you with friendly intent as you pass.
  254. >The large golden gates shut behind you and you're thrust into the long path leading up to the palace.
  255. >Sweet smelling flowers planted on both sides of the lane scent the air pleasantly, but not so that it is overwhelming.
  256. >Twilight assures you and Dash this is nothing compared to the lush gardens on the other side of the castle as she takes the lead once more.
  257. >Two guards stand at attention by the tall wooden gates, they salute your party, allowing you to enter promptly.
  258. >The main hall is just as captivating as the rest of the city - huge stained glass windows depict important events and figures in Equestrian history.
  259. >A fine deep blue carpet leads down the hall and up a set of grand stairs the then come to a platform before splitting and allowing you to ascend two separate staircases leading to the left and right.
  260. >On this platform stood an august, and beautiful alicorn, this most have been Celestia.
  261. >She walks toward you, you take a look at Dash who is obviously impressed.
  262. >"Twilight, it's a pleasure to see you again," Celestia' voice is both powerful but gentle.
  263. >She has your full attention, in a way you are starstruck.
  264. >Just as wondrous as when you say her last.
  265. >"And this is the one you told me about?" she looks at you with knowing, but tries to play it like this is her first time seeing you.
  266. >She looks at you and you get caught in her eyes, it takes great will to draw yourself out and bring words to your lips.
  267. "Hello," you extend your hand as a greeting.
  268. >Apparently she isn't one for handshakes, and oddly pats your hand with her hoof.
  269. >"And who is this?" she smiles at Rainbow Dash.
  270. >"This pegasus helped him take down the titan, I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier," Twilight quickly explains, her features give away her fear.
  271. >Fear of what?
  272. >"That's fine, we have rooms for both of them."
  273. >"Rooms?" Dash asks excitingly.
  274. >"You will be staying here for sometime won't you?"
  275. >"Awweesome," Dash stutters, her grin and eyes widening rapidly.
  276. >You're whisked quickly through the halls, Celestia isn't wasting anytime giving you the tour.
  277. >She stops at the start of a long hall, tapestries adorn the right hand side.
  278. >The left however had evenly spaced doors every so often, these must be the rooms you'll be staying in.
  279. >At the end of the hall is the beginning of as spiral staircase, a window lets in the noon light, casting the shadow of the windowpane on the carpeted floor.
  280. >"Twilight, you'll be staying in this first one. I've taken the liberty of having some choice books sent down from the library."
  281. >With giddy Twilight hops to and bursts into the room, a stream of thank yous rapidly coming from her.
  282. >Celestia shows Dash her room, right next to Twilight's.
  283. >She heads into her room, eager to unpack her small bag.
  284. >"And this final one is of course yours," she says softly to you.
  285. "I appreciate this greatly, allow me to thank you again for letting me stay in Ponyville."
  286. >"That won't be necessary, you've done more than enough to earn your place here," she faces away, toward the spiral stairs, "One final thing, if you'd be so kind as to meet me in my chambers at the top floor with both Twilight and Rainbow Dash in an hour."
  287. "Of course," you swiftly enter your room, both wanting to stay near her and to get a breather.
  288. >The feeling passes as you assess the room.
  289. >The room is spacious, more so than it appears from the outside.
  290. >A large bed sits against the right hand wall, a dresser to the left.
  291. >Opposite your position is a grand window, giving a great view of the gardens below.
  292. >You set down your bag, pulling out the clothes and placing them in the chair beside the bed.
  293. >Next to come out are all the weapons you packed.
  294. >Katar, tomahawk and a set of thin throwing knifes - all trophies and thinks you've collected on your journeys.
  295. >You doubt these weapons effectiveness on a titan, but they could take down anyone or anything else down efficiently.
  296. >For the rest of the hour you gather your thoughts for the meeting with Celestia, trying to avoid worrying about possibilities and maybes.
  298. >"Make yourselves at home," Celestia says, nodding at a set of chairs near the fireplace.
  299. >It isn't lit, but holds a few logs of birch.
  300. >Her room is larger than yours by far, on one end was a large circular bed, on the other was glass doors leading too a balcony.
  301. >A desk near the fireplace is littered with scrolls, maps and ink wells.
  302. >Celestia sits across from the three of you, clears her throat and speaks again.
  303. >"So what can you tell me about this "giant" that found its way into Ponyville.
  304. >You, Twilight and Dash take turns explain the bits of the story you know best
  305. >It doesn't take long, and Celestia doesn't interrupt, taking in the story with a calm face - and the occasional look of confusion.
  306. >"You say these things come from the North?"
  307. "Yes, seeing one that south is unheard of."
  308. >She remains quiet for a moment, "I think it would be a good idea if someone were to investigate this North further, perhaps even track some titans and their movements. You told me they are nomadic, so what if they have decided to move into Equestria?"
  309. "It's worth trying, especially if the alternative is waiting as more get closer. If you wish I could be the one to go, I do have some knowledge of the region."
  310. >"You're going alone?" Rainbow Dash turns to you.
  311. "That would be the safest."
  312. >"No way. We're both coming, right Twilight?"
  313. >Twilight pokes her head up from behind Dash, swallowing hard, "R-right. Into the north. The coldest, barrenest, most unforgiving place in the world."
  314. >Can't argue with that, they'd probably follow anyway - at least you'd have your eyes on them if you agreed.
  315. >"You three are willing to do this?" Celestia asks with concern.
  316. >"Yes," you say in unison with your two companions.
  317. >She looks impressed, and a bit worried.
  318. >You are confident you could protect these two ponies, maybe even shape them into capable fighters along the way.
  319. >"Twilight, Rainbow Dash, would you excuse us for a moment?"
  320. >They get up promptly moving toward the exit, Dash winking at you just before closing the door behind her.
  321. >"It's nice to speak with you again," Celestia says with a smile.
  322. >You nod, hoping to conceal your emotions.
  323. >"I don't mean to be prying, but what were you doing in the north?"
  324. "I was looking for something. But as you know I found Equestria through a happy accident and I just felt like I belonged here."
  325. >She looks away, giving herself a second to think, "What were you looking for?"
  326. "Home? My point of origin? Myself? I can't really say," you didn't want to get into it any further.
  327. >"And what did you find?" she's leaned in now, clearly interested, you don't think she even notices.
  328. "Many things. Snow, ice, a friend or two."
  329. >She moves back into her chair, unsatisfied.
  330. >"I suppose I will see you again tomorrow, this time. Come alone if you want."
  331. >You stand quickly, nod and exit.
  333. >You return to your room, resting on the comfy bed and thinking for many hours.
  334. >A knock comes to the door around dinner time.
  335. >It's Twilight, she looks frustrated, angry even.
  336. "How can I help?"
  337. >She says nothing, beckoning for you to follow her into her room.
  338. >On the bed, floor, windows and even the dresser opened books lay.
  339. >She hops between a few of them, reading for a few seconds before bouncing to the next.
  340. >"All of these texts mention a Gate as the only viable way into the Northern regions, but no specific location. And it gets worse, almost all of the information about titans is myths, folklore or some crazy stories from an insane traveler."
  341. "A gate- Oh, you must mean the pass. I could lead us there without trouble. You don't really forget things like that. The only alternatives are climbing the mountains, which is far too deadly and slow for our mission."
  342. >"What about the titans, can they climb these mountains? Maybe they are there now, waiting to ambush travelers. Waiting to kill us!" she gazes at you from across the room like a cornered animal, realizing there is no escape from the predator breathing down on them.
  343. >You take a few steps toward her.
  344. "Calm down. The cliff face would crumble beneath their feet if they tried to climb it. And they aren't intelligent enough to coordinate an ambush."
  345. >She doesn't look any more relaxed, but comes out toward you.
  346. >Stacking a few books up, she says you could leave.
  347. >You do, returning to your room, only to be called out for dinner.
  348. >It's a pleasing meal, you share a long table with Twilight, Dash and a few guards - all trying to coax a story from you.
  349. >You decline, not wishing to seem boastful or something like that, much to their dismay.
  350. >From there it is some chatting with the group, and a quick aside with Dash about weapons and armor in her room before finally heading to bed and getting some sleep.
  352. >Your second day in Canterlot feels like it should be filled with preparation for the venture into the icy plains of the titans, but Celestia orders you and your companions to rest and enjoy yourselves today.
  353. >Tomorrow would be dedicated to all the prep.
  354. >Twilight elects to spend her day reading up and learning what she can from the books Celestia gave her.
  355. >You and Rainbow Dash on the other hand travel out into Canterlot, finding a nice cafe near the edge of the cliff.
  356. >Getting patio seats is easy, and you both order the house specialty, some fancy cold tea with a name you can't even hope to pronounce.
  357. "It's quite nice here, don't you think?"
  358. >"Yeah, almost like Cloudsdale without the clouds."
  359. >You take a sip from your cup, it's a harsh drink almost like a tarter kind of cranberry juice.
  360. >Nevertheless it's satisfying in its own way.
  361. >Dash tries some, "Egh this is awful," she sticks her tongue out.
  362. "Look at that view," you say softly, looking down at the plains below.
  363. >In the sky clouds move by slowly - you height enough to reach out and touch them, if only they aren't so far away.
  364. >For a few moments you enjoy the peaceful scene until Dash speaks up again.
  365. >"Are you ever afraid?" she can't meet your eyes.
  366. "Afraid of what exactly?"
  367. >She has to build up the nerve to speak again, "Dying."
  368. >You look at her for a moment, not expecting that from her.
  369. "I would be a lair if I said it doesn't cross my mind on occasion. Yet when the time comes for a fight, when death is breathing down my neck all I can focus on is protecting those around me and eliminating the enemy as quickly as possible."
  370. >Dash lets out a thoughtful sigh and furrows her brow in uncertainty, looking into her cup for comfort.
  371. "Are you up for this?"
  372. >"Yes!" she springs to life - her expression ablaze with confidence.
  373. >But is she lying?
  375. >"Think I can fly up to the roof of that building?" Dash says, looking up at a smooth surfaced tower.
  376. "I wouldn't risk angering a guard."
  377. >"You're no fun," she walks off ahead, down the street a crowd has gathered.
  378. >Some unicorn has set up a caravan just on the side of the road, on a makeshift stage she was hyping the mob before her.
  379. >"Come one, come all! Come and witness the amazing magic of the Great and Powerful Trixie!"
  380. >The group roars in response, she was drawing in even more ponies now.
  381. >Dash shrugs to you, asking if you wanted to check it out.
  382. >You nod with a smile, this could be good.
  383. >Just as you join in the back of the crowd the magician, a blue mare in a wizard's hat and cloak, creates some small fireworks, dazzling the audience.
  384. >This goes on for a while, seems to be all hype - just a display of somewhat advanced magic.
  385. >"Wow this is boring," Dash scoffs "Not so great and powerful after all."
  386. >Trixie's eyes flick to Rainbow Dash, "Do we have a nonbeliever? Someone challenging Trixie's magical prowess?"
  387. >So, what makes you think you're so awesome, anyway?"
  388. >You hit Dash's side softly as a warning to back off.
  389. >She sticks her tongue out at you.
  390. >"Heh, why, only the Great and Powerful Trixie has magic strong enough to vanquish the dreaded Ursa Major!" another burst of fireworks.
  391. >Ursa Major?
  392. >Those are formidable foes, you ponder her chances against a titan.
  393. >You imagine her power, Dash's speed and Twilight's smarts.
  394. >It isn't much against a pack of six or more titans, but that's a much better chance than you would have without her.
  395. >"When all hope was lost, the ponies of Hoofington had no one to turn to, but the Great and Powerful Trixie stepped in, and with her awesome magic, vanquished the Ursa Major and sent it back to its cave deep within the Everfree Forest!" she continues, looking around at the crowd's excited faces.
  396. >She grins, satisfied Dash won't continue nay saying and the show goes on.
  397. >"Hmph, c'mon let's go. This is such a waste of time," Dash hops into the air, flutters for a bit and starts off up the road.
  398. "I'll see you at the castle, I'm going to speak with this mare after the show is done."
  399. >"You serious? Why?"
  400. "Just trust me, I'll see you in less than an hour. Say, get Twilight ready and we'll go have dinner later."
  402. >Trixie's show ends and the wowed ponies begin to disperse, returning to their business.
  403. >She spots you still waiting by her caravan, "Come to start trouble?"
  404. "Not at all," you approach slowly, "I actually wanted to speak with you about the possibility of you accompanying me and my friend on an expedition of sorts."
  405. >She quints at you, stopping in the middle of packing her set up.
  406. >"With that pegasus? No way," she replies curtly, returning to her packing.
  407. >You move forward.
  408. "Someone with skill such as yours would be a great asset. It is for a good cause."
  409. >She chuckles at this, "what's in it for me?"
  410. >You furrow your brow in thought, you had a good sum of money at home, perhaps that would sway her?
  411. "You'd be getting paid."
  412. >"Not worth working with the silly mare, I'll pass. Now if you'll excuse me," she shoos you away with her hoof.
  413. >You give her a sideways glance before heading to the castle.
  414. >You'd get her to join one way or the other.
  416. >"Hey, where are you going?" you stop dead on the spiral staircase.
  417. >Dash looks at you from across the hall, you calm yourself and lean back to get full view of her.
  418. "I'm going to speak with Celestia for a short while, you don't mind right?"
  419. >She eyes you curiously, "have fun."
  420. >You hurry up the staircase, and down a hall to Celestia's chambers.
  421. >Knocking once you fall into the room as Celestia opens the door.
  422. "Apologies M'lady," you bow jokingly.
  423. >She takes it well, giggling and beckoning at the chair you used yesterday.
  424. >"How have you been doing today?"
  425. "Rather nicely, Canterlot is a fine city."
  426. >"I agree with you on that."
  427. >There is silence for a moment while Celestia gathers some scrolls, "How long were you wandering before you finally settled here?"
  428. >You rack your brain for a specific time, but you can't really say.
  429. >Counting the days wasn't on your mind when you were travelling.
  430. "I don't know, it would seem like quite a while when I look back, but I can't be sure."
  431. >"Hmm. So why did you chose to stay in Equestria, and why Ponyville?"
  432. "Well, Equestria is a peaceful place for the most part. On top of that Ponyville is small and quiet, a great place to settle down and relax."
  433. >She doesn't seem to believe all of that, you can't blame her.
  434. "What is it like being a ruler?"
  435. >She looks down, her expression becoming pained.
  436. >"Difficult to say the least. I have to make decisions that affect the lives of thousands. If I make a mistake, how many have I doomed?"
  437. "I can understand that," you say truthfully.
  438. >She goes on, still looking down, "I hardly sleep, the stress is unbearable. And through it all I have to keep a smile on, I have to appear calm and collected."
  439. >Why is she confiding in you?
  440. >You stand, unsure of what to do, resolving to comfort her without words.
  441. >She doesn't notice at first but is a little shocked when you wrap your arms around her.
  442. >She tenses up, but releases after a second, falling against you - she's warm.
  443. >With a shuddering breath she nuzzles your chest.
  444. >After a few seconds you let go, she doesn't look at you, keeping her head down.
  445. >Nodding, you turn to leave.
  446. >Just as you reach the door she speaks up, "Thank you, that...helped."
  448. This is not part of the story. Below is nonsense that only makes sense to me, and serves a purpose - trust me.
  449. Eleventh from the left! Guns from the right! Will you take flight?
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