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what my neighbor thinks of me, I'm sure

a guest
Mar 9th, 2012
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  1. Faggot shitwad bastard child of a little monkey asspool of inbred genes and chronic miery.
  2. And not just any misery but the kind that can’t be medicated away. The kind of pitiful fucking misery that’s just so fucking hopeless that the only way to kill it is to kill yourself.
  3. Born the kind of purposeless little government leech who’s only reason for being is to give the strip clubs a regular patron. Pool of filth. Your only income scraped together from conning pocket change off the dopey local teenagers in exchange for crummy, basement grown weed.
  4. YOU, the garbage. The sewer rat. The cockroach from the pits of the gutter. The fucking derelict who can’t read well enough to fill out a job application. Rotten little shit stain. Proof that capitalism is a fucking joke. Proof that even natural selection can’t weed ‘em all out. Your very birth is an INSULT, a fucking TRAVESTY. You were hurled up onto the earth from the pits of hell to bring her nothing but burden. You, you little broken condom curse. You little pull out method mishap. How I wish your whore of a mother had the sense to have slayed the little demon growing in her womb with that broken coathanger but it’s too late now. Whether for some pitiful shred of “morality” or for a fatter welfare check, she pushed you out of the stinking, sliming black pit between her flabby fucking legs. And when she did she opened Pandora’s box. A LEECH more than anything. A WASTE OF ORGANS, a sack of McDonald’s fed, Walmart clothed flesh and bone that never gave anything. Only took. Cheated. Stole. Rattled his little head around until he found a way to con the petty little pleasures that weren’t handed to him. The cash he couldn’t get, the pills he couldn’t get, the blow he couldn’t get, even the pussy he couldn’t get, he stole, cheated and lied for.
  5. The dumb little dropping that you were, I figured you couldn’t do it well enough. To look at you and think of it, it makes me fucking sick. To think you are destined to end up in the big house…It’ll probably be like a five star hotel for you. Little amateur. Get yourself a nice boyfriend in the slammer. A nice boyfriend with maybe a couple Nazi tattoos. Bah. Hitler would have gassed you in a heartbeat. No matter how pure your blood, you’re still just a little shitstain on the face of the earth. Hitler would have known that just by looking at you. A Nazi tattoo. A fucking joke. You’ll suck any scabby black cock to make it out of there alive. Fuck you, you white piece of shit. You are the ones I hate the very fucking most. White nigger. White shitstain. White trash. Oh, white trash…at least the black trash stays the fuck away from me. You sure as hell don't have the sense to, I have to look at your shithole trailer every day. If you were black, maybe you’d be in some other garbage dump. Some ghetto. If the little swimmer that made your mother’s cunt even more worn out and gaping, if the lucky guy she forgot to get to wear a rubber was a fucking monkey, then maybe I wouldn’t have to look at your stupid fucking face every day and be reminded of where my taxes are going. I fucking wish they would make you earn it. Send you over to muck muck land to fight. But the forces are getting choosy. Even those buttfuckers in the goddamn Navy. They figure you aren’t worth as much as the bullet that’d kill you and as hard as I’d get from seeing the cow that spawned you start blubbering when they tell her your ass has been fried….God, I’d practically fucking cum but you aren’t worth a bullet. Bullets are damn expensive. I don’t wanna see you filled up with lead, kid. Oh nooo. I’d rather set your head on the curb and then jump up and down until I heard a crunch. Then I’d throw what was left of you into the gutter. Where you belong.
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