
RP in Forgotten Fae 4

Aug 23rd, 2019
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  1. SageDamhin: ._. Whats up ya'll?
  2. TemptingKiss: *Drunkenly stumbles into the room and waves exaggeratingly at everyone* Hellooooooo.
  3. SageDamhin: O_O
  4. TemptingKiss: *Hops into Sage's arms and rests her head on her shoulder* Missed ya.
  5. SageDamhin: Why are you drunk?! -She moved grabbing Tempting's arm and hoisting her up and over my shoulder while walking in.-
  6. Vaizel: Hello.
  7. TemptingKiss: Well. I would say I'm not, but I think I watched a study once when you go far below the recommended level a'sleep you are technically more drunk than being drunk.
  8. TemptingKiss: *Spews the information so confidently she believes it herself*
  9. SageDamhin: -She sighed and carried her over to the couch before dropping her on it.-
  10. TemptingKiss: Hello, Vaizy! *lifts her head up from Sage's firemans carry and waves lazily*
  11. TemptingKiss: Oomph.
  12. Vaizel: xD
  13. TemptingKiss: What a nice couch.
  14. Vaizel: I'm suffering from a food hangover..
  15. TemptingKiss: *Gasps and whispers* Those are the best hangovers...
  16. SageDamhin: =3= You're lucky I can carry twice my own weight.
  17. TemptingKiss: *Beams happily and nods* I am yes.
  18. TemptingKiss: Vaizy, didn't you have more hair last time I saw you? *blinks heavily as if it would make his hair grow*
  19. SageDamhin: -Her brow twiched as she rubbed the bridge of her nose.- Why haven't you been sleepin'?
  20. Vaizel: yep! at some point hes gonna cut it to this size
  21. Vaizel: x3 was trying out a new look from when does
  22. TemptingKiss: Dunno! *Flops her arms around in a shrug* My brain and my body had a meeting and I wasn't invited.
  23. TemptingKiss: I think this look is very ha-cha-hhca.
  24. SageDamhin: -Sighs-
  25. TemptingKiss: *Coughs* Ha-cha-cha.
  26. Vaizel: *chuckle*
  27. TemptingKiss: *Mumbles "ha-cha-cha" to herself slowly and quietly*
  28. SageDamhin: Honestly...
  29. TemptingKiss: I'm sorry, Sage. Am I not nice rightn ow?
  30. TemptingKiss: I don't want to be not nice.
  31. TemptingKiss: I want to be nice. It's nice to be nice. *nods matter-of-factly*
  32. SageDamhin: You're fine, you just make me worry.
  33. TemptingKiss: Huh? Why?
  34. TemptingKiss: *Looks around at the comfy couch and not very many sharp crners around*
  35. SageDamhin: Because sleep is important! -She moved sliding her goggles off, then her gloves and the shirt tied around her waist.-
  36. TemptingKiss: *Sniffles and in a whine she mumbles* Well, I know. That's what I was saying to myself last night, I said... "Self! Sleep is important, and I want sleep. Why do you not want sleep?" So I said back to myself, "Well, I know, Self... but I CAN'T. I'VE BEEN TRYING." Then I said... *She looks to her side, her head lolling as she did and forgets what she was saying.*
  37. TemptingKiss: *Looks at Vaizels tail* Your tail is super happy.
  38. SageDamhin: -She moved sliding her shirt off and then a dress over it.-
  39. TemptingKiss: '*Gasps and starez at the reflection in the floor, hopping down on her hands and knees* I FINALLY UNDERSTAND.
  40. TemptingKiss: '*Whispers* Haven't you guys ever wondered why there's an exact replica of the room underneath the room? *looks around wide eyed*
  41. SageDamhin: Oh dear...
  42. TemptingKiss: No, I'm serious! I've always wondered about it, even before no sleep self. *Whispers the secret* It's because the floor is opaque and it looks like a reflection.
  43. SageDamhin: =_=
  44. TemptingKiss: *Hops back up onto the couch, climbing a bit and nudges Vaizel in the arm softly then points to the floor, nodding knowingly* Secrets.
  45. SageDamhin: ... Go get some sleep.
  46. TemptingKiss: Can't!
  47. SageDamhin: >-> That's my fiance man
  48. TemptingKiss: Huh?
  49. SageDamhin: -Shows her the opal ring he got me-
  50. TemptingKiss: Who are we talking about?
  51. SageDamhin: Vai
  52. TemptingKiss: DId I do something not nice?
  53. SageDamhin: XD no, I just wanted to see how you'd react
  54. TemptingKiss: OH.
  55. TemptingKiss: I was like oh shit no! Did I come onto him?!
  56. TemptingKiss: XD
  57. SageDamhin: LMFAO
  58. SageDamhin: I don't think he'd know how to respond if you did XD
  59. TemptingKiss: *Whisper* I don't think I'd know how to begin.
  60. TemptingKiss: IT would just be an awkward staring contest of first moves.
  61. SageDamhin: LMfao
  62. TemptingKiss: *Jumps up on the couch and waves with both hands* HellO!
  63. Guest_RavennaDarkstorm: Hello madam
  64. SageDamhin: Easy girl.
  65. SageDamhin: don't make me go Damhin
  66. TemptingKiss: *Looks down at Sage and drops her hands to her sides, frowning and pouting*
  67. TemptingKiss: What happens if you do?
  68. SageDamhin: >:3 Want to find out?
  69. TemptingKiss: *Grins mischeviously* Mebbeh. *Dances around on the couch*
  70. SageDamhin: -Cracks my knuckles- You gone and dun it wee one!
  71. SageDamhin: -Moves scooping her up and growling as he nuzzled into her neck.-
  72. TemptingKiss: Rawr. *Pretends to claw the air* I am the intimidator. *In a low man voice*
  73. SageDamhin: -Tries not to laugh as he smirked and suddenly nipped her neck.-
  74. TemptingKiss: Ow! *Grumbles and sticks her tongue out then plops on the couch with her arms folded*
  75. SageDamhin: -He still had her in his arms.- Oh no, no escape from the intimidator eater! -He chickled and continued nibbling on her neck-
  76. TemptingKiss: *Squirms and kicks* I give up I give up! I wanna be free!
  77. SageDamhin: Mn.. I don't know, you're pretty tastey.
  78. TemptingKiss: *Shoves her palm on his mouth and nose, pushing away* Nu! Not tastey. Gross tasting.
  79. SageDamhin: -Smirking he just sat down with on his lap-
  80. TemptingKiss: *Stills and yawns wide her eyes drooping* Hmph...
  81. SageDamhin: -He held her close and nuzzled her head while he moved his fluffy tail across her.-
  82. TemptingKiss: *With both eyes closing she yawnd gain and dozed off*
  83. SageDamhin: -He held her, keeping her blanketed with his tail.-
  84. TemptingKiss: *Snaps her head up and sniffs the air* KAI! *Wiggles free to the bezt of her tired abilities*
  85. SageDamhin: =3= No no, sleep time. -Pets her and gently rocks her.-
  86. Guest_KaiTheStorm: *
  87. rosehlena: *Bows her head and stands to her feet.* I've got what I needed.
  88. rosehlena: See you all later.
  89. SageDamhin: >_>
  90. SageDamhin: That's not suspicious at all..
  91. TemptingKiss: *Lifts her head up* Huh? Whuh...?
  92. TemptingKiss: *Rubs her eyes*
  93. SageDamhin: Oh nothing. -pets her-
  94. TemptingKiss: *Grumbles softly and puts her head back down*
  95. Vaizel: Whoa, finally got done with a good portion of work. -flops down on the round couch.-
  96. Guest_RavennaDarkstorm: Yay
  97. SageDamhin: <.<
  98. TemptingKiss: Mmm, yayyyy. *Sleepily*
  99. Vaizel: xD
  100. SageDamhin: -pets her-
  101. Vaizel: Hey guys, i need a little bit of help here... how do you think Vaizel is pronounced?
  102. SageDamhin: (Phae Zale)
  103. Vaizel: O:
  104. TemptingKiss: V-Eye-Zell.
  105. Vaizel: O:
  106. TemptingKiss: <__<
  107. Vaizel: I'll use both thank you x3
  108. SageDamhin: XD
  109. SageDamhin: o-o hey
  110. Rebourn: Sup
  111. SageDamhin: I have a sleeping Tempt.
  112. Rebourn: Do you know her name lol
  113. SageDamhin: Dehmai
  114. SageDamhin: -Kicks the i out of there-
  115. TemptingKiss: Huh what?
  116. Vaizel: Is there going to be a rp today? *stretches*
  117. Rebourn: Welcome, Zan, no RP in progress but we can most certainly start one if you wish. Any questions you have before we do so?
  118. Vaizel: KING :D
  119. Vaizel: i didnt even see u xD
  120. TemptingKiss: *Looks around, blinking a few times*
  121. Rebourn: Vai ^^
  122. Rebourn: Good morning :P
  123. SageDamhin: -Hugs her to my chest, petting her head- Shhhh it's okay
  124. Rebourn: o.0
  125. Vaizel: evening! xD
  126. SageDamhin: Oh yea.
  127. SageDamhin: Vai purposed, got me a ring and even sent a dress as dowry. :P
  128. Rebourn: That so?
  129. SageDamhin: Yep.
  130. Rebourn: So I gotta wed people again?
  131. SageDamhin: LMFAO
  132. Rebourn: >_>
  133. Rebourn: Stap, it's not that funny
  134. SageDamhin: No it really is cause he didn't mean to do it.
  135. Rebourn: ?
  136. SageDamhin: He didn't mean to purpose. xD He just wanted to repay me for gifting him
  137. Vaizel: *nearly chokes on his drink* WHAT
  138. Rebourn: He did or he didn't. No inbetween. Wym?
  139. SageDamhin: <_< We went over this already man
  140. Rebourn: Is Sage being pushy?
  141. SageDamhin: It's a joke.
  142. Vaizel: xD the hell.. why did u had to bring it up D: i didnt know it was a proposal ring T__T who the hell has that in their wishlist >.>
  143. Vaizel: Lol, nah shes good.
  144. Vaizel: She's just giving me grief xD
  145. SageDamhin: XD
  146. Rebourn: As always
  147. SageDamhin: Someone who hates it when people buy her stuff!
  148. Vaizel: :b deal with it woman
  149. Rebourn: "Hates"
  150. SageDamhin: <.< I will come over there and sufficate you with a sun flower
  151. Vaizel: um i bet that one dude is going to show up today >.>
  152. Vaizel: <.<
  153. SageDamhin: I'm killing him if he does. ^_^
  154. Vaizel: lmao
  155. Vaizel: i was waiting for u to say that
  156. TemptingKiss: BookWriter guy? *Sniffles and rubs her eyes*
  157. SageDamhin: <.<
  158. SageDamhin: No sweetie.
  159. SageDamhin: -Pets her-
  160. SageDamhin: <.< Vai this is gonna be our daughter. -Bursts out laughing-
  161. Rebourn: /me Grumbles low to himself and grabs a bottle by it's neck, opening the cork effortlessly as he chugged the first shots.
  162. TemptingKiss: Huh?
  163. rosehlena: Great, they're still here~
  164. SageDamhin: <_<
  165. SageDamhin: I'm just teasing.
  166. rosehlena: Sage, I'm curious to why you find me suspicious?
  167. SageDamhin: >_> Dude.
  168. SageDamhin: Not cool.
  169. Vaizel: *blink* im scared...
  170. rosehlena: Whom?
  171. TemptingKiss: /me Sensing a bit of drama she crawls out of Sage's lap and finds a quieter couch to sit on, dragging with her a pillow.
  172. Vaizel: Well well WELL
  173. Vaizel: look whos still wearing the black dress :b
  174. SageDamhin: >.<
  175. SageDamhin: Don't you start, now.
  176. Vaizel: And is that a fluffy tail i see?
  177. rosehlena: Hmm? Did I worry you or something, Sage?
  178. SageDamhin: o.- I don't have a tail.
  179. SageDamhin: <_<
  180. SageDamhin: >_>
  181. Vaizel: >_>
  182. Vaizel: u do woman
  183. SageDamhin: Again, Geraint, not cool.
  184. rosehlena: Can I not nap where I please without some woman thinking I have more intentions?
  185. Rebourn: What??
  186. TemptingKiss: /me Plops to the seat next to Geraint and puts the pillow under her head, punching it a few times to get comfortable.
  187. Rebourn: I'm curious as well.
  188. Vaizel: eh?
  189. SageDamhin: I tell you something and you go saying to someone else, before I have the chance to speak with them on my terms.
  190. Rebourn: /me Rubs the back of Dehma slowly. "Sorry, it'll be done soon."
  191. Rebourn: You didn't seem you wanted to talk to her on "your terms." So I invited her.
  192. SageDamhin: As the old saying goes, "Assumptions make an ass out of you and me."
  193. rosehlena: We're capable of an adult conversation, huh Sage?
  194. rosehlena: I wanted to squash the feelings you may have of my "suspicious behavior" so when I'm around, people like you and Uma do not question me anymore.
  195. SageDamhin: The only reason I was suspicious is merely because you stated, "I've got what I needed."
  196. SageDamhin: There wasn't any context.
  197. rosehlena: A nap. I was napping.
  198. SageDamhin: I didn't know that.
  199. rosehlena: Than why assume I'm being suspicious with no context?
  200. rosehlena: Assuming makes an was out of both of us, remember?
  201. Rebourn: Okay, Roseh.
  202. SageDamhin: I think I'll just take my leave.
  203. SageDamhin: Have fun roleplaying tonight.
  204. Rebourn: Don't run
  205. Rebourn: You're not a child.
  206. Vaizel: *He sigh.*
  207. TemptingKiss: /me Yawns. "It was just a misunderstanding, I don't.. understand why tensions are so high.."
  208. rosehlena: Lovely coven members you've acquired.
  209. Vaizel: I feel the same, it's just a misunderstanding from what it sounds like.
  210. Vaizel: Rose, that's not very adult of you to say. Not everyone reacts the same way.
  211. Vaizel: It was a misunderstanding, you both should just move on.
  212. rosehlena: *Shrugs.* I rather be the bad guy than a suspicious figure.
  213. Vaizel: You made it clear she acted upon a random comment youve made. It would alarm anyone.
  214. Vaizel: You should at least consider that.
  215. TemptingKiss: /me Flops around with the pillow. "Just be the better guy." She shrugs lightly.
  216. rosehlena: Maybe next time. Caught me on an off day.
  217. Vaizel: Perhaps, but tomorrow is another day.
  218. Rebourn: Roseh.
  219. Vaizel: Let's start tomorrow on a better note.
  220. Rebourn: Behave, woman. You can't claim dominance through fear. Establish your role here like everyone else and you won't be suspicious.
  221. rosehlena: I won the round, I think you're wrong. I'll but my muzzle on, for your timid coven members. I thought you were recruiting those with spine. Seems some are off-balance.
  222. TemptingKiss: /me Rolls her eyes.
  223. Rebourn: As you know, Rose, not everyone handles confrontation wrong.
  224. Rebourn: well* That's what I get for reading and typing lol
  225. rosehlena: I asked a question. Than she proceeded to be surprised and ignore me.
  226. rosehlena: But yes, I'll be a good girl for whatever reason. And tomorrow will be better. I'll apologise to the girl if it unwedges the stick in her ass.
  227. rosehlena: Just know, G it gets rather tiring these women around you get defensive of you and the place. Like I'm gonna snatch you away, it's weird.
  228. Rebourn: I know, and I understand your perspective. But be lighter. We were in ooc and there shouldn't be such commotion
  229. Vaizel: Your Majesty, forgive me but I will take my leave for the remaining of the night. I do not wish to get myself involved with this unwanted drama.
  230. rosehlena: *Wiggles her fingers in a goodbye.*
  231. Rebourn: Take care, Vai
  232. Vaizel: And, Rose- loosen up a bit if you will.
  233. rosehlena: Maybe if you say please.
  234. rosehlena: *Rolls her eyes.*
  235. Rebourn: Roseh T^T
  236. rosehlena: I don't like your woman guard dogs, Ger, I'm sorry.
  237. rosehlena: It disinterest me and makes me think less of the coven and what is going on.
  238. Rebourn: I cannot speak for them. But I can say you're not around enough to have a valid observation.
  239. rosehlena: Very well. I'll establish my pack room and when the time comes I will be around. I'll still come in to oversee and try to recruit.
  240. Rebourn: Just be nice, that's all I ask.
  241. rosehlena: Fine, fine.
  242. TemptingKiss: *Clears her throat and shuffles to the bar for chocolate milk* Anyone want anything?
  243. rosehlena: *Curtsies and laughs quietly to herself.* I'll see ya later, maybe play some more with your fragile coven.
  244. TemptingKiss: /me Sips the chocolate milk with raised eyebrows. "Just me then."
  245. Rebourn: /me Pinches the bridge of his nose and leans back into the couch.
  246. TemptingKiss: /me Shuffles back to the other couch, dragging the pillow in one hand and holding two glasses in the other, one chocolate milk and the other alcohol. She hands him one and plops on the couch again. "So..."
  247. Rebourn: /me Takes another big swig of his alcohol, burping after.
  248. Rebourn: So.
  249. TemptingKiss: She seems nice...
  250. TemptingKiss: /me Sips the chocolate milk and places the pillow between her legs.
  251. TemptingKiss: /me She takes a big breath in and lets it out in a rush then shrugs lightly. "I'm sorry."
  252. Rebourn: She can be nice. She's just thinks people have to prove themselves to her to be respectful. A flaw. But good in a high-ranking perspective.
  253. Rebourn: /me Pats her head and ruffles her hair up.
  254. TemptingKiss: /me Looks up and laughs a bit, leaving her hair where it is.
  255. TemptingKiss: I don't want to bash her, really I wouldn't know what to say if I did. It just seemed like you want her around and then that happened. Seems kinda stressful for you.
  256. TemptingKiss: I don't know what I mean by that. I'm also still running on two hours of sleep. *Holds up two fingers*
  257. TemptingKiss: I guess... what I mean is, I'm here? *Stumbles around her words* And I won't hold it against her if she does try to come back and be friends with us.
  258. Rebourn: She's a wild spirit. I've known her a long time. There's nothing I can say that will waver her. I just live with it :P -Pats his lap and grins at her.- Why don't you nap or something, dear?
  259. TemptingKiss: *Nods a couple times* Yeah, I can sort of see that for whatever reason she felt the need to assert herself but, for the most part did want to talk things out... *Shrugs and sips the milk* I can't nap anymore, it's already 7pm.If I nap I'll be up at 3am ready for the day and I close tomorrow.
  260. TemptingKiss: /me Sets the milk down on the floor and puts the pillow against his leg then falls face first into the pillow and groans, tilting her head slightly to the side she said somewhat cheerfuly. "So aside from that small amount of something, did you have a good day today?"
  261. Rebourn: /me Frowns a bit and shakes his head. "Geez, yeah you gotta power through sleepiness till a little later. I feel for ya." Watching her faceplant, he chuckled and fixed her messy hair, staring at her wings as he hummed with curiosity.
  262. TemptingKiss: /me The little wings flutter against her back as she blows a tuft of hair from off her nose, wrapping her arms around the pillow and snuggling it. "Yeah... but I'm tough." She clenched her little fists tight from behind the pillow. "I can make it."
  263. Rebourn: /me Nods and uses a finger to curl the hairs on her face around her ear. "Yes you can. You can do anything." Fiddles with her wings and tests their span and the angels the bones fold. "What of your blood grows wings?"
  264. Rebourn: Ello Kai. Welcome back. Doing some casual RP if you wish to hop in.
  265. Guest_KaiTheStorm: ((Aeome uce, Ill pot in.))
  266. Rebourn: ][ @_@? Huh
  267. Rebourn: angles* T_T
  268. Guest_KaiTheStorm: of m key arent orking o Im going to retart
  269. Guest_KaiTheStorm: 3
  270. Rebourn: Okay ^^
  271. TemptingKiss: /me She felt the sensation of her wings moving around but couldn't control them one way or the other as they didn't rightfuly belong to her, with her cheek against the pillow and a bit of drool pooling at the corner of her mouth she tried to articulate. "They aren't my wings, they're hers, but they had to fuse me with a few different species to have me accomodate." She yawned and made a *Slurp* sound trying to suck up the drool.
  272. Rebourn: /me Raises a brow as he listened, testing and noting the lifelessness of the ligaments. "I see.. and who is 'they'?" He let her wings slump from his grasps, leaning down as he kissed her head. "I wish I could nap for you."
  273. TemptingKiss: /me She wiggled herself closer to him and shoved the pillow against his hip, smiling softly. "I would let you nap for me in a heartbeat." She daydreamed about the thought for a moment. "They were an elite group of alchemists who sold their services to the high noble born promising immortality and safety." She yawned as the words left her like she was reading aloud from a book. "In truth, they bred me and others like me then fused our bodies so many times we forgot who we were." She shrugged lightly. "Then we were sold to the highest offer and fused one last time." She let out a soft sigh as she was content and comfortable, her wings being moved by Nori.
  274. Rebourn: /me The male only scrunched his nose, waving away the ill thoughts of the project. "I see. Nori was one of those too? That's why you're.. fused or something?" One of his ears lowered as he downed another mouthful of rum, clearing his throat of the bitterness as he continued to rub her back, using his nails to relax her from the rememberance of her harsh past.
  275. TemptingKiss: /me The small wings on her back fluttered almost like relaxing spasms from the back rub. "Nori was the highest offer." She began to drool again from the corner of her mouth, her eyes closing a bit. "Or at least her parents were." She shrugged a bit. "They thought she was a reincarnation of their goddess and spared no expense preserving her." She crossed and uncrossed her ankles until she was comfortable.
  276. Rebourn: /me With a groan, he plopped his head on the back of the couch. "I don't get it." Feels her sleepiness and yawns himself. "Two consciousnesses are sharing a body. Idk how but it's a thing."
  277. Rebourn: Can we continue on discord? I wanna lay down now xD
  278. TemptingKiss: Yep, of course. *Offers him the pillow*
  279. Rebourn: -Waves it away and leans down to kiss her head again.- Kay, see ya there :D
  280. TemptingKiss: *Smiles bright and hugs the pillow* See you there.
  281. AyeMeeToday at 7:57 PM
  282. She snuggles back up to him after he was laying down and plopped her head on the pillow once more, breathing in his scent and sighing. Once comfortable she thought back to his earlier comment, wondering herself how she and Nori made it work sometimes and knowing she wouldn't trade their experiences for anything. "It has it's moments, both good and bad. But, before Nori I was always alone, now... I'm not." She shrugged again, using it as an opportunity to move closer into the pillow. "On the technical side of things, it is as if we are each in the same room looking out the same window, but it is only large enough for one of us to fit through at a time." She grumbles a bit. "She does attempt to take control sometimes, while I am still present... but it is like trying to thread a needle while blindfolded and drunk." She sighs at the memories flooding her mind. "When it is just her in the window... she's herself."
  284. GeraintToday at 8:11 PM
  285. The Fae only grumbled and nodded, understanding her metaphor as he shrugged a shoulder. Split personality but with consciousness. I would hate it. I like personal space, and you've always been alone because you're a product of your environment. You will never know what it is to love yourself because you are you, and you only. It'll always be loving who you two have become together, which is beautiful in it's way. I'd go nuts.
  287. AyeMeeToday at 8:17 PM
  288. She listened to the deep hum of his voice as he spoke, thinking about what he had said as it didn't quite occur to her, being alone forever without Nori just wasn't possible so it hadn't even crossed her mind. For a few moments she contemplated it but found herself laughing instead at the idea. I suppose I can understand. She nodded her head once or twice and the wings fluttered on her back almost in protest to Dehma having the thoughts. We don't always talk, though. Sometimes it is a lot like sleeping next to someone. You know they are there, but it's still quiet. Her shoulder brushed up against the mask she always wore as she wiggled around again and it tightened it's grip on her jaw. I think it would be like that... but all the time. She let out a quiet laugh.
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