
FEF: Chance

Apr 7th, 2015
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  1. Character Name: Chance Nakoris
  2. Class: Mage Trainee
  3. Skill: Sol
  4. Affinity: ---
  5. Personal Fault: Blind Spot: When facing Thieves and their promotions, -15 Eva.
  6. Personal Skill: Seeker's Fire: When wielding Fire magic, +2 SKL.
  7. //Personal Skill: Castle Guardian: When indoors, +2 DEF.
  8. ///Personal Skill: Respite Wards: After healing an ally, +2 RES until the next turn.
  10. Preferred Stats: SKL, MAG
  12. Weapon Proficiencies: Anima(E)
  14. Level: 1 (0/100)
  15. Total Level: 1
  17. Progression spent:
  19. Stats
  20. HP: 17 (70%)
  21. STR: 2 (00%)
  22. MAG: 5 (50%)
  23. SKL: 4 (60%)
  24. CON: 3
  25. AID: 2
  26. LUK: 2 (20%)
  27. DEF: 0 (25%) (+2)
  28. RES: 3 (30%) (+1)
  29. SPD: 4 (45%) (+1)
  30. MOV: 4
  32. Inventory
  33. Name Type () RNG WT MT CR Hit QL MNT
  35. Bio: Shorter than the average man at 5'7" and wearing his blonde hair unkempt, Chance is a strictly honest, though power-hungry mage with a unwavering sense of purpose.
  37. Chance is the youngest son of the Nakoris family, a loyal family of noblemen serving the Kovalian royalty. As the youngest of four, Chance has been relegated to serving as a guard for the families instead of dealing in his Kovalian politics. The runt of his generation, and possessing a mild eye defect that impaired his vision, he was very much belittled and marginalized, even though his skill in magic was above average among his peers. In a bid for more respect, he volunteered to undergo an experiment, an attempt to retune his eyes to sense magical feedback instead of light. Months of work went in, and it ultimately resulted in a mild success. Though it didn't enhance his sensory capabilities much, he can sense the properties of magical distortions around him. Along with this increased understanding of magic flow, he learned to shape and direct magical attacks better. Unfortunately, this came at the loss of his eyes, and they have since been replaced with smoothed chunks of metal. Though many scoffed at the idea of a blind guard, soon he found more work from one or two nobles that seemed to see some potential in an officer that had a different sense than the others.
  39. As he slowly worked his way from noble to noble proving his worth, he had eventually developed a sort of odd friendship with the current princess, Eurene. As the time draws closer when the princess must go and be wed, Chance was sent along with a couple other retainers on a diplomatic mission to Zorostrian to serve and assist the Empire's court in 'honor' of Kovalia's client statehood. During his time in Zorostraya, he finds the culture difficult to adapt to, but he takes it upon himself to persevere, even taking up a lay following to Choron to try and blend in. If he couldn't stay on good terms with the people and nobles of this Empire, then he couldn't quite do job, and then what worth would he be?
  41. Soon enough, enduring through a number of pittances of missions and assignments the administrators in Zorostraya have requested, Chance was singled out by the Zorostrian Prince Aliberti to assist him with an escort of some description. Whether this is due to his skill, his status among Kovalia, or his connection to the Prince's arranged fiancee, Chance cannot hazard a guess until he hears from the man himself.
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