

Feb 8th, 2018
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  1. <C><P Ca="" /><Z><S><S P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="140" H="40" c="1" Y="400" T="0" X="729" /><S P="1,500,,0,0,1,0,0" L="790" H="310" c="3" Y="170" T="12" X="400" /><S P="1,0.1,9999,0,0,1,0,0" L="44" H="16" c="2" Y="32" T="12" X="500" /><S P="1,0,0,,0,1,0,0" L="20" o="FF0000" X="-236" c="2" Y="295" T="12" H="10" /><S P="1,10000,,0,45,1,0,0" L="10" o="ffffff" X="-236" c="2" Y="307" T="12" H="10" /><S P="1,0,0,,0,1,0,0" L="20" o="FF6300" X="-236" c="2" Y="246" T="12" H="10" /><S P="1,0.1,9999,0,0,1,0,0" L="44" H="16" c="2" Y="32" T="12" X="700" /><S P="1,0.1,9999,0,0,1,0,0" L="44" H="16" c="2" Y="32" T="12" X="600" /><S P="1,0.1,9999,0,0,1,0,0" L="44" H="16" c="2" Y="32" T="12" X="400" /><S P="1,0.1,9999,0,0,1,0,0" L="44" H="16" c="2" Y="32" T="12" X="300" /><S P="1,0.1,9999,0,0,1,0,0" L="44" H="16" c="2" Y="32" T="12" X="200" /><S P="1,0.1,9999,0,0,1,0,0" L="44" H="16" c="2" Y="32" T="12" X="100" /><S P="1,0,0,,0,1,0,0" L="20" o="FFFF00" X="-236" c="2" Y="216" T="12" H="10" /><S P="1,0,0,,0,1,0,0" L="20" o="008000" X="-236" c="2" Y="163" T="12" H="10" /><S P="1,0,0,,0,1,0,0" L="20" o="0000FF" X="-236" c="2" Y="100" T="12" H="10" /><S P="1,0,0,,0,1,0,0" L="20" o="5B009E" X="-236" c="2" Y="73" T="12" H="10" /><S P="1,0,0,,0,1,0,0" L="20" o="BD31FF" X="-236" c="2" Y="51" T="12" H="10" /><S L="140" X="71" H="40" Y="400" T="0" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S P="0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0" L="30" o="324650" X="350" c="1" N="" Y="20" T="12" H="40" /><S P="0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0" L="30" o="324650" X="450" c="1" N="" Y="20" T="12" H="40" /><S P="0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0" L="30" o="324650" X="550" c="1" N="" Y="20" T="12" H="40" /><S P="0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0" L="30" o="324650" X="650" c="1" N="" Y="20" T="12" H="40" /><S P="0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0" L="30" o="324650" X="250" c="1" N="" Y="20" T="12" H="40" /><S P="0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0" L="30" o="324650" X="150" c="1" N="" Y="20" T="12" H="40" /><S P="0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0" L="30" o="324650" X="50" c="1" N="" Y="20" T="12" H="40" /><S P="0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0" L="30" o="324650" X="750" c="1" N="" Y="20" T="12" H="40" /><S L="120" X="85" H="20" Y="94" T="0" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="280" H="20" X="140" Y="315" T="0" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="280" H="20" X="660" Y="315" T="0" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="20" H="300" X="10" Y="150" T="1" P="0,0,0,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="20" X="790" H="300" Y="150" T="1" P="0,0,0,0.2,,0,0,0" /><S L="160" X="350" H="20" Y="91" T="0" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,90,0,0,0" /><S L="120" X="400" H="20" Y="185" T="0" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="800" H="160" X="400" Y="-66" T="15" P="0,0,,,,0,0,0" /><S H="28" L="800" o="324650" X="400" c="3" N="" Y="10" T="12" P="0,0,,,0,0,0,0" /><S H="350" L="10" o="324650" X="-200" c="2" Y="175" T="12" P="0,0,,,0,0,0,0" /><S L="800" o="324650" H="10" X="400" Y="-150" T="12" P="0,0,9999,,0,0,0,0" /></S><D><DC Y="367" X="70" /><T Y="174" D="" X="400" /><F Y="79" D="" X="85" /><DS Y="365" X="730" /></D><O><O C="1" Y="290" P="0,1" X="537" /></O><L><VL n="add" l="-1" /><JD c="384b57,2,1,0" P2="699,115" P1="694,120" /><JD c="384b57,2,1,0" P2="699,115" P1="704,120" /><VL n="alpha" l="1" /><JD c="324650,250,0.5,0" P2="810,126" M2="1" M1="1" P1="-10,126" /><JD c="324650,74,0.5,0" P2="810,288" M2="1" M1="1" P1="-10,288" /><VL n="balao" l="-1" /><JD c="116da0,3,1,0" P2="695,171" P1="700,167" /><JD c="116da0,3,1,0" P2="698,170" P1="698,167" /><JD c="116da0,3,1,0" P2="703,170" P1="699,168" /><JD c="104063,34,0.5,0" P2="699,145" P1="699,144" /><JD c="104063,11,0.5,0" P2="694,160" P1="689,151" /><JD c="104063,11,0.5,0" P2="703,161" P1="710,149" /><JD c="104063,17,0.5,0" P2="699,160" P1="699,154" /><JD c="18a0ea,32,1,0" P2="699,145" P1="699,144" /><JD c="18a0ea,9,1,0" P2="694,160" P1="689,151" /><JD c="18a0ea,9,1,0" P2="703,161" P1="710,149" /><JD c="18a0ea,15,1,0" P2="699,161" P1="698,155" /><JPL c="1174ab,4,1,0" P2="711,154" P4="707,161" P3="702,166" P1="700,168" /><JPL c="1174ab,4,1,0" P2="711,154" P4="711,154" P3="713,145" P1="711,154" /><VC f="4" P2="713,145" C2="713,158" C="1174ab,4,1,0" C1="701,168" P1="700,168" /><JD c="18a0ea,20,1,0" P2="700,146" P1="704,143" /><JD c="18a0ea,20,1,0" P2="698,150" P1="702,147" /><JPL c="104063,1,0.5,0" P2="707,164" P4="711,159" P3="714,152" P1="716,144" /><JPL c="104063,1,0.5,0" P2="707,164" P4="707,164" P3="703,168" P1="707,164" /><VC f="4" P2="703,168" C2="709,165" C="104063,1,0.5,0" C1="715,154" P1="716,144" /><JD c="104063,1,0.7,0" P2="694,163" P1="697,168" /><JD c="104063,1,0.7,0" P2="705,163" P1="701,169" /><JD c="91e0ff,28,0.1,0" P2="698,146" P1="698,145" /><JD c="91e0ff,24,0.1,0" P2="698,143" P1="698,142" /><JD c="91e0ff,20,0.1,0" P2="698,140" P1="698,139" /><JD c="91e0ff,14,0.1,0" P2="698,139" P1="698,138" /><JD c="93daff,11,0.4,0" P2="693,143" P1="694,139" /><JPL c="104063,1,0.7,0" P2="703,169" P4="699,170" P3="695,168" P1="693,165" /><JPL c="104063,1,0.7,0" P2="703,169" P4="703,169" P3="706,165" P1="703,169" /><VC f="4" P2="706,165" C2="703,173" C="104063,1,0.7,0" C1="695,170" P1="693,165" /><JD c="104063,1,0.7,0" P2="693,171" P1="695,168" /><JD c="104063,1,0.7,0" P2="696,171" P1="693,171" /><JD c="104063,1,0.7,0" P2="698,173" P1="696,171" /><JD c="104063,1,0.7,0" P2="701,171" P1="698,173" /><JD c="104063,1,0.7,0" P2="704,172" P1="701,171" /><JD c="104063,1,0.7,0" P2="704,167" P1="705,172" /><JD c="104063,1,0.7,0" P2="701,172" P1="699,169" /><VL n="7" l="11" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="121,28" M2="11" M1="11" P1="78,28" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="121,29" M2="11" M1="11" P1="78,29" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="121,30" M2="11" M1="11" P1="78,30" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="121,31" M2="11" M1="11" P1="78,31" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="121,32" M2="11" M1="11" P1="78,32" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="121,33" M2="11" M1="11" P1="78,33" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="121,34" M2="11" M1="11" P1="78,34" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="121,35" M2="11" M1="11" P1="78,35" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="121,36" M2="11" M1="11" P1="78,36" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="121,37" M2="11" M1="11" P1="78,37" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="121,38" M2="11" M1="11" P1="78,38" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="121,39" M2="11" M1="11" P1="78,39" /><JD c="dd9f9a,2,1,1" P2="102,30" M2="11" M1="11" P1="97,30" /><JD c="dd9f9a,2,1,1" P2="100,38" M2="11" M1="11" P1="103,30" /><VL n="7" l="11" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="121,28" M2="11" M1="11" P1="78,28" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="121,29" M2="11" M1="11" P1="78,29" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="121,30" M2="11" M1="11" P1="78,30" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="121,31" M2="11" M1="11" P1="78,31" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="121,32" M2="11" M1="11" P1="78,32" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="121,33" M2="11" M1="11" P1="78,33" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="121,34" M2="11" M1="11" P1="78,34" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="121,35" M2="11" M1="11" P1="78,35" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="121,36" M2="11" M1="11" P1="78,36" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="121,37" M2="11" M1="11" P1="78,37" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="121,38" M2="11" M1="11" P1="78,38" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="121,39" M2="11" M1="11" P1="78,39" /><JD c="dd9f9a,2,1,1" P2="102,30" M2="11" M1="11" P1="97,30" /><JD c="dd9f9a,2,1,1" P2="100,38" M2="11" M1="11" P1="103,30" /><VL n="6" l="10" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="221,28" M2="10" M1="10" P1="178,28" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="221,29" M2="10" M1="10" P1="178,29" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="221,30" M2="10" M1="10" P1="178,30" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="221,31" M2="10" M1="10" P1="178,31" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="221,32" M2="10" M1="10" P1="178,32" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="221,33" M2="10" M1="10" P1="178,33" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="221,34" M2="10" M1="10" P1="178,34" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="221,35" M2="10" M1="10" P1="178,35" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="221,36" M2="10" M1="10" P1="178,36" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="221,37" M2="10" M1="10" P1="178,37" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="221,38" M2="10" M1="10" P1="178,38" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="221,39" M2="10" M1="10" P1="178,39" /><JD c="dd9f9a,2,1,1" P2="202,38" M2="10" M1="10" P1="197,38" /><JD c="dd9f9a,2,1,1" P2="201,30" M2="10" M1="10" P1="197,30" /><JD c="dd9f9a,2,1,1" P2="197,37" M2="10" M1="10" P1="197,30" /><JD c="dd9f9a,2,1,1" P2="202,34" M2="10" M1="10" P1="197,34" /><JD c="dd9f9a,2,1,1" P2="203,37" M2="10" M1="10" P1="203,34" /><VL n="5" l="9" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="321,28" M2="9" M1="9" P1="278,28" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="321,29" M2="9" M1="9" P1="278,29" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="321,30" M2="9" M1="9" P1="278,30" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="321,31" M2="9" M1="9" P1="278,31" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="321,32" M2="9" M1="9" P1="278,32" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="321,33" M2="9" M1="9" P1="278,33" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="321,34" M2="9" M1="9" P1="278,34" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="321,35" M2="9" M1="9" P1="278,35" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="321,36" M2="9" M1="9" P1="278,36" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="321,37" M2="9" M1="9" P1="278,37" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="321,38" M2="9" M1="9" P1="278,38" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="321,39" M2="9" M1="9" P1="278,39" /><JD c="dd9f9a,2,1,1" P2="301,30" M2="9" M1="9" P1="297,30" /><JD c="dd9f9a,2,1,1" P2="302,38" M2="9" M1="9" P1="297,38" /><JD c="dd9f9a,2,1,1" P2="297,32" M2="9" M1="9" P1="297,30" /><JD c="dd9f9a,2,1,1" P2="302,34" M2="9" M1="9" P1="297,34" /><JD c="dd9f9a,2,1,1" P2="303,37" M2="9" M1="9" P1="303,34" /><VL n="4" l="8" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="421,28" M2="8" M1="8" P1="378,28" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="421,29" M2="8" M1="8" P1="378,29" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="421,30" M2="8" M1="8" P1="378,30" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="421,31" M2="8" M1="8" P1="378,31" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="421,32" M2="8" M1="8" P1="378,32" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="421,33" M2="8" M1="8" P1="378,33" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="421,34" M2="8" M1="8" P1="378,34" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="421,35" M2="8" M1="8" P1="378,35" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="421,36" M2="8" M1="8" P1="378,36" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="421,37" M2="8" M1="8" P1="378,37" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="421,38" M2="8" M1="8" P1="378,38" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="421,39" M2="8" M1="8" P1="378,39" /><JD c="dd9f9a,2,1,1" P2="403,30" M2="8" M1="8" P1="403,37" /><JD c="dd9f9a,2,1,1" P2="401,35" M2="8" M1="8" P1="399,35" /><JD c="dd9f9a,2,1,1" P2="398,34" M2="8" M1="8" P1="398,30" /><VL n="3" l="2" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="521,28" M2="2" M1="2" P1="478,28" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="521,29" M2="2" M1="2" P1="478,29" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="521,30" M2="2" M1="2" P1="478,30" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="521,31" M2="2" M1="2" P1="478,31" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="521,32" M2="2" M1="2" P1="478,32" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="521,33" M2="2" M1="2" P1="478,33" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="521,34" M2="2" M1="2" P1="478,34" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="521,35" M2="2" M1="2" P1="478,35" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="521,36" M2="2" M1="2" P1="478,36" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="521,37" M2="2" M1="2" P1="478,37" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="521,38" M2="2" M1="2" P1="478,38" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="521,39" M2="2" M1="2" P1="478,39" /><JD c="dd9f9a,2,1,1" P2="502,30" M2="2" M1="2" P1="496,30" /><JD c="dd9f9a,2,1,1" P2="502,38" M2="2" M1="2" P1="496,38" /><JD c="dd9f9a,2,1,1" P2="503,37" M2="2" M1="2" P1="503,30" /><JD c="dd9f9a,2,1,1" P2="501,34" M2="2" M1="2" P1="498,34" /><VL n="2" l="7" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="621,28" M2="7" M1="7" P1="578,28" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="621,29" M2="7" M1="7" P1="578,29" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="621,30" M2="7" M1="7" P1="578,30" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="621,31" M2="7" M1="7" P1="578,31" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="621,32" M2="7" M1="7" P1="578,32" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="621,33" M2="7" M1="7" P1="578,33" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="621,34" M2="7" M1="7" P1="578,34" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="621,35" M2="7" M1="7" P1="578,35" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="621,36" M2="7" M1="7" P1="578,36" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="621,37" M2="7" M1="7" P1="578,37" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="621,38" M2="7" M1="7" P1="578,38" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="621,39" M2="7" M1="7" P1="578,39" /><JD c="dd9f9a,2,1,1" P2="601,30" M2="7" M1="7" P1="597,30" /><JD c="dd9f9a,2,1,1" P2="602,33" M2="7" M1="7" P1="602,30" /><JD c="dd9f9a,2,1,1" P2="601,34" M2="7" M1="7" P1="597,34" /><JD c="dd9f9a,2,1,1" P2="597,37" M2="7" M1="7" P1="597,34" /><JD c="dd9f9a,2,1,1" P2="601,38" M2="7" M1="7" P1="597,38" /><VL n="1" l="6" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="721,28" M2="6" M1="6" P1="678,28" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="721,29" M2="6" M1="6" P1="678,29" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="721,30" M2="6" M1="6" P1="678,30" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="721,31" M2="6" M1="6" P1="678,31" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="721,32" M2="6" M1="6" P1="678,32" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="721,33" M2="6" M1="6" P1="678,33" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="721,34" M2="6" M1="6" P1="678,34" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="721,35" M2="6" M1="6" P1="678,35" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="721,36" M2="6" M1="6" P1="678,36" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="721,37" M2="6" M1="6" P1="678,37" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="721,38" M2="6" M1="6" P1="678,38" /><JD c="ba3646,1,1,1" P2="721,39" M2="6" M1="6" P1="678,39" /><JD c="dd9f9a,2,1,1" P2="700,37" M2="6" M1="6" P1="700,30" /><VL n="bars" l="-1" /><JD c="324650,6,1,1" P2="722,25" P1="676,25" /><JD c="324650,6,1,1" P2="622,25" P1="576,25" /><JD c="324650,6,1,1" P2="522,25" P1="476,25" /><JD c="324650,6,1,1" P2="422,25" P1="376,25" /><JD c="324650,6,1,1" P2="322,25" P1="276,25" /><JD c="324650,6,1,1" P2="223,25" P1="177,25" /><JD c="324650,6,1,1" P2="122,25" P1="76,25" /><JP M1="2" LIM2="6" AXIS="0,1" LIM1="undefined" /><JP M1="6" LIM2="6" AXIS="0,1" LIM1="undefined" /><JP M1="7" LIM2="6" AXIS="0,1" LIM1="undefined" /><JP M1="8" LIM2="6" AXIS="0,1" LIM1="undefined" /><JP M1="9" LIM2="6" AXIS="0,1" LIM1="undefined" /><JP M1="10" LIM2="6" AXIS="0,1" LIM1="undefined" /><JP M1="11" LIM2="6" AXIS="0,1" LIM1="undefined" /><JP M1="5" AXIS="1,0" LIM1="undefined" /><JP M1="3" AXIS="1,0" LIM1="undefined" /><JP M1="12" AXIS="1,0" LIM1="undefined" /><JP M1="13" AXIS="1,0" LIM1="undefined" /><JP M1="14" AXIS="1,0" LIM1="undefined" /><JP M1="15" AXIS="1,0" LIM1="undefined" /><JP M1="16" AXIS="1,0" LIM1="undefined" /><JP M1="4" AXIS="0,1" MV="Infinity,3" /><JR M2="1" M1="4" /><JPL M2="2" M1="12" P4="500,100" P3="-10000,250" /><JPL M2="6" M1="3" P4="700,100" P3="-10000,250" /><JPL M2="7" M1="5" P4="600,100" P3="-10000,250" /><JPL M2="8" M1="13" P4="400,100" P3="-10000,250" /><JPL M2="9" M1="14" P4="300,100" P3="-10000,250" /><JPL M2="10" M1="15" P4="200,100" P3="-10000,250" /><JPL M2="11" M1="16" P4="100,100" P3="-10000,250" /></L></Z></C>
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