
Coughing Fit

Oct 17th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. So I'm having a coughing fit while I'm typing this but don't worry I'm fine; there will be a story here later I just needed to let you know that it always gets like this around this time of year. Anyway now that I got that out of the way enjoy this shit:
  3. Ness stretched his arms and let out a huge fart. "...Oh that felt good..."
  4. "You think so?" Daisy said with a happy smirk and proceeded to unleash a sloppy poot. "Top that!"
  5. (https://img.booru.org/nintendofart//images/1/ac2fd82ca8852e03beca6e80262f15c6e820b0da.png)
  6. Ness: How did you manage to make something so fantastic-
  7. Daisy: (chuckles and farts again) You just have to know when to have your body churn it at the right time. (shits self)
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