
An Eternity Bound Past 30

Aug 8th, 2013
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  2. Server started; please wait for map to refresh.
  3. Mike has connected.
  4. TBG has connected.
  5. Nick has connected.
  6. Mike: It's a Nick!
  7. * Mike collects them all.
  8. Nick: (Yeppers)
  9. Egg 7: The Egg hatched into a Larvesta!
  10. Mike: * Tiamat the Dragonite F x Amethyst the Glass Mew MF: ** -1
  12. * Erie the Squirtle F x Locomokoal the Torkoal M: ** 16
  14. * Aaaaand Dhania the Meganium F x Atlas the Torterra M : *** Erie the Squirtle F x Locomokoal the Torkoal M: ** 16
  16. * Aaaaand Dhania the Meganium F x Atlas the Torterra M : *** Aaaaand Dhania the Meganium F x Atlas the Torterra M : ** 12
  17. Mike: ...Not sure why it did it like that.
  18. Mike: But still. Tiamat x Amethyst got a -1, so yay negatives!
  19. TBG: Dratini for everyone! XD
  20. Mike: Glasstini, hopefully. Kao, do you roll the Breeding Mutations, or shall I hit that button>?
  21. Kaorin Sakura: 4
  22. Aishen has connected.
  23. Kaorin Sakura: 4 eggs.
  24. Is the Mother's Nature passed down? YES
  25. Does the child inherit an ability? MOTHER'S
  26. Does the child change sizes? SIZE +1
  27. Is the Father's Type passed down to the child? NO
  28. Is the Mother's Type passed down to one of the child's Moves? NO
  29. Coloration Roll: 12 / 100
  30. Mike: And lemme know if I can just pull the notes for any hatched Pokemon from their Egg tokens, or - wow yeah Dratini for everyone.
  31. Is the Mother's Nature passed down? NO
  32. Does the child inherit an ability? FATHER'S
  33. Does the child change sizes? SIZE +1
  34. Is the Father's Type passed down to the child? YES
  35. Is the Mother's Type passed down to one of the child's Moves? NO
  36. Coloration Roll: 88 / 100
  37. TBG: One for everyone!
  38. Is the Mother's Nature passed down? NO
  39. Does the child inherit an ability? NO
  40. Does the child change sizes? NO
  41. Is the Father's Type passed down to the child? NO
  42. Is the Mother's Type passed down to one of the child's Moves? YES
  43. Coloration Roll: 51 / 100
  44. Is the Mother's Nature passed down? NO
  45. Does the child inherit an ability? NO
  46. Does the child change sizes? SIZE +1
  47. Is the Father's Type passed down to the child? NO
  48. Is the Mother's Type passed down to one of the child's Moves? NO
  49. Coloration Roll: 63 / 100
  50. TBG: ...could Digit breed with Roggelrola?
  51. TBG: Roggenrola*
  52. TBG: They're both mineral egg group.
  53. Kaorin Sakura: Yes
  54. TBG: Would this result in baby Porygon?
  55. Kaorin Sakura: Also:
  56. Aishen is disconnected.
  57. Kaorin Sakura: 98 | 65 | 75 | | 75 | | 9 | Above 50 Dratini. Below 50 Mew.
  58. Kaorin Sakura: ...
  59. Kaorin Sakura: Why is there 5...?
  60. TBG: Wait... female Roggenrola. Nevermind.
  61. Kaorin Sakura: Yeah, I totally only had 4 rolls in that.
  62. Kaorin Sakura: So, gonna ignore the 9 there. 4 Dratini eggs.
  63. TBG: Wait!
  64. TBG: Digit x Beldum
  65. Mike: Aww. but still, 4 Dratini. We'll get more Mew eventually.
  66. TBG: So I'm going to breed Digit with Beldum.
  67. TBG: Because I can do that.
  68. TBG: That's 1d20-4, right?
  69. Mike: Oh nice. Use Tank, BTW, it's Shiny and has Moves.
  70. Mike: It was d20-4 'cause I had Breeder. Do you?
  71. TBG: No...
  72. Mike: Otherwise it's d20-2, because sleeping in.
  73. TBG: Okay then.
  74. TBG: Digit x Tank breeding: 18
  75. TBG: Damn.
  76. Aishen has connected.
  77. TBG: Probably wasted all our crits for today on Breeding.
  78. Mike: I know! Like three nat20's in a row here.
  79. Egg 10: The Egg grew a little...
  80. TBG: Which sucks, since we need to roll low. XD
  81. Egg 9: The Egg grew a little...
  82. Mike: *nod*
  83. Egg 8: The Egg grew a little...
  84. Egg 7: The Egg grew a little...
  85. Mike: *watches Eggs grow...*
  86. Egg 6: The Egg grew a little...
  87. Egg 3: The Egg hatched into a Ekans!
  88. Egg 2: The Egg grew a little...
  89. Egg 5: The Egg grew a little...
  90. Egg 4: The Egg grew a little...
  91. Egg 1: The Egg grew a little...
  92. Kaorin Sakura: You can add the notes to the Dratini eggs, Mike.
  93. Aishen: training Jeze and Mammon
  94. Mike: Then I shall do so. Hitting the Breeding Mutation buttons, incoming textwalls!
  95. Kaorin Sakura: So, I think you used 1 of your 3 checks, Dan.
  96. Kaorin Sakura: I already did mike
  97. * Kaorin Sakura points up.
  98. TBG: I take it I can't try multiple times on the same pokes.
  99. Kaorin Sakura: Or does that not show to you guys.
  100. Egg 9: Oh, didn't see it!
  101. Mike: it might be secret.
  102. Mike: Because I figured the GM would wanna keep it secret. *looks at macro*
  103. Mike: Yeah, it's /self
  104. Mike: So only you see it when you hit the button.
  105. Mike: So, overwrite my notes in Egg 9 with yours.
  106. Mike: And we'll see what they become when they hatch! It's like Christmas... but with Dratini.
  107. TBG: Can I try multiple times with the same pair? I have the time required.
  108. Kaorin Sakura: Nope.
  109. Kaorin Sakura: That's 12 hours of banging right there.
  110. Kaorin Sakura: Another 12 is just cruel and kinda impossible.
  111. Estelle: Estelle is healed and gains 0 hit points.
  112. TBG: lol fair enough.
  113. Mike: 3/4 of the Dratini are larger than normal. One of them is inheriting a type from Amethyst.
  114. Mike: No crazy colorations, I believe.
  115. Kaorin Sakura: Nope.
  116. Kaorin Sakura: Has to be 5 or less on a d100.
  117. Kaorin Sakura: But the Glass one will look unique regardless.
  118. Mike: I can figure out any additional details later, if you like.
  120. Mike: I've got the notes in the eggs.
  121. Mike: And I've copied up the notes on the two hatched Pokemon to my own notes, to stat them out later.
  122. Kaorin Sakura: ^-^
  123. TBG: Can we take care of Candies/Evo items now as well?
  124. * Mike is saving his Fire Candy.
  125. * TBG is not
  126. Mike: *goes to update inventory*
  127. Kaorin Sakura: You can yes.
  128. TBG: Alright!
  129. TBG: Step one- Using 1x Glass Sync Candy on Locomokoal to make him a Fire/Glass type!
  130. Aishen: oh yeah does sync candy yanma do anything?
  131. Kaorin Sakura: We went over this. Sync Candy does nothing without the proper stimulation.
  132. Kaorin Sakura: Such as an evolution item or a type gem.
  133. Kaorin Sakura: When exposed to an evolution item or type gem it will change into a Sync Candy of the associated type.
  134. Aishen: ah ok
  135. Kaorin Sakura: Metal Coat makes it Steel Sync Candy, Water Stone makes it Water Sync Candy, etc.
  136. Mike: *makes some Pokeballs and buys 2x Potion*
  137. Kaorin Sakura: This does not consume the item it was exposed to.
  138. TBG: Also- using an Upgrade on Digit the Porygon.
  139. Tokens dropped onto map 'Cinnabar Island' by player Mike (Player)
  140. Tokens dropped onto map 'Cinnabar Island' by player Mike (Player)
  141. Tokens dropped onto map 'Cinnabar Island' by player Mike (Player)
  142. Tokens dropped onto map 'Cinnabar Island' by player Mike (Player)
  143. Tokens dropped onto map 'Cinnabar Island' by player Mike (Player)
  144. Tokens dropped onto map 'Cinnabar Island' by player Mike (Player)
  145. * Aishen goes to the shop to take a look around.
  146. Mike: So, I've plunked down some options for boat-y-ness. Don't mind the size too much?
  147. Kaorin Sakura: Which Shop?
  148. * TBG crosses his fingers. Please tell me that Medic Kit is available...
  149. Mike: But since Kao said we could decide what our boat looked like... Well, here're the sprites I have on-hand that'd work well IMO.
  150. Aishen: (regular one. the one that sells potions and such)
  151. Kaorin Sakura: Yes. And I believe I said it costs 1000?
  152. Kaorin Sakura: For the Medic Kit? Whatever it's price is.
  153. TBG: Yes, I believe so. I'm buying that.
  154. Tokens dropped onto map 'Cinnabar Island' by player TBG (Player)
  155. TBG: I like the square blue boat.
  156. TBG: The little one with the light on top.
  157. TBG:
  158. Mike: Thhhhhhhat might be overpowered for us right now. Plus it tends to take us places we didn't ask it to take us to.
  159. TBG: Aw.... but it's so shiny!
  160. Kaorin Sakura: The TARDIS is not a boat that travels the sea.
  161. TBG: Lies.
  162. Kaorin Sakura: Anything you looking for Aishen?
  163. TBG: Just think of the 3rd dimension as an ocean.
  164. Aishen: (2 revives 4 bandages and do they sell any held items?)
  165. Mike: But seriously. If there're no opinions I'll vote for the Seagallop ferry. Small, sleek, quick, and probably simple to maintain.
  166. Mike: That or the black yacht... >.>
  167. Kaorin Sakura: 1800 for those items.
  168. Kaorin Sakura: And yes they do.
  169. Kaorin Sakura: Lemme roll it up.
  170. Felix: (Buying Enriched Water X3)
  171. Aishen: (alright which helds they have?)
  172. Felix: (make that X5)
  173. TBG: So I'm buying a Medic Kit and 5x Pokeballs. Also, crafting Super Soda Popx5 and spending AP to make 5 sets of leftovers.
  174. TBG: and I like the seagallop as well, though I think the blue yacht looks better than the black one.
  175. Kaorin Sakura: 10
  176. Kaorin Sakura: 16 29 33 17 6 5 17 17 7 2
  177. Mike: Blue ain't bad, that'd be my #3. I'm just concerned about it being 'lost' on the ocean backdrop.
  178. Aishen: (don't care. its a boat)
  179. Kaorin Sakura: Loading items
  180. TBG: Cab we get it in white?
  181. TBG: Can*
  182. Kaorin Sakura: Bright Powder
  183. Contest Fashion
  184. Everstone
  185. Eviolite (Speed/Special Attack)
  186. Lax Incense
  187. Lagging Tail
  188. Winter Cloak
  189. Thick Bone
  190. Mike: I'm not a car dealership. I can make it in white though probably. If people prefer the yacht shape, I can make it in whatever colors.
  191. Aishen: why do you care so much?
  192. Kaorin Sakura: Aesthetics.
  193. Aishen: (no idea what any of them do, how much are they?)
  194. Kaorin Sakura: (( Look in the PDF. ))
  195. Kaorin Sakura: (( Base price. ))
  196. Mike: Winter Cloak: You don't take damage from Hail.
  197. Mike: Goes in the Accessory slot.
  198. Mike: Anyway. Sounds like the people who care at all like the Seagallop, and maybe we'll repaint it later. Last call for objections, I say.
  199. TBG: None here.
  200. Aishen: (jus tthe items)
  201. Lauren: (( All right. I'm good to go then. ))
  202. Kaorin Sakura: Feel free to rename your boat whatever you want.
  203. Kaorin Sakura: And what about items, Aishen?
  204. Aishen: (just the revives and bandages)
  205. Kaorin Sakura: Okay.
  206. Kaorin Sakura: Anyway, everyone ready to roll?
  207. Aishen: (yup)
  208. TBG: Medic Kit 1000 + 5x Poke Balls 1250 + Crafting 5x Super Soda Pop+ 5x Poke Balls 1250 + Crafting 5x Super Soda Pop+ Crafting 5x Super Soda Pop 325 + Lord of Leftovers (2x Leftovers)
  209. Kaorin Sakura: 3825
  210. TBG: 2575
  211. Lauren: (( Good to go! Breedings happened~. ))
  212. TBG: My post was buggy. It counted Poke Balls twice, for some reason.
  213. Kaorin Sakura: Ah, I see.
  214. TBG: and with that, I'm nearly broke.
  215. January 6th, 8:00 A.M.
  216. 48 degrees and 58% Humidity.
  217. Welcome to the World of Pokémon!
  218. Lauren: (( Yeah we're getting a lot of that today. What's up with it? ))
  219. * Knight walks over to Nick holding out a handful of pokeballs.
  220. Felix: "What's this?"
  221. TBG: (( also, Upgrade? Digit? ))
  222. Kaorin Sakura: (( That's fine. ))
  223. Knight: "Graaaa."
  224. * Felix looks at Knight deeply (Channeling)
  225. Knight: ("For you.")
  226. * Lauren stretches, blinking into the morning sun. "So... Who's drivin' th' boat? I wanna see it."
  227. * Knight nods.
  228. Knight: ("He thinks you may need them.")
  229. * Felix smiles at Knight ("Tell him thank you for me, would you?")
  230. Theo: "I suppose that would be me."
  231. * Knight nods to Nick.
  232. * Lauren heads off to take a look at the boat while people wake up. Normally, she's a late sleeper, but today? Bright-eyed, bushy-tailed.
  233. * Fisherman throws his line into the water with a loud sploosh.
  234. * Fisherman catches something heavy and pulls hard to reel it in.
  235. Fisherman: "Hnng, a big one..!"
  236. * Aishen follows silently behind Lauren.
  237. * Felix watches the fisherman
  238. * Fisherman fishes out a heart-shaped scale.
  239. Fisherman: "Huh, the heck is this thing?"
  240. Theo: "Looks like a bum catch."
  241. * Felix chuckles "Quite the catch."
  242. Fisherman: "Must've been attached to the bugger that got away..."
  243. Knight: "Graa..."
  244. * Lauren takes a look at the ship, not really hearing the fisherman. Edu: Tech, 14
  245. * Fisherman tosses the scale behind him, obviously not interested.
  246. Knight: ("Said Thanks.")
  247. * Theo picks it up.
  248. Felix: "Let me show you how to do it."
  249. * Aishen pets Knight.
  250. Theo: "Well, maybe it could be useful for something..."
  251. Kaorin Sakura: (( ooh, there's rules for this! ))
  252. Unknown command: "Theo acquries Heart Scale x1.". Try /help for a list of commands.
  253. Theo acquries Heart Scale x1.
  254. * Felix digs out his good rod and throws out his line
  255. Lauren: (( Oh, for fishing? Neat! ))
  256. Theo: "Oh, hey, let me join!"
  257. Fisherman: "Want to try it out? Here, try out my rod."
  258. Aishen: "We leaving right? Where's everyone else?"
  259. * Theo pulls out his makeshift fishing rod and lets it down in the water."
  260. * Fisherman hands Theo a Super Rod.
  261. Fisherman: "Yah got bait, son?"
  262. Theo: "Hmm... that looks like a much better rod than mine..
  263. * Fisherman looks at Felix as he asks this.
  264. Lauren: "I thought so... Maybe they got caught up in something."
  265. * Felix looks a bit embarassed "I got too excited, and forgot...."
  266. Fisherman: "Here. A gift from a fellow fisherman."
  267. * Aishen sighs and sits down waiting.
  268. * Fisherman hands Felix an Enchanted Lure.
  269. Lauren: "Heh. I'm impatient too, today."
  270. Felix: "Thank you very much."
  271. Felix acquires Enchanted Lure.
  272. Lauren: "I'll go check on 'em."
  273. Theo: "Let's see... bait... bait..."
  274. Felix: (Item get music plays!)
  275. Enchanted Lure has an increased chance to attract unusual Pokémon.
  276. Theo: "How about... this?"
  277. Lauren: "...Really. Gon' fishin'?"
  278. * Theo pulls out a Wiki Berry.
  279. * Felix attaches the enchanted lure to his good rod.
  280. Enchanted Lure grants a +3 bonus to attract Pokémon.
  281. Fishing rules:
  282. To fish, you must attach Bait or a Fishing Lure to the end of your rope, then cast your line. Roll 1d20 every 5 minutes. If you roll 15 or over, a Wild Pokémon is on the line! If you roll 3 times without success, the bait is used up – lures may continue to be used though.
  283. Then you must make an Athletics Check with a DC of 8. If you succeed, you manage to reel the Pokémon in. From there, you may try to catch the Pokémon in a Hand Net, or a Poké Ball. The Pokémon may attempt to attack you or your allies, so it's usually smart to keep a Pokémon handy when fishing.
  284. If you fail your Athletics Check, roll 1d20. On a result of 10 or lower, the Pokémon got away with your Lure. Bait is always lost upon a failed Athletics Check.
  285. And that's how you fish!
  286. Theo: (( ...Theo's gonna suck so bad at this... ))
  287. Fisherman: (( We'll say you have a +2 bonus, Theo, from your bait being a berry. ))
  288. * Felix looks at Theo. "Shall we make a contest out of this?"
  289. Theo: "Sounds like a good time!"
  290. Fisherman: "Hey, you have that old lookin' rod there, huh?"
  291. * Lauren crosses her arms. "...I guess I can't stop ya completely, can I? Jus' don't go stretchin' it out, okay?"
  292. Fisherman: "Why not give that to the little lady so she's not left out?"
  293. Theo: "I made it myself. With help from the kids."
  294. Felix: "Yeah, you should join in Lauren."
  295. Theo: "Oh yeah. You helped make this rod, didn't you? Lime provided the fishing line."
  296. Lauren: "Yep. He's gotten pretty good at usin' his string, really."
  297. Lauren: "An' if I'm gonna give you guys time for a cast... Sure, why not. I don't got a Rod though."
  298. Lauren: (( Between fishing lines and carying-couches... ))
  299. Lauren: "Are you casting too, Mr...?"
  300. Fisherman: "Hugley. Ryan Hugley."
  301. Lauren: *nods* "You castin' too, Mr. Hugley?"
  302. Fisherman: "I lended me rod to this gentlemen."
  303. * Fisherman points to Theo.
  304. Fisherman: "But, he had a rod already. I've suggested he lended it to you."
  305. Theo: "Ah, right. Here."
  306. * Theo hands Lauren the Super Rod.
  307. * Lauren takes Theo's Super Rod, and steps up. She'll use the Apicot Berry she has as bait.
  308. Felix: "Mr. Hugley was it? Is there any pokemon you were hoping to catch, specifically?"
  309. * Theo smirks at Knight. "Aishen seems to be busy elsewhere. You wanna help me catch something?"
  310. Fisherman: "I'm lookin' for whatever's been dropping these scales."
  311. Fisherman: "I keep almost catching it..."
  312. Lauren: (( Ah, never did decide if I wanted to switch my party up. Aw well. ))
  313. Felix: "Since you gave me this lure, If I catch this thing I'll give it to you."
  314. Fisherman: (( Lauren, consider the Apicot berry giving you a +2 bonus to your fishing roll. ))
  315. Lauren: (( Understood. ))
  316. Fisherman: "That sounds pretty swell, kid."
  317. Fisherman: "Let's see what you guys got!"
  318. * Felix looks pumped "Alright, off I go to find a good spot!"
  319. * Theo attaches his Wiki Berry to the end of his Fishing Rod, then casts it into the water. He's fine right here.
  320. * Lauren releases Reaper to be her second for fishing, and gives it a whirl!
  321. * Felix releases Ozzie and preps his rod
  322. Lauren: ( The first d20: 7. Casting southwards, if it matters.)
  323. Felix: (Casting West, #1 d20:16)
  324. Lauren doesn't manage to snag anything.
  325. Theo: Casting to the East! 12
  326. Felix nearly immediately catches something on his line as it hits the waters surface.
  327. Fisherman: (( Theo's line remains stationary. ))
  328. Theo's line remains stationary.
  329. * Reaper quietly listens to the water, with a slight smile, enjoying the salty breeze and the stillness of the hunt.
  330. Fisherman: (( Felix, give me an Athletics check to pull in your line. Lauren and Theo, give me another D20. ))
  331. Felix: (Athletics Check! 14)
  332. Theo: Still fishing. 9
  333. Lauren: *lets the line sit* 19
  334. Lauren: (Aww yeah)
  335. Theo: (( you forgot your +2 for your berry as well. ))
  336. Felix: ((Aww wow gratz))
  337. Lauren: (Whoops, thanks!)
  338. Theo: (( so 21 ))
  339. Lauren: (So 21 for reals.)
  340. Milotic (Special): (( is reeled in by Felix. ))
  341. * Milotic (Special) is reeled in by Felix.
  342. Theo: 0_0
  343. Milotic (Special): (( Will link image of Milotic on main chat. ))
  344. * Lauren tries to reel in as well, but prolly won't succeed. 3... Though if there's anything she can do to help with that, like Survival, maybe? That'd be nice.
  345. Theo is still waiting for his line to snag.
  346. Milotic (Special): (( Scyther can give her a boost! ))
  347. * Reaper will do so, grabbing the line in his arms - not his hands, mind - and pulling! (Though I don't have Scyther's skills at hand.)
  348. * Gorebyss is reeled in by Lauren.
  349. Gorebyss: (( Scyther can make the check FOR Lauren actually. ))
  350. Gorebyss: (( He has a 4D6 Atheltics iirc. ))
  351. Reaper: (( That might be better, yeah. Now: How do I go about catching this pretty li'l lady? Can I use a Pokeball straight out, or does it need a False Swipe? ))
  352. Gorebyss: (( You can slap it with a ball right off the bat, actually. ))
  353. Gorebyss: (( IF you succeed your Athletics. ))
  354. * Lauren did thanks to Reaper, so~ 15 to hit with a Pokeball, no special twists or anything.
  355. Gorebyss: (( Theo, you can give me another fishing attempt and risk losing your bait or just call it again or try another bait. ))
  356. Theo: Luckily, Theo is a patient man. He'll have his day. Fishing 13
  357. Theo feels a slight tug briefly. His bait nibbled away and lost forever.
  358. Theo: (( apparently not today. ))
  359. Gorebyss: (( Lauren, give me a 1d100-12 ))
  360. Lauren: 44
  361. Theo: (( note to self- homebrew fisherman class or edge. ))
  362. Felix: ((Here goes nothing))
  363. Lauren: (( I believe that went through. I made it GM only.) ))
  364. Gorebyss: (( Yes ))
  365. * Felix throws a pokeball at Milotic 8
  366. Gorebyss: (( You can use a Cap.Spec feature with that check, btw. ))
  367. Gorebyss: (( That's a hit Felix. Give me a 1d100-12 ))
  368. Theo: "Hmm... looks like I need some more bait."
  369. Felix: (( 58))
  370. Theo: "I wonder if they'd like these leftovers I have?"
  371. Lauren: (( I could, but I won't. Saving that AP for now. ))
  372. * Milotic (Special) swats away the ball from her, knocking it behind Felix.
  373. * Milotic (Special) considers retreat! 11
  374. Lauren: "Don't get too carried away, Theo." Lauren keeps an eye on the ball, wriggling. "I *do* wanna get on that boat soon."
  375. * Milotic (Special) doesn't and strikes at Felix! 9 vs. Sp.def eva!
  376. * Felix is hit!
  377. Milotic (Special): 28 Ground Special Damage + 4-meters knockback!
  378. * Milotic (Special) slithers on land after her prey.
  379. Milotic (Special): (( Initiating initiative! ))
  380. Lauren: (( I presume my Gorebyss got away? >.> Slash, do we hear the scuffle? ))
  381. Felix: Felix loses 18 hit points.
  382. Milotic (Special): (( Speeds please! ))
  383. Felix: ((Sorry just a little slow))
  384. Milotic (Special): (( You're okay, Felix! And thanks! ))
  385. Milotic (Special): (( Just waiting on Reaper and Theo! ))
  386. Theo: (( Oh! I'm included in this too! ))
  387. Lauren: (( Blam. Reaper is fast. ))
  388. Lauren: (( And I don't think you've answered my questions re: Gorebyss and hearing the conflict? If you did and I missed it, I apologize. ))
  389. Milotic (Special): (( Gorebyss thing is happening and yes, you can hear the scuffle. ))
  390. Felix: ((Did Felix land near the pokeball?))
  391. Milotic (Special): (( Yus ))
  392. Reaper has received initiative.
  393. Milotic (Special): New Encounter Starts: Initiative Sorted, Top of the Order, Round 1
  394. The Pokéball slaps into the Gorebyss just as a beautiful roar is heard from the west and Felix is sent flying!
  395. The Pokéball swallows Gorebyss in a flash of brilliant white light!
  396. Felix: ((Did I move myself properly?))
  397. * Reaper doesn't hesitate. There's a hunt to be had!
  398. * Reaper buzzes towards the commotion, overland/sky 8.
  399. Milotic (Special): (( yes! ))
  400. * Reaper focuses his energy as well!
  401. The Pokéball shakes left and right in the sand a few times, whirring all the while.
  402. Milotic (Special): The GM should be SOMEWHAT NICE!
  403. Reaper: (( Done. ))
  404. The Pokéball suddenly chimes as a successful capture just briefly before vanishing in a flash of white light!
  405. Lauren has received initiative.
  406. Lauren: "Whoa! Go, Reaper, go!" *hustles to follow*
  407. Lauren: (( I believe I can move 6. Five normally and 1 with Running Shoes. ))
  408. Lauren: (( Done. ))
  409. * Milotic (Special) whips her tail around, creating a small twister around Felix! 10 vs. Sp.Def Eva!
  410. Milotic (Special): (( Aishen can participate. Who're you using? ))
  411. * Felix is hit!
  412. Aishen: (gible)
  413. Milotic (Special): 23 Dragon Special Damage!
  414. Lauren: (( IIRC Geryon was hanging out with us at the time, yeah. C'mon li'l roly poly! ))
  415. Felix: Felix loses 13 hit points.
  416. Aishen: (just gible, aishens doing other things)
  417. Milotic (Special): (( Speed? ))
  418. Theo has received initiative.
  419. * Theo slips some leftovers on the end of his makeshift rod. He's going to catch something, darn it!
  420. Felix: ((We're rooting for you Theo!))
  421. Milotic (Special): (( Make a fishing check ))
  422. Milotic (Special): (( +1 from leftovers ))
  423. Theo: Fishing Check! 10
  424. Theo: (( Arceusdamnit. ))
  425. Felix has received initiative.
  426. Theo's line sits idle.
  427. Lauren: (( Remember. Fishing isn't about catching the fish. It's about NOT catching the fish. ))
  428. Felix: ((Hold until after Ozzie))
  429. Ozzie has received initiative.
  430. * Ozzie bleats and charges Milotic "Bwweeeee!"
  431. * Ozzie attempts to strike it with it's horn 0 ((Horn Attack))
  432. Lauren: (( Go Team Nido! ))
  433. Ozzie: ((Ouch))
  434. Theo: (( the one that got away, right? ))
  435. * Milotic (Special) Isn't bothered by such an attack.
  436. Felix has received initiative.
  437. Felix: ((Can I reach the pokeball that was knocked back?))
  438. Milotic (Special): (( You can yes and picking it up is a shift action. ))
  439. Felix: ((Shift to grab, and Trainer to throw?))
  440. Milotic (Special): (( Yes ))
  441. * Felix reaches for the ball and throws it in Milotic's face! 6
  442. * Milotic (Special) is smacked with the ball!
  443. Milotic (Special): (( 1d100-12 ))
  444. Felix: (( 23))
  445. The Milotic is hit with the Pokéball and absorbed in a flash of brilliant white light!
  446. The ball lands on the soft, sand and shakes back and forth!
  447. Felix: "C'mon... C'mon..."
  448. * Milotic (Special) Within a few moments, the ball whirrs loudly but gives a masterful sounding CLICK as it successfully locks the Pokémon inside!
  449. Within a few moments, the ball whirrs loudly but gives a masterful sounding CLICK as it successfully locks the Pokémon inside!
  450. Ozzie has received initiative.
  451. Theo: (( hurrah! Felix needed some new muscle. ))
  452. Lauren: (( Nicely done! ))
  453. * Ozzie looks at Felix apologetically
  454. Ozzie: ((Wooo! Thanks))
  455. * Geryon walks over to Knight grabbing his hands and spins around in a circle smiling. "Garrrr!"
  456. Theo: "Here, fishy fishy fishy." 12
  457. * Felix smiles "It's alright, I can take a hit!"
  458. * Reaper skids to a halt, no longer hearing the sounds of a struggle. "...scy..."
  459. Lauren: "Hoo... S'okay, Reaper. Next time you'll get 'im."
  460. You whisper to Nick: Milotic is LV18 and knows Twister, Water Pulse, Water Gun, Mud-Slap, Mud Shot and Sand-Attack.
  461. Water/Ground type.
  462. * Knight chuckles as he stops spinning and pats Geryon atop the head.
  463. Theo: "Today's just not my day, is it?"
  464. 1 of each Trainer's Pokémon gain 16 Experience.
  465. Theo: "Hmm... one more time, or call it good..."
  466. Lauren: "Maybe not. But c'mon, boooaaaat."
  467. * Felix returns Ozzie "You tried your best, so don't worry."
  468. Aishen is disconnected.
  469. Aishen is disconnected.
  470. Theo: " more time."
  471. Aishen has connected.
  472. * Theo casts his rod! 7 WORK DAMN YOU!
  473. Theo watches his line sit idle for another 5 minutes.
  474. Theo: And thus, the ocean was added to rivers on Theo's hate list.
  475. Felix: "Catch anything Lauren?"
  476. Lauren: "Yep! Pretty li'l pink fish."
  477. Lauren: "Gorebyss, I think? Didn't get a chance to scan it."
  478. * Geryon grabs Theo's leg, and looks up at him.
  479. Theo: "...I don't think I'm having any luck today."
  480. * Geryon pats Theo's leg and smiles. "Gar!"
  481. * Felix looks deep in thought "I caught something, but I'm not sure what it was..."
  482. Ryan M. Hugley: (( Gimme another roll Theo! ))
  483. Aishen is disconnected.
  484. Theo: "Alright. Last time."
  485. Ryan M. Hugley: (( Add +4 to your roll! ))
  486. Aishen has connected.
  487. Ryan M. Hugley: (( Sheer determination powers your luck! ))
  488. * Theo crosses his fingers as the line is cast. 11
  489. Theo: (( ... ))
  490. Lauren: (( No. ))
  491. Theo: (( it's not enough... ))
  492. Theo: (( wow. ))
  493. Lauren: (( (RNG) No. ))
  494. Ryan M. Hugley: (( That was your second use of Leftovers right? ))
  495. Felix: (( Rolling for fun 9))
  496. Ryan M. Hugley: "Ah, you don't seem to be doing all that well.
  497. Theo: (( and thus, Theo's running gag of getting no success around bodies of water continues. ))
  498. Ryan M. Hugley: "Oi, boy. Why not lend 'em that lure I gave ya. See if it helps?"
  499. * Aishen flies in from across the water. "Are we leaving now?"
  500. Felix: "Want to try it, Theo? It's lucky!"
  501. Ryan M. Hugley: "I'll give ya a hint 'bout the creature!"
  502. Theo: "...alright. But I'm not switching rods."
  503. Ryan M. Hugley: "It looked like a Mermaid."
  504. Theo: "A mermaid?"
  505. Lauren: "What? Those ain't real."
  506. Ryan M. Hugley: "That's what I saw one day on my rod. Looked at me with pure hatred in 'er eyes."
  507. Felix: "Like a mermaid..... the one I caught looked more like the Kraken."
  508. Aishen: "Guys? Aren't we supposed to be doing something?"
  509. Theo: (( Kaorin, I haven't finished my Mermaid Race data yet! XD ))
  510. Theo: "Looks like you mastered flying. Good for you, Aishen!"
  511. * Lauren looks up and waves. "Nice goin'!"
  512. Lauren: *turns back to Theo* "But he does have a point. C'mon - Maybe you'll have more luck fishin' off the back of th' boat, Theo?"
  513. Aishen: "Still practicing... Verin is teaching me."
  514. * Theo sighs. "Maybe you're right."
  515. * Ryan M. Hugley pats Theo's back.
  516. * Felix calls out Milotic
  517. Felix: "Was this the Pokemon you're looking for Mr. Hugley?"
  518. Aishen: "What were you doing anyway?
  519. Ryan M. Hugley: "G'luck sir."
  520. Theo: "Fishing."
  521. Aishen: "Fishing? Like slowpoke?"
  522. Theo: "Sort of."
  523. Aishen: "But you guys don't have tails."
  524. Lauren: "Y-" *sees the Milotic appear* "-...Yow. Well, ain't you just th' prettiest..."
  525. Theo: "That's why we have this." Theo holds up the makeshift rod.
  526. * Aishen sniffs the rod.
  527. Aishen: "I don't get it."
  528. * Ryan M. Hugley blinks at the Milotic a few times.
  529. * Aishen lands beside theo.
  530. Felix: "Fishing is like a battle."
  531. Theo: "Maybe you'll get it if we show you. Felix, do you still have that lure?"
  532. Ryan M. Hugley: "Well, that'd be a mighty rare sight."
  533. Aishen: "Can I try?"
  534. Ryan M. Hugley: "But no, what I was looking for was much smaller and more humanlike in appearance."
  535. * Aishen shoves tail in water.
  536. Felix: "It can be slow, sometimes, but it can be fierce as well."
  537. * Felix sighs, "Sorry I didn't catch it."
  538. * Felix returns Milotic
  539. Theo: "...I'm not so sure that will work, but give it a go."
  540. Ryan M. Hugley: "That's fine, son. I'll just keep at it. See if I get lucky."
  541. * Felix hands Theo the enchanted lure.
  542. Lauren: "Well, that *does* sound like a mermaid. We'll keep an eye out on th' sea."
  543. * Theo attaches the lure to the makeshift rod.
  544. Felix: "Want to exchange numbers in the case I catch it one day?"
  545. Ryan M. Hugley: (( Give me a d20 Aishen. ))
  546. Ryan M. Hugley: "Sounds like a plan, actually!"
  547. Theo: Fishing! 5
  548. Aishen: 6
  549. Felix acquires Ryan M. Hugley's contact number!
  550. Lauren: "Oh, can I get yer number too? I'm keepin' a list."
  551. Felix: (( :3 ))
  552. Ryan M. Hugley: "Yah, sounds fine to me.
  553. Lauren acquires Ryan M. Hugley's contact number!
  554. Felix: "My name is Felix by the way."
  555. Ryan M. Hugley: "Felix, huh? Interestin' name."
  556. * Aishen swishes tail around in the water a bit.
  557. Theo: "This is -supposed- ta be the part where the fish bites..."
  558. Lauren: (*adds to Phonebook* )
  559. Ryan M. Hugley: "You look like you took a few hits since I last saw ya."
  560. Ryan M. Hugley: (( Give me another roll Aishen and Theo! ))
  561. Aishen: "I got nothing Theo. How long is this supposed to take?"
  562. Aishen: 13
  563. Theo: 15
  564. Aishen's tail earns no bites by Theo's line suddenly snags heavily! (Athletics DC 11 instead of 8)
  565. Theo: "If you're lucky, about 5 minutes- hold on! I think I got somethin'!"
  566. * Felix chuckles "It kind of suprised me..."
  567. Theo: "Whoa! It's a big one!"
  568. * Felix gives Theo room.
  569. Ryan M. Hugley: (( Someone else can make the check instead by grabbing the line. ))
  570. Lauren: "...I was tryin' to get us on track..."
  571. * Reaper peeks, interested. Want his help?
  572. Theo: (( you probably should help. Theo's got 2d6+2 ))
  573. * Reaper flies in to help! Mind the sharp bits. 7
  574. Ryan M. Hugley: (( Wow RNG ))
  575. Reaper: (( Dunno if he has any +'s... But yeah, that's poor. ))
  576. Theo: "One! Two! Three! Pull!" 11
  577. Ryan M. Hugley: (( Nope, better at Acrobatics. ))
  578. Ryan M. Hugley: (( ...impressive. ))
  579. Theo: (( woo! ))
  580. * Aishen watches as Theo pulls something out of the water.
  581. Slightly tan arms suddenly flail from the water, gripping the line fiercely but submerging, overpowering Reaper.
  582. But, as Theo suddenly takes hold of his rod he pulls with impressive might, flinging the creature onto land.
  583. Several heart shaped objects spill onto the beach.
  584. Theo: "hnngg...RAAAAAH!"
  585. * Aishen 's tail wiggles in the water.
  586. Theo: 0_0
  587. * Strange Girl falls onto the beach with a loud thud.
  588. * Aishen blinks.
  589. * Felix rubs his eyes "What....?"
  590. * Reaper falls over, overpowered by the huge pull!
  591. Theo: "just..."
  592. Lauren: *blink* "Uhm... Hi?"
  593. Ryan M. Hugley: "Oi! There it is! The...mer...maid?"
  594. Aishen: "That's not a fish. Its a human. Fishing sucks."
  595. Felix: "Are you alright... miss?"
  596. Theo: "This isn't a normal occurence, Aishen."
  597. * Strange Girl rolls over, her skin looking bloated as she coughs up water.
  598. Strange Girl: *cough* *cough* *cough*
  599. Lauren: "Can you breathe?"
  600. * Felix attempts to pick up the woman.
  601. Aishen: "People swim all the time. I seen the professor do it and look."
  602. * Aishen points to swimmer south of the party."
  603. * Tuber waves as he's pointed at.
  604. Theo: "Yes, but they don't usually go after fishing lines."
  605. * Strange Girl wighs 135 lbs
  606. Strange Girl: weighs*
  607. Ryan M. Hugley: "Well, you all seemed to be in a bit of a hurry just a moment ago."
  608. Aishen: "Maybe you just caught her shirt or something."
  609. Felix: ((Power is ?))
  610. Felix: ((5))
  611. Ryan M. Hugley: "I can take the gal to the Pokémon Center to get her looked at."
  612. Aishen whispers: can I roll again now his tails still there
  613. Ryan M. Hugley: (( Your carrying weight should be listed on your sheet. ))
  614. You whisper to Aishen: Go ahead!
  615. Aishen: 11
  616. Aishen's tail still attracts no fish.
  617. Theo: "Yes. Let's do that."
  618. Felix: ((Max Carrying is 180 ))
  619. Ryan M. Hugley: (( You can lift her then. ))
  620. Lauren: "Yeah. Felix, can you carry her?"
  621. Aishen: "Do what? We didn't agree to anything"
  622. Felix: "I can."
  623. Aishen: "Can we leave, please?"
  624. Felix: "She needs help, we can't just leave her."
  625. Lauren: *sigh* "Let's make sure she's safe first. Sorry, hun - I wanna get movin' too..."
  626. Aishen: "That guy said he'd take her."
  627. Ryan M. Hugley: "We can't just leave her no, but, if you guys are in a hurry, I can take her."
  628. Theo: "The safety of others comes before our own wants and desires, Aishen."
  629. * Felix nods "I agree with Theo."
  630. Theo: "Besides, I'm curious what a young girl was doing in the ocean."
  631. Ryan M. Hugley: "Well, let's all go then!"
  632. Aishen: "Fine!"
  633. * Aishen sighs and flies up, back towards the boat.
  634. * Felix carrys mermaid? to Center
  635. Felix: ((*carries))
  636. Lauren: "...*sigh*"
  637. * Theo pauses to pick up the scales left on the beach...
  638. * Lauren follows to the Pokemon Center.
  639. Nurse Joy: "Hello, welcome back Mr.Feli---omgdatsagirlandshelooksdrowned!"
  640. Felix: "Can you help nurse!?"
  641. Theo acquires Heart Scale x7.
  642. Felix: "We pulled her out of the water!"
  643. Nurse Joy: "I'll do what I can! Saki, take her to the ER!"
  644. Joy: "On it, Mum!"
  645. Lauren: "Sorry to keep barging in like this... We gotta come in all normal-like at least once, right? Heh..."
  646. Theo: "With this group? Unlikely."
  647. * Joy shows surprising strength as she takes the Strange Girl from Felix with magnificent ease.
  648. * Joy returns after 20 minutes scratching the back of her head.
  649. Joy: "Well, she's making incredible recovery."
  650. * Felix lets out a sigh of relief.
  651. Theo: "Well, that's good."
  652. Joy: "We don't know who she is though."
  653. Joy: "She's got some pretty odd clothing."
  654. Felix: "No identification?"
  655. Joy: "And no Trainer Identification."
  656. Lauren: (( heh. ))
  657. Joy: "No Pokéballs either. Or anything really."
  658. Theo: "Is she awake?"
  659. Joy: "She's out cold."
  660. Felix: "Um we caught her on a fishing line...."
  661. Lauren: "Did she wash off a ship somewhere, maybe?"
  662. Joy: "A...a fishing line?"
  663. Lauren: "'Cause there's no way she's actually a mermaid."
  664. Ryan M. Hugley: "I can vouche for this. Saw it with me own two eyes."
  665. Felix: "I... still can't believe it..."
  666. Knight: "Gnaa!"
  667. Joy: "We peeled a bunch of scales off of her."
  668. * Knight nods
  669. Theo: "I'm still shocked, and it was my rod."
  670. Joy: "She seemed to do better once they were off. Nearly attached to her skin."
  671. * Geryon spinds around in circles then falls to the floor.
  672. Joy: "Mum says they were probably supporting her oxygen underwater. Encased in a neatly tight bubble."
  673. * Lauren picks Geryon up, and pats her head.
  674. Lauren: "Hunh. Neverh eard of that trick before."
  675. Theo: "A bunch of them went flying when she landed on the beach. They looked like this, right?"
  676. Joy: "But where in Kanto would you find such a collection of Heart Scales...?"
  677. * Theo holds up a heart scale
  678. * Joy nods to Theo.
  679. Theo: "Heart Scale... I think I've heard of that before."
  680. * Geryon nuzzles into Lauren.
  681. Felix: "Heart scales for underwater breathing? This is a dream right?"
  682. Felix: "I'm dreaming aren't I? First the strange pokemon, now a girl, this must be a dream."
  683. Joy: "That's what Mum said. Not sure I believe it but, if you guys did pull her off of a fishing line..."
  684. Theo: "(Says the time traveler)"
  685. Joy: "We're not sure how long she'll be unconscious. She was without oxygen for a very long time and should've drowned long before you found her."
  686. Joy: "She could end up in a coma or just be out for a few days. Though, with her speedy regeneration..."
  687. Lauren: "...Who knows."
  688. Theo: "For the time being, I think she's in the most capable hands I could imagine."
  689. * Felix pinches himself
  690. Ryan M. Hugley: "Oi, this lad here was flyin' earlier."
  691. Lauren: "Yeah."
  692. * Ryan M. Hugley points to Aishen.
  693. Felix: "Yeowch!"
  694. Theo: (( Aishen is at the boat. ))
  695. Ryan M. Hugley: (( Whoop! ))
  696. Aishen: ((its cannon now!))
  697. Lauren: (( indeed. ))
  698. Aishen: "What of it?"
  699. Lauren: (( Cannon! *kerblam* ))
  700. * Felix looks to the group "How long are we staying?"
  701. Ryan M. Hugley: "Seein' this lad flyin' about, I can believe a gal breathin' underwater."
  702. Ryan M. Hugley: "Life's obviously got tricks here an' there."
  703. Lauren: "*I* was hoping we could take off soon. But if we're worried 'bout this lady - an' I think maybe we should be..."
  704. Theo: "We intended ta come back after an adventure anyways. Since she'll be out for a few days, let's leave her with Joy. We can talk with her when we return."
  705. Lauren: "...Nurses, can I get'cher numbers? I'll give you mine. Call us if she wakes up an' needs help."
  706. Joy: "If you want, I can call you when she wakes. She'll have to stay here for a bit to recover."
  707. Theo: "Please do."
  708. Joy: "HAH! Same thinkin'!"
  709. Lauren: ^_^
  710. Lauren acquires Joy (Saki) contact number!
  711. Joy: "I'll call you as soon as she wakes. No worry."
  712. Joy: "Let's just hope you aren't facing something big when I do."
  713. Lauren: (( Joy Saki is the daughter one, or the mother one? I... can't tell them apart. ))
  714. Joy: (( Daughter. ))
  715. Lauren: (( thanks ))
  716. Felix: "I also want to give you my number."
  717. Felix: "It's not everyday we get to talk to a mermaid......"
  718. * Lauren snaps her Pokedex closed, and squoozes Geryon. "We're jus' growin' a stranger crowd by the minute."
  719. * Felix shrugs
  720. Felix acquires Joy (Saki)'s contact number!
  721. Joy: "I'll be sure to call you guys. Don't worry."
  722. Lauren: "Okay."
  723. * Geryon tilts her head and blinks.
  724. Geryon: "Gar?"
  725. Felix: "Alright..."
  726. Lauren: "...So. Anyone wanna see if there're more prolly-not-mermaids out there?"
  727. Theo: "For the time being, let's embark on that quest Lauren recieved."
  728. * Felix bites his lip "Alright."
  729. * Geryon throws her hands up and causes a sandstorm in the center. "Gar!"
  730. * Nurse Joy reaches behind the desk suddenly!
  731. Knight: "Gnaaa! Gaaaa...."
  732. A Psyduck suddenly falls from the ceiling.
  733. * Geryon looks down with a sad expression.
  734. * Knight waves Geryon away.
  735. Lauren: "...gwuh?"
  736. Theo: "Instant Cloud Nine... not bad."
  737. * Psyduck tilts its head and the sandstorm stops raging.
  738. Psyduck: "....Quack?"
  739. * Aishen takes Geryon from Lauren. "I think we should head outside. She's alittle too playful right now."
  740. * Nurse Joy huffs desperately.
  741. Nurse Joy: "T-That...was close..."
  742. Lauren: "Heh. Yeah, let's."
  743. Reaper: "Scy-aye-aye..."
  744. Felix: "Sorry, Nurse Joy."
  745. Theo: "Pardon us." Theo looks at Geryon. "You should say you're sorry."
  746. Lauren: "He's right, li'l lady. C'mon."
  747. Joy: "It's okay! Heeheheheee! I'll give ya a buzz! Enjoy the sealife! Eat yer apples!"
  748. Geryon: "Gaar"
  749. Lauren: "...Good enough. Let's go!"
  750. * Aishen takes of as soon as he leaves the center heading towards the ship.
  751. Theo: "Say, we haven't actually decided on a name for our boat yet, have we?"
  752. Lauren: "Nope! Got any ideas?"
  753. Lauren: "Vetoin' 'Titanic', by the way."
  754. * Lauren recalls Reaper, too.
  755. Theo: A wry grin crosses Theo's face. "How about The Leviathan?"
  756. Felix: "The S.S. Girl from the sea is my vote."
  757. Theo: "I remember a story about a girl from the sea. What was her name? Aerial?"
  758. Lauren: "Hm. Not quite nautical enough. S.S. Sea Lass?"
  759. Lauren: "An yer thinkin' Ariel."
  760. * Whisper crawls up laurens body to sit on her shoulder.
  761. * Lauren starts climbing on board... but not before Whisper clambers up onto her shoulder.
  762. * Theo pulls out the keys and heads to the steering wheel.
  763. Lauren: *keeps Whisper on her shoulder, making sure he doesn't fall off... and giving him a scratch or two.
  764. Joy: (( WHile you guys decide a name, I'll move you to the correct map. ))
  765. Felix: ((BRB))
  766. Lauren: (( Awesome. Getting h2o as well. ))
  767. * Aishen flies aboard followed by his pokemon.
  768. Theo: "Actually, I've got one from an old book I read. How about the SS Fiertia?"
  769. Aishen: ((I has tea!!))
  770. Aishen: ((Oh kao. Me needs more tea too!!))
  771. Joy: (( Okay! ))
  772. * Lauren looks out the windows on the port side. "Phew... Whatever we call 'er, this boat's got a pretty view."
  773. * Aishen lays up against a corner and closes his eyes.
  774. Joy: (( As a reminder: I don't move the boat. You guys do. ))
  775. * Aishen stares at Felix from his corner.
  776. * Lauren lets Theo drive for a while.
  777. Joy: (( You're the boat mover, TBG. ))
  778. Lauren: "So... keep an eye out for a blue-lookin' seashell.
  779. Theo: "Well, there's a blue thing. Looks alive and not very shell-like though."
  780. * Aishen grunts. "It's not a mermaid."
  781. Lauren: "Yep. I think that's a Vaporeon..." *scans it, and the other Pokemon, jsut out of reflex*
  782. Felix: ((Back))
  783. * Aishen continues to stare at Felix.
  784. Joy: (( Want I should drop 'dex entries? ))
  785. Felix: "Thank you for the pokeballs."
  786. * Felix bows slighlty
  787. * Lauren looks out the other side of the boat. "Well, I see somethin' shiny. Not a seashell though.
  788. Aishen: "Huh?"
  789. Theo: (( just say the word if we pass something that interests you. ))
  790. Aishen: "Oh. I couldn't use them anyway. Hopefully they'll be useful."
  791. Lauren: (( Understood. ))
  792. * Felix offers Aishen some Enriched Water "I bought too much, want one?"
  793. Aishen: "Uhh.. Sure."
  794. Lauren: (( Keep going so far? I mean, we might wanna stop off to grab that Razor Claw. ))
  795. Lauren: (( Becuse those are neat. ))
  796. Theo: (( Razor Claw? Where? ))
  797. * Aishen takes the bottle and sips it. "Thanks" ((South))
  798. Lauren: *points* "Starboard side, cap'n. Tharrr be booty."
  799. Felix: ((Does that only work for physical moves?"
  800. Felix: ))
  801. Lauren: "Hehe. Accents are fun."
  802. Theo: "Be we takin' shore leave, Capn'?" Theo grins back.
  803. Joy: (( any damaging move. ))
  804. Lauren: "Jus' for a moment, skipper. Maybe we can get that Claw an' be sailin' afore th' sunset."
  805. * Lauren hooks her finger.
  806. * Aishen looks at the wall.
  807. Theo: "Aye aye! Pulling to starboard! Land ho!"
  808. Felix: ((Nice))
  809. Aishen: "Look. I'm sorry for getting so pissed at you."
  810. Lauren: (( Whoa map pulse. ))
  811. * Exeggcute bears witness to all of you exiting the boat.
  812. Exeggcute: o.O
  813. * Lauren carries Whisper while she fetches the Razor Claw.
  814. Felix: "It's not the first time I've been treated like an outsider."
  815. * Aishen sighs.
  816. Lauren acquires Razor Claw x1.
  817. Felix: ((Gratz))
  818. Aishen: "I ... "
  819. Felix: "I may have some tricks up my sleeve, but I don't think I could ever be able to fly like you can."
  820. Lauren: (( Neat~ Not sure who I'd give this to right now, but it's handy to have. Crit ++, aw yeah. ))
  821. Felix: ((Heh my remoriad has sniper 3x crit))
  822. Lauren: "All right, got it. Don't see anythin' else here, though."
  823. Theo: (( That would be a good pick. ))
  824. * Aishen wings twitch and then lowers.
  825. Aishen: "I still need practice..."
  826. Lauren: (...Could Lauren use Survival or her Scouting Trek Feat to get a better idea of where the Shell might be?)
  827. Theo: "Alright. Back to the boat, ye landlubbers!"
  828. Felix: "Amazing, still."
  829. * Lauren hops back on the boat, Whisper in tow. She missed having a Bug on her shoulder, really.
  830. Aishen: "It is nice, I guess."
  831. Theo: "And if you look to your right, you'll see the local wildlife..."
  832. * Aishen sighs
  833. Exeggcute: (( Lauren can, yes! ))
  834. * Aishen takes a seat back in his corner.
  835. Lauren: (18 Survival! Also, is it valid for me to use Scouting Trek here anyway? It's an Extended Action, I just presume that means "no, not in combat, ya doof.)
  836. Lauren: (( ...kickin' rad roll. ))
  837. You whisper to Mike: Judging based on what you gather by the area...somewhere north. Mostly likely on a beach or in a cave.
  838. Lauren whispers: Gotcha.
  839. Lauren: "it's prolly on a beach, or maybe in a cave. Still, keep an eye out."
  840. Felix: "What are we looking for?"
  841. Theo: "A shell, apparently. Something blue."
  842. Felix: "A blue shell...."
  843. Lauren: "Yep. Not much more to go on than that, but... it's s'posed to be used to summon Arceus."
  844. Lauren: "So I imagine it'll be one *heck* of a shell."
  845. * Felix looks at Lauren in disbelief. "Summon Arceus....?"
  846. Lauren: "Not sure I believe it m'self. But that's what they sent."
  847. * Aishen pets Geryon
  848. * Aishen looks out a window to see a kings rock on the shore.
  849. * Lauren looks out the windows. "Phew. Gettin' crowded... But I see a TM up there."
  850. Theo: "Good eye."
  851. Aishen: "Hey. I have one of those."
  852. * Aishen sends yanma to go get the kings rock.
  853. Theo: "I've been looking for one of those. I hear it can evolve Poliwhirl."
  854. Aishen: "Oh you can have it. As I said. I have one."
  855. Theo: "Thanks! That's mighty kind of ya, Aishen."
  856. Yanma acquires King's Rock x1.
  857. Lauren: "Mmhm. Next one might wanna hang on to for Derp though."
  858. Lauren: "...Wonder how Tobi's restaurant is doin'?"
  859. * Aishen gives Theo the kings Rock.
  860. Aishen: ((Just move verin with the boat. He can be our goldenretriever
  861. Aishen: ((Gave everyone permissions))
  862. * Lauren looks out the starboard side.
  863. Lauren: "Lotsa powerful-lookin' Pokemon there. Gardevoir, Mismagius... if you wanna stop and say h'lo, let th' captain know."
  864. Lauren: "But I don't wanna tangle with 'em without a reason."
  865. * Aishen stands up and looks.
  866. Theo: (( someone mentioned a TM? ))
  867. Aishen: "Think we need to show some force? They may try to stop us."
  868. * Felix drinks an Enriched Water "Man, I was parched."
  869. * Aishen smiles at Felix.
  870. Lauren: (( TM up on the ridge. ))
  871. Theo: (( ah. ))
  872. * Lauren points out the TM to Verin. "Can you fetch that without gettin' into trouble?"
  873. Theo: (( Theo doesn't need any rock moves not named Ancientpower, so you're all welcome to help yourself to them." ))
  874. * Verin makes buzzing noises and moves up and down.
  875. Verin acquires TM x1.
  876. TM39.
  877. Mike is disconnected.
  878. Mike is disconnected.
  879. Theo: (( Oh no! We lost Mike! ))
  880. * Verin gives Lauren the TM!
  881. Theo: (( Fishing Ba- I mean, Berries! ))
  882. Mike has connected.
  883. Felix: ((You've still got my lure if you want to try it.))
  884. Felix: ((Is that a bike?))
  885. Theo: (( looks like it. ))
  886. Lauren: "Is that... a bike?"
  887. Theo: "...I think so?"
  888. Lauren: "...How in tarnashin' did it get out here?"
  889. Felix: "I wonder who it belongs to..."
  890. Aishen: "I'll be back. Getting it for Theo."
  891. Theo: "Wait, for me?"
  892. Theo: "I'm not that slow!"
  893. Theo: "I've been getting better, too!"
  894. Aishen: "Liar!!"
  895. Felix: ((Hey guys there is also some sort of scale on the other side.))
  896. Aishen acquires Bicycle x1.
  897. Aishen: ((OMG he can see through mountains too!!))
  898. Lauren: (( I can't. Also I have an IP conflict going on, so Skype is being weird to me right now. I'll have to reboot my computer or something when I'm done tonight. ))
  899. * Aishen flies in with the bike and props it on the side. "There you go old man."
  900. Felix: ((And A pearl to the right.))
  901. Theo: "Well, if nothing else, maybe we can sell it to get ingredients for food."
  902. Aishen: "I'd rather you have it."
  903. * Aishen snickers.
  904. Lauren: "Hm. Big ol' cave."
  905. Verin acquires Pearl x1.
  906. Lauren: (( o.o $ ))
  907. * Verin drops the pearl
  908. Theo: "Didn't you say caves were a good place to look?"
  909. * Geryon scurries over to pick it up and play with it.
  910. Felix: ((Another TM in the corner up ahead))
  911. Theo: (( I see it. Scald this time. ))
  912. Verin acquires Prism Scale x1.
  913. Felix: ((I wonder if remoraid can learn that...))
  914. Lauren: "Ah did. Wanna stop off an 'take a peek inside?"
  915. Theo: "Sounds like a Treasure Hunt!"
  916. * Geryon opens her mouth and lets out small gouts of flame onto the pearl. (Dragonrage)
  917. * Verin drops off the scale to Theo.
  918. * Theo catches it, then sets it aside on the dashboard.
  919. Mike is disconnected.
  920. Verin acquires TM x1.
  921. TM55.
  922. * Verin drops the TM off to Felix and lands ontop the boat.
  923. Felix: "Thanks."
  924. * Felix pockets TM.
  925. Felix: Felix is healed and gains 30 hit points.
  926. * Theo parks the SS Fiertia next to the beach and shuts off the engine. "All ashore who's going ashore!"
  927. Theo: "Shall we?"
  928. Felix: "Anyone have a lightsource in case it's dark inside?"
  929. Theo: "I have one. Come on out, Pix."
  930. Kaorin Sakura says to the GMs: Map added.
  931. * Pix cackles gleefully, her body shining with light.
  932. Kaorin Sakura says to the GMs: Changes saved.
  933. * Aishen whispers to Theo.
  934. * Theo raises an eyebrow at first, but a look of realization comes over him. He covers his mouth as though trying to stifle a laugh.
  935. * Aishen blinks and looks down embarrased.
  936. Theo: "Well, shall we get going?"
  937. Aishen: "What am I supposed to do about it?"
  938. Theo: "It's natural. Don't worry about it. We may want to have a talk later though..."
  939. Aishen: "Ok..."
  940. * Theo leads the way into the cave...
  941. * Aishen curls his tail around himself.
  942. Felix: Moved token Verin to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -10, Y= 127
  943. Moved token Theo to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 127
  944. Moved token Lauren to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 127
  945. Moved token Felix to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -10, Y= 128
  946. Moved token Jeze to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 128
  947. Moved token Sonneli to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 128
  948. Moved token Aishen to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -10, Y= 126
  949. Moved token Whisper to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 126
  950. Moved token Geryon to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 126
  951. Moved token Mammon to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -10, Y= 127
  952. Moved token Knight to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 127
  953. Moved token Pix to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 127
  954. Verin to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -10, Y= 127
  955. Moved token Theo to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 127
  956. Moved token Lauren to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 127
  957. Moved token Felix to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -10, Y= 128
  958. Moved token Jeze to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 128
  959. Moved token Sonneli to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 128
  960. Moved token Aishen to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -10, Y= 126
  961. Moved token Whisper to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 126
  962. Moved token Geryon to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 126
  963. Moved token Mammon to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -10, Y= 127
  964. Moved token Knight to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 127
  965. Moved token Pix to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 127
  966. to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -10, Y= 127
  967. Moved token Theo to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 127
  968. Moved token Lauren to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 127
  969. Moved token Felix to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -10, Y= 128
  970. Moved token Jeze to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 128
  971. Moved token Sonneli to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 128
  972. Moved token Aishen to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -10, Y= 126
  973. Moved token Whisper to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 126
  974. Moved token Geryon to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 126
  975. Moved token Mammon to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -10, Y= 127
  976. Moved token Knight to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 127
  977. Moved token Pix to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 127
  978. Moved token Theo to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 127
  979. Moved token Lauren to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 127
  980. Moved token Felix to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -10, Y= 128
  981. Moved token Jeze to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 128
  982. Moved token Sonneli to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 128
  983. Moved token Aishen to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -10, Y= 126
  984. Moved token Whisper to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 126
  985. Moved token Geryon to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 126
  986. Moved token Mammon to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -10, Y= 127
  987. Moved token Knight to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 127
  988. Moved token Pix to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 127
  989. Theo to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 127
  990. Moved token Lauren to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 127
  991. Moved token Felix to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -10, Y= 128
  992. Moved token Jeze to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 128
  993. Moved token Sonneli to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 128
  994. Moved token Aishen to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -10, Y= 126
  995. Moved token Whisper to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 126
  996. Moved token Geryon to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 126
  997. Moved token Mammon to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -10, Y= 127
  998. Moved token Knight to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 127
  999. Moved token Pix to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 127
  1000. to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 127
  1001. Moved token Lauren to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 127
  1002. Moved token Felix to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -10, Y= 128
  1003. Moved token Jeze to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 128
  1004. Moved token Sonneli to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 128
  1005. Moved token Aishen to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -10, Y= 126
  1006. Moved token Whisper to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 126
  1007. Moved token Geryon to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 126
  1008. Moved token Mammon to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -10, Y= 127
  1009. Moved token Knight to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 127
  1010. Moved token Pix to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 127
  1011. Moved token Lauren to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 127
  1012. Moved token Felix to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -10, Y= 128
  1013. Moved token Jeze to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 128
  1014. Moved token Sonneli to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 128
  1015. Moved token Aishen to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -10, Y= 126
  1016. Moved token Whisper to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 126
  1017. Moved token Geryon to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 126
  1018. Moved token Mammon to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -10, Y= 127
  1019. Moved token Knight to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 127
  1020. Moved token Pix to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 127
  1021. Lauren to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 127
  1022. Moved token Felix to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -10, Y= 128
  1023. Moved token Jeze to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 128
  1024. Moved token Sonneli to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 128
  1025. Moved token Aishen to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -10, Y= 126
  1026. Moved token Whisper to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 126
  1027. Moved token Geryon to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 126
  1028. Moved token Mammon to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -10, Y= 127
  1029. Moved token Knight to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 127
  1030. Moved token Pix to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 127
  1031. to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 127
  1032. Moved token Felix to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -10, Y= 128
  1033. Moved token Jeze to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 128
  1034. Moved token Sonneli to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 128
  1035. Moved token Aishen to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -10, Y= 126
  1036. Moved token Whisper to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 126
  1037. Moved token Geryon to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 126
  1038. Moved token Mammon to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -10, Y= 127
  1039. Moved token Knight to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 127
  1040. Moved token Pix to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 127
  1041. Moved token Felix to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -10, Y= 128
  1042. Moved token Jeze to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 128
  1043. Moved token Sonneli to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 128
  1044. Moved token Aishen to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -10, Y= 126
  1045. Moved token Whisper to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 126
  1046. Moved token Geryon to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 126
  1047. Moved token Mammon to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -10, Y= 127
  1048. Moved token Knight to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 127
  1049. Moved token Pix to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 127
  1050. Felix to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -10, Y= 128
  1051. Moved token Jeze to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 128
  1052. Moved token Sonneli to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 128
  1053. Moved token Aishen to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -10, Y= 126
  1054. Moved token Whisper to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 126
  1055. Moved token Geryon to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 126
  1056. Moved token Mammon to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -10, Y= 127
  1057. Moved token Knight to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 127
  1058. Moved token Pix to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 127
  1059. to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -10, Y= 128
  1060. Moved token Jeze to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 128
  1061. Moved token Sonneli to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 128
  1062. Moved token Aishen to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -10, Y= 126
  1063. Moved token Whisper to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 126
  1064. Moved token Geryon to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 126
  1065. Moved token Mammon to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -10, Y= 127
  1066. Moved token Knight to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 127
  1067. Moved token Pix to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 127
  1068. Moved token Jeze to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 128
  1069. Moved token Sonneli to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 128
  1070. Moved token Aishen to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -10, Y= 126
  1071. Moved token Whisper to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 126
  1072. Moved token Geryon to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 126
  1073. Moved token Mammon to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -10, Y= 127
  1074. Moved token Knight to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 127
  1075. Moved token Pix to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 127
  1076. Jeze to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 128
  1077. Moved token Sonneli to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 128
  1078. Moved token Aishen to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -10, Y= 126
  1079. Moved token Whisper to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 126
  1080. Moved token Geryon to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 126
  1081. Moved token Mammon to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -10, Y= 127
  1082. Moved token Knight to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 127
  1083. Moved token Pix to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 127
  1084. to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 128
  1085. Moved token Sonneli to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 128
  1086. Moved token Aishen to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -10, Y= 126
  1087. Moved token Whisper to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 126
  1088. Moved token Geryon to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 126
  1089. Moved token Mammon to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -10, Y= 127
  1090. Moved token Knight to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 127
  1091. Moved token Pix to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 127
  1092. Moved token Sonneli to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 128
  1093. Moved token Aishen to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -10, Y= 126
  1094. Moved token Whisper to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 126
  1095. Moved token Geryon to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 126
  1096. Moved token Mammon to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -10, Y= 127
  1097. Moved token Knight to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 127
  1098. Moved token Pix to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 127
  1099. Sonneli to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 128
  1100. Moved token Aishen to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -10, Y= 126
  1101. Moved token Whisper to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 126
  1102. Moved token Geryon to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 126
  1103. Moved token Mammon to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -10, Y= 127
  1104. Moved token Knight to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 127
  1105. Moved token Pix to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 127
  1106. to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 128
  1107. Moved token Aishen to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -10, Y= 126
  1108. Moved token Whisper to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 126
  1109. Moved token Geryon to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 126
  1110. Moved token Mammon to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -10, Y= 127
  1111. Moved token Knight to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 127
  1112. Moved token Pix to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 127
  1113. Moved token Aishen to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -10, Y= 126
  1114. Moved token Whisper to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 126
  1115. Moved token Geryon to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 126
  1116. Moved token Mammon to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -10, Y= 127
  1117. Moved token Knight to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 127
  1118. Moved token Pix to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 127
  1119. Aishen to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -10, Y= 126
  1120. Moved token Whisper to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 126
  1121. Moved token Geryon to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 126
  1122. Moved token Mammon to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -10, Y= 127
  1123. Moved token Knight to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 127
  1124. Moved token Pix to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 127
  1125. to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -10, Y= 126
  1126. Moved token Whisper to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 126
  1127. Moved token Geryon to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 126
  1128. Moved token Mammon to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -10, Y= 127
  1129. Moved token Knight to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 127
  1130. Moved token Pix to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 127
  1131. Moved token Whisper to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 126
  1132. Moved token Geryon to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 126
  1133. Moved token Mammon to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -10, Y= 127
  1134. Moved token Knight to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 127
  1135. Moved token Pix to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 127
  1136. Whisper to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 126
  1137. Moved token Geryon to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 126
  1138. Moved token Mammon to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -10, Y= 127
  1139. Moved token Knight to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 127
  1140. Moved token Pix to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 127
  1141. to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 126
  1142. Moved token Geryon to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 126
  1143. Moved token Mammon to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -10, Y= 127
  1144. Moved token Knight to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 127
  1145. Moved token Pix to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 127
  1146. Moved token Geryon to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 126
  1147. Moved token Mammon to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -10, Y= 127
  1148. Moved token Knight to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 127
  1149. Moved token Pix to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 127
  1150. Geryon to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 126
  1151. Moved token Mammon to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -10, Y= 127
  1152. Moved token Knight to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 127
  1153. Moved token Pix to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 127
  1154. to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 126
  1155. Moved token Mammon to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -10, Y= 127
  1156. Moved token Knight to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 127
  1157. Moved token Pix to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 127
  1158. Moved token Mammon to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -10, Y= 127
  1159. Moved token Knight to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 127
  1160. Moved token Pix to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 127
  1161. Mammon to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -10, Y= 127
  1162. Moved token Knight to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 127
  1163. Moved token Pix to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 127
  1164. to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -10, Y= 127
  1165. Moved token Knight to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 127
  1166. Moved token Pix to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 127
  1167. Moved token Knight to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 127
  1168. Moved token Pix to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 127
  1169. Knight to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 127
  1170. Moved token Pix to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 127
  1171. to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -9, Y= 127
  1172. Moved token Pix to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 127
  1173. Moved token Pix to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 127
  1174. Pix to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 127
  1175. to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -11, Y= 127
  1176. Click to go to Cave 1 (-10,127)
  1177. Felix: Moved token Felix to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -10, Y= 127
  1178. Felix to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -10, Y= 127
  1179. to map: Cave 1; coordinates X= -10, Y= 127
  1180. Click to go to Cave 1 (-10,127)
  1181. Theo: (( I can't see anything. It's pitch black in here. ))
  1182. Felix: (( Hold on, I'll give everyone a minor light source ))
  1183. Aishen: "I.. Go ahead with Pix."
  1184. Theo: (( no, I mean there's nothing on my screen. ))
  1185. Felix: ((I don't think I said that.))
  1186. Aishen: ((Scroll all the way out, you'll see us))
  1187. Mike has connected.
  1188. Theo: (( I got it now. Thanks, Kao! ))
  1189. Mike: (( back! ))
  1190. Mike: (( loading map ))
  1191. Theo: "Left, or right?"
  1192. * Aishen shifts uncomfortably.
  1193. Lauren: "Uh. Hm. Long as we can find out way back, we'll try 'em both eventually, prolly."
  1194. * Lauren flips a coin!
  1195. Lauren: The coin came up HEADS.
  1196. Lauren: "I'm thinkin' straight ahead."
  1197. Theo: "Alright then
  1198. Felix: (( That's just rocky floor (rough terrain) not rocks impeding your path. ))
  1199. Lauren: "Cave-in?"
  1200. Lauren: (( Ah. ))
  1201. * Lauren gingerly steps over the rocks.
  1202. * Theo looks uncomfortable. "I sure hope not..."
  1203. * Mankey 's eyes perk up.
  1204. Theo: "Looks like we're not alone here."
  1205. Mankey: > : O
  1206. * Mankey is getting pumped!
  1207. * Knight walks closer to Felix.
  1208. Theo: "Uh oh. They don't look friendly."
  1209. * Felix sighs
  1210. Lauren: "Shoot. They ain't gonna be talked down, are they."
  1211. * Theo settles into a fighting stance. "Prepare yourselves, everyone!"
  1212. The Mankey seem to effortlessly move over the broken stones.
  1213. Mankey: (( Aaaaaaaaaaand we can cut here actually. ))
  1214. Mankey: (( I'd rather not initiate combat 5 of midnight. ))
  1215. Theo: (( Fair enough. ))
  1216. Lauren: (( Gwaaaaaaah. But yes that's probably a sane idea. ))
  1217. Knight: ((call this a kill box))
  1218. Felix: ((I wonder if Rock Tomb can block them off...))
  1219. Theo: (( oh relax. We have a ghost type and a flying aura user up in front. ))
  1220. Knight: ((No, it dissapears after it hits))
  1221. Felix: ((Ah, drat))
  1222. * Aishen shifts uncomfortably somemore.
  1223. * Lauren sends out Reaper for next time. "Soften 'em up a bit... and let Stephanotis out to learn a bit, maybe."
  1224. Kaorin Sakura: So, lesse. Trainer XP looks like it should be 4 today. You guys did stuff.
  1225. Theo: (( a little zap zap, spear spear, and we'll be fine. ))
  1226. Felix: ((4 Altogether?))
  1227. Kaorin Sakura: (( +4. ))
  1228. Lauren: (( That puts me at lv. 13 xp 0. ))
  1229. Kaorin Sakura: I thought you had 3 XP, Lauren?
  1230. Kaorin Sakura: 12, 3 XP
  1231. Kaorin Sakura: You had 6?
  1232. Aishen: ((We were at 12 6 last session
  1233. Aishen: ((13 now))
  1234. Kaorin Sakura: Gah! No one corrected me!
  1235. Kaorin Sakura: Cool. LV13
  1236. Kaorin Sakura: Saving log and campaign!
  1237. Aishen: ((Didn't know you inquired. time to scale the baddies))
  1238. Theo: (( wait... did we just hit a feature level?" ))
  1239. Kaorin Sakura: Yes
  1240. Lauren: (( Odd levels are Feat *or* Edge. ))
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