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Jul 19th, 2018
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  1. 000000000000aa60 t add_av_option_float
  2. 000000000000ab30 t add_av_option_int
  3. U aout_BitsPerSample
  4. U aout_ChannelExtract
  5. U aout_ChannelReorder
  6. U aout_CheckChannelExtraction
  7. U aout_CheckChannelReorder
  8. U aout_Deinterleave
  9. U aout_FormatPrepare
  10. U aout_Interleave
  11. U __assert_fail@@GLIBC_2.2.5
  12. 0000000000011c60 r audio_codecs
  13. U av_buffer_create@@LIBAVUTIL_55
  14. U av_buffer_unref@@LIBAVUTIL_55
  15. U avcodec_align_dimensions2@@LIBAVCODEC_57
  16. U avcodec_alloc_context3@@LIBAVCODEC_57
  17. U avcodec_close@@LIBAVCODEC_57
  18. U avcodec_decode_subtitle2@@LIBAVCODEC_57
  19. U avcodec_default_get_buffer2@@LIBAVCODEC_57
  20. U avcodec_default_get_format@@LIBAVCODEC_57
  21. U avcodec_fill_audio_frame@@LIBAVCODEC_57
  22. U avcodec_find_decoder_by_name@@LIBAVCODEC_57
  23. U avcodec_find_decoder@@LIBAVCODEC_57
  24. U avcodec_find_encoder_by_name@@LIBAVCODEC_57
  25. U avcodec_find_encoder@@LIBAVCODEC_57
  26. U avcodec_flush_buffers@@LIBAVCODEC_57
  27. U avcodec_free_context@@LIBAVCODEC_57
  28. U avcodec_is_open@@LIBAVCODEC_57
  29. U avcodec_open2@@LIBAVCODEC_57
  30. U avcodec_receive_frame@@LIBAVCODEC_57
  31. U avcodec_receive_packet@@LIBAVCODEC_57
  32. U avcodec_register_all@@LIBAVCODEC_57
  33. U avcodec_send_frame@@LIBAVCODEC_57
  34. U avcodec_send_packet@@LIBAVCODEC_57
  35. U av_codec_set_pkt_timebase@@LIBAVCODEC_57
  36. U av_dict_free@@LIBAVUTIL_55
  37. U av_dict_get@@LIBAVUTIL_55
  38. U av_dict_set@@LIBAVUTIL_55
  39. U av_find_nearest_q_idx@@LIBAVUTIL_55
  40. U av_frame_alloc@@LIBAVUTIL_55
  41. U av_frame_free@@LIBAVUTIL_55
  42. U av_frame_get_side_data@@LIBAVUTIL_55
  43. U av_frame_make_writable@@LIBAVUTIL_55
  44. U av_frame_unref@@LIBAVUTIL_55
  45. U av_free@@LIBAVUTIL_55
  46. U av_get_cpu_flags@@LIBAVUTIL_55
  47. U av_get_default_channel_layout@@LIBAVUTIL_55
  48. U av_get_pix_fmt_name@@LIBAVUTIL_55
  49. U av_get_sample_fmt_name@@LIBAVUTIL_55
  50. U av_init_packet@@LIBAVCODEC_57
  51. U av_log_set_level@@LIBAVUTIL_55
  52. U av_malloc@@LIBAVUTIL_55
  53. U av_packet_new_side_data@@LIBAVCODEC_57
  54. U av_packet_unref@@LIBAVCODEC_57
  55. U av_pix_fmt_desc_get@@LIBAVUTIL_55
  56. U av_reduce@@LIBAVUTIL_55
  57. U av_sample_fmt_is_planar@@LIBAVUTIL_55
  58. U av_samples_get_buffer_size@@LIBAVUTIL_55
  59. U avsubtitle_free@@LIBAVCODEC_57
  60. U block_Alloc
  61. U block_Init
  62. U block_Realloc
  63. 0000000000214360 b __bss_start
  64. U calloc@@GLIBC_2.2.5
  65. 0000000000011a40 r channel_mask
  66. 0000000000012520 r chroma_table
  67. 0000000000214360 b completed.7696
  68. U config_ChainParse
  69. U config_ChainParseOptions
  70. w __cxa_finalize@@GLIBC_2.2.5
  71. U date_Change
  72. U date_Decrement
  73. U date_Get
  74. U date_Increment
  75. U date_Init
  76. U date_Set
  77. 00000000000074c0 t DecodeAudio
  78. U decoder_AbortPictures
  79. U decoder_GetDisplayDate
  80. U decoder_NewSubpicture
  81. 00000000000063e0 t DecodeSubtitle
  82. 00000000000044d0 t DecodeVideo
  83. 0000000000002b90 t deregister_tm_clones
  84. 0000000000002c20 t __do_global_dtors_aux
  85. 0000000000213c18 t __do_global_dtors_aux_fini_array_entry
  86. 0000000000214358 d __dso_handle
  87. 0000000000213db0 d _DYNAMIC
  88. 0000000000214360 d _edata
  89. 0000000000213c40 d enc_hq_list
  90. 0000000000213c20 d enc_hq_list_text
  91. 000000000000ae70 t EncodeAudio
  92. 000000000000abf0 t encode_avframe.isra.2
  93. 000000000000b510 t EncodeVideo
  94. 0000000000214368 b _end
  95. 0000000000007f00 t EndAudioDec
  96. 0000000000006c80 t EndSubtitleDec
  97. 0000000000006300 t EndVideoDec
  98. 000000000000e040 t EndVideoEnc
  99. U es_format_Clean
  100. U es_format_Init
  101. 000000000000f220 r fcc.14785
  102. 000000000000a4a0 t ffmpeg_AllocContext
  103. 0000000000003f70 t ffmpeg_GetFormat
  104. 0000000000003170 t ffmpeg_InitCodec
  105. 000000000000a800 t ffmpeg_OpenCodec
  106. 000000000000e5b0 t FindFfmpegChroma
  107. 000000000000e4f0 t FindVlcChroma
  108. 000000000000e610 t _fini
  109. 0000000000002c70 t Flush
  110. 00000000000063d0 t Flush
  111. 0000000000006cd0 t Flush
  112. 0000000000002c60 t frame_dummy
  113. 0000000000213c10 t __frame_dummy_init_array_entry
  114. 0000000000013c08 r __FRAME_END__
  115. 0000000000010fc0 r frame_skip_list
  116. 0000000000213ca0 d frame_skip_list_text
  117. U free@@GLIBC_2.2.5
  118. 0000000000010f70 r __func__.14429
  119. 000000000000f0c0 r __func__.14484
  120. 000000000000f090 r __func__.14513
  121. 0000000000010f80 r __func__.14535
  122. 0000000000010f50 r __func__.14547
  123. 000000000000f080 r __func__.14556
  124. 000000000000f268 r __func__.14705
  125. 000000000000f2f0 r __func__.14755
  126. 000000000000f250 r __func__.14800
  127. 000000000000ecf0 r __func__.14944
  128. 0000000000011840 r __func__.14972
  129. 000000000000ecd0 r __func__.14992
  130. 000000000000ebf0 r __func__.15013
  131. 000000000000ed68 r __func__.15030
  132. 000000000000ed40 r __func__.15096
  133. 0000000000011820 r __func__.15111
  134. 00000000000117e0 r __func__.15121
  135. 0000000000011800 r __func__.15129
  136. 00000000000118f0 r __func__.15141
  137. 000000000000ecb0 r __func__.15150
  138. 000000000000ec50 r __func__.15169
  139. 000000000000ec30 r __func__.15212
  140. 0000000000011850 r __func__.15224
  141. 0000000000011870 r __func__.15232
  142. 0000000000011860 r __func__.15244
  143. 0000000000011880 r __func__.15263
  144. 0000000000011898 r __func__.15275
  145. 000000000000e470 t GetFfmpegChroma
  146. 000000000000e0a0 t GetFfmpegCodec
  147. 0000000000008100 t GetVlcAudioFormat
  148. 000000000000e530 t GetVlcChroma
  149. 000000000000e2e0 t GetVlcFourcc
  150. 0000000000214000 d _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_
  151. w __gmon_start__
  152. 0000000000012bb0 r __GNU_EH_FRAME_HDR
  153. 000000000000ec18 r hwfmts.15220
  154. 00000000000024d0 t _init
  155. 0000000000007f50 t InitAudioDec
  156. 0000000000007300 t InitDecoderConfig.isra.0
  157. 00000000000068e0 t InitSubtitleDec
  158. 0000000000005ae0 t InitVideoDec
  159. 000000000000b920 t InitVideoEnc
  160. w _ITM_deregisterTMCloneTable
  161. w _ITM_registerTMCloneTable
  162. 00000000000038d0 t lavc_GetFrame
  163. 0000000000002d00 t lavc_GetVideoFormat
  164. 0000000000002cf0 t lavc_ReleaseFrame
  165. 00000000000036b0 t lavc_UpdateVideoFormat
  166. U malloc@@GLIBC_2.2.5
  167. U mdate
  168. U memcpy@@GLIBC_2.14
  169. U memmove@@GLIBC_2.2.5
  170. U memset@@GLIBC_2.2.5
  171. 0000000000011a00 r mpa_bitrate_tab
  172. 0000000000011980 r mpeg4_default_intra_matrix
  173. 0000000000011900 r mpeg4_default_non_intra_matrix
  174. 0000000000010fa0 r nloopf_list
  175. 0000000000213c60 d nloopf_list_text
  176. 0000000000006d40 t OpenAudioCodec
  177. 00000000000032e0 t OpenVideoCodec
  178. 000000000000f300 r pi_channels_map
  179. 0000000000011aa0 r pi_channels_map
  180. U picture_Clone
  181. U picture_Hold
  182. U picture_Release
  183. 000000000000f278 r p_pattern.14694
  184. 0000000000213ce0 d ppsz_enc_options
  185. 000000000000ed10 r __PRETTY_FUNCTION__.10588
  186. 000000000000ed50 r __PRETTY_FUNCTION__.10599
  187. 000000000000f0a0 r __PRETTY_FUNCTION__.10614
  188. 000000000000f280 r __PRETTY_FUNCTION__.10817
  189. 000000000000f2c0 r __PRETTY_FUNCTION__.10826
  190. 000000000000f060 r __PRETTY_FUNCTION__.14533
  191. 000000000000f2a0 r __PRETTY_FUNCTION__.14718
  192. 000000000000f2e0 r __PRETTY_FUNCTION__.14760
  193. 000000000000ed30 r __PRETTY_FUNCTION__.15106
  194. 000000000000ec90 r __PRETTY_FUNCTION__.15151
  195. 000000000000ec70 r __PRETTY_FUNCTION__.15163
  196. 000000000000ec00 r __PRETTY_FUNCTION__.15230
  197. 0000000000002bd0 t register_tm_clones
  198. 0000000000006e40 t SetupOutputFormat
  199. U __snprintf_chk@@GLIBC_2.3.4
  200. 0000000000011c20 r spu_codecs
  201. U __stack_chk_fail@@GLIBC_2.4
  202. U strncmp@@GLIBC_2.2.5
  203. U subpicture_region_New
  204. 0000000000214360 d __TMC_END__
  205. 00000000000118c0 r types.15186
  206. U var_Create
  207. U var_GetChecked
  208. U var_Inherit
  209. 0000000000011fc0 r video_codecs
  210. 0000000000006d20 t vlc_av_frame_Release
  211. 000000000000aa40 t vlc_av_packet_Release
  212. U vlc_dialog_display_error
  213. 00000000000083a0 T vlc_entry__3_0_0f
  214. 000000000000a480 T vlc_entry_copyright__3_0_0f
  215. 000000000000a490 T vlc_entry_license__3_0_0f
  216. U vlc_fourcc_GetCodec
  217. U vlc_fourcc_GetDescription
  218. U vlc_GetCPUCount
  219. U vlc_gettext
  220. U vlc_global_mutex
  221. U vlc_Log
  222. U vlc_module_load
  223. 0000000000010f98 r vlc_module_name
  224. U vlc_module_unload
  225. U vlc_object_create
  226. U vlc_object_release
  227. U vlc_sem_destroy
  228. U vlc_sem_init
  229. U vlc_sem_post
  230. U vlc_sem_wait
  231. 0000000000008370 t vlc_va_Delete
  232. 0000000000008230 t vlc_va_GetChroma
  233. 00000000000082f0 t vlc_va_New
  234. 0000000000008120 t vlc_va_Start
  235. 00000000000081e0 t vlc_va_Stop
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