

Sep 12th, 2012
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  1. Base: Deck of Cards- To the style of Gambit
  3. Mods:
  4. Cards + FirePoker = Texas Hold'em
  5. Trick: When lands, releases a flare of fire on impact
  7. Cards + Magnet + Fish hook = Go Fish
  8. Trick: Pulls enemies toward the card thrown, making them easier to hit by allies. "Shooting fish in a Barrel"
  10. Cards + Syringe = Black Jack
  11. Trick: Saps health on impact, longer its on the more it saps.
  13. Ultimate Weapon: Cards + Notebook Laptop + Full bag of DnD dice= "----"
  14. Explanation:
  15. Tribal Shaman: I..have an idea for a strife Specibus
  16. Tribal Shaman: It involves a deck of cards
  17. Tribal Shaman: Basically its...gog how do I explain this.
  18. Tribal Shaman: You can make other weapons from the cards. Make a suit sword or the like. They could also be used for aoe. Pull a Diamond card, get a shield with the number telling you the strength. Clubs give you a heavy weapon that spawns from the card, number is the strength. Heart heals, number is how strong it is and Spades sends a spear at you. How many speaks depends on number
  19. Tribal Shaman: Kings, Queens and Jacks are special tho as they are "face cards". They come out as a actual fighter, so think "summon". Each suit has a purpose. Heart heals, Diamond protects and both Spade and Club attack.
  20. Tribal Shaman: Then the joker cards. They...are very special. When these are used you never know what will happen. There are two jokers. The White and The Black. Black will do something that would scare, hurt or force back. White would reveal something about either the player or the opponent, freeze people in spot or draw things forward. What they do is up to them, so its a gamble when you draw the card
  21. Tribal Shaman: Now here is the catch. You can't just pick a card. You have to use what you draw unless yu want a suit weapon like a sword.
  22. Tribal Shaman: Not using a card you draw would mean if goes back into the deck. So you can't save up heal cards. Its a use it or hope you get it again kind of thing.
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