
TSW Script - Bank Heist

Jan 22nd, 2017
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  1. This series of pastes is annoying because, for some unknown reason, it won't work all as one long script. Oddly, longer scripts work fine! Weird, huh?
  3. Anyway, you will need to make 4 files, called Bank1, Bank2, Bank3, and Bank4 in your TSW Scripts folder..
  5. Paste the following lines into /Bank1:
  6. <FONT COLOR=#0EC1A0 FACE=LARGE_BOLD>Bank Heist tips</FONT> <a href="text://<div align=center><FONT face=HEADLINE color=#ffd001><BR>How to get your Moonwalk Pro</FONT><BR><FONT face=LARGE color=#ffd001>Part 1</FONT><BR><FONT face=Large color=#D565F8>Link to script in Part 4</FONT></div><BR><BR><FONT face=Large>The Bank Heist is one of the more poorly understood missions in the game. This guide will help you complete it without trouble. Read this entire script so you have an understanding of the sequence of events as timing is key to exiting the vault without being seen. The important part is to take things slowly, watching carefully where you are in order to avoid detection. When you're in a safe spot, take a moment to relax and breathe. It is also highly advisable to disable active dodge and not use sprint in order to avoid accidentally going too far or dodging at the wrong time.<BR><BR>Once you understand what to do, it's best to keep the Dances portion of this script open in order to click the dance emotes. This is much quicker than using the slash commands and avoids any mis-keys. Another tip is anytime you have to use the Scan ID on the Droid arm, you do not have to actually use the scanner first. If you're close enough and aiming at the scanner, it will work. This is a critical time saving thing. You should also disable the lasers on your way in. The droid ahead of you when you do so will not see you but it helps ensure you don't make a simple mistake later.<BR><BR>First, follow the TSWDB walk-through to get inside up to the point where you open the hallway with the hovering orb drones in it. As you open the door, make sure you're just to the left of it. Without actually moving, turn the camera so you can see the drones. Now click the one on the left, closest to you, to target it. This will allow you to easily see whether it is moving toward you or away from you. Wait until it starts moving away, then go into the hall, hit Scan ID and enter the next doorway."><FONT color=#999999>(<u>Part 1</u>)</FONT></a>
  7. Stop /Bank1 above this line
  9. Paste the following lines into /Bank2:
  10. <FONT COLOR=#0EC1A0 FACE=LARGE_BOLD>Bank Heist tips </FONT><a href="text://<div align=center><FONT face=HEADLINE color=#ffd001><BR>How to get your Moonwalk Pro</FONT><BR><FONT face=LARGE color=#ffd001>Part 2</FONT><BR><FONT face=Large color=#D565F8>Link to script in Part 4</FONT></div><BR><BR><FONT face=Large>Place the C4 and move away from the wall immediately. As you look inside, you'll see 4 bins of money with the orb droids on top of each (the droids look scary but they will not see you as long as you do not jump up on the bins). To have this part make sense without a screen-shot, we need to establish which of the bins that is which. As we look into the vault from the previous room, you will see two bins directly in front of you. We will call the one closest to you and on the left Bin 1. The next one in and also on the left will be Bin 2.<BR><BR>Now head inside and hug the walls to get to the computer. Turn on Sprint for this next part. Enter the box # and password into the computer then quickly get the envelope from the box. Once that is done, move immediately between Bin 1 and Bin 2, facing the blown up vault wall. Stand exactly against the middle of Bin 1, facing the rubble and watch 3 droids run in. One of the droids will pass you on your right. As soon as it passes, immediately move around the right of Bin 1 and out into the next room. As soon as you're in the room, turn off Sprint again. Get into the little nook by the door so you are not IN the doorway but right next to it up against the shelving. You are now safe for the moment.<BR><BR>You should still have the orb droid targeted from before. If not, carefully move the camera as before. When you can see the one that we had targeted before, target it if need be, then watch for it to pass is on the far side of the hall, click it to target it so you may more easily see it. As soon as it starts away from the door, you will be just fine to exit the room, head left out he door then right out the second door. Once you've done so, relax a moment and re-orient yourself. Getting out is not that difficult but you need to use a slightly different sequence from getting in. It is this that trips folks up more than anything else, I suspect.</FONT>"><FONT color=#999999>(<u>Part 2</u>)</FONT></a>
  11. Stop /Bank2 above this line
  13. Paste the following lines into /Bank3:
  14. <FONT COLOR=#0EC1A0 FACE=LARGE_BOLD>Bank Heist tips </FONT><a href="text://<div align=center><FONT face=HEADLINE color=#ffd001><BR>How to get your Moonwalk Pro</FONT><BR><FONT face=LARGE color=#ffd001>Part 3</FONT><BR><FONT face=LARGE color=#D565F8>Link to script in Part 4</FONT></div><BR><BR><FONT face=LARGE>When you're ready, move up to the stacked boxes and carefully edge up to side of the door. Be careful; this droid can see you in the doorway so you need to reboot him. If you stand with your right side against the edge of the stacked boxes, facing North, then move forward to the wall, you can reboot him quite easily. You won't hear him say he's rebooting, but you can see the text prompt and if you're camera is adjusted right you can see that he is rebooting. Once that's the case, with Sprint turned off, walk through the door and move to the right against the wall. Remember to avoid the pressure plates. This droid cannot see you in the dark stripe along the wall, though he can if you move too far to the left. Carefully moonwalk your way North until you are against the beam then very carefully turn yourself around. When the Reboot command is ready, tag him again and reboot him one more time then move by him.<BR><BR>This next bit is the trickiest part because it's different than when we came in. As you move North past the previous Droid, notice the metalwork along the left wall. The patrolling droid ahead cannot see you if you stay beside it. I like to move North to the farthest East-West line on the floor that's not past the metalwork. Now you need to tag the patrolling droid and tell him to move against the right wall. You should be able to do this without moving but if you wish, tag him as he moves away from you, move forward slightly, and then target the corner to the right ahead of you. Move back once you have done so and he will not see you. Now move forward, carefully, and tag the droid standing there looking East. Reboot him then move to the far right and head forward. Move past the beam carefully and keep going forward, as close to the wall as you can get, then stop in the corner.</FONT>"<FONT color=#999999>(<u>Part 3</u>)</FONT></a>
  15. Stop /Bank3 above this line
  17. Paste the following lines into /Bank4:
  18. <FONT COLOR=#0EC1A0 FACE=LARGE_BOLD>Bank Heist tips </font><a href="text://<div align=center><font face=HEADLINE color=#ffd001><BR>How to get your Moonwalk Pro</FONT><BR><FONT face=LARGE color=#ffd001>Part 4</font><BR><BR><font face=Large color=#D565F8>Get this script at</FONT> <font face=Large color=#D4A017></font></div><BR><BR><font face=Large>This next droid will have to be reset but your timer still has 20 seconds or so remaining on it, most likely, so relax for a bit. When ready, reset him and again move through the doors then head to the right being careful to avoid the pressure plates. Once you're ready, keep your left side to the wall and moonwalk East. Veer slightly to the North and make sure you're completely off these plates before proceeding. Once you are, turn around and breathe for a few moments.<BR><BR>This next droid is easy. Reboot him when ready, move past him, and double check that the laser scanner will not light up when clicked. If it does, Scan the ID on it to disable the lasers. Move into the elevator and pause before pressing to go up. You're almost there but you have one last droid to get past. When you're ready, press the 2 button then move to the far left of the elevator with your back to the wall. Move the camera so you can see out when the doors open. If your path is clear, move forward into the room ahead of you. Stand to the right of the door and carefully peek out. Wait until the patrolling droid walks toward you and stops. When he does, reboot him then move to the hallway where you will find a goon awaiting you.<BR><BR></div><div><font face=Large>If you've done everything properly, you will get your achievement and the Moonwalk Pro dance emote. Congratulations! Now you can go back down for the lore referenced in the TSWDB walk-through! :P</font>"<font color=#999999>(<u>Part 4</u>)</font></a>
  19. &nbsp;&nbsp;- <a style="text-decoration:none" href="text://<div><font face=HUGE color=#ff9933>Dances</font><BR><BR><font face=huge><a href=chatcmd:///cartwheel>Cart Wheel</a><BR><BR><a href=chatcmd:///moonwalk>Moonwalk</a>"><font color=#ff1a1a><u>Needed Dance Emotes</u></font></a>
  20. Stop /Bank4 above this line
  22. You're all set. I will be updating this with how to get the lore farther in later.
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