

Sep 7th, 2011
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  1. [12:21] == ChanServ changed the topic of #wikia-runescape to: The RuneScape Wiki: | Channel rules and IRC help at | Help fight vandalism in #cvn-wikia-runescape | Joeytje50 FAILS EPICLY <-- Joelthefrog1
  2. ---other chat---
  3. [12:51] <Joeytje50> so
  4. [12:51] <Joeytje50> someone
  5. [12:51] <Joeytje50> clear topic
  6. [12:51] <Joeytje50> _2
  7. [12:51] <Joeytje50> kthxbai
  8. [12:51] <@sentra246> but you do
  9. [12:51] <@sentra246> brains: Don't listen to him
  10. [12:52] <Joeytje50> >_>
  11. [12:52] <Joeytje50> _2: just do plz
  12. [12:53] <@_2> what
  13. [12:53] <@_2> what happened
  14. [12:53] <Joeytje50> rmv thingy from topic
  15. [12:53] <Joeytje50> plz
  16. [12:53] <@_2> i was playing COD6
  17. [12:53] <@_2> =D
  18. [12:53] <Joeytje50> ya
  19. [12:53] <Joeytje50> becuz of that
  20. [12:53] == _2 changed the topic of #wikia-runescape to: The RuneScape Wiki: | Channel rules and IRC help at | Help fight vandalism in #cvn-wikia-runescape | Joeytje50 FAILS EPICLY <-- Joelthefrog1 | agreed
  21. [12:53] <Joelthefrog1> lol
  22. [12:53] <Joeytje50> u has honor to remoov taht
  23. [12:54] <@_2> * _2 has changed the topic to: The RuneScape Wiki: | Channel rules and IRC help at | Help fight vandalism in #cvn-wikia-runescape | Joeytje50 FAILS EPICLY <-- Joelthefrog1 | agreed
  24. [12:54] <@_2> id rather do that
  25. [12:54] <@sentra246> john clarke is good
  26. [12:55] <Joeytje50> but now plz just clear it
  27. [12:55] <Joeytje50> I gtg
  28. [12:55] <Joeytje50> and I don't like that being in the topic all day
  29. [12:55] <Joeytje50> and when I come back you will probably be gone already
  30. [12:55] == Richard| [~Richard@unaffiliated/richard/x-4590658] has joined #wikia-runescape
  31. [12:55] <@sentra246> then get someone else to remove it
  32. [12:55] <Joeytje50> so please just change it to something about sentra failing because that's more true
  33. [12:56] <Joeytje50> seriously
  34. [12:56] <Joeytje50> get it off
  35. [12:56] <Joelthefrog1> ...
  36. [12:56] <@sentra246> someone is jelly of my humour
  37. [12:56] <Joelthefrog1> [[Quest hall]]
  38. [12:56] <bullbot>
  39. [12:56] <Joeytje50> [12:56] <Joeytje50> seriously [12:56] <Joeytje50> get it off
  40. [12:56] <@sentra246> thats what she said
  41. [12:56] <Joelthefrog1> [11:56] <Joeytje50> [12:56] <Joeytje50> seriously [12:56] <Joeytje50> get it off
  42. [12:57] <@sentra246> <Joelthefrog1> [11:56] <Joeytje50> [12:56] <Joeytje50> seriously [12:56] <Joeytje50> get it off
  43. [12:57] <Joelthefrog1> [11:57] <@sentra246> <Joelthefrog1> [11:56] <Joeytje50> [12:56] <Joeytje50> seriously [12:56] <Joeytje50> get it off
  44. [12:57] <@sentra246> <Joelthefrog1> [11:57] <@sentra246> <Joelthefrog1> [11:56] <Joeytje50> [12:56] <Joeytje50> seriously [12:56] <Joeytje50> get it off
  45. [12:57] <Joeytje50> just get it off now
  46. [12:57] <Joelthefrog1> [11:57] <@sentra246> <Joelthefrog1> [11:57] <@sentra246> <Joelthefrog1> [11:56] <Joeytje50> [12:56] <Joeytje50> seriously [12:56] <Joeytje50> get it off
  47. [12:57] <@sentra246> <Joelthefrog1> [11:57] <@sentra246> <Joelthefrog1> [11:57] <@sentra246> <Joelthefrog1> [11:56] <Joeytje50> [12:56] <Joeytje50> seriously [12:56] <Joeytje50> get it off
  48. [12:58] <Joeytje50> noq
  49. [12:58] <Joelthefrog1> [11:58] <@sentra246> <Joelthefrog1> [11:57] <@sentra246> <Joelthefrog1> [11:57] <@sentra246> <Joelthefrog1> [11:56] <Joeytje50> [12:56] <Joeytje50> seriously [12:56] <Joeytje50> get it off
  50. [12:58] <Joeytje50> now*
  51. [12:58] == _2 changed the topic of #wikia-runescape to: The RuneScape Wiki: | Channel rules and IRC help at | Help fight vandalism in #cvn-wikia-runescape | Joeytje50 FAILS EPICLY <-- Joelthefrog1 | agreed | dont forget sentra fails as well
  52. [12:58] <Joelthefrog1> lol
  53. [12:58] <@sentra246> <Joelthefrog1> [11:58] <@sentra246> <Joelthefrog1> [11:57] <@sentra246> <Joelthefrog1> [11:57] <@sentra246> <Joelthefrog1> [11:56] <Joeytje50> [12:56] <Joeytje50> seriously [12:56] <Joeytje50> get it off
  54. [12:58] <@_2> wath
  55. [12:58] <Joelthefrog1> [11:58] <@sentra246> <Joelthefrog1> [11:58] <@sentra246> <Joelthefrog1> [11:57] <@sentra246> <Joelthefrog1> [11:57] <@sentra246> <Joelthefrog1> [11:56] <Joeytje50> [12:56] <Joeytje50> seriously [12:56] <Joeytje50> get it off
  56. [12:58] <@sentra246> Joelthefrog1> [11:58] <@sentra246> <Joelthefrog1> [11:58] <@sentra246> <Joelthefrog1> [11:57] <@sentra246> <Joelthefrog1> [11:57] <@sentra246> <Joelthefrog1> [11:56] <Joeytje50> [12:56] <Joeytje50> seriously [12:56] <Joeytje50> get it off
  57. [12:58] <Joelthefrog1> [11:58] <@sentra246> Joelthefrog1> [11:58] <@sentra246> <Joelthefrog1> [11:58] <@sentra246> <Joelthefrog1> [11:57] <@sentra246> <Joelthefrog1> [11:57] <@sentra246> <Joelthefrog1> [11:56] <Joeytje50> [12:56] <Joeytje50> seriously [12:56] <Joeytje50> get it off
  58. [12:58] <Joeytje50> get it off now
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