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Oct 2nd, 2018
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  1. Notes: Kill any security (20) Handlers (10), Hazards (5). This will happen naturally, there’s tons of them
  2. Kill Enemies along the way (need 1000)1
  4. Prologue:
  5. Use Elbow Drop on enemies in Container (25 PP per kill, no weapons inside container)
  6. RT+X while jumping
  7. Use Elbow Drop to escape container
  8. Pick up brick
  9. Kill Mercenary
  10. Pick up AR
  11. Shoot Security Camera near door (1/47)
  12. Enter
  13. Kill Mercs in here
  14. Take AR’s
  15. Take Orange Juice
  16. Exit to Loading Bay
  18. Route 1: - Case Stuff
  19. Get Crowbar if needed on stairs
  20. Kill 2 Handlers (2/10)
  21. Pick up their Electric Prods (x2)
  22. Run to maintenance room
  23. Make a Hail Mary
  24. Throw into Storage Bay or wherever has densest location of zombies, purely for PP gains and its on the way
  25. Enter Storage Bay
  26. Turn right, take picture of PP Sticker (1/10) sign
  27. Head up to Security Outpost
  28. Shoot Camera by Door (2/47)
  29. Wrap Around and shoot other Camera by door (3/47)
  30. Enter
  31. Kill Security here (2/20)
  32. Pick up AR
  33. Head out back
  34. Shoot Security Cameras here (2, above door ahead, above door standing in, 4/47. 5/47)
  35. Head back inside
  36. Restock in room, AR and electric prod
  37. Healing items if needed
  38. Enter codes at computer
  39. PP Sticker on map in lounge area (2/10)
  40. Exit Outpost, head downstairs.
  41. Shoot Security Cameras in nearby holding pens on way to Maintenance Room (4 total: 9/47)
  42. Make a Zap N Shine (Prod + Floor uffer) (1/7)
  43. Wide Arc, Hang right, take out security camera in room on way to labs (10/47)
  44. Zone into Labs
  45. Turn around and shoot Camera behind you (11/47)
  46. Move forward, kill security and handler (refresh AR and grab prod)
  47. Shoot camera above underground entrance (12/47)
  48. Shoot Camera above door to labs (13/47)
  49. Enter labs, turn right head towards Cafeteria
  50. Shoot Camera above cafeteria (14/47)
  51. Head through Cafeteria
  53. Can grab flashlight and gems from the sex room on way to server room (left side)
  54. Cross to right side, take picture of teh Zombrex PP sticker (3/10)
  55. Head upstairs on right side near server room
  56. Enter room, take photo of Confederate Flag PP Sticker (4/10)
  57. Shoot security camera above door to security outpost (15/47)
  58. Shoot security camera above server room door (16/47)
  59. Kill resistance, enter server room
  60. Shoot security camera on right side (17/47)
  61. Enter codes
  62. Shoot security camera on way out of server room (18/47)
  63. Get up to racks and get frequency gun
  64. Head to maintenance room
  65. Make a reaper (1/7 combo weapons)
  66. If you have them, make a light saber (flashlight/gems) and then a lightning gun (⅔ prod + bfg)
  67. If you made those, make a laser gun (light saber + lightning gun) (3/7 combo weapons)
  68. Head out, and up stairs on right side
  69. Take picture of Tiki Statue PP Sticker (5/10)
  71. Back track, kill zombies on way back using Laser Gun in large groups
  72. Follow marker towards Shipping Office.
  73. Inside, head right, and clear cameras on right side (4 total, 22/47)
  74. At maintenance room, impact hammer+fg (4/7)
  75. Follow the wall and destroy cameras on way to shipping office (6 total, 28/47)
  76. Kill any handlers you see, restock prods
  77. Take photo of PP sticker on blue cargo container (if missed earlier 6/10)
  78. Head upstairs into Shipping Office
  79. Save.
  80. Map Recaps (in video, check off what we accomplished for PP stickers and cameras)
  82. Route 2: - Save Survivors
  83. Head downstairs, make hail mary
  84. Use it immediately on enemies near
  85. Run to Hernando near crates
  86. Clear enemies, rescue him
  87. Search for Lisa start
  88. Pick up AR if needed on container
  89. Head to maintenance room
  90. Make Zap N Shine (Floor uffer and prod)
  91. Use it until it gone
  92. Zone into Research Las
  93. Head to Cafeteria, find note in kitchen
  94. Enter living quarters
  96. Head to maintenance room
  97. Pick up Flashlight and Gems on left in sex room
  98. Pick up frequency gun from server room
  99. Make lightning gun, and laser gun
  100. Make a reaper
  102. Head to second level, enter door to Security Outpost
  103. Run through security outpost, kill security
  104. Get AR if needed
  105. Get PROD (needed)
  106. Head to center
  107. Kill Security here
  108. Shoot Cameras around outside (4, 32/47)
  109. Shoot camera across room (north, 33/47)
  110. Find note to return to Living Quarters
  111. Head there now, restock on AR if needed
  112. Enter living quarters
  113. Find LIsa, get the key
  115. Head to Research La
  116. Cut through Cafeteria
  117. Head towards research la
  118. Take out Cameras (1 straight ahead, 1 near power 35/47)
  119. Go up stairs shoot camera on left (36/47)
  120. Take out Camera (1), go down stairs (37/47)
  121. Shoot Camera (1) (38/47) right side door (end game door)
  122. Shoot camera research la (39/47)
  123. Enter Give Prod - Rescued
  124. Take picture of PP sticker (7/10)
  125. Pickup Chemicals and Syringe Gun
  126. Exit shoot camera (40/47)
  127. Enter room on right
  128. Shoot camera here (41/47)
  129. Take PP sticker picture
  130. Get Medical Tray and Defilator from Dissection Room
  132. Exit, head to upper level
  133. Jump onto AC unit get onto roof
  134. Kill security
  135. Make Sterilizer and Shocker (achieve)
  136. Drop them
  137. Make Lightning Gun in room
  138. Restock on AR
  139. PP sticker on tanks
  140. exit to holding pens
  141. Shoot camera (42/47)
  142. Jump down to maintenance room make impact frequneyc gun com (for soon)
  143. Head other maintenance room
  144. Make Zap N Shine
  145. Use it
  146. Kill enemies until time to return to shipping office
  147. Make hail mary on way
  148. Use it
  149. Restock on AR and heals first
  150. Enter Shipping Office, cutscene
  152. Route 3 - Cases
  153. Exit Shipping Office
  154. Make Hail Mary, use it
  155. Head to security outpost, kill dudes
  156. Get AR, need 2
  157. Exit downstairs
  158. Head to maintenance room
  159. Give Ro AR - Rescued
  160. Make zap n shine
  161. Use it until exhausted
  162. Exit holding pens
  163. Follow Marker to research area
  164. Pick up key card
  165. Head to cafeteria
  167. Make another Laser Gun (gems flashlight and frequency gun and Reaper)
  168. Exit to security outpost
  169. Jump down, make another zap n shine, exhaust it
  170. Make hail mary, chuck it and then head upstairs
  171. Return to shipping office
  172. Exit other way
  174. Shoot camera on top of you
  175. Shoot camera ahead of you
  176. Follow marker
  177. Shoot camera on top of you in doorway
  178. Shoot camera on your left on way to secure la
  179. -should achievement petty vandal here- (I did)
  180. Enter secure la
  181. Fight Hazard (2 /5)
  182. Use laser gun or FGImpact Hammer for easy kill
  183. Return to shipping office
  185. Route 4 - Survivors
  186. Head down, make a hail mary
  187. Run to storage bay, talk to Regina
  188. She wants organs
  189. Head to maintenence room
  190. Make a Zap N Shine
  191. Wide Arcs around center area
  192. Kill time until 6PM, kill Zombies, should be near 1000 kills
  193. -CHECK TIME, Allie Jack at 6PM)
  194. Zone into thing
  195. Jump up to find Allie, clear zombies around
  196. Rescue her
  197. Take picture of last PP sticker on this catwalk (should be proffessional photographer)
  198. Head down to Labs
  199. Pick up Heart, and Pick up Liver, stash into inventory
  200. Head down to cafeteria
  201. Clear through
  202. Standard procedure, restock on reaper, and laser gun
  203. Head back to Regina
  204. Give organs
  205. Rescued
  206. Get Key
  207. Head to maintenance, make Zap and Shine
  208. Clear zombies, enter labs
  209. Run down to tunnel
  210. Unarm
  211. Beat up Mizuki
  212. Rescue
  213. Make weapons in here to restock
  214. Kill time until next case, you can probably finish the zombie kills achievement here and get to 50
  215. You have a ton of time here to do whatever you need to, including missing stickers, or security cameras.
  216. Arrive in Shipping Office at 1AM
  218. Route 5 - Finale
  219. Exit to Holding Pens
  220. Get Detonator from racks
  221. Head to Security Tower
  222. Get C4
  223. Grab Whiskey from Security Tower (need at least 1)
  224. Go through Security Outpost (get prod)
  225. Head into Living Quarters (top) via shortcut
  226. Get Frequency Gun from Server Room
  227. Gather materials for Laser Gun, do not combine
  228. Make Laser Sword, and Lightning Gun
  229. Head upstairs to find Jerry
  230. Give him Laser Gun and Lightning Gun
  231. Get Laser Gun, and rescue
  232. Make a reaper
  233. Head to Cafeteria, mix Energizer
  234. Exit to Holding Pens
  235. Kill time until 2AM
  236. Re-enter Living Quarters
  237. Enter Cafeteria
  238. Combine whiskey with apple to make Energizer.
  239. Head to Server Room
  240. Give Energizer
  241. Rescue - Savior
  242. Make a Reaper
  243. Head to waypoint
  244. Place explosive
  245. Head left to Save.
  247. Harjit Singh Psychopath Battle
  248. Pretty easy. Reapers good, Energizer good, Impact Hammer Good, Laser Gun OK.
  249. After its all over
  251. Repeat in co-op
  253. 1 - Cases
  254. 2 - Survivors
  255. 3 - Cases
  256. 4 - Survivors
  257. 5 - Cases
  258. 6 - Survivors
  259. Rescue Dean before bombing the power room
  262. Whiskey + Apple = Energizer (lots of whiskey in dorms)
  264. Weapons:
  265. 1 Reaper: Sickle + Katana (Maintenance Room in Living Quarters) (probably make one everytime we come back into maintenance room)
  266. 2 Shocker - Defibilator + Medical Tray (grab parts in research lab, livestock dissection area)
  267. 3 Steilizer - Chemical + Syringe Gun (grab parts in research lab, zombrex production B)
  268. 4 Impact BlLaster - Impact Hammer and Frequency Gun (impact hammer from Hazard Guards)
  269. Doesn’t actually feel stronger than a standard impact hammer.
  270. 5 Lighting Gun: Frequency Gun and Electric Prod (all over the place, but can make one in Tunnel maintenance room 100%)
  271. 6 Laser Gun: Laser Sword + Lightning Gun (maintenance tunnel room, can restock there for easy access for Jerry)
  272. 7 Zap n’ shine, floor cleaner + electric prod (outside holding pens, use this a lot for PP and kills probably)
  274. 1000 Zombies
  275. Level 50 - 300,000 PP.
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