
FEF6re: Malcom Ellison (Ursali)

Sep 25th, 2019 (edited)
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  1. Name: Malcom Ellison
  2. Class: Troubadour
  3. Character Specific Skill: Charisma
  4. Affinity: Thunder
  5. Personal Fault: Noblesse Oblige: When not providing Charisma bonuses to at least 3 allies, -15 EVA.
  6. Personal Skill: Peerless Form: When above 50% HP, +10 HIT/EVA.
  7. Personal Skill: Opportunistic Instincts: When going second in combat, +2 DMG.
  9. Preferred stats: LCK, SPD
  11. Weapon profs: Thrusting (D), Swords (D), Buff (D), Staves (D)
  13. Level: 12
  14. Total Level: 12
  16. Progression spent: 335%
  18. HP: 17 (45%)
  19. STR: 4 (50%)(+1)
  20. MAG: 4 (30%)
  21. SKL: 3 (40%)(+1)
  22. LCK: 5 (30%)
  23. DEF: 2 (45%)(+2)(5% here)
  24. RES: 4 (40%)
  25. SPD: 5 (50%)
  27. CON: 6
  28. AID: 5
  29. MOV: 5 (+2 Horseback)
  31. Character Creation: +1 STR, +1 SKL, +2 DEF, +5% DEF
  32. First class lvl2: +HP, +STR, +MAG, +LCK
  33. First class lvl3: +HP, +STR, +LCK, +DEF, +RES, +SPD
  34. First class lvl4: +LCK, +DEF
  35. First class lvl5: +HP, +SKL, +DEF
  36. First class lvl6: +HP, +DEF, +RES, +SPD
  37. First class lvl7: +DEF, +SPD
  38. First class lvl8: +DEF, +RES
  39. First class lvl9: +HP, +SKL, +DEF
  40. First class lvl10: +HP, +STR, +RES, +SPD
  41. First class lvl11: +STR, +LCK, +RES
  42. First class lvl12: +HP, +MAG, +SKL, +RES, +SPD
  44. Current stats:
  46. HP: 24 (45%)
  47. STR: 9 (50%)
  48. MAG: 6 (30%)
  49. SKL: 7 (40%)
  50. LCK: 9 (30%)
  51. DEF: 11 (50%)
  52. RES: 10 (40%)
  53. SPD: 10 (50%)
  55. CON: 6
  56. AID: 5
  57. MOV: 5 (+2 Horseback)
  59. [code]Inventory:
  60. Name Type () RNG MT WT CR Hit QL
  61. Steel Rapier Thru (D) 1 8 7 0 75 35/35 [E]
  62. Clear Buff (E) 1 - - - - 30/30 [MG/2 Heal, Debuff removal]
  63. Heal Heal (E) 1 - - - - 30/30 (Restores 10+MAG HP)
  64. [/code]
  66. Battle Stats (Steel Rapier):
  67. AT: 17
  68. Hit: 93
  69. AS: 10 - (7-{6+1}=0!) = 10
  70. Eva: 29
  71. Crt: 3
  72. DG: 9
  74. Battle Stats (staves):
  75. AT: -
  76. Hit: -
  77. AS: 10
  78. Eva: 29
  79. Crt: -
  80. DG: 9
  82. Bio:
  84. While the exact origin of the Ellison family cannot be placed near a specific historical event, they were still an old and prominent family of the Troian Empire, having clawed their way to the top through backroom deals and bribes. Due to careful planning, accepting bribes from the Reich, and finally performing a well-executed betrayal towards the end of the Empire, the Ellison's managed to maintain most of their wealth and prominence after the dissolution of the Troian Empire. However, this has all but destroyed their standing with their people. Of course, this is of little concern for the Ellisons and their ambitions. There is one little problem though, their only heir: Malcom Ellison.
  86. Unlike his kinsmen, Malcom does not engage in skullduggery behavior whenever it would suit him. Born after his family's betrayal of the Troian Empire, he was raised to be an upstanding and honest noble. In other words, a pawn of his family. However, he at least views himself as a true noble and firmly believes that he has a responsibility to protect and nurture the common man. He frequently leaves the family estate and visits villages that his family has authority over, often against his family's wishes, to heal the wounded or repel raiders. Because of this, he is well liked by the common man; however, unable to escape his family name, some question whether his care for the peasantry is but another of his family's schemes and treat him with suspicion. Unbeknownst to him, his natural born charisma and standing with the peasantry has sparked the jealousy of his family and they have accordingly planned to have him removed.
  88. Recently, with rumors of rebellion stirring, of which some members of the family may be in support of, they found a use for their only heir. For once they sent Malcom out with their blessings to meet with some "like-minded peers" and Malcom, too glad to finally have the approval of his family, didn't think the slightest of questioning their motives. Sent to the Goveron University, it wasn't long until he was pulled into the conspiracy after investigating on his own.
  90. On pain of death, he was sworn to their cause and realized not long after he had unwittingly fallen for one of his family's schemes. Whether he lived or died he would be furthering their goals. However, he knew that if he were to somehow manage to desert he would be quickly turned over by his family to the Riech as a traitor to cover their tracks. Casting away some of his noble pride, he has taken up his family's namesakes of deception and scheming to avoid being slaughtered and remembered as a traitor; though, at his core, he still has no desire to aid the rebels. Thus he is trapped with seemingly no hope of escape barring a miracle...
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