

Feb 27th, 2020
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  1. 1. Guiding light home to Sweden for emigrants through preservation of tradition
  2. 2. Lucia day was set for midwinter
  3. 3. Precursor to Christmas
  4. 4. Became the Scandinavian equivalent to Eve
  5. 5. Her proclamation as God's servant made her immovable and unable to die until prayers had been laid upon her passing
  6. 6. Some versions has her dying from a sword through the neck
  7. 7. Her lover is sometimes her accuser
  8. 8. Her eyes were incredibly beautiful originally
  9. 9. Turned even more beautiful as new ones were delivered to her by the Archangel Raphael
  10. 10. Saint of the ill-sighted, blind, and eye healers
  11. 11. Proto-virgin martyr (precursors: Agnes, Cecilia)
  12. 12. Karl decided her Saint day
  13. 13. The Divine Comedy portrays her as the woman opposite to Adam
  14. 14. Partially coincidence made it so that Lucia day is celebrated at the same time as a Swedish fasting
  15. 15. Gustav Vasa prohibited Saintly worship but not the calender, and thus her worship continued due to this coincidence
  16. 16. Midwinter night occurs on the 22nd normally, but because of the calender inaccuracy, Lucia day became the longest night
  17. 17. Midwinter was seen as magic because of the increase of light that followed
  18. 18. Shifts made during this magical period were seen as setting a trend for the rest of the year
  19. 19. In some versions Lucia was the second wife of Adam and becomes invisible because she tried to hide from God
  20. 20. This idea comes from the jewish scripture of Lilith (potential Alter)
  21. 21. Born in Syracuse
  22. 22. Has a flying donkey there
  23. 23. A text from Selma Lagerlรถf has her sailing on a ship with food from Syracuse in a time of need
  24. 24. Said version also mentions her flying on a ball of light to save a woman from her husband by restocking the storage
  25. 25. Is described as a virgin love goddess who will deliver a good drink as the husband to man (Adam)
  26. 26. The lights on her head were meant in plays to signify the Star of Bethlehem
  27. 27. Women were elected to marry the winter as her
  28. 28. Was reborn as a figure through nationalism
  29. 29. Her first major modern appearance had her riding a horse through town
  30. 30. Her transformation as a figure is described as the nordic forests and mountains mystique turning her into a blonde lightbringer who shows the winter's turn into spring
  31. 31. Compared to Freja
  32. 32. Strong emphasis on life, food, and fertility
  33. 33. Virgin
  34. 34.
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