
Post SGDQ19 Pastebin

Jul 1st, 2019
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  1. Alright so SGDQ this year was undoubtedly one of my favourite GDQs ever, venue was great, runs were fun, my commentary was pretty good for the runs that I did (THUG2, Skyrim and Clustertruck), and I got to hang with many good friends new and old alike. I'll just list off all the fun stuff that happened through the week in no particular order.
  3. Got to witness the Pokemon Snap Any% race, I got to record/stream that and got paid six bucks to do it which was nice, also hung with the snap crew here and there which was cool. In the event you hear CJ say Ken, just say Ken back. Got to play pringles which was fun, was actually much better of a game than I had anticipated, will have to play again at AGDQ 2020. Met ExileLord, he's pretty cool, also did commentary with him for THUG2 so check it out. Hung with the borderlands crew, watched the BL2 run live and that was just such a sick run so check it out even if it's nearly three hours long. Also witnessed most of the Silly Block and boy howdy there was a lot that went on, runs to check would be Glover, Shrek XL, and Mort the Chicken for sure for pure absurdity from the games and audience alike. There was a plentiful amount of pool related shenanigans which included things such as: Killing two inflatable animals, dunking on Amyrlinn and others with a beach ball, chilling with various staff members and enjoying the bomb-ass hot tub. Also big ups to Amber for making a ton of delicious breakfast burritos, you're awesome.
  5. I could go on with more but I'll probably just mention things in passing either through stream or what-not so, yeah. Plans for the future are a little in the air but I'm thinking of submitting to GDQx, probably submitting THUG/THUG2 along with a couple other things maybe. Got NoReset happening in September as well so I'll likely submit THUG2 CAG and get better at that. I'm probably gonna try to return to working on THUG here and there and maybe get that low 34, it's definitely doable.
  7. hi
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