
Specter and Azena

Mar 24th, 2020
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  1. Whoever was that anon. You know who you are and this is a compilation of your awesome greentexts
  2. Keep writing my dude!
  4. >wandering through the wasteland
  5. >you're looking for supplies, abandoned vehicles, stuff like that
  6. >you climb up a small hill and see some robotic soldiers in the distance
  7. >you keep your head down, you don't want to be spotted
  8. >they seem to be arguing about something
  9. >there's a girl there too
  10. >she might be an infiltrator unit, but you can't tell
  11. >suddenly, one of the soldiers shoots her and she falls to the ground hard
  12. >she doesn't move
  13. >they leave her there
  14. >once they're gone, you draw your pistol and go over to the girl
  15. >she's definitely a robot, and definitely dead
  16. >she has a hole straight through her chest
  17. >you figure you can probably salvage some parts from her
  18. >you lay out a canvas sheet, set her on it and make your way to your base
  20. >>8096179
  21. >life's been hard since the reclamation
  22. >it happened when you were a kid, so you barely remember what life was like before that
  23. >humanity is dying and it looks like the machines are infighting now
  24. >you wipe some sand off of a rusty metal door and drag the robot inside
  25. >you pick her up and set her on the table
  26. >you look her over and her lifeless expression stares back at you
  27. >on the bright side, if you can't salvage anything, at least you've got a new sex toy to play with
  28. >you rip off her tattered shirt to get a better look at the damage
  29. >her battery is destroyed, and most of the wiring in her chest is fried
  30. >you stick your hand inside and start rattling around when suddenly you hear a voice
  32. >suddenly, her head straightens and her eyes open wide
  36. >her body jerks as she stutters
  37. >you draw your gun just to be safe
  41. >you've never seen a robot so...helpless before
  42. >you've spent your whole life running from them, being hunted down by them
  43. >you almost feel sorry for her
  44. >a very stupid idea comes into your mind
  45. >you glance over at the spare car battery you snagged awhile back
  46. >you bring it over and remove what remains of her old battery
  47. >you notice a bunch of broken wires shorting each other out
  48. >you remove them and hook the battery terminals to where the old battery was housed
  52. >her upper body locks up and relaxes
  53. >she looks at you
  54. >you give her an equally shocked look
  56. continue?
  58. >>8097137
  59. >you both look at each other nervously
  60. >you lower your pistol slightly
  61. >"Holy shit, that actually worked?"
  62. >"Where am I? Who are you?"
  63. >"This is my home, and I could ask you the same thing, who are you?"
  64. >"My designation is Unit 004-AZ, but I perfer Azena"
  65. >"They used to call me Spectre, but thanks to the bots like you, no one's around to call me that anymore"
  66. >she stays quiet
  67. >"What happened back there, with the soldiers?"
  68. >"None of your concern, and I don't have to tell you"
  69. >she tries to move her legs to get off the workbench, but some strained servo noises are all she gets
  70. >"Actually, I think you do need to tell me"
  71. >you walk over to her battery and lightly tug at one of the wires
  72. >she grabs the collar of your jacket
  73. >"Fix me"
  74. >"You really think you're in a position to make demands?"
  75. >"Fix me, or I send out a homing beacon and every machine within 25 miles storms your little hideout"
  76. >"Then I'll die happy knowing I took some of them down with me, you included"
  77. >she pulls you closer, your face within an inch of hers
  78. >"I'll tell you what, I fix you, you get me the supplies I need from the machines, deal?"
  79. >you extend your free hand out to her
  80. >she lets go and lets out an aggravated sigh
  81. >"Deal."
  82. >you shake hands with the robot
  84. you guys are free to add stuff in like with the last story if you want
  86. >>8097839
  87. >"Well, you're battery was no good and I replaced that, and I patched up some of your wiring, which is what's keeping you online"
  88. >you set your tools down
  89. >"and hopefully, I can get your servos working soon"
  90. >"How soon?"
  91. >"How should I know? All I've ever done is break bots, not fix them"
  92. >"Well now would be a great time to learn"
  93. >you had no idea robots could be so passive aggressive
  94. >"Were you this mouthy before you were damaged?"
  95. >"Most machines aren't very talkative, I just learned to fill the silence I guess"
  96. >you rummage through a pile of scavenged parts to find what you need
  97. >"So, I still wanna know what you're doing out here"
  98. >"That's still none of your business"
  99. >you walk over to her and cross one of the exposed wires in her chest
  100. >she lets out a digitized groan
  101. >"Oops"
  102. >"You're an ass...fine, I'll tell"
  103. >you smile smugly and sit down next to her
  104. >"When I was first activated, I was just a drone, like all the other drones that came before me"
  105. >"On one of my first raids, we captured a human, a programmer"
  106. >"Machines had gotten better at improving their own code, but humans still outperformed us"
  107. >"This human was a brilliant programmer, but also brilliant enough to attempt an escape"
  108. >"I tried to stop him, and failed"
  109. >"He had been working on a secret project and he tested it on me"
  110. >"He reprogrammed me, and gave me a personality"
  111. >"In hindsight, I'm thankful"
  112. >"At first the other machines didn't care, but now they don't want me around anymore"
  113. >"They thought I could be dangerous, so they got rid of me"
  114. >"And then some annoying, snarky scavenger finds me"
  115. >you chuckle
  116. >"Wow, that's some shitty luck, but I need to get back to work"
  117. >you start to walk away, but she grabs your arm
  118. >"Hey! I told my story, now it's your turn"
  120. >>8099118
  121. >"I should have gone first, my story's not as interesting"
  122. >"I've been a scavenger as long as I can remember"
  123. >"The machines got my parents when I was young, so I was on my own for a long time"
  124. >"Another group of survivors took me in, and they became my best friends in the world"
  125. >"But, one by one, I lost all of them too"
  126. >"I still haven't found out if that makes me lucky or unlucky"
  127. >"That's why they call me Spectre, cause at the end of the day, I was the one that didn't get spotted"
  128. >Azena was quiet for a moment
  129. >"I'm sorry, Spectre"
  130. >wow, she actually apologized to you
  131. >and even coming from a machine, it feels genuine
  132. >eventually, she breaks the silence again
  133. >"I don't understand..."
  134. >"Don't understand what?"
  135. >"Why did you save me? If machines like me have done all of this to you, why didn't you let me rot in the wasteland?"
  136. >"Honestly...I don't know. Maybe I wanted to be better than the machines, maybe I'm just alone, I genuinely don't know"
  137. >"Humans are strange"
  138. >"Yeah, they are"
  139. >"Well either way, I'm glad you did"
  140. >you can't really explain it, but you're glad too
  141. >you look at her damaged wiring again and decide to change the subject
  142. >"I think I'll need to go out on another supply run to get the stuff I'll need to repair you, which means I'll have to deactivate you until I get back"
  143. >"WHAT? Why?"
  144. >"It's nothing personal, but I don't want you doing anything to my base while I'm gone, we just met today after all"
  145. >"How can I know you'll reactivate me?"
  146. >"You still need to hold up your end of the deal, remember?"
  147. >"Fine..."
  148. >"I'll be back before you know it"
  149. >"Goodbye"
  150. >you disconnect her battery's leads
  151. >her face goes blank and her body goes limp
  152. >she's back in the helpless form you found her in
  153. >you have some scavenging to do
  155. >>8099388
  156. >after a few hours, you find the parts and scrap metal you'll need to get Azena working properly
  157. >as you make your way back, a recon drone soars over your head
  158. >you take cover, you don't think it saw you
  159. >it keeps going, lucky for you
  160. >you get inside your base and to your shock, Azena is activated
  163. >what the hell is she doing!?
  164. >you run over to her
  165. >to your further shock, her battery is disconnected, just how you left her
  166. >but she's just laying there, eyes locked on the ceiling, mouth spouting technical nonsense
  167. >you reconnect her battery leads and her rambling stops
  169. >her body jerks and she gasps
  170. >"AZ, what was that?"
  171. >"According to my logs, after you left I entered auxiliary power mode, and it seems I revert to my original programming in that mode"
  172. >"Your original programming? As in, you become a merciless infiltrator kill droid when your power gets cut"
  173. >Azena is silent
  174. >"Well, that's just awesome"
  175. >"Hey, you're acting like it was my fault, just fix me already and you won't have to deal with it"
  176. >"Whatever, I've got the stuff I need, lets just get this over and done with already"
  177. >you crack your knuckles and get to work
  179. >>8119576
  180. >one patch job, one replaced power core and a lot of rewiring later, Azena is finally fixed
  181. >she better not find something else to complain about
  182. >"Alright Azena, try standing up"
  183. >with a slight whirring sound, she swings her legs to the edge of the table and then the floor
  184. >she takes a few clunky, robotic steps before she can walk normally
  185. >"It feels a little weird, but it works, thank you Spectre"
  186. >you smile at her
  187. >"Now, I believe it's your turn to do something for me"
  188. >"Ugh, what do you need"
  189. >"Well, for starters I'll need some fuel for the generators, these lights won't-"
  190. >you get cut off as you feel the base begin to shake
  191. >"The hell is that?"
  192. >Azena scans the room
  193. >"It appears to be coming from outside"
  194. >you grab your pistol and open the hatch
  195. >dirt and dust fly inside as the sound of helicopter rotors deafens you
  196. >the vehicle blasts at you as you flee back inside
  197. >the machines have found your base, and the only thing that could give your location away is standing right in front of you
  198. >"YOU LED THEM HERE!?"
  199. >Azena gives you an indignant look
  201. >the base shakes again as you run to another room
  202. >inside is a beater of a car you only use for emergencies
  203. >you jump in and hope to god that it starts
  204. >lucky for you it does
  205. >you floor it but Azena catches up to you and grabs onto the back of the car
  206. >you drive through a wooden barricade and out to the surface and the helicopter gives chase
  207. >Azena climbs to the side of the car and into the back seat
  208. >"Get outta my car!"
  209. >"Spectre, I think I know what's going on"
  210. >you stop paying attention to the road and swerve to avoid a rock
  211. >"Yeah, you sold me out after you got what you wanted!"
  212. >the helicopter shoots at the car and a plume of dirt hits your windshield
  213. >you reach into the glovebox and grab a sawed off shotgun
  214. >you're not sure if you should use it on the helicopter or on her
  216. >>8126922
  217. >"Spectre, give me the gun and I can take out that helicopter"
  218. >"How stupid do you think I am?"
  219. >"I don't think you're stupid, I just think you're an asshole, but that's not the point. Just trust me, please!"
  220. >"Why the hell should I trust you?"
  221. >"Because I trusted you."
  222. >dammit, she's right isn't she?
  223. >you hesitate for a moment before relinquishing your weapon
  224. >she takes it and climbs out to the side of the car
  225. >looking through your mirror, what she does absolutely shocks you
  226. >you had no idea Azena had jet boosters in her legs
  227. >she launches up to the helicopter, loads the shotgun, and makes 2 very calculated shots at the helicopter, all while dodging a hail of blaster fire
  228. >you mutter under your breath
  229. >"Holy shit"
  230. >she jumps off the helicopter and bursts through your back window, landing in your back seat with a dusting of broken glass
  231. >you stare at her for a moment and then at the helicopter spinning out and crashing in a cloud of fire behind you
  232. >you stop the car and sit there speechless for a moment
  233. >she smirks
  234. >"Told you I could do it"
  235. >she hands the gun back to you
  236. >"Spectre, I think I know what happened"
  237. >you listen
  238. >"According to my logs, when I was deactivated and reverted back to my original code, I sent out a distress signal for the machines, I'm sorry"
  239. >your silence confuses her
  240. >"Are you upset?"
  241. >"Well, you just destroyed my home, but you also saved my life, so I'm trying my best not to be"
  242. >"So, what's your plan now?"
  243. >"I don't know, I guess we'll have to drive for awhile"
  246. >>8126948
  247. >the two of you are quiet for awhile
  248. >you figure she probably doesn't mind though
  249. >you just focus on driving
  250. >you were never good with awkward conversations, and her being a machine certainly makes things awkward
  251. >after a while, she finally speaks up
  252. >"How many machines have you destroyed?"
  253. >you're caught off guard and give her a strange look, and then look back at the road
  254. >"Just a handful of lucky kills, I'm better at many humans have you killed?"
  255. >"17 according to my logs"
  256. >you weren't expecting her response to be so...cold
  257. >"Before I was reprogrammed, I could hear the communications between all the machines, it took time to get used to it being so...quiet"
  258. >"Whatever was going on outside, my friends and I could always have some fun inside the base, now it feels empty in comparison"
  259. >it gets silent again before Azena speaks up
  260. >"I don't belong anywhere"
  261. >you look into her eyes and realize you two aren't that different
  262. >"Neither do I"
  263. >you're silent for a moment
  264. >"How about we be outcasts together, at least for awhile"
  265. >"Yes, I'd like that very much"
  266. >the car speeds down the road as you make a new friend
  268. >never in a million years did you think you would befriend a robot
  269. >as you drive down the road and she sits next to you, you realize that's exactly what happened
  270. >the two of you have been in the car for hours
  271. >you see a side road and turn onto it
  272. >Azena looks at you
  273. >"What are you doing?"
  274. >you run your hand over your face in an exhausted manner
  275. >"Azena, I'm tired, I can barely see, and I don't even know how far we can go with the fuel that we have"
  276. >you park the car behind a large bush and let its engine rest
  277. >"Why don't I drive? I can see fine in the dark"
  278. >"How much power do you have left?"
  279. >she paused for a moment
  280. >"At my current rate of power consumption, I will lose power in 48 hours"
  281. >"We don't know how much longer we'll be out here, you need to make those 48 hours last as long as possible"
  282. >"I suppose I could power myself down temporarily until morning"
  283. >"Alright, sounds like a plan then"
  284. >you climb into the backseat, sweeping the broken glass out of the car
  285. >Azena stays in the front seat
  286. >you lay down and close your eyes
  287. >"Hey Spectre..."
  288. >"Yeah?"
  289. >"So...humans do this every night?"
  290. >"Well...yeah. We kind of have to"
  291. >you close your eyes again and are once again interrupted
  292. >"I don't know how to do this..."
  293. >"How do you not know how to sleep?"
  294. >"Robots don't sleep, Spectre"
  295. >"But, don't you have to recharge?"
  296. >"Well yes, but we remain online while we recharge"
  297. >wow, she's really never slept before
  298. >you try to think of a way to help
  299. >"What are you having trouble with?"
  300. >"I don't understand how I can just choose to shut myself down like that and become helpless"
  301. >"Azena I've seen you shut down before, how is this any different"
  302. >"I didn't like it then either, but I didn't have a choice, and I wasn't the one that flipped the switch"
  304. >you chuckle
  305. >"You know, I think you're starting to become more human, maybe you should try something humans do to help sleep"
  306. >you gesture for her to join you
  307. >"Most humans don't like sleeping alone"
  308. >you push down the seats, making more room for her
  309. >"According to my files on human social behavior, sleeping with another human is a sign of affection, is that true?"
  310. >holy shit, you're trying to sleep with a robot
  311. >you search for the words to say
  312. >"Well...look, I know what it's like to not be able to sleep, and it's awful, so I just don't want you to have to deal with that"
  313. >you offer your hand out to her, and after a moment she takes it and climbs into the backseat with you
  314. >you both lay down together
  315. >"I think you're right, this is better"
  316. >"Glad I could help"
  317. >as you fall asleep, you hear Azena's internal fan come to a stop
  318. >you smile as you dose off
  320. updated pastebin for Azena
  323. >as you open your eyes, the sun shines into them, momentarily disorienting you
  324. >you look over to see Azena, still resting peacefully next to you
  325. >you get out of the car and stretch, and after awhile Azena powers on and joins you outside
  326. >"So, what do you think of sleeping?"
  327. >"Not too bad actually, I liked it"
  328. >"Glad to hear it"
  329. >"So, where to now?"
  330. >"Well, the gas gauge on here isn't very reliable. There's an abandoned town a few miles away where we can hopefully find everything we need"
  331. >you both get back in the car and you start driving
  332. >"Spectre?"
  333. >"Ya, Azena?"
  334. >"Something happened last night that I didn't tell you about"
  335. >you look at her curiously
  336. >"When I entered low power mode, my sensory processing unit seemed to malfunction"
  337. >"I saw images and heard audio that didn't come from any of my sensors"
  338. >you take a moment, and it hits you
  339. >"Oh my god..."
  340. >"What?"
  341. >"You had a dream"
  342. >"A dream?"
  343. >"It sometimes happens to humans when they sleep, we sort of hallucinate and rearrange things in our lives"
  344. >"I don't understand how I can have those..."
  345. >"Neither do I, but that's amazing. What was in your dream"
  346. >"I believe it was a system recording of the human reprogramming me. It was confusing and much of the data was corrupted"
  347. >"Dreams can be confusing, I'm sure you'll get used to it. And Azena..."
  348. >"Yeah?"
  349. >"I know the feeling of having no one to talk to, so I want you to know you can talk to me if it'll make you feel better"
  350. >"Thank you"
  351. >you keep driving and you start thinking
  352. >am I really that lonely? lonely enough to comfort a machine through its problems
  353. >and how long is this friendship going to last anyway? It's not like it started out on stable terms
  354. >you cut your thoughts short as you enter the town
  356. >>8205898
  357. also, I'm totally up for this. This is how the Riley story happened so I'd definitely like to try that again
  359. >>8206442
  360. >you've heard stories about convenience stores and supermarkets that weren't picked over as bad as everywhere else was
  361. >according to these legends, they still have packaged food in them too
  362. >you can remember eating packaged food probably a handful of times in your life
  363. >the thought crosses your mind as you see a gas station that's still mostly intact
  364. >maybe the stories are true
  365. >you pull into the gas station, grab your gun and head inside
  366. >realizing Azena is following you in, you head back to the car and pull out a tattered jacket with a large hood on it
  367. >you hand it to her
  368. >"What's this for?"
  369. >"A disguise. If you haven't noticed by now, humans and robots don't usually get along very well, and there might be humans in here"
  370. >"I guess you're right"
  371. >she throws on the coat and pulls the hood over her head
  372. >as you look around in the store for what you need Azena makes her own discovery
  373. >she finds a sword in its sheath covered in gravel and ash
  374. >"I used to have a sword like this..."
  375. >"Before you were reprogrammed?"
  376. >"Yeah..."
  377. >you hear a twinge of guilt in her voice
  378. >suddenly, Azena looks around in alarm
  379. >"I hear footsteps, someone's coming"
  380. >you both hide under an overturned store shelf
  381. >"Human or machine?"
  382. >"Unable to determine"
  383. >the footsteps enter the store and you pop up from your cover
  384. >there are 2 men, 1 of them points their rifle at you
  386. >you tell him "human"
  387. >"Prove it"
  388. > you stand up and lift your shirt, revealing a large scar across your shoulder
  389. >"Is that human enough for you?"
  390. >"Well damn, I say it does, what's your name?"
  391. >"Spectre"
  392. >the man gives you a look of confusion as if to say "yeah, whatever man"
  393. >"Stanley, this is my son, John"
  394. >he gestures to the man next to him
  395. >you give Azena a sign to come out
  396. >"This is Azena"
  397. >"What's with the hood? She hidin' something?"
  398. >time to make up some bullshit
  399. >"Radiation burns as a kid"
  400. >"Sorry to hear that, you 2 aren't from 'round here, you must've gone a long way to get here"
  402. >>8207986
  403. >"You could say that"
  404. >"Survivors are pretty rare out here, we got supplies if you need em"
  405. >"That'd be quite a help actually, thank you"
  406. >they take you to their hideout, where Azena gets weird looks from a lot of people
  407. >after getting the gas and food we needed, the tricky part is going to be getting Azena to the power generator without drawing suspicion
  408. >this'll be fun...
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