
Imperium Europae general

May 3rd, 2024 (edited)
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  1. thread authentication: No.23441157
  3. >1. What is this?
  4. This is a movement which seeks to establish a new tradition from the ground up, a synthesis of the old and the contemporary.
  6. >2. Why?
  7. We seek knowledge and we toil for understanding so that we may love more, that we may feel more deeply, that we may measure the breadth of life with our stride, that we may look at everything from the organization of a room to the complex systems of State and know how to take them apart, examine the pieces and change them.
  8. The movement will provide structure where there is none and one day aid in the creation of real-life communities.
  10. >3. How?
  11. First, we must decide what the bones of this movement should be composed of, the elements we must share in order to build a common future. These will be the novels, history books, poems, plays, and philosophical works which allow one to perceive the world-European spirit and substantiate its heritage.
  12. What we are creating here will be divided into BRANCHES, each of which will have a structure unique to the way one must orient himself in it. There will be CORE branches first, and EXPANDED branches later on. The initiation envisioned here will, even in its lightest form, take years. That is part of the filter.
  15. One goal of this general is to work out the criteria for initiation into the higher world-European spirit, and to begin the process. The intention here is not to list thousands of books and essays, nor is it to expect the deepest understanding of each and every branch. We seek to become initiated in the breadth of world-European history and culture before we delve into their depths.
  17. Do not let yourselves become lifeless repositories of knowledge. We must unite all the disparate fields in ourselves and advance the cause of humanity, and to that end - we know so that we may do: β€œI learn about the history of the 19th century so that I may understand the political systems I find myself living in, so that I may orient myself better than my peers, so that I may take action that will guide the world in a direction only I can perceive through the knowledge I have acquired.” Such is the reasoning I wish to see.
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