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Jan 16th, 2018
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  1. TFA
  2. "Here's my problem with TFA. It doesn't have enough exposition. Alot of people have said one of the problems f the prequels was it explained too much well this one does the opposite and doesn't give enough."
  4. "What if Snoke is actually a Jedi Survivor?
  5. Released by the Empire during their retreat he understanding what's truly needed approached Luke to set up a new Jedi Order in the form of a Theocracy."
  6. "believing only those who wield the force have the right to rule"
  8. "his faction would be based on the rule of law, and effective governance, and a legitimate heir."
  10. "SKB is the big one for me. I'd keep the same broad strokes (ie it's a new weapon that can kill star systems) but I'd make it more like the Sith temple in Rebels, and I'd make the attack on it different, and - if possible, it may not be - I'd have Rey need to stop it using the Force when the attack run fails because the FO doesn't make the Empire's mistake and this one can't be blown up. "
  12. "Add in some dialogue somewhere (ANYWHERE) in TFA that says that they FOUND starkiller base at the edge of the galaxy. It was mostly finished and they don't know exactly who put it there but it (and lots of other leftover but salvageable resources from an ancient civilization) were found and made usable again and so the First Order prepared to take the galaxy by surprise knowing they'd never suspect how powerful they'd become. Finn could've talked about some of this during the resistance briefing in TFA. Just say "We didn't build it. At the edge of the galaxy we found factories, resources and technology we'd never seen before". If you really want, say they ran into Snoke and he led them to it"
  14. "Han is an admiral of the fleet or rich trader (not smuggler) who helps Leia in senate."
  16. "I would rather have had Han, a lone wolf smuggler/scoundrel turned rebel General and all around hero, not revert back to smuggling while there is still a war being fought. If they wanted to split him and Leia up because their son turned to the dark side, so be it,
  17. TLJ"
  19. "But instead of having been built by a Hutt after the events of RotJ you could have it be the original prototype for the Death Star's own super laser that New Republic forces found while moping up Imperial forces in the Maw cluster."
  21. "A Millennia ago the Sith ruled the galaxy and were able to harness enough dark side energy to create a weapon capable of destroying an entire star. They called it Starkiller. An ancient planet-sized weapon on a snowbound world. Fortunately it was disabled by the first Jedi but not destroyed. Left abandoned in some far corner of the galaxy and forgotten. But Darth Sidious had read about such a weapon after studying ancient Sith holocrons and dreamed of finding it, but to no avail... so he built one. Revealing that the first Deathstar was actually inspired by a legendary Sith weapon, similar to the Malachor idea in the Rebels tv show."
  23. "Long ago in forgotten times, when the Sith and Jedi fought for control of the galaxy, weapons there were, of unimaginable power"
  25. "Have the First Order's opening salvo be the smuggling of an extremely high yield nuclear bomb (sorta like Halo's Nova Bombs) inside civilian space freighters. The freighters docks into major Republic installations and cities and detonates simultaneousl"
  27. "The battle on Starkiller Base is just on a Star Destroyer and on a much, much smaller scale. Rey still gets captured, and Han, Finn, and Chewie infiltrate the ship to rescue her.
  29. The Star Destroyer is destroyed. Rey, Finn and Kylo fight on the deck of the ship. Kylo and Finn are badly injured. They all narrowly escape. Rey and Finn on the Falcon, Kylo does on an escape pod. He communicates with Snoke, urging him to join him at his "newly completed station" to continue his training. (hinting at Starkiller Base)
  31. Then in Ep. VIII the Resistance catches wind of Starkiller Base, and launches an attack. They fail miserably, the base fires, destroying the New Republic like it did in Ep. VII. This would make a very crushing defeat for the Resistance, and would make the speculated title more appropriate."
  33. "Have Finn witness the torture of Poe, and make that the moment he irrevocably turned."
  35. "Just like the scene where Kylo sense Han coming he senses Finn as he already did in the opening of the film with the dramatic stare."
  37. "The final battle between Rey, Fin and Kylo should have been Rey+Fin barely holding off an injured Kylo. Rey with a light saber and Fin with a blaster as support. They both escape only because the MF shows up with guns blazing."
  39. "Instead of battling with random space pirates, they could have had a battle with a First Order search party. This could have damaged the ship, so that they still had to land on Maz’s planet and get help."
  41. "Han is against it, so he offers Finn the chance to go save Rey, he agrees. "
  43. TLJ
  44. The film opens up with the evacuation of the planet of the Resistance as the first order unexpectedly amasses a third of its forces near the planet. Poe leading a small squad of fighters attacks them in order to give the Resistance enough time to evacuate. He stays longer than needed and as a result many pilots die.
  46. "Kylo follows Rey (with the Force!) while Hux continues hunting down the resistance"
  48. -Rey tells Luke that Han has died. Luke says "I know" and Rey continues to tell Luke that the Galaxy needs him.
  49. -Luke tells Rey that he wanted to discover who Snoke is in order to defeat him. Over the years, he learned that Snoke has gone by many names including, Darth Plagueis and Hego Damask.
  50. -As Kylo Ren hesitates, his wingmen attack Han on the Millenium Falcon. As they fire, the brutal barrage of laser fire freezes in midair. Instead we see that Ben was the one who stopped all of the fire that opportunity has allowed the Falcon to survive. Ben realizes that he protected his father and even though his dark side instincts taught that killing him would only make him stronger. The most powerful he's ever been was protecting one of the people he loved the most.
  52. "The Resistance fleet gets away in hyperspace but when they exit to normal space, the First Order is right behind them. "
  54. "Despite destroying SKB, Snoke's agents are ruthlessly pursuing the Resistance throughout the galaxy."
  56. Act1
  57. Rey meets Luke. Luke asks where she got the lightsaber, and then refuses to train her and vanishes. She bums around the island, sees his X-Wing, maybe raises it; keeps practicing her Force bullshit until Luke sees how powerful she is and decides to train her. Emphasis on lightsaber dueling, because Luke is a master swordsman.
  59. "Have Snoke tell them to pull fighters back and wait for his ship to arrive (it's obvious he's looking to set a trap for Rey or Luke)"
  60. "Cut the Maz FaceTime scene. Have Maz actually be on the Casino planet -- running an underground casino or something -- and send Finn to meet her directly. Use Maz to give us more backstory"
  62. "Reshoot the gag of Snoke ragdolling Hux, so that he simply Force Choke's him"
  63. "Add in scenes of Rey training herself with the Jedi Books as her guide"
  66. "Leia dies in the attack on the bridge but not Akbar who takes command but the resistance is split in two camps: Akbar VS Poe."
  67. "They find out Finn is tracked and the internal conflict is further inflamed through a debate about whether to sacrifice Finn for the greater good. Rose comes up with a way of relaying his signal through the main ship."
  68. "Akbar stays behind as captain of the ship and to redeem himself for almost sacrificing Finn. '
  70. "We open the movie with the Resistance base being attacked by the First Order, led by Phasma, kicking all sorts of ass."
  71. "On Canto Bight, someone points out the connection between arms dealers and the First Order’s increasing military might in the wake of the Empire’s downfall"
  72. "We also see that Finn and Poe two don't see eye to eye on everything when it comes to the Resistance and the First Order. Poe sees things in more black and white terms with a hate for the First Order, later revealed to be due to his tragic back story. Poe is more concerned about the mission than saving lives."
  73. "When Rey looks in the mirror and sees the line of herself, we follow the line back and back seeing Rey de-aging until we see --- Darth Vader."
  74. "After Rey and Kylo Ren's team-up, and Rey realizes that Kylo Ren hasn't turned, they briefly duel, and Kylo Ren defeats her easily, slicing through the handle of Luke's lightsaber."
  75. "After Luke tricks Ren, we see Luke walk down the mountain, lift his x-wing from the water like Yoda before him, and we then see the ship flying in front of the setting twin suns, jumping into lightspeed, with Luke leaving the island forever, where we can assume he'll aid the Resistance and restart the Jedi Order in Episode 9."
  77. "However, Rey is immature. She wants to help the galaxy but is frustrated by her training. She thinks it’s slow and feels she isn’t making enough progress. She resents Luke slightly as Luke is unusually cautious and strict, not wanting to repeat his mistake with Kylo. This is when Rey is vulnerable to Snoke’s temptations."
  78. "No, he tempts her. He understands her frustrations. He can offer her power and the ability to save the galaxy. "
  79. "This is where Kylo betrays Snoke. He realizes that he killed his father for nothing. He realizes that Snoke has lost interest in him."
  80. "They realize that Snoke has been a Force Projection. "
  81. "Rey leads the Knights of Ren and has become a commander within the First Order's army"
  82. "Luke is finishing his training with Kylo. Kylo comes to terms with what he’s done and wants to make things right. Even Luke himself is trying to understand his mistakes with Rey, regretting not seeing her vulnerabilities and being a better master."
  83. "Luke senses Rey's force abilities and the dark zeal she carries. He senses her attachment. Rey has passion and intensity. "
  85. The movie would have more flashbacks to the Jedi Academy showing Luke and Kylo's relationship. Due to Han being a smuggler and terrible parent, Kylo yearns for a father figure, thus he looks up to Luke. Turns out Rey is somehow part of the Skywalker or kenobi bloodline and is the one who truly fulfills the prophecy and brings a balance to the force. Luke hides the fact he knows about Rey, or better yet Rey is his child.
  86. Due to Kylo having a bad relationship with Leia and Han, Kylo looks up to Luke as a father. When Kylo discovers (because of Snoke) Luke has a child that is more powerful than Kylo. Kylo becomes disenchanted with the academy.
  87. Snoke should have appeared to turn Kylo. Luke and Snoke have a confrontation, Luke gives Snoke that terrible scar across his face and builds his grudge against the Jedi.
  88. -Give Luke a wife and a bunch of kids that burn to death when Kylo destroys the temple. I could buy his hermitage more that way than, "Oh, dude, I really blew it. Ah well, I'm sure my sister and best friend will be able to handle this on their own."
  90. Make Rose a Hacker, and get them on Snoke's Ship Sooner
  91. -Cut the scenes on the casino planet. Instead of jumping across the galaxy to find a hacker, Rose can take that role. They devise that with Finn's knowledge of First Order ships and Rose's computer knowledge, they can board the main ship and disable the tracker.
  92. -Finn's reflection on what it means to devote one's self to a higher cause. He is in the belly of the beast, and it forces him to compare his service as a storm trooper to that of the resistance. While Finn is questioning his own motivations,
  94. The planet can be Cantonica/Canto Bight, however rather than a focus on the casino, we see a regal opulent palace type environment. The city environment will be representative of wealth, order and opulence. The buildings would have lots of white marble, set in a red canyon-like environment with blue-green rivers flowing. Deceivingly beautiful, illusory. Think Coruscant meets Alderaan on Lake Powell.
  95. *Cut to the cockpit of the Falcon in hyperspace, the frame looks dream-like, golden dice hang above. The camera pans up and it’s Han Solo years younger.
  96. Cut to Leia alone, attempting to sense Luke. She needs him. The Resistance arrives on Cantonica. Leia orders a covert mission to contact allies and amass help from the New Republic. Finn is chosen to go to Cantonica to his bewilderment. Leia remains on the Raddus while the Resistance remains vigilant and she presents a diplomatic front.
  97. *Luke confided in Ben to guard himself against dark forces and spoke to him about possibly dissolving the Jedi Academy. He explains Ben turned his students against him, he manipulated them over time. Ben thought Luke was giving up on him and holding him back.
  98. In a fit of rage he crushes Vader’s helmet. He then has a moment of silence and clarity. He senses Rey.
  99. DJ and other First Order spies stole Resistance fleet and attacked the city and New Republic fleet hangars, framing them as terrorists. A Star Destroyer comes into view over the city, terrifying and intimidating with Kylo challenging Hux for command. Hux challenges him and enforces they are here with protocol not emotional vendettas. Hux announces the First Order is here to provide security to the New Republic.
  100. *Luke reveals to her she has made a mistake giving in to this connection and that Kylo now knows exactly where they are.
  101. *Luke appears in the center of the cave. He ignites a violent red, cross saber and charges at her, she draws her saber, he goes right through her. Immediately, she has a mysterious vision and connection with the cavern about the Force. This vision is ethereal and surreal...We hear Yoda’s voice, Obi-Wan’s, Luke’s and then they morph into Snoke’s voice. Then we see something dark, overpowering, consuming, blinding her giving her dark visions about herself. False realities. She sees herself impaling the blue saber into Luke. Rey resists it and the intensity leaves her screaming.
  102. Cut back to Luke, we see him walking across the stormy village on the island aware that something is about to happen. Faint red lights streak across the sky in mysterious ways. Suddenly dark figures appear in the rain in the village. Luke quickly reaches for a staff weapon and begins to fight 3 armored men. The fight moves to the cliffs. It’s the Knights of Ren. Luke starts to become overpowered and beaten after 3 other Knights arrive and attack from behind. He uses the Force and knocks them off the cliffs. He suspends one of them in mid air, confronting one of the Knights about how Kylo has twisted them. He begins talking about them knowing the truth when suddenly Kylo appears, masked in the rain, in armor. Luke senses it is him. Kylo kills the Knight with the Force during Luke’s words to him. Luke can sense Kylo’s darkness growing. He ignites his saber and faces Luke. Kylo taunts him about drawing his weapon and how he is a weak old man. Kylo proudly proclaims he has killed his father and mother. Luke knows he’s wrong.
  103. Before anything else is revealed Kylo angrily tries to strike Luke. Suddenly Rey arrives and blocks him with her saber. Suddenly Kylo’s attention is turned to her. She says “Not like this.” They have an interesting lightsaber duel that symbolizes the intensity of their connection. It is passionate, only blocking. Their sabers locking against the stormy night. Kylo reveals to her that Han Solo lied to her and that Luke abandoned her. Kylo screams “Tell her the truth!” Rey doesn’t know what to believe anymore, her visions have clouded her rationale. They draw down their sabers, she says “Luke’s not-“ Kylo screams “No! Your parents were nobodies… but HE is the reason you were forgotten… and he will abandon you again… I won’t. I see your potential. I want to guide you. Help you find the answers you seek.” Kylo locks eyes with Rey. Rey looks at Luke. Why was she abandoned? Who is responsible? She wants to know her place in all this, these visions and the experience in the cave have left her with even more despair...He senses her decision. Luke begs her to stay and says “This is not going to go the way you think.” A tense moment passes and she leaves with Kylo. She wants to help find her way with Ben. They take off on his TIE Silencer into the night.
  104. Yoda reveals to Luke that the girl must know the truth and he must not give up the fight for answers. He must protect Rey and Ben. Seek and you shall find.
  105. *Snoke mentions he is aware the remnants of the Resistance are hiding on Crait and will soon be destroyed once and for all. Snoke tells Rey that Luke will fail her and is denying her the true potential she is capable of. Snoke talks about how special Rey is and that he feels her strength surpass Kylo Ren, all in front of Kylo. He talks about the Skywalker saber calling to her.
  106. Back to the fight on Crait, Finn ends up taking control of a an AT-M6, he purposely starts attacking the First Order. Then we see a lone figure emerge from the shadows in the mines of Crait, walking towards the light on the surface of Crait dressed in white robes. Jedi Master Luke Skywalker appears and faces the mighty First Order head on.
  108. She decides to send a group of undercover trusted soldiers to Canto Bright to find an MIA Resistance spy who's been working to uncover the main backers of the TFO and who been selling them arms.
  109. >Rey gives Luke the Skywalker lightsaber. Luke, sensing what's going on as he holds it, throws the saber and storms away.
  110. >Hux explains to Snoke that he had ordered a tracking beacon placed on [the main resistance ship]...
  111. >Snoke applauds this and threatens to kill Hux if he doesn't end it now.
  112. >Back on Ahch-to, Rey is training alone as Luke watches.
  113. >DJ reveals that the resistance and TFO are all funded and sold arms to by dealers on Canto Bright.
  114. (after killing guards)...>Kylo seems emotionally exhausted whereas Rey seems envigorated. Kylo gives her the speech about forgetting the past. He says that they should end this all by creating a new order that embraces both sides of the Force...She cautiously agrees.
  116. "Finn can give a similar background on why he believes in the resistance cause by heavy handed animal cruelty and child slavery aesops"
  118. "Finn gives a short, defiant speech to the gathered storm troopers, with the theme that he’s been more in control of his life during his few days as a rebel than he ever was as a soldier. "
  120. "Had Rose die saving Finn."
  121. "Had Phasma shoot DJ instead of paying him off."
  123. "Snoke orders Hux and Kylo to assault the old rebel bunker, explicitly putting Kylo in charge, because he feels someone coming to their aid."
  125. "Rey shows up, and Chewie gets a coded signal from Ackbar, who reports how desperate it seems. Rey decides to go in on her own."
  127. " Rey surrenders herself to Kylo to be taken to Snoke. So that in the meantime the last members of the resistance can board the Millenium Falcon and flee."
  129. "TLJ should have ended in Snoke's throne room with Rey taking Kylo's hand and a hard cut to credits"
  131. "Kylo Ren offers his hand. Take out the crazy talk. Just have him sincerely talk about reforming the Empire, and how using the Force can make the Empire a tool for the good of the Universe. Establish that Rey is still very green to the light and dark side uses of the Force, and doesn't quite know the grays in-between. Establish Rey's parents weren't just shitty people, but genuinely terrified of her being Force-sensitive, and left her to die. Rey accepts Kylo's offer, albeit hesitantly."
  133. "Rey/Kylo swapping protagonist roles - Seriously, how many stories—especially a major franchise like SW—have the heroes trading places with villains? This could've been our generation's "Luke, I am your father" moment."
  135. "in the epilogue, in addition to seeing the broomstick kid, we first would have gotten a scene of some other people being inspired to join the rebellion, including some storm troopers."
  138. Ben's corruption
  139. "Ben's desire for greatness"
  141. DJ
  142. "The First Order spy DJ runs into Finn. They have a confrontation. DJ reveals himself to be a double agent of sorts. Finn trusts him because he relates. His philosophy is “Don’t Join.” He fights for what he thinks is right. It’s all about a certain point of view. Sometimes you have to play the part. This challenges Finn’s arc of leaving the First Order and fighting for the Resistance. Is he just on another side of a endless pointless conflict?"
  144. "As such, DJ represents the man that Finn could be if he acted on his most cowardly feelings in the series up to that point. It would make DJ's character serve more of a purpose and illustrate Finn's arc more clearly, I think."
  146. Finn
  147. "finn would much like his regular self only he would be a lot more competent.
  148. he would be in the storm trooper version of a special operations ."
  150. Galactic Cold War
  151. "The New Republic hasn't completely gotten over the Clone Wars and the 20-year hell of Sidious and Vader's Galactic Empire and are wary of these potential Jedi and Sith."
  153. "Young Force-sensitives are increasingly caught up in a galactic cold war between the two governments"
  155. Kylo
  156. Kylo: The first force-related thing we ever saw Kylo do was nothing we'd ever seen any Jedi do before, the Star Wars equivalent of "What are you trying to tell me? That I can dodge [blasters]?" "No, [Kylo]... When you're ready, you won't have to."
  158. "I disagree about Kylo being a scalpel. In both movies he's seen as a brute. Violence and raw power are his forte. Jedi can deflect blaster bolts. Kylo's the only one who just GRABS it. It's awesome, yes, but it's incredibly wasteful and inefficient."
  160. The Jedi
  161. "the jedi would not be gone but rather gone underground"
  163. Poe
  164. "Poe should've been a Jedi Knight and one of Luke's former students who is looking for his master while aiding Leia's organisation, being one of the few dozen survivors of the massacre as to prevent another situation of only four-three Force users in the galaxy. He's the one who teaches Rey about the Force, and then is killed by Kylo or at least suffers Finn's spinal injury in the finale."
  165. "poe would a jedi as well and kylos brother again echoing obi wan and anakin relationship as best friends slash brother "
  166. "With Poe himself, maybe keep him around but at some point he splits off from the crew to go tell Leia what happened, or maybe he gets separated during the escape for whatever reason."
  168. Resistance
  169. "In this case, maybe say that they're a New Republic backed coalition of independents that the NR cannot officially back for whatever reason (politics, logistics, all of the above), but they can at least supply local forces and provide training. Make it clear that while they're a capable force"
  171. Rey's Parentage
  172. "I think I might have actually found her."
  173. "Han, that can't be possible, they've both been dead for years..."
  175. Rey's weakness
  176. "No, she’s decent at fighting and she’s decent at the Force. No more being an ace pilot or genius mechanic. But she’s naïve and craves guidance and/or a parent figure (you know, like a real orphan). This is her vulnerability."
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