
Tyme KoV App

Mar 13th, 2019
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  1. Name: Tyme
  2. Race: Saiyan
  3. Key:Tairee
  4. Gender:Female
  5. Rank Going for: Saiyan Queen
  6. OOC Goals.:Simple Control over the saiyan people to lead them into a new golden age of conquest. As a ruyler I would be aiming to task out the saiyan forces and move towards building the power and influence of the saiyan race as a who;le. Resistance will be stomped out with swift ruthless efficency.
  7. Story:
  8. Tyme was born into royalty the youngest of 14 chilkdren sired by her father. She was different then her siblings though. She was a natural born Fighter. She did not need the various lessons her siblings did because she was growing quickly. Much more quickly then they seemed to and amongst the ones most ifuriated by that were the four oldest. These siblings were next in line and felt threatened by their youngest sister's growth. So they attacked her on their father's birthday. They had jumped her initally and began to all try to jump her. But they were slower fighters barely elites by their power alone. She proceded to take a punch from one sibling as her fist twisted into the punch. Her brother soon tackled her to the ground and began trying to punch her . but with her smaller frame she managed to slip her arm underand elbow him . And then anopther punch landed as ahe elbowed him again pushing him off of her as she rose to her feet. The second brother came and sheheard the step and twisted back and launched her foot forward. The low angle of her kick catching him in his family jewels.. THe final brother was the oldest and he stood in his stance waiting for her to attack. She looked at him a moment as she dashed forward and jumped up to attack her brother. Her kick coming down towards his neck. He lifted his arms to block before stepping to the side and struck her with a punch. she crumpled under the punch and grunted before going to the floor. She quickly swept his feet using the momentum from the blow to boost the force. He lost balance anshe oushed herself up and jumped into a knee in a single movement. He would grunt as her knee connected and he was sent a few feet back. THe malke would soon run forweard and attack her with a flurrty of punces. THe second blow connected as she dodged into it. HE would then attampt to grab her and as he did she smiled and moved forward and moved to break his arm with a swift movement.
  9. Notes:If you would like any more examples of RP I can give some logs
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