

Jan 3rd, 2018
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  1. # Chat+ Plugin Skript by SrFox3999
  3. options:
  4. #Commands Blocked
  5. pl: &fPlugins (1): &aNetWorkPlugin #shows server plugins
  6. plugins: &fPlugins (1): &aNetWorkPlugin #shows server plugins
  7. ?: &6If you need help contact with a Staff. #shows server help with plugins
  8. reload: &cWhy do you try to do this?!
  9. stop: &cWhy do you try to do this?!
  10. staffchat-access-permission:
  11. chat.permission: &a[&b&lChat&6&l+&a] &cYou do not have permission for this!
  12. Sound0: AMBIENCE_CAVE
  13. Sound1: NOTE_PLING
  15. Sound3: EXPLODE
  16. Sound4: NOTE_BASS
  17. Sound5: ORB_PICKUP
  19. Sound7: NOTE_SNARE_DRUM
  20. Sound8: NOTE_BASS_GUITAR
  21. Sound9: FIRE_IGNITE
  22. Sound10: FIZZ
  23. Sound11: SUCCESSFUL_HIT
  24. Sound13: YOUR_SOUND
  25. options:
  26. prefix: &a[&b&lChat&6&l+&a]
  28. options:
  29. #First Join
  30. mfjTitle: %{chat+.config::fjt}% &d&o%player%&f&l&n!
  31. mfjSubtitle: %{chat+.config::fjst}%
  32. mfj: %{chat+.config::fjm}% &b%player% &2<<<<
  33. mfjpermission: chat.mfirstjoin
  36. #Join
  37. mjoinTitle: %{chat+.config::jt}% &d&o%player%&f&l&n!
  38. mjoinSubtitle: %{chat+.config::jst}%
  39. mjoin: &1>>>> &a%player% %{chat+.config::jm}%
  40. jpermission: chat.mjoin
  42. #Quit
  43. mquit: &c>>>> &4%player% %{chat+.config::qm}%
  44. mqpermission: chat.mquit
  46. SoundVolume: 100.0
  47. options:
  48. partyprefix: &c[&bParty&c]
  50. on load:
  51. send "&6" to console
  52. send "&9&l---------------------------" to console
  53. send "&c&lChat&6&l+&7:" to console
  54. send "&a&lPlugin Chat+ &benabled by SrFox3999" to console
  55. send "&9&l---------------------------" to console
  56. send "&6" to console
  58. on load:
  59. if folder "plugins/Chat+" doesn't exists:
  60. create folder "plugins/Chat+"
  61. if file "plugins/Chat+/config.yml" doesn't exists:
  62. create file "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  63. wf " " to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  64. wf "## Chat+ - Config ##" to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  65. wf " " to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  66. wf "prefix: '&a[&b&lChat&6&l+&a]'" to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  67. wf "noperms-msg: '&a[&b&lChat&6&l+&a] &cYou do not have permission for this!'" to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  68. wf "motd-join: true" to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  69. wf "scoreboard-enabled: true" to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  70. wf "first-join-title-enabled: true" to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  71. wf "join-title-enabled: true" to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  72. wf "first-join-message-enabled: true" to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  73. wf "join-message-enabled: true" to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  74. wf "quit-message-enabled: true" to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  75. wf "join-firework: true" to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  76. wf " " to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  77. wf " " to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  78. wf "## Chat+ - MOTD ##" to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  79. wf " " to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  80. wf "motd: '§eThis Server &dis running &a[&b&lChat&6&l+&a]. &cEdit it in &aconfig.yml!'" to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  81. wf "motd-on-join1: '&a-&b-&c-&d-&e-&7-&9-&5-&6-&a-&b-&c-&d-&e-&7-&9-&5-&6-'" to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  82. wf "motd-on-join2: '&7'" to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  83. wf "motd-on-join3: '&6 Welcome,'" to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  84. wf "motd-on-join4: '&7'" to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  85. wf "motd-on-join5: '&7 &bto &4&lYOUR SERVER'" to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  86. wf "motd-on-join6: '&7'" to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  87. wf "motd-on-join7: '&a-&b-&c-&d-&e-&7-&9-&5-&6-&a-&b-&c-&d-&e-&7-&9-&5-&6-'" to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  88. wf " " to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  89. wf " " to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  90. wf "## Chat+ - FireWork ##" to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  91. wf "firework-color: 'red'" to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  92. wf " " to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  93. wf "## Chat+ - First Join & Join Titles ##" to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  94. wf "first-join-title: '&6&lWelcome'" to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  95. wf "first-join-subtitle: '&4&lHAVE FUN &bon our &aServer&f&l&n!!'" to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  96. wf "join-title: '&6&lHello'" to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  97. wf "join-subtitle: '&bWelcome back &6to &emineserver&f&l&n!!'" to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  98. wf " " to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  99. wf " " to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  100. wf "## Chat+ - First Join, Join & Quit Messages ##" to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  101. wf "first-join-message: '&2>>>> &aA new player joined:'" to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  102. wf "join-message: '&2joined the server &1<<<<'" to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  103. wf "quit-message: '&5leave the server !&c <<<<'" to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  104. wf " " to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  105. wf " " to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  106. wf "## Chat+ - Tablist ##" to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  107. wf " " to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  108. wf "tablist-header: '&6&l+&7&l---------------------------------------------&6&l+'" to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  109. wf "tablist-footer: '&6&l+&7&l--------------------------------------------&6&l+'" to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  110. wf "bossbar: '&7- &fWelcome, to &4&lMY SERVER &7-'" to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  111. wf "actionbar: '&fWelcome, to &4&lMY SERVER'" to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  112. wf " " to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  113. wf " " to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  114. wf "## Chat+ - ScoreBoard ##" to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  115. wf " " to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  116. wf " " to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  117. wf "scoreboard-name: '&a&l[&b&lChat&6&l+&a&l]'" to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  118. wf "line20: '&9Welcome &4to &7Your&dServer&2Here'" to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  119. wf "line18: '&bPlayer:'" to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  120. wf "line15: '&5Online:'" to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  121. wf "line12: '&6Website:'" to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  122. wf "line11: '&'" to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  123. wf "line9: '&7Webstore:'" to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  124. wf "line8: '&'" to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  125. wf " " to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  126. wf " " to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  127. wf " ## Chat+ - Signs ##" to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  128. wf " " to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  129. wf "## First Line of Sign ##" to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  130. wf "sign-prefix: '&a[&b&lChat&6&l+&a]'" to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  131. wf " " to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  132. wf "## Second Line of Sign ##" to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  133. wf "sign-help: '&5&lHelp'" to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  134. wf "sign-emotis: '&e&lEmotis'" to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  135. wf "sign-reload: '&6&lReload'" to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  136. wf "sign-clearchat: '&c&lClear Chat'" to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  137. wf "sign-version: '&d&lVersion'" to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  138. wf "sign-onlineplayers: '&6&lHelp'" to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  139. wf "sign-staffchat: '&9&lStaff Chat'" to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  140. wf "sign-ping: '&7&lPing'" to "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  141. set {chat+.config::prefix} to coloured value "prefix" get of "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  142. set {chat+.config::noperms-msg} to coloured value "noperms-msg" get of "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  143. set {chat+.config::motd} to coloured value "motd" get of "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  144. set {chat+.config::efjt} to coloured value "first-join-title-enabled" get of "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  145. set {chat+.config::ejt} to coloured value "join-title-enabled" get of "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  146. set {chat+.config::efjm} to coloured value "first-join-message-enabled" get of "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  147. set {chat+.config::ejm} to coloured value "join-message-enabled" get of "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  148. set {chat+.config::eqm} to coloured value "quit-message-enabled" get of "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  149. set {chat+.config::ejf} to coloured value "join-firework" get of "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  150. set {chat+.config::motdjoin} to coloured value "motd-join" get of "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  151. set {chat+.config::motdj1} to coloured value "motd-on-join1" get of "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  152. set {chat+.config::motdj2} to coloured value "motd-on-join2" get of "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  153. set {chat+.config::motdj3} to coloured value "motd-on-join3" get of "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  154. set {chat+.config::motdj4} to coloured value "motd-on-join4" get of "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  155. set {chat+.config::motdj5} to coloured value "motd-on-join5" get of "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  156. set {chat+.config::motdj6} to coloured value "motd-on-join6" get of "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  157. set {chat+.config::motdj7} to coloured value "motd-on-join7" get of "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  158. set {chat+.config::fc} to coloured value "firework-color" get of "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  159. set {chat+.config::fjt} to coloured value "first-join-title" get of "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  160. set {chat+.config::fjst} to coloured value "first-join-subtitle" get of "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  161. set {chat+.config::jt} to coloured value "join-title" get of "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  162. set {chat+.config::jst} to coloured value "join-subtitle" get of "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  163. set {chat+.config::fjm} to coloured value "first-join-message" get of "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  164. set {chat+.config::jm} to coloured value "join-message" get of "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  165. set {chat+.config::qm} to coloured value "quit-message" get of "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  166. set {chat+.config::tablistheader} to coloured value "tablist-header" get of "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  167. set {chat+.config::tablistheaderenabled} to coloured value "tablist-header-enabled" get of "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  168. set {chat+.config::tablistfooter} to coloured value "tablist-footer" get of "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  169. set {chat+.config::tablistfooterenabled} to coloured value "tablist-footer-enabled" get of "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  170. set {chat+.config::motdj7} to coloured value "motd-on-join7" get of "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  171. set {chat+.config::bossbar} to coloured value "bossbar" get of "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  172. set {chat+.config::actionbar} to coloured value "actionbar" get of "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  173. set {chat+.config::scoreboardname} to coloured value "scoreboard-name" get of "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  174. set {chat+.config::line20} to coloured value "line20" get of "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  175. set {chat+.config::line18} to coloured value "line18" get of "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  176. set {chat+.config::line15} to coloured value "line15" get of "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  177. set {chat+.config::line12} to coloured value "line12" get of "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  178. set {chat+.config::line11} to coloured value "line11" get of "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  179. set {chat+.config::line9} to coloured value "line9" get of "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  180. set {chat+.config::line8} to coloured value "line8" get of "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  181. set {chat+.config::maxplayers} to coloured value "max-players" get of "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  182. set {chat+.config::signprefix} to coloured value "sign-prefix" get of "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  183. set {chat+.config::signhelp} to coloured value "sign-help" get of "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  184. set {chat+.config::signemotis} to coloured value "sign-emotis" get of "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  185. set {chat+.config::signreload} to coloured value "sign-reload" get of "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  186. set {chat+.config::signclearchat} to coloured value "sign-clearchat" get of "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  187. set {chat+.config::signversion} to coloured value "sign-version" get of "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  188. set {chat+.config::signonlineplayers} to coloured value "sign-onlineplayers" get of "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  189. set {chat+.config::signstaffchat} to coloured value "sign-staffchat" get of "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  190. set {chat+.config::signping} to coloured value "sign-ping" get of "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  191. set {chat+.config::scoreboardenabled} to value "scoreboard" get of "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  194. set {chat+.config::signreportlist} to coloured value "sign-reportslist" get of "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  195. set {chat+.config::signclearreports} to coloured value "sign-clearreports" get of "plugins/Chat+/config.yml"
  197. # ---------------------------------- Motd ------------------------------------- #
  200. on server list ping:
  201. set motd to "%{chat+.config::motd}%"
  203. command /maxplayers [<text>]:
  204. permission: chat.maxplayers
  205. aliases: /slots, /maxslots, /setslots, /maxplayer
  206. trigger:
  207. if arg-1 is not set:
  208. message "%{chat+.config::prefix}% /&emaxplayers &9<&bAmount&8/&aReset&9>"
  209. message "%{chat+.config::prefix}% &7Current Slots: &6%{MaxPlayers}%"
  210. stop
  211. if ("%arg-1%" parsed as integer) is less than 1:
  212. message "%{chat+.config::prefix}% &cInvalid Slot Number!"
  213. stop
  214. set {MaxPlayers} to ("%arg-1%" parsed as integer)
  215. broadcast "%{chat+.config::prefix}% &dMaximum Slots &9set To &6%arg-1%&7!"
  217. on join:
  218. set {onlineplayers} to size of all players
  219. if {onlineplayers} is less than {MaxPlayers}:
  220. stop
  221. else:
  222. if player has permission "chat.maxplayers":
  223. if {onlineplayers} is less than {MaxSlots}:
  224. stop
  225. else:
  226. kick the player due to "%{chat+.config::prefix}% &c&lThis Server Is &6&lFull&7!"
  227. else:
  228. kick the player due to "%{chat+.config::prefix}% &c&lThis Server Is &6&lFull&7!"
  230. on server list ping:
  231. set max player count to {MaxPlayers}
  233. on load:
  234. set {onlineplayers} to 0
  236. on join:
  237. add 1 to {onlineplayers}
  238. on quit:
  239. remove 1 from {onlineplayers}
  241. every 20 ticks:
  242. loop all players:
  243. set {onlineplayers} to amount of players
  244. every 20 ticks:
  245. loop all players:
  246. set {onlineplayers} to amount of players
  248. command /playercount:
  249. trigger:
  250. message "&aPlayer Count: &b%{onlineplayers}%&6/&9%{MaxPlayers}%"
  252. # ---------------------------------- Played Time ------------------------------------- #
  254. options:
  255. databasePrefix: srfox3999 #DO NOT EDIT!
  257. command /timeplayed [<offline player>]:
  258. aliases: playedtime
  259. usage: /timeplayed
  260. permission: chat.timeplayed
  261. permission message: {@chat.permission}
  262. trigger:
  263. if arg 1 is not set:
  264. message ""
  265. message "&a----------------------------------------------------------"
  266. message ""
  267. message "&a &b&lTime &ePlayed:"
  268. message ""
  269. message "&d &a%{{@databasePrefix}TimePlayed.1.Time.Days.%player%}% &fDays &a%{{@databasePrefix}TimePlayed.1.Time.Hours.%player%}% &fHours &a%{{@databasePrefix}TimePlayed.1.Time.Minutes.%player%}% &fMinutes &a%{{@databasePrefix}TimePlayed.1.Time.Seconds.%player%}% &fSeconds"
  270. message ""
  271. message "&7&oYou can check &9&oother peoples play time &e&owith /timeplayed &f&o<player>"
  272. message "&a----------------------------------------------------------"
  273. if arg 1 is set:
  274. if {{@databasePrefix}TimePlayed.1.Time.Seconds.%arg 1%} is not set:
  275. message "%{{@databasePrefix}PlayerCmds.Main.Settings.Prefix}% &4&lERROR: &aThat player has never played before!"
  276. else if {{@databasePrefix}TimePlayed.1.Time.Seconds.%player%} is set:
  277. message ""
  278. message "&a----------------------------------------------------------"
  279. message ""
  280. message "&a &b&l%arg 1%'s &ePlay Time"
  281. message ""
  282. message "&d &a%{{@databasePrefix}TimePlayed.1.Time.Days.%arg 1%}% &fDays &a%{{@databasePrefix}TimePlayed.1.Time.Hours.%arg 1%}% &fHours &a%{{@databasePrefix}TimePlayed.1.Time.Minutes.%arg 1%}% &fMinutes &a%{{@databasePrefix}TimePlayed.1.Time.Seconds.%arg 1%}% &fSeconds"
  283. message ""
  284. message "&a----------------------------------------------------------"
  285. message ""
  288. every 1 second:
  289. loop all players:
  290. add 1 to {{@databasePrefix}TimePlayed.1.Time.Seconds.%loop-player%}
  291. every 1 second:
  292. loop all players:
  293. if {{@databasePrefix}TimePlayed.1.Time.Minutes.%loop-player%} is more than 59:
  294. remove 59 from {{@databasePrefix}TimePlayed.1.Time.Minutes.%loop-player%}
  295. add 1 to {{@databasePrefix}TimePlayed.1.Time.Hours.%loop-player%}
  296. every 1 second:
  297. loop all players:
  298. if {{@databasePrefix}TimePlayed.1.Time.Hours.%loop-player%} is more than 23:
  299. remove 24 from {{@databasePrefix}TimePlayed.1.Time.Hours.%loop-player%}
  300. add 1 to {{@databasePrefix}TimePlayed.1.Time.Days.%loop-player%}
  301. every 1 second:
  302. loop all players:
  303. if {{@databasePrefix}TimePlayed.1.Time.Seconds.%loop-player%} is more than 59:
  304. remove 60 from {{@databasePrefix}TimePlayed.1.Time.Seconds.%loop-player%}
  305. add 1 to {{@databasePrefix}TimePlayed.1.Time.Minutes.%loop-player%}
  307. on join:
  308. if {{@databasePrefix}TimePlayed.1.Time.Days.%player%} is not set:
  309. set {{@databasePrefix}TimePlayed.1.Time.Days.%player%} to 0
  310. on join:
  311. if {{@databasePrefix}TimePlayed.1.Time.Hours.%player%} is not set:
  312. set {{@databasePrefix}TimePlayed.1.Time.Hours.%player%} to 0
  313. on join:
  314. if {{@databasePrefix}TimePlayed.1.Time.Minutes.%player%} is not set:
  315. set {{@databasePrefix}TimePlayed.1.Time.Minutes.%player%} to 0
  317. # -------------------------------- Titles --------------------------------- #
  319. #First Join Title
  320. #First Join Message
  321. command /fjt:
  322. trigger:
  323. if {chat+.config::efjt} is "true":
  324. play "{@Sound0}" to player at volume {@SoundVolume}
  325. send player title "{@mfjTitle}" with subtitle "{@mfjSubtitle}" for 3 seconds
  326. broadcast "&r"
  327. broadcast "{@mfj}"
  328. broadcast "&r"
  330. #Join Title
  331. #Join Message
  332. command /jt:
  333. trigger:
  334. if {chat+.config::ejt} is "true":
  335. play "{@Sound1}" to player at volume {@SoundVolume}
  336. send player title "{@mjoinTitle}" with subtitle "{@mjoinSubtitle}" for 3 seconds
  337. broadcast "&r"
  338. broadcast "{@mjoin}"
  339. broadcast "&r"
  341. #On First Join
  342. on first join:
  343. if {chat+.config::efjm} is "true":
  344. wait 1 tick
  345. play "{@Sound0}" to player at volume {@SoundVolume}
  346. send player title "{@mfjTitle}" with subtitle "{@mfjSubtitle}" for 3 seconds
  347. broadcast "&r"
  348. broadcast "{@mfj}"
  349. broadcast "&r"
  351. #On Join
  352. on join:
  353. if {chat+.config::ejm} is "true":
  354. wait 1 tick
  355. play "{@Sound1}" to player at volume {@SoundVolume}
  356. send player title "{@mjoinTitle}" with subtitle "{@mjoinSubtitle}" for 3 seconds
  357. broadcast "&r"
  358. broadcast "{@mjoin}"
  359. broadcast "&r"
  361. #Quit Message
  362. on quit:
  363. if {chat+.config::efjt} is "true":
  364. wait 1 tick
  365. broadcast "&r"
  366. broadcast "{@mquit}"
  367. broadcast "&r"
  369. #Quit Command
  370. command /qt:
  371. trigger:
  372. if {chat+.config::efjt} is "true":
  373. broadcast "&r"
  374. broadcast "{@mquit}"
  375. broadcast "&r"
  378. # ---------------------------------- ScoreBoard ------------------------------------- #
  380. on join:
  381. if {chat+.config::scoreboardenabled} is "true":
  382. wait 3 ticks
  383. wipe player sidebar
  384. set name of sidebar of player to "&a&l[&b&lChat&6&l+&a&l]"
  385. set score "%{chat+.config::line20}%" in sidebar of player to 20
  386. set score "&7 " in sidebar of player to 19
  387. set score "%{chat+.config::line18}%" in sidebar of player to 18
  388. set score "&e%player%" in sidebar of player to 17
  389. set score "&f" in sidebar of player to 16
  390. set score "%{chat+.config::line15}%" in sidebar of player to 15
  391. set score "&7%{onlineplayers}%&1/&8%{MaxPlayers}%" in sidebar of player to 14
  392. set score "&3 " in sidebar of player to 13
  393. set score "%{chat+.config::line12}%" in sidebar of player to 12
  394. set score "%{chat+.config::line11}%" in sidebar of player to 11
  395. set score "&6 " in sidebar of player to 10
  396. set score "%{chat+.config::line9}%" in sidebar of player to 9
  397. set score "%{chat+.config::line8}%" in sidebar of player to 8
  398. set score "&6" in sidebar of player to 7
  399. else:
  400. if {chat+.config::scoreboardenabled} is "false":
  401. make player execute command "/scoreboard objectives setdisplay sidebar"
  404. # ---------------------------------- Ping ------------------------------------- #
  406. command /ping [<player>]:
  407. aliases: /p
  408. permission:
  409. trigger:
  410. if arg 1 is not set:
  411. send "&9Ping &e» &a%player's ping%"
  412. else:
  413. send "&9Ping &e» &a%player-arg's ping%"
  415. on load:
  416. loop 9 times:
  417. if {chat+.config::line%loop-number%} is "":
  418. delete {chat+.config::line%loop-number%}
  421. # ---------------------------------- Signs ------------------------------------- #
  423. on sign change:
  424. player has permission "chat.admin"
  425. line 1 is "[Chat+]"
  426. line 2 is "help"
  427. message "&a[&b&lChat&6&l+&a] &7Sign &3&lHelp &7made sucessfully!"
  428. set line 1 to "%{chat+.config::signprefix}%"
  429. set line 2 to "%{chat+.config::signhelp}%"
  431. on right click on a sign:
  432. if line 1 is "%{chat+.config::signprefix}%":
  433. if line 2 is "%{chat+.config::signhelp}%":
  434. make player execute command "/chat help"
  436. on sign change:
  437. player has permission "chat.admin"
  438. line 1 is "[Chat+]"
  439. line 2 is "emotis"
  440. message "&a[&b&lChat&6&l+&a] &7Sign &3&lEmotis &7made sucessfully!"
  441. set line 1 to "%{chat+.config::signprefix}%"
  442. set line 2 to "%{chat+.config::signemotis}%"
  444. on right click on a sign:
  445. if line 1 is "%{chat+.config::signprefix}%":
  446. if line 2 is "%{chat+.config::signemotis}%":
  447. make player execute command "/chat emotis"
  449. on sign change:
  450. player has permission "chat.admin"
  451. line 1 is "[Chat+]"
  452. line 2 is "clear"
  453. message "&a[&b&lChat&6&l+&a] &7Sign &3&lClear Chat &7made sucessfully!"
  454. set line 1 to "%{chat+.config::signprefix}%"
  455. set line 2 to "%{chat+.config::signclearchat}%"
  457. on right click on a sign:
  458. if line 1 is "&a[&b&lChat&6&l+&a]":
  459. if line 2 is "%{chat+.config::signclearchat}%":
  460. make player execute command "/clearchat"
  462. on sign change:
  463. player has permission "chat.admin"
  464. line 1 is "[Chat+]"
  465. line 2 is "reload"
  466. message "&a[&b&lChat&6&l+&a] &7Sign &3&lReload &7made sucessfully!"
  467. set line 1 to "%{chat+.config::signprefix}%"
  468. set line 2 to "%{chat+.config::signreload}%"
  470. on right click on a sign:
  471. if line 1 is "%{chat+.config::signprefix}%":
  472. if line 2 is "%{chat+.config::signreload}%":
  473. make player execute command "/chat reload"
  475. on sign change:
  476. player has permission "chat.admin"
  477. line 1 is "[Chat+]"
  478. line 2 is "staff chat"
  479. message "&a[&b&lChat&6&l+&a] &7Sign &3&lStaff Chat &7made sucessfully!"
  480. set line 1 to "%{chat+.config::signprefix}%"
  481. set line 2 to "%{chat+.config::signstaffchat}%"
  483. on right click on a sign:
  484. if line 1 is "%{chat+.config::signprefix}%":
  485. if line 2 is "%{chat+.config::signstaffchat}%":
  486. make player execute command "/staffchat"
  488. on sign change:
  489. player has permission "chat.admin"
  490. line 1 is "[Chat+]"
  491. line 2 is "report list"
  492. message "&a[&b&lChat&6&l+&a] &7Sign &3&lReport List &7made sucessfully!"
  493. set line 1 to "%{chat+.config::signprefix}%"
  494. set line 2 to "&a&lReport List"
  496. on right click on a sign:
  497. if line 1 is "%{chat+.config::signprefix}%":
  498. if line 2 is "&a&lReport List":
  499. make player execute command "/reportlist"
  501. on sign change:
  502. player has permission "chat.admin"
  503. line 1 is "[Chat+]"
  504. line 2 is "clear reports"
  505. message "&a[&b&lChat&6&l+&a] &7Sign &3&lClear Reports &7made sucessfully!"
  506. set line 1 to "%{chat+.config::signprefix}%"
  507. set line 2 to "&d&lClear Reports"
  509. on right click on a sign:
  510. if line 1 is "%{chat+.config::signprefix}%":
  511. if line 2 is "&d&lClear Reports":
  512. make player execute command "/clearreports"
  514. on sign change:
  515. player has permission "chat.admin"
  516. line 1 is "[Chat+]"
  517. line 2 is "ping"
  518. message "&a[&b&lChat&6&l+&a] &7Sign &3&lPing &7made sucessfully!"
  519. set line 1 to "%{chat+.config::signprefix}%"
  520. set line 2 to "%{chat+.config::signping}%"
  522. on right click on a sign:
  523. if line 1 is "%{chat+.config::signprefix}%":
  524. if line 2 is "%{chat+.config::signping}%":
  525. make player execute command "/ping"
  527. on sign change:
  528. player has permission "chat.admin"
  529. line 1 is "[Party]"
  530. line 2 is "help"
  531. message "&a[&b&lChat&6&l+&a] &7Sign &3&lParty Help's Page &7made sucessfully!"
  532. set line 1 to "{@partyprefix}"
  533. set line 2 to "&8&lHelp"
  535. on right click on a sign:
  536. if line 1 is "{@partyprefix}":
  537. if line 2 is "&8&lHelp":
  538. make player execute command "/party help"
  540. on sign change:
  541. player has permission "chat.admin"
  542. line 1 is "[Chat+]"
  543. line 2 is "version" or "v"
  544. message "&a[&b&lChat&6&l+&a] &7Sign &3&lVersion &7made sucessfully!"
  545. set line 1 to "%{chat+.config::signprefix}%"
  546. set line 2 to "%{chat+.config::signversion}%"
  548. on right click on a sign:
  549. if line 1 is "%{chat+.config::signversion}%":
  550. if line 2 is "%{chat+.config::signversion}%":
  551. make player execute command "/chat version"
  553. # ------------------------------------- Chat Commands ---------------------------------------- #
  555. command /chat <text> [<player>]:
  556. permission: chat.messages
  557. executable by: players
  558. description: See the Chat+ messages!
  559. usage: &3/chat &6[&9help &e- &9emotis &e- &9reload &e- &9/staffchat &e- &9/clearchat &e- &9/report &6]
  560. permission message: {@chat.permission}
  561. trigger:
  562. if argument 1 is "help":
  563. player has permission ""
  564. message "&r"
  565. message "&9&l[---------------------------------------------]"
  566. message "&r"
  567. message " &c&lCommands:"
  568. message "&r"
  569. message " §7chat.admin &5&l| &6(Put all Signs)"
  570. message " &a/chat help &5&l| & &6(See the Help's Page)"
  571. message " &a/chat emotis &5&l| &7chat.emotis &6(See the Emoticons Page)"
  572. message " &a/chat reload &5&l| §7chat.reload &6(Reloads the Plugin)"
  573. message " &a/clearchat &5&l| §7chat.clear &6(Clear the chat)"
  574. message " &a/staffchat &5&l| § &6(StaffChat GUI)"
  575. message " &a/report <offline person> &5&l| § &6(Report GUI)"
  576. message " &a/reportlist &5&l| §7report.list &6(List of Reports)"
  577. message " &a/clearreports &5&l| §7report.clear &6(Clear all Reports)"
  578. message " &a/ping &5&l| § &6(See your Ping)"
  579. message " &a/party help &5&l| § &6(See the Party's Help Page)"
  580. message "&r"
  581. message "&9&l[---------------------------------------------]"
  582. message "&r"
  583. player does not have the permission "":
  584. message "%{chat+.config::noperms-msg}%"
  585. if argument 1 is "emotis":
  586. player has permission "chat.emotis"
  587. message "&r"
  588. message "&r"
  589. message "&7&l---&b&lList of &6&lEmotis---"
  590. message "&r"
  591. message " &a<3 &7= &f❤"
  592. message " &a{avion} &7= &f✈"
  593. message " &a{tick} &7= &f✔"
  594. message " &a{x} &7= &f✘"
  595. message " &a{music} &7= &f♫"
  596. message " &a{c} &7= &f©"
  597. message " &a{dead} &7= &f☠"
  598. message " &a{chinese} &7= &f☯"
  599. message " &a{king} &7= &f♛"
  600. message " &a{tm} &7= &f™"
  601. message " &a{sun} &7= &f☼"
  602. message " &a\/ &7= &f▼"
  603. message " &a> &7= &f➜"
  604. message " &a< &7= &f◄"
  605. message " &a{r} &7= &f®"
  606. message " &a{t} &7= &f✞"
  607. message " &a{moon} &7= &f☾"
  608. message " &amoon &7= &f☽"
  609. message " &a{star} &7= &f✸"
  610. message " &a{cloud} &7= &f☁"
  611. message " &a{umbrella} &7= &f☂"
  612. message " &a{paris} &7= &f☮"
  613. message " &a{peace} &7= &f✌"
  614. message " &a{nuclear} &7= &f☢"
  615. message " &a{mail} &7= &f✉"
  616. message " &a{1} &7= &f①"
  617. message " &a{2} &7= &f②"
  618. message " &a{3} &7= &f③"
  619. message " &a{4} &7= &f④"
  620. message " &a{5} &7= &f⑤"
  621. message " &a{6} &7= &f⑥"
  622. message " &a{7} &7= &f⑦"
  623. message " &a{8} &7= &f⑧"
  624. message " &a{9} &7= &f⑨"
  625. message " &a{10} &7= &f⑩"
  626. message " &a{11} &7= &f⑪"
  627. message " &a{12} &7= &f⑫"
  628. message " &a{13} &7= &f⑬"
  629. message " &a{14} &7= &f⑭"
  630. message " &a{15} &7= &f⑮"
  631. message " &a{16} &7= &f⑯"
  632. message " &a{17} &7= &f⑰"
  633. message " &a{18} &7= &f⑱"
  634. message " &a{19} &7= &f⑲"
  635. message " &a{20} &7= &f⑳"
  636. message " &a-.- &7= &fಠ_ಠ"
  637. message " &a{._.} &7= &fo(╥﹏╥)o"
  638. message " &a313 &7= &fεїз"
  639. message " &a{gun} &7= &f︻┳═一"
  640. message " &a._. &7= &f✿◕ ‿ ◕✿"
  641. message " &a{love} &7= &f♥love♥"
  642. message " &a{lucky} &7= &fl̲̅u̲̅c̲̅k̲̅y"
  643. message " &a:) &7= &f☺"
  644. message " &a:( &7= &f☺"
  645. message " &a{fuckyou} &7= &f┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐"
  646. message " &a{bear} &7= &fˁ˚ᴥ˚ˀ"
  647. message " &a{yuno} &7= &fლ(ಠ益ಠლ)"
  648. message " &a{flip} &7= &f(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻"
  649. message " &a{meh} &7= &f_(ツ)_/¯"
  650. message " &a{cut} &7= &f✄"
  651. message " &a{flower} &7= &f✿"
  652. message " &a;) &7= &f😋"
  653. message "&r"
  654. message "&7&l---&b&lList of &6&lEmotis---"
  655. message "&r"
  656. message "&r"
  657. player does not have the permission "chat.emotis":
  658. message "%{chat+.config::noperms-msg}%"
  659. if argument 1 is "reload":
  660. player has permission "chat.reload"
  661. execute player command "/skript reload %script%"
  662. player does not have the permission "chat.reload":
  663. message "%{chat+.config::noperms-msg}%"
  664. if argument 1 is "gui":
  665. player has permission "chat.gui"
  666. open chest with 6 row named "&a&lChat&6&l+ &cGui" to player
  667. wait 1 tick
  668. format slot 11 of player with map named "&5&lHelp" with lore "|| &aOpen Help's Page. ||" to close then run [execute player command "/chat help"]
  669. format slot 12 of player with head named "&e&lEmotis" with lore "|| &aReloads the Plugin. ||" to close then run [execute player command "/chat emotis"]
  670. format slot 13 of player with redstone named "&6&lReload" with lore "|| &aReloads the Plugin. ||" to close then run [execute player command "/chat reload"]
  671. format slot 0 of player with black glass named " " to close
  672. format slot 1 of player with black glass named " " to close
  673. format slot 2 of player with black glass named " " to close
  674. format slot 3 of player with black glass named " " to close
  675. format slot 4 of player with black glass named " " to close
  676. format slot 5 of player with black glass named " " to close
  677. format slot 6 of player with black glass named " " to close
  678. format slot 7 of player with black glass named " " to close
  679. format slot 8 of player with black glass named " " to close
  680. wait 1 tick
  681. format slot 9 of player with black glass named " " to close
  682. format slot 27 of player with black glass named " " to close
  683. format slot 16 of player with black glass named " " to close
  684. format slot 17 of player with black glass named " " to close
  685. wait 1 tick
  686. format slot 18 of player with black glass named " " to close
  687. format slot 19 of player with black glass named " " to close
  688. format slot 35 of player with black glass named " " to close
  689. format slot 34 of player with black glass named " " to close
  690. format slot 36 of player with black glass named " " to close
  691. format slot 37 of player with black glass named " " to close
  692. format slot 43 of player with black glass named " " to close
  693. format slot 44 of player with black glass named " " to close
  694. format slot 45 of player with black glass named " " to close
  695. format slot 46 of player with black glass named " " to close
  696. format slot 47 of player with black glass named " " to close
  697. format slot 48 of player with black glass named " " to close
  698. format slot 49 of player with black glass named " " to close
  699. format slot 50 of player with black glass named " " to close
  700. format slot 51 of player with black glass named " " to close
  701. format slot 52 of player with black glass named " " to close
  702. format slot 53 of player with black glass named " " to close
  703. format slot 28 of player with black glass named " " to close
  704. format slot 25 of player with black glass named " " to close
  705. format slot 10 of player with black glass named " " to close
  706. format slot 26 of player with black glass named " " to close
  707. player does not have the permission "chat.gui":
  708. message "%{chat+.config::noperms-msg}%"
  709. if argument 1 is "enable":
  710. player has permission "chat.enable":
  711. broadcast "&7&l▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪"
  712. broadcast " "
  713. broadcast "&b&lThe chat &ahas been enabled &eby &e%player%!"
  714. broadcast ""
  715. broadcast "&7&l▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪"
  716. set {chat.disabled} to false
  717. if argument 1 is "disable":
  718. player has permission "chat.disable":
  719. broadcast "&7&l▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪"
  720. broadcast " "
  721. broadcast "&b&lThe chat &chas been disabled &eby %player%!"
  722. broadcast ""
  723. broadcast "&7&l▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪"
  724. set {chat.disabled} to true
  725. if argument 1 is "version" or "v":
  726. player has permission "chat.version"
  727. message "&r"
  728. message "&c&l[---------------------------------------------]"
  729. message "&r"
  730. message " &a&lChat&6&l+ &dVersion &b3.2:"
  731. message "&r"
  732. message "&c&l[---------------------------------------------]"
  733. message "&r"
  734. player does not have the permission "chat.version":
  735. message "%{chat+.config::noperms-msg}%"
  737. on chat:
  738. if {chat.disabled} is true:
  739. player doesn't have permission "chat.bypass"
  740. message "%{chat+.config::prefix}% &cYou can not talk while the chat is disabled."
  741. cancel event
  742. on chat:
  743. if {mute.%player%} is more than 0:
  744. message "%{chat+.config::prefix}% &cYou can not talk while you are muted. &a%{mute.%player%}% &bseconds left."
  745. cancel event
  747. # ------------------------------------- Unmute ---------------------------------------- #
  750. command /unmute [<offline player>]:
  751. permission: chat.unmute
  752. usage: /unmute <player>
  753. executable by: players
  754. permission message: {@chat.permission}
  755. trigger:
  756. if arg 1 is not set:
  757. if player has permission "cchat.unmute":
  758. message "%{chat+.config::prefix}% &d/unmute &e<player>"
  759. if arg 1 is set:
  760. if player has permission "chat.unmute":
  761. set {mute.%arg 1%} to false
  762. broadcast "%{chat+.config::prefix}% &d%arg 1% &bwas unmuted &eby %player%"
  764. # ------------------------------------- Mute ---------------------------------------- #
  766. command /mute [<offline player>] [<number>]:
  767. permission: chat.mute
  768. usage: /mute <player>
  769. executable by: players
  770. permission message: {@chat.permission}
  771. trigger:
  772. if arg 1 is not set:
  773. if player has permission "chat.mute":
  774. message "%{chat+.config::prefix}% &d/mute &e<player> &c<seconds>"
  775. if arg 1 is set:
  776. if player has permission "chat.mute":
  777. set {mute.%arg 1%} to number-argument
  778. broadcast "%{chat+.config::prefix}% &d%arg 1% &bwas muted &eby %player% &cfor %arg 2% seconds"
  779. every 1 second:
  780. loop all players:
  781. if {mute.%loop-player%} is more than 0:
  782. remove 1 from {mute.%loop-player%}
  784. # ------------------------------------- Check Mute ---------------------------------------- #
  786. command /checkmute <text>:
  787. permission: chat.checkmute
  788. executable by: players
  789. usage: /checkmute <player>
  790. permission message: {@chat.permission}
  791. trigger:
  792. if arg 1 is not set:
  793. if player has permission "chat.mute.check":
  794. message "%{chat+.config::prefix}% &a/checkmute <player>"
  795. if arg 1 is set:
  796. if player has permission "chat.mute.check":
  797. if {mute.%arg 1%} is true:
  798. message "%{chat+.config::prefix}% &a%arg 1% is muted."
  799. if player has permission "chat.mute.check":
  800. if {mute.%arg 1%} is false:
  801. message "%{chat+.config::prefix}% &a%arg 1% is not muted."
  803. # ------------------------------------- Emoticons ---------------------------------------- #
  805. on chat:
  806. replace all "<3" in message with "❤"
  807. replace all "{avion}" in message with "✈"
  808. replace all "{good}" in message with "✔"
  809. replace all "{x}" in message with "✘"
  810. replace all "{music}" in message with "♫"
  811. replace all "{copyright}" in message with "©"
  812. replace all "{dead}" in message with "☠"
  813. replace all "{chinese}" in message with "☯"
  814. replace all "{king}" in message with "♛"
  815. replace all "{tm}" in message with "™"
  816. replace all "{sun}" in message with "☼"
  817. replace all "\/" in message with "▼"
  818. replace all ">" in message with "➜"
  819. replace all "<" in message with "◄"
  820. replace all "{r}" in message with "®"
  821. replace all "{t}" in message with "✞"
  822. replace all "{moon}" in message with "☾"
  823. replace all "moon" in message with "☽"
  824. replace all "{star}" in message with "✸"
  825. replace all "{cloud}" in message with "☁"
  826. replace all "{umbrella}" in message with "☂"
  827. replace all "{paris}" in message with "☮"
  828. replace all "{peace}" in message with "✌"
  829. replace all "{nuclear}" in message with "☢"
  830. replace all "{mail}" in message with "✉"
  831. replace all "{1}" in message with "①"
  832. replace all "{2}" in message with "②"
  833. replace all "{3}" in message with "③"
  834. replace all "{4}" in message with "④"
  835. replace all "{5}" in message with "⑤"
  836. replace all "{6}" in message with "⑥"
  837. replace all "{7}" in message with "⑦"
  838. replace all "{8}" in message with "⑧"
  839. replace all "{9}" in message with "⑨"
  840. replace all "{10}" in message with "⑩"
  841. replace all "{11}" in message with "⑪"
  842. replace all "{12}" in message with "⑫"
  843. replace all "{13}" in message with "⑬"
  844. replace all "{14}" in message with "⑭"
  845. replace all "{15}" in message with "⑮"
  846. replace all "{16}" in message with "⑯"
  847. replace all "{17}" in message with "⑰"
  848. replace all "{18}" in message with "⑱"
  849. replace all "{19}" in message with "⑲"
  850. replace all "{20}" in message with "⑳"
  851. replace all "-.-" in message with "ಠ_ಠ"
  852. replace all "{._.}" in message with "o(╥﹏╥)o"
  853. replace all "313" in message with "εїз"
  854. replace all "{gun}" in message with "︻┳═一"
  855. replace all "._." in message with "✿◕ ‿ ◕✿"
  856. replace all "{love}" in message with "♥love♥"
  857. replace all "{lucky}" in message with "l̲̅u̲̅c̲̅k̲̅y"
  858. replace all ":)" in message with "☺"
  859. replace all ":(" in message with "☺"
  860. replace all "{fuckyou}" in message with "┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐"
  861. replace all "{bear}" in message with "ˁ˚ᴥ˚ˀ"
  862. replace all "{yuno}" in message with "ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)"
  863. replace all "{flip}" in message with "(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻"
  864. replace all "{meh}" in message with "_(ツ)_/¯"
  865. replace all "{cut}" in message with "✄"
  866. replace all "{flower}" in message with "✿"
  867. replace all ";)" in message with "😋"
  868. replace all "fuck" in message with "****"
  869. replace all "shit" in message with "****"
  870. replace all "fuckyou" in message with "*******"
  871. replace all "fuck you" in message with "ᵧₒᵤ"
  872. replace all "suck" in message with "****"
  873. replace all "XDDDDDD" in message with "xD"
  874. replace all "bitch" in message with "*****"
  875. replace all "puta" in message with "****"
  876. replace all "mierda" in message with "*****"
  877. replace all "puto" in message with "****"
  878. replace all "putita" in message with "******"
  879. replace all "dick" in message with "****"
  880. replace all "pene" in message with "****"
  881. replace all "polla" in message with "*****"
  882. replace all "puta" in message with "****"
  883. replace all "verga" in message with "*****"
  884. replace all "rata" in message with "****"
  885. replace all "ratita" in message with "******"
  887. # ------------------------------------- Clear Chat ---------------------------------------- #
  889. command /clearchat:
  890. description: clear the chat with a simple command
  891. usage: /clearchat
  892. aliases: /cc
  893. permission:
  894. permission message: {@chat.permission}
  895. trigger:
  896. loop all players:
  897. if loop-player has permission "":
  898. send "&bChat Cleared &7by &a%executor%&c!"
  899. else:
  900. loop 250 times:
  901. send " " to loop-player
  902. send "&8&m----------------------------" to loop-player
  903. send "&bChat Cleared &7by &a%player%&c!" to loop-player
  904. send "&8&m----------------------------" to loop-player
  906. on command "/pl":
  907. if player has permission "":
  908. stop
  909. else:
  910. cancel the event
  911. message "{@pl}"
  913. on command "/plugins":
  914. if player has permission "chat.plugins":
  915. stop
  916. else:
  917. cancel the event
  918. message "{@plugins}"
  920. on command "/?":
  921. if player has permission "chat.?":
  922. stop
  923. else:
  924. cancel the event
  925. message "{@?}"
  927. on command "/reload":
  928. if player has permission "chat.reload":
  929. stop
  930. else:
  931. cancel the event
  932. message "{@reload}"
  934. on command "/stop":
  935. if player has permission "chat.stop":
  936. stop
  937. else:
  938. cancel the event
  939. message "{@stop}"
  942. # ------------------------------------- Staff Chat ---------------------------------------- #
  945. command /staffchat:
  946. permission:
  947. trigger:
  948. open chest with 1 row named "&6StaffChat &9GUI" to player
  949. wait 1 tick
  950. format slot 2 of player with green wool named "&2Join the StaffChat!" to close then run [execute player command "/jsc"]
  951. format slot 6 of player with red wool named "&cLeave the StaffChat!" to close then run [execute player command "/lsc"]
  952. player does not have the permission "":
  953. message "%{chat+.config::noperms-msg}%"
  954. command /jsc:
  955. trigger:
  956. set {staffchat.%player%} to true
  957. message "&aYou succesfully joined the staffchat!"
  958. command /lsc:
  959. trigger:
  960. set {staffchat.%player%} to false
  961. message "&cYou succesfully left the staffchat!"
  963. on chat:
  964. if {staffchat.%player%} is true:
  965. cancel event
  966. loop all players:
  967. loop-player has permission "{@staffchat-access-permission}":
  968. message "&c[&9Staff&c] &7-> &e%player%&f: &d%colored message%" to loop-player
  969. on join:
  970. set {staffchat.%player%} to false
  973. # ------------------------------------- Report ---------------------------------------- #
  976. command /report <offline player>:
  977. permission:
  978. trigger:
  979. open chest with 6 row named "&6Report to &c&l%arg 1%" to player
  980. wait 1 tick
  981. format slot 10 of player with Diamond named "&b&lKillAura" with lore "|| &aReport to User because he has got KillAura. ||" to close then run [execute player command "/reportka %arg 1%"]
  982. format slot 11 of player with Emerald named "&a&lAnti-KnockBack" with lore "|| &aReport to User because he has got Anti-KnockBack. ||" to close then run [execute player command "/reportan %arg 1%"]
  983. format slot 13 of player with Diamond Boots named "&2&lNo Fall" with lore "|| &aReport to User because he has got No Fall. ||" to close then run [execute player command "/reportnf %arg 1%"]
  984. format slot 12 of player with Iron Ingot named "&c&lCriticals" with lore "|| &aReport to User because he has got Criticals. ||" to close then run [execute player command "/reportc %arg 1%"]
  985. format slot 15 of player with Feather named "&d&lFly" with lore "|| &aReport to User because he Flies. ||" to close then run [execute player command "/reportfly %arg 1%"]
  986. format slot 14 of player with Gold Ingot named "&9&lX-Ray" with lore "|| &aReport to User because he has got X-Ray. ||" to close then run [execute player command "/reportx %arg 1%"]
  987. format slot 28 of player with Clock named "&e&lSpam/Flood" with lore "|| &aReport to User because he does Spam/Flood. ||" to close then run [execute player command "/reportspam %arg 1%"]
  988. format slot 16 of player with String named "&f&lSpider" with lore "|| &aReport to User because he has got Spider's Hack. ||" to close then run [execute player command "/reportspider %arg 1%"]
  989. format slot 29 of player with Bow named "&8&lBow Aimbot" with lore "|| &aReport to User because he has got Bow Aimbot. ||" to close then run [execute player command "/reportba %arg 1%"]
  990. format slot 30 of player with Diamond ChestPlate named "&6&lAuto Armor" with lore "|| &aReport to User because he has got Auto Armor. ||" to close then run [execute player command "/reportaa %arg 1%"]
  991. format slot 31 of player with Arrow named "&3&lBow Speed" with lore "|| &aReport to User because he has got Bow Speed. ||" to close then run [execute player command "/reportbs %arg 1%"]
  992. format slot 32 of player with Water Bucket named "&1&lWater Walk" with lore "|| &aReport to User because he has got Water Walk. ||" to close then run [execute player command "/reportww %arg 1%"]
  993. format slot 33 of player with Sugar named "&7&lSuper Speed/Sprint" with lore "|| &aReport to User because he has got Super Speed/Sprint. ||" to close then run [execute player command "/reportss %arg 1%"]
  994. format slot 34 of player with Fishing Rod named "&2&lSnake" with lore "|| &aReport to User because he has got Snake's Hack. ||" to close then run [execute player command "/reportsn %arg 1%"]
  995. format slot 19 of player with Diamond Sword named "&2&lAimbot" with lore "|| &aReport to User because he has got Aimbot. ||" to close then run [execute player command "/reporta %arg 1%"]
  996. format slot 20 of player with Slimeball named "&1&lDerp" with lore "|| &aReport to User because he has got Derp. ||" to close then run [execute player command "/reportd %arg 1%"]
  997. format slot 21 of player with Brick Block named "&a&lFast Placing" with lore "|| &aReport to User because he has got Fast Placing. ||" to close then run [execute player command "/reportfp %arg 1%"]
  998. format slot 22 of player with Diamond Pickaxe named "&b&lFast Breaking" with lore "|| &aReport to User because he has got Fast Breaking. ||" to close then run [execute player command "/reportfb %arg 1%"]
  999. format slot 23 of player with Ender Pearl named "&6&lTPA Kill" with lore "|| &aReport to User because use TPA Kill. ||" to close then run [execute player command "/reporttk %arg 1%"]
  1000. format slot 49 of player with Redstone named "&4&lClear Report" with lore "|| &aClear all Reports. ||" to close then run [execute player command "/clearreports"]
  1001. format slot 45 of player with Paper named "&5&lReport's list" with lore "|| &aList of Reports. ||" to close then run [execute player command "/reportlist"]
  1002. format slot 53 of player with Chest named "&c&lClose" with lore "|| &aClose the GUI. ||" to close
  1003. stop trigger
  1005. command /reportlist:
  1006. permission: report.list
  1007. trigger:
  1008. if {totalreported} is not set:
  1009. message "&aThere aren't any players reported!"
  1010. else:
  1011. message "&r"
  1012. message "&eReported Users:"
  1013. message "&r"
  1014. message "&bKillAura: &d%{killaura::*}%"
  1015. message "&aAnti-KnockBack: &d%{antiknockback::*}%"
  1016. message "&2No Fall: &d%{nofall::*}%"
  1017. message "&cCriticals: &d%{criticals::*}%"
  1018. message "&bFly: &d%{fly::*}%"
  1019. message "&9X-Ray: &d%{x-ray::*}%"
  1020. message "&eSpam/Flood: &d%{spam::*}%"
  1021. message "&fSpider's Hack: &d%{spider::*}%"
  1022. message "&8Bow Aimbot: &d%{bowaimbot::*}%"
  1023. message "&6Auto Armor: &d%{autoarmor::*}%"
  1024. message "&3Bow Speed: &d%{bowspeed::*}%"
  1025. message "&1Water Walk: &d%{waterwalk::*}%"
  1026. message "&7Super Speed/Sprint: &d%{superspeed::*}%"
  1027. message "&2Snake: &d%{snake::*}%"
  1028. message "&2Aimbot: &d%{aimbot::*}%"
  1029. message "&1Derp: &d%{derp::*}%"
  1030. message "&aFast Placing: &d%{fastplacing::*}%"
  1031. message "&bFast Breaking: &d%{fastbreaking::*}%"
  1032. message "&6TPA Kill: &d%{tpakill::*}%"
  1033. message "&r"
  1034. message "&aTotal Users Reported: &9%{totalreported}%"
  1035. message "&r"
  1036. stop trigger
  1037. player does not have the permission "report.list":
  1038. message "%{chat+.config::noperms-msg}%"
  1039. command /reportka <offlineplayer>:
  1040. trigger:
  1041. add 1 to {totalreported}
  1042. add arg 1 to {killaura::*}
  1043. message "&aReport Submited! Thanks for report %arg 1%"
  1044. stop trigger
  1045. command /reportan <offlineplayer>:
  1046. trigger:
  1047. add 1 to {totalreported}
  1048. add arg 1 to {antiknockback::*}
  1049. message "&aReport Submited! Thanks for report %arg 1%"
  1050. stop trigger
  1051. command /reportnf <offlineplayer>:
  1052. trigger:
  1053. add 1 to {totalreported}
  1054. add arg 1 to {nofall::*}
  1055. message "&aReport Submited! Thanks for report %arg 1%"
  1056. stop trigger
  1057. command /reportc <offlineplayer>:
  1058. trigger:
  1059. add 1 to {totalreported}
  1060. add arg 1 to {criticals::*}
  1061. message "&aReport Submited! Thanks for report %arg 1%"
  1062. stop trigger
  1063. command /reportx <offlineplayer>:
  1064. trigger:
  1065. add 1 to {totalreported}
  1066. add arg 1 to {x-ray::*}
  1067. message "&aReport Submited! Thanks for report %arg 1%"
  1068. stop trigger
  1069. command /reportfly <offlineplayer>:
  1070. trigger:
  1071. add 1 to {totalreported}
  1072. add arg 1 to {fly::*}
  1073. message "&aReport Submited! Thanks for report %arg 1%"
  1074. stop trigger
  1075. command /reportspam <offlineplayer>:
  1076. trigger:
  1077. add 1 to {totalreported}
  1078. add arg 1 to {spam::*}
  1079. message "&aReport Submited! Thanks for report %arg 1%"
  1080. stop trigger
  1081. command /reportspider <offlineplayer>:
  1082. trigger:
  1083. add 1 to {totalreported}
  1084. add arg 1 to {spider::*}
  1085. message "&aReport Submited! Thanks for report %arg 1%"
  1086. stop trigger
  1087. command /reportba <offlineplayer>:
  1088. trigger:
  1089. add 1 to {totalreported}
  1090. add arg 1 to {bowaimbot::*}
  1091. message "&aReport Submited! Thanks for report %arg 1%"
  1092. stop trigger
  1093. command /reportaa <offlineplayer>:
  1094. trigger:
  1095. add 1 to {totalreported}
  1096. add arg 1 to {autoarmor::*}
  1097. message "&aReport Submited! Thanks for report %arg 1%"
  1098. stop trigger
  1099. command /reportbs <offlineplayer>:
  1100. trigger:
  1101. add 1 to {totalreported}
  1102. add arg 1 to {bowspeed::*}
  1103. message "&aReport Submited! Thanks for report %arg 1%"
  1104. stop trigger
  1105. command /reportww <offlineplayer>:
  1106. trigger:
  1107. add 1 to {totalreported}
  1108. add arg 1 to {waterwalk::*}
  1109. message "&aReport Submited! Thanks for report %arg 1%"
  1110. stop trigger
  1111. command /reportss <offlineplayer>:
  1112. trigger:
  1113. add 1 to {totalreported}
  1114. add arg 1 to {superspeed::*}
  1115. message "&aReport Submited! Thanks for report %arg 1%"
  1116. stop trigger
  1117. command /reportsn <offlineplayer>:
  1118. trigger:
  1119. add 1 to {totalreported}
  1120. add arg 1 to {snake::*}
  1121. message "&aReport Submited! Thanks for report %arg 1%"
  1122. stop trigger
  1123. command /reporta <offlineplayer>:
  1124. trigger:
  1125. add 1 to {totalreported}
  1126. add arg 1 to {aimbot::*}
  1127. message "&aReport Submited! Thanks for report %arg 1%"
  1128. stop trigger
  1129. command /reportd <offlineplayer>:
  1130. trigger:
  1131. add 1 to {totalreported}
  1132. add arg 1 to {derp::*}
  1133. message "&aReport Submited! Thanks for report %arg 1%"
  1134. stop trigger
  1135. command /reportfp <offlineplayer>:
  1136. trigger:
  1137. add 1 to {totalreported}
  1138. add arg 1 to {fastplacing::*}
  1139. message "&aReport Submited! Thanks for report %arg 1%"
  1140. stop trigger
  1141. command /reportfb <offlineplayer>:
  1142. trigger:
  1143. add 1 to {totalreported}
  1144. add arg 1 to {fastbreaking::*}
  1145. message "&aReport Submited! Thanks for report %arg 1%"
  1146. stop trigger
  1147. command /reporttk <offlineplayer>:
  1148. trigger:
  1149. add 1 to {totalreported}
  1150. add arg 1 to {tpakill::*}
  1151. message "&aReport Submited! Thanks for report %arg 1%"
  1152. stop trigger
  1153. command /clearreports:
  1154. permission: report.clear
  1155. trigger:
  1156. clear {totalreported}
  1157. clear {spam::*}
  1158. clear {fly::*}
  1159. clear {killaura::*}
  1160. clear {antiknockback::*}
  1161. clear {nofall::*}
  1162. clear {criticals::*}
  1163. clear {x-ray::*}
  1164. clear {spider::*}
  1165. clear {bowaimbot::*}
  1166. clear {autoarmor::*}
  1167. clear {bowspeed::*}
  1168. clear {waterwalk::*}
  1169. clear {superspeed::*}
  1170. clear {snake::*}
  1171. clear {aimbot::*}
  1172. clear {derp::*}
  1173. clear {fastplacing::*}
  1174. clear {fastbreaking::*}
  1175. clear {tpakill::*}
  1176. message "&r"
  1177. message "&cCleared all Reports!"
  1178. message "&r"
  1181. # ------------------------------------- Msg ---------------------------------------- #
  1184. command /msg <player> <text>:
  1185. description: Whisper another player
  1186. usage: /msg <player> <message>
  1187. aliases: /m
  1188. permission: chat.msg
  1189. trigger:
  1190. set {chat.private.reply.%player%} to arg 1
  1191. set {chat.private.reply.%arg 1%} to player
  1192. send "&c[MSG] &aTO: &b%arg 1% &e->&d %arg 2%" to player
  1193. send "&c[MSG] &aFROM: &b%player% &e->&d %arg 2%" to arg 1
  1194. player does not have the permission "chat.msg":
  1195. message "%{chat+.config::noperms-msg}%"
  1197. command /reply <text>:
  1198. description: Reply command.
  1199. usage: /reply <message>
  1200. aliases: /r
  1201. permission: chat.reply
  1202. trigger:
  1203. send "&c[MSG] &aTO: &b%{chat.private.reply.%player%}% &e->&d %arg 1%" to player
  1204. send "&c[MSG] &aFROM: &b%player% &e->&c %arg 1%" to {chat.private.reply.%player%}
  1207. # ------------------------------------- Party Commands ---------------------------------------- #
  1210. command /party [<text>] [<player>]:
  1211. permission :
  1212. executable by : players
  1213. permission message: {@partyprefix} &cYou do not have permission for this!
  1214. trigger:
  1215. if arg 1 is not set:
  1216. if {party.%player%} is not set:
  1217. message "{@partyprefix} &cYou don't have a party"
  1218. else:
  1219. message "{@partyprefix} &7SimpleParty v1.0 by fikry13"
  1220. message "Party Leader: &7%{party.%player%}%"
  1221. set {_partyMember} to ""
  1222. loop {party.%{party.%player%}%::*}:
  1223. set {_partyMember} to "%{_partyMember}% %loop-value%"
  1224. message "Your Party: &7%{_partyMember}%"
  1225. else if arg 1 is "create":
  1226. if {party.%player%} is set:
  1227. message "{@partyprefix} &cYou alread have a party"
  1228. else:
  1229. set {party.%player%} to player
  1230. message "{@partyprefix} &aYou Created a party"
  1231. add player to {party.%player%::*}
  1232. else if arg 1 is "join":
  1233. if {party.%player arg%} is not set:
  1234. message "{@partyprefix} &cThey don't have any party"
  1235. else:
  1236. if {party.%player arg%} is not player arg:
  1237. message "{@partyprefix} &cPlayer is not party leader"
  1238. stop
  1239. if player arg is not set:
  1240. message "{@partyprefix} &cPlayer needed. /party join <player>"
  1241. else:
  1242. message "{@partyprefix} &aYou join %player arg% party"
  1243. message "{@partyprefix} &a%player% joins your party" to player arg
  1244. add player to {party.%player arg%::*}
  1245. set {party.%player%} to player arg
  1246. else if arg 1 is "invite":
  1247. if {party.%player%} is not set:
  1248. message "{@partyprefix} &cYou don't have a party"
  1249. else:
  1250. if {party.%player%} is not player:
  1251. message "{@partyprefix} &cYou have to be a party leader to do this"
  1252. stop
  1253. if player arg is not set:
  1254. message "{@partyprefix} &cPlayer needed. /party invite <player>"
  1255. else:
  1256. message "{@partyprefix} &aYou invite %player arg% to the party"
  1257. message "{@partyprefix} &aYou've been invited by %player% to his party" to player arg
  1258. add player arg to {party.%player%::*}
  1259. set {party.%player arg%} to player
  1260. else if arg 1 is "kick":
  1261. if {party.%player%} is not set:
  1262. message "{@partyprefix} &cYou don't have a party"
  1263. else:
  1264. if {party.%player%} is not player:
  1265. message "{@partyprefix} &cYou have to be a party leader to do this"
  1266. stop
  1267. if player arg is not set:
  1268. message "{@partyprefix} &cPlayer needed. /party kick <player>"
  1269. else:
  1270. if {party.%player%::*} doesn't contain player arg:
  1271. message "{@partyprefix} &cThe player needs to be in your party"
  1272. stop
  1273. message "{@partyprefix} &aYou kick %player arg% from the party"
  1274. message "{@partyprefix} &aYou've been kicked by %player% from his party" to player arg
  1275. loop {party.%player%::*}:
  1276. if loop-value = player arg:
  1277. delete {party.%player%::%loop-index%}
  1278. delete {party.%player arg%}
  1279. delete {party.%player}
  1280. else if arg 1 is "leader":
  1281. if {party.%player%} is not set:
  1282. message "{@partyprefix} &cYou don't have a party"
  1283. else:
  1284. if {party.%player%} is not player:
  1285. message "{@partyprefix} &cYou have to be a party leader to do this"
  1286. stop
  1287. if player arg is not set:
  1288. message "{@partyprefix} &cPlayer needed. /party leader <player>"
  1289. else:
  1290. if {party.%player%::*} doesn't contain player arg:
  1291. message "{@partyprefix} &cThe player needs to be in your party"
  1292. stop
  1293. message "{@partyprefix} &aYou make %player arg% as your new party leader"
  1294. message "{@partyprefix} &aYou've been promoted by %player%. Now you are the party leader" to player arg
  1295. loop {party.%player%::*}:
  1296. set {party.%loop-value%} to player arg
  1297. add loop-value to {party.%player arg%::*}
  1298. if loop-value is not player or player arg:
  1299. message "{@partyprefix} &a%player arg% is your new party leader." to loop-value
  1300. delete {party.%player%::*}
  1301. else if arg 1 is "disband":
  1302. if {party.%player%} is not set:
  1303. message "{@partyprefix} &cYou don't have a party"
  1304. else:
  1305. if {party.%player%} is not player:
  1306. message "{@partyprefix} &cYou have to be a party leader to do this"
  1307. stop
  1308. message "{@partyprefix} &cYou disband your party"
  1309. loop {party.%player%::*}:
  1310. loop-value is not player:
  1311. message "{@partyprefix} &cYour party has been disbanded" to loop-value
  1312. delete {}
  1313. delete {party.%loop-value%}
  1314. delete {party.%player%}
  1315. delete {}
  1316. delete {party.%player%::*}
  1317. else if arg 1 is "leave":
  1318. if {party.%player%} is not set:
  1319. message "{@partyprefix} &cYou don't have a party"
  1320. else:
  1321. if {party.%player%} is player:
  1322. message "{@partyprefix} &cYou can't leave if you are the leader"
  1323. stop
  1324. message "{@partyprefix} &cYou leave your party"
  1325. message "{@partyprefix} &c%player% leave your party" to {party.%player%}
  1326. loop {party.%{party.%player%}%::*}:
  1327. if loop-value = player:
  1328. delete {party.%{party.%player%}%::%loop-index%}
  1329. delete {party.%player%}
  1330. delete {}
  1331. else if arg 1 is "setbase":
  1332. if {party.%player%} is not set:
  1333. message "{@partyprefix} &cYou don't have a party"
  1334. else:
  1335. if {party.%player%} is not player:
  1336. message "{@partyprefix} &cYou have to be a party leader to do this"
  1337. stop
  1338. loop {party.%{party.%player%}%::*}:
  1339. message "{@partyprefix} &aNew Party Base: &e%player's location%" to loop-value
  1340. set {party.%player%.base} to player's location
  1341. else if arg 1 is "base":
  1342. if {party.%player%} is not set:
  1343. message "{@partyprefix} &cYou don't have a party"
  1344. else:
  1345. if {party.%{party.%player%}%.base} is not set:
  1346. message "{@partyprefix} &cYour party base is not set"
  1347. stop
  1348. teleport player to {party.%{party.%player%}%.base}
  1349. else if arg 1 is "tp":
  1350. if {party.%player%} is not set:
  1351. message "{@partyprefix} &cYou don't have a party"
  1352. else:
  1353. if {party.%player%} is player:
  1354. message "{@partyprefix} &cYou can't teleport to yourself"
  1355. stop
  1356. message "{@partyprefix} &aYou will teleport to your party leader in 2 seconds"
  1357. wait 2 seconds
  1358. teleport player to {party.%player%}
  1359. message "{@partyprefix} &aYou've been teleported to your party leader"
  1360. message "{@partyprefix} &a%player% have been teleported to you" to {party.%player%}
  1361. else if arg 1 is "chat":
  1362. if {party.%player%} is not set:
  1363. message "{@partyprefix} &cYou don't have a party"
  1364. else:
  1365. if {} is true:
  1366. message "{@partyprefix} &aYou disabled party chat"
  1367. set {} to false
  1368. else:
  1369. message "{@partyprefix} &aYou enabled party chat"
  1370. set {} to true
  1371. else if arg 1 is "help":
  1372. message "&r"
  1373. message "{@partyprefix} &7Chat+ Party Mode"
  1374. message "&7Commands :"
  1375. message "&7 - &3/party &7: Show party info"
  1376. message "&7 - &3/party help &7: Show this help"
  1377. message "&7 - &3/party create &7: Create a party"
  1378. message "&7 - &3/party join <player> &7: Join a player party"
  1379. if {party.%player%} is player:
  1380. message "&7 - &3/party invite <player> &7: Invite player to your party"
  1381. message "&7 - &3/party kick <player> &7: Kick player from your party"
  1382. message "&7 - &3/party leader <player> &7: Make player new party leader"
  1383. message "&7 - &3/party disband &7: Disband your party"
  1384. message "&7 - &3/party setbase &7: Set party base"
  1385. else:
  1386. message "&7 - &3/party leave &7: Leave your party"
  1387. message "&7 - &3/party tp &7: Teleport to party leader"
  1388. message "&7 - &3/party base &7: Teleport to party base"
  1389. message "&7 - &3/party chat &7: Enabled Party Chat"
  1390. message "&3"
  1393. on chat:
  1394. if {} is true:
  1395. cancel event
  1396. loop {party.%{party.%player%}%::*}:
  1397. message "{@partyprefix} &e%player% &7: &e%message%" to loop-value
  1400. # ------------------------------------- Staff ---------------------------------------- #
  1402. options:
  1403. NoOnlineStaffMessage: &aNo staff are &ecurrently online!
  1404. OnlineStaffMessage: &aOnline staff: &b%{_online staff::*}%
  1407. command /staff:
  1408. description: Shows online staff
  1409. permission:
  1410. permission message: {@chat.permission}
  1411. trigger:
  1412. loop all players:
  1413. loop-player has permission "chat.staff"
  1414. add loop-player to {_online staff::*}
  1416. size of {_online staff::*} is 0:
  1417. message "{@NoOnlineStaffMessage}"
  1418. else:
  1419. message "{@OnlineStaffMessage}"
  1421. options:
  1423. # ---------------------------------- Teleport to Spawn ------------------------------------- #
  1425. # Teleport players on spawn, when they join server ? Set true / false
  1426. # If you set true - Players will be teleport on spawn, when they join server.
  1427. # If you set false - Players will NOT be teleport on spawn, when they join server.
  1428. TeleportOnJoin: true
  1430. # ---------------------------------- Tablist ------------------------------------- #
  1432. # If you set false - Players will NOT have tablist header (or footer) when they join server.
  1433. # Note: Is optional, set only header or only footer. It work the same...
  1434. UseTabListHeader: true
  1435. UseTabListFooter: true
  1437. # ---------------------------------- Edit Tablist ------------------------------------- #
  1439. # Note: You can write "%player% to set player's name!"
  1440. # Note: You can write "%nl% to add new line (yes, you can have multiple lines)!"
  1441. # Note: You can write "%{_max}% what automaticly set number of max players!"
  1442. # Note: You can write "%{_online}% what automaticly set number of online players!"
  1443. TabListHeader: %{chat+.config::tablistheader}%
  1444. TabListFoorer: %{chat+.config::tablistfooter}%
  1446. # Here, you can manage Tablist names. Prefixes, suffixes, with your color codes.
  1447. # For first, you can edit, if you want to use Tablist name management.
  1448. UseTabListNames: true
  1450. # Well, if you set "UseTabListNames: true", now here are 5 groups + 1 default.
  1451. # You have to set your custom permissions, for each group, but first, you must enable it.
  1452. # Note: You MUST write "%player% to set player's name!"
  1454. # ---------------------------------- Groups of Tablist ------------------------------------- #
  1456. # Default group setiings:
  1457. UseDefaultGroup: true
  1458. DefaultGroupName: &7%player%
  1459. # VIP settings here:
  1460. VIP: true
  1461. VIPPerm:
  1462. VIPName: &6[&eV&6]&c%player%
  1463. # VIP+ settings here:
  1464. VIP+: true
  1465. VIP+Perm:
  1466. VIP+Name: &e[&aV&6+&e]&5%player%
  1467. # Helper settings here (example: for support team):
  1468. Helper: true
  1469. HelperPerm: chat.helper
  1470. HelperName: &9[&bH&9]&6%player%
  1471. # Mod settings here (example: for your server moderators):
  1472. Mod: true
  1473. ModPerm: chat.mod
  1474. ModName: &2[M]&b%player%
  1475. # Admin settings here (example: for your admins):
  1476. # Note: Suffix example!
  1477. Admin: true
  1478. AdminPerm: chat.admin
  1479. AdminName: &c[&4A&c]&a%player%
  1480. # Owner settings here (example: for your owners):
  1481. # Note: Suffix example!
  1482. Owner: true
  1483. OwnerPerm: chat.owner
  1484. OwnerName: &4[&6O&4]&d%player%
  1487. # ---------------------------------- FireWork on Join ------------------------------------- #
  1490. # Do you want to launch firework when someone join server ? Set true / false
  1491. # If you set true - Players will launch firework when they join server.
  1492. # If you set false - Players will NOT launch firework when they join server.
  1493. # Note: For this can be use permission (like for donators).
  1494. # Note: FOR NOW, firework is only creeper type. But (below) you can set your custom color.
  1495. UseFirework: %{chat+.config::ejf}%
  1496. # Here you can choose your firework color.
  1497. # Note: Please, set this only if you set "UseFirework: true" above!
  1498. # Note: Please, set color, like this (one word): red or blue or green or yellow etc.
  1499. FireworkColor: %{chat+.config::fc}%
  1501. # Do you want to use permission for launching firework ? Set true / false
  1502. # You have to set your custom permission here.
  1503. # Note: Please, set this only if you set "UseFirework: true" above!
  1504. UseFireworkPermission: true
  1505. # You have to set your custom permission here.
  1506. # Note: Please, set this only if you set "UseFireworkPermission: true" above!
  1507. FireworkPermission: chat.join.firework
  1510. # ---------------------------------- Set Spawn ------------------------------------- #
  1512. command /setspawn:
  1513. permission: chat.setspawn
  1514. permission message: %{chat+.config::noperms-msg}%
  1515. trigger:
  1516. set {spawn} to location of player
  1517. message "%{chat+.config::noperms-msg}%"
  1519. command /spawn [<player>]:
  1520. trigger:
  1521. if {spawn} isn't set:
  1522. message "%{chat+.config::prefix}% &cSpawn is not set!"
  1523. stop
  1524. else:
  1525. if argument 1 isn't set:
  1526. teleport player to {spawn}
  1527. else:
  1528. if player has permission "chat.setspawn":
  1529. teleport arg 1 to {spawn}
  1530. else:
  1531. send "%{chat+.config::noperms-msg}%" to player
  1532. command /delspawn:
  1533. permission: chat.delspawn
  1534. permission message: %{chat+.config::noperms-msg}%
  1535. trigger:
  1536. delete {spawn}
  1537. message "%{chat+.config::prefix}% &cYou deleted the spawn!"
  1539. # ---------------------------------- On Join ------------------------------------- #
  1541. #Don't Edit!
  1543. on join:
  1544. wait 3 ticks
  1545. if {spawn} is set:
  1546. if {@TeleportOnJoin} is true:
  1547. teleport player to {spawn}
  1548. wait 3 ticks
  1549. if {@UseTabListHeader} is true:
  1550. if {@UseTabListFooter} is true:
  1551. set {_max} to max players
  1552. set {_online} to number of all players
  1553. set tab header to "{@TabListHeader}" and footer to "{@TabListFoorer}" for player
  1554. if {@UseTabListHeader} is false:
  1555. if {@UseTabListFooter} is true:
  1556. set {_max} to max players
  1557. set {_online} to number of all players
  1558. set tab header to "&b" and footer to "{@TabListFoorer}" for player
  1559. wait 3 ticks
  1560. if {@UseTabListNames} is true:
  1561. if {@UseDefaultGroup} is true:
  1562. set player's tab list name to "{@DefaultGroupName}"
  1563. if player has permission "{@VIPPerm}":
  1564. if {@VIP} is true:
  1565. set player's tab list name to "{@VIPName}"
  1566. if player has permission "{@VIP+Perm}":
  1567. if {@VIP+} is true:
  1568. set player's tab list name to "{@VIP+Name}"
  1569. if player has permission "{@HelperPerm}":
  1570. if {@Helper} is true:
  1571. set player's tab list name to "{@HelperName}"
  1572. if player has permission "{@ModPerm}":
  1573. if {@Mod} is true:
  1574. set player's tab list name to "{@ModName}"
  1575. if player has permission "{@AdminPerm}":
  1576. if {@Admin} is true:
  1577. set player's tab list name to "{@AdminName}"
  1578. if player has permission "{@OwnerPerm}":
  1579. if {@Owner} is true:
  1580. set player's tab list name to "{@OwnerName}"
  1581. wait 3 ticks
  1582. if {chat+.config::ejf} is "true":
  1583. if {@UseFireworkPermission} is true:
  1584. if player has permission "{@FireworkPermission}":
  1585. launch creeper firework colored {chat+.config::fc} at player timed 1
  1586. else:
  1587. launch creeper firework colored {chat+.config::fc} at player timed 1
  1589. every 1 second:
  1590. loop all players:
  1591. if {@UseTabListHeader} is true:
  1592. if {@UseTabListFooter} is true:
  1593. set {_max} to max players
  1594. set {_online} to number of all players
  1597. # ---------------------------------- Join Potion & Effects ------------------------------------- #
  1599. on join:
  1600. #Potions/Effects on Join
  1601. apply swiftness 2 to the player for 20 seconds
  1602. apply jump 2 to the player for 20 seconds
  1604. # ---------------------------------- Particles on Join ------------------------------------- #
  1606. #Particles on Join
  1607. create an animated ball effect at location of player with id "Particle Join 1" with particle flame
  1608. wait 3 seconds
  1609. delete effect "Particle Join 1"
  1613. command /particles:
  1614. permission: chat.particle
  1615. trigger:
  1616. create an animated ball effect at location of player with id "1" with particle flame
  1617. wait 4 seconds
  1618. delete effect "1"
  1620. # ------------------------------------- Mute ---------------------------------------- #
  1622. command /broadcast <text>:
  1623. usage: /broadcast
  1624. permission: chat.broadcast
  1625. trigger:
  1626. broadcast "%{chat+.config::prefix}% &c&l%arg 1%"
  1627. stop
  1628. command /bc <text>:
  1629. usage: /bc
  1630. permission: chat.broadcast
  1631. trigger:
  1632. broadcast "%{chat+.config::prefix}% &c&l%arg 1%"
  1633. stop
  1634. command /actionbar <text>:
  1635. permission: chat.actionbar
  1636. aliases: ab, action
  1637. trigger:
  1638. set action bar of players to "%arg 1%"
  1639. stop
  1641. command /kick <player> <text>:
  1642. permission: chat.kick
  1643. trigger:
  1644. if arg 1 is set:
  1645. kick arg 1 due to "%{chat+.config::prefix}% &cYou were kicked from the server. &eReason&6: &b&l%arg 2%"
  1646. broadcast "%{chat+.config::prefix}% &d%arg 1% &cwas kicked from the server. &eReason&6: &b&l%arg 2%"
  1649. command /helpop <text>:
  1650. permission: chat.helpop
  1651. trigger:
  1652. loop all players:
  1653. loop-player has permission "admhelp.admin":
  1654. send "&6"
  1655. send "&b&l[&c&lHelpop&b&l] &6%player%: &9%arg 1%" to loop-player
  1656. send "&6"
  1659. on join:
  1660. if {chat+.config::motdjoin} is "true":
  1661. wait 2 tick
  1662. loop 270 times:
  1663. send " "
  1664. on join:
  1665. if {chat+.config::motdjoin} is "true":
  1666. wait 3 ticks
  1667. message "%{chat+.config::motdj1}%"
  1668. message "%{chat+.config::motdj2}%"
  1669. message "%{chat+.config::motdj3}% &c%player%"
  1670. message "%{chat+.config::motdj4}%"
  1671. message "%{chat+.config::motdj5}%"
  1672. message "%{chat+.config::motdj6}%"
  1673. message "%{chat+.config::motdj7}%"
  1674. message " "
  1675. message " "
  1677. command /motd:
  1678. usage: /motd
  1679. permission: chat.motd
  1680. trigger:
  1681. message " "
  1682. message " "
  1683. message "%{chat+.config::motdj1}%"
  1684. message "%{chat+.config::motdj2}%"
  1685. message "%{chat+.config::motdj3}% &c%player%"
  1686. message "%{chat+.config::motdj4}%"
  1687. message "%{chat+.config::motdj5}%"
  1688. message "%{chat+.config::motdj6}%"
  1689. message "%{chat+.config::motdj7}%"
  1690. message " "
  1691. message " "
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