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Mar 28th, 2017
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  1. 1. Describe 3 types of weaknesses in systems that hackers use to access to your personal information on the internet.
  2.  Hackers exploit the databases for passwords, as well as the customer service and email or phone accounts
  3. 2. Describe how to make a ‘strong password’.
  4.  Must be random and have a wide variety of characters and be a decently long length
  5. 3. When deciding on a strong password to use on the internet, what is the ‘trade-off’? In other words, you must compromise between what two issues when creating a strong password?
  6. Privacy and ease of access
  7. 4. Summarize the history of password hacking in a short paragraph. (see page 2 of article).
  8.  Hacking at first was very easy since there was no need to protect the data, however, as data became more important, hacking became harder and has since become a battle of protection vs hacking.
  9. 5. Define these vocabulary words:
  10. (helpful websites are and
  11. Algorithm (p.4)
  12.  Formula for solving a problem
  13. Keylogger (p.4)
  14.  Records key presses and is used to get passwords
  15. Phishing (p.5)
  16.  fake links that often look like real sites used to get information from people
  17. Authentication (p.5)
  18.  using another method to verify an account
  19. Prolific (p.6)
  20.  plentiful
  21. Malware (p.6)
  22.  Programs that retrieve information or cause harm to someone's computer
  23. IP Address (p.8)
  24.  A unique address given to a computer to identify it
  25. Biometrics (p.9)
  26.  authentication using unique attributes like finger print or voice
  27. Anomaly (p.9)
  30. something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected:
  31. Fraud (p.9)
  32.  deception for one's own gain
  33. 6. On page 6, the author states that “teenagers are, if anything, scarier, because they’re so innovative”. What is your personal reaction to this portion of the article?
  34.  I agree with this statement actually since most teens are creative and those who can use their knowledge in hacking can break into almost anything.
  35. 7. According to the author, what are some motives for password hackers?
  36.  For fun or for getting important information off of people.
  37. 8. The article mentions Kevin Mitnick ( see p. 9). Research on the internet and describe what he is most famous for.
  38. He is famous for performing high profile hacks and getting arrested and tried for his actions.
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