

Apr 4th, 2017
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  1. /* Do not touch! */
  2. #define true 1
  3. #define false 0
  4. /* Do not touch! */
  6. class SM_Zombz
  7. {
  8. /*
  10. */
  11. SM_Debug = true; // used to debug the system (just logs a lot of stuff)
  12. SM_ExileSearchForBaseMaxRange = true; // If enabled, will search for territorys based on the maximum size, if disabled, it will search for territorys based on their current level
  14. /*
  16. */
  17. SM_NotificatonType = 1; // 1 for custom notification, 2 for mod notification.
  18. SM_ZombieDamagePlayer = 0.15; // how much damage a zombie does to a player
  19. SM_ZombieDamagePlayerStrength = 1; // strenth in wich a zombie does to a player (based on damage)
  20. SM_ZombieDamageCar = 0.02; // how much damage a zombie does to a car
  21. SM_ZombieDamageCarStrength = 1.5; // strenth in wich a zombie does to a car (based on damage)
  22. SM_AttackSpeed = 0.8; // delay from each zombie attack
  23. SM_BleedingEnabled = 1; // when a zombie attacks a player they can bleed
  24. SM_BleedTime = 20; // how long a player will bleed if they are attacked by a zombie
  25. SM_BleedChance = 25; // bleed chance.....
  26. SM_ZombieTargetPosMemory = 7.5; // in seconds how long a zombie remembers the position it's walking to
  27. SM_ZombieSoundDelayAggressive = 3; // seconds between each aggresive sound a zombie makes
  28. SM_ZombieSoundDelayMoan = 420; // seconds between each moan sound a zombie makes
  29. SM_ZombieEat = 30; // how long a zombie eats a target
  30. SM_SoundDistance = 30; // how far a zombie sound travels
  31. SM_ZombieEatSoundDelay = 7; // seconds between each eating sound
  32. SM_ZombieSpeedIncreaseEnabled = true; // increase / decrease zombie speed based on distance
  33. SM_ZombieSpeedDistance = 35; // distance to increase / decrease zombie speed
  34. SM_ZombieSpeedMultiplyer = 1.5; // multiplier for zombie speed
  35. SM_ZombiesFastClose = true; // 1 = zombies walk fast close // 0 = zombies walk fast far away
  36. SM_MultiplierDistanceFromTarget = 1.5; // random of 10, multiplier, if 5, then will be 7.5 meter wander distance from target.
  37. SM_ZombieInBuildingSpeedDevidor = 2; // Devidor of default zombie speed, how fast a zombie moves in a building.
  38. SM_FiredNearEVHEnabled = true; // if a player shoots near a zombie, the zombie will walk to that shot position
  39. SM_SetVelocityOnHit = true; // moves the player / vehicle just slightly when hit.
  40. SM_ExplodingHeadEnabled = true; // exploding heads
  41. SM_Zombie_SpawnInGround = true; // when zombies spawn they spawn out of the ground
  43. // How long it takes a idle zombie to recalculate finding a target (recommended 0.1-5 seconds)
  44. // The higher the better performance (because it's not checking targets as frequent.)
  45. // The higher the more zombies just stand around.
  46. // The lower, the more performance is impacted (because it's checking targets frequently);
  47. SM_ZombieIdleDelay = 1.5;
  48. SM_FSM_BrainPath = "SM_Zombz_Code\code\fsm\zombieBrain.fsm";
  49. SM_FSM_ManagerPath = "SM_Zombz_Code\code\fsm\zombieidleManager.fsm";
  52. //Custom effects to display on screen when hit.
  53. //This is to spice up the screen when you get hit, it's not VERY noticeable.
  54. SM_CustomScreenEffects = true; // scratches, bites etc.. on screen when attacked.
  55. SM_ScreenEffects[] =
  56. {
  57. "\SM_Zombz\textures\badger\SM_BloodEffect_1.paa",
  58. "\SM_Zombz\textures\badger\SM_BloodEffect_2.paa",
  59. "\SM_Zombz\textures\badger\SM_ZombieBite.paa",
  60. "\SM_Zombz\textures\badger\SM_ZombieStrike_1.paa",
  61. "\SM_Zombz\textures\badger\SM_ZombieStrike_2.paa"
  62. };
  64. // Infection items: SM_Zombz_Item_immunity, SM_Zombz_Item_Cure
  65. SM_InfectionIncrease = 0.25; // maximum ammount of infection to increase
  66. SM_Infection = true; // enable / disable of infection when a player gets hit by a zombie
  67. SM_InfectionChance = 5; // chance to increase a random infection amount
  68. SM_InfectionDamage = 0.01; // "multiplyer" for infection damage.
  69. SM_InfectionDelay = 2; // how long in seconds it ticks the infection DOT
  70. SM_ImmunityLength = 420; // how long in seconds immunity last.
  72. /*
  74. */
  75. SM_NotificationEnabled = true; //Enable notification of killing zombies?
  76. SM_ZombieGutsLength = 300; //How long zombie guts last.
  77. SM_TownSearchTypes[] = //You're also able to put town names
  78. {
  79. "NameCityCapital",
  80. "NameLocal",
  81. "NameCity",
  82. "NameVillage",
  84. "NameMarine",
  85. "Airport",
  86. "CityCenter",
  87. "StrongpointArea",
  88. "FlatAreaCitySmall",
  89. "FlatAreaCity",
  90. "StrongpointArea"
  91. };
  92. SM_ZombieMaxDistanceTown = 45; // max distance to spawn zombies from a player in a town
  93. SM_ZombieMinDistanceTown = 25; // min distance to spawn zombies from a player in a town
  94. SM_SearchForTownRadius = 1000; // will search all towns near a player within 1000 meters.
  95. SM_ZombiesPerPlayerInTown = 15; // How many zombies a player have in a town.
  96. SM_ZombiesPerWaveTown = 7; // How many zombies to spawn on a player per wave in town.
  97. SM_HordeMarkerColor = "ColorRed"; // used for SM_HordeMarkerStyle.
  98. SM_HordeMarkerStyle = "hd_warning"; // if you have a marker you want to use, set SM_HordeMarkerType to 6.
  99. SM_HordeMarkerText = ""; //"!!! --- HORDE --- !!!"; // pretty obvious...
  100. SM_HordeMarkerCleanupEnabled = true; // cleanup the horde marker.
  101. SM_HordeMarkerType = 1; // 1-5
  102. SM_HordeNotificationText = "RUNNNN!!!! ZOMBIES ARE COMMING !!!!!";
  103. SM_DespawnZombieOrKill = false; // eanbled just kills the zombie. disabled despawns the zombie. (on cleanup)
  104. SM_ZombieSide = "west"; // side to create the zombie.
  105. SM_HordeNotificationEnabled = true; // notification for hordes.
  106. SM_HordeMarkerEnabled = true; // markers for hordes.
  107. SM_ZombiesPerWave = 5; // zombies to spawn on a player per wave.
  108. SM_HordeMaxDistance = 150; // max distance to spawn horde from a player.
  109. SM_HordeMinDistance = 25; // min distance to spawn horde from a player.
  110. SM_HordeMaxDistanceTown = 100; // max distance to spawn horde from a player, in a town.
  111. SM_HordeMinDistanceTown = 15; // min distance to spawn horde from a player, in a town.
  112. SM_HordeSpawnMaxDistanceFromPosition = 35; // max meters to spread out horde zombies from their spawn position.
  113. SM_HordeSpawnMinDistanceFromPosition = 5; // min meters to spread out horde zombies from their spawn position.
  114. SM_HordeSpawnMaxDistanceFromPositionTown = 20; // max meters to spread out horde zombies from their spawn position, in a town.
  115. SM_HordeSpawnMinDistanceFromPositionTown = 5; // min meters to spread out horde zombies from their spawn position, in a town.
  116. SM_ZombieSpawnMaxDistanceFromPosition = 15; // max meters to spread out zombies from their spawn position.
  117. SM_ZombieSpawnMinDistanceFromPosition = 5; // min meters to spread out zombies from their spawn position.
  118. SM_ZombieSpawnMaxDistanceFromPositionTown = 10; // min meters to spread out zombies from their spawn position, in a town
  119. SM_ZombieSpawnMinDistanceFromPositionTown = 5; // max meters to spread out zombies from their spawn position, in a town
  120. SM_HordeMarkerCleanup = 120; // time it takes for the horde marker to cleanup.
  121. SM_HordeSpawnDelay = 120; // in seconds how long it takes to do check to spawn hordes. (check horde chance)
  122. SM_HordesEnabled = false; // hordes enabled 1 = on.
  123. SM_SpawnHordeChance = 2.5; // chance to spawn a horde.
  124. SM_MaxZombiesInHorde = 69; // max zombies to spawn in a horde.
  125. SM_MinZombiesInHorde = 10; // min zombies to spawn in a horde.
  126. SM_MaxZombiesInHordeTown = 50; // max zombies to spawn in a horde, in a town.
  127. SM_MinZombiesInHordeTown = 5; // min zombies to spawn in horde, in a town.
  128. SM_ZombieCleanupDeath = 150; // how long it takes for a zombie body to get cleand up.
  129. SM_ZombieWaveCount = 5; // how many players to spawn zombies on per wave.
  130. SM_ZombieItemCount = 5; // max amount of items to spawn on a zombie when it's killed.
  131. SM_ZombieSpawnDelay = 60; // in seconds how long it takes to spawn more zombies.
  132. SM_ZombieMaxDistance = 150; // max distance to spawn zombies from a player.
  133. SM_ZombieMinDistance = 25; // min distance to spawn zombies from a player.
  134. SM_ZombieCleanup = 60; // in seconds when the cleanup runs.
  135. SM_ZombieCleanupDistance = 300; // cleanup zombies that are past this distance (from the controlling player)
  136. SM_MaxZombies = 200; // max zombies to have on map.
  137. SM_ZombiesPerPlayer = 10; // max zombies a player can have.
  138. SM_ZombieHealth = 0.7; // health a zombie can have. ( 1 = dead )
  139. SM_GiveZombiePoptabs = true; // enable giving zombies poptabs?
  140. SM_GiveCrypto = true; // enable giving player crpyto when killed a zombie. //Epoch only
  141. SM_MaxCrypto = 50; // max amount of crpyto to give to killing player. //Epoch only
  142. SM_MaxPoptabs = 50; // max amount of poptabs to give zombies.
  143. SM_PoptabChanceHigh = 100; // not recommended to change.
  144. SM_PopTabsChanceLow = 65; // 100 - 65 = 35% chance.
  145. SM_GivePlayerRespect = true; // enable giving players respect when they kill a zombie.
  146. SM_MaxRespect = 50; // max amount of respect to give a player when they kill a zombie.
  147. SM_MaxChanceOfLoot = 100; // not recommended to change.
  148. SM_MinChanceOfLoot = 85; // 100 - 85 = 15% chance of a zombie having loot.
  149. SM_MaxItemDrop = 3; // maximum amount of loot to have on a zombie.
  150. SM_ShuffleArrayDelay = 300; // Time to randomize loot, and zombie spawn classes.
  151. SM_Zombie_GlowingFace = true; // glowing zombie face.
  152. SM_RespawnDelayForPlayerEnabled = true; // Enables delaying of spawns for a player.
  153. SM_RespawnDelayForPlayer = 300; // How long (in seconds) it waits to spawn more zombies for a player.
  154. SM_RespawnDelayForPlayerTown = 420; // how long (in seconds) it waits to spawn more zombies for a player in a town.
  155. SM_TownsOnly = true; // Makes it so zombies only spawn at towns.
  157. /*
  158. {
  159. // 0 {1250,219},
  160. // 1 1300,
  161. // 2 14,
  162. // 3 5,
  163. // 4 30,
  164. // 5 5,
  165. // 6 10,
  166. // 7 "SM_Zombz_Marker4"
  167. // 8 true,
  168. // 9 true,
  169. // 10 "ELLIPSE",
  170. // 11 "",
  171. // 12 "ColorRed",
  172. // 13 0.1,
  173. // 14 "SolidFull",
  174. // 15 0.5,
  175. // 16 15,
  176. // 17 300,
  177. // 18 {
  178. "SM_Zombz_walker73",
  179. "SM_Zombz_walker200",
  180. "SM_Zombz_walker69"
  181. }
  182. }
  184. 0 - 2d position.
  185. 1 - max distance from 2d position.
  186. 2 - zombies per wave.
  187. 3 - min distance to spawn zombies from player.
  188. 4 - max distance to spawn zombies from player.
  189. 5 - min distance to spawn zombies from spawn position.
  190. 6 - max distance to spawn zombies from spawn position.
  191. 7 - Marker type.
  192. 8 - enable / disable marker.
  193. 9 - enable / disable area highlighter.
  194. 10 - area highlighter shape.
  195. 11 - marker text.
  196. 12 - area highlighter color.
  197. 13 - area highlighter alpha. ( from 0 to 1 )
  198. 14 - area highlighter brush type.
  199. 15 - marker alpha. ( from 0 to 1 )
  200. 16 - max zombies per player.
  201. 17 - spawn delay for zombies in seconds, for a player. (only works with SM_RespawnDelayForPlayerEnabled enabled!)
  202. 18 - Zombie classes to spawn at the zone, use {} for default classes.
  203. */
  204. SM_HordeZonesEnabled = true; // Zoning for hordes.
  205. SM_HordeCanSpawnRandomly = true; // horde randomly spawn, if player is in zone, it will use zone config.
  206. SM_ZombieZonesEnabled = true; // zombies spawn in zones, via the config below.
  207. SM_ZombiesCanSpawnRandomly = false; // zombies randomly spawn, even if a player is not in a zone.
  208. SM_HordeUseZombieZones = false; // horde zones will use the zombie zones (to make the config smaller) (will also use SM_MaxZombiesInHorde and SM_MinZombiesInHorde)
  209. SM_DisableZombieSpawnsUntilInNewZoneEnabled = false; // disable spawning of new zombies until a player gets in a new zone. (Requires zones to be enabled!)
  210. SM_ZombieZones[] =
  211. {
  212. // some place
  213. {
  214. {11250,21119},
  215. 300,
  216. 14,
  217. 5,
  218. 30,
  219. 5,
  220. 10,
  221. "SM_Zombz_Marker4",
  222. true,
  223. true,
  224. "ELLIPSE",
  225. "Dizz is a testz",
  226. "ColorRed",
  227. 0.1,
  228. "SolidFull",
  229. 0.5,
  230. 15,
  231. 300,
  232. {
  233. "SM_Zombz_walker73",
  234. "SM_Zombz_walker200",
  235. "SM_Zombz_walker69"
  236. }
  237. },
  239. //some other place
  240. {
  241. {6119,4120},
  242. 420,
  243. 14,
  244. 5,
  245. 30,
  246. 5,
  247. 10,
  248. "SM_Zombz_Marker1",
  249. true,
  250. true,
  251. "ELLIPSE",
  252. "",
  253. "ColorRed",
  254. 0.1,
  255. "SolidFull",
  256. 0.5,
  257. 15,
  258. 300,
  259. {}
  260. }
  261. };
  266. /*
  267. {
  268. // 0 {1250,219},
  269. // 1 1300,
  270. // 2 5,
  271. // 3 30,
  272. // 4 5,
  273. // 5 10,
  274. // 6 5,
  275. // 7 20,
  276. // 8 "SM_Zombz_Marker4"
  277. // 9 true,
  278. // 10 true,
  279. // 11 "ELLIPSE",
  280. // 12 "",
  281. // 13 "ColorRed",
  282. // 14 0.1,
  283. // 15 "SolidFull",
  284. // 16 0.5,
  285. // 17 {}
  286. }
  288. 0 - 2d position.
  289. 1 - max distance from 2d position.
  290. 2 - min distance to spawn horde from player.
  291. 3 - max distance to spawn horde from player.
  292. 4 - min distance to spawn horde from spawn position.
  293. 5 - max distance to spawn horde from spawn position.
  294. 6 - min zombies to spawn in horde.
  295. 7 - max zombies to spawn in horde.
  296. 8 - Marker type.
  297. 9 - enable / disable marker.
  298. 10 - enable / disable area highlighter.
  299. 11 - area highlighter shape.
  300. 12 - marker text.
  301. 13 - area highlighter color.
  302. 14 - area highlighter alpha. ( from 0 to 1 )
  303. 15 - area highlighter brush type.
  304. 16 - marker alpha. ( from 0 to 1 )
  305. 17 - horde classes to spawn at the zone, use {} for default classes.
  306. */
  307. SM_HordeZones[] =
  308. {
  309. // Infected north
  310. {
  311. {16565.4,18566},
  312. 200,
  313. 40,
  314. 90,
  315. 5,
  316. 12,
  317. "SM_Zombz_Marker4",
  318. true,
  319. true,
  320. "ELLIPSE",
  321. "Dizz is a horde zone!",
  322. "ColorGreen",
  323. 0.1,
  324. "SolidFull",
  325. 0.5,
  326. {
  327. }
  328. },
  329. // Infected south
  330. {
  331. {18325,2219.02},
  332. 500,
  333. 40,
  334. 90,
  335. 5,
  336. 12,
  337. "SM_Zombz_Marker4",
  338. true,
  339. true,
  340. "ELLIPSE",
  341. "Dizz is a horde zone!",
  342. "ColorGreen",
  343. 0.1,
  344. "SolidFull",
  345. 0.5,
  346. {
  347. }
  348. }
  349. };
  353. SM_UserBaseCheck = false; // Custom base checking
  354. SM_UserBaseCheckDistance = 50; // meters to check for custom base objects / plotpile
  355. SM_UserBaseCheckType = 1; //1 = object // 2 = marker
  356. SM_UserBaseCheckMarkerObjects = ""; //Object or marker type to check for
  358. SM_UserSafezoneCheck = false; // custom safezone checking
  359. SM_UserSafezoneCheckDistance = 50; // meters to check for objects / markers
  360. SM_UserSafezoneCheckType = 1; //1 = object // 2 = marker;
  361. SM_UserSafezoneCheckMarkerObjects = ""; //Object or marker type to check for
  365. //long configurable settings...
  368. SM_LootItems[] =
  369. {
  370. "hgun_P07_F",
  371. "hgun_ACPC2_F",
  372. "hgun_Rook40_F"
  373. };
  375. //Will only use this if Exile is enabled.
  376. SM_LootItemsExile[] =
  377. {
  378. "Exile_Item_Magazine04",
  379. "Exile_Item_Magazine03",
  380. "Exile_Item_Magazine02",
  381. "Exile_Item_Magazine01",
  382. "Exile_Item_Moobar",
  383. "Exile_Item_Raisins",
  384. "Exile_Item_PowerDrink",
  385. "Exile_Item_SeedAstics",
  386. "Exile_Item_CockONut",
  387. "Exile_Item_Noodles",
  388. "Exile_Item_DsNuts",
  389. "Exile_Item_BBQSandwich",
  390. "Exile_Item_BeefParts",
  391. "Exile_Item_Dogfood",
  392. "Exile_Item_CatFood",
  393. "Exile_Item_MacasCheese",
  394. "Exile_Item_ChristmasTinner",
  395. "Exile_Item_SausageGravy",
  396. "Exile_Item_Surstromming",
  397. "Exile_Item_Cheathas",
  398. "Exile_Item_GloriousKnakworst",
  399. "Exile_Item_Matches",
  400. "Exile_Item_CanOpener",
  401. "Exile_Item_EMRE",
  402. "Exile_Item_CookingPot"
  403. };
  405. //Will only use this if Epoch is enabled.
  406. SM_LootItemsEpoch[] =
  407. {
  408. "WhiskeyNoodle",
  409. "FoodWalkNSons",
  410. "ItemSodaAlpineDude",
  411. "ItemSodaOrangeSherbet",
  412. "ItemSodaPurple",
  413. "ItemSodaMocha",
  414. "ItemSodaBurst",
  415. "ItemSodaRbull",
  416. "emptyjar_epoch",
  417. "ItemSodaEmpty",
  418. "FoodMeeps",
  419. "FoodSnooter",
  420. "FoodBioMeat",
  421. "TacticalBacon",
  422. "sardines_epoch",
  423. "meatballs_epoch",
  424. "scam_epoch",
  425. "sweetcorn_epoch",
  426. "honey_epoch",
  427. "ItemEmptyTin",
  428. "ItemCoolerE"
  429. };
  431. //Zombie classes used in towns, leave at {} to use default classes.
  432. SM_ZombieClassesTown[] = {};
  433. SM_HordeClassesTown[] = {};
  435. //Default zombie classes.
  436. SM_HordeClasses[] = {}; //leave at {} for SM_ZombieClasses
  438. /*
  440. SM_Zombz_Runner1
  442. SM_Zombz_Runner64
  444. AND ALSO
  445. SM_Zombz_FemaleRunner1
  447. SM_Zombz_FelameRunner5
  448. */
  449. SM_ZombieClasses[] =
  450. {
  451. "SM_Zombz_walker1",
  452. "SM_Zombz_walker2",
  453. "SM_Zombz_walker3",
  454. "SM_Zombz_walker4",
  455. "SM_Zombz_walker5",
  456. "SM_Zombz_walker6",
  457. "SM_Zombz_walker7",
  458. "SM_Zombz_walker8",
  459. "SM_Zombz_walker9",
  460. "SM_Zombz_walker10",
  461. "SM_Zombz_walker11",
  462. "SM_Zombz_walker12",
  463. "SM_Zombz_walker13",
  464. "SM_Zombz_walker14",
  465. "SM_Zombz_walker15",
  466. "SM_Zombz_walker16",
  467. "SM_Zombz_walker17",
  468. "SM_Zombz_walker18",
  469. "SM_Zombz_walker19",
  470. "SM_Zombz_walker20",
  471. "SM_Zombz_walker21",
  472. "SM_Zombz_walker22",
  473. "SM_Zombz_walker23",
  474. "SM_Zombz_walker24",
  475. "SM_Zombz_walker25",
  476. "SM_Zombz_walker26",
  477. "SM_Zombz_walker27",
  478. "SM_Zombz_walker28",
  479. "SM_Zombz_walker29",
  480. "SM_Zombz_walker30",
  481. "SM_Zombz_walker31",
  482. "SM_Zombz_walker32",
  483. "SM_Zombz_walker33",
  484. "SM_Zombz_walker34",
  485. "SM_Zombz_walker35",
  486. "SM_Zombz_walker36",
  487. "SM_Zombz_walker37",
  488. "SM_Zombz_walker38",
  489. "SM_Zombz_walker39",
  490. "SM_Zombz_walker40",
  491. "SM_Zombz_walker41",
  492. "SM_Zombz_walker42",
  493. "SM_Zombz_walker43",
  494. "SM_Zombz_walker44",
  495. "SM_Zombz_walker45",
  496. "SM_Zombz_walker46",
  497. "SM_Zombz_walker47",
  498. "SM_Zombz_walker48",
  499. "SM_Zombz_walker49",
  500. "SM_Zombz_walker50",
  501. "SM_Zombz_walker51",
  502. "SM_Zombz_walker52",
  503. "SM_Zombz_walker53",
  504. "SM_Zombz_walker54",
  505. "SM_Zombz_walker55",
  506. "SM_Zombz_walker56",
  507. "SM_Zombz_walker57",
  508. "SM_Zombz_walker58",
  509. "SM_Zombz_walker59",
  510. "SM_Zombz_walker60",
  511. "SM_Zombz_walker61",
  512. "SM_Zombz_walker62",
  513. "SM_Zombz_walker63",
  514. "SM_Zombz_walker64",
  515. /*
  516. "SM_Zombz_Crawler1",
  517. "SM_Zombz_Crawler2",
  518. "SM_Zombz_Crawler3",
  519. "SM_Zombz_Crawler4",
  520. "SM_Zombz_Crawler5",
  521. "SM_Zombz_Crawler6",
  522. "SM_Zombz_Crawler7",
  523. "SM_Zombz_Crawler8",
  524. "SM_Zombz_Crawler9",
  525. "SM_Zombz_Crawler10",
  526. "SM_Zombz_Crawler11",
  527. "SM_Zombz_Crawler12",
  528. "SM_Zombz_Crawler13",
  529. "SM_Zombz_Crawler14",
  530. "SM_Zombz_Crawler15",
  531. "SM_Zombz_Crawler16",
  532. "SM_Zombz_Crawler17",
  533. "SM_Zombz_Crawler18",
  534. "SM_Zombz_Crawler19",
  535. "SM_Zombz_Crawler20",
  536. "SM_Zombz_Crawler21",
  537. "SM_Zombz_Crawler22",
  538. "SM_Zombz_Crawler23",
  539. "SM_Zombz_Crawler24",
  540. "SM_Zombz_Crawler25",
  541. "SM_Zombz_Crawler26",
  542. "SM_Zombz_Crawler27",
  543. "SM_Zombz_Crawler28",
  544. "SM_Zombz_Crawler29",
  545. "SM_Zombz_Crawler30",
  546. "SM_Zombz_Crawler31",
  547. "SM_Zombz_Crawler32",
  548. "SM_Zombz_Crawler33",
  549. "SM_Zombz_Crawler34",
  550. "SM_Zombz_Crawler35",
  551. "SM_Zombz_Crawler36",
  552. "SM_Zombz_Crawler37",
  553. "SM_Zombz_Crawler38",
  554. "SM_Zombz_Crawler39",
  555. "SM_Zombz_Crawler40",
  556. "SM_Zombz_Crawler41",
  557. "SM_Zombz_Crawler42",
  558. "SM_Zombz_Crawler43",
  559. "SM_Zombz_Crawler45",
  560. "SM_Zombz_Crawler46",
  561. "SM_Zombz_Crawler47",
  562. "SM_Zombz_Crawler48",
  563. "SM_Zombz_Crawler49",
  564. "SM_Zombz_Crawler50",
  565. "SM_Zombz_Crawler51",
  566. "SM_Zombz_Crawler52",
  567. "SM_Zombz_Crawler53",
  568. "SM_Zombz_Crawler54",
  569. "SM_Zombz_Crawler55",
  570. "SM_Zombz_Crawler56",
  571. "SM_Zombz_Crawler57",
  572. "SM_Zombz_Crawler58",
  573. "SM_Zombz_Crawler60",
  574. "SM_Zombz_Crawler61",
  575. "SM_Zombz_Crawler62",
  576. "SM_Zombz_Crawler63",
  577. "SM_Zombz_Crawler64",
  579. "SM_Zombz_FemaleCrawler1",
  580. "SM_Zombz_FemaleCrawler2",
  581. "SM_Zombz_FemaleCrawler3",
  582. "SM_Zombz_FemaleCrawler4",
  583. "SM_Zombz_FemaleCrawler5"
  584. */
  585. "SM_Zombz_FemaleWalker1",
  586. "SM_Zombz_FemaleWalker2",
  587. "SM_Zombz_FemaleWalker3",
  588. "SM_Zombz_FemaleWalker4",
  589. "SM_Zombz_FemaleWalker5"
  590. };
  592. // faces...
  593. SM_FacesArray[] =
  594. {
  595. "SM_Zombie1",
  596. "SM_Zombie2",
  597. "SM_Zombie3",
  598. "SM_Zombie4",
  599. "SM_Zombie5",
  600. "SM_Zombie6",
  601. "SM_Zombie7",
  602. "SM_Zombie8",
  603. "SM_Zombie9",
  604. "SM_Zombie10",
  605. "SM_Zombie11",
  606. "SM_Zombie13",
  607. "SM_Zombie14",
  608. "SM_Zombie15",
  609. "SM_Zombie16",
  610. "SM_Zombie17",
  611. "SM_Zombie18",
  612. "SM_Zombie19",
  613. "SM_Zombie20",
  614. "SM_Zombie21",
  615. "SM_Zombie22",
  616. "SM_Zombie23",
  617. "SM_Zombie24",
  618. "SM_Zombie25",
  619. "SM_Zombie26",
  620. "SM_Zombie27",
  621. "SM_Zombie28",
  622. "SM_Zombie29",
  623. "SM_Zombie30",
  624. "SM_Zombie31",
  625. "SM_Zombie32"
  626. };
  628. SM_FaceFemaleArray[] =
  629. {
  630. "SM_ZombieFemale1",
  631. "SM_ZombieFemale2",
  632. "SM_ZombieFemale3",
  633. "SM_ZombieFemale4",
  634. "SM_ZombieFemale5",
  635. "SM_ZombieFemale6",
  636. "SM_ZombieFemale7",
  637. "SM_ZombieFemale8",
  638. "SM_ZombieFemale9",
  639. "SM_ZombieFemale10",
  640. "SM_ZombieFemale11"
  641. };
  643. //Sounds start
  644. SM_AttackArray[] =
  645. {
  646. "SM_Zombz_Attack1",
  647. "SM_Zombz_Attack2",
  648. "SM_Zombz_Attack3",
  649. "SM_Zombz_Attack4",
  650. "SM_Zombz_Attack5",
  651. "SM_Zombz_Attack6",
  652. "SM_Zombz_Attack7",
  653. "SM_Zombz_Attack8",
  654. "SM_Zombz_Attack9",
  655. "SM_Zombz_Attack10",
  656. "SM_Zombz_Attack11",
  657. "SM_Zombz_Attack12",
  658. "SM_Zombz_Attack13",
  659. "SM_Zombz_Attack14",
  660. "SM_Zombz_Attack15",
  661. "SM_Zombz_Attack16",
  662. "SM_Zombz_Attack17",
  663. "SM_Zombz_Attack18",
  664. "SM_Zombz_Attack19",
  665. "SM_Zombz_Attack20",
  666. "SM_Zombz_Attack21",
  667. "SM_Zombz_Attack22",
  668. "SM_Zombz_Attack23",
  669. "SM_Zombz_Attack24",
  670. "SM_Zombz_Attack25",
  671. "SM_Zombz_Attack26",
  672. "SM_Zombz_Attack27",
  673. "SM_Zombz_Attack28",
  674. "SM_Zombz_Attack29",
  675. "SM_Zombz_Attack30",
  676. "SM_Zombz_Attack31",
  677. "SM_Zombz_Attack32",
  678. "SM_Zombz_Attack33",
  679. "SM_Zombz_Attack34",
  680. "SM_Zombz_Attack35",
  681. "SM_Zombz_Attack36",
  682. "SM_Zombz_Attack37",
  683. "SM_Zombz_Attack38",
  684. "SM_Zombz_Attack39",
  685. "SM_Zombz_Attack40",
  686. "SM_Zombz_Attack41",
  687. "SM_Zombz_Attack42",
  688. "SM_Zombz_Attack43",
  689. "SM_Zombz_Attack44",
  690. "SM_Zombz_Attack45",
  691. "SM_Zombz_Attack46",
  692. "SM_Zombz_Attack47",
  693. "SM_Zombz_Attack48",
  694. "SM_Zombz_Attack49",
  695. "SM_Zombz_Attack50",
  696. "SM_Zombz_Attack51",
  697. "SM_Zombz_Attack52",
  698. "SM_Zombz_Attack53",
  699. "SM_Zombz_Attack54",
  700. "SM_Zombz_Attack55",
  701. "SM_Zombz_Attack56",
  702. "SM_Zombz_Attack57",
  703. "SM_Zombz_Attack58",
  704. "SM_Zombz_Attack59",
  705. "SM_Zombz_Attack60",
  706. "SM_Zombz_Attack61",
  707. "SM_Zombz_Attack62",
  708. "SM_Zombz_Attack63",
  709. "SM_Zombz_Attack64",
  710. "SM_Zombz_Attack65",
  711. "SM_Zombz_Attack66",
  712. "SM_Zombz_Attack67",
  713. "SM_Zombz_Attack68",
  714. "SM_Zombz_Attack69",
  715. "SM_Zombz_Attack70",
  716. "SM_Zombz_Attack71",
  717. "SM_Zombz_Attack72",
  718. "SM_Zombz_Attack73",
  719. "SM_Zombz_Attack74",
  720. "SM_Zombz_Attack75"
  721. };
  723. SM_AggressiveArray[] =
  724. {
  725. "SM_Zombz_Aggressive1",
  726. "SM_Zombz_Aggressive2",
  727. "SM_Zombz_Aggressive3",
  728. "SM_Zombz_Aggressive4",
  729. "SM_Zombz_Aggressive5",
  730. "SM_Zombz_Aggressive6",
  731. "SM_Zombz_Aggressive7",
  732. "SM_Zombz_Aggressive8",
  733. "SM_Zombz_Aggressive9",
  734. "SM_Zombz_Aggressive10",
  735. "SM_Zombz_Aggressive11",
  736. "SM_Zombz_Aggressive12",
  737. "SM_Zombz_Aggressive13"
  738. };
  740. SM_EatingArray[] =
  741. {
  742. "SM_Zombz_Eat1",
  743. "SM_Zombz_Eat2",
  744. "SM_Zombz_Eat3",
  745. "SM_Zombz_Eat4",
  746. "SM_Zombz_Eat5",
  747. "SM_Zombz_Eat6",
  748. "SM_Zombz_Eat7",
  749. "SM_Zombz_Eat8",
  750. "SM_Zombz_Eat9",
  751. "SM_Zombz_Eat10",
  752. "SM_Zombz_Eat11",
  753. "SM_Zombz_Eat12",
  754. "SM_Zombz_Eat13",
  755. "SM_Zombz_Eat14",
  756. "SM_Zombz_Eat15",
  757. "SM_Zombz_Eat16",
  758. "SM_Zombz_Eat17",
  759. "SM_Zombz_Eat18",
  760. "SM_Zombz_Eat19",
  761. "SM_Zombz_Eat20",
  762. "SM_Zombz_Eat21",
  763. "SM_Zombz_Eat22",
  764. "SM_Zombz_Eat23",
  765. "SM_Zombz_Eat24",
  766. "SM_Zombz_Eat25",
  767. "SM_Zombz_Eat26",
  768. "SM_Zombz_Eat27"
  769. };
  771. SM_MoanArray[] =
  772. {
  773. "SM_Zombz_Moan1"
  774. };
  776. SM_ScreamArray[] =
  777. {
  778. "SM_Zombz_Scream1",
  779. "SM_Zombz_Scream2",
  780. "SM_Zombz_Scream3",
  781. "SM_Zombz_Scream4",
  782. "SM_Zombz_Scream5",
  783. "SM_Zombz_Scream6",
  784. "SM_Zombz_Scream7"
  785. };
  787. SM_VehicleHitArray[] =
  788. {
  789. ""
  790. };
  791. //Sounds end
  793. class CfgCodeOverride
  794. {
  795. /*
  796. Example:
  797. SM_Util_log = "SM_Zombz\override\SM_Util_log.sqf";
  798. */
  799. };
  800. };
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