

Jun 13th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. local function s(...) return sleep(...) end
  2. local function aw(...) return write(...) end
  3. local function p(...) return print(...) end
  4. local function tw(...) return term.write(...) end
  5. local function scp(...) return term.setCursorPos(...) end
  6. local function sbc(...) return term.setBackgroundColor(...) end
  7. local function stc(...) return term.setTextColor(...) end
  8. local function tc(...) return term.clear(...) end
  9. local function tcl(...) return term.clearLine(...) end
  10. local function r(...) return end
  11. local function sp(...) return textutils.slowPrint(...) end
  12. local function sw(...) return textutils.slowWrite(...) end
  13. local function fse(...) return fs.exists(...) end
  14. local function pul(...) return paintutils.loadImage(...) end
  15. local function pud(...) return paintutils.drawImage(...) end
  16. local function pfb(...) return paintutils.drawFilledBox(...) end
  17. local function su(...) return os.shutdown(...) end
  18. local function re(...) return os.reboot(...) end
  19. local function pdp(...) return paintutils.drawPixel(...) end
  20. local w, h = term.getSize()
  22. function nextstore()
  23. while true do
  24. stc(colors.white)
  25. sbc(
  26. tc()
  27. sbc(
  28. scp(1,1)
  29. p("Start")
  30. pdp(w,h,
  31. pdp(w-1,h,
  32. pfb(1,1,w,1,
  33. scp(1,1)
  34. stc(colors.white)
  35. p("nextStore 2.0")
  36. scp(w-7,1)
  37. p("Motywy")
  38. pdp(w,1,
  39. sbc(
  40. scp(1,2)
  41. p("Eksplorator")
  42. p("DGStatistics")
  43. p("ReactorControl")
  44. p("TimeMashine")
  45. p("Kalkulator")
  46. p("Message")
  47. p("Bootloader")
  48. scp(1,h-2)
  49. p("Wolne miejsce:")
  50. miejsce = math.ceil(fs.getFreeSpace("/")/1024)
  51. p("KB", miejsce)
  52. local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  53. avc = w-7
  54. if x>0 and x<16 and y == 2 then ep() end
  55. if x>0 and x<16 and y == 3 then dg() end
  56. if x>0 and x<16 and y == 4 then rc() end
  57. if x>0 and x<16 and y == 5 then tm() end
  58. if x>0 and x<16 and y == 6 then calc() end
  59. if x>0 and x<16 and y == 7 then mess() end
  60. if x>0 and x<16 and y == 8 then bootl() end
  61. if x>avc and x<w and y == 1 then motywy() end
  62. if x == w and y == 1 then break end
  63. pdp(w,1,
  64. end
  65. end
  67. function motywy()
  68. while true do
  69. sbc(colors.white)
  70. tc()
  71. sbc(colors.white)
  73. sbc(
  74. stc(colors.white)
  75. scp(1,1)
  76. p("Start")
  77. pdp(w,h,
  78. pdp(w-1,h,
  79. pfb(1,1,w,1,
  80. scp(1,1)
  81. stc(colors.white)
  82. p("nextStore 2.0")
  83. scp(w-7,1)
  84. p("Appki")
  85. pdp(w,1,
  86. sbc(colors.white)
  87. stc(
  88. scp(1,2)
  89. p("NextUI")
  90. p("Prosty")
  91. p("Minedows")
  92. p("Ciemny")
  93. scp(1,h-2)
  94. p("Wolne miejsce:")
  95. miejsce = math.ceil(fs.getFreeSpace("/")/1024)
  96. p("KB", miejsce)
  97. local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  98. avc = w-7
  99. if x>0 and x<16 and y == 2 then nx() end
  100. if x>0 and x<16 and y == 3 then pr() end
  101. if x>0 and x<16 and y == 4 then mi() end
  102. if x>0 and x<16 and y == 5 then ci() end
  103. if x>avc and x<w and y == 1 then nextstore() end
  104. if x == w and y == 1 then break end
  105. pdp(w,1,
  106. end
  107. end
  109. function nx()
  110. scp(16,2)
  111. sbc(colors.white)
  112. stc(
  113. p("Podstawowy motyw NextUI")
  114. scp(16,3)
  115. p("Wydawca: Microcraft")
  116. pfb(16,4,w,12,colors.cyan)
  117. pfb(16,12,w,12,
  118. pfb(16,12,19,12,
  119. pfb(w-6,12,w-3,12,
  120. pdp(w-1,12,
  121. pdp(w,12,
  122. paintutils.drawBox(17,5,21,9,
  123. pfb(18,6,20,8,colors.yellow)
  124. pfb(16, h, w, h,
  125. scp(16,h)
  126. scp(30,h)
  127. write("Pobierz")
  128. local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  129. if x>29 and x<40 and y == h then
  130.   fs.delete("/os/desktop")
  131.   r("pastebin get PfAWshRt /os/desktop")
  132.   s(1)
  133.   re()
  134. end
  135. end
  137. function ci()
  138. scp(16,2)
  139. sbc(colors.white)
  140. stc(
  141. p("Ciemny motyw Minedows")
  142. scp(16,3)
  143. p("Wydawca: Microcraft")
  144. pfb(16,4,w,12,
  145. pfb(16,12,w,12,
  146. pfb(16,12,19,12,
  147. pfb(w-6,12,w-3,12,
  148. pdp(w-1,12,
  149. pdp(w,12,
  150. pfb(16, h, w, h,
  151. scp(16,h)
  152. scp(30,h)
  153. write("Pobierz")
  154. local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  155. if x>29 and x<40 and y == h then
  156.   fs.delete("/os/desktop")
  157.   r("pastebin get MtAuw8Av /os/desktop")
  158.   s(1)
  159.   re()
  160. end
  161. end
  163. function pr()
  164. scp(16,2)
  165. sbc(colors.white)
  166. stc(
  167. p("Prosty motyw NextUI")
  168. scp(16,3)
  169. p("Wydawca: Microcraft")
  170. pfb(16,4,w,12,colors.cyan)
  171. pfb(16,12,w,12,
  172. pfb(16,12,19,12,
  173. pfb(w-6,12,w-3,12,
  174. pdp(w-1,12,
  175. pdp(w,12,
  176. pfb(16, h, w, h,
  177. scp(16,h)
  178. scp(30,h)
  179. write("Pobierz")
  180. local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  181. if x>29 and x<40 and y == h then
  182.   fs.delete("/os/desktop")
  183.   r("pastebin get gCRpr6Ag /os/desktop")
  184.   s(1)
  185.   re()
  186. end
  187. end
  189. function mi()
  190. scp(16,2)
  191. sbc(colors.white)
  192. stc(
  193. p("Klasyczny motyw Minedows")
  194. scp(16,3)
  195. p("Wydawca: Microcraft")
  196. pfb(16,12,19,12,
  197. pfb(w-6,12,w-3,12,
  198. pdp(w-1,12,
  199. pdp(w,12,
  200. pfb(16, h, w, h,
  201. scp(16,h)
  202. scp(30,h)
  203. write("Pobierz")
  204. local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  205. if x>29 and x<40 and y == h then
  206.   fs.delete("/os/desktop")
  207.   r("pastebin get sz185irB /os/desktop")
  208.   s(1)
  209.   re()
  210. end
  211. end
  214. function ep()
  215. scp(16,2)
  216. stc(colors.white)
  217. if colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc( end
  218. p("NextExplorer to potezne")
  219. scp(16,3)
  220. p("a zarazem proste narzedzie do")
  221. scp(16,4)
  222. p("przegladania zawartosci dysku")
  223. scp(16,5)
  224. p("twardego. Pobierz za darmo dzisiaj!")
  225. scp(16,10)
  226. p("Wydawca: Microcraft")
  227. pfb(16, h, w, h,
  228. if not fs.exists("/os/main/explorer") then
  229. if fs.exists("/nshop/.exp") then
  230.  scp(16,h)
  231.  sbc(
  232.  stc(colors.white)
  233.  write("Usun      Uruchom")
  234.  local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  235.  if x>15 and x<21 and y == h then fs.delete("/nshop/.exp") end
  236.  if x>25 and x<34 and y == h then r("/nshop/.exp") end
  237. else
  238.  scp(30,h)
  239.  write("Pobierz")
  240.  local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  241.  if x>29 and x<40 then
  242.   r("pastebin get za0ck7T5 /nshop/.exp")
  243.  end
  244. end
  245. else
  246.  scp(16,h)
  247.  sbc(
  248.  stc(colors.white)
  249.  write("Zainstalowano")
  250.  local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  251. end
  252. end
  255. function rc()
  256. scp(16,2)
  257. stc(colors.white)
  258. if colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc( end
  259. p("ReactorControl to aplikacja,")
  260. scp(16,3)
  261. p("stworzona dla latwiejszej")
  262. scp(16,4)
  263. p("kontroli reaktorow z modyfikacji")
  264. scp(16,5)
  265. p("do Minecraft nazwanej BigReactors.")
  266. scp(16,10)
  267. p("Wydawca: Microcraft")
  268. pfb(16, h, w, h,
  269. scp(16,h)
  270. write("Aplikacja nie jest jeszcze dostepna")
  271. local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  272. end
  275. function tm()
  276. scp(16,2)
  277. stc(colors.white)
  278. if colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc( end
  279. p("TimeMashine to aplikacja")
  280. scp(16,3)
  281. p("uruchamiajaca starsze wersje")
  282. scp(16,4)
  283. p("MineCore oraz Minedows dzieki")
  284. scp(16,5)
  285. p("NextUI API! Poznaj starsze")
  286. scp(16,6)
  287. p("systemy Microcraft bez zbednego")
  288. scp(16,7)
  289. p("zajmowania miejsca na dysku!")
  290. scp(16,8)
  291. p("Aplikacja stworzona na rocznice")
  292. scp(16,9)
  293. p("wydania MineCore 1.0!")
  294. scp(16,12)
  295. p("Wydawca: Microcraft")
  296. pfb(16, h, w, h,
  297. if fs.exists("/nshop/.tm") then
  298.  scp(16,h)
  299.  sbc(
  300.  stc(colors.white)
  301.  write("Usun      Uruchom")
  302.  local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  303.  if x>15 and x<21 and y == h then fs.delete("/nshop/.tm") end
  304.  if x>25 and x<34 and y == h then r("/nshop/.tm") end
  305. else
  306.  scp(30,h)
  307.  write("Pobierz")
  308.  local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  309.  if x>29 and x<40 and y == h then
  310.   r("pastebin get kCQLpZQS /nshop/.tm")
  311.  end
  312. end
  313. end
  316. function dg()
  317. scp(16,2)
  318. stc(colors.white)
  319. if colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc( end
  320. p("DGStatistics to aplikacja,")
  321. scp(16,3)
  322. p("stworzona we wspolpracy z ")
  323. scp(16,4)
  324. p("serwerem Darkness Grounds ")
  325. scp(16,5)
  326. p("pokazujaca statystyki broni")
  327. scp(16,6)
  328. p("Z ich autorskiej modyfikacji!")
  329. scp(16,7)
  330. p("Pobierz juz dzis!")
  331. scp(16,10)
  332. p("Wydawca: Microcraft;DG")
  333. pfb(16, h, w, h,
  334. scp(16,h)
  335. if fs.exists("/nshop/.dg") then
  336.  scp(16,h)
  337.  sbc(
  338.  stc(colors.white)
  339.  write("Usun      Uruchom")
  340.  local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  341.  if x>15 and x<21 and y == h then fs.delete("/nshop/.dg") end
  342.  if x>25 and x<34 and y == h then r("/nshop/.dg") end
  343. else
  344.  scp(30,h)
  345.  write("Pobierz")
  346.  local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  347.  if x>29 and x<40 and y == h then
  348.   r("pastebin get qRNinxW4 /nshop/.dg")
  349.  end
  350. end
  351. end
  353. function calc()
  354. scp(16,2)
  355. stc(colors.white)
  356. if colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc( end
  357. p("Kalkulator NextUI to prosta")
  358. scp(16,3)
  359. p("aplikacja pozwalajaca na szybsze")
  360. scp(16,4)
  361. p("wykonywanie dzialan matematycznych")
  362. scp(16,10)
  363. p("Wydawca: Microcraft")
  364. pfb(16, h, w, h,
  365. if fs.exists("/nshop/.calc") then
  366.  scp(16,h)
  367.  sbc(
  368.  stc(colors.white)
  369.  write("Usun      Uruchom")
  370.  local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  371.  if x>15 and x<21 and y == h then fs.delete("/nshop/.calc") end
  372.  if x>25 and x<34 and y == h then r("/nshop/.calc") end
  373. else
  374.  scp(30,h)
  375.  write("Pobierz")
  376.  local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  377.  if x>29 and x<40 and y == h then
  378.   r("pastebin get dMjjSaKY /nshop/.calc")
  379.  end
  380. end
  381. end
  383. function mess()
  384. scp(16,2)
  385. stc(colors.white)
  386. if colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc( end
  387. p("Message NextUI to komunikator")
  388. scp(16,3)
  389. p("tesktowy wykorzystujacy modem CC")
  390. scp(16,4)
  391. p("do komunikacji z innymi ludzmi!")
  392. scp(16,10)
  393. p("Wydawca: Microcraft")
  394. pfb(16, h, w, h,
  395. if fs.exists("/nshop/.mess") then
  396.  scp(16,h)
  397.  sbc(
  398.  stc(colors.white)
  399.  write("Usun      Uruchom")
  400.  local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  401.  if x>15 and x<21 and y == h then fs.delete("/nshop/.mess") end
  402.  if x>25 and x<34 and y == h then r("/nshop/.mess") end
  403. else
  404.  scp(30,h)
  405.  write("Pobierz")
  406.  local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  407.  if x>29 and x<40 and y == h then
  408.   r("pastebin get uzZarCdG /nshop/.mess")
  409.  end
  410. end
  411. end
  413. function bootl()
  414. scp(16,2)
  415. stc(colors.white)
  416. if colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc( end
  417. p("Microcraft Bootloader Flasher")
  418. scp(16,3)
  419. p("to narzedzie, ktore pozwala")
  420. scp(16,4)
  421. p("na zaawansowane zarzadzanie")
  422. scp(16,5)
  423. p("ustawieniami komputera.")
  424. scp(16,10)
  425. p("Wydawca: Microcraft")
  426. pfb(16, h, w, h,
  427. scp(30,h)
  428. write("Pobierz")
  429. local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  430. if x>29 and x<40 and y == h then
  431. r("pastebin run NqkQFiLr")
  432. end
  433. end
  435. nextstore()
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