
Perioding=Nut Kicks

Dec 28th, 2018
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  1. Alexithymiaa: -Noah was on his way back from his very first day working demolition on the first job site. His clothes were covered in a layer of soot and dirt and his face was several shades darker than when he left the house earlier because of the dirt. With a hard hat tucked underneath his arm, he walked up the front walkway to the entrance of the house, letting himself in and beginning to drop his backpack and the hat on the floor just inside the door.-
  2. Covet: Tae was sitting on the couch curled up with a heading pad and in comfy clothes, a bag of dove chocolates half gone through next to her, their meatal wrappers in a neat pile infront of it. She was watching food network because anything else would some how just start making her cry. Period times yo. She heard Noah walk in and looked over her shoulder at him. "Wow... You are filthy... I mean... that was already kind of known... but now it's ont he outside too."
  3. Alexithymiaa: -He glanced up when he heard Tae's voice, seeing her sitting on the couch. Giving a shrug, he started forward, stepping on the heels of his sneakers to leave them behind as he walked. "Kind of what happens when you're tearing buildings apart." His voice was low as he carried himself into the kitchen, pulling open the fridge to grab himself a can of soda.-
  4. Covet: "I just didn't think you were going to be getting that involved with it. Did you at least enjoy it?" She asked putting another bite of chocolate in her mouth to suck on, letting it melt slowly.
  5. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah, it was okay. Better than anything else I guess. And I made myself eighty bucks today, so there's that." Popping the top on his soda, he tipped it back to take a long sip before setting it down on the counter.-
  6. Covet has left the chat
  7. Covet has joined the chat
  8. Covet has left the chat
  9. Covet has joined the chat
  10. Alexithymiaa: Alexithymiaa: "Yeah, it was okay. Better than anything else I guess. And I made myself eighty bucks today, so there's that." Popping the top on his soda, he tipped it back to take a long sip before setting it down on the counter.-
  11. Covet: "Hey hard earned money, can't complain too much there." Tae said watching him for a moment longer then went back to staring at the food things on the TV, while turning over her heating pad.
  12. AlexithymiaaAlexithymiaa : "Yep." He spoke, taking another sip and then looking over at her on the couch with her heating pad. "What's with you?"-
  13. Covet: Tae rolled her eyes and then looked over at him. "you mean to tell me you grew up with multiple sisters and don't know what all this is." She said pointing to the chocolate mase, her less than composed look, heating pad...etc.
  14. Alexithymiaa: "First of all, Sadie is four and barely counts as the female side of having a sister." Grabbing his soda, he walked closer, inspecting her little set up she had going on there. "Second, I can deduce, but the last time I guessed wrong, I got punched so...."-
  15. Covet: "That sounds about right... but I mean.. it's pretty obvious that this is what it is right now." Tae said with a laugh. "can you get me a water, my mouth is coated in chocolate."
  16. Alexithymiaa: "I've thought it was pretty obvious before and apparently it wasn't. I'm never just going to guess ever again." He said with a grumble, leaning over to hold his half empty can of soda to her. "Here."-
  17. Covet: "No, I don't want anymore sugar, this chocolate is going to make me break out already." She said with a pout. "Wow, I'm surprised you you learned after one time."
  18. Alexithymiaa: "Liv kicked me in the nuts. I may not be a genius, but I'm not a fucking idiot." He said as he turned and walked back into the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge for her and walking it back into the living room.-
  19. Covet: "Thank you." Tae said, "I've never thought about doing that. Even when I've been really mad, or in a position to do something... It's never crossed my mind. Punching a girl in the boob however... yeah totally thought about that one once or twice."
  20. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah, somehow I don't really think it's the same." He walked around the end of the couch and flopped down onto it, a cloud of dust propelling into the air.-
  21. Covet: "Probably not on the same scale, but same idea. It hurts to get kicked in the crotch as a girl but not as bad as getting punched in the boob." Tae explained to him, then sat up. " better be vaccuuming the couch after you get up....maybe you should go shower..."
  22. Alexithymiaa: "What?" He asked, like he was clueless that his clothes were super dirty even though they'd talked about it not that long ago. "I'm going to shower, I wanted to relax first."-
  23. Covet: "Okay well your relaxing is dirtying up the couch. You're covered in dust and dirt and god knows what else." Tae said to him.
  24. Alexithymiaa: -He rolled his eyes, shifting his body to the edge to roll off onto the floor. "Happy?"-
  25. Covet: "I wasn't upset before, and you didn't have to move, I was just telling you, you better clean up after yourself, at least out here." Tae said with a shrug then flopped over with a groan. "Fuck you Aunt Flo. FUCK YOU."
  26. Alexithymiaa: "I take it that means I'm not getting any for a few days..." He spoke in a considerably smaller voice, not actually wanting to piss her off.-
  27. Covet: ", but I mean.. you haven't gotten any in a few days, so what's a few more right?" Tae said with a shrug, to much in pain from cramps to be angry. all her anger was directed at an imaginary aunt.
  28. Alexithymiaa: "A few days too many." He retorted, pushing his hands under his body so he could sit up. "When are you going to be done.... doing that?"-
  29. Covet: "Three to five days from yesterday." Tae told him flatly, then reached for the TV remote to turn it up so he'd go away and leave her alone.
  30. Alexithymiaa: "That's foreverrrrrr." He let out a loud groan, pushing to his feet. "Fine, I guess I'll go shower. By myself." He mumbled, shuffling his feet as he walked out of the living room and off to his bedroom to get clean.-
  31. Covet: "Oh no... like you've never had to do that before." Tae said quietly after he walked off rolling her eyes again.
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