
Mystery RPG

Jul 7th, 2018
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  1. variables:
  2. {money::*} = 0
  4. options:
  5. per: &cYou dont have permission, contact to Admin
  6. money: &2&l[&6Money&2&l]&r
  8. command /settings [<text>]:
  9. trigger:
  10. if arg 1 is not set:
  11. open chest with 1 row named "&eYour setting Menu" to player
  12. wait 1 tick
  13. if {hpshow::%UUID of player%} is true:
  14. format slot 0 of player with jukebox named "&e攻撃した際にHPを出す &atrue" with lore "&aHPをchatに送信します" to close then run [execute player command "settings hp"]
  15. else:
  16. format slot 0 of player with jukebox named "&e攻撃した際にHPを出す &cfalse" with lore "&aHPをchatに送信します" to close then run [execute player command "settings hp"]
  17. if arg 1 is "hp":
  18. if {hpshow::%UUID of player%} is true:
  19. set {hpshow::%UUID of player%} to false
  20. send "&aHP Show to false"
  21. stop
  22. else:
  23. set {hpshow::%UUID of player%} to true
  24. send "&aHP Show to true"
  26. command /rename [<text>]:
  27. permission: ms.admin
  28. permission message: {@per}
  29. trigger:
  30. if arg 1 is not set:
  31. send "&cテキストが入力されてません" to player
  32. stop
  33. if arg 1 is set:
  34. set the name of player's tool to "%colored arg%"
  36. command /setrank [<player>] [<text>]:
  37. permission: ms.admin
  38. permission message: {@per}
  39. trigger:
  40. if arg 1 is not set:
  41. send "&cプレイヤーが指定されてません"
  42. stop
  43. if arg 2 is not set:
  44. send "&cランクが指定されてません"
  45. stop
  46. else:
  47. if arg 2 is "admin":
  48. set {rank::%UUID of arg-1%} to "Admin"
  49. set arg-1 tab name to "&d[Admin]&4%arg-1%"
  50. set arg-1's display name to "&d[Admin]&4%arg-1%"
  51. send "&aあなたは&cAdmin&aになりました" to arg-1
  52. stop
  53. if arg 2 is "reset":
  54. delete {rank::%UUID of arg-1%}
  55. set arg-1 tab name to "&d[Admin]&4%arg-1%"
  56. set arg-1's display name to "&d[Admin]&4%arg-1%"
  57. send "&aあなたのrankがリセットされました" to arg-1
  58. stop
  60. command /emerald [<text>]:
  61. permission: ms.admin
  62. permission message: {@per}
  63. trigger:
  64. if arg 1 is not set:
  65. send "&cテキストを入力してください"
  66. stop
  67. else:
  68. if arg 1 is "1M":
  69. give player shiny light green carpet named "&a1M" with lore "&6この世界の通過"
  70. if arg 1 is "10M":
  71. give player shiny emerald named "&210M" with lore "&6この世界の通貨"
  72. if arg 1 is "100M":
  73. give player shiny emerald block named "&2100M" with lore "&6この世界の通貨"
  74. if arg 1 is "1000M":
  75. give player shiny light green glass block named "&21000M" with lore "&6この世界の通貨"
  76. if arg 1 is "10000M":
  77. give player shiny green glass block named "&210000M" with lore "&6この世界の通貨"
  78. if arg 1 is "100000M":
  79. give player shiny slime block named "&2100000M" with lore "&6この世界の通貨"
  81. command /classspawn:
  82. permission: ms.admin
  83. permission message: {@per}
  84. trigger:
  85. set {} to location of player
  86. send "&aset Your location &7(%location%) &ato class spawn"
  88. command /tutorial:
  89. trigger:
  90. if { of player%} is true:
  91. send "&aはじめまして! &a%player% &bさん" to player
  92. wait 2 second
  93. send "&a職業を選択してください!" to player
  94. wait 2 second
  95. teleport player to {}
  96. else:
  97. send "&cあなたはすでに終えています" to player
  99. command /class [<player>] [<text>]:
  100. permission: ms.admin
  101. permission message: {@per}
  102. trigger:
  103. if arg 1 is not set:
  104. send "&cプレイヤーが指定されません"
  105. stop
  106. if arg 2 is not set:
  107. send "&c職業が指定されてません"
  108. stop
  109. else:
  110. if arg 2 is "knight":
  111. set {class::%UUID of arg-1%} to 1
  112. set { of arg-1%} to "&c&lKnight"
  113. send "&aあなたは職業 &c&lKnight&r &aを選びました" to arg-1
  114. reveal player from all players
  115. set { of player%} to false
  116. wait 10 tick
  117. teleport arg-1 to {firstvillage}
  118. if arg 2 is "mage":
  119. set {class::%UUID of arg-1%} to 2
  120. set { of arg-1%} to "&5&lMage"
  121. send "&aあなたは職業 &5&lMage&r &aを選びました" to arg-1
  122. reveal player from all players
  123. set { of player%} to false
  124. wait 10 tick
  125. teleport arg-1 to {firstvillage}
  126. if arg 2 is "healer":
  127. set {class::%UUID of arg-1%} to 3
  128. set { of arg-1%} to "&d&lHealer"
  129. send "&aあなたは職業 &d&lHealer&r &aを選びました" to arg-1
  130. reveal player from all players
  131. set { of player%} to false
  132. wait 10 tick
  133. teleport arg-1 to {firstvillage}
  135. command /knight [<text>]:
  136. trigger:
  137. if {class::%UUID of player%} is 1:
  138. set {knight.weapon::%UUID of player%} to 1
  139. send "&cslashblade &aselected" to player
  140. else:
  141. send "&aあなたは &c&lKnight&r &aではありません" to player
  143. command /mage [<text>]:
  144. trigger:
  145. if {class::%UUID of player%} is 2:
  146. if arg 1 is "fire":
  147. set {mage.weapon::%UUID of player%} to 1
  148. send "&cfire &aselected" to player
  149. else:
  150. send "&aあなたは &5&lMage&r &aではありません" to player
  152. command /healer [<text>]:
  153. trigger:
  154. if {class::%UUID of player%} is 3:
  155. if arg 1 is "heal":
  156. set {healer.weapon::%UUID of player%} to 1
  157. send "&dheal &aselected" to player
  158. else:
  159. send "&aあなたは &d&lHealer&r &aではありません" to player
  161. command /menu:
  162. trigger:
  163. remove 1 clock named "&aServer Menu" from player
  164. wait 1 tick
  165. give 1 clock named "&aServer Menu" to player
  167. command /setfirstjoinspawn:
  168. permission: ms.admin
  169. permission message: {@per}
  170. aliases: /sfjs
  171. trigger:
  172. set {firstspawn} to location of player
  173. send "&aset You location (%location%) to first spawn" to player
  175. command /setfirstvillage:
  176. permission: ms.admin
  177. permission message: {@per}
  178. aliases: /sfv
  179. trigger:
  180. set {firstvillage} to location of player
  181. send "&aset You location (%location%) to first village" to player
  183. command /location:
  184. permission: ms.admin
  185. permission message: {@per}
  186. trigger:
  187. send "&aYou now location is (%location%)" to player
  189. command /login:
  190. permission: ms.admin
  191. permission message: {@per}
  192. trigger:
  193. send "&8合計初ログイン&a: %{first}%"
  195. command /money [<text>] [<player>]:
  196. trigger:
  197. if arg 1 is not set:
  198. send "{@money} &aYou have &6%{money::%UUID of player%}% &aMoney" to player
  199. if arg 2 is set:
  200. send "{@money} &a%player arg% have &6%{money::%UUID of player arg%}% &aMoney" to player
  202. every tick:
  203. loop all players:
  204. set {_level} to loop-player's level
  205. set action bar of loop-player to "&6Your Class: %{ of loop-player%}% &5Mana: %{mana::%UUID of loop-player%}% &aLevel: %{_level}%"
  207. every 5 second:
  208. loop all players:
  209. if {mana::%UUID of loop-player%} is more than 100:
  210. wait 5 tick
  211. set {mana::%UUID of loop-player%} to 100
  212. stop
  213. else:
  214. add 1 to {mana::%UUID of loop-player%}
  216. on damage:
  217. if victim is not player:
  218. if {hpshow::%UUID of attacker%} is true:
  219. wait 1 tick
  220. set {_health} to victim's health
  221. send "&8相手のMOB&a: %victim% &aHP: %{_health}%" to attacker
  223. on death:
  224. if victim is player:
  225. set {mana::%UUID of victim%} to 100
  226. if damage cause is fall:
  227. set the death message to "&7%victim% &8さんは足を挫いた"
  228. stop
  230. on respawn:
  231. if {spawn::%UUID of player%} is set:
  232. teleport player to {spawn::%UUID of player%}
  234. on player drop:
  235. if name of event-item contains "&aServer Menu":
  236. cancel event
  237. if name of event-item contains "&5魔法の杖":
  238. cancel event
  240. on right click with clock:
  241. name of held item contains "&aServer Menu"
  242. cancel event
  243. execute console command "playsound master %player% ~ ~ ~ 1 0.4 1"
  244. open chest with 1 row named "&aServer Menu" to player
  245. wait 1 tick
  246. format slot 1 of player with jukebox named "&aSettings" to run [execute player command "settings"]
  248. on left click with stick:
  249. if {class::%UUID of player%} is 2:
  250. name of held item contains "&5魔法の杖"
  251. cancel event
  252. open chest with 1 row named "&5魔法選択" to player
  253. wait 1 tick
  254. format slot 1 of player with fire charge named "&cファイア" with lore "&c初期魔法||&7周りにいるmobを燃やします||&6クールダウン: 15s||&5Mana: 10" to close then run [execute player command "mage fire"]
  255. if {class::%UUID of player%} is 3:
  256. name of held item contains "&d魔法の杖"
  257. cancel event
  258. open chest with 1 row named "&d魔法選択" to player
  259. wait 1 tick
  260. format slot 1 of player with red dye named "&dヒール" with lore "&c初期魔法||&7自分と周りにいるプレイヤーを回復します||&6クールダウン:15s||&5Mana:: 15" to close then run [execute player command "healer heal"]
  262. on left click with nether quartz:
  263. if {class::%UUID of player%} is 1:
  264. name of held item contains "&b不思議なクオーツ"
  265. cancel event
  266. open chest with 1 row named "&6スキル選択" to player
  267. wait 1 tick
  268. format slot 1 of player with shiny nether quartz named "&cスラッシュブレード" with lore "&c初期スキル||&7周りにいるMOBを斬りつける||&6クールダウン:10s||&5Mana: 15" to close then run [execute player command "knight slashblade"]
  270. on right click with nether quartz:
  271. if {class::%UUID of player%} is 1:
  272. name of held item contains "&b不思議なクオーツ"
  273. cancel event
  274. if {knight.weapon::%UUID of player%} is 1:
  275. if {mana::%UUID of player%} is more than 15:
  276. set {_slashblade} to difference between {slashblade::%UUID of player%} and now
  277. if {_slashblade} is less than 10 second:
  278. stop
  279. send "&aあなたは&6スキル: &cスラッシュブレード &aを使用しました"
  280. execute console command "execute %player% ~ ~ ~ particle sweepAttack ~ ~ ~ 0.7 0.5 0.7 0.5 100 normal @a"
  281. execute console command "playsound minecraft:entity.player.attack.sweep master %player%"
  282. subtract 15 from {mana::%UUID of player%}
  283. loop all entities in radius 5 of player:
  284. type of loop-entity is not player
  285. make player damage loop-entity by 5
  286. set {slashblade::%UUID of player%} to now
  287. else:
  288. execute console command "playsound minecraft:block.dispenser.dispense master %player% ~ ~ ~ 1 2 1"
  289. send "&5マナが足りません!" to player
  291. on right click with stick:
  292. if {class::%UUID of player%} is 2:
  293. name of held item contains "&5魔法の杖"
  294. cancel event
  295. if {mage.weapon::%UUID of player%} is 1:
  296. if {mana::%UUID of player%} is more than 10:
  297. set {_firect} to difference between {fire::%UUID of player%} and now
  298. if {_firect} is less than 15 second:
  299. stop
  300. send "&aあなたは&5魔法: &cファイア&a を使用しました"
  301. subtract 10 from {mana::%UUID of player%}
  302. execute console command "playsound minecraft:item.firecharge.use master %player% ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1"
  303. loop all entities in radius 5 of player:
  304. type of loop-entity is not player
  305. set loop-entity on fire for 6 seconds
  306. set {fire::%UUID of player%} to now
  307. else:
  308. execute console command "playsound minecraft:block.dispenser.dispense master %player% ~ ~ ~ 1 2 1"
  309. send "&5マナが足りません!" to player
  310. if {class::%UUID of player%} is 3:
  311. name of held item contains "&d魔法の杖"
  312. cancel event
  313. if {healer.weapon::%UUID of player%} is 1:
  314. if {mana::%UUID of player%} is more than 15:
  315. set {_healct} to difference between {heal::%UUID of player%} and now
  316. if {_healct} is less than 15 second:
  317. stop
  318. send "&aあなたは&5魔法: &dヒール&a を使用しました"
  319. execute console command "playsound minecraft:entity.player.levelup master %player% ~ ~ ~ 1 0 1"
  320. subtract 15 from {mana::%UUID of player%}
  321. loop all players in radius 5 of player:
  322. add 2.5 to the loop-player's health
  323. execute console command "execute %loop-player% ~ ~ ~ particle heart ~ ~ ~ 0.7 0.5 0.7 0.9 150 force @a"
  324. set {heal::%UUID of player%} to now
  325. else:
  326. execute console command "playsound minecraft:block.dispenser.dispense master %player% ~ ~ ~ 1 2 1"
  327. send "&5マナが足りません!" to player
  329. on right click on bed:
  330. cancel event
  331. set {_bedct} to difference between {setspawn::%UUID of player%} and now
  332. if {_bedct} is less than 1 second:
  333. send "&c一秒以上開けて設定してください"
  334. stop
  335. set {setspawn::%UUID of player%} to now
  336. set {spawn::%UUID of player%} to location of player
  337. send "&aスポーン地点を設定しました" to player
  338. execute console command "playsound minecraft:block.note.bass master %player% ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1"
  340. on craft:
  341. if player doesn't have permission "ms.admn":
  342. cancel event
  343. send "{@per}"
  345. on break:
  346. if player's gamemode is not creative:
  347. cancel event
  349. on place:
  350. if player's gamemode is not creative:
  351. cancel event
  353. on join:
  354. loop 1 times:
  355. if player has played on this server before:
  356. set the join message to "&7[&a+&7]%player%"
  357. stop
  358. else:
  359. set the join message to "&7[&b+&7]%player%"
  360. set {money::%UUID of player%} to 0
  361. set {mana::%UUID of player%} to 100
  362. set { of player%} to true
  363. teleport player to {firstspawn}
  364. hide player from all players
  365. execute player command "tutorial"
  367. on quit:
  368. loop 1 times:
  369. set the quit message to "&7[&c-&7]%player%"
  371. on chat:
  372. if { of player%} is true:
  373. cancel event
  374. send "&c職業を決めてから、チャットしてください" to player
  375. if {rank::%UUID of player%} is "Admin":
  376. cancel event
  377. broadcast "&d[Admin] &4%player%&a: &r%message%"
  378. stop
  379. if {class::%UUID of player%} is 1:
  380. cancel event
  381. broadcast "&7[&c&lKnight&r&7] &c%player%&a: &r%message%"
  382. stop
  383. if {class::%UUID of player%} is 2:
  384. cancel event
  385. broadcast "&7[&5&lMage&r&7] &5%player%&a: &r%message%"
  386. stop
  387. if {class::%UUID of player%} is 3:
  388. cancel event
  389. broadcast "&7[&d&lHealer&7] &d%player%&a: &r%message%"
  390. stop
  391. else:
  392. cancel event
  393. broadcast "&7%player%&a: &r%message%"
  394. stop
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