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May 6th, 2017
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  1. [22:16] <Narrator> _4 Morning, day, night, it was all the same. Difficult to grasp and perhaps even non existant in a place where the sky was a constant shade of gray. The only indication of the advancement of time, was the clock tower. Which had recently been repaired by one of the maids. As always, the thick mist envelopped everything outside. Nothing had changed in these last 2 days for some of the maids...
  2. [22:19] <Narrator> _4 And for the others, they had only just arrived thanks to a twisted sense of humor from fate. Yesterday, the maids had healed yet another guest of his lonely outlook on life, giving him the courage to depend on himself...but it had been close. Becky had encountered a spirit ressembling herself and Vincent's mysterious words about the true nature of the mist and the mansion were cryptic...
  3. [22:21] <Narrator> _4 And Marie, had faced a truely grisly death at the hands of an unknown entity hidden within the mist. For what purpose had it attacked her? Would anything ever change...or would their world simply continue on like this? And so, another day begins.
  4. _01[22:24] * Miranda washes her face a bit after waking up and getting dressed and heads to the porch and begins sweeping...but it's kinda scary out there so she doesn't get much done.
  5. _01[22:25] * Marie yawns and gets out of bed... With a smirk, she heads off to the kitchen with her uniform practically falling off of her.
  6. _01[22:25] * @Vincent mumbles in his sleep...his top hat still placed firmly on his head and remaining there somehow. How does it even stay on during the night...or his 'activities' with Rebecca?
  7. _01[22:26] * Becky stretched awake in Vincent's bed as usual, reaching over to tug on the brim of his tophat, "My master, the clocktower's rung, it's morning~"
  8. _06[22:26] * Canis hurled herself out of bed with a snarl and slammed her fist into the ground as she fell face-first on it. "G-...GOW!" She rolled over onto her back, cradling her hand. "Atccchh..."
  9. [22:26] <Miranda> "I-I'll just...Help with breakfast, yeah..." she inches towards the door slowly, watching her back before dashing inside and closing it behind her and going to the kitchen.
  10. _01[22:28] * Len slips out of bed and goes to the kitchen to make breakfast. She gets out random things from the fridge and attempts to put them together to make something remotely edible. It didn't work
  11. [22:29] <@Vincent> "H-huh...oh, right Rebecca. Let us get decent and prepare to greet the other maids." Vincent got up and sat by the bed. He yawned, last night had been especially difficult...but he believed this was for the best.
  12. [22:29] <Miranda> "Oh, M-Miss Len. Here, let me help you with that." she grabs some eggs and sausages and tries her best to instruct Len on how to cook it, regardless of if she was actually listening or not. "...and then it's all done!"
  13. _01[22:30] * Marie hums 'Dance of Illusions' while she prepares a batch of tea. It smells /really/ nice, too. She sets out a few tea-cups nearby and fills one for herself, sipping on it quietly.
  14. _06[22:30] * Canis pulled herself up and winced as much as she liked before leaving her hand down to a normal posture as she opened the door and stalked out.
  15. _01[22:30] * Becky nodded, getting dressed, "Of course master." she put a hand over the wound on her stomach, "Ahh, it still feels a bit stiff." she winced a bit, bending over to pick her headdress up off the floor before heading to the door, "I'll make sure your breakfast and tea is ready for you sir. Will you be coming down?"
  16. [22:31] <@Vincent> "Indeed I will!" Vincent stood up and got changed, stretching a bit and turning to grin at Becky. "I've got an announcement to make that I'm sure will please all of you!"
  17. _01[22:32] * Becky smiled softly "You seem just as pleased, master~ I'll be waiting!" she blew a kiss and headed downstairs
  18. _01[22:32] * Miranda whistles a tune as she sets the table. "This is much easier than sweeping that scary porch." she shudders a bit.
  19. _01[22:33] * Becky headed down to the _7kitchen_ to check if anyone did breakfast and tea
  20. [22:33] <Becky> "Little laamb~?"
  21. _01[22:34] * Len helps Miranda set the table and sighs. "I'd rather sweep the porch"
  22. _01[22:34] * Marie glances at Becky. "Heh?" She says inbetween sips.
  23. [22:35] <Becky> "Is the master's breakfast and tea prepared?"
  24. [22:35] <Miranda> "You're so brave! Poor Marie, last time she went out there..."
  25. _01[22:35] * @Vincent leaves his room and walks along the _7second floor hallway_. He spots Canis and waved to the maid.
  26. [22:35] <Len> "Hm? What happened?" Len looks over at Miranda
  27. _01[22:36] * Marie looks around. "The tea's definitely done, and it looks like breakfast is too." She nods matter of factly to Becky.
  28. [22:36] <Becky> "Good. He says he has an announcement to make, so I'll trust all of the maids to be in the dining room for breakfast. Tardiness will be punished~"
  29. _01[22:36] * Miranda points to the scrambled eggs. "She...Err...She looked a bit like that..." she holds her stomach a bit and tries not to look at them. There goes breakfast...
  30. _06[22:36] * Canis lingerd in the _7second floor hallway_ before glancing over, then turning directly towards Vincent. "Morning."
  31. _01[22:37] * Marie wanders up next to Miranda and flings an arm around her shoulder. "So what's this you're saying about me eh? You don't want me to start sneezing, do you~?"
  32. [22:37] <Miranda> "A-Ah! Miss Marie, I was just talking about your...umm, your accident, please excuse me if it isn't my place."
  33. [22:38] <@Vincent> "Why good morning to you Canis!" Vincent joyfully walked over to her and wrapped an arm around her shoulder, he was much taller of course so it almost seemed like a parent with his child. "Did you sleep well?" he grinned down at her.
  34. _01[22:38] * Len looks at the scrambled eggs. She looks between Miranda and Marie. "Are you sure that happened to her?"
  35. _01[22:38] * Becky listened in curiously
  36. _01[22:39] * Marie blinks at Miranda. Then at Len. "I uh... Take it you don't mean any wardrobe malfunctions..."
  37. _06[22:40] * Canis stiffened at the touch but held back a glare. "Yeah. Just a little."
  38. [22:40] <Narrator> _12 Len saw...a worm on her scrambled eggs?
  39. [22:41] <@Vincent> "Marvelous!" Vincent was in high(er) spirits today. "Let us go eat breakfast, we've got a full day ahead of us!" he promised and started walking Canis to the _7kitchen_.
  40. _01[22:41] * Len looks at the eggs...was that a worm just now? She looks between the other maids. "Excuse me, I think the porch needs sweeping.."
  41. _01[22:42] * Becky bowed, "Ahh, master. Your breakfast and tea is ready."
  42. _01[22:42] * Becky looked to Len, "Isn't that right?"
  43. [22:42] <Narrator> _12 Out of the corner of her eye, Len can see a face peeking out from the side of the door.
  44. [22:43] <Narrator> _4 Miranda...for a second her vision flashes red...
  45. _01[22:44] * Len nodded "Y-yeah". She sees something and turns around quickly to look at the doorway.
  46. _01[22:44] * Miranda blinks a few times from the red. "W-Wah?...Ah! Miss Marie, no. It was more gruesome than something like that."
  47. [22:44] <Becky> "Excellent! Won't you take a seat in the dining room, my master?"
  48. _01[22:45] * Marie taps her chin in thought. "I would think I'd remember if something gruesome happened to me..." She still has an arm wrapped tightly around Miranda...
  49. [22:45] <Narrator> _12 It's one of the children, she smiles at Len and giggles before dissapearing behind the door.
  50. [22:46] <Narrator> _4 Suddenly, Miranda starts seeing blood on Marie...
  51. [22:46] <@Vincent> "Ah, of course Rebecca! Let us begin lunch." Vincent took a seat and began to eat his scrambled eggs. He was looking forward to telling the others what had in store for them.
  52. [22:47] <Miranda> "M-Miss Marie! You're bleeding!" she grabs a napkin and begins to try and clean it up.
  53. [22:47] <Narrator> _3 Of course, Marie has no blood to clean up.
  54. [22:47] <Narrator> _4 Miranda sees more and more blood, some escaping from Marie's mouth.
  55. _01[22:48] * Becky took a seat besides Vincent, eating breakfast with a smile
  56. _01[22:48] * Len stands there glaring at the doorway. She turns to Vincent, "I have something to do, excuse me" she runs out of the room following the child
  57. [22:48] <Miranda> "Miss Marie!" she starts to panic. "S-Some one help her!"
  58. _01[22:48] * Marie sputters and tries to shove the hand away from Miranda. "Wh-what are you talking about?! I'm not bleeding!"
  59. [22:48] <Becky> "Len! Come back! What did I tell you?"
  60. _01[22:48] * Becky sighs, "The lambs seem in some awful fright..."
  61. [22:48] <Marie> *tries to shove Miranda's hand away from her
  62. [22:49] <@Vincent> "How strange." Vincent stares at Miranda and Marie, wondering what was going on.
  63. [22:49] <Miranda> "But I-I can see it! Please, lie down!"
  64. _01[22:49] * Becky sips at a cup of tea, observing the strange scene
  65. _01[22:50] * Marie blushes at Miranda. "M-my... This is so sudden...!"
  66. [22:50] <Narrator> _12 The child has unfortunately dissapeared entirely. Strange...however, just as she began to think they were gone another giggle comes from somewhere...are they taunting her?
  67. _01[22:52] * Len stops in the middle of the hallway and looks back at the dining room. Figuring she might get in trouble for ditching breakfast, she follows the giggling.
  68. _06[22:52] * Canis kept herself from jerking away from Vincent and sat down begrudgingly. She began to eat. Usingly mostly her left hand.
  69. [22:52] <Miranda> "I know, but you have to lay down! Don't worry, I'll...Do something!" she starts pacing.
  70. [22:53] <Narrator> _4 Blood, blood everywhere. Marie was covered and blood...and then stops. Miranda suddenly sees no blood on Marie anymore.
  71. [22:54] <Narrator> _12 Len doesn't see it as she heads in a direction, there was a trip wire on the ground. She hits it and falls.
  72. [22:55] <Miranda> "I'll need some more napki-...O-Oh my, you're...Better?"
  73. [22:55] <@Vincent> "Are you quite alright Miranda?"
  74. [22:56] <Marie> "I-I'm rather certain I never got worse..." She says, looking at Miranda nervously.
  75. [22:56] <Miranda> "I-I think I may be the one who needs to lie down, Master."
  76. [22:56] <@Vincent> "I see...well before that, I'd like to make an announc---where is Len?" Vincent looked around.
  77. [22:57] <Miranda> "She's right there, sir." she points to an empty seat. "Ah..."
  78. _01[22:57] * Len falls flat on her face. She groans and picks herself up mumbling obscenities to herself. This is war.
  79. _01[22:57] * Becky sighs, "She ran off sir, I told her to stop but she didn't listen..."
  80. [22:58] <Miranda> "Oh my! Not again. I do hope she is OK." she fans herself a bit.
  81. [22:58] <@Vincent> "Could someone go fetch her? I don't want to have to repeat myself." Vincent shook his head lightly.
  82. _01[22:59] * Becky snaps, "Marie. Go."
  83. _01[22:59] * Marie shrugs with a faint smile. "I'll see what I can do..."
  84. [23:00] <Miranda> "Please be careful this time...Wo-would you like me to come with you?"
  85. _01[23:02] * Marie smiles at Miranda, perhaps bashfully? It's hard to tell for sure... "I'll be fine..." She heads off to the lobby and calls out... "Leeeeennnn?"
  86. [23:02] <@Vincent> "Well this is certainly troublesome." Vincent sighed, "Oh well. They say all work and no play something something or another." Vincent shrugged it off, wasn't that important anyways.
  87. _01[23:02] * Len doesn't really hear anything from the creepy ghost children. But she doesn't want to go back to the dining room. She was about to walk off when she hears someone call her name
  88. [23:02] <Miranda> "If you say so..." she lies down on the couch and stares at the ceiling. "What is wrong with me today...?"
  89. [23:03] <Becky> "I told them tardiness would be punished...But I would take mercy on them at your behest, my lord."
  90. [23:04] <@Vincent> "You certainly are too uptight my dear~ Lighten up!" Vincent smiled playfully.
  91. _01[23:05] * Becky smiles a bit, "I'm just excited to hear your announcement master~ it's a bother when frolicking lame postpones such a thing."
  92. [23:05] <Becky> a lamb*
  93. [23:07] <Marie> "Leeeeen~?" She calls out again, searching the lobby a bit more with her eyes.
  94. _01[23:08] * Len walks towards the girl calling her name. "Yeah, I'm coming." she calls out
  95. [23:08] <@Vincent> "Ah, it certainly is a pain. Oh well, I'm sure they'll be here shortly." Vincent grinned.
  96. [23:08] <Narrator> _12 Len hears a few more giggles, mocking her most likely.
  97. _01[23:09] * Becky finished her tea, giving a curt nod
  98. _07[23:09] * Marie (Ampersand@80F157E5.C6DB832A.D8795800.IP) Quit (Connection reset by peer_)
  99. [23:10] <Becky> "If they are to take much longer, shall I fetch you a book my lord?"
  100. [23:11] <@Vincent> "No, that will not be necessarry!" Vincent reached into his pockets and pulled out a sheet of paper that had been folded over.
  101. _01[23:11] * Len ignores the giggling and heads back into the _7 dining room _ with Marie
  102. _07[23:11] * Ampersand (Ampersand@80F157E5.C6DB832A.D8795800.IP) has joined #MaidRP
  103. [23:12] <Becky> "Ahh, there they are!" she wags a finger, "What did I tell you about being late? The master has something important to say after all."
  104. _07[23:12] * Ampersand is now known as Marie
  105. _01[23:13] * Len rubs the back of her head. "I wasn't late, I left the room"
  106. [23:13] <Becky> "Sit down."
  107. [23:14] <Marie> "Hmm... She has a point!" Marie giggles a bit and covers her mouth with her hand.
  108. [23:14] <@Vincent> "Alright well anyways. I wanted to discuss with all of you the construction of a new part of the mansion!" Vincent grinned, opening up the folded paper and revealing some basic blueprints.
  109. [23:14] <Miranda> "Ah! There they are." she stands up and returns to the _7 dining room.
  110. [23:14] <Becky> "Hmm? Construction?" who would construct it?
  111. _01[23:14] * Len just leans on an empty chair instead
  112. [23:15] <@Vincent> "Well, you girls of course." Vincent stated as a matter of factly.
  113. [23:15] <Becky> "...Ah."
  114. _01[23:15] * Becky took a look at the blueprints
  115. _01[23:16] * Marie takes her seat again. "...Pardon?" She looks at Vincent. "It doesn't look like the best working conditions out there." She points to a window.
  116. [23:16] <Miranda> "This doesn't sound very safe..."
  117. _06[23:17] * Canis had a dour expression. "What's the point?"
  118. [23:17] <@Vincent> "Ah, well this is the part I'm sure you girls might be interested in!" Vincent grinned in a knowing way to the maids. Who'm all seemed as dark and totally drab as always...
  119. [23:17] <Len> "Why not hire people? You have money."
  120. [23:18] <@Vincent> "Hire who?" Vincent asked.
  121. [23:18] <Becky> "Would you /please/ let the master finish?" Becky snapped
  122. [23:18] <@Vincent> "What money?" he added.
  123. [23:19] <Len> "...I assume you have money, right?" Len rubs her chin
  124. [23:20] <Miranda> "How many people have you seen, besides us..."
  125. [23:20] <@Vincent> "Err, well yes I do have some assets, but nothing of any particular note." Vincent pointed out.
  126. _06[23:22] <Canis> "Getting the"
  127. [23:24] <@Vincent> "We have some excess materials in the cellar out back as well as in the clock tower. I'm like you all to use that." Vincent pointed to his blueprints, "What we will build is not so much a part of the mansion but as an individual structure. Around the size of a small room." he added.
  128. _01[23:25] * Becky waited to hear what exactly it was...
  129. [23:25] <Marie> "And what, pray tell will this structure do?" She taps her chin thoughtfully.
  130. _07[23:26] * Len ( Quit (Ping timeout_)
  131. _07[23:26] * Len ( has joined #MaidRP
  132. [23:28] <@Vincent> "It is a sort of temple. A shrine if you will." Vincent explained.
  133. [23:28] <Becky> "I didn't know you were the type, master."
  134. [23:29] <@Vincent> "Ahaha, you don't know me very well Rebecca. I am very interested by things such a this. Do not be so quick to dismiss them." Vincent joyfully said.
  135. [23:31] <@Vincent> "To be honest however. I hesitate to call it a shrine as it will have no goddess or such type of character." Vincent stroked his chin a bit, "Think of it more as...a safe guard."
  136. [23:31] <Becky> "If it will make living here any safer then I welcome it."
  137. _01[23:32] * Marie shrugs. "I'm not sure if I can help you build a shrine..." She bares her fangs to make a point.
  138. [23:33] <Becky> "You will all do your part."
  139. [23:34] <@Vincent> "It will help against spirits. I'll try and make an exception for you as well Marie." Vincent informed her, "With this, I hope to stop the flow of spirits getting inside the mansion. It's been a bit troublesome of late wouldn't you all agree?"
  140. [23:35] <Miranda> "Like a force field!"
  141. [23:35] <Becky> "I can't say I've noticed. Any of you?"
  142. _06[23:35] * Canis snarled, recalling the wolf.
  143. [23:35] <Len> "I hate those kids.." Len growls
  144. _01[23:35] * Marie shakes her head at Becky's question.
  145. _01[23:36] * Becky holds her stomach, "Me too...If they've gotten in here we should build this shrine as soon as possible."
  146. _01[23:37] * Len gives Becky a grim look. "They have."
  147. _01[23:38] * Becky stands, "Shall we start now then, my master? Gather supplies?"
  148. [23:38] <@Vincent> "Excellent, well I'm glad most of you are in agreement. Building the shrine should take two days, I've prepared some books for you to review for practices in construction." Vincent gets up and nods at Becky. "I'll take care of the final preparations."
  149. _01[23:39] * Becky nods, "Yes, my master."
  150. [23:39] <@Vincent> "Well then, here are your tasks for now." Vincent took out a list and read from it.
  151. _01[23:42] * Becky waited to see how the other maids would divy up
  152. _06[23:43] * Canis stood up and waved her left hand over her shoulder, heading towards the cellar.
  153. _01[23:44] * Marie skips after Canis, deciding it ought to be interesting enough to spend some time with her...
  154. _01[23:44] * Len stands up and goes to clean the kitchen
  155. _01[23:45] * Becky stretches, "I suppose I'll go to the basement..."
  156. [23:46] <Becky> cellar*
  157. [23:46] <Becky> dust*
  158. [23:47] <@Vincent> "Dust the first floor?" Vincent asked.
  159. _01[23:47] * Becky retrieves a feather duster, "Yes, that's it master. Unless you rather I went to the clock tower."
  160. _01[23:47] * Miranda grabs the plates from breakfast and takes them to the _7 kitchen.
  161. [23:48] <@Vincent> "Well, it'd be difficult for you to complete that task alone. You'd best find another maid to bring with you if you go there."
  162. [23:49] <Becky> "Hmm...I'll see if anyone's available after I dust."
  163. _06[23:49] * Canis glanced over her shoudler. "...Oi, Marie. Doing well, since...?"
  164. _01[23:49] * Miranda starts washing the dishes, pocketing one of sharper knives again, for later.
  165. _01[23:49] * Len cleans the kitchen, imagining the grease and dirt as those blasted ghost children...
  166. [23:50] <Marie> "Since what? ... Oh, you must be talking about that 'accident' that Miranda mentioned before... You're not going to hallucinate me covered in blood too, are you?" She looks at Canis with a slight smirk.
  167. _01[23:50] * Becky goes about dusting briskly
  168. [23:51] <Narrator> _12 Suddenly, Len feels a push against her backside as she leans down near the ground. Something trying to make her fall flat on her face.
  169. _06[23:52] * Canis stopped and wheeled around towards Marie fully. Her bangs concealed it, but there was a tangible sense of inspection as she looked over Marie from head to toe.
  170. _06[23:52] * Canis turned back to her original bearing. "Nah."
  171. _01[23:52] * Len grabs the counter just in time, she pulls herself up and whirls around to hit whatever is behind her
  172. [23:53] <Miranda> "Oh, Miss Len, are you alright?" she dries her hands and turns to her.
  173. [23:53] <Narrator> _12 For a split second, she sees a flash of white clothing just past the door. Another quick fit of giggles tainting her ears.
  174. _01[23:53] * Becky heads to the _7kitchen_ after dusting
  175. [23:54] <Marie> "Oh, that's good. It's kind of creepy when people assault you with a napkin and tell you to lie down~" She smiles cheefully at Canis.
  176. _01[23:55] * Len looks at Miranda and shakes her head. "I'm fine, thanks."
  177. [23:55] <Becky> "Ahem." Becky looks between Len and Miranda
  178. [23:56] <Miranda> "If you say so, do try to be careful." she begins to prepare lunch. "Oh, Miss Becky. Good afternoon."
  179. _01[23:56] * Becky nods, "Good afternoon. Would one of you accompany me to the clock tower?"
  180. _01[23:56] * Len looks up at Becky and shrugs. "Sure, I'll go"
  181. _01[23:57] * @Vincent heads off Becky at the _7kitchen_.
  182. _01[23:57] * Becky nods, "Very well. Come along then....Hmm? Master?"
  183. [23:57] <@Vincent> "Oh Rebecca, here." Vincent hands her the blueprints to the temple.
  184. [23:57] <Becky> "Ahh, thank you master. I'm heading up to fetch tools with Len."
  185. [23:58] <@Vincent> "Very well. Do be careful up there." Vincent laughed and walked over to the _7living room_.
  186. [23:59] <Becky> "That disconcerting laugh..." she sighed, heading _7upstairs_ with Len.
  187. _01[23:59] * Len sighs and looks behind her to make sure something wasn't there, before she follows Becky upstairs
  188. Session Time: Sat Oct 24 00:00:00 2009
  189. _06[00:00] <Canis> "Rather'n letting you bleed? Tche." Canis stopped at _7the door to outside near the cellar_. She hadn't set a foot out of the mansion since Kaitah had pulled her back in.
  190. _01[00:01] * Becky heads to the _7clock tower_ with Len to look for the tools, "You've seen the children lately then...?"
  191. _01[00:01] * Miranda makes a few sandwiches and leaves them on a tray on the dining room table after cutting them into triangles. "I suppose I should help the others now~."
  192. [00:02] <Narrator> k
  193. [00:03] <Len> "Yeah, just as you walked into the kitchen actually...they've been messing with me all day."
  194. _01[00:03] * Marie hmms. "I guess you might have a point, but I wasn't /actually/ bleeding..." She pauses at the cellar door too. "You gonna open it?"
  195. [00:04] <Becky> "Do be careful. Watching them at a distance would be best. I pursued them myself and incurred some injury."
  196. _01[00:06] * Len laughs. "I tried that too, they rigged trip wires everywhere."
  197. _06[00:07] * Canis nodded silently. She just stood there, otherwise like a statue for a moment before her hand reached out and she took a step forward, slamming the door open. She stepped up to the threshold before pulling herself out with her arm by the doorframe.
  198. [00:07] <Becky> "Hmm, could have beem worse. Whoever they kill seems to join their ranks as well." Becky started to pick about in the clocktower to find some tools
  199. _01[00:08] * Len looks around and finds a tool box in the corner. She picks it up and brings it over to Becky.
  200. _01[00:09] * Marie peeks around Canis into the _7cellar? Or porch? ._.
  201. [00:09] <Becky> "Ahh, good job Len. I suppose let's head back down then."
  202. [00:09] <Narrator> _12 Inside the cellar, Canis could see several shadows of varying sizes. It was somewhat hard to make out all of it but she could at least see the pile of 2x4s and other sized pieces of wood in a nearby corner of the room. Was that a plastic flamingo?
  203. [00:10] <Narrator> _4 Miranda has another flash of red.
  204. [00:11] <Miranda> "Ah, not again..." she rubs her eyes and takes a seat.
  205. _01[00:11] * Len nods and carries the toolbox down stairs...wait, why is she carrying everything?
  206. _01[00:12] * Becky follows a...Well, not all that much.
  207. [00:12] <Becky> carries*
  208. _06[00:13] * Canis made one derisive chuckle at the lawn decoration before moving over to the wood, looking back over her shoulder for Marie.
  209. _07[00:13] * Narrator ( Quit (Ping timeout_)
  210. [00:13] <Marie> "Shall we, then?" She gives a smile that seems to hint at a double entendre as she motions towards the wood.
  211. _07[00:13] * Narrator ( has joined #MaidRP
  212. [00:14] <Narrator> _4 Miranda rubs her she does so however, she realizes there are a few cuts on her arms...deep knife wounds.
  213. _01[00:14] * Becky arrives _7 downstairs_ with Len, "Once the others have some wood we can get started...Should we have lunch first?"
  214. _01[00:14] * Len stops at the _7 Lobby_
  215. [00:14] <Miranda> "W-What's happening...No, this isn't real, this isn't real." she tries to convince herself while rubbing her arms.
  216. [00:15] <Narrator> _4 As she rubs her arms, she realizes the flesh is moving with them...more blood splatters out and the more she rubs, the more skin and muscle is removed, revealing bones underneath.
  217. _01[00:15] * Len nodded, and drops the heavy tool box. "Yes please."
  218. _01[00:16] * Becky sets aside the few tools she grabbed to head to the dining room, "What's for lunch?"
  219. _06[00:17] <Canis> "Yeah." Canis winces and grits her teeth as she lifts as many boards of wood as she can--an shock runs up her arm, but it hardly phases her before she stomps it into submission. "The rest?" she asked about Marie's status.
  220. [00:17] <Narrator> _12 The cellar may be dark but Canis and Marie seem to be doing pretty well regardless. However, the more and more wood they remove...they notice something underneath it.
  221. _01[00:17] * Len follows Becky into the dining room. "Wow, thanks alot for helping.." she mutters under her breath.
  222. _01[00:18] * Marie is fairly easily carrying a good number of the boards. "Vampire strength~"
  223. _01[00:18] * Becky takes a seat with a smile, "Hmm? Say something?"
  224. _01[00:19] * Len looks up at Becky. "No ma'am nothing at all" she takes a seat at the table.
  225. [00:20] <Narrator> _3 "Play! Play! Play! Play! Play! Play! Play! Play! Play! Play! Play! Play! Play! Play! Play! Play! Play! Play! Play! Play! Play! Play! Play!" Len can hear as a strange chant in her head, " what will we play next?"
  226. [00:20] <Becky> "Ahh I see~" Becky relaxed
  227. _01[00:21] * Miranda begins to cry. "No no no no! This isn't reaaaal, I-I'm just fine!"
  228. _01[00:21] * Len gets up suddenly. "Damnit I'm not playing with you!" she shouts.
  229. _01[00:22] * Becky blinks, "What was that?"
  230. _01[00:23] * Miranda closes her eyes hard and keeps telling herself it's all just a trick. "I-I'm going to open my eyes and when I do, I'll be perfectly fine...Y-Yeah." she kept them closed for quite some time before slowly opening them, tears still flowing out.
  231. _06[00:23] * Canis looked over Marie again--changing her appraisal--and gave a nod. Something strange drew a glance out the corner of her eye.
  232. _01[00:24] * Marie watches Canis and follows her gaze...
  233. _01[00:24] * Len looks at Becky and holds her head. "Ugh I think I have a headache."
  234. [00:25] <Narrator> _4 As Miranda opens her eyes, the blood, the was all gone. What could be happening to her...? And then! A flash in her mind! She thinks she sees...a wolf? She thinks she hears a low growl for just a small second but the sound went down to her very soul...and then peace. Everything was back to it's (relatively) normal self...
  235. [00:25] <Becky> "...I see." Becky thought back to her talk with Vincent, "If it was something else I'd help you..."
  236. [00:26] <Narrator> _12 ...a door on the ground? Well, more like a trap door really. It was covered in dust and looked quite battered up. How strange, was there another room underneath this one? What purpose could it...
  237. _01[00:27] * Len takes a deep breath and sits back down. "It's probably those kids..they're really screwing with me"
  238. [00:27] <Narrator> _3 "'re so silly..." Len heard one final whisper before the voices and chanting died down.
  239. _01[00:27] * Marie looks back and forth between the door and Canis. "Jinkies, gang, looks like we've got a mystery~" She giggles.
  240. _01[00:28] * Miranda notices the wolf, but is too caught up in herself being OK to do much but stare. "O-Oh my...Oh my...That was possibly the most frightening thing I've ever seen..." she wipes some tears away as she tries to catch her breath.
  241. [00:28] <Becky> "We really need to do something about them...But I'm just not sure what."
  242. _06[00:29] * Canis didn't want to delve into any mysteries, but if... "Well?" Canis was asking Marie about what she planned to do.
  243. [00:30] <Becky> "Perhaps if we got Miranda to help..."
  244. [00:31] <Len> "Honestly I want to go after them right now.." Len replays the last whisper over and over in her head
  245. _01[00:31] * Becky stands, "I'll...Support you then. I can't hear them like you do right now though, for some reason..."
  246. [00:33] <Miranda> "Ah, Miss Becky and Miss Len. Please, have lunch. I'm sure you've been working very hard." she smiles as best she can, slightly and still shaking as she motions to the sandwiches.
  247. _01[00:33] * Becky picks up a sandwich, "Miranda, we've got to do something about those ghost children."
  248. [00:34] <Marie> "Hmmm... I really wanna check it out..." She paces a bit in the cellar.
  249. [00:34] <Miranda> "Oh dear, they haven't gone and done something dangerous again, have they?"
  250. _01[00:34] * Len picks up a sandwich and gulps it down in a few bites. "Mhm, I'm pretty sure they chose me as a target."
  251. [00:36] <Becky> "They stabbed me in the gut the other day. I say the three of us go to play with them on some more even ground."
  252. [00:36] <Narrator> _12 The cellar isn't going anywhere anyways.
  253. _06[00:37] <Canis> "...Tche. I'll come along if I have to..." Canis said, and would put down the wood as soon as Marie went for it. "...Choose fast. My arms are gettin' tired."
  254. _01[00:37] * Len smiled. "Now you're talking." she stands up and takes another sandwich, eating slower this time
  255. _01[00:38] * Becky finishes up her sandwich as well
  256. [00:39] <Marie> "Hmmm, I feel so much safer~" She sets down the boards she was carrying and opens the trap door slowly...
  257. [00:39] <Becky> "No time like the present. Until we can see them you'll have to lead on Len."
  258. [00:40] <Miranda> "I suppose we can go and try and talk to them, those children need to be taught a lesson!"
  259. _06[00:40] * Canis puts down her boards as well and stands next to Marie.
  260. [00:41] <Narrator> _3 "How stupid~ stupid stupid stupid~" a child suddenly yells in Len's ear. "Who cares about those two? We wanna play with you!"
  261. _01[00:42] * Len grins. "I'll play with you if you let them play too."
  262. _01[00:42] * Becky grabs a knife from the kitchen, more as a security blanket than anything
  263. [00:42] <Becky> "I told them I'd be back to play. They scared?"
  264. [00:44] <Narrator> _3 "...heehee..." the voice talking to Len begins to talk lower and whisper. Len can almost feel a cold breath talk into her ear, "...we'll kill them right infront of will be fun..."
  265. _01[00:45] * Len backs away. "Oh sh- Get out of here now!" She turns to Becky and Miranda
  266. _01[00:45] * Becky puts a hand on Len's shoulder, "I promised the master I wouldn't run."
  267. [00:46] <Miranda> "What do you mean Miss Len?"
  268. [00:46] <Len> "They're going to try to kill you two, get out of here now!"
  269. _01[00:47] * Becky tries to sense the ghosts, "What's to stop them from following us? Or just killing you when we leave?"
  270. [00:48] <Narrator> _12 Inside, Marie can sees steps leading down to another room. There was no light and a cool breeze seemed to flow inside. Maybe they should get a light first.
  271. _01[00:48] * Len looks around. "Maybe if you're in a room with more people or something..they seem to be shy, I guess" Len ponders.
  272. [00:49] <Becky> "I thought so."
  273. [00:49] <Marie> "...So much for that, I guess. You see a torch or anything around, maybe?" She drops the door back shut and turns to Canis.
  274. _06[00:50] <Canis> "'sif I'm gonna go down there," Canis muttered as she looked around--she spotted an oil lamp on the wall, and tried to light it.
  275. [00:51] <Narrator> _3 The children remained undetectable. They didn't feel too far away...but they didn't seem to be right there either. Was this the power of a spirit? Len could hear a few more giggles, "Come to the forest. We'll play all you want~"
  276. _01[00:52] * Len keeps moving around the room. "Why not play in here? You little kids scared?"
  277. [00:53] <Narrator> _3 The children didn't answer. Had they left?
  278. [00:53] <Becky> "What'd they say?"
  279. [00:53] <Miranda> "Try not to be too hard on they, they're o-only children after all..."
  280. _01[00:54] * Len turns to Becky. "They wanted me to 'play' in the forest"
  281. [00:54] <@Vincent> _12 In the hidden room, it appeared to be some kind of dressing room. Clothes of all sizes and colors could be found from maid uniforms to suit and dresses, further into the room they could see a large vanity mirror facing back at them. A cold breeze blew by.
  282. _01[00:54] * Marie claps her hands together. "Perfect! Now let's go dig some skeletons out of some closets!" She beams at Becky.
  283. [00:55] <Becky> "I wouldn't say that's a good idea, heading out into the mist...What do you two think?"
  284. [00:55] <Miranda> "M-Maybe they're not bad children, maybe they're just lonely...Y-Yes, that must be it."
  285. [00:55] <Becky> "Absolutely not." Becky stared down Miranda
  286. [00:55] <Miranda> "O-Oh..."
  287. _07[00:55] * Paisley is now known as Paisleep
  288. [00:56] <Marie> *She beams at Canis.
  289. [00:56] <Len> "I'm not going out there, not again. We'll probably get separated like last time." Len looks over at Miranda. "These aren't kids, don't treat them like kids."
  290. [00:56] <Narrator> _4 A flash of red to Miranda.
  291. _06[00:57] <Canis> "Hope they don't stuff us back in. This feel ...wrong to you?"
  292. [00:57] <Miranda> "But they look ju-Oh my..." she rubs her eyes again.
  293. _01[00:57] * Becky nods, "I agree. We'll deal with them as they come. Try not to be alone for now if they're targeting you, Len." Becky nodded
  294. [00:58] <Narrator> _4 F-for a moment...Miranda thinks she saw Becky...without a face? It instinctively makes her cringe severely and back away. But then, Becky is back to normal.
  295. [00:58] <Marie> "... What in particular do you mean?" She looks at Canis with perhaps the most serious look she's had since returning to the manor...
  296. [00:58] <Miranda> "M-M-Marie perfectly fine?"
  297. [00:59] <Miranda> *Becky
  298. [00:59] <Becky> "Hmm? What do you mean, Miranda?"
  299. [01:00] <Len> "Are those kids getting to you too?"
  300. [01:00] <Narrator> _12 Canis and Marie can hear something different for a moment...was it the wind?
  301. [01:00] <Miranda> "I'm not sure..." she seems confused. "No, no kids...Just strange things, bad ones."
  302. [01:01] <Becky> "It would really be better if you were to tell us."
  303. _01[01:02] * Len nodded. "Yeah, we should at least try to clear something up"
  304. _06[01:04] <Canis> "Noth'. Jus'on edge. We're outside the mansion, can't be too careful. Not that inside it's safe."
  305. [01:04] <Miranda> "Well...Earlier Miss Marie was bleeding profusely, then me, and then I saw a strange looking dog. And you...Your face was gone..."
  306. [01:05] <Becky> "Such macarbe visions...Any idea why it started?"
  307. [01:05] <Marie> "... Maybe. The thing that bothers me most is the memory blanks... And the hallucinations..."
  308. [01:06] <Narrator> _12 Canis can hear it clearly, voices whispering...Marie struggles a bit more but she can just make out what is being said. "The spirits..." one of the voices whispers...
  309. [01:06] <Len> "...Did it start because of what I asked?"
  310. [01:06] <Marie> "...Wh-whiskey golems?" She jokes nervously as she turns to the noise.
  311. _06[01:07] <Canis> "Hallucinations..." Canis thought back to that hallway before spinning around, a hand at her back. "Oi! Speak up!"
  312. [01:09] <Miranda> "No, I'm not sure why. It started just today..."
  313. [01:09] <Narrator> _12 The voices don't reply, instead they continue on "The mist..." one voice says...thanks to Canis and Marie's exceptional hearing however they also make out the very last whisper..."The bodies..."
  314. [01:10] <Becky> "I see...Well, you don't go too far either, Miranda..." she sighed, "Let's go clean the kitchen, come on."
  315. [01:10] <Marie> "...Bodies?" She says as if to test the word, looking back to Canis, plainly worried.
  316. [01:10] <Miranda> "Yes ma'am." she nods to both of these and follows Becky.
  317. _01[01:10] * Becky heads to the kitchen to wash the sink
  318. _01[01:11] * Len follows Becky as well
  319. _06[01:12] <Canis> "...Bodies." Canis stepped closer to Marie.
  320. [01:14] <Narrator> _12 The voices stop and the wind stops blowing in this room. They were now in an empty, quiet dressing room.
  321. _01[01:14] * Becky scrubs the counters, washing a few dishes. "We'll just have to stick together for now. We'll head out to Marie and Canis and start building. Master says it'll keep spirits out of the house, like those damn kids."
  322. _01[01:16] * Marie she looks at Canis's eyes for a few minutes, then holds out her hand for the lantern. "If we're ever going to find any answers about this place... I think we should go down there..." She takes a deep breath and stares at the trap door over her shoulder.
  323. _01[01:17] * Miranda washes the tray and silverware before wiping the stove. "Maybe that will stop these horrible visions too..."
  324. _01[01:17] * Len leans against the counter and nods. "At least the voices are gone.."
  325. [01:19] <Becky> "I'm sure it will. Each of you grab some tools and let's head to the build site."
  326. _01[01:21] * Marie she looks around the room a bit... "Think we could find anything else here besides vague, disembodied voices?" She says to Canis without turning back to her.
  327. _01[01:21] * Len goes and grabs the toolbox from the living room, she returns to the kitchen with it
  328. _06[01:23] <Canis> "...A nice suit?" Canis joked with a smirk.
  329. _01[01:23] * Becky waves along the others, let's go to the _7cellar_ to get some help
  330. _01[01:24] * Miranda gets some hard hats and protective eyewear from the supply closet and hands them to Len and Becky after putting her own on. "Safety first!"
  331. _07[01:24] * DirkIsDead ( has joined #MaidRP
  332. [01:24] <Becky> "...Right." Becky nods and downs a pair herself, heading outside, trying to open the cellar doors
  333. _01[01:25] * Len puts the goggles around her neck and leaves the hat in the kitchen. She follows Becky to the Cellar with the ridiculously heavy tool box
  334. _01[01:26] * Becky calls down, "Canis! Marie! Are you there?"
  335. [01:26] <Narrator> _12 While looking around, Marie and Canis don't see anything of any real note. They do note that there were a few outfits that seemed to be made for children however. Had there even been kids here? They also spot quite a few different sized butler outfits as well...but they had never seen a butler here as of yet.
  336. _01[01:28] * Marie shrugs and sidles up to Canis, tossing an arm around her shoulder. "Guess we should go, eh?"
  337. _01[01:29] * Marie she calls up to Becky. "We're down here, everything's fine... As fine as it gets around here, anyway!"
  338. [01:29] <Becky> "We're ready to start building!"
  339. _06[01:30] * Canis turned back to the staircase. "Yo, Red." Canis shrugged lightly at the motion but didn't shake Marie's arm off too much.
  340. _06[01:30] * Canis started walking back up without waiting for Marie--her arm was her own responsibility if she wanted it there.
  341. _01[01:31] * Marie follows after Canis with a slight frown after losing her grip...
  342. _01[01:32] * Becky leads the maids to the _7build site
  343. _01[01:33] * Miranda hands everyone the optical safety devices and hardhats. "Please wear these first!"
  344. _01[01:33] * Becky puts on her hardhat, "Yeah, yeah..."
  345. _01[01:33] * Marie dons the hardhat with a "Mettool~" half-muttered.
  346. _01[01:33] * Len takes another hardhat from Miranda and puts it on.
  347. _01[01:34] * Becky takes more of a 'supervisor' roll
  348. _01[01:35] * Len puts the toolbox down, takes out a hammer and starts to work on the soon to be shrine.
  349. _01[01:36] * Marie does a good deal of the more physical tasks in the construction.
  350. _01[01:36] * Miranda walks around, ensuring everyone is following proper safety procedures.
  351. _06[01:36] * Canis pushes the hat on her head without fastening it properly and pushes herself, her arm causing her only slight trouble.
  352. [01:36] <Narrator> _12 The mist remained steady for now. Nothing seemed to be bothering them for the moment.
  353. [01:37] <Becky> 'Hurry, hurry! We're still in the mist!"
  354. _01[01:39] * Len works a bit faster. "We would get done faster if you get your lazy ass over here!"
  355. _01[01:39] * Marie tugs at her collar. "Goodness, this is sweaty work~"
  356. [01:40] <Becky> "Now, now Len- As head maid I naturally should be supervising."
  357. [01:41] <Narrator> _12 Peace and quiet...and then suddenly...a shriek! A piercing scream came from the mist!!
  358. _07[01:41] * Marchosia (FINALFURY@233B6672.C57801A0.7B75F8AA.IP) Quit (Ping timeout_)
  359. _01[01:41] * Marie jumps. "What the fuck was that?!"
  360. [01:41] <Miranda> "Oh no! Did something get in your eye? I told you to wear the goggles!"
  361. _01[01:42] * Becky calls, "Alright, everyone come down! Stay near eachother!"
  362. _06[01:42] <Canis> "Don't chase it!"
  363. _01[01:43] * Len keeps working diligently, getting nearly half the shrine done with a hammer
  364. [01:43] <Narrator> _12 A long white ribbon suddenly emerges from the mist and grabs onto one of the foundations of the shrine.
  365. [01:43] <Becky> "Cut it!"
  366. _01[01:43] * Becky chucks her knife at the ribbon
  367. _01[01:43] * Marie steps back from the ribbon a bit. "W-what the...?"
  368. _07[01:43] * AngryFurby ( has left #MaidRP
  369. [01:44] <Miranda> "Oh my goodness, what's this?"
  370. [01:44] <Narrator> _12 Something begins to pull...the foundations buckle however Becky's quick thinking slices the ribbon. Whatever was pulling suddenly pulls back whatever's left of the ribbon.
  371. [01:45] <Becky> "Someone, grab the rest of that ribbon. Marie, Canis secure the foundation."
  372. [01:45] <Marie> "D-damn... And this is supposed to last on its own till the next day..?" She wonders to herself.
  373. [01:45] <Miranda> "B-Be careful, here, wear these protective gloves!" she hands Marie and Canis some work gloves.
  374. _06[01:46] <Canis> "You don't need to tell me that, Red!" Canis prepares to do so, though, and takes the gloves.
  375. _01[01:46] * Becky looks out into the mist, what was that? "Do you see anything Miranda?"
  376. _01[01:46] * Marie looks at the gloves. "Why not..." She puts them on and prepares to secure the foundation as well.
  377. _06[01:49] * Canis gets a little closer to the attacked support but has no idea what she's looking for or supposed to do.
  378. _01[01:49] * Marie dashes about the foundation, checking for stress and working to fix what she can.
  379. [01:50] <Becky> "Alright, it looks ok...Should we head back in?"
  380. [01:51] <Narrator> _12 Another shriek. What gave Becky the idea that it was over? Suddenly two ribbons grab at the braces securing the foundation!
  381. [01:52] <Becky> "Everyone! Don't just stand there!"
  382. _01[01:52] * Becky was out of knives!
  383. [01:52] <Miranda> "Oh my! There's more of these little ribbon things. Perhaps we should follow them to the source...I'm sure they'll keep coming otherwise."
  384. _01[01:53] * Marie pulls out her Steyr AUG and blasts away at one of the ribbons! "Cut that shit out!"
  385. [01:53] <Becky> "Right, fine. Let's go." Becky sighed
  386. [01:53] <Miranda> "Y-You lead the way." she smiles shakily behind her.
  387. _01[01:54] * Len cuts off one of the ribbons with one of the tools she had on her
  388. _06[01:54] * Canis pulled the back hem of her top up and grabbed a knife at her back, swiveling her head left and right, ready for more.
  389. _01[01:54] * Becky pulls along Miranda, following the ribbon
  390. _06[01:54] <Canis> "That really a good idea, Red?!" Canis called out, lingering next to the structure.
  391. _01[01:55] * Len follows Becky and Miranda into the forest
  392. [01:55] <Becky> "Good idea or not it's what the master would want!" she sighed, running into the forest
  393. _07[01:55] * Marchosia (FINALFURY@233B6672.C57801A0.7B75F8AA.IP) has joined #MaidRP
  394. _01[01:55] * Marie looks back and forth from the mist to Canis. "Wh-what now?"
  395. _01[01:56] * Becky traces along the ribbon, "That shrine is going up whether you like it or not!"
  396. [01:56] <Narrator> _12 The ribbon tries pulling away from Marie and Becky's grasp. Pulling wildly as more screeches come from somewhere near the forest's border.
  397. _06[01:56] * Canis bit her lip and put her back to the shrine, but unclenched her teeth to talk cooly. "...If you go with them, I'll come along."
  398. [01:57] <Becky> "Quit running!" Becky lunges to grab the ribbon
  399. [01:58] <Miranda> "Let me help you, Miss Becky!" she dons a pair of work gloves and begins to tug at the ribbon
  400. [01:58] <Marie> "I dunno... I'm not entirely sure which would be more helpful in the end..." She continues staring out at the mist.
  401. _06[02:02] * Canis kept herself still and her eyes scanned the forest boundary, responding with a distracted "...Yeah."
  402. _01[02:09] * Becky made a lunge to grab and pull back the retreating ribbon, with Miranda at her back helping!
  403. _01[02:10] * Len runs behind Becky and Miranda for backup
  404. _07[02:11] * DirkIsDead ( has left #MaidRP
  405. _01[02:12] * Marie hums a tune to try and calm herself down, watching the mist with Canis.
  406. [02:14] <Narrator> _12 With Becky, Miranda and Len pulling, whatever was attached to the ribbon couldn't help but step forward towards the three. What came out was...a woman, with white hair wrapped in frilly lace ribbons. Her eyes were bound and her mouth was covered in a sort of mouth restraint used for animals. She would be beautiful if she wasn't walking and moving in such a deranged manner...
  407. _07[02:14] * Retrieving #MaidRP modes...
  408. [02:14] <Narrator> _12 It moved like a body writhing in pain from death and screeched once more at the girls, pulling it's ribbon away with it's outstretched hand. It crawled on all fours and hissed...
  409. [02:14] <Becky> "Ideas?"
  410. [02:15] <Len> "Attack!"
  411. [02:15] <Becky> "If you say so..."
  412. [02:17] <Miranda> "Y-Yes!" she grips the handle of her knife and reading the other in her hand.
  413. [02:17] <Becky> "If you're hostile to the shrine...That won't do!" Becky put a hand to her temple
  414. [02:18] <Narrator> _4 Back at the foundations for the shrine. The screeching was now far away, did the others find what they wanted? Everything was rather calm at the very least...for now.
  415. [02:19] <@Vincent> _12 The creature lunges! Launching itself at Becky with surprising agility.
  416. _01[02:22] * Becky throws the creature over her shoulder, "Back off!"
  417. [02:23] <Narrator> _12 The maiden in white lands behind back on all fours in a graceful manner. It screeches again at the maids, ready for blood...
  418. _01[02:26] * Len rushes at the maiden with the hammer from construction!
  419. [02:27] <Narrator> _12 The maiden swiftly evades to the side of Len's hammer. Hissing as Len's body came within it's proximity.
  420. [02:30] <Marie> "You think... They'll be alright?" Marie asks offhandedly.
  421. [02:32] <Narrator> _4 "They should be alright. Probably."
  422. _01[02:32] * Miranda throws the knife the took from the kitchen at her foot to try and slow her down a bit. "Stop m-oving around so much, please!"
  423. _06[02:33] <Canis> "...Red's survived, I think. She might keep at it. Len, too."
  424. [02:33] <Narrator> _12 The maiden takes a blow to her foot, some fluids ooze out. Doesn't seem to be blood hisses in pain and kicks the knife off.
  425. _01[02:35] * Becky unfurls the whip at her side and lashes out at the creature with a sneer
  426. _01[02:36] * Marie blinks. "Uh... Canis, did you hear that?" She peers around behind her from the corner of her eyes.
  427. [02:36] <Narrator> _12 The bound maiden takes the blow and cringes slightly. However it suddenly screeches once more's foot heals?
  428. [02:37] <Narrator> _4 "Hear what?"
  429. _06[02:37] <Canis> "...Hear what?"
  430. [02:39] <Narrator> _12 The maiden turns and charges at Miranda, lunging at her and wrapping it's arms around her shoulders, clinging to her. It suddenly began clawing at Miranda's back with it's nails, slashing visciously.
  431. [02:40] <Narrator> _4 "Weird, I figured she'd hear me. Canis always was kind of an airhead I guess. Hey Canis~"
  432. [02:40] <Becky> "Miranda!"
  433. [02:40] <Miranda> "W-What?! That isn't fair-KYAAAAH!" she screams and falls to the ground while it slashes her back.
  434. _01[02:40] * Marie 's eyes dart around, and she turns about, looking for the source of the other voice. "Wh-what the fuck is going on?!"
  435. [02:40] <Narrator> _4 "Oh, above you."
  436. _06[02:41] * Canis gripped her knife. "Hah. I remember you, too." Canis kept her back to the wall.
  437. _01[02:41] * Marie jumps back and angles her machine gun to the spot above where she last was, utterly bewildered.
  438. _01[02:42] * Becky whips in a furious pattern at the maiden, her eyes wide "Get off of Miranda! Get off of her!!"
  439. [02:43] <Narrator> _12 It screeches in pain, suddenly jumping away from Miranda as it realizes it was a sitting duck there. It's movements are slow however...looks like it was out of fight!
  440. [02:44] <Miranda> "I-I think I'm OK..." she struggles to get back up, her back is covered in the same patches of scales as her arms, though there's still a lot of spots where she was cut and bleeding.
  441. [02:44] <Becky> "Len, take her down!"
  442. _01[02:44] * Becky pulls Miranda into her, "You'll be ok, little lamb..."
  443. [02:45] <Miranda> "Y-Yeah! I can d-do it!" her grip on her knife tightens as she readies herself, her hands shaking as she winces.
  444. [02:45] <Narrator> _4 Above Marie and Canis, sat a young woman wearing black clothing. She had long violet hair and bright yellow eyes, "Hello." she waved.
  445. _01[02:45] * Len nods and grabs Miranda's pocket knife off of the ground. She rushes toward the Maiden full speed and stabs her in the chest
  446. _01[02:46] * Becky pulls along Miranda, calling back to Marie and Canis, "We're heading inside!"
  447. _06[02:46] <Canis> "Hey. How have you been?"
  448. _01[02:46] * Marie stares at the floating girl. "And just who are you?"
  449. [02:47] <Miranda> "B-But I can fight! I want to he-he..." she couldn't do much against Becky pulling her.
  450. [02:47] <Narrator> _12 The maiden takes the blow and screeches one long last moves it's hands up towards the sky and falls limp, to the ground.
  451. [02:48] <Becky> "You'll do no such thing. The spirits will get ravenous seeing your blood..."
  452. _01[02:48] * Len takes the knife from her chest and cleans it off with her apron. She pockets it just in case and follows Becky and Miranda back
  453. _01[02:49] * Becky nods to Len, practically carrying Miranda, "Open the door. I'll head in and help Miranda wash up. Make sure Marie and Canis are okay."
  454. [02:49] <Miranda> "I knew I s-should've worn the safety vest..."
  455. _01[02:50] * Len nods and opens the door. She turns back to check on Marie and Canis
  456. [02:50] <Narrator> _4 "Huh? Who am I? Oh, not important really. I just came here to check out this thing." she kicked the foundation she was sitting on.
  457. _01[02:50] * Becky laughs a bit, dragging in Miranda to the nearest bathroom. "Safety first. Hope you've learned your lesson."
  458. _06[02:51] * Canis tilted her head up a little. "Gonna cause trouble this time?"
  459. _01[02:51] * Miranda manages to get out a small smile. "Y-yeah."
  460. _01[02:52] * Marie grimaces a little. "Don't mess with that!" She gestures a little with the machine gun towards the violet-haired girl.
  461. [02:53] <Narrator> _4 "Oh? I don't recall ever causing any trouble...hmm...are you sure you remember me?" the girl stood up. "Hey, I'm not causing any trouble." the girl gave Marie a dissaproving look.
  462. _01[02:53] * Len sees Marie and Canis at the shrine thing and calls to them. "You guys alright?"
  463. _01[02:53] * Becky sits Miranda down, grabbing a wet rag and pouring some hyrdogen peroxide onto it, "This'll sting a bit." she slapped it over Miranda's back
  464. _01[02:54] * Miranda winces. "I-It's OK, it's not t-that bad...I bet they're disgusting, aren't they? I'm sorry you have to d-do this for me, Miss Becky."
  465. [02:54] <Narrator> _4 The girl jumps off behind the wall before Len can see her.
  466. [02:55] <Becky> "Shhhh~" Becky wipes off the blood, "There's a unique sort of beauty in it you know."
  467. _06[02:55] * Canis waved to Len. "Yo."
  468. [02:55] <Miranda> "R-Really? Thankyou, Miss Becky..."
  469. _06[02:56] <Canis> "Marie, you calm?"
  470. _01[02:56] * Marie watches warily, then strafes to the other side of the wall.
  471. [02:56] <Narrator> _4 Of course, the girl had vanished.
  472. [02:56] <Becky> "Of course. We'll get the shrine up tomorrow, and we'll all be just a bit safer inside this mansion, ok?"
  473. _01[02:57] * Len waves to Canis and sees Marie walk off. "Hey, we're suppose to go inside. Becky's orders."
  474. [02:57] <Miranda> "I do hope so Miss Becky, those visions aren't pretty at all, I hope they don't mean anything..."
  475. [02:59] <Marie> "Hmph... Yeah, whatever..." She backs away from the shrine and somehow stows her heavy weapon inside her uniform, strolling back to Len and Canis.
  476. [02:59] <Becky> "I can't tell you for sure little lamb...Just, assure yourself that they're not real. Give yourself a good pinch on the arm, and tell the vision you don't believe in it." Becky kissed Miranda's forehead
  477. _06[02:59] * Canis nods to Marie and turns back to Len. "I'm fine. What about you? The ribbons?"
  478. _01[03:00] * Miranda smiles. "That's kind of hard when my arms are melting away in them..."
  479. _01[03:00] * @Vincent wanders out of the living room. "Oh dear, I completely forgot about the guest..." he mumbled, heading for the door.
  480. [03:00] <Narrator> _10 A few quick knocks on the front door.
  481. _01[03:01] * Len cracks her knuckles. "I'm fine. Miranda got hurt though."
  482. [03:01] <@Vincent> "Yes yes. I'm here." Vincent regretted not calling in his maids earlier, he opened the door and let the guest in.
  483. _06[03:01] <Canis> "Tche." Canis bristled. "Let's go back, then."
  484. _01[03:02] * Becky pushes a lock of hair out of Miranda's face, "Bite your tongue then...Or you could ask me too~ Come now, we should report to master Vincent." Becky stood back up with a grimace, holding at her wound as she headed out of the bathroom, he heels clicking.
  485. _06[03:02] * Canis looked over at Marie to gesture for her to go first. She'd follow behind Marie and Len.
  486. [03:02] <Narrator> "Hey, I got lost...err, someplace somewhere and kinda ended up here. Quaint little place ya got! Mind if I hang out for a while? Nead to get mah bearnings..." a small sigh.
  487. [03:02] <Becky> her*
  488. [03:02] <Marie> "That's to bad..." She sighs and heads back towards the mansion, glancing over her shoulder a few more times.
  489. [03:02] <Narrator> _10 [green]
  490. [03:02] <Marie> *too
  491. _01[03:03] * Len yawns. "Its not too bad actually. Becky is treating her right now." Len follows the two into the mansion
  492. _01[03:03] * @Vincent lets the guest in. "Please please, do come in. I'll have my maids attend to you." he smiled, "Oh girls! Our newest guest has arrived!"
  493. _06[03:04] * Canis turned around and paced backwards with the other two, watching the shrine. Of course, she had no memory of the girl, but she wouldn't say so to anyone. Canis didn't put her knife away until she was inside the house.
  494. _01[03:04] * Miranda blushes "A-Ah, yes." she stands and returns to her room to change into a new maid outfit.
  495. _01[03:04] * Becky bowed to the new guest after arriving in the lobby, "Ahh, welcome..."
  496. [03:05] <Narrator> _10 The girl moved in, walking over to Becky and tilting her hat down. "Hey there girly. Name's Mint." she grinned at her and looked around. "Hey...where's the other ones...?" she looked a bit dissapointed by the selection.
  497. _01[03:05] * Len watches Canis. "Don't be so nervous, we killed that thing. It's not coming back"
  498. _01[03:05] * Becky sighs, "A real batch of slackers..."
  499. _06[03:05] <Canis> "Miranda and Marie got killed, too."
  500. [03:06] <Becky> "Master should really let me discipline them more."
  501. [03:06] <Len> "How is that? They're right here"
  502. _06[03:06] * Canis shrugs.
  503. _01[03:07] * Marie blinks at Canis. "I really wish I could remember things..."
  504. [03:07] <Becky> "But please, let me attend to you miss Mint. My name is Becky. I'm the head maid."
  505. [03:08] <@Vincent> "Now now Rebecca. Do not fret while infront of the guest!" he smiled and shook hands with Mint. "I'll be in my quarters. Becky here will guide you through our lovely mansion. Is that alright?"
  506. _01[03:08] * Len looks between the two and stretches. "We should meet up with the others..."
  507. [03:08] <Narrator> "Err, sure. Sounds great pops." Mint tilted her hat down...his hat was very nice...
  508. _06[03:08] <Canis> "...Fine not to, too." She pulls off the work gloves and and _7approaches the lobby._
  509. [03:09] <Becky> "Ahh, here's one of our maids now. You're late. Introduce yourself to our honored guest."
  510. [03:09] <@Vincent> "Perfect. Please do take care of our guest then!" Vincent went back upstairs to _7his room_.
  511. _01[03:09] * Len comes in behind Canis as well. "Who is that?"
  512. _06[03:10] <Canis> "..." Canis kept her mouth shut to all of them and bowed to the guest.
  513. [03:10] <Narrator> _10 Mint waves to both Len and Canis, "Howdy. How's it goin'?"
  514. _01[03:10] * Marie wanders into _7the lobby and looks at Mint._ "Well that's an accent I really wasn't expecting to hear... Ever in person."
  515. _01[03:11] * Miranda returns and goes to _7 the lobby to greet the guest. "Hello ma'am! Welcome, I hope you enjoy your stay." she bows and winces a bit.
  516. _01[03:12] * Len bows slightly and waves back, "Just a regular, boring day"
  517. _06[03:12] <Canis> "Welcome. Ask if you need something."
  518. [03:12] <Narrator> _10 "Hahaha, well it's a pretty nice place in here. Dad always wanted new stuff, really sucked compared to this retro look. It's damn awesome!" she laughed, taking in the decor of the old beat up mansion.
  519. [03:13] <Narrator> _12 One of the bells rings, "And so it begins...heal or is up to you all..." it voices into the maid's ears.
  520. [03:14] <Becky> "Are you hungry, Mint?"
  521. [03:15] <Narrator> _10 "Eh? Well yeah. Famished actually." her eyes glinted, she looked over to Canis...hmm...
  522. [03:15] <Miranda> "Ah, there it is...I guess we'll never get a normal guest." she sighed sadly.
  523. [03:15] <Becky> "Canis, why don't you show her to the kitchen? Find out what she'd like to have for dinner." Becky smiled
  524. _06[03:15] * Canis returned the look with muted curiosity.
  525. _06[03:16] <Canis> "Right this way, then." She turned and led the way. "Your name is Mint?"
  526. _01[03:17] * Miranda grabs the duster and heads into the _7 living room _1 and begins dusting the book shelf. "Maybe we'll be able to save this one as well...Yes, that would be nice." she smiles, her back wasn't bother that much right now since she had her mind off of it.
  527. [03:18] <Narrator> _10 "Well, not really. But I like that one a whole lot better than my real name haha." Mint chuckled and rubbed the back of her head shyly. She peers at Canis some more~
  528. _01[03:19] * Len goes to the living room and sits in front of the fireplace trying to start doesn't work
  529. _01[03:19] * Becky heads upstairs, it was imperative that they heal as many guests as possible. Becky began to clean up the _7maid quarters_ changing the beds, dusting the blinds and headboards.
  530. _01[03:20] * Marie wanders into the living room as well. "I doubt I'll be much help with that one... Hm? Need any help, Len?"
  531. _01[03:20] * Len looks at Marie and smiles. "Go ahead."
  532. _01[03:21] * Becky heads backstairs slowly, hmmm...Becky heads for the _7living room_ it seemed most everyone else was there.
  533. _01[03:23] * Miranda feels a bit woozy. After dusting, she heads to her room to lie down. "I hope everyone will be OK with this guest..."
  534. _06[03:23] <Canis> "Heh, names can be tricky sometimes," she said as she stepped _7into the middle of the kitchen_ and turned around. "What would you want to eat?"
  535. _01[03:23] * Becky takes a seat in the living room for now
  536. _01[03:24] * Marie heads over to the fireplace and kneels down, taking some matches or whatever and lighting the fire... While, as might be expected now, trying to... Ahem, 'put on a show' for Len and anyone else who might have wandered in.
  537. _01[03:26] * Len decides why the hell not and looks. She earned it by practically building the shrine herself
  538. [03:26] <Narrator> _10 "Hmm, ya got any pizza?" Mint asked, moving towards Canis to the counter. She was a maid too after all.
  539. _01[03:26] * Becky raises an eyebrow
  540. [03:27] <Narrator> _3 "Pervert." A childish voice whispers to Len~
  541. _01[03:28] * Len frowns. "Shut up" she mumbles in a low voice
  542. _01[03:30] * Marie the fire comes to life and she stands up, smiling cheerfully. "All done~"
  543. _06[03:31] <Canis> "Sure, why not?" Canis says, heedless of anything like 'got'. "You're a guest, just sit, relax."
  544. _01[03:31] * Becky calls out to no one in particular, "Don't forget. About our guest."
  545. [03:32] <Narrator> "Nah, I think I'll give ya a hand, Canis right?" Mint recalled how Becky had called this one, "I like to pull my own weight."
  546. _06[03:34] * Canis stared impassively for a bit. "Sure, if you wanna." Canis seemed to loosten her attitude slightly at this. "Know how to make one?"
  547. _01[03:34] * Marie shrugs a little. "Out of sight, out of mind."
  548. [03:35] <Becky> "This is important. The master would surely prefer we heal our guests." Becky glared
  549. [03:36] <Marie> "I don't know how I'm supposed to do that when they aren't here." She stares mildly back at Becky.
  550. [03:36] <Narrator> _10 "Hmm...lessee...we need some flour, yeast, oil...tomatoes..." Mint named out a few more ingredients turning to Canis. "Do ya got all that stuff?"
  551. _01[03:37] * Len leans back on the floor. "I don't really understand this healing stuff."
  552. _06[03:38] * Canis shrugged and looked around, remembering where things'd be before looking foolish for a guest. She pointed out each of the places she recalled, but got a couple wrong at first.
  553. [03:39] <Becky> "Idiots. If I had my way..." she mumbled, leaving the room
  554. [03:40] <Len> "It would be easier if she just explained it to us.."
  555. [03:41] <Narrator> _10 Mint helps out Canis with the meal, though it was really Canis who was in charge here. "Man, I must be outta practice." she smirked at Canis.
  556. _06[03:45] * Canis smirked back. "You were the one who wanted to help. You helped enough."
  557. [03:46] <Narrator> "Thanks Canis! Yer real nice~" she chuckled, her eyes glinted for a moment and she backed away slowly and moved back behind Canis. "Hya!" she laughed and placed her hands on Canis' breasts.
  558. _01[03:47] * Becky peeked into the kitchen discreetly...Oh my!
  559. [03:47] <Marie> "I feel like it'd be detrimental for me to try spending time with her anyways... Something about her just rubs me the wrong way..." She nods a few times to Len.
  560. _06[03:50] * Canis almost growled at Mint at the suddenness, but caught herself off it and gritted her teeth, pretty confused but trying to be cool about it. "Oi. Doin' this, are you being a helper or a guest?" What was she supposed to do? Just stand there? She shuffled a little. It tickled.
  561. [03:54] <Narrator> _10 "Heheh, yer really soft underneath that gruff exterior Canis!" she laughed, fondling Canis through her uniform a bit. "I'm...helping myself as your guest?" Mint offered a rather weak excuse.
  562. [03:56] <Becky> "Having fun~?" Becky mused, looked like it. But that probably wouldn't heal her
  563. _06[04:00] * Canis squirmed slightly, but stayed in place to indulge the guest. "Nn...Sure, then," she said with a verbal and physical shrug.
  564. [04:01] <Narrator> "I am~" Mint answered Becky and continued fondling Canis gently. After a small while she pulled away, "Well that was nice~ ya really got a nice pair Canis." she nodded as if apraising her.
  565. [04:02] <Becky> "A connosieur of sorts?" she laughed
  566. _06[04:03] <Canis> "Hn." Canis turned around to face the two. "Sh-should I say thanks?"
  567. _01[04:04] * Marie shrugs, wandering into the _7dining room and sitting down, picking at her teeth.
  568. [04:07] <Narrator> "Of course I'm a connoiseur." Mint cupped her chin, chuckling. "You've got a grand pair as well!" she pointed at Becky. "Hmm...dunno why though, don't really want to grab yours." she tilted her head back, "Ya kinda remind me of someone..." she mumbled.
  569. _01[04:08] * Becky folded her arms, "Hmm? I wonder who."
  570. [04:09] <Narrator> _10 _10 "Well, thas'not important." Mint shook her head and headed for the dining room, taking a seat.
  571. _01[04:09] * Becky followed behind to eat dinner
  572. _01[04:09] * Marie waves absently with the hand not busy inside of her mouth.
  573. _06[04:09] * Canis smoothed her uniform down and properly served the pizza she'd made with Mint _7to the dinner table_.
  574. [04:18] <Narrator> _12 Unfortunately our story must take a brief pause...what shall happen with the maids and their newest guest...well, that's for another day. Chapter 5 - BOOKMARKED.
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