
Traditionsteady Session 1

Mar 1st, 2013
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  1. [18:45] <Brutus> (Johan's view) You are walking down the many different streets and alleyways trying to follow a rough map that was drawn for you. It's getting into the day already and it seems sometime past noon.
  2. [18:46] <Brutus> You finnally make it into the Market district without too much trouble now all you need to do it make a few turns and you should be at your destination.....or at least if you are reading this map right.
  3. [18:49] * Johan looks at the map then around and tries to do the few turns. He scratches his head as he tries to find the mansion. "Hmm, just like I thought, this city has so many twists and turns...but it's people are all so kind to help a stranger like me." He muses to himself.
  4. [18:51] <Brutus> After the last you finally make it to a large wooden manor at the end of one of the streets and just by looking at it you can tell it's only been built recently. Saws,planks of cut woods, and other materials are scatered to one side of the entrance almost like they had just finished putting the door in moments ago
  5. [18:51] <Brutus> last turn*
  6. [18:53] * Johan looks at the mansion with almost sparkling eyes, as if never seeing such a huge house before. He quickly walks up to it and knocks on the door, putting the map away on his bag.
  7. [18:55] <Brutus> After a few moments an older gentleman opens the door "Hmmm? Can I help you with something" he seems to be in fine cloths that have a rather worn look to them.
  8. [18:56] * Johan gives a slight bow to the man. "Ah yes, hello there sir. My name is Johan, the Order sent me here they told me I can get some information?"
  9. [18:59] <Brutus> The man eyes you as if sizing you up before nodding his head "Yes, no doubt you are seeking to talk to the young master, but he is busy with some... business at the moment. If you want you can sit downstairs while he finishes up" he motions to a room near the entrance
  10. [19:02] * Johan bows again as he enters. "Thank you for your offer."
  11. [19:04] <Brutus> The man moves to a room opposite to the one you are entering, but turns to you for a moment "I'll come get you when he is ready to see you" With that he enters the other room and you loose sight of him.
  12. [19:05] * Johan takes off his backpack and sits down, looking around but making sure not to touch anything out of fear to break it.
  13. [19:08] <Brutus> Everything shift to another part of the city (Johnny's & Eliza's View) You have just finished rest for a few hours and now you make your way down the stairs of the Inn.
  14. [19:08] <@Eliza> "That was fun, fun fun fun~"
  15. [19:09] <Brutus> The owner of the Inn is still standing on the other side of the counter almost like he had been there all night, but he seems wide awake and smiles when he sees both of you "Oh? Planning to go out and see the city now are we?
  16. [19:09] <Brutus> "
  17. [19:11] <@JohnnyS> "Yeah, probably, I mean, we can't stay cooped up in our rooms all day and night, right?"
  18. [19:13] <Brutus> "Very true young man" he lets out a hearty laugh, but settles down quickly and speaks in a hushed tone "Now be careful you two as while you were having fun a certain someone came in asking about tow people who looked exactly like you"
  19. [19:14] <Brutus> "But of course I never saw anyone, and my record keeping shows that" he taps the thick tome on his counter .
  20. [19:15] <@Eliza> "Was it the pale guy with the big smile?"
  21. [19:17] <Brutus> He snaps his fingers "That is the guy who came in, some kind of noble from the looks of it, but I'll been here for more years than you have been alive missy and I've never seen him before"
  22. [19:17] <Brutus> "Though, he seems really disappointed like that he couldn't find you thought
  23. [19:18] <Brutus> though* "
  24. [19:18] <Brutus> "Though now that I think of it....never did catch his name...."
  25. [19:19] <@Eliza> "That guy gave me the creeps.." She pauses and shudders. "Iunno he didn't look too..normal, did he big brother?"
  26. [19:24] <@JohnnyS> "...Not at all, but I guess we'll have to deal with this eventually..."
  27. [19:24] <@JohnnyS> "Did he happen to leave any sort of indications as to where he lived or anything?"
  28. [19:27] <Brutus> "Hmmm" he scratches his chin as if trying to remember some detail he had forgotten "I think he said something about staying right down the street, near the entrance to the city."
  29. [19:27] <@JohnnyS> "Alright, thanks. Let's go Liza."
  30. [19:27] <@Eliza> "Do we have to?"
  31. [19:27] * Eliza pouts
  32. [19:30] <Brutus> "Hahaha Well try not to get into trouble you two and remember! The best Inn in the entire city is here for when you want to return!"
  33. [19:31] <Brutus> You walk out into the street and notice it's a little past noon. The streets are rather lively with nobles and merchants moving about from house to house and shop to shop.
  34. [19:32] <Brutus> Where to now young travelers?
  35. [19:35] <@JohnnyS> Hmm
  36. [19:35] <@JohnnyS> Should we just go liza?
  37. [19:35] <@JohnnyS> I feel like we should
  38. [19:35] <@Eliza> Eh..don't see why not
  39. [19:35] <@Eliza> I just go where you go
  40. [19:35] <@Eliza> ain't no point askin me.
  41. [19:36] <@JohnnyS> "Alright Liza, let's go see what this pale faced man wants from us..."
  42. [19:36] * JohnnyS begins walking towards the mansion where he saw the palefaced man
  43. [19:37] * Eliza follows close behind. "How come we gotta go see creepy people? Can't we just relax?"
  44. [19:37] <@JohnnyS> "S'okay sis, we'll be fine!"
  45. [19:37] <@Eliza> "And last time you said that we wound up walkin way the hell over here!"
  46. [19:38] <@JohnnyS> ".....S'okay sis, we'll be fine!"
  47. [19:39] <Brutus> Despite the light crowd you make it back to the mansion where you saw the man in only a few minutes which is a lot faster than the detour you had taken earlier.
  48. [19:40] <Brutus> The mansion is quite large though just by looking down the road you can see it is rather small in comparison.
  49. [19:40] <Brutus> The gate to the front entrance seems to be open.
  50. [19:42] <@JohnnyS> "Well Liza, let's get to gettin'."
  51. [19:42] * JohnnyS begins walking inside
  52. [19:42] <@Eliza> "Maybe you should knock, you know it's impolite to waltz into someones house."
  53. [19:43] <@JohnnyS> "......"
  54. [19:43] * JohnnyS looks back with a grin
  55. [19:43] <@JohnnyS> "S'okay sis, we'll be fine!"
  56. [19:43] <Adana> I got something he can knock on.
  57. [19:43] <Adana> Ahue.
  58. [19:43] <@JohnnyS> No
  59. [19:43] <@JohnnyS> bad
  61. [19:43] <@JohnnyS> bad midget girl
  62. [19:44] <@Eliza> -taps Adana on the nose-
  63. [19:44] <@Eliza> No.
  64. [19:44] <@Eliza> go play with Longrod McHugendong
  65. [19:44] <Adana> I got something else you can tap.
  66. [19:44] <Adana> Ahue.
  67. [19:44] <@JohnnyS> ANYWAYS
  68. [19:44] <@Eliza> -starts dancing in place-
  69. [19:44] <@Eliza> LOOK I'M TAPPIN IT.
  70. [19:44] <@JohnnyS> So we're going inside Brutus
  71. [19:46] <Brutus> Straight ahead there is a staircase leading up the the next floor and there being a few different rooms branching off of the main hallway.
  72. [19:46] <Brutus> The closest being two feet in front of you on your right.
  73. [19:48] <Brutus> Oh and.
  74. [19:48] <Brutus> Listen check~
  75. [19:48] <@JohnnyS> roll 1d20+2
  76. [19:48] <!Bitch-sama> JohnnyS rolled : 1d20+2 --> [ 1d20=20 ]{22}
  77. [19:48] <@JohnnyS> I HEAR EVERYTHING
  78. [19:48] <@Eliza> roll 1d20+1 He's hearing for me
  79. [19:48] <!Bitch-sama> Eliza rolled : 1d20+1 He's hearing for me --> [ 1d20=20 ]{21}
  80. [19:48] <@JohnnyS> FOREVER
  81. [19:48] <Adana> SONAR
  82. [19:48] <@JohnnyS> WHAT
  83. [19:48] <@JohnnyS> WHAT
  84. [19:48] <@Eliza> WHAT THE
  85. [19:48] <@JohnnyS> WHAT
  86. [19:48] <@Eliza> FUCK
  87. [19:48] <@JohnnyS> WHAT
  88. [19:48] <@JohnnyS> WHAT
  89. [19:48] <@JohnnyS> WHAT
  90. [19:48] <@JohnnyS> WHAT
  91. [19:48] <@Eliza> WHAT IS
  92. [19:48] <@Eliza> I DON'T
  94. [19:48] <Brutus> ....
  95. [19:48] <@JohnnyS> THE CRIT BROS
  96. [19:49] <@JohnnyS> ITS BLED OVER
  97. [19:49] <@JohnnyS> TO YOU
  98. [19:49] <@JohnnyS> CRIT SIS
  99. [19:49] <@Eliza> CRIT SIBLINGS REVENGANCE
  100. [19:49] <@Eliza> FUCK
  101. [19:50] <@JohnnyS> so uh
  102. [19:50] <@JohnnyS> what now
  103. [19:50] <Adana> 1 in 400
  104. [19:50] <Adana> That's the odds.
  105. [19:50] <Adana> FYI
  106. [19:50] <@Eliza> based gods
  107. [19:50] <@Eliza> Well
  108. [19:50] <@JohnnyS> based
  109. [19:50] <@Eliza> They've spoken
  110. [19:50] <@Eliza> now we've developed echo-location
  111. [19:50] * Eliza blinds herself
  112. [19:51] <@Eliza> I DON'T NEED YOU FUCKERS ANYMORE
  113. [19:51] <Adana> But then you won't be able to see me raping you.
  114. [19:51] <@Eliza> don't need to see it
  115. [19:51] <@Eliza> I hear everything
  116. [19:51] <@Eliza> I CAN HEAR YOUR HAIR GROWING.
  117. [19:52] <Adana> Can you hear orc semen sloshing around inside me?
  118. [19:52] * Adana lewds.
  119. [19:52] <@Eliza> I can
  120. [19:52] <@Eliza> it sounds like you need drainage.
  121. [19:52] <Johan> SO LEWD
  122. [19:53] <Brutus> Either both of you have near perfect hearing or this house has a sound problem as you can hear everyting going on in it: From food being prepared in the back of the house in what is no doubt the kitchen, what you swear is a young boy snoring in the room next to you, and up the stairs you can hear bits and pieces of a man talk....and you recognized the voice
  123. [19:54] <Brutus> ".....ha, so he made it without getting lost...." the voice moves farther away to where you can't hear anything else.
  124. [19:56] <Adana> You guys can hear everything in the house excapt that one corner.
  125. [19:56] <Adana> Pro soundproofing.
  126. [19:56] <Adana> Or magical Silence.
  127. [19:56] <Adana> One of the two.
  128. [19:56] <Adana> \Or DM hax.
  129. [19:56] <@JohnnyS> "....So that happened....."
  130. [19:56] <Adana> Which is fine too!
  131. [19:56] <@Eliza> "...Can we not be here?"
  132. [19:57] * JohnnyS pats Eliza on the head
  133. [19:57] <@JohnnyS> "Shh. We're fine sis."
  134. [19:57] <@JohnnyS> "If anything happens....
  135. [19:57] * JohnnyS flexes his arm
  136. [19:57] <Adana> You'll fap is away?
  137. [19:57] <@JohnnyS> Ol' Johnny'll take care of it!"
  138. [19:57] <@JohnnyS> (stahp
  139. [19:57] <@JohnnyS> )
  140. [19:58] <Adana> (It'll get worse once I'm actually there)
  141. [19:58] <@JohnnyS> (oh lawdy)
  142. [19:58] <Brutus> (Counting on it~)
  143. [19:59] <@Eliza> "Idiot..just get moving.."
  144. [19:59] <Adana> (She wants to fuck)
  145. [19:59] <@JohnnyS> "You got it sis."
  146. [19:59] <Johan> (Lewd)
  147. [19:59] <Adana> (Tsun as fuck)
  148. [19:59] <@Eliza> "No seriously what are you gonna take care of? There ain't nothin' here we should just leave."
  149. [20:00] * JohnnyS begins yelling "SO WE HEARD YOU WAS LOOKIN' FOR US. WELL HERE WE ARE."
  150. [20:00] * JohnnyS begins picking his teeth with his pinky and leans against a wall while waiting for someone to show up
  151. [20:00] * Eliza smacks her brother on the back of the head
  152. [20:00] <@Eliza> "GODDAMN WHAT IS SUBTLETY WITH YOU?!"
  153. [20:00] <Adana> (I got something else you can smack)
  154. [20:01] <@JohnnyS> "Subtlety is a word that I don't know the meaning of."
  155. [20:01] <@Eliza> "Quite clearly, that's why I do all of the work"
  156. [20:01] <@JohnnyS> "....No really, whuzzat mean."
  157. [20:01] <Adana> (It means get naked, she wants your dick)
  158. [20:01] <@Eliza> "...It means ya keep a low profile and don't attract attention, ya dunce"
  159. [20:01] <@JohnnyS> "Ah. Well FUCK that noise. Getting all the attention is too much fun!"
  160. [20:02] <Adana> (I mgot something else you can fuck)
  161. [20:02] <Adana> (BOOM!)
  162. [20:02] <Adana> (And we're done)
  163. [20:02] <@Eliza> "Keep ya damn mouth shut!"
  164. [20:02] <Adana> (Everybody go home)
  165. [20:02] * JohnnyS begins laughing
  166. [20:02] <Brutus> Strangely the person is still snoring away in the room next to you, but you hear footsteps upstairs and a mans voice "Well now! Don't be strangers! Come on up~"
  167. [20:02] <@Eliza> "SEE! LOOK AT WHATCHA DID!"
  168. [20:02] * JohnnyS begins walking up the stairs
  169. [20:02] <@JohnnyS> "Cmon, don't pussyfoot around down here sis."
  170. [20:02] * JohnnyS smirks at his catgirl sibling
  171. [20:02] * Eliza mumbles angrily under her breath and follows. "No puns right now, they ain't gonna help nothin'"
  172. [20:03] * JohnnyS begins leaping up the stairs pre-emptively to dodge his sisters rage
  173. [20:03] <@JohnnyS> "Nyahaha"
  174. [20:03] <@Eliza> "You watch ya friggin numbskull I'm gonna cut ya when ya ain't payin any mind capische? Ya freakin' idiot."
  175. [20:04] <Adana> (When you cut it off can I have it?)
  176. [20:05] <Adana> (I wanted to start a collection)
  177. [20:06] <Brutus> The stairs lead a large room that seems to take up half of the top floor with various pieces of furniture scattered around the room neatly,
  178. [20:07] <Brutus> On the far end sitting in a wooden chair is the person you are looking for "Welcome to my humble home little ones! Come Come! Please sit. " He motions to a series of different chairs in front of him.
  179. [20:07] * JohnnyS walks towards the chairs
  180. [20:07] <@Eliza> "I ain't sittin' down, there's some booby trap or somethin I just know it."
  181. [20:08] <Adana> (I got a booby trap for ya.)
  182. [20:08] <@JohnnyS> "Just sit the hell down sis, you're bein' rude."
  183. [20:08] * Eliza sits on the floor where she is
  184. [20:09] * JohnnyS plops down in a chair and begins leaning on its two back legs
  185. [20:09] <@Eliza> "There I'm sittin'."
  186. [20:09] <Adana> (I got something you can sit on)
  187. [20:09] <Adana> (Or I will next level)
  188. [20:10] <Brutus> The man simply smiles to himself as he watches the two interact "My my I have to way I was quite surprised when both of you ran off! And I was about to invite you in for tea, you don't know how boring it is around here these days"
  189. [20:11] <Brutus> On a side note you notice a door right behind him that is cracked open.
  190. [20:11] <@JohnnyS> "Well, can't blame us when you start leerin at us. We don't really....have good memories with nobles."
  191. [20:11] <Adana> (I'll make some good memories for ya.)
  192. [20:11] <@Eliza> "Especially when ya got a little messenger boy beckoning to your call immediately after we get's creepy.."
  193. [20:14] <Brutus> "Oh I just like to know of any interesting people who walk into town, and when two two adventurous looking people enter at once how can I not react in such a say?" He seems giddy with delight.
  194. [20:14] <Johan> (LEWD)
  195. [20:14] <Adana> (Brutus you're never allowed to point out my typos again)
  196. [20:14] <Johan> (TWO TWO)
  197. [20:15] <Adana> (Also I got two things you can enter at once.)
  198. [20:15] <Brutus> (.....I did?)
  199. [20:15] <Brutus> ( I did....wasn't even trying to)
  200. [20:16] <@Eliza> "And I think you may be 'too too' happy with our arrival here"
  201. [20:16] <@Eliza> (>react in such a say, two two)
  202. [20:16] <@Eliza> (hue)
  203. [20:16] <Adana> (Stahp, don't integrate typos into the dialogue, bad mouto.)
  204. [20:16] <@Eliza> (Never!)
  205. [20:16] <Adana> (Stop being bad at D&D!)
  206. [20:16] <@Eliza> (NO I'LL BE AS BAD AS I WANT)
  207. [20:17] <Adana> (If you want to be bad I can help with that.)
  208. [20:17] <Adana> (I got these chains here...)
  209. [20:17] <@Eliza> (Are you going to be done anytime soon?)
  210. [20:17] <Adana> (Nope.)
  211. [20:18] <Adana> (It gives us something to do while Brutus' computer translates the alien language he types in into English)
  212. [20:18] <@Eliza> (Taco...hand me the Arc Thrower.)
  213. [20:18] <@JohnnyS> (lol)
  214. [20:19] <Adana> (I got an arc you can throw)
  215. [20:20] <Brutus> "Well to be honest I am looking for people who might be interested in having a journey! Well..."I'm" not the one looking, but I know the person who is...and it looks to be a well paid adventure." He winks at the both of you and looks around for a moment" Though I could of swore I had a paper with me....."
  216. [20:21] <@JohnnyS> "Paper...?"
  217. [20:21] <@JohnnyS> "OH"
  218. [20:21] * Eliza holds up the crinkled note. "You mean this which mysteriously flew into my window?"
  219. [20:21] * JohnnyS points at Eliza
  220. [20:21] <@JohnnyS> "Yeah, that thing."
  221. [20:21] <Adana> (I got a thing for you)
  222. [20:22] <Brutus> "Huh? How did you get it?....that is quite odd indeed" he scratches his head "But yes, that would indeed be it. Something I found that would get the person's attention and you might get a reward to delivering it to him as well"
  223. [20:23] <@JohnnyS> "Hmm....interesting."
  224. [20:23] <Adana> (I got something interesting for you)
  225. [20:24] <Brutus> "And you seems like who nice, honest people when I saw you so I thought you might be perfect for the job....that is...if you would take it".
  226. [20:24] <Brutus> two*
  227. [20:24] <Brutus> (Dammit fingers stop that)
  228. [20:25] <@Eliza> "Not up to me"
  229. [20:26] * JohnnyS strokes his chin
  230. [20:26] <@JohnnyS> "Hmm...."
  231. [20:26] <Adana> (I got something you can stroke)
  232. [20:26] <@Eliza> (Gay)
  233. [20:26] <Brutus> (An orc?)
  234. [20:26] <Adana> (Yes, we will be gay together. Until I grow a dick)
  235. [20:26] <@JohnnyS> "Alright, we ain't got nothin better to do, screw it. We're in."
  236. [20:26] <@Eliza> (I demand a car made of rainbows)
  237. [20:26] <Adana> (I got something you can screw)
  238. [20:26] <@JohnnyS> "You okay with that sis?"
  239. [20:26] <@Eliza> "Wh-What the hell is wrong with you!?"
  240. [20:27] <@JohnnyS> "Apparently not."
  241. [20:27] <@Eliza> "I don't wanna go on no crazy-ass adventure I just got here! This is some bullshit.."
  242. [20:27] * Eliza glares at the pale man
  243. [20:27] <Adana> (I got a crazy ass for you)
  244. [20:27] <@Eliza> "IT'S CAUSE I'M A CAT, ISN'T IT!?"
  245. [20:27] * JohnnyS stand up, walks over to eliza, and sits down in front of her, and then begins petting her ears
  246. [20:27] <Adana> (I got a cat for you)
  247. [20:27] <Adana> (I got something you can pet)
  248. [20:27] <@JohnnyS> "Shhh.....Shh."
  249. [20:27] <Adana> (RAPID FIRE)
  250. [20:27] <Adana> (LOCK AND LOAD)
  252. [20:28] <@JohnnyS> "Chill sis. Chill."
  253. [20:28] <@Eliza> "Fuckin' cat haters in this joint I swear"
  254. [20:28] * Eliza crosses her arms. "I AIN'T DOIN NOTHIN YOU CAN TELL HIM I SAID THAT"
  255. [20:29] <Brutus> "Hahaha" he seemingly ignores Eliza's reaction and gets up from his seat and moves though the door behind him "One moment while I get you a map. It should be arou..." The rest is cut off as he enters the room which appears to be a study of some sort.
  257. [20:29] <Brutus> Through*
  258. [20:32] <Brutus> He comes back with a rolled up map in hand and hands it to Johnny "There, a clear map to the house and for you missy" He hands her a plate with a lone cracker on it
  259. [20:32] <@Eliza> "Oh that's not even fair.."
  260. [20:32] * Eliza reaches toward the cracker and looks up. "It ain't poisoned is it?"
  261. [20:32] <@JohnnyS> "Thank'ee kindly sir."
  262. [20:32] <@Eliza> "I swear I'll haunt you if it's poisoned..bribing me with food...damn it.."
  263. [20:32] <Adana> (I got something you can eat)
  264. [20:33] <Adana> (SLURP SLURP)
  265. [20:33] * Eliza takes the cracker and closely examines it, scrutinizing every crumb.
  266. [20:33] <@Eliza> "You sure this ain't poisoned?"
  267. [20:34] <Brutus> "Oh it's fine little one, don't worry." He just smiles motions for her to eat up and starts toward the stairs.
  268. [20:34] <@Eliza> "Can I have some more? Maybe some milk? Milk would be amazing with this.."
  269. [20:34] <Adana> (I got a motion for ya)
  270. [20:34] <Brutus> (Motion of the ocean?)
  271. [20:34] <Adana> (I got some milk for y-... wait.)
  272. [20:35] * Eliza takes a bite of the cracker.
  273. [20:35] <@Eliza> (HAH!)
  274. [20:35] <Adana> (IT'S FUNNY BEACAUSE DFC)
  275. [20:35] <Brutus> It is a normal cracker.
  276. [20:35] <Adana> (I prefer the abnormal kind)
  277. [20:35] <@Eliza> It's poisoned- I FUCKIN KNEW IT
  278. [20:36] <Brutus> He slowly walks down the stairs and then waits by the front foor.
  279. [20:36] <Brutus> door*
  280. [20:38] * JohnnyS follows the man down
  281. [20:38] * Eliza follows them both while munching on the cracker.
  282. [20:38] <@Eliza> (inb4 something you can munch on)
  283. [20:39] <Adana> (I got something you can inb4)
  284. [20:39] <@Eliza> (No you don't)
  285. [20:40] <Brutus> "It should be easy finding the place from here as it's the largest residence in the market district. Now off with you two. But feel free to come back at any time, as I'll have some milk and crackers waiting for you~"
  286. [20:41] <@JohnnyS> ".....I just realized, what's your name?"
  287. [20:41] <Adana> (Dick)
  288. [20:41] <Adana> (I'm gonna guess Dick)
  289. [20:41] <Adana> (Call it a butt feeling)
  290. [20:42] <Adana> (IT'S FUNNY BECAUSE ANAL)
  291. [20:43] <Johan> (HAR HAR)
  292. [20:43] <Brutus> "Name?" The portly man smiles in thought "Been a while since I have told anyone my name, but you can call me Mr. Cane if you like" He takes a short bow
  293. [20:44] <Adana> (Dick Cane huh? Nice name.)
  294. [20:44] <Brutus> (Better than being named Kick Came)
  295. [20:44] <Brutus> Dick*
  296. [20:45] <Brutus> (Smites himself)
  297. [20:45] <@JohnnyS> "Thanks Mr. Cane, see ya."
  298. [20:45] * JohnnyS walks outside
  299. [20:45] <Adana> "It's okay Brutus, I know what you meant. After all they always do.)
  300. [20:46] * Eliza follows along
  301. [20:46] <Brutus> Okay, you walk out into the streets. I am guessing you follow the map?
  302. [20:47] <@JohnnyS> Yep
  303. [20:47] <Adana> (I got something else we can do in the streets)
  304. [20:48] <Brutus> The map has you sticks to the main road making it pretty easy to follow. The guards between the different districts pay you no mind as you make your way into the market district.
  305. [20:49] <Adana> (I sincerely hope the guards fuck with me.)
  306. [20:49] <Adana> (Adana is shady as fuck anyway.)
  307. [20:49] <Brutus> After the last you finally make it to a large wooden manor at the end of one of the streets and just by looking at it you can tell it's only been built recently. Saws,planks of cut woods, and other materials are scatered to one side of the entrance almost like they had just finished putting the door in moments ago
  308. [20:49] <Adana> (She looks like a little girl with a donkey travelling with a large orc and limping lsightly.)
  309. [20:49] <Brutus> last turn*
  310. [20:50] <@JohnnyS> "After you sis."\
  311. [20:50] <Johan> (Poor Adana)
  312. [20:52] <@Eliza> "After me? Naaaah."
  313. [20:53] <@JohnnyS> "Oh I insist."
  314. [20:53] * Eliza pushes Johnny forward. "You ain't knowin nothing about being subtle ya getcha ass in there"
  315. [20:53] <@JohnnyS> "Fine, fine."
  316. [20:53] * JohnnyS walks inside
  317. [20:53] * Eliza waits outside
  318. [20:53] * JohnnyS grabs his sister
  319. [20:53] <@JohnnyS> "Cmon."
  320. [20:53] <@Eliza> "OWOWOWOW FINE"
  321. [20:53] <@Eliza> "Jerk."
  322. [20:54] <Brutus> (I didn't know you could walk through locked doors...)
  323. [20:54] <Adana> (I got something else you can grab)
  324. [20:54] <Adana> (That's your fault for not clarifying the door was locked sooner)
  325. [20:54] <@Eliza> (I didn't even know there were doors)
  326. [20:54] <@JohnnyS> (meant to walk up to the door, but it's not my fault yo ass ain't discriptive."
  327. [20:54] <@JohnnyS> )
  328. [20:54] <Adana> (Gotta work on that reaction time Brute)
  329. [20:54] <Brutus> (True)
  330. [20:55] <Brutus> The door before you seems to be locked~
  331. [20:55] <Brutus> (Note to self: Work on taht)
  332. [20:55] * JohnnyS knocks on the door
  333. [20:55] <@Eliza> "Oh well, it's locked, let's go home."
  334. [20:55] <@JohnnyS> "NOPE."
  335. [20:55] * Eliza turns around and starts walking
  336. [20:56] * JohnnyS yanks on his sister's tail
  337. [20:56] <@Eliza> I'm going to cut him
  338. [20:56] <Adana> "I got something you can yank on)
  339. [20:56] <@Eliza> I'm going to cut him
  340. [20:56] <Adana> (*
  341. [20:56] <@Eliza> I'VE SAID IT TWICE
  342. [20:56] <@Eliza> IT COUNTS
  343. [20:56] <@Eliza> roll 1d20+4
  344. [20:56] <!Bitch-sama> Eliza rolled : 1d20+4 --> [ 1d20=10 ]{14}
  345. [21:00] <Brutus> Hit, Roll damage
  346. [21:01] <@Eliza> roll 1d4+2
  347. [21:01] <!Bitch-sama> Eliza rolled : 1d4+2 --> [ 1d4=3 ]{5}
  348. [21:01] <@JohnnyS> "OW, YOU BITCH."
  349. [21:01] <@Eliza> "YOU DON'T FUCKIN YANK A CATS TAIL"
  350. [21:01] * JohnnyS backhandedly slaps his sister across the cheek
  351. [21:01] * Eliza growls
  352. [21:01] <@Eliza> "Why I oughta.."
  353. [21:01] <Adana> (BITCH SLAP)
  355. [21:01] <Adana> (Now kith...)
  356. [21:01] <@JohnnyS> "NOW EASE THE HELL UP"
  357. [21:02] * JohnnyS pulls Eliza into a big hug
  358. [21:02] <Brutus> The man simply stands in the doorway.
  359. [21:02] <@JohnnyS> "Calm the hell down."
  360. [21:02] * Eliza looks up at Johnny
  361. [21:02] <@Eliza> "Come closer for a second"
  362. [21:02] * JohnnyS sighs
  363. [21:02] * JohnnyS hugs Eliza closer
  364. [21:02] <Adana> (Yeah... yeah.... now smell her a little....)
  365. [21:02] * Eliza hugs him tight and scratches him across the back.
  366. [21:02] <Brutus> And a certain person inside can hear the noise outside.
  367. [21:02] <@Eliza> "YOU DON'T PULL MY GODDAMN TAIL"
  368. [21:02] * JohnnyS breathes in sharply, then begins laughing
  369. [21:02] * JohnnyS pinches his sisters ears
  371. [21:03] <Adana> (I'll be leaving marks of my own on his back soon enough.)
  372. [21:03] * Eliza starts flailing her arms wildly
  373. [21:03] <@JohnnyS> (lewd)
  374. [21:04] <Brutus> The man shut the door and you hear the click of the door being locked again.
  375. [21:05] <@Eliza> "See lookit what you did! Now let go and be proper this time!"
  376. [21:05] <@Eliza> "Waitwait let me just-"
  377. [21:06] * JohnnyS laughs even harder
  378. [21:06] * Eliza licks her thumb and drags it across the cut her brothers face. "No bloody when we're meetin new people. Ya ass."
  379. [21:06] * JohnnyS sneaks a kiss on his sister's cheek "Nyo ho ho."
  380. [21:06] * Johan gets up and looks to the older gentleman. "Um sir, about those people outside...?"
  381. [21:06] * Eliza points at the door.
  382. [21:06] <@Eliza> "Go"
  383. [21:06] * JohnnyS knocks on the door again
  384. [21:07] * Eliza caresses her tail in the background, rubbing where it was grabbed
  385. [21:07] <Brutus> "Hmmm? Yes? What about them? A noisy bunch aren't they" (To Johan)
  386. [21:08] * Johan looks between the door and the older man and goes to open the door himself. The over six feet man slightly opens the door and looks at the two. "Ah sorry if you were expecting someone else."
  387. [21:10] * JohnnyS stops fighting with his sister long enough to look towards the man
  388. [21:10] <@JohnnyS> "We sent here by Mr.Cane?
  389. [21:10] <@JohnnyS> "
  390. [21:11] <Johan> "Oh you know Mister Cane?" He then turns to look at the older gentleman. "Sir, they said they were sent by Mister Cane. I can't very well just let them in since this is your house."
  391. [21:12] <Brutus> "Oh, well let them in and entertain them while the master finishes up"
  392. [21:13] * Johan turns back to look at the two with a smile and shrugs. "So he says." Then opens the door so the two can enter.
  393. [21:13] <Adana> (I got something for you to enter)
  394. [21:13] <Johan> (LEWD)
  395. [21:15] * JohnnyS walks inside
  396. [21:15] <@JohnnyS> "Thank'ee."
  397. [21:15] * Eliza walks past the man "It was self-defence I swear it."
  398. [21:16] * Johan closes the door the looks at Eliza as he tilts his head in one side. "...Miss, I hope you excuse me for being so forward but...are those cat ears on your head?"
  399. [21:17] <@Eliza> "...Yes...what of it?"
  400. [21:17] * Eliza leans closer to the human. "Do you have a problem with them...?"
  401. [21:17] <Adana> (He wants your pussy)
  402. [21:17] * Eliza whispers "Do you not like cats, sir?"
  403. [21:18] <Adana> Oh shit..... Taco do you have the cute things lover flaw?
  404. [21:18] <Johan> "No not at all, they look quiet good on you. Just never seen someone with them before." He gives her a smile as he scratches his head.
  405. [21:18] <Adana> Drat...
  406. [21:18] <Johan> (Nope, have Naivete and PRIDE)
  407. [21:18] <Adana> I thought I was in for a second.
  408. [21:19] <Johan> I almost got it
  409. [21:19] <Johan> Buuut then they took out all those RP/Charisma based flaws
  410. [21:19] <Brutus> (I would think "he" would be the one "in" if you know what I mean)
  411. [21:19] <@Eliza> "Oh..well that's refreshing, everyone who usually sees them well...I don't think they like it very much."
  413. [21:19] <@Eliza> HOW DARE THEY.
  414. [21:20] <Adana> (Well they all still function in my campaign)
  415. [21:20] <Adana> (Just saying)
  416. [21:20] <Johan> (Good to know))
  417. [21:20] <Adana> (Both of my flaws are like that)
  418. [21:22] <Johan> (Yeah, I enjoy those flaws, but I guess one of the new mods doesn't)
  419. [21:23] <Johan> "They don't? Why ever for? Perhaps they're just jealous?"
  420. [21:23] <Brutus> everything shift to just few roads over in the market district (Adana & Matuk) Now all you need to do if mind that mansion. Now hopefully the directions from young hot farm boy are correct.
  421. [21:24] <Adana> "Hmm-hmm~"
  422. [21:24] <Adana> "I hope these people are as rich as I'm hoping.~"
  423. [21:24] * Adana walks happily down the street.
  424. [21:24] <Adana> "It should be around here somewhere...."
  425. [21:26] <Brutus> "Hmmm....maybe it's down here?" Matuk points to a street to the left, but you are pretty sure the boy had said straight ahead.....
  426. [21:27] <Adana> "Pretty sure it's this way."
  427. [21:27] * Adana points.
  428. [21:27] <Adana> "But we'll check there next~"
  429. [21:27] <Brutus> The look on Matuks face are pretty sure he has no idea where he is going "Ah....okay...whatever you say sweet cheeks"
  430. [21:28] <Adana> "Hehehe~" Adana giggles as she leads her orc friend through the crowds.
  431. [21:29] <Adana> I'm not paying him to be smart.
  432. [21:30] <Adana> Well..... "paying"
  433. [21:31] <Brutus> You continue straight ahead and you notice the building seem to be newer on this part of the market and as you continue on you notice the road splits into left or right..
  434. [21:31] <Adana> I go right.
  435. [21:31] <Adana> No point in fussing over it, I'll get there eventually.
  436. [21:34] <Brutus> As you move down the road you notice a lot more alleys than before and down one of them you swear you see an entrance to the side of a building.
  437. [21:34] <Adana> "The shady part of town huh? Might be fun~"
  438. [21:35] * Adana heads towards shenanigans.
  439. [21:37] <Brutus> Matuk simply follows after humming a merry tune. As you reach the entrance you notice there is a small sight above the door "Knock once for service"
  440. [21:37] * Adana knoacks.
  441. [21:37] <Adana> >a
  442. [21:37] * Adana stabs the a
  443. [21:39] <Brutus> The door slowly creaks open with with strange smokes and scents flowing out. You hear the voice of an old lady "Come in"
  444. [21:40] * Adana goes in.
  445. [21:40] <Adana> ADVENTUUUUUUUUUUUURE~
  446. [21:40] <Adana> Fucks Given: 0
  447. [21:40] <Adana> Well.... metaphorical fucks anyway.
  448. [21:40] <Brutus> Matuk: Given many Fucks
  449. [21:44] <Brutus> As you are your companion enter you see the person who the voice belong to through the smoke. An old female half-orc sits in a chain in the middle of the room surrounded my many different candles. "Welcome young ones. How may I help you? Come to indulge in a particular poison? Or looking for something else?"
  450. [21:44] <Brutus> and your*
  451. [21:44] <Brutus> chair*
  452. [21:44] <Brutus> (Really brain?)
  453. [21:44] <Adana> "I have no idea!" Adana says happily.
  454. [21:44] <Adana> "What exactly do you offer?"
  455. [21:47] <Brutus> "Offer? Why I offer many things young one. Things that relax the body,Things bring vivid dreams to those still awake, Things can make men at attention " The old man winks at your Orc friend which makes him shutter.
  456. [21:47] <Adana> "OOOOOOOOOOH! You're a drug dealer! Sweet~"
  457. [21:48] <Brutus> "Though, I may have one or two items in here that might also be of interest to you"
  458. [21:48] <Adana> "Oh? Lemme see!"
  459. [21:48] * Adana bounces eagerly.
  460. [21:48] <Adana> "I love magic items~"
  461. [21:49] <Brutus> The old woman gets up and shuffles toward the back of the door to looks to see what she has.
  462. [21:52] <Brutus> The woman comes back with a few scrolls in hand as well as an item or two "I could only fine this young one, but I am expecting to get something soon. So come back and I might have something special for you"~
  463. [21:52] <Brutus> ~"
  464. [21:52] <Brutus> One moment.
  465. [21:53] <Brutus> Okay.
  466. [21:55] <Brutus> Out of the scrolls there is: one Color Spray scroll, two Mage Armor scrolls, and a Command Undead scroll.
  467. [21:55] <Brutus> As for the two items.
  468. [21:56] <Brutus> One is a Potion of Barkskin +2
  469. [21:56] <Brutus> And the other.
  470. [21:57] <Brutus> ....well that is something.
  471. [21:57] <!Bitch-sama> ?
  472. [21:58] <Brutus> Circlet of Persuasion: +3 competence bonus on the wearer's Charisma-based checks
  473. [21:58] <Johan> ...
  474. [21:59] <Adana> "How much for the scroll of Mage Armor and the circlet?~"
  475. [21:59] * Adana flutters her eyes.
  476. [22:01] <Brutus> The old woman rubs her fingers together "The scroll is 30 gold, but the circlet? Well that is about 4700 gold missy"
  477. [22:01] <Adana> \".... I don't have nearly enough....."
  478. [22:01] <Adana> "Coul we work out some other arrangement?~"
  479. [22:01] * Adana rubs her fingers together and tries to look cute.
  480. [22:03] <Adana> Should I make like... a check or something?
  481. [22:04] <Adana> If she bats from both sides I could make a profession check, otherwise I could just to a blind charisma check to sweet talk her.
  482. [22:04] <Adana> Or I could take more drastic measures.....
  483. [22:04] <Brutus> Drastic measures?
  484. [22:04] <Adana> I need to see how she reacts to negotiations first.
  485. [22:05] <Brutus> Charisma check then.
  486. [22:05] <Adana> roll 1d20+4
  487. [22:05] <!Bitch-sama> Adana rolled : 1d20+4 --> [ 1d20=11 ]{15}
  488. [22:06] <Adana> \"I've only got 250g but I'm sure we could work out some kind of arrangement~"
  489. [22:06] <Brutus> The old lady sits back down and looks both of you over "I might be able to drop my price.....but what could you possibly offer me?"
  490. [22:07] <Adana> "Well..... to be honest I'm a whore, and an alchemist. If neither of those appeal to you we could work out a different sort of deal."
  491. [22:07] * Adana drops her cutesy act when it becomes clear the old lady isn't going for it.
  492. [22:09] <Brutus> "An alchemist AND a whore you say?" The old lady smiles to herself "Tell me young one, do you live around here? Or are you just passing through the city"
  493. [22:10] <Adana> "I live here now. Just got a place down town. I'm hoping to open up a shop to sell products and services of a... sinful nature."
  494. [22:11] <Adana> "You probably already guessed but I'm a sorceress too."
  495. [22:13] <Brutus> "Well well about this then? I might be able to lend the circlet to you for....oh some interesting thing of equal value that you will no doubt be able to find."
  496. [22:13] <Adana> "Sure!~"
  497. [22:16] <Brutus> Takes the Scroll and Circlet and hands them to Adana "Now, keep in mind I might have something you might like in the future~"
  498. [22:16] <Adana> "Don't worry! I'll deeeeefinately be back....."
  499. [22:16] * Adana takes the items and leaves the store with Matuk in tow.
  500. [22:17] <Adana> I'm going to take 10 on the spellcraft check to learn the scroll.
  501. [22:18] <Brutus> Okay.
  502. [22:19] <Adana> Okay.
  503. [22:19] <Adana> Now we'll continue looking for the manor.
  504. [22:19] <Adana> I added them to my sheet.
  505. [22:19] <Adana> I'm +13 on bluff now.
  506. [22:20] <Brutus> Looking down the road you can see it splits yet again into left or right.
  507. [22:20] <Brutus> Or you can backtrack
  508. [22:20] <Brutus> And take the left route.
  509. [22:21] <Adana> Go right.
  510. [22:21] <Adana> We'll either dead end or go in a circle eventually.
  511. [22:21] <Adana> Then we backtrack.
  512. [22:22] <Adana> I don't go looking for shenanigans, they just find me.
  513. [22:22] <Brutus> You turn right with your orc in tow, but the road ends in a dead end in a minute of walking. All you see are nothing but houses.
  514. [22:23] <Adana> Kay~
  515. [22:23] <Adana> Back track once and go left.
  516. [22:23] <Adana> We'll go all the way back when this road dead ends.
  517. [22:26] <Brutus> You follow the left road and after a few minutes there is a bend in the road going left.
  518. [22:26] <Brutus> It seems the further you go down the way the newer the buildings .
  519. [22:27] <Adana> Follow it, these guys just came to power so they'd need a new place to stay.
  520. [22:28] <Brutus> After following the road you finally make it to a large wooden manor at the end of one of the streets and just by looking at it you can tell it's only been built recently. Saws,planks of cut woods, and other materials are scattered to one side of the entrance almost like they had just finished putting the door in moments ago.
  521. [22:30] * Adana takes a deep breath and totally changes her baring.
  522. [22:30] * Adana walks with more elegance and her expression is less energetic and childlike.
  523. [22:30] <Brutus> As you approach the building you could swear you hear something.
  524. [22:30] <Brutus> Listen check~
  525. [22:30] <Adana> roll 1d20+1
  526. [22:30] <!Bitch-sama> Adana rolled : 1d20+1 --> [ 1d20=3 ]{4}
  527. [22:31] <Adana> "Knock on the door Matuk."
  528. [22:32] * Adana says it with no feeling or energy in her voice like a high society snob.
  529. [22:33] <Brutus> "Okey, dokey sweet cheeks" he walks over to the door and pounds his fist again it a few times.
  530. [22:34] <Adana> Since I took a moment to get into character I'll be taking 10 on all the following bluff checks.
  531. [22:35] <Adana> So DC 23 Sense Motive to disbelieve.
  532. [22:35] <Brutus> After a moment you here the sounds of the door being unlock and it opens revealing an older gentleman who looks to you and your orc friend "Yes, how can I help you Milady?" He just eyes the orc, but doesn't address him.
  533. [22:36] <Brutus> (Well you are off to a good start so far)
  534. [22:38] <Adana> "Greetings good sir. I am Lady Adana Tallfoot . I am a halfling sorceress of a prestigeous family. I'm sure you'e heard of us. My father sent me here from my home to the North in order to offer my services to the newly risen House Strout. You see I'm a seer and I had a vision that your house would one day come to even greater power. As such we have chosen to ally ourselves with you now."
  535. [22:40] <Adana> "This is my bodyguard Matuk Bonelash."
  536. [22:40] <Adana> (She's making these names up)
  537. [22:40] <Adana> (So far that's..... 6 lies)
  538. [22:40] <Brutus> (I thought so)
  539. [22:40] <Adana> (So you should roll his sense motive for each one individually)
  540. [22:41] <Adana> (FYI she's not just a whore/alchemist.... she's a whore/alchemist/con artist)
  541. [22:41] <Brutus> Roll 1d20+2
  542. [22:41] <!Bitch-sama> Brutus rolled : 1d20+2 --> [ 1d20=12 ]{14}
  543. [22:41] <Brutus> Roll 1d20+2
  544. [22:41] <!Bitch-sama> Brutus rolled : 1d20+2 --> [ 1d20=6 ]{8}
  545. [22:41] <Brutus> Roll 1d20+2
  546. [22:41] <!Bitch-sama> Brutus rolled : 1d20+2 --> [ 1d20=2 ]{4}
  547. [22:41] <Brutus> Roll 1d20+2
  548. [22:41] <!Bitch-sama> Brutus rolled : 1d20+2 --> [ 1d20=20 ]{22}
  549. [22:41] <Adana> Welp.
  550. [22:41] <Adana> That's number 4...
  551. [22:41] <Brutus> Roll 1d20+2
  552. [22:41] <!Bitch-sama> Brutus rolled : 1d20+2 --> [ 1d20=13 ]{15}
  553. [22:41] <Brutus> Roll 1d20+2
  554. [22:41] <!Bitch-sama> Brutus rolled : 1d20+2 --> [ 1d20=13 ]{15}
  555. [22:42] <Adana> So he doesn't believe I'm a seer.
  556. [22:42] <Adana> Which means he believes I'm a halfling noblewoman but he's skeptical of my motivations.
  557. [22:43] <Adana> I'll take it.
  558. [22:43] <Adana> "Might I speak with the lord of the house?"
  559. [22:46] <Brutus> "Ah, o-of course Lady Adana we are pleased to have you with us, though I have to say we were expecting any visitors from one such as you..." he bows slightly " Though the master is currently in a..uh...buissness meeting and I would have ask if you would please wait in the sitting room. It should only be but a moment"
  560. [22:46] <Brutus> "Can I get you something while the master finishes up Milady?"
  561. [22:47] <Brutus> He opens the door and lets you both inside.
  562. [22:48] <Adana> "Nothing. I'm afraid my appetite is not what it once was."
  563. [22:48] * Adana coughs slightly.
  564. [22:48] <Adana> "Excuse me."
  565. [22:48] <Adana> (That's lie 7)
  566. [22:48] <Brutus> Roll 1d20+2
  567. [22:48] <!Bitch-sama> Brutus rolled : 1d20+2 --> [ 1d20=4 ]{6}
  568. [22:48] <Adana> (Gonna keep the 'sick' card up my sleeve just in case.)
  569. [22:50] <Brutus> "Are you milady? I'm sure I could find some pleasant herbal tea"
  570. [22:51] <Adana> "Yes... I'm fine." Adana's eyes look distant and she does her best to appear pale and weak.
  571. [22:51] <Adana> I'm gonna do next level shit now.
  572. [22:51] <Adana> I'm going to make a bluff check with a self imposed -20 since I WANT him to NOT think I'm actually fine.
  573. [22:51] <Adana> roll 1d20-7
  574. [22:51] <!Bitch-sama> Adana rolled : 1d20-7 --> [ 1d20=1 ]{-6}
  575. [22:52] <Adana> Welp.
  576. [22:52] <@Eliza> I don't understand
  577. [22:52] <@Eliza> does that mean you failed
  578. [22:52] <@Eliza> or it worked
  579. [22:52] <Adana> He's 100% convinced I have cancer.
  580. [22:52] <@Eliza> EHH?!
  581. [22:52] <@Eliza> HOW THE FUCK
  582. [22:52] <Adana> Pick up the shattered pieces of your minds and get out.
  583. [22:53] <@Eliza> Nah
  584. [22:53] * Eliza crawls back in with her shattered head
  585. [22:53] <Brutus> "Ah the sitting room is right there milady. Just wait right there while I get you something"
  586. [22:53] <Brutus> He thinks you are going to drop dead any moment now.
  587. [22:53] <Adana> \"N-no... don't trouble yourself with me. Come Matuk."
  588. [22:54] * Adana finds a seat.
  589. [22:55] <Brutus> Matuk stands behind you as you are no doubt have noticed by now.
  590. [22:55] <Brutus> There are other people waiting here as well.
  591. [22:56] <Adana> Oh, so you all saw that display too?
  592. [22:56] <Adana> FANTASTIC!
  593. [22:56] <Adana> Now I have EVERYONE boondoggled.
  594. [22:56] <@Eliza> I'm too busy not giving the /slightest/ shit about you in character to care.
  595. [22:56] <@Eliza> Ear scratches>attention span
  596. [22:56] <Adana> Doesn't matter, you still think I'm a dying filthy rich halfing which is what matters.
  597. [22:57] <@Eliza> No I don't
  598. [22:57] <@Eliza> I mean, rolls can say that sure
  599. [22:57] <@Eliza> But Eliza literally does not care
  600. [22:57] <Adana> Doesn't matter.
  601. [22:57] <Adana> At all.
  602. [22:57] <Adana> It's still what she thinks.
  603. [22:57] <@Eliza> That's really idiotic, tbh.
  604. [22:57] <@Eliza> But
  605. [22:57] <@Eliza> whatever
  606. [22:57] * Johan goes over to the girl. "Miss, oh I should say Milday shouldn't I? Is there anything I can do for you?"
  607. [22:57] <Adana> Wheather or not she cares is irrelevant.
  608. [22:57] <@Eliza> To be fair whether her paying attention or not is irrelevant as previous stated
  609. [22:57] <@Eliza> yet here we are.
  610. [22:58] <Adana> "N-no. I'm fine... as I said."
  611. [22:58] * Johan looks at the girl for a moment then gives her a low bow. "If that's what you wish. I'm Johan, from the Order of the Sun, may I aks Milady's name?"
  612. [23:00] <Adana> "I am Adana Tallfoot. It is a pleasure.... Sir Johan? I'm sorry I'm not familiar with the official titles of the Order of the Sun."
  613. [23:00] * Adana offers her hand.
  614. [23:02] * Johan grabs the hand and gives it a light kiss. "The title does not matter Milady, you may call me what you wish."
  615. [23:02] * Adana smiles softly.
  616. [23:03] <Adana> 'I'mma fuck him....' She thinks to herself.
  617. [23:03] <Johan> "I'm sorry to say I've overhead you talk as you entered, it seems all of us have business with the master of this house." He says as he looks at the other two. "Oh how rude of me, I never did ask for either of your names."
  618. [23:05] * Adana glances over at the other two.
  619. [23:05] <@JohnnyS> "I'm Johnny Solano, and this is my sister Eliza."
  620. [23:05] <@Eliza> "...What is it with the people here and goddamn names"
  621. [23:05] <@Eliza> "HEY! WHY DID YOU-...Nnn.."
  622. [23:05] * Eliza growls.
  623. [23:05] * JohnnyS lovingly pets Eliza 's ears
  624. [23:05] <Adana> "I suppose a cat wouldn't care much about names."
  625. [23:05] * Adana smirks condescendingly.
  626. [23:06] <@Eliza> "I suppose nobility still carries it's attitude, even if it's a walking corpse."
  627. [23:06] * Eliza curls up and nibbles on her cracker.
  628. [23:07] * Adana does her best to look like the "walking corpse" comment actually hurt her.
  629. [23:07] <Adana> (There's no point in rolling a bluff check since Ally wouldn't roleplay it even if she failed the sense motive check, and clearly Eliza wouldn't care anyway)
  630. [23:08] <@Eliza> (Keep that shit in PMs would you?)
  631. [23:08] <@Eliza> (You can bitch and complain all you want but if you complain to me, complain to me directly)
  632. [23:08] * Johan looks between the two clearly confused on what's going on. "Um....righ then, Miss Eliza and Mister Solano then? It is a pleasure to meet you both, I'm sure that Pelor himself shines on this meeting."
  633. [23:08] <@Eliza> (I could believe it hurt you that's all fine, but caring about it is a moot point entirely, roll it)
  634. [23:09] <Adana> (It's DC 23, I'm still in character.)
  635. [23:09] <Adana> (But it's irrelevant)
  636. [23:09] <@JohnnyS> "Just call me Johnny, Meestah Johan."
  637. [23:09] <@Eliza> (Precisely)
  638. [23:09] <@JohnnyS> "And Ms....Adana was it?"
  639. [23:09] <@JohnnyS> "Pleasure to meetcha."
  640. [23:09] * Adana holds out her hand.
  641. [23:09] <Johan> "Hahaha, no need for the Mister part. If I may call you Johnny then it's only right of me to extend you the same courtesy."
  642. [23:10] <Adana> "The pleasure is mine Mr. Solano."
  643. [23:10] * JohnnyS takes the hand and kisses it and smirks at her. "From what I saw, that's the way you nobles handle that."
  644. [23:11] <Brutus> The older gentleman comes in holding a plate full of cups with tea and places it on a small table in the corner "This is for the wait honored guests, I'll be checking up on the master as I think they are about done by now and I'll no doubt be back shortly
  645. [23:11] <Brutus> " With that he leaves the room
  646. [23:11] <Adana> "I don't much care for the way nobles handle things myself Mr. Solano."
  647. [23:12] <Adana> "But politics will be politics and formalities will be formalities."
  648. [23:12] * Eliza slinks over to Adana and slowly leans forward.
  649. [23:12] <@Eliza> "So..question miss...Adana?"
  650. [23:12] <Adana> "Yes?"
  651. [23:13] * Adana says weakly.
  652. [23:13] * Eliza leans in very close and whispers. "Do you have an issue with my ears, or my tail?"
  653. [23:13] <@Eliza> "Do you have an issue with that I am a feline half-breed, miss?"
  654. [23:13] <Adana> "I think they're adorable and I find my desire to touch them slowly overwhelming my respect for your personal space and my sense of dignity. Does that count?"
  655. [23:13] * Adana smiles softly.
  656. [23:14] <@Eliza> "...I wouldn't mind if you were to pet my ears, if you would allow yourself to touch such..'filth' as I am."
  657. [23:14] * Eliza tilts her head and looks at the girl. "Nyaa~?"
  658. [23:16] <Adana> "Not all nobles treat commoners with disrespect. Just the vast majority."
  659. [23:16] <@Eliza> "Then why the comment?"
  660. [23:17] * Johan serves Johnny and himself some tea, as the two girls seem to be deep in conversation. "So what brings you to this mansion Mist-um...Johnny?"
  661. [23:17] <Adana> "It was an observation. I didn't mean to appear judgemental. You'll have to forgive my ignorance of cat-people."
  662. [23:17] <@Eliza> "You sure have a funny way of showing it. Tch"
  663. [23:17] <@JohnnyS> "Well
  664. [23:18] <Adana> "Are you certain I can pet you? You wouldn't mind being touched by a 'walking corpse'?"
  665. [23:18] <@JohnnyS> My sister and I hear are just kinda...wanderers."
  666. [23:18] <@JohnnyS> *here
  667. [23:18] <@Eliza> "I only respond how I am treated."
  668. [23:18] * JohnnyS drains the glass in one gulp
  669. [23:18] <@JohnnyS> "And we're just kind of seeing where the road takes us."
  670. [23:19] <Adana> "That's no way to get ahead in life." Adana says as she gently reaches out and scratches Eliza's ears.
  671. [23:19] <@JohnnyS> "Meh. I'm not looking to get ahead. Just looking to survive as long as we can, and I'm just trying to see if I can help anyone who needs it along the way."
  672. [23:19] * Eliza reflexively purrs. "Yeah but...ya take what ya get.."
  673. [23:20] * Johan nods to Johnny as he drinks his own tea slowly. "Hmm, a life of wandering is one that can lead to all sorts of wonderful adventures. Righting wrongs, helping people, even just seeing what this world has to offer."
  674. [23:20] <Adana> "Actually I was talking to Ms. Kitty..."
  675. [23:20] <Adana> "I've had to eat more than my fair share of slug mud..." Adana pauses breaking character for a brief moment..." to get where I am."
  676. [23:20] <@Eliza> "Yeah go back to your conversation, you know it's rude to interrupt big brother."
  677. [23:21] <Adana> slung*
  678. [23:21] <@JohnnyS> "Rude huh?"
  679. [23:21] <@Eliza> "Yeah rude, just like earlier, hence why you got that pretty mark across ya face"
  680. [23:22] * Eliza grins
  681. [23:22] <@JohnnyS> "Hmm, I might have to show some "entertainment" for that, eh sis?"
  682. [23:22] * JohnnyS smirks
  683. [23:22] <@Eliza> "Entertainment huh? What'd you have in mind?"
  684. [23:22] <Johan> "Entertainment...oh you mean like bards or jesters?"
  685. [23:22] <@JohnnyS> I'm going to perform some acrobatic dances brutus
  686. [23:22] <@JohnnyS> rolin for it
  687. [23:22] <@JohnnyS> "Stuff like this"
  688. [23:22] <Adana> 'Entertainment huh...' Adna thinks lots of turbolewd things.
  689. [23:22] <Brutus> Go for it.
  690. [23:22] <Johan> "Oh and Milday Adana, Miss Eliza, would either of you like some tea?"
  691. [23:22] <@Eliza> "Ooh this is gonna be good, watch this if he doesn't screw up!"
  692. [23:22] <@JohnnyS> roll 1d20+10
  693. [23:22] <!Bitch-sama> JohnnyS rolled : 1d20+10 --> [ 1d20=16 ]{26}
  694. [23:24] * Adana stares inappropriately at Johnny's undulating muscles.
  695. [23:24] <@JohnnyS> "Ok. Watch this..."
  696. [23:25] <@Eliza> "You break that table I'm gonna laugh"
  697. [23:25] * JohnnyS begins shuffling his feet back and forth, beginning to move faster and faster. He immediately flips forward in a front flip twice over, lands on his hands, and begins twisting his body around and around, going fast but being aware enough of his surroundings to not hit any of the spectators
  698. [23:27] * Adana thinks to herself. "Im'ma fuck him too...."
  699. [23:27] * JohnnyS moves all around, and begins flipping his body around the room, bouncing off of walls, landing on the chandelier on the ceiling, pausing for a second to take a breath, flipping backwards off of it, landing in front of Adana, and twisting around her three times with a wink before landing back in his chair and leaning on two legs via pure balance
  700. [23:27] <@JohnnyS> "Swag."
  701. [23:27] <@Eliza> "Yeah I bet you could twirl on a pole with skills like that"
  702. [23:27] * Eliza snickers
  703. [23:27] * Adana clears her throat so she doesn't break character.
  704. [23:27] <Adana> "Ahem...."
  705. [23:28] <@JohnnyS> "Oh sis, you're getting a smack for that one later."
  706. [23:28] <Adana> "M-my father would have you hanged for doing that sort of thing around a young lady."
  707. [23:28] * Eliza jolts up as her tail stands on end and she crouches forward.
  708. [23:28] <@Eliza> "Oh yeah you wanna go?!"
  709. [23:28] <@JohnnyS> "And I would ask him to catch me first."
  710. [23:28] * JohnnyS smiles
  711. [23:28] <Johan> "Impressive, have you ever thought of using your agility for combat?"
  712. [23:28] <@JohnnyS> "......"
  713. [23:28] * JohnnyS begins laughing
  714. [23:29] <@JohnnyS> "Oh Johan, you're going to enjoy if we ever get in combat together."
  715. [23:29] * Johan tilts his head. " something I said?"
  716. [23:29] <Brutus> (Oh Johan, So pure)
  717. [23:29] <@JohnnyS> (dat naivety)
  718. [23:29] <Adana> "I'd like to ge-...." Adana stops herself before she breaks character to make a lewd joke.
  719. [23:30] <@JohnnyS> "hmm? Like to get what?"
  720. [23:30] <Johan> "Yes Milday? You would like some tea?"
  721. [23:30] <Adana> "Y-yes please."
  722. [23:31] * Johan pours a cup of tea for Adana as well, he gives it to her with a smile then goes back to his sit.
  723. [23:31] * Adana stares quietly at the cup for a moment....
  724. [23:31] <Adana> (Swap those around)
  725. [23:31] <Johan> (IT'S LIKE YOU KNEW)
  726. [23:31] * Eliza curls back up at Adana's feet. "Sick people like cats, I saw it where doctor's were once."
  727. [23:32] * Adana sighs.
  728. [23:32] <Adana> "Okay fuck this...... Matuk, guard the door."
  729. [23:32] * Adana stands when Matuk gives her the all clear.
  730. [23:32] <Johan> "I thought all people liked ca-eh? Is something wrong Milday?"
  731. [23:32] <Adana> "I'm not sick."
  732. [23:32] <Adana> "I'm not a halfling either."
  733. [23:33] <@Eliza> "...Oh you're good."
  734. [23:33] <@Eliza> "It's okay miss I ain't honest either, I nicked some wine and a guards paycheck earlier"
  735. [23:33] <Adana> "I'm just here to scam the rich people into funding a project."
  736. [23:33] * Eliza giggles
  737. [23:33] * Johan looks just like he feels, absolutely shocked. "B-but why..."
  738. [23:33] <Adana> "But I am a soceress so don't tell anyone or I'll turn you all into frogs...."
  739. [23:33] * Eliza stands up and wraps her arm around Adana. "Johnny I kinda like this broad"
  740. [23:34] * JohnnyS begins laughing. "NYO HO HO"
  741. [23:34] <Adana> "Well Joey..." Adana says as she crosses her legs and leans back in an unladylike fashion " people are greedy and stupid and they won't do anything for you unless you can give them something they want."
  742. [23:35] <Adana> (Yes... Johan = Joey, and I KNOW it's pronounced yohan)
  743. [23:35] * Eliza leaps over to Johnny and giddily grabs his wrists, starting to hop up and down
  744. [23:35] <@Eliza> "Lookie brother I found a friend~"
  745. [23:35] <@JohnnyS> "Well, stealing from nobles...I can't quite condone it, but I'm not gonna say anything about it...."
  746. [23:35] <Brutus> (At least his last name doesn't sound like it has to do with wheels)
  747. [23:35] <@JohnnyS> "Dammit Liza, you know I don't like it when you do that stuff....
  748. [23:35] <@JohnnyS> "
  749. [23:35] <Adana> "It's not stealing..."
  750. [23:35] * Adana smirks.
  751. [23:35] <@Eliza> (GOD DAMN IT AHAHAHAHA)
  752. [23:36] <Adana> "I'm sure I can provide... something, this guy wants."
  753. [23:36] <@Eliza> "Hey hey hey, it's not stealing, it's living off something they don't exactly deserve."
  754. [23:36] <@Eliza> "Capische?"
  755. [23:37] <Adana> "Hehe~... how cute. You're one of those little boys who thinks they can save everyone.... you'll be fun to play with."
  756. [23:37] <@JohnnyS> "Dammit Liza, how many times do I have to explain? Just because they were born with a silver spoon in their mouth doesn't mean you can steal said spoon."
  757. [23:37] <@Eliza> "...Yeah but, they've mistreated us. I'm just giving back"
  758. [23:37] <Adana> (I assumed it was because she was bouncing on the couch.)
  759. [23:37] * Eliza grins like the Cheshire Cat.
  760. [23:37] * Johan shakes his head. "No, not save everyone, I'm not stupid. But I like to at least save the people I can reach."
  761. [23:38] <@JohnnyS> "See, I agree with this guy."
  762. [23:38] <@JohnnyS> "I wanna save the people I can when I can."
  763. [23:38] <Adana> "So what makes you think you can reach me?" Adana says with a cold look in her eyes and an empty looking smile.
  764. [23:38] <@Eliza> "Yes but some people don't /deserve/ to be saved."
  765. [23:38] <Brutus> (As a side note: You can continue like this all you want. As I'm doing the next part tomorrow. This makes for a very good time for character interactions)
  766. [23:38] <@Eliza> "Especially those who mistreat the lower class like us."
  767. [23:38] <@JohnnyS> "But who are we to say who deserves it?"
  768. [23:38] <Johan> "I have a very long reach." He says with a sad smile at Adana.
  769. [23:38] <Brutus> (Well Later today)
  770. [23:38] <@JohnnyS> "We aren't gods. An unkind hand only begets another Liza, you know this."
  771. [23:38] <Adana> "Hehe...hehe....hahahahahahHAHAHAHAHAHA!~"
  772. [23:39] <@Eliza> "That's true but, I figures, if I were given the ability, I'm going to use it, because that's whatever what deity's intended for me"
  773. [23:39] <@JohnnyS> "See, now you have me all restless Liza...dammit..."
  774. [23:39] <@Eliza> "If that's even the case."
  775. [23:39] <Adana> "You know what.... I think I'd like to see you save me Joey. Do your best~"
  776. [23:39] <@Eliza> "Hey?! Why do I have you restless?!"
  777. [23:39] * JohnnyS begins doing pushups with his body straight up in the air
  778. [23:39] <@JohnnyS> "One...two....three..."
  779. [23:40] * JohnnyS reaches 25 and flips end over end three times and lands on his feet
  780. [23:40] <@JohnnyS> "Phew....much better..."
  781. [23:40] <Johan> "I wouldn't be able to save anyone if I wasn't always doing m best Miss Adana."
  782. [23:40] <Johan> (my best)
  783. [23:40] <Adana> "Man, guys like you are so frustrating."
  784. [23:41] * Adana sighs and closes her eyes.
  785. [23:41] <Adana> "that's good though, people that are easy to deal with are boring."
  786. [23:42] <@JohnnyS> "Oh? So you like people you'd consider a challenge to deal with it, miss Adana?"
  787. [23:42] <Adana> "How do I put it......."
  788. [23:42] <@JohnnyS> *deal with
  789. [23:42] <@JohnnyS> (fucking it out of nowhere)
  790. [23:42] <Adana> "I've seen enough to find easy things boring.... I like things... /hard/" She says with a grin.
  791. [23:42] <Johan> "I'm glad you find me at least entertaining." He then turns to look at Eliza. "And Miss Eliza, anyone can become good, no matter how dark the soul may seem."
  792. [23:42] <@JohnnyS> "Oh? Oh ho ho."
  793. [23:43] <@JohnnyS> "Nyo ho ho."
  794. [23:43] <@JohnnyS> "NYO HO HO."
  795. [23:43] * Johan tilts his head once again. "...Is hard something funny now?"
  796. [23:43] * JohnnyS stares deadpan at Johan for a second, then bursts into laughter
  797. [23:43] <@JohnnyS> "NYO HO HO HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"
  798. [23:43] <@Eliza> "I think I know what she's gettin at"
  799. [23:43] <Adana> "Words that mean more than one thing can be funny in a lot of ways, Joey."
  800. [23:44] <@JohnnyS> "Man, I'm tired."
  801. [23:44] <Johan> "Miss Eliza, I believe your brother is having some sort of attack. Will he be alright?"
  802. [23:44] * Adana smiles genuinely.
  803. [23:44] * Eliza walks over to Adana and curls back up. "He'll be fine"
  804. [23:44] <Adana> "This will be fun.
  805. [23:44] <@JohnnyS> "I think I'm going to pass out on this chair."
  806. [23:44] <Adana> REALLY fun....."
  807. [23:44] <Johan> "Words that mean more than one thing? ...What other meaning could hard have?" He says as he seems to be in deep thought about it.
  808. [23:45] * JohnnyS giggles a bit more at Johan
  809. [23:45] <@JohnnyS> "Ahh, man."
  810. [23:45] <@JohnnyS> "Too good."
  811. [23:45] <Adana> "I'm sure you'll figure it out if you think enough on it!"
  812. [23:45] <Adana> "A riddle is no fun if I give you the answer right?..."
  813. [23:45] * Adana giggles.
  814. [23:46] <Johan> "Well, I've often heard the phrases hard wood...hard steel...iron hard...hard rock and rock hard....but they all mean the same thing."
  815. [23:46] <Adana> (Adana has the "Adorable" flaw, now that she's being herself so to speak she literally oozes moe.)
  816. [23:46] <@JohnnyS> "hmm....Liza....Lizaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa."
  817. [23:46] <@JohnnyS> "Cmereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee."
  818. [23:46] * Eliza pokes her head up. "Nn?"
  819. [23:46] * Eliza lazily walks over. "What is it?"
  820. [23:47] * JohnnyS quickly grabs Eliza and drags her down to the floor and snuggles her unmercifully. "Thanks for the pillow
  821. [23:47] <Johan> (Alright guys, I'MA PASS THE FUCK OUT. I'm really REALLY tired. See you all tomorrow)
  822. [23:47] <@Eliza> "OH GOD OH GOD STOP"
  823. [23:47] * Eliza reaches up from the floor
  824. [23:47] <@Eliza> "I'M BEING RAPED BY LOVE HELP"
  825. [23:47] <Adana> "I'm gonna pretend Johan sits up in deep thought pondering the meaning of hard all night....)
  826. [23:47] <Johan> (That's exacly what he's going to do)
  827. [23:47] * JohnnyS snuggleloves Eliza
  828. [23:48] <@JohnnyS> "Ahh, bliss."
  829. [23:48] <Johan> (Because though not dumb, his mind would never head to lewd)
  830. [23:48] * Eliza squirms. "HELP! HELP! I'M BEING OPPRESSED!"
  831. [23:48] <Adana> "Would you prefer a different kind of rape?" Adana asks the wiggling catgirl.
  833. [23:48] * JohnnyS glares at Adana
  834. [23:48] <@JohnnyS> "No
  835. [23:48] <@JohnnyS> Mine
  836. [23:48] <@JohnnyS> "
  837. [23:48] <Adana> "I wasn't implying anything.~"
  839. [23:48] * Adana shrugs.
  840. [23:48] <@JohnnyS> "
  841. [23:49] <Adana> "Besides she's not.... properly equipped for me."
  842. [23:49] <@JohnnyS> (alright, so let's call it a night?)
  843. [23:49] <Brutus> (And so Johnny was the defensive Childhood friend character)
  844. [23:49] <Adana> "Though I could be persuaded...."
  845. [23:49] <@JohnnyS> "....Lewd."
  846. [23:49] * Adana drools a little.
  847. [23:49] <@JohnnyS> "ALSO NO."
  848. [23:49] <@JohnnyS> "....not unless I'm there."
  849. [23:49] * JohnnyS smirks lewdly at Adana
  850. [23:49] <@Eliza> "...Ew."
  851. [23:49] <Adana> "EVEN BETTER!"
  852. [23:49] <@Eliza> "Can we not?"
  853. [23:50] <@JohnnyS> "Here adana, watch this."
  854. [23:50] <@Eliza> "I'M PURE AN INNOCENT, I SWEARS IT"
  855. [23:50] <@Eliza> "Wh-what are you doing"
  856. [23:50] * JohnnyS grabs Eliza's ears gently and begins rubbing them slowly
  857. [23:50] <@Eliza> "St-aahhh..oh god ears..ears...too sensitive..."
  858. [23:50] <Brutus> (Okay, and with that we are going to stop for the night)
  859. [23:50] * Eliza purrs and curls back up
  860. [23:50] <@JohnnyS> yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
  861. [23:50] <@JohnnyS> good session everyone
  862. [23:50] <@JohnnyS> good good session
  863. [23:50] <@JohnnyS> also
  864. [23:51] <@JohnnyS> fuck editing that pastebin
  865. [23:51] <Adana> "MATUK! SNUGGLES!"
  866. [23:51] <@JohnnyS> I'm leaving it raw as fuck
  867. [23:51] <@JohnnyS> fuck all of you
  868. [23:51] * Adana snuggles her muscley orc.
  869. [23:51] <@Eliza> Poor Taco
  870. [23:51] <@Eliza> the fuck has he gotten himself into
  871. [23:51] <Brutus> We will pick up with Mr. Orc warning Lady Adana that the old man is coming.
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