
lcg friendlies tactics

Sep 14th, 2023 (edited)
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  1. Tictacs vs /bag/ - Preset 3 and go +1. Sub in Graze The Grass & SUDDENLY for the starting CBs, sub in Zenagremlin for Lol&. At 65 Sub the SS players on the far left & far right for the LB & RB sub respectively and sub Zena for Faust. If in ET, sub out the most tired non-medal for whoever the replacement is.
  2. Tictacs vs /fgog/ - Preset 2. Lol& must start regardless of condition. Subs at 65 for best conditions. If losing at 65, go Preset 3 and go +1.
  3. Tictacs vs /dbg/ - Preset 2. Switch Dripsault at the start for whoever the non-medal CMF is. Switch Krooming & +300 Lunacy for the 2 Starting CBs. Subs at 65, El Mexicana Filtro for the LB and N(TR) Corp for Don Rape. If losing at 65, go Preset 3 and go +1.
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