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a guest
Jul 25th, 2016
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  1. #Autor: screamking1337
  2. #zabraniam podszywania sie pod autora
  3. #zabraniam usuwania linijki z autorem
  4. on rightclick on air:
  5. cancel event
  6. if player's tool is blaze rod:
  7. wait 1 ticks
  8. open chest with 1 rows named "&8ร‚ยป &cZestawy!" to player
  9. format slot 8 of player with red stained glass named "&4Zamknij" with lore "&5Kliknij LPM aby zamknac!" to close
  10. wait 3 ticks
  11. format slot 0 of player with iron pickaxe named "&cKit GRACZ" to close then run [execute console command "sudo %player% kits Gracz"]
  12. wait 3 ticks
  13. format slot 1 of player with diamond sword named "&cKit VIP" to close then run [execute console command "/sudo %player% kits VIP"]
  14. wait 3 ticks
  15. format slot 2 of player with enchanted golden apple named "&cKit SVIP" to close then run [execute console command "/sudo %player% kits SVIP"]
  16. wait 3 ticks
  17. format slot 7 of player with compass named "&4&lKIT ADMIN" to close then run [execute console command "/kits ADMIN %player%"]
  18. command /kit:
  19. trigger:
  20. give 1 blaze rod of infinity 10 named "&a&lZestawy" with lore "5&lKliknij prawym, aby otworzyc zestawy!" to player
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