
[Queen's Paradise: Prologue - Queen of the Ocean]

Jun 17th, 2013
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  1. [10:00] <!CYOA-sama> [Queen's Paradise: Prologue - Queen of the Ocean]
  2. [10:01] <!CYOA-sama> "Is this really necessary?" Lucia asks as she looks out over the marble lined mote surrounding the castle.
  3. [10:02] <!CYOA-sama> "Bring it in slowly!" Sir Bradly shouts to the train of carts carrying water from the river.
  4. [10:02] <!CYOA-sama> "Yes it is, there is no one who wants these treaties to succeed more than the merfolk, we must open our arms to Ocean to the best of our ability.
  5. [10:04] <!CYOA-sama> Aldeas leads Lucia around the mote, the 30x30 trench circles the entire castle and has a passage into a pair of rooms that will be completely submerged.
  6. [10:04] <!CYOA-sama> "Well... at least it looks nice." Lucia says as she runs her hand along the marble.
  7. [10:04] <!CYOA-sama> "Come on, let's get out so they can start filling it. Lady Oceana will be here within the day most likely."
  8. [10:06] <!CYOA-sama> "Excuse me!" Mesina says as she pops her head out and looks down into the mote.
  9. [10:07] <!CYOA-sama> "She's here, and she looks cranky." The redhead says as she lowers a rope ladder for Aldeas and Lucia.
  10. [10:07] <!CYOA-sama> "Ahahaha~ I suppose I'll go see if I can cheer her up then." Aldeas says as he climbs.
  11. [10:08] <!CYOA-sama> "Why does it seem like you enjoy dealing with the hostile ones more than the friendly ones..." Lucia comments as her husband scales the marble wall.
  12. [10:09] <!CYOA-sama> "You need help?" Mesina asks as Lucia climbs the ladder with one hand and holds her skirt down with the other.
  13. [10:09] <!CYOA-sama> "N-no, I'm fine."
  14. [10:09] <!CYOA-sama> Mesina giggles as she watches her friend awkwardly scale the ladder.
  15. [10:10] <!CYOA-sama> Meanwhile, Aldeas quickly walks to the throne room and enters to see a tall woman in elegant flowing blue and white robes.
  16. [10:10] <!CYOA-sama> She stands six feet tall and her long blue hair flows elegantly.
  17. [10:12] <!CYOA-sama> She has long slender legs poking out under her elegant skirt and her only distinctly monstrous feature is her fin-like ears.
  18. [10:12] <!CYOA-sama> Her deep blue eyes look at Aldeas with a bit of pouty anger that is not at all unattractive.
  19. [10:13] <!CYOA-sama> Her figure is nice, her curves are pronounced but not overly exaggerated like on many monstergirls.
  20. [10:13] <!CYOA-sama> "Lady Oceana..." Aldeas says as he kneels.
  21. [10:13] <!CYOA-sama> "Do I look like a kraken to you fool?" The woman says with a condescending tone as she runs her hand through her hair.
  22. [10:14] <!CYOA-sama> "I am Aquaria, the Herald of Queen Oceana. I've just come to make sure you have the proper facilities for her."
  23. [10:15] <!CYOA-sama> "This shabby shack of a castle will never do you know..." The woman says as she walks past the kneeling Aldeas without acknowledging him.
  24. [10:15] <!CYOA-sama> Lucia and Mesina arrive in time to see Aquaria's display of total disrespect.
  25. [10:15] <!CYOA-sama> Aldeas stands after she turns her back on him.
  26. [10:15] <!CYOA-sama> "My apologies, we've constructed a mote that will serve as quarters for the two of you."
  27. [10:16] <!CYOA-sama> "A moat? So you'd have us sleep in a fish tank?" The blue haired woman says as she turns and stares coldly at Aldeas.
  28. [10:16] <!CYOA-sama> "Yes.... my apologies if that is disrespectful, but you require wat-" SLAP.
  29. [10:17] <!CYOA-sama> The entire throne room falls silent as the tall woman strikes Aldeas across the face.
  30. [10:18] <!CYOA-sama> "Do not tell me what we require boy, both Oceana and I are able to adapt as we must. How can you run a kingdom when you're so presumptuous."
  31. [10:18] <!CYOA-sama> ".... My apologies." Aldeas says as he looks into the eyes of the tall woman.
  32. [10:19] <!CYOA-sama> "How DARE you...." Lucia's normally reserved voice cuts across the throne room as she storms towards the tall woman.
  33. [10:19] <!CYOA-sama> Mesina doesn't even think to stop her as the shock from the slap still has her mouth agape.
  34. [10:19] <!CYOA-sama> "This is OUR palace, witch. How dare you come into MY home and lay hands on my husband!"
  35. [10:20] <!CYOA-sama> "Oh, another child, how cu-" Lucia drags the six foot woman down to eye level by her blouse.
  36. [10:20] <!CYOA-sama> "Give me one reason not to have you executed right now!" Lucia says as her expression literally boils with rage.
  37. [10:20] <!CYOA-sama> "Lucia, that's enough." Aldeas says as he places a hand on hers.
  38. [10:21] <!CYOA-sama> The couple glare at one another and Lucia eventually yields and loosens her grasp.
  39. [10:21] <!CYOA-sama> "How can you let her treat you like that?"
  40. [10:22] <!CYOA-sama> Aldeas pauses and waits for Aquaria to readjust her clothing and retake her dignified stance.
  41. [10:22] <!CYOA-sama> "Lucia.... do you see lady Aquaria's legs?"
  42. [10:22] <!CYOA-sama> "What about them?" Lucia says as she glaces with angry eyes at the woman's legs.
  43. [10:22] <!CYOA-sama> Wait..... legs.
  44. [10:23] <!CYOA-sama> "You understand?.... That is proof that she has total faith in the treaties, she can make any demand she wants of me after going so far for my cause."
  45. [10:23] <!CYOA-sama> Aquaria crosses her arms, and says nothing maintaining the same cold expression she has since the start.
  46. [10:24] <!CYOA-sama> Mesina raises her hand.
  47. [10:24] <!CYOA-sama> "I'm stupid so can somebody explain what's so special about her legs besides how long and sexy they are?"
  48. [10:24] <!CYOA-sama> Lucia bites her lip and looks down.
  49. [10:25] <!CYOA-sama> "She's mutilated herself..... if she's the herald of Oceana then she must be a Sea Bishop, a species of mermaid."
  50. [10:25] <!CYOA-sama> "It would normally be impossible for her to ever come live at the palace."
  51. [10:25] <!CYOA-sama> "But through a magic ritual mermaids can give themselves human legs permanently, it's normally done when they marry a human man."
  52. [10:26] <!CYOA-sama> "She... can never return to the ocean now."
  53. [10:26] <!CYOA-sama> Aldeas pats Lucia's head and continues.
  54. [10:26] <!CYOA-sama> "Furthermore the legs are so sensitive when they first form walking on them is akin to standing on a bed of needles."
  55. [10:27] <!CYOA-sama> "Lady Aquaria has endured a great deal and sacrificed much just to come slap my face!" Aldeas says with a smile.
  56. [10:27] <!CYOA-sama> For the first time the expression of the cold Aquaria changes slightly and as she visibly feels a pang of guilt.
  57. [10:28] <!CYOA-sama> "You understand my people better than I thought you did your majesty..." She says.
  58. [10:28] <!CYOA-sama> Aquaria slowly gets on her hands and knees.
  59. [10:28] <!CYOA-sama> Her round butt perks up in the air as she kneels.
  60. [10:28] <!CYOA-sama> "I apologize for raising my hand to you."
  61. [10:28] <!CYOA-sama> "And I apologize to you as well your grace...."
  62. [10:29] <!CYOA-sama> Lucia crosses her arms.
  63. [10:29] <!CYOA-sama> "You're forgiven..."
  64. [10:29] <!CYOA-sama> Aquaria stands again and dusts off her dress.
  65. [10:29] <!CYOA-sama> "May I... see the quarters you've prepared for us?"
  66. [10:29] <!CYOA-sama> "Of course!" Aldeas responds as he holds out his hand.
  67. [10:30] <!CYOA-sama> Aquaria takes it hesitantly, her cold expression remaining unchanged.
  68. [10:30] <!CYOA-sama> ".... Your majesty may I inquire something?" Aquaria asks as the group returns to the mote.
  69. [10:30] <!CYOA-sama> "Of course." Aldeas responds warmly.
  70. [10:30] <!CYOA-sama> ".... Why is it you know so much about merfolk?"
  71. [10:31] <!CYOA-sama> "The short answer is because I study all the monster races closely so as to not repeat a.... prior mistake." Aldeas says as he remembers his meeting with the Amazon Queen.
  72. [10:32] <!CYOA-sama> "But honestly I'd have known even without studying.... because when I was young I went fishing with one of my fathers knights and met a young mermaid girl."
  73. [10:32] <!CYOA-sama> "This was even before I met Lucia, but I distinctly remember her being my first love, even if it was just love at first sight."
  74. [10:33] <!CYOA-sama> "She gave me a small misshapen pearl that even now I keep close to me. though Lucia's tried to throw it out more than once!" Aldeas says as he shoots a look at his furiously blushing wife.
  75. [10:33] <!CYOA-sama> "... may I see it?" Aquaria asks.
  76. [10:34] <!CYOA-sama> Aldeas pulls the small pearl on a golden chain from his pocket.
  77. [10:34] <!CYOA-sama> "The chain is broken so I can't wear it, but this is it." He says as he places it in Aquaria's hand.
  78. [10:34] <!CYOA-sama> ......
  79. [10:34] <!CYOA-sama> The cold look on her face curves ever so slightly into a smile.
  80. [10:35] <!CYOA-sama> "I see..." She says as she returns the pearl to Aldeas.
  81. [10:35] <!CYOA-sama> "No." He says with a smile. "Keep it, think of it as a circular promise between our people."
  82. [10:36] <!CYOA-sama> Aquaria clasps her hand around the pearl and holds it to her chest.
  83. [10:36] <!CYOA-sama> "Thank you... your majesty." She says with the slightest tinge of pink to her cheeks.
  84. [10:36] <!CYOA-sama> [Intermission]
  87. [10:48] <!CYOA-sama> [Intermission Out]
  88. [10:49] <!CYOA-sama> As the group tour the moat Aquaria grows less cold until she can smile confidently.
  89. [10:49] <!CYOA-sama> Sir Bradly looks down as the group of four tour the mote ankle deep in water.
  90. [10:49] <!CYOA-sama> "The lad's charisma is as infectious as ever I see."
  91. [10:50] <!CYOA-sama> "So it seems." Helga the head maid replies as the two coordinate the water dumping.
  92. [10:51] <!CYOA-sama> "Hold on a tick.... that girl looks familiar." Sir Bradly says as he scrunches his grizzled face and looks closely at Aquaria.
  93. [10:51] <!CYOA-sama> "Nah.... must be imagining things, that lass has legs."
  94. [10:51] <!CYOA-sama> The old knight shrugs and goes back it his work.
  95. [10:52] <!CYOA-sama> "These... will suffice, it was a good decision to use the marble tiling to keep the water clean." Aquaria says as she examines her room.
  96. [10:53] <!CYOA-sama> "I'm glad you approve." Aldeas says with a triumphant look on his face.
  97. [10:54] <!CYOA-sama> "Lady Oceana will arrive shortly." Aquaria says. "I've just sent her escorts a telepathic message.
  98. [10:54] <!CYOA-sama> "Wonderful!" Lucia says as she places her hands together, not over her rage from earlier.
  99. [10:54] <!CYOA-sama> "Let's go help the servants prepare the seafood dinner Messy." Lucia says as she tugs on her friends arm.
  100. [10:55] <!CYOA-sama> "Y-yes...." 'When did she start actually calling me Messy...'
  101. [10:55] <!CYOA-sama> As the pair scurry to the kitchen Mesina ponders something.
  102. [10:55] <!CYOA-sama> "Lady Lucia...." she says as she's dragged along.
  103. [10:56] <!CYOA-sama> "Yes?" Lucia replies with a beaming smile.
  104. [10:56] <!CYOA-sama> "C-can I call you Lucy or something so we both have nicknames?" Mesina asks with a blush.
  105. [10:56] <!CYOA-sama> Lucia's cheeks turn red and she nods.
  106. [10:56] <!CYOA-sama> "N-nobody has called me Lucy since Aldeas and I were children...."
  107. [10:57] <!CYOA-sama> "Well you are the queen now...."
  108. [10:57] <!CYOA-sama> "W-what does that have to do with it!?" Lucia asks suddenly concerned about coming across as too uppity.
  109. [10:57] <!CYOA-sama> 'Shit, wrong bubble again...'
  110. [10:57] <!CYOA-sama> Meanwhile.
  111. [10:58] <!CYOA-sama> "They're full of energy all of a sudden. I'm glad they've become friends."
  112. [10:58] <!CYOA-sama> Aldeas stands next to Aquaria.
  113. [10:58] <!CYOA-sama> The tall beautiful blue haired woman stares at the boy unblinking as if contemplating something.
  114. [10:59] <!CYOA-sama> "Is something wrong?" Aldeas asks as he notices her eyes baring down on him.
  115. [10:59] <!CYOA-sama> "No... not really...."
  116. [10:59] <!CYOA-sama> Aquaria's smile hides an obvious secret but Aldeas' gentlemanly instincts tell him not to pry.
  117. [11:00] <!CYOA-sama> After concluding the tour the pair rejoins with Lucia and Mesina, who now cling to each other like sisters.
  118. [11:00] <!CYOA-sama> "You two look like you've had fun."
  119. [11:00] <!CYOA-sama> Aldeas grins at the girls.
  120. [11:01] <!CYOA-sama> "I learned something interesting." Lucia says.
  121. [11:01] <!CYOA-sama> "It turns out Messy ca-" Mesina quickly covers Lucia's mouth.
  122. [11:01] <!CYOA-sama> 'The last thing I need is my competition bragging to the man I love about how I managed to burn sushi....'
  123. [11:02] <!CYOA-sama> 'Shit waifu 0/10 would not wed.'
  124. [11:02] <!CYOA-sama> Mesina hangs her head as she depresses herself with her own inner monologue.
  125. [11:03] <!CYOA-sama> "She's here." Aquaria says as the gates swing open and a carriage is placed gently on the ground by a group of muscular male naga before they slither away.
  126. [11:04] <!CYOA-sama> A large white tentacle reaches out of the carriage and slides open the curtain.
  127. [11:04] <!CYOA-sama> The lumbering form of a 10foot tall scylla with long white hair and a dozen thick tentacles comes scuttling out.
  128. [11:05] <!CYOA-sama> Her massive breasts are bare except for a pair of seashells inexplicably covering her nipples and a blue silken scarf is wrapped just above her tentacled half to cover her crotch.
  129. [11:06] <!CYOA-sama> The kraken looks down at the group with lazy eyes and a goody smile.
  130. [11:07] <!CYOA-sama> "Araaa~ It looks like Aqua has made friends~ I'm so glad~" She says in a gentle breathy voice as her tentacle wraps around Aquaria's waist and pulls her up into a hug.
  131. [11:07] <!CYOA-sama> The tall blue hair woman is dwarfed by the massive Kraken as she's smothered between her huge breasts.
  132. [11:08] <!CYOA-sama> "Yes.... welcome my lady." Aquaria says with a muffled voice from betwixt Oceana's busom.
  133. [11:09] <!CYOA-sama> "Araaa~ Are you the king?" Oceana says as she points to Aldeas after freeing Aquaria.
  134. [11:09] <!CYOA-sama> "Yes, milady." Aldeas bows slightly.
  135. [11:10] <!CYOA-sama> "Araaa~ You're just tooo cute. Do you want to snuggle with me?" The large kraken asks as she places her hands on either side of her face and makes kissy faces at Aldeas.
  136. [11:10] <!CYOA-sama> "I apologize milady but I'm married."
  137. [11:11] <!CYOA-sama> Araaa?~ There's nothing sexual about cuddling~" Oceana says as she flails her tentacles on the virge of tears.
  138. [11:11] <!CYOA-sama> This is the queen of the ocean?...
  139. [11:11] <!CYOA-sama> Aldeas sighs.
  140. [11:12] <!CYOA-sama> "If it's not a euphemism then I'd love to cuddle." He says.
  141. [11:12] <!CYOA-sama> Oceana squees with joy as she scoops up Aldeas and pulls him into her chest.
  142. [11:12] <!CYOA-sama> Her large arms wrap tightly around him as she wraps him in her tentacles and giggles.
  143. [11:13] <!CYOA-sama> Aldeas settles into Oceana's breasts and the group begins discussing the plans for the peace treaties.
  144. [11:13] <!CYOA-sama> Oceana simply leaves all the thinking up to Aquaria and agrees with whatever she says.
  145. [11:13] <!CYOA-sama> What a good dynamic....
  146. [11:13] <!CYOA-sama> Oceana's absurd power and Aquaria's not-being-retard-moe seems to make for a good balance.
  147. [11:15] <!CYOA-sama> After the talks conclude Oceana and Aquaria go to the now filled mote and settle in.
  148. [11:15] <!CYOA-sama> "Araa?~ We have seperate rooms? B-but I want to cuddle!~" Oceana whines.
  149. [11:15] <!CYOA-sama> Aquaria sighs and climbs atop her child-like mistress.
  150. [11:16] <!CYOA-sama> "Fine, just until you find a pet though. I'll speak to the king about getting us a dolphin or something..."
  151. [11:16] <!CYOA-sama> "Yay~ I love you Aqua~"
  152. [11:16] <!CYOA-sama> "Yes, yes..."
  153. [11:16] <!CYOA-sama> Aquaria lays on Oceana's breasts.
  154. [11:17] <!CYOA-sama> "Say.... isn't he the boy you told me about when we met?"
  155. [11:17] <!CYOA-sama> "....."
  156. [11:17] <!CYOA-sama> "I have no idea what you're talking about my lady."
  157. [11:17] <!CYOA-sama> "Araaa?~ Okay then~"
  158. [11:17] <!CYOA-sama> Aquaria closes her eyes.
  159. [11:18] <!CYOA-sama> A distant memory of a silly, child-like promise surfaces.
  160. [11:18] <!CYOA-sama> "Eh? You're a prince? that's pretty cool!" the young tomboyish mermaid says as she splashes her tail while clinging to the side of the boat.
  161. [11:18] <!CYOA-sama> The young Aldeas grins widely.
  162. [11:19] <!CYOA-sama> "You're pretty enough to be a princess you know! We should get married!"
  163. [11:19] <!CYOA-sama> "E-eh?! I'm not pretty or anything! What are you into boys?"
  164. [11:20] <!CYOA-sama> "Ahahahahahaha! You are though. Here, it's a promise." Aldeas says as he holds his pinky out to the girl. "When we grow up we can get married and you'll be a princess okay?"
  165. [11:21] <!CYOA-sama> "Eeeeeh? That's silly, who promises to get married like that." The blushing tomboy mermaid says as her short blue hair hangs over her eyes.
  166. [11:21] <!CYOA-sama> ".... Fine, but you better not forget." She says as she laces her pinky with his.
  167. [11:21] <!CYOA-sama> "Wait here... I'm going to give you something."
  168. [11:22] <!CYOA-sama> Aquaria's eyes open as she feels the soft smooth surface of the funnily heart shaped pearl she clutches to her chest.
  169. [11:23] <!CYOA-sama> The curvy feminine woman smiles and shakes her head at the silly memory.
  170. [11:23] <!CYOA-sama> Even so, she can't help but hold the pearl close to her chest as she drifts to sleep.
  171. [11:23] <!CYOA-sama> Oceana knowingly wraps her tentacles around the sleeping girl and giggles.
  172. [11:23] <!CYOA-sama> [Queen of the Ocean - End]
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