

Aug 28th, 2018
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  1. . ____ _ __ _ _
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  6. =========|_|==============|___/=/_/_/_/
  7. :: Spring Boot :: (v1.1.8.RELEASE)
  9. 2018-08-29 10:11:37.388 [INFO] - Starting Application on widana with PID 10162 (/home/sts/jleaf/jleaf-script/webpos-intgr-listener/target/classes started by sts in /home/sts/jleaf/jleaf-script/webpos-intgr-listener)
  10. 2018-08-29 10:11:37.391 [DEBUG] - Running with Spring Boot v1.1.8.RELEASE, Spring v4.0.7.RELEASE
  11. 2018-08-29 10:11:37.392 [DEBUG] org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication:606 - Loading source class
  12. 2018-08-29 10:11:39.046 [DEBUG] org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.AutoConfigurationPackages:142 - @EnableAutoConfiguration was declared on a class in the package ''. Automatic @Repository and @Entity scanning is enabled.
  13. 2018-08-29 10:11:39.125 [INFO] org.springframework.integration.config.IntegrationRegistrar:279 - No bean named 'integrationHeaderChannelRegistry' has been explicitly defined. Therefore, a default DefaultHeaderChannelRegistry will be created.
  14. 2018-08-29 10:11:39.129 [DEBUG] org.springframework.integration.config.IntegrationRegistrar:208 - SpEL function '#jsonPath' isn't registered: there is no jayway json-path.jar on the classpath.
  15. 2018-08-29 10:11:39.130 [DEBUG] org.springframework.integration.config.IntegrationRegistrar:231 - SpEL function '#xpath' isn't registered: there is no spring-integration-xml.jar on the classpath.
  16. 2018-08-29 10:11:39.657 [INFO] org.springframework.integration.config.DefaultConfiguringBeanFactoryPostProcessor:130 - No bean named 'errorChannel' has been explicitly defined. Therefore, a default PublishSubscribeChannel will be created.
  17. 2018-08-29 10:11:39.663 [INFO] org.springframework.integration.config.DefaultConfiguringBeanFactoryPostProcessor:154 - No bean named 'taskScheduler' has been explicitly defined. Therefore, a default ThreadPoolTaskScheduler will be created.
  18. 2018-08-29 10:11:40.265 [INFO] org.springframework.scheduling.concurrent.ThreadPoolTaskScheduler:165 - Initializing ExecutorService 'taskScheduler'
  19. 2018-08-29 10:11:40.435 [DEBUG] org.springframework.beans.BeanUtils:441 - No property editor [org.springframework.orm.jpa.vendor.DatabaseEditor] found for type org.springframework.orm.jpa.vendor.Database according to 'Editor' suffix convention
  20. 2018-08-29 10:11:41.629 [INFO] org.hibernate.annotations.common.Version:37 - Hibernate Commons Annotations 3.2.0.Final
  21. 2018-08-29 10:11:42.121 [INFO] org.hibernate.dialect.Dialect:108 - Using dialect: org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect
  22. 2018-08-29 10:11:42.130 [INFO] org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.JdbcSupportLoader:70 - Disabling contextual LOB creation as connection was null
  23. 2018-08-29 10:11:42.137 [INFO] org.hibernate.hql.ast.ASTQueryTranslatorFactory:47 - Using ASTQueryTranslatorFactory
  24. 2018-08-29 10:11:42.371 [DEBUG] org.hibernate.impl.SessionFactoryObjectFactory:61 - initializing class SessionFactoryObjectFactory
  25. 2018-08-29 10:11:42.373 [DEBUG] org.hibernate.impl.SessionFactoryObjectFactory:99 - registered: d37f98e8-94ca-4c89-b56c-f41455605bdb (unnamed)
  26. 2018-08-29 10:11:42.374 [INFO] org.hibernate.impl.SessionFactoryObjectFactory:105 - Not binding factory to JNDI, no JNDI name configured
  27. 2018-08-29 10:11:43.041 [DEBUG] - Found MBeanServer: com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.JmxMBeanServer@29ab0eef
  28. 2018-08-29 10:11:43.568 [DEBUG] org.springframework.integration.config.GlobalChannelInterceptorProcessor:81 - No global channel interceptors.
  29. 2018-08-29 10:11:43.571 [INFO] org.springframework.integration.endpoint.EventDrivenConsumer:83 - Adding {logging-channel-adapter:_org.springframework.integration.errorLogger} as a subscriber to the 'errorChannel' channel
  30. 2018-08-29 10:11:43.571 [INFO] - Channel 'application.errorChannel' has 1 subscriber(s).
  31. 2018-08-29 10:11:43.571 [INFO] org.springframework.integration.endpoint.EventDrivenConsumer:90 - started _org.springframework.integration.errorLogger
  32. 2018-08-29 10:11:43.575 [DEBUG] - Test
  33. Hellow world
  34. 2018-08-29 10:11:43.583 [INFO] org.springframework.integration.endpoint.EventDrivenConsumer:83 - Removing {logging-channel-adapter:_org.springframework.integration.errorLogger} as a subscriber to the 'errorChannel' channel
  35. 2018-08-29 10:11:43.585 [INFO] - Channel 'application.errorChannel' has 0 subscriber(s).
  36. 2018-08-29 10:11:43.586 [INFO] org.springframework.integration.endpoint.EventDrivenConsumer:106 - stopped _org.springframework.integration.errorLogger
  37. 2018-08-29 10:11:43.614 [INFO] org.springframework.scheduling.concurrent.ThreadPoolTaskScheduler:203 - Shutting down ExecutorService 'taskScheduler'
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