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Cutting Teeth

a guest
Jul 23rd, 2020
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  1. Every day she sees the creatures of this world using their mouths
  2. Soft
  3. perfectly plump lips
  4. glistening teeth
  6. They bare them to their loved ones
  7. A sign
  8. A Silent greeting
  9. An expression of joy that they can see those who they hold dearly again, reassurance. Love
  11. But Eve? her teeth are like that of a beast\
  13. Her lips thin
  14. almost phantasmal
  15. Instead of a pink, soft place of pearly white hers were a sea of pikes
  16. Thick and razor tipped
  17. unlike the thinner, blunt ones that she coveted
  19. Deep in her heart, she wanted to be like them
  20. to be closer to them
  21. to him
  23. But how can she?
  24. No, she was like a beast
  25. a monster
  26. a predator
  27. her teeth did not chew softly
  28. They gnashed and tore
  29. To her, her mouth was a black hole
  30. She hated it and hid her shame under a veil of indifference
  31. Yet she envied the dainty lady
  32. their petite faces, almond eyes
  33. Their ample figure
  34. Their soft skin
  36. Anondel knew this
  37. he was her confidant
  38. so whenever Eve returned from her trips to the outside world far beyond the dark of their forest home, shoulders heavy with loot and envy to sulk
  39. he reminded her of her perfection
  41. When she screamed about her dull body he would reminder her of her lithely figure
  43. when she bemoaned her large, yellowed eyes, he reminded her how they are the envy of the moon itself
  44. not even it could compare, not even it could absorb the golden light of the heavens
  46. When she complained about her horns he would simply rub them, marveling at how regal they made her
  47. her crown
  48. given by no one
  50. Her tail? No creature could match the skill she wielded her tail
  51. as if it was another arm, she could use it just as well if not better
  52. it was thin and sleek and perfect
  53. and her lips?
  54. Her fondest memory
  55. When he stooped to her level and lifted the grim, heavy helm from his shoulders
  57. He inched close enough, quietly and to her surprise, nervously
  58. and she followed him
  59. for a moment that felt like a millennium their lips touched
  60. her white face flushed with new feeling
  61. her insides fluttered
  62. his lips soft
  63. his embrace warm
  64. and she knew in that moment, he felt it too
  66. Yes. she knew
  67. Even if Eve could not yet accept it she knew her master did
  68. She was perfection in his eyes
  69. that was good enough for her
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