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Kite Rye Carnival

a guest
Aug 7th, 2012
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  1. [21:50:46] <Halide> *Fillydelphia's seaside fair wasn't something to miss for any pony who liked the coasts and the fun and the sun and the surf and the breeze! Filly-Rye, of course, liked all these things and more, and as such she was most certianly pesent! Not as a chef, but as a guest, one of a great many at that! For now, she was just enjoying the parade and the fair, a hoof-full of churros in a pouch at her hip, a flag in her hoof, a hat
  2. [21:50:46] <Halide> on her head, and a big grin on her face, there was the rather tubby young lady. What a fun day in Fillydelphea!*
  3. [22:02:24] <Kite> A big crowd; a big crowd was what Kite needed right at this point, and she was very lucky to have stumbled upon the Fillydelphia Seaside Fair. A narrow run-in with a guard pony that just so happened to recognize a stolen suit of armor meant that Kite needed someplace to vanish, and the fair would be perfect! Of course, the armor stood out even more amongst(c)
  4. [22:04:19] <Kite> the sun-loving crowd, but Kite hoped she'd maybe pass as a mascot or something. The sun glinted quite mercilessly; it was a hot one today. "A-alright Kite, just stay calm, everything'll be okay..." She mumbled to herself, looking back as she trotted into the fair, not paying attention to where she was headed and bumping into somepony. "Oh! S-sorry!"
  5. [22:09:41] <Halide> *Bwomph! Something relatively cold and metal bumped into her side, leaving her a little off-balance! A quick hoof-tapping dance to keep Filly-Rye's "full-figured" frame from falling, and the unicorn's full attention was retention on the collision remission and the causer thereof! ...Wait, what? No, she just looked at whoever bumped into her. "Hunh? Oh! Oh, no pr...Heeeey!" The casual smile broke into a big ol' grin - she
  6. [22:09:41] <Halide> recognized the voice, the stature, and the funky armor! That was a friend, sorta! Friends got hugs, maybe? Maybe not, Kite didn't strike her as the huggy-touchy type, so it was mostly just a big smile. "Heya darlin'! Fancy meetin' you here, I didn' know y'all liked fairs like this!"
  7. [22:13:19] <Kite> "Huh..!? O-oh! Miss Filly Rye!" The little pegasus gave a polite bow, her visor clinking lightly. "Nice to see you again! I uh, just kinda walked into it, actually." She gave a sheepish grin. "The fair, I mean! Well, and you too! Because uh..." She paused, looking over her shoulder. No guards in sight - yet. (c)
  8. [22:14:11] <Kite> "...because I love fairs...? I mean, I've never been to one, but i-it sounds neat! I mean, not much for a knight to do at a fair, but you never know, right?"
  9. [22:18:26] <Halide> "Well, that explains y'all walkin' in on the fair, but it don't explain why y'all bounced into me!" She giggled briefly, still all smiles and pleasantries. "Nah, I'm jus' givin' y'all a bit of a hard time, it's real nice t'see you again!" Aw, was the slightly-larger knight in the big heavy armor being bashful? That was endearing! "B'sides, there's plenty fer anypony to do at the fair! Sure, y'all'd have ta take off
  10. [22:18:26] <Halide> yer armor before gettin' on any of the rides, but hey, y'all are just as welcome to see the shows an' try the food an' see the fireworks later on! Yer not, um, here with anypony, are ya?"
  11. [22:27:25] <Kite> "With?" The armored filly blinked at her friend, not quite catching the meaning. "Oh, no, I found the fair by myself!" She scanned the crowd; there sure were alot of ponies! Tons to do, and a huge crowd, it would be easy to slip in unnoticed. "I dunno if I should try any rides though; a knight should be ready to spring into action at any second, after all!(c)
  12. [22:31:34] <Kite> " This was a half truth; the pegasus was simply not very keen on being out of her armor. "B-but the shows and the food sounds like fun! And maybe the fireworks too!" Standing still at the entrance was making Kite feel nervous; what if that guard showed? "Um... w-would you like to show me around?"
  13. [22:41:38] <Halide> "M-me?" A moment - a moment, merely, and a moment quickly gone - of fluster from the rotund young mare. But the moment was very quickly gone. "Aw, shucks, I'd be more'n happy! C'mon, I hear they got a really good few numbers up on stage! An' the games here are all kinds'a fun!" And with that, the bouncy little mare practically grabbed Kite by the hoof and 'led' her to the ticket booth. The leading, of course
  14. [22:41:38] <Halide> was a little over-excited. "I mean, I'm pleased as punch ta be here, but ta be here with a friend is jus' all sorts o' ticklin'! Y'all don't mind if we skip the oddities show, right? I ain't right interested in' seein' the bearded mare or th' stallion what can buck a train near twen'y feet."
  15. [22:45:52] <Kite> For all Kite knew, they were being chased, if Filly-Rye's enthusiasm was anything to go by; the armored pegasus was nearly dragged into the heart of the fair, with little hope of resistance! "Whoa, careful! Buck a train twenty feet!? That's...kinda neat! W-watch out..!" She clinked and clanked as she was dragged through the crowd, tossing out apologies (c)
  16. [22:47:53] <Kite> for the occasional minor collisions. "A bearded Mare does sound kinda silly, though!" She shook her helmeted head. "You pick a spot, Miss Filly-Rye! Knights... we don't know so much about fairs!"
  17. [00:00:45] <Halide> *The young chef just dragged her tank-like friend through the ponies and the crowd, all smiles and energy. "Well, them fireworks ain't likely to start till it's night... I'm guessin' y'all would rather stay in that armor, rather'n take it off just for the rides. So, let's see 'bout them games! C'mon!" And, with that, Filly-Rye was throwing bits for the entry for the both of them. ...wait, hm,
  18. [00:00:45] <Halide> there was a bit of a dilemma there. She brought enough bits for herself, souviniers, a place to stay the nights, and food. ...Kite had a tent! That'd work, and she could be ditzy and leave out the 'by the way I'm spending my hotel money on you' bit until later that evening. Coy, perhaps, but not a bad scheme! Still, it got them both into the fair, where it was a tad less crowded. The stage was setting up,
  19. [00:00:45] <Halide> a fairly bright-red and dyed pegasus seeing to placements and setup, while a few shaggy-looking stallions set about greeting an adoring audience. Darts and kickballs and baskets and hammers and ringtoss and more were concentrated in a square, while little food stands scattered all over the place! There were a few big rides, a house of mirrors among them, and more further back. Filly-Rye, for now, simply started
  20. [00:00:45] <Halide> towards the square of games, a rather noticable spring in her step, which caused her to jiggle a bit with each step. "Heck'va day for a fair, ain't it?"
  21. [00:07:52] <Kite> "It's very nice...!" The little pegasus commented, absentmindedly; the sights and sounds and smells of the fair were all quite distracting. "Eheh, a little hotter than I'm used to, but sunshine's better for a fair than rain!" She squinted at the bright sun through her visor; it felt like the orb was bearing down just on her! "But anyhow, we should find a (c)
  22. [00:10:34] <Kite> game! But which one...?" The strength test, with it's towering bell bell stood out. But then, there was also Wack-a-Parasprite, Dunk-a-Diamond Dog... "So many choices! You're the expert, Miss Filly Rye!" The little knight looked expectantly to her pudgy companion. "What should we do?"
  23. [00:30:38] <Halide> "Well, I only got so many bits... But a few games never hurt nobody! 'Cept hoofball, that one can hurt a lot if yer none too careful." A brief musing, and then Kite decided that it might be kind of fun to see how the lady in all the armor's strength was when it came to kicking! But that wasn't a fun game, and she didn't have enough bits for all the games... "Heh, well, let's try the rollerball first!" And so, that was where she went.
  24. [00:34:50] <Kite> "Rollerball?" The pegasus followed closely, examining the booth for the game Filly-Rye had chosen. She wasn't exactly sure how the game worked, but, a knight couldn't simply back down! "Umm... sure! Sounds like fun! But uhh... you go first! Because... well, a knight should always be polite!" Perfect; now Kite could see how the game was played!
  25. [00:37:31] <Halide> *A lane with a ramp at the end of it, with number-labelled baskets hanging from a slope just a little detached from it all. Roll a small ball down the lane, watch it lift up from the ramp, and try to get it in the basket with the highest numbers!* "That a fact? Y'all make knights sound more like Prince Charmin' than just regular fellas in armor with suits 'n titles!"
  26. [00:43:41] <Kite> The little knight gave a small giggle. "Well, knights aren't JUST supposed to be polite! They're supposed to be all cool and heroic and..." She pondered. "...and stuff! Y'know...! Stand up for good, umm... smite evil. Protect others." Taking one of the rollerballs in hoof, she held it up to her visor. "I wonder, are knights supposed to be good at rollerball, though?"
  27. [00:49:19] <Halide> "Well, we're about to find out!" A cheery giggle, a gentle nudge, and Filly-Rye simply stood aside, smiling away. She wasn't much of a hoof at the game either, so it wasn't like Kite would have to be that good to best her peers; for that matter, who cared how well she did, it was only a game! Still, a little stuffed animal was always a nice souvinier!
  28. [00:56:59] <Kite> Taking a moment to slide her visor up, Kite then examined the baskets, with point totals of 0, 5, 10, 25 and the hardest to hit, 50! "Hmmm!" She wrinkled her nose in concentration, before launching the first ball forward, being careful not to shoot too hard. It flew up the ramp, bounced off the rim of, and landed in, the 10 point basket! "Oooh! That was pretty good! ...Umm, that was pretty good, right?"
  29. [01:03:18] <Halide> "Well, it's way better'n the gutterball I threw, sugarcube!" Another laugh, this one a little more amused and energetic than the giggles she was prone to letting out in random bursts. But, another roll from Filly-Rye, and that brough their total point count up to twenty! "Oh, heck, that ain't bad at all! Two more fer me, three more fer you!"
  30. [01:07:10] Kite couldn't help but grin. "Nice shot, Miss Filly-Rye! But, I betcha I can get an even higher score than you...!" She gave her second ball a roll, aaand gutterball! "...on my next shot!"
  31. [01:12:01] <Halide> Another try, and that was only five! But 25 total wasn't bad! "Heh, whoops! Maybe I shouldn'a nearly tripped over my hoof there, hunh?"
  32. [01:16:59] <Kite> "It was a good shot, Miss Filly-Rye!" The pegasus plucked her helmet off, setting it aside; even with the visor up, it impaired her vision just a bit. "But the helmet's off now!" She peered over her bandaged nose, lined up the shot, and...! "Woohoo! Another 10 points!" She couldn't help but grin enthusiastically. "This is fun!"
  33. [19:27:39] <Halide> The helmet was off indeed! And what prety eyes that visor had been hiding! Bright orange eyes met briefly with green eyes, and Filly-Rye quickly pretended she hadn't been looking, quickly switching her attention down the lane with a murmured, slightly bashful laugh. "Heh, yeah, sure is! That's, uh, thirty-five..." And, with that, down Filly-Rye's next ball went! Twenty-five made a sixty between them!
  34. [19:34:49] <Kite> "T-twenty five! Wow...! Are you sure you're not secretly an expert at this, Miss Filly-Rye?" The knight teased,weighing her last shot. "I guess I really hafta make this last shot count! Hmmm..." The armored pegasus examined the game from all angles, as though trying to devise some strategy for getting the highest possible score. Having apparently worked (c)
  35. [19:37:51] <Kite> out the mathematics in her head, she turned to her friend. "I think I have it figured out! I Bet'chya I can beat those 25 points!"
  36. [19:48:18] <Halide> "Hon, I ain't in possession in enough bits to start bettin'! How'bout you get us over 100, an' you can have th' prize?" The tubby filly smirked, then gave the knight a gentle nudge. "Don't ferget ta make it count!"
  37. [19:53:27] Kite 's armor clinked lightly from the nudge. "Ah, alright! Well, here goes!" The pegasus sent the last ball rolling, down the lane, up the ramp, into the air! It bounced off the side of the 50 point basket, nicked the rim of the 25 point basket, and landed neatly with 10 points. "Aww..! So close!" >///<;;
  38. [20:03:02] <Halide> No more balls, 70 points! But what did it matter, it was just a game! "Heh, well, seventy ain't bad fer a coupl'a first timers! So, a few more games? I ain't much of a hoof fer throwin' darts, but you gimme a lassoo..." A wink, and a quick glow of her horn. "Well, let's just say I'm jus' as good at roundin' up critters as my pa was, an' better'n most of mah cousins at it!"
  39. [20:07:52] <Kite> Darts? That sounded like a disaster waiting to happen, knowing Kite's luck! Retrieving her helmet and plopping it back on, the little knight was ready to go. "Really? That's super cool! I can't imagine using a lasso to be easy at all." An imagine of getting all tangled up jumped into the knight's head. "You umm... you learned to lasso back home?" She inquired.
  40. [20:15:53] <Halide> "Well, yeah! What, y'all didn't think I was some fancy Canterlot unicorn, didjya?" A bigger smile than usual, with many white teeth! "Nah. Mamma was a Unicorn, and Pa was just a big ol' workhorse, an' they had jus' me on pa's pappy's big ol' farm with all sortsa cousins an' nephews an' neices! Uh, heh, sorry, I got momma's big mouth, 'least that's what gramma said. Heh." Motormouth alert! But, at least,
  41. [20:15:53] <Halide> a happy and cheerful one. "Y'all heard of the Wheatcrops? That's pa's family name, an' if it's got wheat in it, there's a pretty good chance we helped make it! ...Ah'm talkin' too much, ain't I."
  42. [20:24:08] Kite couldn't help but giggle behind her visor; Filly-Rye had a very endearing and friendly quality to her. It was hard not to smile when she was, and she spoke with such enthusiasm! "Nono, not at all, I like hearing about it, honest! Was it a big farm?" The armor glinted in the bright hot sunlight as they searched for the next game. "I always thought (c)
  43. [20:26:06] <Kite> living on a big farm would be really neat! Back in Cant- um, back home, we had a small little place. Eheh, not very exciting or adventurous, though."
  44. [20:34:20] <Halide> "Well, heh, um, yeah! There were about, shoot, maybe a full dozen grown-ups, an' near three-dozen cousins, brothers'n sisters o' all ages runnin' around! Ma and pa didn't really gimme any brothers or sisters, on account'a me bein' a little hard on my momma when she was carryin' me, but all my cousins were real nice, an I guess they kinda acted as kin enough!" And, with that, Filly-Rye decided to try and lead Kite into the shade of a ring
  45. [20:34:20] <Halide> -toss booth facing south. "Ain't been back since I moved out with my cousin Target couple years ago, mind, but they were real good t'me, in spite o' the fact I wasn't an earth-pony like most o' them, or as good a mage as my momma."
  46. [20:43:56] <Kite> "That sounds like it'd be a lot of fun, having all that family around all the time!" The pegasus commented, following along; Filly-Rye seemed to have an idea as to where they were going next, anyways. "So umm... what made you decide to leave? (c)
  47. [20:45:49] <Kite> Was it your food buisness?" The wannabe knight thought back to when she had been run over by Filly-Rye's runaway food cart; it was excellent food to be sure, but a little painful at high velocity!
  48. [20:50:39] <Halide> "Sure is! But, bein' honest, I might be a better farmer'n any unicorn I ever met, but I'm also not as good as any earth-pony at it. And frankly, there were enough strong backs, young an' old, on the farm... and momma wanted me to get a good education, so I went ahead an' applied fer the school o' culinary arts over in Canterlot, an' I just finished my first year there!" Another big smile, and a shrug. "The food thing's kinda
  49. [20:50:39] <Halide> a summer school deal. I impressed one o' my teachers, an' she kinda took me in job-wise, jus' so's I could pay fer tuition an' rent a li'l better." A moment of thought, and Filly-Rye just sort of bounced in place. "Aaaaan' tha's why I'm back in Canterlot an' not makin' hay!"
  50. [20:58:35] <Kite> "That's really neat!" Kite grinned, unaware that the two had apparently reached their next destination. "Of course your teacher would be impressed, Miss Filly-Rye! Your food was super delicious, even after being in a huge cart crash! I kept getting hungry after that, because my armor smelt like soup for a week! Eheh, ponies must've thought I was some sort of walking soup can."
  51. [21:06:16] <Halide> Filly-rye smirks, a bit bashfully at that. "Well, if yer askin', I can always fix y'all up a li'l somethin' just fer you... or a big somethin' just fer you, if you want leftovers, heh." And, then, Filly-Rye did something silly - she licked Kite's armor, near the shoulder, wondering if there was still a soupy taste on the metal. ...Nope, mostly just dirt and metal. "...Cleaned it out, hunh?"
  52. [21:12:11] <Kite> "Eh..?" The pegasus raised an eyebrow at the odd behavior. "Umm... yes, I try to keep the armor as clean as I can, actually. The soup got inside the helmet, that's why I smelled it so much." She scratched the back of her helmet sheepishly. "Something tells me if the whole suit smelled and tasted like your cooking, Miss Filly-Rye, my patrols in the Everfree(c)
  53. [21:14:00] <Kite> might've gone a lot rougher! Ah, I mean, it'd be nothing a super duper knight couldn't handle...!" She flustered slightly. "Just, well... y'know! It's knight in SHINING armor, not soupy armor!" X3
  54. [21:23:11] <Halide> Aw! Flusterknight was cutest knight! "Hehehe! Well, y'all know more about knight's I do, but I'd be just as happy ta see ya no matter what kinda armor y'all wore! 'Course, I'm sure y'all feel best when yer armor's clean'n dry... So y'all really don't take that off often, do ya?" It left a lot to the imagination! What sort of mare sat in that armor, anyhow? She was cute as a button, but she had no idea what she
  55. [21:23:11] <Halide> looked like from the neck down. A moment of curious thinking on that subject before Filly-Rye stopped staring at Kite's body, shaking her head briefly. "Heh, sorry, zoned out there."
  56. [21:35:10] <Kite> "Ah, no worries." The pegasus shrunk back in her armor ever so slightly, a light shade of pink crossing her cheeks. "And ah, n-no, not really. A knight's supposed to be ready for action at any second, so I try to keep in it as much as I can!" It was half the truth; the little pegasus opted to as always, keep her issues of self confidence to herself, but (c)
  57. [21:37:31] <Kite> her continued flustering did little to help. She shook her head, helmet clinking slightly, before straightening back up and lowering her visor again, hiding behind the knight's armor both figuratively and literally. "After all, a knight's not much of a knight without a suit of armor!"
  58. [21:45:53] <Halide> "W-well, y'all'd be just as much a Knight ta me..." Superior pony brains said that things were getting awkward and blushy, and the only cure for that was to go full-metal gusto and play things straight... or... smell churros. Oh heck yes churros. Churros detected, Filly-Rye stomach-filling senses engaged. Mission begin : churros GET. A few snifs of the air, only slightly surrepticious, and Filly-Rye's attention
  59. [21:45:53] <Halide> was diverted once again! "Oh, shoot, d'you smell Churros? Mmm-mm, hol' your horses right here, I'll back lickety-split!" *ZIP!* Off shot the chubby filly-mare, fast as the eye could follow!
  60. [21:51:41] Kite had barely a moment to think about what Filly-Rye had said before she said something about Churros and dashed off! Who knew she could move that fast! "Wait, where are you...?" And she was gone. "Ah, alright, I'll just wait here, then." The little knight grabbed a seat on a nearby bench, idly stretching her wings as she waited.
  61. [21:57:37] <Halide> *Zwoosh!* Orange-coloured zip back with fried sticks of sugared dough! Plenty of them, some of them filled with whipped cream! A little out of breath, Filly-Rye floated a few in front of Kite's face, one churro already being chowed down by the filly herself. "These are the best part of deep-frying. You want to eat it, even if it is kind of common fair-food, heh."
  62. [22:00:42] <Kite> "Whoa! That was... really fast!" The armored pony slid her visor back up, gave the floating food a small sniff, and then a nom! "Mmm! That's pretty good! Thank you!" She plucked the fair food out of the air. "...Ah, how much do I owe you?" She asked, fishing for the bits.
  63. [22:07:20] <Halide> "I'm sorry, but y'all don't get ta owe me for this cuz y'all didn't ask for it, and so it gets to count as a gift from me to you which goes into your tummy! Which, is... what chefs do! So I guess knights protect chefs and chefs feed knights so that the knights can keep protecting the chefs!" The first churro, gone already with a gulp, and Filly-Rye triedto actually eat the next one at a less gluttonous rate.
  64. [22:13:02] <Kite> "I... ah, but... huh." If there was a way to argue with Filly-Rye's logic, it escaped Kite. "W-well, you've got a point there, Miss Filly-Rye!" The little armored filly gave a bow. "Thank you very much!" And with that, she straightened up, and went back to munching on her snack. "So umm...! What should we do next?"
  65. [22:20:44] <Halide> "Well, it's a li'l while before the bands start playin'... So, we can either check out one of th' rides, we could play a few more games, or maybe we can just walk about an' talk! I mean, y'all got to hear my life story, I'm sure y'all have a way more interestin' tale ta tell'n I do!" A sheepish kick of her hoof, a slightly bashful smile. She was actually trying to be a bit more cute and a little less rambunctious,
  66. [22:20:44] <Halide> but such was simply for her own sake. Besides, she'd been to the fair a few times prior, maybe Kite had her own ideas what she wanted to see!
  67. [22:26:36] <Kite> "Oh! Well, there wasn't much exciting stuff until I started travelling, really." She took a moment to chomp on the rest of her snack; it was odd, most ponies ridiculed Kite for her oversized, dinged up armor, or else they didn't believe she was a real knight. Filly-Rye seemed genuinely interested, though. Maybe she was just the friendly type? She couldn't (c)
  68. [22:31:44] <Kite> quite place her hoof on it. "But I have gotten into some pretty crazy adventures since I left home. Like with the Ursa. Oh! Or the bolt of lightning! I couldn't fly for weeks!" Her tone of voice held a hint of enthusiasm and confidence that otherwise was not present before. "I musta fallen... oh, higher than the top of that Ferris Wheel, for sure!" (c)
  69. [22:32:56] <Kite> She explained, pointing out the ride in the distance. "Landed right in the mud, too! Kersplat!"
  70. [22:37:46] <Halide> It was a combination of friendly and being genuinely intersted! Kite certianly did a good job of catching her attention, and it seemed like her big, orange eyes glimmered a bit, her ears perked forward a bit and hanging on each word. Though, as Kite started talking about all the 'adventures' and-or beatings she'd taken, the rapt expression took on a bit of a wince. Lightning and ursas and falling in who-knew-how-many
  71. [22:37:46] <Halide> pounds of armor? Kite was at -least- half as tough as some of her bigger earthpony cousins were. And here she'd grown up hearing Pegasi were frail! "Wow, y'all have -way- more interestin' stories to tell... How'bout y'all tell me the better ones later t'night?" A smile - an innocent one, she was only thinking of watching the fireworks with kite, and chatting with her wherever they might end up thereafter,
  72. [22:37:46] <Halide> rather than anything untoward. "I'm, uh, actually a li'l more interested in where y'all come from! I mean, it's all well'n good ta have stories, but... I'd like ta know a li'l more about you, if that's, uh, none too personal."
  73. [22:42:00] <Kite> "Umm... oh. Uh, okay." That slightly shrunken-back-hide-in-the-armor posture became apparent once more. Why would somepony wanna know more about boring, un-exciting old Kite, as opposed to hearing about a knight's cool and awesome adventures? "T-there's not really much to tell. Umm... I'm from..." (c)
  74. [22:45:21] <Kite> She paused for just a moment. "I'm from Canterlot. Lived there my whole life. Umm... I always wanted to be a knight. Dad was a knight. So's Big Bro- ah, I mean my brother." That much was all true, but what was she supposed to say after that? I went to knight school, kept failing, stole a suit of armor and ran away? The alternative was lying, but the (c)
  75. [22:46:56] <Kite> pegasus really wanted to avoid doing that. Repaying Filly-Rye's friendship and kindness with lies felt... wrong. It always felt wrong to lie, mind you, but Kite usually brushed it off by convincing herself she'd make things right when she was a real knight. "Ah, t-that's about it, really."
  76. [22:51:01] <Halide> "Well, I'd say yer doin' yer family right proud, followin' in yer father's hoofsteps. An' if you've got stories like that ta tell, I'm sure yer doin' a great job of it!" Finely-tuned Rye-senses could detect that that Kite was doing more pausing and stuttering! Uncomfortable situation detected... evade! This would be something to ask when they -weren't- in a busy fair, maybe after they were actually good friends.
  77. [22:51:01] <Halide> "So, y'all into country-rock? I think I hear a band warmin' up, should last us a few hours!" A big smile, a look that said 'I want to hear the funny ponies and their wikked-sykk folk-rock', though perhaps not quite that consice.
  78. [22:54:23] Kite was grateful for the change in subject. "Country rock?" She tilted her head to the side curiously. "I've never really given it a listen before, actually." That sun was still beating down on the fair; Kite felt like her armor was going to start cooking her soon. "Ah, is it any good?"
  79. [23:02:59] <Halide> "Well, I'm just a bumkin, so I don't know too much about music. But it's hoof-tappin' and it sounds good ta me!" Another big smile, a bit of guiding from the chef to the knight. "I mean, it ain't royal fanfare or that weird stuff that Iron Will feller plays at his seminars, tha's fer sure, but I gues there's as many types of music as there are types of food!"
  80. [23:25:51] <Kite> "Ah, well you haven't steered me wrong before, Miss Filly-Rye!" The heat was getting to be too much, so once more, the helmet came off. "Phew! It'll be much easier to hear with the helmet off, I think. Eheh, let's find someplace to sit!"
  81. [23:28:53] <Halide> "Haven't done much steerin' y'all at all, sugarcube!" Another cheerful laugh, and another smile - she really preffered being able to see Kite's face, it certianly made her emotions easier to read. Not to mention she had pretty eyes, at least as far as the tubby young mare was concerned. "Maybe we should find y'all some spot in the shade, yer lookin a mite hot." Oh, oop, bad choice of words, kindly don't pick up on that.
  82. [19:14:55] <Kite> Luckily for Filly-Rye, the little knight didn't pick up on the poor choice of words, the innuendo lost to her naivety. Having tucked her helmet under a wing, the pegasus now had more freedom of vision. "A shady spot doesn't sound like a bad idea..." She agreed, green eyes scanning about for someplace to sit and listen in on the music. "...Ah, but don't go (c)
  83. [19:16:28] <Kite> looking for someplace shady on account of me! A little sunshine never hurt anypony, nothing a knight can't handle! If you'd prefer someplace sunny, Miss Filly-Rye, we can sit there."
  84. [19:22:12] <Halide> "Y'all are sweatin' on a perfectly fine day, sugarcube. Besides, I ain't in need of any more sun than I already get, wouldn't want'chya oveheatin' much!" And, with that, Filly-Rye led Kite treewards, keeping them a bit further back from the stage from the rest of the crowd, but on the plus side, it was at least a little cooler. "'Sides, lets ya see the singers better when yer not squintin' in the sun!"
  85. [19:27:22] <Kite> "Ah, if you insist, Miss Filly-Rye." She gave a grateful smile all the same; it was a good deal more comfortable in the shade of the trees. Clinking and clanking slightly, the pegasus set her helmet down on the grass before sitting down. Ahead of them was the gradually building crowd and the stage; it seemed like the sound would carry nicely, (c)
  86. [19:31:09] <Kite> and the lack of a huge crowd meant less bumping into others too! In fact, save for the wannabe knight and her pudgy pal, the treeline had maybe 2 or 3 small groups of ponies waiting for the music, or else just enjoying the shade. "Great seats." Kite winked over her bandaged nose, before giving her wings a much needed stretch; it was nice to get to sit (c)
  87. [19:31:16] <Kite> down for a little while and just relax!
  88. [19:43:09] <Halide> "Yep! Definitely insist!" Another cheerful giggle, and Filly-Rye flopped over on her side, rather than sitting down carefully. Apparently, that much padding on a pony meant they could afford to be a little goofy and clumsy on purpose! "Oh, uh, you thirsty? Sorry, prob'ly shoulda asked 'fore I sat down an' all, but you should probably have some water sometime before evenin'..." And, without any real cue, the first
  89. [19:43:09] <Halide> few ponies came on-stage... but these were not performers. These were simply a few earthponies, a pegasus and a unicorn making sure everything was just so for the bands to come. A few mutters of "Check,check one... Groooovy! Hey, you ponies way in the back, you can hear me loud and clear, right? Right on, man, this gig be choice. Bands'll be on in a minute, everypony, just hang loose." And, with that, off-stage went the
  90. [19:43:09] <Halide> stage-hoof, with a half-hearted cheer from a few ponies here and there.
  91. [19:49:58] <Kite> It was quite exciting to watch the crowd gradually build up, and the show start to come together; as though the excitement itself was contagious. Kite couldn't help but find herself grinning excitedly. "Thirsty..? Oh, umm, no worries, I'm fine!" She craned her neck, trying to take in as much of the sight as possible. (c)
  92. [19:51:30] <Kite> "It must be so scary, being up on the stage in front of a huge crowd." She commented, turning to her flopped-over friend. "I wouldn't be able to go up there, I'd probably faint!" X3
  93. [19:58:01] <Halide> At first, Filly-Rye sympathised, nodding as she rolled upright to get a decent, non-sideways view. "Heh, yeah. Might be able to get on stage, but to perform music... heck, perform anythin', that'd be real tough. Talk about butterflies in yer belly!" And then, the idea of a -real knight- who had fought a -real ursa- being scared of going on a stage hit her, and that was odd. "Whoa whoa, hold up darlin'. Are
  94. [19:58:01] <Halide> y'all tellin' me that you, big an' tough an' brave an' strong, would be just a li'l chicken of goin' up on a stage?" Of course, little did Filly-Rye know that bravery in the face of danger and bravery in the face of a great many peers were two totally different things. But, on the plus side, at least she wasn't poking fun at kite. She wasn't even holding back laughter or snickering or anything!
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  96. [20:04:16] Kite pause, thinking hard about that for a moment. "W-well, when you put it like that... Ah, I mean, I wasn't saying that... that y'know, I was afraid of going up there! Knights aren't supposed to be afraid of anything!" She shook her head, slightly flustered. "I-it's just well... there's not much a pony like me can really do on stage! Dragging an Ursa up (c)
  97. [20:07:41] <Kite> on stage sounds downright dangerous, and being a knight isn't about fighting things, it's about keeping things safe! ...Umm, I think, anyways." She turned her gaze back on the stage and the crowd. "B-besides, big monsters and stuff like that, y'know what to expect." She lightly tapped her nose bandage with a hoof. "But if a pony like me goes up on stage (c)
  98. [20:08:44] <Kite> and makes a foal of herself, well... there's not really an armor that helps when a buncha ponies laugh at you for screwin' up."
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  100. [20:20:38] <Halide> More stuttering! Awh, flustered-knight was cute, but too much of it made Filly-Rye feel kind of bad for bringing it up. "W-well... I wouldn't laugh atchya. Sorry, sugarcube, maybe I should be runnin' my mouth less. Or puttin' somethin other'n hooves in it, take yer pick." A sheepish, apologetic smile, and the tubby mare lowered her head a bit, trying to look apologetic. "Still, yer right, hun'red percent.
  101. [20:20:38] <Halide> I guess fear o' big, scary monsters and fear o' bein' a big ol' joke ain't really the same sorta fear, and each one takes it's own kinda bravery! Personally... I think th' first one's way more impressive!" And, before she could get too carried away, the crowd started cheering! The first band was on stage, and is was none other than Great Big Seapony! Heck of an opening number, for those who knew folk-rock.
  102. [20:20:38] <Halide> A very energetic, fairly large and very diverse band for those who didn't know 'em.
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  104. [20:31:57] <Kite> If anything, the knight flustered even more, though this time it was because of the compliment; something she was not used to hearing. "Eheh, umm, t-thanks Miss Filly-Rye," She gave a small bow. "That's... that's real nice of you to say!" But with that, the show was on! Perking her ears up, the little pegasus was once more craning her neck to get a good (c)
  105. [20:34:46] <Kite> look at the concert. The crowd was up and moving, their cheers rocking the previously quiet afternoon; it was really something else to see this many ponies getting into the spirit of things! It was almost magical! Kite found her smile back in place in an instant.
  106. [20:36:11] <Halide> *But, with a band on stage, Filly-Rye was done trying to strike up conversations, at least for a little while. It was time to enjoy the music!*
  107. [20:52:06] <Halide> From Great Big Seapony to Sum 42, from Colt Country to Rockquestria, from The What to The Beetles, through all sorts of bands big and small, all of them full of energy and cheer... but as time passed by, with song after song after song, the sun moved, the day cooled, and the crowd grew larger, then shrank back as the littler ponies got tired or hungry, or ponies simply had their fill of good music. But, Filly-Rye
  108. [20:52:06] <Halide> remained to the end, as music wasn't something she really got that much of! She was very clearly enjoying herself, even getting up to dance about from time to time and shake her mane about. But, that was just her being energetic and silly. As the evening set, it set with They May Possibly Be Alicorns, who decided to play something a little slower and more moving, rather than giving the concert an explosive
  109. [20:52:06] <Halide> ending. There'd be time for explosions during the fireworks, and after all, sometimes it was just better to end the whole ordeal with one soft, smooth, sweetly-sung song than an enormous show of energy. Still, it left the vast majority of the crowd satisfied, relaxed, and smiling, as was Filly-Rye. "Mmm... That was good. That was good, right, I'm not jus' really bad at music?"
  110. [20:59:25] <Kite> "Nono, that was... that was really good!" Kite of course was not one for dancing, and so she was perfectly content to listen to the concert, and watch from a distance. She had rather enjoyed the concert; it was quite the experience! Of course, the big crowd at the front of the stage looked quite rough, but Kite argued that if anything, next concert she'd (c)
  111. [21:03:10] <Kite> jump in with her armor and see what all the fun was about, with the pushing and shoving. With the cool evening air and buzz of insects now hovering about, Kite found it very hard to motivate herself to get back up; she lay flopped out on the grass, chin resting on her helmet. "I wish it wasn't finished so soon though!"
  112. [21:20:10] <Halide> *At this point, the sun wasn't nearly so high in the sky - it wasn't quite sunset yet, but it was starting to show signs of getting there.* Filly-Rye simply rolled about in the grass, giggling merrily away. "But that was so much fun! All those different singers'n songs and ponies dancing and instruments!" And, with that, she hopped up, standing once again. She opened her mouth, smiling away, ready to chatter at
  113. [21:20:10] <Halide> Kite some more with her rampant enthusiasm, but she was interrupted by a low, deep growl, one which came from something rather formidable and ravenous indeed - well, sort of, mostly her tummy was grumbly. "Oh, heh, um, guess them churros didn't make fer much of a lunch. Um, y'all peckish by any chance?"
  114. [21:25:34] Kite couldn't help but give a lighthearted snicker at the grumbling tummy. "Well, it is about dinnertime... uh, I think?" With a great big sigh and a few clanks, she pushed herself up to her hooves and stretched. "I wouldn't mind grabbing something to eat. Umm... my gift to you this time though!" The little pegasus insisted.
  115. [21:40:09] <Halide> Filly-rye raised an eyebrow. "Sugarcube, unless y'all know where a buffet is, yer not gonna wanna offer that. I mean, I ain't proud of it, but this li'l filly packs it away at the dinner table, if y'all catch my drift." Another sheepish smile, a slightly embarrased chuckle. "An' heck, them churros weren't exactly near the cost of a meal." Technically, she hadn't -refused- the offer, just warned very strongly against
  116. [21:40:09] <Halide> such. "Li'l problem, though. I'm probably jus' as new to this city as you are. Care to see what you can find from the air?"
  117. [21:47:00] <Kite> "Hmm?" The knight blinked, slightly confused; sure, Filly Rye was a little round, but buying dinner couldn't be THAT expensive? "Oh, uhh... yes, sure! Let me take a look!" With a stretch of her wings, she took off, steadily rising higher and higher. The view of the fair from up high was quite magnificent; it was unfortunate that Kite was neither a great (c)
  118. [21:50:50] <Kite> flyer, nor capable of lifting Filly-Rye; she'd have surely appreciate the view. The Ferris Wheel, Bumper Carts, Merry Go Round and other attractions were starting to light up now. "Um... let's see..." She spotted the ponies setting up the fireworks, some in the skies moving clouds about to make sure the view was clear. A large bonfire in the distance, (c)
  119. [21:54:21] <Kite> with a crowd around it. "I think I spotted a corn roast!" She shouted down to Filly-Rye, pointing a hoof in the direction of the bonfire. Hm. Odd. The weather ponies were moving the clouds from the firework area, but keeping them nearby. Was there a rain scheduled after the fair? The little knight landed, pondering this.
  120. [18:08:36] <Halide> "Corn roast? Aw, shucks, yer kiddin'!" The words might have been interpretable as dissapointment, but the cheery, slightly hungry expression she was giving Kite said very much otherwise! "Ah haven't had roast corn fer months, that's perfect!" And, even for a chef, it seemed as though Filly-Rye's tastes were just as capable of appreciating good food as appreciating something simple and homely.
  121. [18:08:36] <Halide> "I'm guessin' jus' follow the smell o' burnin' wood, 'bout thataway?" A hoof in the sorta-general direction of the bonfire, one pointed without too much in the way of accuracy, but the right idea nevertheless.
  122. [18:15:40] Kite gathered up her helmet, again tucking it under her wing, and nodded. "Looks about right! I can take another look from the skies if we get lost." She pointed out, looking skyward once more. If the weather ponies were planning a storm, hopefully it wouldn't blow away Kite's tent... again. "We should hurry, before somepony eats it all!" She joked, leading(c)
  123. [18:15:54] <Kite> the way down the hill towards the festivities.
  124. [18:20:50] <Halide> Filly-Rye laughed. "Hah, wouldn't that jus' be bad luck!" But, however much Kite was joking, Filly-Rye seemed to take it seriously - she actually broke into something of a gallop, motivated by, well, abject gluttony. Still, for all that she was a bit of a butterball, she certianly had no problem with running hither and yon. "C'mon, Sugarcube! Don't let a unicorn start outrinnin' yer fine wings there!"
  125. [18:20:50] <Halide> A bit of a race, albeit an entirely playful one! Of course, Kite was laden with pound upon kilogram, stone upon newton of armor! Hardly a fair race.
  126. [18:26:35] <Kite> "Hey, I was just kidding!" The armored filly pursued the rotund runner. She kept to the ground, though; wings and heavy armor made for a poor combination, and besides, Kite preferred her hooves on the ground. She kept up a reasonable pace too, despite the armor weighing her down. Clank, clank, clank, clank! The noise rang out as she weaved rather clumsily (c)
  127. [18:28:25] <Kite> through the crowd, trying to keep up with Filly-Rye. "And don't you worry, there isn't a pony out there that can escape a knight forever! Even if there is a corn roast on the line!"
  128. [18:10:09] <Halide> "I don't think I'd be all that quick ta try'n get away from you, sugarcube!" And, with that, Filly-Rye let out a merry laugh, simply galloping along, her mane blowing a bit in the wind. The clanking of her pegasus pursuant meant having to look back and check that she was keeping up, which in turn meant not running into anypony headlong! Still, as fun as just running and shouting and laughing
  129. [18:10:09] <Halide> and playing were, Filly-Rye was happier not trying to get a lead on her plated pegasus pal, and thus while she tried a bit to keep ahead, it wouldn't be by much! And still, they got closer to the corn roast itself...
  130. [18:18:13] Kite kept up her reasonable pace; there was no need to go sprinting about in armor, after all. Especially with all the bright and exciting sights of the fair in the evening; the lights, the tents, the balloons! "Well, I don't imagine you'd have some reason to be running from a knight!" She joked, once more not catching the meaning in Filly-Rye's comment. (c)
  131. [18:20:16] <Kite> "Unless there's something you're not telling me?" She grinned playfully, still clanking along. It went to show that the day had been a fun, exciting and distracting one so far; the irony of her own statement was lost on the armored pegasus.
  132. [18:27:49] <Halide> "Darlin', it'll take y'all a reeaaal long time fer me ta tell ya everythin' you might wanna know about this li'l missy!" A grin and a wink thrown over her shoulder, and the heavier young mare started slowing down a bit, rounding one corner, waiting for Kite to catch up, and then rounding another. Still, the glow of the fire was getting pretty close, and so she started slowing down. Large
  133. [18:27:49] <Halide> bonfires, while warm and cheery and lots of fun, weren't the sorts of things you wanted to trip and fall into. They tended to be hotter than is entirely comfortable.
  134. [18:34:18] <Kite> "Y'know... I'm pretty sure that not telling a knight stuff is a crime." Kite teased, slowing her pace as she caught up. "It was, uh... ob... orb?" She paused, fumbling with the word. "...umm... abduction! That's it! Abduction of justice!" The warm light of the bonfire was now illuminating their surroundings; it glinted rather nicely off of Kite's armor. (c)
  135. [18:36:48] <Kite> And the smell of roasted corn; it was simply mouth watering! "So you're technically not allowed to not tell me stuff! ...Or was it, you can't not not say anything?" The little knight blinked; jumbling words and laws happened more than she cared to admit!
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  137. [18:46:55] <Halide> Filly-Rye came to a halt, flicking her mane back briefly, still smiling away. She was actually having to figure out what to say - there was so much to say between 'abduction' of justice and being told to tell Kite everything that she wasn't sure what to blurt out! "Well, I guess y'all have me at a disadvantage then. But, uh, if y'all are askin'..." A rather noisy rumble interrupted her, one that
  138. [18:46:55] <Halide> caused her to blush just a tad. No points for guessing where the noise came from, of course. "Y'know, let's just save that fer later. I've guess I've got more a hankerin' fer stuffin' my face than jawin' atchya!" And, with that, Filly-Rye went straight for the nearest supply of corn, bits and belly both at the ready.
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  140. [18:51:35] Miasma [] is now known as Cutlasss
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  142. [18:53:00] Bann [] is now known as Mossberg
  143. [18:55:11] <Kite> That was one hungry pony alright! Kite followed suit, opting to pay for her own meal at least; what little money she had saved looked like it would be enough to cover her meal, and maybe a little more. Hm. "Ah, alright, I'll letcha go for now, Miss Filly-Rye. But remember; a knight never quits!" She teased, turning to face the bonfire with her newly (c)
  144. [18:58:49] <Kite> purchased and speared corn on the cob. It was a big, bright, intimidating flame alright; almost as though the bright afternoon sun from earlier had decided to fly down and have a seat! "Phew...! It's hot!" The pegasus voiced the obvious, though her armor no doubt worsened the situation.
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  147. [19:11:01] <Halide> *Filly-Rye ends up excersizing a bit of restraint, "only" getting four cobs for herself, practically salivating as the smell wafted around her and through her nose. It cost her a few bits, of an ever-shrinking pool available to her, but could she be accused of irresponsible spending when she was so hungry? Yes, yes she could. Still, she managed to just barely stop herself from excersizing poor
  148. [19:11:01] <Halide> manners, instead waiting for Kite to get her own share and a seat a little further from the fire. "Never quit, hunh, sugarcube? Knights sound like good friends t'have!" Never quit? Now there's something she could have fun challenging! Not that she was about to, of course!
  149. [19:17:52] <Kite> "Knights being... good friends..?" Kite pondered this while munching on her corn. She'd heard of knights being described as alot of things, but not necessarily as 'friends'. Words like 'awesome' and 'heroic' came to mind. "Well, I suppose you have a point! I imagine anypony'd much rather want help from knights, instead of being on their bad side." The (c)
  150. [19:21:42] <Kite> quiet moment allowed the pegasus' mind to start wandering. She took another bite of her dinner, her mind keenly pointing out that the day could have gone QUITE differently if she hadn't run into Filly-Rye. Instead of a bench at a fair, it could have been a bench in a cell; instead of corn, it could have been... what kind of food did they serve in prison? (c)
  151. [19:25:48] <Kite> She shook the thoughts from her head; she was at the fair, with her friend Filly-Rye, that was all that was important. Doom and gloom wouldn't help anypony, and it certainly not something to bother the cheerfully rotund pony with. Kite gave a small smile, not sure how to continue. "Eheh, good food, huh?"
  152. [19:38:36] <Halide> A brief aria of chewing and crunching, half-covered by the crackling and snapping of the bonfire, was the only soundtrack to Kite's moment of introspection. Just like that, there was literally nothing left of the corn save for the husks, which Filly-Rye seemed to be amused enough with that she was trying to weave them into a hat with magic. "Yep, it was! Y'all want seconds?"
  153. [19:38:36] <Halide> It seemed that Filly Rye was, indeed, absolutely and blissfully ignoant of Kite's own stresses, and on the plus side, she wasn't entirely focused on the desire to eat things. "I mean, I'm all for a li'l diversity in a meal, but that is some -good- roasted corn!"
  154. [19:45:04] <Kite> "Ah, no thank you, I had enough!" The pegasus bowed politely, but raised an eyebrow at Filly-Rye's attempts to weave the corn into a hat. "...Y'know, Miss Filly-Rye, I don't think corn makes the very best kind of armor. A big ol' dragon comes along, I'm sure he'd wanna gobble up a corn-knight in a second!"
  155. [19:54:20] <Halide> A smirk from the chubby, slightly rounder mare. Mmmm, corn-knight. "Heck, at that rate, even the birds might peckin atchya. Corn's tasty! *Urp!* Oh, heh, scuz me there... So, that'd leave out pasta armor too, shucks." Of course, she wasn't going to pop up with the whole 'also can I stay in your tent because I just spent my motel money' bit just
  156. [19:54:20] <Halide> yet, though the thought certianly had occured. "uh, y'all wanna just sit'n let supper settle, or we gonna find a spot fer watchin' fireworks?"
  157. [20:01:06] <Kite> The fireworks! Kite had almost forgot! "Oh! Umm, finding a spot sounds like a good idea to me! Someplace up high, so we can get a perfect view!" She got to her hooves, clanking slightly. "Maybe we can grab dessert too! Just... no cotton candy or snowcone armor, kay?" She grinned. "That'd be just silly!" She led the way back into the heart of the fair, (c)
  158. [20:02:41] <Kite> clinking and clanking along as usual. By now the sky was a deep purple, and a few stars were already twinkling away; right above the fair, clear skies, perfect for fireworks watching. But the billowing storm clouds bordering the fair were a reminder of the storm to come!
  159. [20:12:20] <Halide> The pegasus wanted to be up high? Well, that would've been really easy if she had wings, or any decent spells. But, well, a hilltop would do just fine! "Do y'all even stop wearin' armor? I mean, just askin', you ever just wear clothes or walk around natural-like?" The armor was pretty, but it made hugs less-comfy! Of course, 'huggability' hardly came to mind when armor was being designed,
  160. [20:12:20] <Halide> but still! Hugging was just a thing she did! "I mean, yer armor's pretty impressive an' all, I'm jus' curious!"
  161. [20:23:11] <Kite> "Ah, not really, n-no." She answered, leading the way through the crowd. "I mean, I take it off sometimes, of course. But ah, a knight's gotta be ready for action at any second, so I... I usually just keep it on." For Kite, even having her helmet off this long was out of the ordinary. "Besides, how're ponies supposed to know I'm a knight if I don't have my (c
  162. [20:25:18] <Kite> armor on?" She half-joked. "Oh, just a second...!" She trotted just a ways ahead, beating Filly-Rye to a cotton-candy stand and practically bombarding the shopkeeper with the bits before the unicorn could interject and pay for her own dessert.
  163. [20:33:18] <Halide> Oh dang! Beat to the politeness punch. Still, cotton candy was delicious as heck, and she wasn't going to complain! It also got her to shut up about 'can I see you without armor sometime'. She simply did her best to look both grateful and bashful, which was something she did a better job at than one might expect for such a boisterous mare, and simply took the offered treat. "Thank ya kindly, sugarcube."
  164. [20:41:16] <Kite> "Eheh, n-n problem." The filly gave a polite bow, flushing an ever so light shade of pink. "Now we're all set for fireworks! ...just gotta find someplace to watch em from." She flapped her wings, hovering just high enough to see over the crowd, hooves dangling maybe a few inches above the ground. "Any ideas?"
  165. [20:52:53] <Halide> "Well, if y'all want the obvious suggestions, I say we camp up on a hill... Or, if y'want somewhere quieter, we can maybe wander out a bit and watch from a distance. Yer choice, darlin', but we might get a li'l more peace 'n quiet further away." Hint. HINT. No go ahead and don't take the hint that's okay too. Really!
  166. [21:05:13] <Kite> "Well... it might be a good idea to get away from the crowd." The little knight reasoned, landing once more and nomming on her cotton candy. Less chance of there being a guard to spot her, after all! "Yeah, I think we should have enough time to find a quiet spot before the show starts!"
  167. [21:08:37] <Halide> There was a very quiet "Yessss" from the round-bellied pony, though she mostly muffled this into her cotton candy. Surprisingly, the candy wasn't vanishing -nearly- as fast as the corn had. It just wasn't worth wolfing down! "Alrighty then! Though, uh, it's startin' to get a little cold fer my taste. Maybe somewhere with a li'l shelter?" More hints? Would kite pick up more not-subtle hints?
  168. [21:12:27] <Kite> "You find?" Kite found the weather quite agreeable. "Umm... hmm..." She pondered for a moment, stretching a wing idly. "Someplace quiet, not crowded... and indoors? Wait, how're we supposed to see the fireworks from inside?" Looks like Filly-Rye would have to be a little more not-subtle on this one!
  169. [21:17:37] <Halide> Aaaand now to play the big-eyed pauper. "Ah-heh, well, the thing is, I kiiiinda spent what bits I was gonna use fer a motel on yer ticket an' games, and I kiiiiiinda didn't bring a coat, and I was... y'know, maybe just a smidgen hopin' y'all wouldn't mind sharin' yer tent just a li'l. I mean, if it's not one o' those tiny tents what only fits one pony. An' maybe we could watch the fireworks from wherever y'all set
  170. [21:17:37] <Halide> up yer tent if that's not too much ta ask, an' I could probably help y'all move it if ya want... Um, sorry, I'm runnin' at the mouth an' gettin' presumptuous." Okay now she didn't just look like she felt bad for asking, she actually felt bad for asking. But, at the same time, she was also hoping the answer wouldn't begin with N, for the sake of her own comfort.
  171. [21:25:38] <Kite> "Ah, y-you spent all your bits on... on me!?" The little pegasus was taken aback by this. "Ah, uh, I... I mean, y-you really didn't have to...! Ah, I mean, that's not to say I'm not grateful...!" She was getting quite visibly flustered, but nonetheless she bowed low. "I'm sorry for making you spend your bits...! Ah, o-of course you can use my tent for the (c)
  172. [21:27:51] <Kite> night too! It's the least I can do! I keep my stuff stashed in a cloud, j-just pick a spot and I can fetch the tent, Miss Filly-Rye!"
  173. [21:58:11] <Halide> Flusterknight was the most adorable thing ever! She just wanted to hug it and cuddle it like a teddybear! But, no, none of that. "Heh, well, I didn't quite mean ta, sugarcube, kinda slipped my mind... But thanks very much, either way, I'll be keepin' my fat flank warmer thanks t'ya. Really, yer the one doin' me a favour." And, then, from solemn plus grateful to cheerful and merry again!
  174. [21:58:11] <Halide> "So! How'bout that li'l hill up past them trees over there, li'l bit past the gates. Y'all reckon that'd be comfy enough?"
  175. [22:04:52] <Kite> "It looks like a good spot to me." She nodded, trying to gauge the distance. There fireworks would be easily visible, and the nearby trees kept them from being the highest point, so safe in the event of lightning! If Kite had a guest, it was imperative everything went off safely! "Want me to fly ahead and set up, or no?"
  176. [22:19:15] <Halide> *A little glow from her horn - A creamy yellow sort of colour from the rounded horn of the rounded mare! - and there was a bit more light around Filly-Rye's face. "No, no, lemme help, sugarcube. A li'l magic to see by, and I'll at least be able ta hold up a few poles for ya!" Helping! See? Not lazy!
  177. [22:22:57] <Kite> "Eheh, alright, neat!" Kite gave a polite smile and a nod, leading the way through the crowd and towards the newly appointed campsite, all the while munching on the cotton candy. "Having magic must be alot of fun, eh, Miss Filly-Rye? I bt you can do all kinds of really cool things!"
  178. [22:31:21] <Halide> A bit of nervous laughter. Oh, magic, one of those subjects. Her voice got a little more quiet, and her smile faded a tad. "W-well... No. I'm good at holdin' an' movin' stuff with magic - small stuff, an' sometimes wet stuff too - but I ain't never been much fer spells. But, I make do, an' Celestia help me if you leave me in a kitchen, there won't be a hungry soul or rumblin' belly fer a good
  179. [22:31:21] <Halide> quarter-mile if y'all gimme enough ta work with!" And there was the cheery expression again, her trot picking up speed again. "Though, heh, you shoulda seen my momma when she were right focused on gettin' somethin' done."
  180. [22:35:50] <Kite> "Well, if you ask me, I find it a little tough to believe there's a meal out there that was a s tasty as that lemon cake you made back when..." She paused; saying 'ran me over' might come across the wrong way. "...when I stopped your runaway cart!" Close enough. "Unless it was a blueberry cake. I love blueberries." She grinned sheepishly. The crowd was (c)
  181. [22:37:30] <Kite> starting to thin out now, they were reaching the outskirts of the fair.
  182. [22:47:17] <Halide> "Heh, sugarcube, just fer that I am -definitely- takin' you fer a supper cooked by yours truly sometime soon! Trust me, your tastebuds'll love every bit of it!" A laugh and another big, healthy smile, and Filly-Rye gave Kite a friendly nudge, just because. As they got further away, it of course got a little darker, and Filly-Rye turned up her horn a bit. It wasn't that bright, but it helped!
  183. [22:52:05] <Kite> "That sounds... delicious! Ah, but I already owe you for today, a-and the food last time!" Clink, clank, clank, clank. The noise was even more apparent in the growing silence. It was an uphill walk from here! "Eheh, o-of course, it's a little hard to say no to a homecooked meal..." The filly slowed her pace, allowing Filly-Rye and her light to take the (c)
  184. [22:53:33] <Kite> lead. "Pretty spooky, huh? Good thing you're lighting the way, I'd hate to get lost!"
  185. [23:02:46] <Halide> *A little more light as it got darker... and then Filly-Rye actually started trying, her horn sputtering a bit as she tried to get some useful luminescence out of it. Soon enough, they had enough to see clearly by, though it was taxing the unicorn a bit.* "Ah, th-there we go. Whew, I'm outta practise with light spells, heh. But no, darlin'. I feed near everypony I take a shinin' to, 'specially
  186. [23:02:46] <Halide> folks what don't get fine cookin' none too often! It's both my job an' my hobby, so don't you worry... none about payin' me back. Still..." And, thus, they reach the hilltop. "That'll hafta wait fer another day, any way ya cut it. So, uh, I'll wait here, you getchyer tent?"
  187. [23:08:10] <Kite> "Right! Lemme just fly up and get my stuff!" The pegasus gave her wings a few practice flaps before taking off into the clouds. "I'll just be a minute!"
  188. [21:14:58] <@Filly-Rye> *Everything was going so well! ...Almost too well. Maybe Kite was secretly a monster in disguise! Wait, those didn't usually buy cotton candy and play carnival games, did they? Naaah! Everything was just going swell, because that just happened sometimes! Not to mention flusterknight was super-adorable, and probably fit as a fiddle! Should... should she say 'I like you'? Was that a good idea?
  189. [21:14:58] <@Filly-Rye> Would that scare her off? Oh, jeez, maybe she didn't like chubby mares - maybe she didn't like mares at all! At least, not that way, she obviously liked mares like a normal pony would! Wow, that would suck, being a mare and hating mares. Talk about problems! But... It felt a little soon to be admitting that, but on the other hand, what if they didn't get to meet for a long time? Indecision!!!
  190. [21:14:58] <@Filly-Rye> Now it was fluster-filly rather than flusterknight - well, at least, in her head, she was fretting a bit. ...No, she'd put it off until the moment was right, but not before they went their seperate ways. She had to take her chance, maybe-probably! But, with all the internal turmoil in her head, she seemed to be just sitting and waiting patiently, merry as a minnow!
  191. [21:20:37] <Kite> "Oof! A-alright, here we... go!" With a little bit of effort, the pegasus returned to the quiet, dark campsite overlooking the fair, dragging with her a fat little cloud. Once she had all four hooves on the ground, she reached inside, pulling out a rolled up tent, and a rather overstuffed backpack. "Clouds make for some pretty useful storage places, y'know (c
  192. [21:23:00] <Kite> . Just as long as no weather ponies accidentally kick all your stuff into a rain cloud." She chuckled, unrolling the tent, and sending the cloud back off into the sky with a light nudge. "Alright, looks like we've got everything! Now we just have to set it up!"
  193. [21:32:23] <@Filly-Rye> "Well, I can't argue with that! Clouds really are a pegasusses best friend, ain't they?" And, even as Kite unrolled the tent, Filly-Rye set about working with the poles - she was actually pretty quick on the draw for setting the poles up properly, though given her rather rustic demeanor, this probably wouldn't come as much of a surprise. "Y'all stay on the ground often, then?" And, even
  194. [21:32:23] <@Filly-Rye> as the unicorn helped set up the tent, she was trying to figure out if they'd both fit reasonably well in it. She'd flat-out refuse to use the tent on her own - it wouldn't be fair to take Kite's planned shelter for a night just because she'd been lousy at planning!
  195. [21:36:42] <Kite> "Eheh, well, to be honest, sometimes I forget I have these." She gave her feathery wings a wiggle. "Flying and big heavy armor don't go together too well. Ah, I mean, I CAN fly with the armor, it's just a little tiring is all! N-nothing a knight can't handle though." The little pegasus didn't want to give the impression she wasn't an awesome and skilled (c)
  196. [21:37:53] <Kite> knight, after all! She set to work lining the canvas up with the poles; the task of building the tent went much quicker with a partner!
  197. [21:40:16] <Kite> "I mean, clouds are nice and all, and being up in the sky can be pretty exciting! But I'm no Cloudsdale pegasus! I tuck my wings in my armor and I might as well be an Earth pony." She joked.
  198. [21:50:01] <@Filly-Rye> "Heck, sugarcube, if yer flyin' and runnin' around in somethin' that heavy all the time, yer probably strong as a horse when yer out of it!" And, with Kite taking care of the fiddly work, Filly-Rye set about stamping the tent-pegs in place. At this rate, they'd be snug - or, at least, sheltered- in no time! The idea of tenting with a big, cold metal suit of armor didn't hugely appeal, but
  199. [21:50:01] <@Filly-Rye> on the other hand, it sure beat sitting out in the cold, and hey, kite was in the armor, so how bad could it be! ...Wait, wouldn't that be really uncomfortable for her, too? "Say, uh, sugarcube, don't mean ta be gettin' too nosy, but you wear that suit o' yers ta sleep?"
  200. [21:56:24] Kite muddled up a knot at Filly-Rye's question. "Ah, umm, sometimes, yes." She answered, undoing the knot and trying it again. In truth, it was only really when she was so tired from a day of heroics that she'd quite nearly pass out in the suit, but that hardly sounded... very knightly. "Y-know, gotta be ready in case a dragon attacks in the middle of the (c)
  201. [21:57:45] <Kite> night!" But wait, that wasn't the best way to reassure a guest of a safe night's sleep! "Ah! What I mean is... well, I don't think there's gonna be a dragon attack or anything! B-but, you know what I mean?"
  202. [22:01:11] <@Filly-Rye> There was a bit of a tone in Filly-Rye's voice that said she wasn't entirely impressed with Kite's answer. The sort of tone a child might get when their expectations were severely underwhelmed. "Oh, jeez. Y'all are -dedicated-. I'll jus' try'n keep from crowdin' y'all, then." She might've been a squishicorn, but that didn't prevent metal squishing into her tubby frame from being rather
  203. [22:01:11] <@Filly-Rye> uncomfortable. Still, she didn't think it all that appropriate to ask Kite out of her prestigious shell - at least, not until she could legitimately counter-argue that it was causing her pain. That just struck the orange mare as rude!
  204. [22:09:16] <Kite> With the tent now standing quite readily, the wannabe knight took a step back to examine the job-well-done. The tent was up just fine, but... there was no denying it, it was going to be a snug fit in the tent, even if she were to ditch the armor for the night. She could always just sit outside the tent and stand guard... but something told her Filly-Rye (c)
  205. [22:12:21] <Kite> wouldn't go for it. After all, while the friendly orange unicorn might not have outright denounced Kite's status as a knight like others had in the past, Kite still had the impression that there was some suspicion in the air. Or maybe she was just being paranoid, who knew? "Uh, umm... the tent looks nice! Thank you for the help." She gave a polite bow, not (c
  206. [22:13:02] <Kite> ) sure what to add. Down below, the faint sound of the crowd cheering was heard; the fireworks would be starting soon!
  207. [22:24:44] <@Filly-Rye> "Sure does! Beats th' heck outta sittin' on the ground! Uh..." A pause, a look between the tent, kite, her own flank, the tent, her flank, then kite... math said squishpony might be simultaneously against the tent side and the metal side. "My mental math might be a little off, but I'm thinkin' I shoulda oughta packed away a li'l less corn afore tryin'a tent with yer fine self. Um. Hmm."
  208. [22:24:44] <@Filly-Rye> ...Yeah, this was going to be a little squishy. "Beggin' yer pardon, darlin', but if yer not perhaps mindin' too much, would, uh, y'all be alright with, uh, takin' off a bit of th' armor first? I might be a bit too big 'round the middle otherwise." Not that she was particularly wide - she was just trying to put the blame on herself rather than be a snooty somepony. And yet, the fireworks were
  209. [22:24:44] <@Filly-Rye> about to begin! Shoot, uh, her timing sucked! At least the tent was up, though.
  210. [22:32:11] Kite 's cheeks very quickly adopted a pink tinge to them. "I... ah, I um...!" Well, that was a well composed sentence. She fumbled over her words, searching for some reason, some excuse to keep the armor on, but the fact was, there was none. The knightly thing to do... no, the right thing to do, was to ensure that Filly-Rye had a place to spend the night, (c)
  211. [22:35:39] <Kite> as her current lack of funds was the knight's fault. That shelter had to be the tent, which they'd have to share, as there was a storm about to hit, and anypony caught in it for the whole night would surely be a soggy, miserable and likely sick pony! And the only way they could possibly share the tent was without Kite's bulky armor. "W-well... you see..." (c)
  212. [22:39:43] <Kite> She was flustering again! It was very hard to put things to words for the pegasus. Without her armor, she'd just be teeny, boring, accident prone, not-so-heroic Kite; no armor or knightly persona to hide behind. And that was scary to her. But, what choice did she have; Filly-Rye was right, after all. "..ah, y-you're right. I suppose armor... armor's not (c)
  213. [22:40:25] <Kite> made for sleeping in. Eheh." She managed a small smile.
  214. [22:46:33] <@Filly-Rye> Flusterknight! Flusterkniiight! Both adorable and kind of making her feel guilty - was she really shy? Oooh, she didn't have some sort of disfiguring scar or something awful, did she? That'd make Filly-Rye feel awful! Ok, no matter what comes out of that suit, don't gawk or stare - be polite as all heck and don't make her feel self-conscious. "Oh, I-I'm sorry, sugarcube, didn't know it'd be
  215. [22:46:33] <@Filly-Rye> somethin' sensitive... Y'all need a hoof, or should I jus' snuggle in an' warm up a spot fer ya?"
  216. [22:54:46] <Kite> "Ah, n-no, it's alright, I'm... I'm just being silly. I'll just, um..." She clanked over to the tent, stepping behind it. "...go over here, and um... yeah." The pegasus ducked out of sight. A moment of silence, then CLANG! "Whoops!" Clink, clank, then another CLANG! Disassembling that suit of armor was certainly loud!
  217. [23:03:37] <@Filly-Rye> Squishicorn just ended up slipping into the tent, leaving Kite to sort out her armor. FWEEEEEEEE! ... Fsssh! Oooh! That was the first firework. Just a whistler and a shower of sparkles, but that was probably just to make sure everyone was paying attention. A good view, and the sounds, while a little delayed (weird!), rang clear enough. Rather than state the obvious, Filly-Rye stated the -very- obvious.
  218. [23:03:37] <@Filly-Rye> "I think it's startin', sugarcube! Y'all picked a great spot, we'll be apple ta see darn-near everythin' from here!"
  219. [23:11:03] <Kite> "Oh!? Gah, I'm missing it!" CLANGCLANGKABANGDING! Nearly tripping over her pile of armor, the pegasus stumbled out from behind the tent to catch a glimpse of the fireworks. Whereas the armor made her quite bulky, the pony under the armor was quite the opposite; slender, with legs perhaps a little lankier than normal, fit, but still noticeably soft. Her (c)
  220. [23:14:42] <Kite> midsection was wrapped in bandages, as was her front right leg; her back left still had the leg guard, forgotten in her rush to glimpse the fireworks. Perhaps most noticeable was her change in posture, though. Gone was the proud knight stance, replaced by a much smaller and meeker presence. "Ah, well, I m-mean, yeah, this spot looks perfect...!"
  221. [23:21:51] <@Filly-Rye> Filly-Rye was actually expecting a little more bulk and presence. But, bandages aside, flusterknight was still pretty cute! Filly-Rye rolled over, surrendering the spo she'd been sitting, which would at least be warmer for her efforts. She was also expecting taller. Filly-Rye simply smiled. "Oh, don't worry, sugarcube, just an openin' rocket t'let folks know it's about ta begin, ain't missed
  222. [23:21:51] <@Filly-Rye> much!" A little reassurance, and Filly-Rye just waited for Kite to settle in, trying to leave her new friend enough room such that they weren't necessarily touching sides against eachother. And then, another rocket - a trio, in fact! Two white, one gold, all of them quick to soar into the sky, then simultaneously erupt with a mighty bang.
  223. [23:27:52] <Kite> "Oooh, good...!" The pegasus was quite pleased she hadn't missed much! She was quick to grab her seat, wiggling into a comfortable position and tucking her wings at her sides, green eyes scanning the skies quite excitedly for the next set of fireworks. "If we can hear it here, it must be really loud down there, huh Miss Filly-Rye?"
  224. [23:39:25] <@Filly-Rye> "Can't imagine th' noise gets quited all that much, but talk about workin' in a loud environment!" A giggle, and Filly-Rye simply waited and watched. "Awful pretty though, no doubt there! Y'all ever gone flyin' up high in a fireworks show b'fore? Hear that it can shake yer bones right in yer body!" And even at this distance, it was shaking the air just a bit!
  225. [23:45:39] <Kite> "Flying in a fireworks show?" The idea itself sounded ludicrous! But then again, she'd flown in a thunderstorm! "Never tried it, it'd probably look really pretty... cool, I mean! Really cool!" Another batch of fireworks shot up, red sparklers that broke off into smaller ones. "I mean, it'd be cool until you got your feathers burned off!" Stretching her (c)
  226. [23:47:01] <Kite> wings for emphasis, she accidentally brushed Filly-Rye with her wing. "Whoops! S-sorry!"
  227. [23:51:31] <@Filly-Rye> Filly-rye giggled - pegasus feathers tickled! Though, she knew that one already, seeing as she'd grown up with a couple! "Hahaha! Oh, don't fret, darlin'. I ain't one ta much mind bein' tickled. Y'all warm enough, by the way?" The fireworks were starting to warm up now - sparklers and roman candles ahoy! But Filly-Rye was a little more interested in Kite than in explosions. For the time being, at least.
  228. [23:57:01] Kite folded her wings back; funny, that her wings were doing the tickling, the normally-armored pony was quite ticklish herself, the wings being a rather sensitive spot. But, that was a secret! "I'm doing okay! It's a little breezy, but I like it." The sky kept up with it's symphony of crackles and pops and kabooms; it was really quite a mesmerizing display(c
  229. [23:58:19] <Kite> ) and the ponies at the fair had really gone all out! But where were Kite's manners! A knight was always polite! "Ah, uh, what about you, Miss Filly-Rye? Are you warm? Cold? Something I can get for you?"
  231. [00:04:46] <@Filly-Rye> Another laugh, an amused one at that. Aw, she cared! That was endearing, if nothing else. The rounder of the two orange ponies simply put a hoof to her lips, then settled down a little closer to Kite."Warm enough, sugarcube. A darlin' knight keepin' me company, a fireworks show, a hot meal, an' somewhere to spend the night? I'm doin' jus' fine, thank ya kindly." Bomf! Squishicorn was at least a comfortable
  232. [00:04:46] <@Filly-Rye> thing to have nearby, so it probably wouldn't suck too much that Filly-Rye had decided to scootch over a bit. But, with that, she simply lay her head down on a front leg and watched the next volley spiral wildly into the air before taking a lazy dive into a shower of sparkles.
  233. [00:11:14] <Kite> "Eheh, you're umm... welcome?" With no knightly services presently required, the little pegasus fell silent, turning back to watch the fireworks. It was really quite magical, how even the huge crowd way down below could all fall silent just to watch; save for the occassional oohs and aahs. The day's excitement was perfectly capped with the fireworks show, (c)
  234. [00:12:24] <Kite> and Kite was more than content to just lie down and watch the whole thing play out.
  235. [00:23:37] <@Filly-Rye> All that came out of Filly-Rye thereafter was a smirk and a quiet 'hee', her attention briefly shifting to Kite, and then back to fireworks. Nope, she was done being forward or flirty - she was exactly where she wanted to be, and the fireworks were -quite- the event! It would be some time before the tubby filly spoke up again, if Kite had nothing more to say, the firework could boom and bluster as much as they like!
  236. [00:27:29] <Kite> For several minutes, the show went on in silence, the only sounds being those coming from the fireworks themselves, the shapes and effects of the fireworks getting more dazzling and complex as the night wore on, made all the more beautiful by the twinkling stars in the background. It was apparent that there were some unicorns hard at work too, for some of (c)
  237. [00:31:00] <Kite> the fireworks seemed to dance to life, exploding into wondrous shapes like a spinning merry-go-round, a giant shooting star, and even a fire breathing dragon! It was all so very exciting! Kite couldn't help but utter a hushed "!" at the sight!
  239. [21:28:07] <@Halide> So this was what unicon magic was capable of? ...Wow, that was really something. That was inspiring. That was something to be a little jealous of! But... she had company, she had a meal in her, she had her lot in life, why chase random and sudden wiles for explosives when she had what she loved in life? Hah, what a silly idea! You couldn't change a cutiemark! Still, she had a similarly-eyed
  240. [21:28:07] <@Halide> look on her face, a similar fascination with the fireworks above. It was... really something. She nestled a bit in place, maybe rubbing against Kite a touch, but no matter. Warm squishpony, comfy squishpony, awed squishpony. "Reckon that's real impressive ta hear up close... but... goodness gracious, it's wonderful fer the eyes..."
  241. [21:35:45] <Kite> "It really is." The little knight agreed, eyes still transfixed on the beautiful fireworks show. "I bet you can see it for miles too! I wonder if you could see it all the way from Ponyville? Or Canterlot?" She blinked; COULD they see the fireworks from Canterlot? No, probably not... it struck her suddenly how far away from home she was; Filly Rye may have (c)
  242. [21:38:07] <Kite> found what she wanted in life, but that luxury still eluded Kite. Well, kind of; it sat in a pile behind the tent, but that armor didn't make her a real knight. Gah, she was starting to overthink, looking at the fireworks but not quite seeing them; it was time to relax. Homesick worries could wait.
  243. [21:45:15] <@Halide> Finely-tuned filly-senses sense-ed... sad? Nooo, no kite don't be sad, sad's bad to be! She -was- going to pipe up that she'd ask Target when she got back, but... that seemed like not the right thing to say! So, she put on a smile, took her eyes away from the fireworks just long enough to try and give Kite a reassuring smile, and went with a quiet, grateful response. "Maybe, but it ain't as pretty
  244. [21:45:15] <@Halide> as the view y'all were nice enough to set up fer us... Thanks, sugarcube." Kiss her yes/no/abort/retry/fail. >no. Enter next action. >Gentle nuzzle. So, Filly-Rye genly touched the side of her head to the side of Kite's neck, then laid her head to rest once more, looking up at the sky as it burned.
  245. [21:55:06] <Kite> "Ah, o-of course...! Happy uh, to help..?" The pegasus was hardly used to praise, much less affection; the standard reaction was reach up, close visor, and hide rapid blushing. She reached up, and nearly planted a hoof in her eye before remembering she wasn't wearing the helmet! What now!? Well, she was still a knight, be polite! "A-ah, what I mean is, (c)
  246. [21:57:26] <Kite> you are very w-welcome!" Smooth recovery. But, a least Filly-Rye had distracted Kite from her homesickness, which the little knight was super appreciative of, even if she didn't realize it just yet.
  247. [22:03:14] <@Halide> There was a quiet "Hee..." from the small, tubby mare, but it was a sound of appreciation nonetheless. Flusterknight was about the cutest darn thing of all time. She'd had her nuzzle, she'd made a good friend, that was enough for one night, if flusterknight was going to be so bashful. The fireworks were great. The tent, for a tent, was warm enough. Bring up the 'are you lonely? Can I be your marefriend?' for a
  248. [22:03:14] <@Halide> later time - possibly much later, given bashful behavior of flusterkite-knight - but, spending time was still nice. And boy, were those fireworks pretty. Ooooh, that one was shaped like that Night-Mare Princess! She'd heard about that! Still, the little orange mare kept quiet, happy enough as she was for now.
  249. [22:10:52] <Kite> For a while again, there was silence. The fireworks were continually growing in grandeur and complexity, signalling the approaching end of the show. "Say... y'know what'd be really cool?" Kite spoke up again, while in the distance, a firework Celestia erupted into the sky. "Imagine someday, if we got to be the ponies in the sky. Ah, like, the fireworks, I (c)
  250. [22:15:47] <Kite> mean, not actually flying in the sky." More fireworks now, in rapid succession; they were firing everything off now! "And everypony at the fair watching would be like, 'who's that pony?' when my firework shot up." A pause, to think about it, and she couldn't help but giggle. "Then the pony working the fair would say, 'Oh, you mean that knight? (c)
  251. [22:16:40] <Kite> That's actually the worst rollerball player ever! Didn't even win a prize!' "
  252. [22:27:37] <@Halide> "Heh, maybe fer you, darlin'. I'm just th' chef, an' darn happy as one. I'll keep yer belly full'n happy fer yer adventures, though!" A gentle nudge - more like rocking her body towards Kite briefly for a little push - and a smirk. "But I'll agree with ya, yer face up in the sky like that'd make fer an admirable sight, t'say the least... Besides, first time at rollerball ain't the easiest!"
  253. [22:27:37] <@Halide> A little giggle, another smile as wide as her face, and back to the fireworks her attention went. But, the climax of the show was impressive, and she dare not look away lest she miss something even more spectacular. But, with a final, mighty blast and the Equestrian colours in the sky, the show had come to a close on a high note. "But hey, never met me a pony who could really tell where anypony was
  254. [22:27:37] <@Halide> like ta end up in life... Y'all might get yer dream, Sugarkite - er, cube, sorry."
  255. [22:34:39] <Kite> "W-well, I hope if I do get a firework in the sky someday, it's not because I stink at rollerball." The little pegasus gave Filly-Rye a playful nudge in return; the fireworks show had been quite the entertaining sight! Why did Kite feel like she was forgetting something? Sugarkite? She'd never heard that one before... "Eheh, thanks! It would be neat to be (c)
  256. [22:37:07] <Kite> all famous, and get my own firework at fairs and stuff... but I'd just be happy if I get to do my job being a knight and helping others!" A stray thought in the back of her brain reminded her that so far, she'd only gotten her face on Wanted Posters, not fireworks! She shook it aside. The weather ponies had now set to work, moving in all the clouds. (c)
  257. [22:38:49] <Kite> "O-oh! The storm! I almost forgot...!" Getting to her hooves, the little knight scurried outside, double and triple checking the pegs and ropes, making sure the tent was secure. The pegasi were now moving in some hefty looking clouds; you could smell the storm in the air!
  258. [22:40:06] Shyriath [] has joined #tent!
  259. [22:40:19] Shyriath [] has left #tent!: What will grow? The Tree of all things! Who will grow it? The Grower.
  260. [22:47:56] <@Halide> Yep! That was humiditysmell alright! Rye-nose knew that one! As quick as Kite was to hurry about - well, agility wasn't her thing. Hers was more like... padding. Padding was her thing, as was cuddlyness and food and smiles. Those didn't hold up a tent, but hey, they filled one well enough. Still, she at least wouldn't be dim or rude enough not to offer a hoof. "Ya need a hoof or two with the
  261. [22:47:56] <@Halide> tent there, sugarcube?" She was an outdoorsy type, after all! She could magically snug up ties and ropes well enough, so she helped with that regardless. "Sounds like them weather ponies are fixin' ta remind th' rest of us why we keep 'em around, hunh?"
  262. [22:53:32] <Kite> "Ah, nope! Everything looks... perfect!" The armor pile was safely covered by a tarp, the tent was pitched to last; it would take a tornado to uproot them. "You must be a tent expert, Miss Filly-Rye, I bet I'd be half way across Equestria tonight if I'd put this tent up by myself!" The little knight peeked back in the tent, grinning. "And yep, it's gonna (c)
  263. [22:56:21] <Kite> be quite the downpour tonight, you can tell just by how the clouds look!" It was evident that the little knight was quite fond of storms by the way she spoke about them. "Might get some lightning too; two lightshows in one night! Mind you, the sound is the best part! Rain on the tent, puts me to sleep like nopony's buisness!"
  264. [23:03:52] <@Halide> "Nah, just good with knots. Spend a lot of time playin' wth lassoos, hammocks 'n ropework, seein' as I was one of the few ponies with th' horn fer finer work back on th' farm... shucks, my momma was better'n me at it, but she taught me pretty darn well!" And, retreat back into the tent! Snugglepony? No, maybe not. Friendlypony? 100%! Slightly cuddly pony? ...Yeah ok guilty desire there but why not.
  265. [23:03:52] <@Halide> Once back in the tent, Kite got just a tad crowded by her barrel-shaped caramel companion, but hey, warmth! "Call me a silly filly, but... how's rain an' thunder sound from up in the clouds, anyhow? I mean, everypony knows what it sounds like from the ground, and it's nice, but I've always been a little curious 'bout the sky..."
  266. [20:24:43] <Kite> "Well... it's really loud, I can tell you that!" The little pegasus tried squirming her way into a comfy position; there really was no getting around how tight the tent was with a second occupant. "I've only been up in a storm with my armor, and when I was, the rain was rattling off the armor, the wind was... well, it was all like um... WHOOSH!" She motioned excitedly with her hooves. "And the thunder! It's so loud, it just shakes you up!"
  267. [20:29:10] <@Halide> "Wow, sounds like quite the experience! Heh, maybe I'll luck out'n manage to visit sometime... *sigh* somehow." A wistful look skywards, a total lack of complaint or wincing that knightkite was kind of elbowing squishicorn a bit. No problem, really, just a bit of discomfort. "Still plenty refreshin' down here... Oh, uh, I'm not pinnin' yer wing or anythin' there, am I sugarcube?" Right, wings, her companion had
  268. [20:29:10] <@Halide> those. They kinda tickled! Though, maybe ducking under a wing wouldn't be so bad... not that Kite would likely offer! Still, feathers = warm, but shyknight would become very flusterknight if she asked, probably!
  269. [20:35:34] <Kite> "I like it more on the ground, myself; less room to fall!" She smiled at her own half joke. "And uum, nope! Wing's fine!" She managed to flap the free feathery appendage. Unfolding it had drasticly cut down the available space inside the tent though! "Oh, err... sorry, Miss Filly-Rye! Lemme just... oof!" More cramped shifting about, while trying to find a comfortable position in the tiny tent. Meanwhile outside, the wind was picking up,
  270. [20:35:35] <Kite> and fat drops of rain were sparsely making their downwards descent!
  271. [20:38:46] <@Halide> "Well, practicality ain't bad!" A laugh at Kite's pragmatic approach to gravity, and then a bit of a roll over away from kite while she sorted herself out. "If it makes it any easier for y'all, I grew up on a pretty crowded barn. Y'all can just shift however ya like, no need ta give me more room'n I actually take up..." And, then, a guilty glance back at the fact she wasn't a narrow pony by
  272. [20:38:46] <@Halide> any stretch of the imagination. "Which is good, seein' as I already take up a li'l too much space as is... Can't resist mah own cookin', really, heh..."
  273. [20:47:48] <Kite> Having successfully rolled onto her stomach, wings tucked at her sides, the prospective knight gave a polite smile to her rotund friend. "Miss Filly-Rye, I don't think there's a pony in all Equestria that could resist your cooking! A-and not to worry, see? Plenty of space in the tent!" Perhaps a bit of an exaggeration, but at least there were no prodding elbows anymore. "Can't make much more space than this without somepony sleeping on t
  274. [20:47:49] <Kite> op of the other, though!"
  275. [20:55:38] <@Halide> "...Yep, done that b'fore. Best you'd be on top in such a scenario, though. Yer a sturdy gal, but... I think yer the lighter of th' two of us, all told." Yes, there was a very obvious, very crude flirt there. No, she wasn't so crass as to take it. Also, flusterknight had a really cute smile. For all that armor, the pony center of Kite's knight was -cuuuute-. "Still, reckon we ain't about ta try that -
  276. [20:55:38] <@Halide> I tent ta squirm in mah sleep a bit, an' I sure as heck wouldn't wanna roll on over on ya..." And, then, all quiet on the chubby front, no more filly-rye speak. She simply let her gaze wander - to the top of the tent, mostly.
  277. [21:06:58] <Kite> "Ah, w-well...!" She'd been kidding about the pony pile-up sleeping technique; it hadn't occured to her that her cheerful unicorn pal would take the suggestion seriously. "I suppose you have a point!" The pegasus had a vivid image of a crumpled wing protruding from under the cuddly looking unicorn; a rollover situation would indeed be undesiireable... wait, did she just think 'cuddly' pony? Weird. Well, at least the silence was broken no
  278. [21:06:58] <Kite> w, the rain was now rhythmically tapping against the canvas. It was as though the whole fair had all but melted from existence; now all that was left was the tent, it's occupants, and the storm.
  279. [21:17:10] <@Halide> Drippapapipaipipipiappipippipaippploplpiapipppipiaipipipipip. Raindrops weren't falling on her head. But that didn't mean that her face wasn't turning a little red, just a little! But raindrops kept falling on the tent, they kept fallin'. "So, uh... heh. Still pretty awake from that display... I'm not keepin' y'all up too late, am I?
  280. [21:24:07] <Kite> "Hmm?" Flicking an ear, the brown pegasus rolled over onto her side, propping her head on a hoof. "Ah, no, of course not! I like staying up to listen to the storm!" A grumble from the sky outside, followed by a bright flash. "T-that's not to say that I'm tired or anything, though! I mean.. we knights don't get sleepy or nothing!"
  281. [21:34:22] <@Halide> *BOOM! Thunderstruck! She felt that rumble go right through her, sending a shiver up her spine - oooh, that was neat! "Ah, c'mon, yer still a pony... even if yer a very special pony, ya still need some shut-eye." Another nuzzle, another smile, another interested glance from the caramel pony to the brown pony. "Jus' lemme know when I should shut my yap, an I'll try'n keep quiet."
  282. [21:48:21] <Kite> "Eheh... w-well, maybe I get tired SOMETIMES." She gave a shy smile, before averting her gaze, trazing a hoof aimlessly on the ground. Nopony had ever called her special before; wait, why was this thought popping up now? "Ah b-but I mean, I'm still not tired right now! I can stay awake for hours! Uh, not that I'm going to! I mean I COULD, but I don't wanna keep you awake, I'm a knight, and you're my guest!" She paused for a moment, evide
  283. [21:48:21] <Kite> ntly unaware that she'd fallen into a flustery-rant. "...w-wait, am I keeping you awake? Ah, I'm no good at entertaining guests...!"
  284. [22:02:44] <@Halide> Flusterknight was -so cuuute- aaaaaa she just wanted to snuggle her all over. Or, at least, ask her out. Or give her a big hug. Tent blocking option three, go with two maybe... A murmur, then a hard swallow, then a quiet mutter"W-well... not in a way I'm like ta mind. Um... yer... Are knights allowed to, um, see... other ponies?"
  285. [22:07:17] <Kite> "Ah...?" Kite blinked, not quite catching the meaning of what Filly-Rye was trying to convey. "Of course! O-oh, well of course! Ah, I-I mean, sometimes it can be a little difficult, the helmet makes it hard to see anything when the visor slides down, much less other ponies!" What an odd question to ask. "Eheh, I bet if I was tall I'd be walking into ponies all the time though!"
  286. [22:34:13] <@Halide> Missing the point? ... o-okay, um... No. No, she wanted to actually -get- somewhere with this. "Oh, sugarcube... I meant datin'. Like... yer allowed ta date other ponies, right? Other ladyfolk, perhaps? Jus' askin', I mean..." Ok, choked at the end of it. Whoops. Well, still, at least there was the clarification. The rest would probably be obvious, to an extent.
  287. [22:50:45] <Kite> "Ah, d-dating...?" Her hoof jumped right to where the visor would normally be, the usual blushing-concealment plan; it instead ended with a hoof to the forehead. "Ouch! W-well, uh, actually..." She was really flustered now, and not even because of what Filly-Rye was asking; the scope of the question was still beyond the naive little knight. No, she was flustering because she really didn't know the answer. A REAL knight would know that so
  288. [22:50:45] <Kite> rt of thing, of course. "I... I umm... I think that a knight... umm, well, I mean... a knight is supposed to... it's just that..." Focus, focus! She was saying words, but they weren't forming anything cohesive! Outside, the sky rumbled again. "I uh, think a knight can umm... date. Because... because... well, they're supposed to protect and take care of others, and um... having a special somepony is probably a good way to learn about how
  289. [22:50:45] <Kite> to care for somepony. Uh, I think, anyways...! I uh... I don't really know much about that sorta thing...!"
  290. [23:02:35] <@Halide> Wow. Flusterknight maximum volume. "...Well, um, when yer up to talkin' about it, kindly lemm know, wouldjya?" One more smile, this one a little apologetic. "Some ponies happen ta think yer a pretty great young mare ta be around." No big hug or show of affection, no peck on the cheek, just a little blush and a shy turn away. "I mean, if... that doesn't bother ya none. I-I mean, I, uh...
  291. [23:02:35] <@Halide> ... heh, shucks sugarcube, now yer makin' me all jus' as bashful as you are." And she was! If Kite was one to take things in stride, so too would have the tubby young mare. But, no, shy and bashful begat feeling guilty for pressing the matter, which in turn bred a general feeling of quiet retraction. Yes, she was being obvious, but unless Kite actually started piping up, which seemed highly unlikely, it was time to stop asking and suggesting.
  292. 19:59:55] <@Kite> "Heh, yeah, I s'pose yer right on that front, sugarcube..." And, then, snugpony. Not that Filly-Rye started holding Kite, but she did at very least cozy up to her a bit. Warmthshare! Always a good plan! "'Specially since I ain't done my education yet. Oh, um, sugarcube, uh... I am gonna at least admit I'd really like ta be able ta find you, or at least
  293. [20:00:19] <@Kite> write... How d'y'all reckon I go 21:34 <Halide>: "Keepin' in touch with y'all? I mean... I wouldn't wanna lose a friend, 'specially not literal-like!" A smile from chubbypony, but it was a question asked in earnest
  294. [20:03:45] <@Kite> "Ah... that's a pretty good question, actually." The little knight said slowly. In truth, there was a reason she was hard to reach; but Filly-Rye didn't know she was a runaway and an armor thief. "I mean, if you've got a good eye, umm, you can usually spot my storage cloud... hmmm..." She kept thinking, otherwise oblivious to Filly-Rye's closer snuggling. (c)
  295. [20:04:38] <@Kite> "Eheh, I dunno. I'm always travelling, it can be a little inconvenient I spose...! Maybe... maybe I can reach you? It might be easier!"
  296. [20:09:04] <Halide> "...Well, if yer offerin', sugarcube! Feel free ta drop by anytime yer hankerin' for a good meal, or maybe just a li'l company! Uh, here, lemme give y'all my address..." And, then, into her saddlebag went her attention. Magic helped her stay still and nesteld up against 'her' knightkite as she looked, since she didn't have to actually move to do any searching! "Fer now, it's 137 Blueberry Lane,
  297. [20:09:04] <Halide> jus' off Muffintart street! I mean, it's an apartment complex, but jus' ask fer Rye an' anypony'll pointchya my way! Well, they oughta, at very least, if my potlucks are any reason fer them ta treat my friends proper!" Another giggle, one that made her sides bounce just a little. "But yer liable ta drop by anytime ya like! I-in fact I'd be right happy if ya came by often, heh..."
  298. [20:13:44] <@Kite> "Ah, Blueberry Lane? Eheh, blueberries are actually my favourite." The little pegasus joked; outside the tent, the rain still poured nonstop, wind gently rocked the tent, and the occasional flash lit up the sky. "Ah, I mean, I'll make sure to drop by when I get the chance, Miss Filly Rye!" She shifted slightly, but otherwise was still lightly nestled (c)
  299. [20:15:00] <@Kite> against the larger pony. Of course, she'd never admit to it, but Filly-Rye was a good deal comfier than a suit of armor in terms of being a pillow.
  300. [20:41:53] <Halide> "Well, I'll keep that in mind, darlin'!" And, with that, a little slip of paper went from Filly-Rye's bag to Kite's. "But I'll warn ya, I expect y'all ta show up hungry! I mean, what good's a cookin' cutiemark but fer cookin' up a storm?" Another smirk, and then a muffled yawn. "But.... mnh. I dunno, what'cha you like ta talk about, sugarcube? I mean, I can't go on askin' y'all over all night!"
  301. [20:49:35] <@Kite> Yawns were contagious! With Filly-Rye's muffled yawn, Kite found herself struck by one, less muffled. "Ah, s-sorry! Eheh, that yawn kinda just snuck up on me...! I-I'm not tired or anything, just, well, y'know..." Another yawn, but the knight shook it off. "A-and no worries, being a knight is hungry work! I'll make sure when I show up, I work up a real big(c)
  302. [20:50:08] <@Kite> appetite, just for your cooking!"
  303. [21:00:19] <Halide> Another giggle - was everything Kite did cute? Seriously? Cuteknight! "Well, I'll keep that in mind, darlin'! Loaves a' bread you might not even heard of, salads of all sorts'a variety, buttered squash, taters of all sorts and seasonings, pastas and sauces both rich'n creamy, thick hearty veg'table pies in a thin, flaky crust, rich and spicy curries that'll warm any pony inside'n out, stir-fries that'd
  304. [21:00:19] <Halide> put any wok outside mah kitchen ta envyin', an' desserts? I could make feasts on th' desserts ah'm familiar with alone!" Apparently, Filly-Rye liked food, and maybe she knew how to make it! It was enough to get her stomach back on the subject - but what food was there? None readily available, save for some nuts in her saddlebag and a few trail packets. "Heh, sorry, mighta got a bit carried away there..."
  305. [21:04:14] Kite couldn't help but giggle at Filly-Rye's enthusiasm. "It's no trouble at all; in fact, it sounds fantastic! I'd head on back with you right away if..." If she wasn't on the run, maybe. "...if I didn't have so much knight stuff to be doing! A few days on nothing but hay'll make you wanna follow your stomach half way across Equestria to get some of the (c)
  306. [21:06:32] <@Kite> food you're describing, Miss Filly Rye." The little knight rested her head on her hooves. "Umm.... d'you think maybe when I stop by, you could make something with blueberries?" She closed her eyes, imagining the feast. No worrying about guards and stolen armor. Just food, and fun, and friends. "Like a blueberry cake... blueberry pie...?"
  307. [21:12:16] <Halide> "Fritters, pie, tarts, cake, bagels, muffins, pancakes, flapjacks, jelly, toast, deep-fried sammich, cake, filling, frosting, soda, punch, fruit salad, donuts, an' jus' plain blueberries!" A cheeky smirk, and a nuzzle up against Kite's chest. "I'd offer ta make the meal outta nothin' but, 'cept fer the fact yer belly'd turn round 'n blue if I didn't give it a li'l vareity! 'Course, it'll probably end up round
  308. [21:12:16] <Halide> as a melon time I'm through feedin' y'all, but I'm thinkin' I might have real trouble findin' enough berries fer alla that!" A giggle, and a quiet sigh. "Y'all wouldn't have any problems stayin' the knight, wouldjya?"
  309. [21:15:54] <@Kite> The pegasus peeked open an eye. "Of course I'm gonna stay the night, it's my tent." A slight pause. "O-oh! Wait, you mean when I visit! Ah, well... I don't want to impose..!" She was trying to be polite; knights were supposed to be polite after all, right? "Ah, n-not that I'm saying no, it's just, if it's okay...! Ah, I mean, sure..!"
  310. [21:26:58] <Halide> "Darlin', I'd keep y'all over all month if I could. Honest, y'all need a meal or a bunch, ya need some care an' attention, or just a friend or a cuddle... Just c'mon over to my place, alright? Yer as welcome as my own mother'd be if she were visitin'. Maybe a li'l more!" And, with that, she laid down her head, smirking away.
  311. [21:37:30] <@Kite> "Ah, w-well... t-thank you, that's... that's very generous of you, Miss Filly-Rye, really...!" Kite's cheeks were burning a bright pink; it really did mean quite a bit to her, what Filly-Rye was offering sounded the closest to a home she'd seen since she left Canterlot! Just trying to imagine, a warm, homecooked meal, three times a day! But there was no (c)
  312. [21:39:54] <@Kite> time for that sort of thing, Knights had to always keep busy! There was always something to be done, somepony to protect... and a warm bed, and the rain tapping against the window... she didn't realize it, but in that moment where sleep tugged harder and harder at the edges of her mind, when her eyelids suddenly got heavier than the armor she wore daily, (c)
  313. [21:40:50] <@Kite> a wave of homesickness hit, and the little pegasus found herself snuggling up just a little closer to her cuddly pal.
  314. [21:50:44] <Halide> The fact that Kite was actually warming up to her meant volumes! It made her smile all the brighter, and her heart beat just a little faster. But, both mares were sleepy, the knight and the cook, satisfied with the day's events. And, so, Filly-Rye lowered her voice, just lying still in the tent, listening to the rain, the distant thunder, and the slow breathing of the both of them. "Y'all get a good
  315. [21:50:44] <Halide> knight's rest, darlin'... *Yaaawn* An' I reckon I'll do just th' same. Sleep tight." And, with that, she spoke no further, simply waiting for sleep to overtake them both.
  316. [21:52:57] <@Kite> "....mmnottired....night..." Came the mumbled reply, barely audible, before the pegasus drifted off to sleep to the sound of the rain.
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