
black thunder god

Dec 25th, 2024
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  1. To-yat had been king for many suns, and he was undisputed in his tribe. He had never yearned for anything more than a full belly, a convenient mate, many healthy balus, and the prowess that would enable him to remain king to the end of his days.
  2. But having sighted the towering form of Go-pand-usen, To-yat became filled with a wholly unfamiliar emotion. He had no word for it, but had the ape folk possessed such a word, it would have been awe.
  3. Go-pand-usen was an awesome being. His sheer stature, his intensely animal odor, and a vague sense To-yat comprehended that the thing was older than any creature he had ever before encountered, combined to fill him with a mixture of open-mouthed wonder and worshipful dread.
  4. Deep in his simian brain, To-yat understood that here was a bull he could never defeat in battle. And that unfamiliar thought gave birth to a constellation of emotions that bordered on the religious.
  5. If To-yat could not hope to best the giant gorilla in any contest, he was determined to lay himself prostrate before the creature, thus ensuring his immediate future, as well as the survival of To-yat and his tribe.
  6. To-yat also understood that such a creature as Go-pand-usen was destined to rule the jungle by dint of his stupendous size, if nothing else. The ape king wanted to be the first to swear fealty to Go-pand-usen. For in the future, possessing the gorilla god’s favor could prove to be a powerful advantage in the endless war for survival that dominated the African jungle.
  9. King Kong vs Tarzan, Chapter 62
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